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Arabic Between Your Hands L4-1|Arabiyah Bayna Yadayk العربية بين يديك
By: Dr. Fawzan, Hussain, Fadl

Arabic Between Your Hands L4-1|Arabiyah Bayna Yadayk العربية بين يديك

Language: Arabic

Arabic at your hands Level four part one. This series now comes with a QR Code, (replacing the CD) for the online oral learning supplement.
Topic: Arabic Language Studies - Teen-YA+ | 9786030140862 |

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Product Details
By:Dr. Fawzan, Hussain, Fadl
Pages: 237 pp
Publisher:Arabic For All, Riyadh 2014
Dimensions:20 x 28 cm
Topic:Arabic Language Studies - Teen-YA+

وصف المنتج

يتكون مستوى الطالب الرابع من جزأين (كتابين) يَضُمّان 16 وَحْدَةً ( 8 وحدات لكل جزء ), و تَتَألّفُ كُلُّ وَحْدَةٍ مِنْ 7 دُروسٍ، وبِهذا يحتوي على (112) درساً أساسِيّا وَقَدْ جاءَ توزيع الدروس في الوَحْداتِ كَما يَلي:

• نَصٌّ قِرائيٌّ وَتَدْرِيباتُ اسْتيعابٍ وكِتابَة (تَلْخيص)
• قَواعِدُ اللُّغَةِ (1) وَتَدْرِيباتٌ
• تَدْرِيباتُ فَهْمِ المَسْموعِ
• تعبير متقدم
• قَواعِدُ اللُّغَةِ (2) وَتَدْرِيباتٌ
• كِتابَةٌ وبَحْثٌ
• قِراءَةٌ مُوَسَّعَةٌ
بمجموع 21 صفحة لكل وحدة

الاخْتِباراتُ وَالتَّقْويمُ:

يَتَضَمّنُ مستوى الطّالِبِ الرابع بجزأيه أرْبَعَةَ اخْتِباراتٍ (بَعْدَ كُلِّ أرْبَعِ وَحَداتٍ) :

• الاختبار الأول, للوحدات (1-4) (في منتصف الكتاب الأول من هذا المستوى)
• الاختبار الثاني, للوحدات (5-8) (في نهاية الكتاب الأول من هذا المستوى)
• الاختبار الثالث, للوحدات (9-12) (في منتصف الكتاب الثاني من هذا المستوى)
• الاختبار الرابع, للوحدات (13-16) (في نهاية الكتاب الثاني من هذا المستوى)

More Information

The fourth level consists of two parts (books), each of which includes 8 units (total of 16 units). Each unit consists of 7 lessons, constituting a total of 112 basic lessons in this level.
The lessons of each unit are organized as follows:
• Comprehension text and exercises
4 pages
• Language rules (1) and exercises
3 pages
• Listening exercises
2 pages
• Advanced expression
1 page
• Language rules (2) and exercises
3 pages
• Writing and Research
2 pages
• Comprehensive Reading
6 pages
Total of 21 pages per unit

Tests and evaluations:
The fourth level (part 1 and 2) comprises four tests (after each four units) as follows:
• First test: for units 1:4 (at the middle of the first book in this level)
• Second test: for units 5:8 (at the end of the first book in this level)
• Third test: for units 9:12 (at the middle of the second book in this level)
• Fourth test: for units 13:16 (at the end of the second book in this level)

At the end of the fourth level, there are lists of vocabulary used in each unit and another list of all the vocabularies of the level arranged alphabetically. It also includes comprehension texts and audio for all text and some exercises used in this level.

Arabic Between Your Hands L4-1|Arabiyah Bayna Yadayk  العربية بين يديك

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