MENUMENU - الكتاب

Islam: Prophet Muhammad (En)
English language books, life stories, biography (seera), history, actions, of the Prophet of Islam.


Abdullah: The Father of Holy Prophet ﷺ

43844 | English | Softcover
By: Hussain, Riaz, M.A.
Pub: Islamic Book Service, New Delhi, India, 2011 Reprint
Biography of Prophet Muhammad's father


Atlas on the Prophets Biography : Places, Nations, Landmarks

5090 | English | Hardcover
By: Abu Khalil, Dr. Shawqi
Pub: DarUsSalam, Riyadh
Atlas of Prophet's Biography


Battlefields of the Prophet Muhammad

44346 | Englilsh | Hardcover
By: Hamidullah, Muhammad (1908-2002)
Pub: Kitab Bhavan, New Delhi, 2017 6th Edition
Historical Military Campaigns and Leadership - Geography- Prophet Muhammad


Biography of the Master of the Prophets and Messengers

72210 | English | Softcover
By: Mudarris, Ibraheem/ Tr. Al-Qabbani, Rasim
Pub: Dar al Kotob al Ilmiyah, Beirut 2018
Prophetic Biography - Personal Character


Celebrating the Birth of the Prophet

75180 | English w/ Arabic | Softcover
By: Hasani, Muhammad B. 'Alawi al-Maliki
Pub: Imam Ghazali Publishers, Indianapolis 2023
Islam - Prophet Muhammad

Price: US$16
Sale price: US$14

Chronology of Prophetic Events

70494 | English | Softcover
By: Shaikh, Fazlur Rehman
Pub: Ta-Ha, 2001
Islam - Chronology - Seera - History


Compact Guide: The Life of the Prophet Muhammad Made Simple

16931 | English | Softcover
By: Group / Editor: Khan, Saniyasnain
Pub: Goodword Books, India / Jarir Bookstore USA
Islamic Guide - Prophet Muhammad (p)


Great Books of Islamic Civilization: The Life of the Prophet Muhammad Vol 1

70012 | English | Hardcover
By: Ibn Kathir (700/1301 - 774/1372) ابن كثير
Pub: Garnet Publishing, 1998
Early Work - Islam - Seera

Price: US$95
Sale price: US$86

Great Books of Islamic Civilization: The Life of the Prophet Muhammad Vol. 3

70018 | English | Softcover
By: Ibn Kathir (700/1301 - 774/1372) ابن كثير
Pub: Garnet Publishing Limited, London, 2010
Early Work - Islam - Seera

Price: US$35
Sale price: US$31

Great Books of Islamic Civilization: The Life of the Prophet Muhammad Vol. 4

70017 | English | Softcover
By: Ibn Kathir (700/1301 - 774/1372) ابن كثير
Pub: Garnet Publishing Limited, London, 2010
Early Work - Islam - Seera

Price: US$35
Sale price: US$31

Hazrat Muhammad ﷺ

43805 | English | Softcover
By: Fidai, Rafi Ahmad
Pub: Islamic Book Service, New Delhi, India, 2012 reprint
Islam - Sira - Prophet Muhammad


In Defence of the True Faith : From al-Bidayah wa-al-Nihayah

70431 | English | Hardcover
By: Ibn Kathir (700/1301 - 774/1372) ابن كثير
Pub: Darussalam, 2010
Early Work - Islam - Seera - History


Jurisprudence of the Prophets Biography

2605 | English | Hardcover
By: Buti, Muhammad Said Ramadan (1929-2013) / Tr: Roberts, Nancy
Pub: Dar al-Fikr, Beirut/Damascus
Islam - Prophetic Biography and Early Muslims


Khasa'is al-Muhammadiyyah (Limited Leather Bound Edition)

82035 | English translation w/parallel Arabic of Khasa'is texts | Premium Leather Bound
By: Suyuti / Abd al-Salam / Mahdi al-Fasi
Pub: Imam Ghazali Publishing (IGP), UK 2023
Islam - Seerah - Khasa'is

Price: US$100
Sale price: US$80

Khasa'is Muhammadiyyah الخصاءص المحمدية

75194 | English w/ Arabic | Hardcover
By: Suyuti & al-Salam, Ibn 'Abd & Al-Mahdi
Pub: Imam Gazali Publishing, New Jersey 2023
Islam - Treatises - Prophet Muhammad


Kitab Ash-Shifa Bi Ta'rif Huqu Al-Mustafa : Healing By the Recognition of the Rights of the Chosen One

80824 | English | Hardcover
By: Yahsubi, Qadi Iyad Ibn Musa (d. 544/1149)
Pub: IQOU, New York 2014
Early Work - Seera- Prophetic Biography


Life of Muhammad: Wisdom and Spiritual Legacy of the Prophet

80002 | English | Softcover
By: Khan, Wahiduddin
Pub: Goodword, Delhi, 2023
Islam - Prophet Muhammad ﷺ


Life of Prophet Muhammad Quiz Book

82067 | English | Hardcover
By: Awais, Ammar
Pub: IIPH, KSA, 2024
Islam - Seerah - Quiz


Light Of Certainty In The Life Of The Lord Of Messengers

40041 | English | HardCover
By: Khodari, Muhammad
Pub: DKI, Beirut, 2013
Prophetic Biography


Maghazi of Sayyiduna Muhammad ﷺ

82032 | English | Softcover
By: Ibn Uqbah, Musa
Pub: Imam Ghazali Publishing, UK, 2024
Early Work - Islam - Seerah - Prophetic Biography


Medieval Latin Lives of Muhammad (Dumbarton Oaks Medieval Library)

73422 | English | Hardcover
By: Yolles, Julian & Weiss, Jessica
Pub: Harvard University Press, Cambridge 2018
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)


Meeting Muhammad ﷺ (hc)

45103 | Engish w/some Arabic | Hardcover
By: Suleiman, Omar
Pub: Kube Publishing / Yaqeen Fdn., UK, 2022
Prophet Muhammad ﷺ - Character, Traits


Miracles of the Messenger ( PBUH)

5552 | English | Hardcover
By: Darussalam Research Division
Pub: DarUsSalam, Riyadh
Islamic Teachings - Young Adult


Miracles of the Prophet Muhammad - Gems from «The Shifa»

75185 | English | Softcover
By: Yahsubi, Qadi Iyad B. Musa
Pub: Imam Gazali Publishers, New Jersey 2021
Islam - Prophet Muhammad - Miracles


Misquoting Muhammad: The Challenge and Choices of Interpreting the Prophet's Legacy

80655 | English | Softcover
By: Brown, Jonathan A.C.
Pub: OneWorld Publishers, London 2023
Prophet Muhammad - Legacy - Hadith Criticism - History



74766 | English | Softcover
By: Rodinson, Maxime
Pub: NYRB, NY 2020
Prophet Muhammad


Muhammad - Prophet of Peace Amid The Clash of Empires

75200 | English | Softcover
By: Cole, Juan
Pub: Bold Type Books, New York 2020
Islam - Prophet Muhammmad


Muhammad : Man And Prophet

81103 | English | Softcover
By: Salahi, Adil
Pub: The Islamic Foundation, 2024
Biography - Prophet Muhammad


Muhammad for the Global Village

70432 | English | Hardcover
By: Haashimi al-Haamidi, Dr. Muhammad
Pub: Darussalam, 2008
Islam - Seera - Biography


Muhammad Messenger of Allah: Ash-Shifa of Qadi 'Iyad

44734 | English | Softcover
By: Yahsubi, Qadi 'Iyad Ibn Musa / TrL Bewley, Aisha Abdarrahman
Pub: Madinah Press, Cape Town, 2011
Early Work - Prophet Muhammad - Sira


Muhammad-His Life Based On The Earliest Sources

5789 | English | Softcover
By: Lings, Martin (1909-2005)
Pub: Inner Traditions, 2006 Revised Edition
Prophet's Biography - Seera

Price: US$20
Sale price: US$19

Muhammad: The Perfect Model for Humanity

72940 | English | Softcover
By: Zarqa, Mustafa Ahmad / Tr. al-Sheikh, Yaseen
Pub: Malek Publications, Beirut 2016
Prophet Muhammad


Pocket Guide: Prophet Muhammad

41167 | English | Softcover
By: Khan, Maulana Wahiduddin
Pub: Goodword Books, India, 2015
Islam - Prophet Muhammad


Prophecies : Objectively proving the Prophethood of Muhammad

75374 | English | Softcover
By: Ali, A.
Pub: A.Ali, California 2024
Islam - Prophet Muhammad - Prophecies


Prophethood of Mohammed: From Suspicion to Certainty

72922 | English | Hardcover
By: Samarra'i, Fadil / Intro. Zeidan, Abd al-Karim
Pub: Malek Publishers, Beirut 2019
Islamic Studies


Provisions of the Afterlife Zad al-Ma'ad

14450 | English | Hardcover
By: Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah (691/1292 - 751/1350) / Tr: Ismail Abd al-Sallam
Pub: Dar al-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah (DKI), Beirut, 2010
Early Work - Prophetic Guidance


Q & A on the Biography of the Prophet - Parts One and Two

15831 | English | Hardcover
By: Hasan, Syed Masoodul
Pub: DarUsSalam, Riyadh, 1996
Islam - Prophet's Biography

Price: US$16
Sale price: US$14

Reflections on the Biography of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

74635 | English | Hardcover
By: Shaarawi, Sheikh Muhammad Mutawalli
Pub: Maktabat al-Assrya, Saida, Beirut, 2010
Prophet's Biography


Shama'il Muhammadiyya - 415 Hadiths on the Beauty & Perfection of the Prophet Muhammad (En w/Ar) - الشماءل المحمدية

75195 | English w/ Arabic | Hardcover
By: Tirmidhi (209/824,825 - 279/892) الترمذي . Tr. By Suraqah, Abdul Aziz & Aslam, Mohammed
Pub: Imam Gazali Publishing Birmingham, UK 2019
Islam - Hadith - Prophet Muhammad


Stories of the Prophets (Idara)(Kathir) + Life of Mohammad (Seoharwi)

43697 | English w/some Arabic | Hardcover
By: Ibn Kathir (701/1300-774/1373)
Pub: Idara Impex , New Delhi, India, 2017
Early Work - Early Muslims - Prophets


The Eternal Message of Muhammad

75241 | English | Softcover
By: Azzam, Abd Al-Rahman
Pub: Islamic Text Society, Cambridge 2006
Islam - Prophet Muhammad


The First Muslim - The Story of Muhammad

75059 | English | Softcover
By: Hazleton, Lesley
Pub: Penguin Books, New York 2014
Muhammad ﷺ - Biography


The Governmental System Of The Prophet Muhammad

11894 | English | Hardcover
By: Mallah, Dr. Hashim Y.
Pub: DKI, 2008


The History of the Prophet Muhammad

80658 | English | Hardcover
By: Irving, Washington - Abridged & Edited by: Nasri, Prof. Dr. Hani Yahya
Pub: Dar al-Arqam, Beirut 1997
Islamic History - Prophet Muhammad & Successors - Washington Irving (1783-1859)


The Isra' & Mi'raj: The Night Journey & Ascension of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ

82034 | English | Softcover
By: Cisse, Muhammad al-Mahi
Pub: Imam Ghazali Publishing (IGP), UK, 2024
Islam - Prophet Muhammad ﷺ- Night Journey


The Life of Muhammad

44757 | English | Softcover
By: Haykal, Muhammad Husayn
Pub: IBT, Kuala Lumpur, 2017
Prophet Muhammad


The Prophet of Peace: Teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (Penguin)

44343 | English | Softcover
By: Khan, Maulana Wahiduddin
Pub: Penguin Random House, India, 2009
Islam - Prophet's Biography


The Prophet's Pulpit Vol I : Commentaries on the State of Islam

74145 | English | Softcover
By: Abou El Fadl, Khaled
Pub: Usuli Press, Dublin OH, 2022
Islam - Prophet Muhammad - Islamic Sociology - 21st century


The Prophet's Pulpit Vol II : Commentaries on the State of Islam

74939 | English | Softcover
By: Abou El Fadl, Khaled
Pub: Usuli Press, Dublin OH 2023
Islam - Prophet Muhammad - Islamic Sociology - 21st century


The Prophetic Biography : Sirah of Ibnu Hisham (HC)

15641 | English | Hardcover
By: Ibn Hisham, Abd al-Malik (d.218/833) ابن هشام، عبد الملك، م
Pub: DKI, Beirut, 2013
Early Work - Prophetic biography


The Rauzat-us-Safa or Garden of Purity: The Life of Muhammad ﷺ

80825 | English | Hardcover
By: Ibn Khawand Shah, Syed Muhammad(d.859/1490)
Pub: Zavia Books International, New York 2014
Prophet Muhammad ﷺ - Biography


The Sunnah of the Prophet (A Part of Divine Revelation)

10204 | English | Hardcover
By: Sabuni, Shaykh Muhammad
Pub: al-Maktaba al-Assriya, Beirut, 2004
Islam - Sunnah (practices and traditions of the Prophet)


The Valley Came Alive: Life of the Last Messenger from al-Bidayah wa-al-Nihayah

40806 | English | Hardcover
By: Ibn Kathir (701/1300-774/1373)
Pub: DarUsSalam, Riyadh, 2010
Early Work - Islam - Prophet's Life


This is Muhammad the Beloved

14451 | English | Hardcover
By: Jaza'ri, Abu Bakr Jabir (1921-2008), Translator: Hiba, Jehan Abd al-Raouf
Pub: DKI, Beirut, 2011
Islam - Prophet's Biography


Virtues of the Prophet ﷺ And His Nation

80001 | English - Arabic | Softcover
By: Nabahani, Yusuf
Pub: Bukhari Publications, 2014
Islam- Prophet Muhammad ﷺ


The Prophet's Pulpit Vol II : Commentaries on the State of Islam

74939 | English | Softcover
By: Abou El Fadl, Khaled
Pub: Usuli Press, Dublin OH 2023
Islam - Prophet Muhammad - Islamic Sociology - 21st century


The Prophet's Pulpit Vol I : Commentaries on the State of Islam

74145 | English | Softcover
By: Abou El Fadl, Khaled
Pub: Usuli Press, Dublin OH, 2022
Islam - Prophet Muhammad - Islamic Sociology - 21st century


Atlas on the Prophets Biography : Places, Nations, Landmarks

5090 | English | Hardcover
By: Abu Khalil, Dr. Shawqi
Pub: DarUsSalam, Riyadh
Atlas of Prophet's Biography


Prophecies : Objectively proving the Prophethood of Muhammad

75374 | English | Softcover
By: Ali, A.
Pub: A.Ali, California 2024
Islam - Prophet Muhammad - Prophecies


Life of Prophet Muhammad Quiz Book

82067 | English | Hardcover
By: Awais, Ammar
Pub: IIPH, KSA, 2024
Islam - Seerah - Quiz


The Eternal Message of Muhammad

75241 | English | Softcover
By: Azzam, Abd Al-Rahman
Pub: Islamic Text Society, Cambridge 2006
Islam - Prophet Muhammad


Misquoting Muhammad: The Challenge and Choices of Interpreting the Prophet's Legacy

80655 | English | Softcover
By: Brown, Jonathan A.C.
Pub: OneWorld Publishers, London 2023
Prophet Muhammad - Legacy - Hadith Criticism - History


Jurisprudence of the Prophets Biography

2605 | English | Hardcover
By: Buti, Muhammad Said Ramadan (1929-2013) / Tr: Roberts, Nancy
Pub: Dar al-Fikr, Beirut/Damascus
Islam - Prophetic Biography and Early Muslims


The Isra' & Mi'raj: The Night Journey & Ascension of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ

82034 | English | Softcover
By: Cisse, Muhammad al-Mahi
Pub: Imam Ghazali Publishing (IGP), UK, 2024
Islam - Prophet Muhammad ﷺ- Night Journey


Muhammad - Prophet of Peace Amid The Clash of Empires

75200 | English | Softcover
By: Cole, Juan
Pub: Bold Type Books, New York 2020
Islam - Prophet Muhammmad


Miracles of the Messenger ( PBUH)

5552 | English | Hardcover
By: Darussalam Research Division
Pub: DarUsSalam, Riyadh
Islamic Teachings - Young Adult


Hazrat Muhammad ﷺ

43805 | English | Softcover
By: Fidai, Rafi Ahmad
Pub: Islamic Book Service, New Delhi, India, 2012 reprint
Islam - Sira - Prophet Muhammad


Compact Guide: The Life of the Prophet Muhammad Made Simple

16931 | English | Softcover
By: Group / Editor: Khan, Saniyasnain
Pub: Goodword Books, India / Jarir Bookstore USA
Islamic Guide - Prophet Muhammad (p)


Muhammad for the Global Village

70432 | English | Hardcover
By: Haashimi al-Haamidi, Dr. Muhammad
Pub: Darussalam, 2008
Islam - Seera - Biography


Battlefields of the Prophet Muhammad

44346 | Englilsh | Hardcover
By: Hamidullah, Muhammad (1908-2002)
Pub: Kitab Bhavan, New Delhi, 2017 6th Edition
Historical Military Campaigns and Leadership - Geography- Prophet Muhammad


Q & A on the Biography of the Prophet - Parts One and Two

15831 | English | Hardcover
By: Hasan, Syed Masoodul
Pub: DarUsSalam, Riyadh, 1996
Islam - Prophet's Biography

Price: US$16
Sale price: US$14

Celebrating the Birth of the Prophet

75180 | English w/ Arabic | Softcover
By: Hasani, Muhammad B. 'Alawi al-Maliki
Pub: Imam Ghazali Publishers, Indianapolis 2023
Islam - Prophet Muhammad

Price: US$16
Sale price: US$14

The Life of Muhammad

44757 | English | Softcover
By: Haykal, Muhammad Husayn
Pub: IBT, Kuala Lumpur, 2017
Prophet Muhammad


The First Muslim - The Story of Muhammad

75059 | English | Softcover
By: Hazleton, Lesley
Pub: Penguin Books, New York 2014
Muhammad ﷺ - Biography


Abdullah: The Father of Holy Prophet ﷺ

43844 | English | Softcover
By: Hussain, Riaz, M.A.
Pub: Islamic Book Service, New Delhi, India, 2011 Reprint
Biography of Prophet Muhammad's father


The Prophetic Biography : Sirah of Ibnu Hisham (HC)

15641 | English | Hardcover
By: Ibn Hisham, Abd al-Malik (d.218/833) ابن هشام، عبد الملك، م
Pub: DKI, Beirut, 2013
Early Work - Prophetic biography


Great Books of Islamic Civilization: The Life of the Prophet Muhammad Vol 1

70012 | English | Hardcover
By: Ibn Kathir (700/1301 - 774/1372) ابن كثير
Pub: Garnet Publishing, 1998
Early Work - Islam - Seera

Price: US$95
Sale price: US$86

In Defence of the True Faith : From al-Bidayah wa-al-Nihayah

70431 | English | Hardcover
By: Ibn Kathir (700/1301 - 774/1372) ابن كثير
Pub: Darussalam, 2010
Early Work - Islam - Seera - History


Great Books of Islamic Civilization: The Life of the Prophet Muhammad Vol. 4

70017 | English | Softcover
By: Ibn Kathir (700/1301 - 774/1372) ابن كثير
Pub: Garnet Publishing Limited, London, 2010
Early Work - Islam - Seera

Price: US$35
Sale price: US$31

Great Books of Islamic Civilization: The Life of the Prophet Muhammad Vol. 3

70018 | English | Softcover
By: Ibn Kathir (700/1301 - 774/1372) ابن كثير
Pub: Garnet Publishing Limited, London, 2010
Early Work - Islam - Seera

Price: US$35
Sale price: US$31

The Valley Came Alive: Life of the Last Messenger from al-Bidayah wa-al-Nihayah

40806 | English | Hardcover
By: Ibn Kathir (701/1300-774/1373)
Pub: DarUsSalam, Riyadh, 2010
Early Work - Islam - Prophet's Life


Stories of the Prophets (Idara)(Kathir) + Life of Mohammad (Seoharwi)

43697 | English w/some Arabic | Hardcover
By: Ibn Kathir (701/1300-774/1373)
Pub: Idara Impex , New Delhi, India, 2017
Early Work - Early Muslims - Prophets


The Rauzat-us-Safa or Garden of Purity: The Life of Muhammad ﷺ

80825 | English | Hardcover
By: Ibn Khawand Shah, Syed Muhammad(d.859/1490)
Pub: Zavia Books International, New York 2014
Prophet Muhammad ﷺ - Biography


Provisions of the Afterlife Zad al-Ma'ad

14450 | English | Hardcover
By: Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah (691/1292 - 751/1350) / Tr: Ismail Abd al-Sallam
Pub: Dar al-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah (DKI), Beirut, 2010
Early Work - Prophetic Guidance


Maghazi of Sayyiduna Muhammad ﷺ

82032 | English | Softcover
By: Ibn Uqbah, Musa
Pub: Imam Ghazali Publishing, UK, 2024
Early Work - Islam - Seerah - Prophetic Biography


The History of the Prophet Muhammad

80658 | English | Hardcover
By: Irving, Washington - Abridged & Edited by: Nasri, Prof. Dr. Hani Yahya
Pub: Dar al-Arqam, Beirut 1997
Islamic History - Prophet Muhammad & Successors - Washington Irving (1783-1859)


This is Muhammad the Beloved

14451 | English | Hardcover
By: Jaza'ri, Abu Bakr Jabir (1921-2008), Translator: Hiba, Jehan Abd al-Raouf
Pub: DKI, Beirut, 2011
Islam - Prophet's Biography


The Prophet of Peace: Teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (Penguin)

44343 | English | Softcover
By: Khan, Maulana Wahiduddin
Pub: Penguin Random House, India, 2009
Islam - Prophet's Biography


Pocket Guide: Prophet Muhammad

41167 | English | Softcover
By: Khan, Maulana Wahiduddin
Pub: Goodword Books, India, 2015
Islam - Prophet Muhammad


Life of Muhammad: Wisdom and Spiritual Legacy of the Prophet

80002 | English | Softcover
By: Khan, Wahiduddin
Pub: Goodword, Delhi, 2023
Islam - Prophet Muhammad ﷺ


Light Of Certainty In The Life Of The Lord Of Messengers

40041 | English | HardCover
By: Khodari, Muhammad
Pub: DKI, Beirut, 2013
Prophetic Biography


Muhammad-His Life Based On The Earliest Sources

5789 | English | Softcover
By: Lings, Martin (1909-2005)
Pub: Inner Traditions, 2006 Revised Edition
Prophet's Biography - Seera

Price: US$20
Sale price: US$19

The Governmental System Of The Prophet Muhammad

11894 | English | Hardcover
By: Mallah, Dr. Hashim Y.
Pub: DKI, 2008


Biography of the Master of the Prophets and Messengers

72210 | English | Softcover
By: Mudarris, Ibraheem/ Tr. Al-Qabbani, Rasim
Pub: Dar al Kotob al Ilmiyah, Beirut 2018
Prophetic Biography - Personal Character


Virtues of the Prophet ﷺ And His Nation

80001 | English - Arabic | Softcover
By: Nabahani, Yusuf
Pub: Bukhari Publications, 2014
Islam- Prophet Muhammad ﷺ



74766 | English | Softcover
By: Rodinson, Maxime
Pub: NYRB, NY 2020
Prophet Muhammad


The Sunnah of the Prophet (A Part of Divine Revelation)

10204 | English | Hardcover
By: Sabuni, Shaykh Muhammad
Pub: al-Maktaba al-Assriya, Beirut, 2004
Islam - Sunnah (practices and traditions of the Prophet)


Muhammad : Man And Prophet

81103 | English | Softcover
By: Salahi, Adil
Pub: The Islamic Foundation, 2024
Biography - Prophet Muhammad


Prophethood of Mohammed: From Suspicion to Certainty

72922 | English | Hardcover
By: Samarra'i, Fadil / Intro. Zeidan, Abd al-Karim
Pub: Malek Publishers, Beirut 2019
Islamic Studies


Reflections on the Biography of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

74635 | English | Hardcover
By: Shaarawi, Sheikh Muhammad Mutawalli
Pub: Maktabat al-Assrya, Saida, Beirut, 2010
Prophet's Biography


Chronology of Prophetic Events

70494 | English | Softcover
By: Shaikh, Fazlur Rehman
Pub: Ta-Ha, 2001
Islam - Chronology - Seera - History


Meeting Muhammad ﷺ (hc)

45103 | Engish w/some Arabic | Hardcover
By: Suleiman, Omar
Pub: Kube Publishing / Yaqeen Fdn., UK, 2022
Prophet Muhammad ﷺ - Character, Traits


Khasa'is Muhammadiyyah الخصاءص المحمدية

75194 | English w/ Arabic | Hardcover
By: Suyuti & al-Salam, Ibn 'Abd & Al-Mahdi
Pub: Imam Gazali Publishing, New Jersey 2023
Islam - Treatises - Prophet Muhammad


Khasa'is al-Muhammadiyyah (Limited Leather Bound Edition)

82035 | English translation w/parallel Arabic of Khasa'is texts | Premium Leather Bound
By: Suyuti / Abd al-Salam / Mahdi al-Fasi
Pub: Imam Ghazali Publishing (IGP), UK 2023
Islam - Seerah - Khasa'is

Price: US$100
Sale price: US$80

Shama'il Muhammadiyya - 415 Hadiths on the Beauty & Perfection of the Prophet Muhammad (En w/Ar) - الشماءل المحمدية

75195 | English w/ Arabic | Hardcover
By: Tirmidhi (209/824,825 - 279/892) الترمذي . Tr. By Suraqah, Abdul Aziz & Aslam, Mohammed
Pub: Imam Gazali Publishing Birmingham, UK 2019
Islam - Hadith - Prophet Muhammad


Muhammad Messenger of Allah: Ash-Shifa of Qadi 'Iyad

44734 | English | Softcover
By: Yahsubi, Qadi 'Iyad Ibn Musa / TrL Bewley, Aisha Abdarrahman
Pub: Madinah Press, Cape Town, 2011
Early Work - Prophet Muhammad - Sira


Miracles of the Prophet Muhammad - Gems from «The Shifa»

75185 | English | Softcover
By: Yahsubi, Qadi Iyad B. Musa
Pub: Imam Gazali Publishers, New Jersey 2021
Islam - Prophet Muhammad - Miracles


Kitab Ash-Shifa Bi Ta'rif Huqu Al-Mustafa : Healing By the Recognition of the Rights of the Chosen One

80824 | English | Hardcover
By: Yahsubi, Qadi Iyad Ibn Musa (d. 544/1149)
Pub: IQOU, New York 2014
Early Work - Seera- Prophetic Biography


Medieval Latin Lives of Muhammad (Dumbarton Oaks Medieval Library)

73422 | English | Hardcover
By: Yolles, Julian & Weiss, Jessica
Pub: Harvard University Press, Cambridge 2018
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)


Muhammad: The Perfect Model for Humanity

72940 | English | Softcover
By: Zarqa, Mustafa Ahmad / Tr. al-Sheikh, Yaseen
Pub: Malek Publications, Beirut 2016
Prophet Muhammad


Pocket Guide: Prophet Muhammad

41167 | English | Softcover
By: Khan, Maulana Wahiduddin
Pub: Goodword Books, India, 2015
Islam - Prophet Muhammad


Abdullah: The Father of Holy Prophet ﷺ

43844 | English | Softcover
By: Hussain, Riaz, M.A.
Pub: Islamic Book Service, New Delhi, India, 2011 Reprint
Biography of Prophet Muhammad's father


Compact Guide: The Life of the Prophet Muhammad Made Simple

16931 | English | Softcover
By: Group / Editor: Khan, Saniyasnain
Pub: Goodword Books, India / Jarir Bookstore USA
Islamic Guide - Prophet Muhammad (p)


Hazrat Muhammad ﷺ

43805 | English | Softcover
By: Fidai, Rafi Ahmad
Pub: Islamic Book Service, New Delhi, India, 2012 reprint
Islam - Sira - Prophet Muhammad


Muhammad: The Perfect Model for Humanity

72940 | English | Softcover
By: Zarqa, Mustafa Ahmad / Tr. al-Sheikh, Yaseen
Pub: Malek Publications, Beirut 2016
Prophet Muhammad


Biography of the Master of the Prophets and Messengers

72210 | English | Softcover
By: Mudarris, Ibraheem/ Tr. Al-Qabbani, Rasim
Pub: Dar al Kotob al Ilmiyah, Beirut 2018
Prophetic Biography - Personal Character


The History of the Prophet Muhammad

80658 | English | Hardcover
By: Irving, Washington - Abridged & Edited by: Nasri, Prof. Dr. Hani Yahya
Pub: Dar al-Arqam, Beirut 1997
Islamic History - Prophet Muhammad & Successors - Washington Irving (1783-1859)


Chronology of Prophetic Events

70494 | English | Softcover
By: Shaikh, Fazlur Rehman
Pub: Ta-Ha, 2001
Islam - Chronology - Seera - History


The Prophet of Peace: Teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (Penguin)

44343 | English | Softcover
By: Khan, Maulana Wahiduddin
Pub: Penguin Random House, India, 2009
Islam - Prophet's Biography


Virtues of the Prophet ﷺ And His Nation

80001 | English - Arabic | Softcover
By: Nabahani, Yusuf
Pub: Bukhari Publications, 2014
Islam- Prophet Muhammad ﷺ


Q & A on the Biography of the Prophet - Parts One and Two

15831 | English | Hardcover
By: Hasan, Syed Masoodul
Pub: DarUsSalam, Riyadh, 1996
Islam - Prophet's Biography

Price: US$16
Sale price: US$14

Miracles of the Messenger ( PBUH)

5552 | English | Hardcover
By: Darussalam Research Division
Pub: DarUsSalam, Riyadh
Islamic Teachings - Young Adult


Celebrating the Birth of the Prophet

75180 | English w/ Arabic | Softcover
By: Hasani, Muhammad B. 'Alawi al-Maliki
Pub: Imam Ghazali Publishers, Indianapolis 2023
Islam - Prophet Muhammad

Price: US$16
Sale price: US$14

Life of Muhammad: Wisdom and Spiritual Legacy of the Prophet

80002 | English | Softcover
By: Khan, Wahiduddin
Pub: Goodword, Delhi, 2023
Islam - Prophet Muhammad ﷺ


The Sunnah of the Prophet (A Part of Divine Revelation)

10204 | English | Hardcover
By: Sabuni, Shaykh Muhammad
Pub: al-Maktaba al-Assriya, Beirut, 2004
Islam - Sunnah (practices and traditions of the Prophet)


Meeting Muhammad ﷺ (hc)

45103 | Engish w/some Arabic | Hardcover
By: Suleiman, Omar
Pub: Kube Publishing / Yaqeen Fdn., UK, 2022
Prophet Muhammad ﷺ - Character, Traits


The Governmental System Of The Prophet Muhammad

11894 | English | Hardcover
By: Mallah, Dr. Hashim Y.
Pub: DKI, 2008


Battlefields of the Prophet Muhammad

44346 | Englilsh | Hardcover
By: Hamidullah, Muhammad (1908-2002)
Pub: Kitab Bhavan, New Delhi, 2017 6th Edition
Historical Military Campaigns and Leadership - Geography- Prophet Muhammad


Life of Prophet Muhammad Quiz Book

82067 | English | Hardcover
By: Awais, Ammar
Pub: IIPH, KSA, 2024
Islam - Seerah - Quiz


Light Of Certainty In The Life Of The Lord Of Messengers

40041 | English | HardCover
By: Khodari, Muhammad
Pub: DKI, Beirut, 2013
Prophetic Biography


In Defence of the True Faith : From al-Bidayah wa-al-Nihayah

70431 | English | Hardcover
By: Ibn Kathir (700/1301 - 774/1372) ابن كثير
Pub: Darussalam, 2010
Early Work - Islam - Seera - History


The First Muslim - The Story of Muhammad

75059 | English | Softcover
By: Hazleton, Lesley
Pub: Penguin Books, New York 2014
Muhammad ﷺ - Biography



74766 | English | Softcover
By: Rodinson, Maxime
Pub: NYRB, NY 2020
Prophet Muhammad


Miracles of the Prophet Muhammad - Gems from «The Shifa»

75185 | English | Softcover
By: Yahsubi, Qadi Iyad B. Musa
Pub: Imam Gazali Publishers, New Jersey 2021
Islam - Prophet Muhammad - Miracles


Reflections on the Biography of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

74635 | English | Hardcover
By: Shaarawi, Sheikh Muhammad Mutawalli
Pub: Maktabat al-Assrya, Saida, Beirut, 2010
Prophet's Biography


Muhammad - Prophet of Peace Amid The Clash of Empires

75200 | English | Softcover
By: Cole, Juan
Pub: Bold Type Books, New York 2020
Islam - Prophet Muhammmad


Prophecies : Objectively proving the Prophethood of Muhammad

75374 | English | Softcover
By: Ali, A.
Pub: A.Ali, California 2024
Islam - Prophet Muhammad - Prophecies


Misquoting Muhammad: The Challenge and Choices of Interpreting the Prophet's Legacy

80655 | English | Softcover
By: Brown, Jonathan A.C.
Pub: OneWorld Publishers, London 2023
Prophet Muhammad - Legacy - Hadith Criticism - History


Muhammad-His Life Based On The Earliest Sources

5789 | English | Softcover
By: Lings, Martin (1909-2005)
Pub: Inner Traditions, 2006 Revised Edition
Prophet's Biography - Seera

Price: US$20
Sale price: US$19

The Isra' & Mi'raj: The Night Journey & Ascension of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ

82034 | English | Softcover
By: Cisse, Muhammad al-Mahi
Pub: Imam Ghazali Publishing (IGP), UK, 2024
Islam - Prophet Muhammad ﷺ- Night Journey


The Prophet's Pulpit Vol I : Commentaries on the State of Islam

74145 | English | Softcover
By: Abou El Fadl, Khaled
Pub: Usuli Press, Dublin OH, 2022
Islam - Prophet Muhammad - Islamic Sociology - 21st century


The Prophet's Pulpit Vol II : Commentaries on the State of Islam

74939 | English | Softcover
By: Abou El Fadl, Khaled
Pub: Usuli Press, Dublin OH 2023
Islam - Prophet Muhammad - Islamic Sociology - 21st century


Atlas on the Prophets Biography : Places, Nations, Landmarks

5090 | English | Hardcover
By: Abu Khalil, Dr. Shawqi
Pub: DarUsSalam, Riyadh
Atlas of Prophet's Biography


Muhammad for the Global Village

70432 | English | Hardcover
By: Haashimi al-Haamidi, Dr. Muhammad
Pub: Darussalam, 2008
Islam - Seera - Biography


Stories of the Prophets (Idara)(Kathir) + Life of Mohammad (Seoharwi)

43697 | English w/some Arabic | Hardcover
By: Ibn Kathir (701/1300-774/1373)
Pub: Idara Impex , New Delhi, India, 2017
Early Work - Early Muslims - Prophets


The Eternal Message of Muhammad

75241 | English | Softcover
By: Azzam, Abd Al-Rahman
Pub: Islamic Text Society, Cambridge 2006
Islam - Prophet Muhammad


The Valley Came Alive: Life of the Last Messenger from al-Bidayah wa-al-Nihayah

40806 | English | Hardcover
By: Ibn Kathir (701/1300-774/1373)
Pub: DarUsSalam, Riyadh, 2010
Early Work - Islam - Prophet's Life


This is Muhammad the Beloved

14451 | English | Hardcover
By: Jaza'ri, Abu Bakr Jabir (1921-2008), Translator: Hiba, Jehan Abd al-Raouf
Pub: DKI, Beirut, 2011
Islam - Prophet's Biography


The Life of Muhammad

44757 | English | Softcover
By: Haykal, Muhammad Husayn
Pub: IBT, Kuala Lumpur, 2017
Prophet Muhammad


Maghazi of Sayyiduna Muhammad ﷺ

82032 | English | Softcover
By: Ibn Uqbah, Musa
Pub: Imam Ghazali Publishing, UK, 2024
Early Work - Islam - Seerah - Prophetic Biography


Prophethood of Mohammed: From Suspicion to Certainty

72922 | English | Hardcover
By: Samarra'i, Fadil / Intro. Zeidan, Abd al-Karim
Pub: Malek Publishers, Beirut 2019
Islamic Studies


Kitab Ash-Shifa Bi Ta'rif Huqu Al-Mustafa : Healing By the Recognition of the Rights of the Chosen One

80824 | English | Hardcover
By: Yahsubi, Qadi Iyad Ibn Musa (d. 544/1149)
Pub: IQOU, New York 2014
Early Work - Seera- Prophetic Biography


The Rauzat-us-Safa or Garden of Purity: The Life of Muhammad ﷺ

80825 | English | Hardcover
By: Ibn Khawand Shah, Syed Muhammad(d.859/1490)
Pub: Zavia Books International, New York 2014
Prophet Muhammad ﷺ - Biography


Great Books of Islamic Civilization: The Life of the Prophet Muhammad Vol. 4

70017 | English | Softcover
By: Ibn Kathir (700/1301 - 774/1372) ابن كثير
Pub: Garnet Publishing Limited, London, 2010
Early Work - Islam - Seera

Price: US$35
Sale price: US$31

Great Books of Islamic Civilization: The Life of the Prophet Muhammad Vol. 3

70018 | English | Softcover
By: Ibn Kathir (700/1301 - 774/1372) ابن كثير
Pub: Garnet Publishing Limited, London, 2010
Early Work - Islam - Seera

Price: US$35
Sale price: US$31

Medieval Latin Lives of Muhammad (Dumbarton Oaks Medieval Library)

73422 | English | Hardcover
By: Yolles, Julian & Weiss, Jessica
Pub: Harvard University Press, Cambridge 2018
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)


Muhammad Messenger of Allah: Ash-Shifa of Qadi 'Iyad

44734 | English | Softcover
By: Yahsubi, Qadi 'Iyad Ibn Musa / TrL Bewley, Aisha Abdarrahman
Pub: Madinah Press, Cape Town, 2011
Early Work - Prophet Muhammad - Sira


The Prophetic Biography : Sirah of Ibnu Hisham (HC)

15641 | English | Hardcover
By: Ibn Hisham, Abd al-Malik (d.218/833) ابن هشام، عبد الملك، م
Pub: DKI, Beirut, 2013
Early Work - Prophetic biography


Jurisprudence of the Prophets Biography

2605 | English | Hardcover
By: Buti, Muhammad Said Ramadan (1929-2013) / Tr: Roberts, Nancy
Pub: Dar al-Fikr, Beirut/Damascus
Islam - Prophetic Biography and Early Muslims


Provisions of the Afterlife Zad al-Ma'ad

14450 | English | Hardcover
By: Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah (691/1292 - 751/1350) / Tr: Ismail Abd al-Sallam
Pub: Dar al-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah (DKI), Beirut, 2010
Early Work - Prophetic Guidance


Muhammad : Man And Prophet

81103 | English | Softcover
By: Salahi, Adil
Pub: The Islamic Foundation, 2024
Biography - Prophet Muhammad


Shama'il Muhammadiyya - 415 Hadiths on the Beauty & Perfection of the Prophet Muhammad (En w/Ar) - الشماءل المحمدية

75195 | English w/ Arabic | Hardcover
By: Tirmidhi (209/824,825 - 279/892) الترمذي . Tr. By Suraqah, Abdul Aziz & Aslam, Mohammed
Pub: Imam Gazali Publishing Birmingham, UK 2019
Islam - Hadith - Prophet Muhammad


Khasa'is Muhammadiyyah الخصاءص المحمدية

75194 | English w/ Arabic | Hardcover
By: Suyuti & al-Salam, Ibn 'Abd & Al-Mahdi
Pub: Imam Gazali Publishing, New Jersey 2023
Islam - Treatises - Prophet Muhammad


Khasa'is al-Muhammadiyyah (Limited Leather Bound Edition)

82035 | English translation w/parallel Arabic of Khasa'is texts | Premium Leather Bound
By: Suyuti / Abd al-Salam / Mahdi al-Fasi
Pub: Imam Ghazali Publishing (IGP), UK 2023
Islam - Seerah - Khasa'is

Price: US$100
Sale price: US$80

Great Books of Islamic Civilization: The Life of the Prophet Muhammad Vol 1

70012 | English | Hardcover
By: Ibn Kathir (700/1301 - 774/1372) ابن كثير
Pub: Garnet Publishing, 1998
Early Work - Islam - Seera

Price: US$95
Sale price: US$86

Q & A on the Biography of the Prophet - Parts One and Two

15831 | English | Hardcover
By: Hasan, Syed Masoodul
Pub: DarUsSalam, Riyadh, 1996
Islam - Prophet's Biography

Price: US$16
Sale price: US$14

Celebrating the Birth of the Prophet

75180 | English w/ Arabic | Softcover
By: Hasani, Muhammad B. 'Alawi al-Maliki
Pub: Imam Ghazali Publishers, Indianapolis 2023
Islam - Prophet Muhammad

Price: US$16
Sale price: US$14

Muhammad-His Life Based On The Earliest Sources

5789 | English | Softcover
By: Lings, Martin (1909-2005)
Pub: Inner Traditions, 2006 Revised Edition
Prophet's Biography - Seera

Price: US$20
Sale price: US$19

Great Books of Islamic Civilization: The Life of the Prophet Muhammad Vol. 3

70018 | English | Softcover
By: Ibn Kathir (700/1301 - 774/1372) ابن كثير
Pub: Garnet Publishing Limited, London, 2010
Early Work - Islam - Seera

Price: US$35
Sale price: US$31

Great Books of Islamic Civilization: The Life of the Prophet Muhammad Vol. 4

70017 | English | Softcover
By: Ibn Kathir (700/1301 - 774/1372) ابن كثير
Pub: Garnet Publishing Limited, London, 2010
Early Work - Islam - Seera

Price: US$35
Sale price: US$31

Khasa'is al-Muhammadiyyah (Limited Leather Bound Edition)

82035 | English translation w/parallel Arabic of Khasa'is texts | Premium Leather Bound
By: Suyuti / Abd al-Salam / Mahdi al-Fasi
Pub: Imam Ghazali Publishing (IGP), UK 2023
Islam - Seerah - Khasa'is

Price: US$100
Sale price: US$80

Great Books of Islamic Civilization: The Life of the Prophet Muhammad Vol 1

70012 | English | Hardcover
By: Ibn Kathir (700/1301 - 774/1372) ابن كثير
Pub: Garnet Publishing, 1998
Early Work - Islam - Seera

Price: US$95
Sale price: US$86

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