MENUMENU - الكتاب

Literature: Poetry | Prose | Fiction | Tales (English)
In the English language, a great selection of literature, including fiction from the Arab &/or Muslim world.


100 Best Arabic Novels

70678 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Group
Pub: Banipal, 2018
Literature - Reviews


1984 (English)

71930 | English | Softcover
By: Orwell, George (1903-1950)
Pub: Penguin Publishing Group, (Signet Classics) USA 2017
Novel - Totalitarianism - Classic - England


A Designated Man (En)

10726 | English | Hardcover
By: Farhi, Moris
Pub: Telegram, 2009

Price: US$20
Sale price: US$17

A Hologram for the King

44772 | English | Softcover
By: Eggers, Dave
Pub: Vintage, NY, 2013
Literary Fiction

Price: US$17
Sale price: US$15

A Literary History of the Arabs

44347 | Englilsh | Hardcover
By: Nicholson, Reynold A. (1868-1945)
Pub: Kitab Bhavan, New Delhi, repr 2013, c.1907
Arabic Literature - History and Criticism


A'mal al-Kamila Jibran Khalil Jibran (English and Arabic) الأعمال الكاملة

16065 | Arabic and English | Hardcover
By: Gibran Khalil Gibran جبران خليل جبران
Pub: Naufal, Beirut, 2012
Poetry and Prose - Lebanon



70411 | English | Softcover
By: Hamad, Turki
Pub: Dar al Saqi, London 2003
Fiction / Saudi Arabia

Price: US$18
Sale price: US$12

Against the Loveless World

80353 | English | Softcover
By: Abulhawa, Susan
Pub: Atria, imprint of Simon & Schuster, NY 2020
Fiction - Palestinian

Price: US$20
Sale price: US$15

Akbar Ahmed: Two Plays

11731 | English | Softcover
By: Ahmed, Akbar
Pub: Saqi, 2009
Theatre - Arabic Plays


American Trilogy 1: American Pastoral

73115 | English | Softcover
By: Roth, Philip (1933-2018)
Pub: Vintage International NY 1998
Literary Fiction - Historical Fiction - American

Price: US$17
Sale price: US$16

American Trilogy 2: I Married a Communist

73116 | English | Softcover
By: Roth, Philip (1933-2018)
Pub: Vintage International, NY 1998
Literary Fiction - American

Price: US$17
Sale price: US$15

American Trilogy 3: The Human Stain

73117 | English | Softcover
By: Roth, Philip (1933-2018)
Pub: Vintage International, NY 2000
Literary Fiction - American

Price: US$17
Sale price: US$15


72880 | English | Softcover
By: Delillo, Don (b. 1936)
Pub: PRH, NY 1989
American Fiction

Price: US$17
Sale price: US$16

Anchor Book of Modern Arabic Fiction

80149 | English | Softcover
By: Group
Pub: Anchor Books, New York, 2006
Literary Fiction - Anthology - Arabic Fiction


Animal Farm

71929 | English | Softcover
By: Orwell, George (1903-1950)
Pub: Penguin Publishing Group, (Signet Classics) USA 2017
Political Satire - Classic - England


Anise Boy: An Eternal Search for Love

75605 | English | Softcover
By: Warour, Hsain
Pub: Khayat Publishing, Washington, DC 2024
Memoir - Novella


Another Gulmohar Tree

10800 | English | Softcover
By: Hussein, Aamer
Pub: Telegram, London, 2009
Fiction - Love - Marriage

Price: US$11
Sale price: US$9

Anthology of Islamic Literature: From the Rise of Islam to Modern Times

80148 | English | Softcover
By: Various / Edited By: Kritzeck, James
Pub: Plume / Penguin, New York, 1964
Islamic Literature - Anthology - Scripture, Prose, Poetry, Proverbs, Drama


Arabian Nights

71967 | English | Hardcover
By: Editor: Ouyang, Wen-Chin
Pub: Everyman's Library, US/UK, 2014
Literature - Classic = Tales


Arabic Poems (bilingual Ar-En)

44279 | Arabic-English | Hardcover
By: Editor: Hammond, Marle
Pub: Everyman's Library Pocket Poets, Alfred A. Knopf, 2014, New York
Arabic Poetry - Early through Contemporary

Price: US$16
Sale price: US$14


80967 | English | Softcover
By: Khazaal, Chaker
Pub: Hachtette Antoine, Beirut 2024
Fiction - Middle East


Atlas Shrugged

72590 | English | Softcover
By: Rand, Ayn
Pub: PRH, NY 1992
Literary Fiction



80145 | English | Softcover
By: Anonymous / Tr: Prabhavananda, Swami / Isherwood
Pub: Signet, 2002
Classic Fiction - Spiritual Fiction - Comparative Religion - Hindu


Blood Meridian, or The Evening Redness in the West (HC, Modern Library)

80177 | English | Hardcover
By: McCarthy, Cormac
Pub: Modern Library, New York, 2010
Classic American Literature - Glanton Gang - Mexican-American Border


Blood Meridian, or, The Evening Redness in the West (SC, Vintage Intl)

72876 | English | Softcover
By: McCarthy, Cormac (b. 1933)
Pub: Vintage International, NY 1992
Classic American Literature - Glanton Gang - Mexican-American Border


Boat to Lesbos and other poems

70677 | English | Softcover
By: Jarrah, Nouri
Pub: Banipal, 2018
Literature - Fiction - Poetry


Boone System

4520 | English | Softcover
By: Kemp, Percy
Pub: Saqi Books, Beirut


BORDER TRILOGY (1) All The Pretty Horses

73123 | English | Softcover
By: McCarthy, Cormac (b. 1933)
Pub: Vintage, NY 1993
Classic American Literature - Epic Fiction

Price: US$16
Sale price: US$12

BORDER TRILOGY (2) The Crossing

73125 | English | Softcover
By: McCarthy, Cormac (b. 1933)
Pub: Vintage Press, NY 1994
Classic American Literature - Epic Fiction


BORDER TRILOGY (3) Cities of the Plain

73124 | English | Softcover
By: McCarthy, Cormac (b. 1933)
Pub: Vintage Books, NY 1998
Classic American Literature - Epic Fiction


BORDER TRILOGY: All The Pretty Horses, The Crossing, Cities of the Plain

72857 | English | Hardcover
By: McCarthy, Cormac (b. 1933)
Pub: PRH / Everyman's Library, NY 2008
Classic American Literature - Epic Fiction

Price: US$36
Sale price: US$30

Borrowed Time

10801 | English | Softcover
By: Daoud, Hassan / Translated by Michael K. Scott
Pub: Saqi Books, London, 2008 English Edition
Translated Arabic Fiction - Lebanon

Price: US$13
Sale price: US$12

Breakfast of Champions

72497 | English | Softcover
By: Vonnegut, Kurt (1922-2007)
Pub: Dial Press, 2011
Literature - Novel - Satire


Cage Without Bars (En)

4540 | English | Softcover
By: Yared, Ibrahim
Pub: Saqi Books, Beirut, 2002


Catch -22

72591 | English | Hardcover
By: Heller, Joseph
Pub: PRH, NY 1995
Literary Fiction

Price: US$28
Sale price: US$26

Che Guevara : A Manga Biography

71948 | English | Softcover
By: Shimano, Chie
Pub: Penguin, USA 2008
Biography|Graphic Novels & Manga|Politics


Child of God

73121 | English | Softcover
By: McCarthy, Cormac (b. 1933)
Pub: Vintage, NY 1973
American Literature - Fiction

Price: US$16
Sale price: US$13

City of Love and Ashes

5843 | English | Softcover
By: Idris, Yusef (1927-1990)
Pub: The American University in Cairo Press, 2004 English Edition
Translated Arabic Fiction - Novel - Cairo Society

Price: US$15
Sale price: US$12

Complaint and Answer

82075 | English | Softcover
By: Iqbal, Muhammad (1877 – 1938)
Pub: Kitab Bhavan, India, 2017 English Edition
Poetry - Islam - Revival - British India ( Pakistan ) - 19th-20th Century


Crime and Punishment (En, HC, Penguin Clothbound Classic)

44658 | English | Hardcover
By: Dostoyevsky, Fyodor (1821-1881) / Tr: McDuff, David
Pub: Penguin Clothbound Classics, London, NY, 2018
Penguin Classics - Russian Literature - Crime Mystery

Price: US$27
Sale price: US$24

Dairy of a Country Prosecutor

8188 | English | Softcover
By: Hakim, Tawfik
Pub: Saqi Books, London, 2005
Novel - Arabic Fiction - Egypt


Dam'a wa Ibtisama En-Fr-Ar دمعة وابتسامة بثلاث لغات

21129 | English - French - Arabic | Hardcover
By: Gibran Khalil Gibran (1883-1931) جبران، جبران خليل
Pub: Al-Biruni Publishing House, Beirut, 2011
Arabic Literature - Prose - Poems - Gibran


Dark Side Of Love

11803 | English | Hardcover
By: Schami, Rafik
Pub: The American University In Cairo Press, 2009

Price: US$30
Sale price: US$15

Deadeye Dick

72760 | English | Softcover
By: Vonnegut, Kurt (1922-2007)
Pub: Dial Press, NY, 1999
Literary Fiction - Black Humor

Price: US$17
Sale price: US$15

Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?

72761 | English | Softcover
By: Dick, Philip
Pub: PRH, NY 2017
Science Fiction

Price: US$16
Sale price: US$14

Don Quixote (Clothbound Classic)

71944 | English | Hardcover
By: Saavedra, Miguel de Cervantes
Pub: Penguin Clothbound Classics, USA 2018
Fiction - Literary Classic - Spain


Dostoyevsky: Demons (Penguin Classics)

44153 | English | Softcover
By: Dostoyevsky, Fyodor (1821-1881) / Tr: Maguire, Robert
Pub: Penguin Classics, London, NY, 2008
Penguin Classics - Russian Literature


Dostoyevsky: The House of the Dead (Penguin Classics)

44164 | English | Softcover
By: Dostoyevsky, Fyodor (1821-1881) / Tr: McDuff, David
Pub: Penguin Classics, London, NY, 2003
Penguin Classics - Russian Literature


Double Vision

4543 | English | Hardcover
By: Neville, Pauline
Pub: Saqi Books, Beirut


Down Sterling Road

6914 | English | Softcover
By: Kelly, Adrian Michael
Pub: Telegram, London 2007
Canadian Fiction - Childhood - Loss


Dune (Deluxe Hardcopy Edition)

71943 | English | Hardcover
By: Herbert, Frank Jr.
Pub: Penguin Galaxy, USA 2016
Fiction - USA - Science Fiction Classic


Earth Gods - Alihat al-Ard - English & Arabic آلهة الأرض

43024 | English & Arabic | Softcover
By: Gibran Khalil Gibran (1883-1931) جبران، جبران خليل
Pub: Hachette Antoine / Naufal, Beirut, 1989
20th Century Poetry and Prose - Gibran - Lebanon/US


Eating Air

11729 | English | Hardcover
By: Melville, Pauline
Pub: Telegram, 2009


End Zone

72878 | English | Softcover
By: DeLillo, Don (b. 1936)
Pub: Penguin Random House, NY 1986
American Fiction - Football - Metaphorical Nuclear War

Price: US$16
Sale price: US$16

Excerpts of the Spiritual Legacy of Gibran ( En- Fr- Ar ) ارم ذات العماد - انكليزي فرنسي عربي

21128 | English - French - Arabic | Hardcover
By: Gibran Khalil Gibran (1883-1931) جبران، جبران خليل
Pub: Al-Biruni Publishing House, Beirut, 2012
Literature - Prose - Poetry - Writings - Gibran


Exit West

72858 | English | Softcover
By: Hamid, Mohsin
Pub: Riverhead Books, 2018
Literary Fiction - Magic Realism - Refugees

Price: US$17
Sale price: US$14

Fall of the Imam

8191 | English | Softcover
By: Saadawi, Nawal (1931-2021)
Pub: Saqi Books, London, 2002 Edition
Arabic Literature - Novel - Egypt


Feeling the Shoulder of the Lion: Poetry and Teaching Stories of Rumi

44594 | English | Softcover
By: Jalal al-Din Rumi (1207-1273 CE) / Barks, Coleman
Pub: Shambhala, Boston, 2000
Early Work - Sufism - Poetry


Finding that Warmth In the Frosty Nights

74788 | English | Softcover
By: Kirchhofer, Roshana Nazari
Pub: Xlibris, Bloomington 2019
English - Poetry


Flight Against Time (En)

10713 | English | Softcover
By: Nasrallah, Emily, Translated Issa J. Boullata
Pub: Naufal-Group, Beirut, 2006
Arabic Literature - Migration - Lebanon


Folklore of the Holy Land: Muslim Christian and Jewish

44717 | English | Softcover
By: Hanauer, J.E./ Ed: Pickthall, Marmaduke
Pub: IBT, Kuala Lumpur, 2011
Palestine - Folklore


Footnotes In Gaza

82041 | English | Softcover - Graphic
By: Sacco, Joe
Pub: Metropolitan Books, New York, 2010
History - Graphic Novel - Palestine - Events Based On Real Life


Forty Rules of Love

71966 | English | Softcover
By: Shafak, Elif
Pub: Penguin Books, 2011
Literary Fiction - Historical - Love

Price: US$18
Sale price: US$17

From Here I Can See The End

4554 | English | Softcover
By: Yared, Ibrahim
Pub: Saqi Books, Beirut



5832 | English | Softcover
By: Mok, Judith
Pub: Telegram, London, 2006

Price: US$14
Sale price: US$12

Giovanni's Room

44499 | English | Hardcover
By: Baldwin, James (1924-1987)
Pub: Alfred Knopf, Everyman's Library, NY, London, 2016 c.1956
American Fiction Classic - Americans - France


GITANJALI Song Offerings

74628 | English | Softcover
By: Tagore, Rabindranath
Pub: TOP, Kuala Lumpur 2022
Poetry - Philosophy


Go Tell It on the Mountain

44500 | English | Hardcover
By: Baldwin, James (1924-1987)
Pub: Alfred Knopf, Everyman's Library, NY, London, 2016 c.1953
American Fiction Classic - New York - Harlem


Great Books of Islamic Civilization: The Book of Misers (Jahiz HC)

70005 | English | Hardcover
By: Jahiz
Pub: Garnet Press, 1998
Early Work - Arabic Literature - Prose - Humor - Satire


Great Tales and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe

43553 | English | Softcover
By: Poe, Edgar Allan
Pub: Simon & Schuster, Enriched Classic, NY, 2009
Classics - Short Stories - Poems - American


Haunting of Hill House (Penguin Classics Deluxe Edition)

71951 | English | Softcover
By: Jackson, Shirley (1916-1965)
Pub: Penguin Classics, USA 2016
Fiction Classics - USA - Gothic & Horror



71946 | English | Softcover
By: Homer
Pub: Penguin (Signet Classics), USA, 2014
Early Fiction - Mythology - War Epic


In The Country of Men

74992 | English | Softcover
By: Matar, Hisham
Pub: The Dial Press, New York 2008
Fiction - Childhood - Boys - Family Struggles - Libya


In the Presence of Absence (En)

75204 | English | Softcover
By: Darwish, Mahmoud (1941-2008) / Tr: Antoon, Sinan
Pub: Archipelago books, New York 2011
Arabic Literature - essays, poetry, prose translated to English


In Their Father's Country

10975 | English | Softcover
By: Drosso, Anne-Marie
Pub: Telegram, London, 2009
Fiction - Novel - Egypt

Price: US$13
Sale price: US$12

Islam and the Divine Comedy

41434 | English | Softcover
By: Asin, Miguel (1871-1944, Spain) / Translated by: Sunderland, Harold
Pub: Goodword Books, India, 2002 Edition (c.1926)
Islamic Eschatology - Literary Influence


Islam Quintet 1: Shadows of the Pomegranate Tree

44518 | English | Softcover
By: Ali, Tariq
Pub: Verso, London/NY, 2015
Historical Novel - Muslims in Spain


Islam Quintet 2: The Book of Saladin

44565 | English | Softcover
By: Ali, Tariq
Pub: Verso, London/NY, 2015
Historical Novel - Saladin - Crusades

Price: US$17
Sale price: US$15

Islam Quintet 3: The Stone Woman

44519 | English | Softcover
By: Ali, Tariq
Pub: Verso, London/NY, 2015
Historical Novel - Ottoman Empire - Turkey


Islam Quintet 4: A Sultan in Palermo

44520 | English | Softcover
By: Ali, Tariq
Pub: Verso, London/NY, 2015
Historical Novel - Sultans - Italy


Islam Quintet 5: Night of the Golden Butterfly

44521 | English | Softcover
By: Ali, Tariq
Pub: Verso, London/NY, 2015
Historical Novel - International Cities


Islamic Mystical Poetry: Sufi verse from the mystics to Rumi

44280 | English | Softcover
By: Mahmood, Jamal, (edited, translations, introduction)
Pub: Penguin Classics, New York, London, 2009
Sufi Poetry


Islamic Thought in Africa

73444 | English | Hardcover
By: Ajura, Alhaj Yusuf Salih / Tr. Ibrahim, Zakyi
Pub: YUP, New Haven, 2021
African Muslims - Poetry


It Can't Happen Here

44773 | English | Softcover
By: Lewis, Sinclair (1885-1951)
Pub: Berkley, Reprint Edition, 2005
Literary Fiction - Political Satire - Fascism

Price: US$15
Sale price: US$14


6852 | English | Softcover
By: Aitmatov, Chingiz (1928-2008) / Translator: Riordan, James
Pub: Telegram, London, 2007 English Edition
Novel - Love Story - Kyrgyzstan Literature

Price: US$12
Sale price: US$9

Journey of a 21-Year-Old Kuwaiti Girl (En)

40635 | English | Softover
By: Sardi, Lulwa
Pub: Difaf Publishing, Beirut, 2015
Fiction - Memories


Journey Through The Wilderness

4546 | English | Softcover
By: Farhi, Moris
Pub: Saqi Books, Beirut


Joy Luck Club

71940 | English | Softcover
By: Tan, Amy
Pub: Penguin, USA 2016
Fiction - USA - Women


Kafka on the Shore

72855 | English | Softcover
By: Murakami, Haruki / Tr. Gabriel, Philip
Pub: Vintage Press, NY 2005
Japanese Fiction

Price: US$17
Sale price: US$15

Lebanon, Lebanon (English)

6634 | English | Softcover
By: Editor - Wilson, Anna
Pub: Saqi Books, London, 2006
Anthology - Lebanon - Descriptions, war, travel, social conditions



72759 | English | Softcover
By: Delillo, Don (b. 1936)
Pub: Penguin Random House,NY 2006
American Fiction

Price: US$17
Sale price: US$16

Light Years

4548 | English | Softcover
By: Gee, Maggie
Pub: Saqi Books, Beirut, 2012
British Fiction - Love Story

Price: US$14
Sale price: US$10

Lord of the Flies

71932 | English | Softcover
By: Golding, William (1911-1993)
Pub: Penguin Books, USA 2016
Novel - Castaways - Boys - Classic - England


Love In Exile

11698 | English | Softcover
By: Taher, Bahaa
Pub: The American University in Cairo Press, 2004
Novel - Arabic Fiction


Love In The Kingdom Of Oil (En)

4569 | English | Softcover
By: Saadawi, Nawal (1931-2021)
Pub: Saqi Books, Beirut
Arabic Literature - Novel - Egypt


Love Story (En)

8187 | English | Softcover
By: Gosaibi, Ghazi (1940-2010) / Translated by Robin Bray
Pub: Saqi Books, Beirut, 2002 En Edition c1988
Arabic Literature - Novel


Mai Ghoussoub Selected Writings

7457 | English | Softcover
By: Ghoussoub, Mai
Pub: Saqi Books, Beirut, 2008, English Edition
Literary Writings - Lebanon

Price: US$18
Sale price: US$15

Man Who Was Loved

6411 | English | Softcover
By: MacCauley, Kay
Pub: Telegram Books, London, 2006
Fiction - Abandoned Child - Italy - Fantasy

Price: US$16
Sale price: US$13

Manuscript Found in Accra

74101 | English | Softcover
By: Coelho, Paulo (b. 1947) باولو كويلو
Pub: Vintage Books, 2013
Selected Literature / Fiction / Coelho / Brazil


Many and Many A Year Ago

73386 | English | Softcover
By: Altun, Selcuk
Pub: Telegram, London 2009
Turkish Fiction


Mao II

72758 | English | Softcover
By: Delillo, Don (b. 1936)
Pub: Penguin Random House, NY 1992
American Fiction

Price: US$17
Sale price: US$16

Mathnawi of Jalaluddin Rumi Vols I - IV (2 books)

74245 | English | Hardcover
By: Jalal al-Din Rumi (1207-1273 CE) / Tr: Nicholson, Reynold (1868-1945)
Pub: Alfa, 2004
Early Work - Sufism - Poetr


Memoirs of a Midget

10738 | English | Softcover
By: de la Mare, Walter John (1873 - 1956)
Pub: Telegram, London
Fiction - UK

Price: US$15
Sale price: US$11

Memoirs of a Woman Doctor

8189 | English | Softcover
By: Saadawi, Nawal (1931-2021)
Pub: Saqi Books, London, 2000 Edition
Arabic Literature - Novel - Egypt


Memory In The Flesh

5851 | English | Softcover
By: Mosteghanemi, Ahlam
Pub: The American University in Cairo Press, 2004
Arabic Fiction - Algeria



4542 | English | Softcover
By: Abd al-Hamid, Ammar (1966-)
Pub: Saqi Books, Beirut, 2001
Fiction - Sexuality - Contemporary Issues

Price: US$10
Sale price: US$8

Moon Opera

7512 | English | Softcover
By: Feiyu, Bi
Pub: Telegram, 2007
Translated Chinese Fiction


Mornings in Jenin - A Novel

75318 | English | Softcover
By: Abdulhawa, Susan
Pub: Bloomsbury, New York 2010
Fiction - Palestine



80150 | English | Softcover
By: Darwish, Mahmoud
Pub: Verso, New York, 2024
Literature - Poetry - Palestine

Price: US$20
Sale price: US$19

My Cleaner

12327 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Gee, Maggie
Pub: Telegram, London, 2006
British Fiction - Class Conflict

Price: US$14
Sale price: US$10

My Uncle Napoleon

72596 | English | Softcover
By: Pezeshkzad, Iraj / Translated: Davis, Dick
Pub: Penguin Books, USA 2006
Iranian Fiction

Price: US$18
Sale price: US$14

Nickel Boys

71941 | English | Hardcover
By: Whitehead, Colson
Pub: Doublday, USA 2019
Fiction - USA - African American boys


Night Watch

75617 | English | Hardcover
By: Phillips, Jayne Anne
Pub: Knopf / Penguin Random House, New York 2023
Literary Fiction - Historical Novel


Nights of Plague

74876 | English | Softcover
By: Pamuk, Orhan / Tr: Oklap, Ekin
Pub: Vinatge Publishers, London 2023
Ottoman Empire - Historical Fiction - Pandemic


No Land to Light On

44778 | English | Hardcover
By: Zgheib, Yara
Pub: Atria Books, NY, 2022
Literary Fiction - Refurgee - Family Separation

Price: US$26
Sale price: US$24

No Word From Gurb

6922 | English | Softcover
By: Mendoza, Eduardo
Pub: Telegram, Beirut, 2007 c1990


Norwegian Wood (Movie Tie-in Edition)

72850 | English | Softcover
By: Murakami, Haruki / Tr. Rubin, Jay
Pub: Vintage International, NY, 2000
Japanese Fiction

Price: US$16
Sale price: US$14


71945 | English | Softcover
By: Homer
Pub: Penguin (Signet Classics), USA 2014
Early Fiction - Mythology - Odysseus - King of Ithaca


Of Love and Terror

4556 | English | Softcover
By: Kazantzis, Judith
Pub: Saqi Books, Beirut



72580 | English | Softcover
By: Sinclair, Upton
Pub: Penguin Group, NY 2007
Literary Fiction


On the Road (Orange Collection Ed.)

72849 | English | Softcover
By: Kerouac, Jack (1922-1969)
Pub: Penguin Orange Collection (Penguin), NY 2016
Literary Fiction - American Classic Novel

Price: US$18
Sale price: US$14

Operation Shylock : A Confession

44595 | English | Softcover
By: Roth, Philip (1933-2018)
Pub: Vintage International NY, 1994
Literary Fiction - American


Palestine Affair

75005 | English | Softcover
By: Wilson, Jonathan
Pub: Anchor Books, New York 2003
Fiction - Palestine


Palestine As Methaphor

74976 | English | Softcover
By: Darwish, Mahmud (1941-2008) محمود درويش
Pub: Olive Branch Press, Massachusetts 2019
Palestinian Arab Poet - 20th Century Interviews - Mahmoud Darwish


Parable of the Sower & Parable of Talents (Set of 2 Books)

75207 | English | Hardcover
By: Butler, E. Octavia
Pub: Seven Stories Press, New York 2016
Science Fiction - Dystopia - Fantasy - Speculative Fiction


Patrimony : A True Story

44596 | English | Softcover
By: Roth, Philip (1933-2018)
Pub: Vintage International, NY, 1996 Reprint edition
American Literature - Memoir - Father-Son


Peter Pan (World Classic)

43551 | English | Flexi-Cover - Embossed
By: Barrie, J.M. / Ill: Rackham, Arthur
Pub: World Cloud Classics, San Diego, 2015
Classics - Fantasy - Pre-teen up


Prophet - Gibran (English Gift Edition)

71942 | English | Hardcover Linen Case, Copper Stamped
By: Gibran Khalil Gibran (1883-1931)
Pub: Penguin, USA 2019
20th Century Prose - Gibran - Lebanon/US


Ratner's Star

72757 | English | Softcover
By: DeLillo, Don (b. 1936)
Pub: Vintage, NY 1989
American Fiction

Price: US$17
Sale price: US$15

Reflections Of A Wayfarer Poetry Of Islamic Excellence

11893 | English | Softcover
By: Othman, Aisha
Pub: Author House, 2010
Islamic Poetry


Revolt Against the Sun: Selected Poetry of Nazik Al-Mala'ikah

73843 | Arabic & English | Softcover
By: Mala'ikah, Nazik / Tr. Drumsta, Emily
Pub: Saqi Books, London 2020
Translated Arabic Poetry - Iraq


Right Against Might: The Trio Versus The Sefids

70615 | English | Softcover
By: Almas, Fajr
Pub: IRIP, USA, 2018
Young Adult Fiction - Mystery - Novel


Role of the Poetess at the Abbasid Court (132-247/750-861) English & Arabic

5781 | English and Arabic | Softcover
By: Heitty, Dr. Abdul Kareem
Pub: Al Rayan, Beirut
Classical Arabic Poetry


Ruba'iyat of Omar Khayyam

74202 | English | Softcover
By: Khayyam, Omar
Pub: Penguin Books, 2004
Poetry - Classical


Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyan (HC, English, Urdu, + Multi-lingual)

44340 | English-Urdu-Arabic-Persian-French-German | Hardcover
By: Omar Khayyam (1048-1131 CE) / Fitzgerald, Edward
Pub: Kitab Bhavan, New Delhi, 2008
Early Verse - Quatrains - Omar Khayyam


Rumi: The Persian Mystics

44339 | English | Softcover
By: Davis, F. Handland
Pub: Kitab Bhavan, New Delhi, 2014
Sufism - Jalal al-Din Rumi


Sandhills of Arabia

70616 | English | Softcover
By: Hasib, Laila
Pub: IRIP, 2017 Edition c. 1992
Young Adult Fiction - Kuwait - War - Friendship - Love


Selected Poems from the Divani Shamsi Tabriz

44341 | English (with Persian) | Hardcover
By: Jalal al-Din Rumi (1207-1273 CE) / Nicholson, R.A.
Pub: Kitab Bhavan, New Delhi, 2014 print, c. 1898
Early Work - Sufism - Poetry


Selections from the Diwan of Shaykh Salih Al-Ja'fari (Vol One - Ar-En)

75187 | English w/ Arabic | Softcover
By: Ja'fari, Shaykh Salih
Pub: Imam Ghazali Publishers, New Jersey 2021
Poetry - Praise - Islam


Seven (English)

4539 | English | Hardcover
By: Gosaibi, Ghazi (1940-2010)
Pub: Saqi Books, Beirut
Novel - Saudi Arabia


Shadow of the Swords : An Epic Novel of the Crusades

75428 | English | Softcover
By: Pasha, Kamran
Pub: Washington Square Press
Historical Fiction - Epic Novel - Crusades - Saladin



70410 | English | Softcover
By: Hamad, Turki
Pub: Dar al Saqi, Beirut 2005
Translated Arabic Fiction - Saudi Arabia

Price: US$18
Sale price: US$10


72499 | English | Softcover
By: Hesse, Hermann (1877-1962)
Pub: Shambhala, 2018
Fiction - Novel


Slaughterhouse- Five

72536 | English | Softcover
By: Vonnegut, Kurt (1922-2007)
Pub: Dell, NY 1991
Literary Fiction - Dark Satire

Price: US$8
Sale price: US$7


7921 | English | Softcover
By: Zolghadr, Tirdad
Pub: Telegram, Beirut, 2007
Novel - Iranian Fiction


Spiritual Verses

44598 | English | Softcover
By: Jalal al-Din Rumi (1207-1273 CE) / William, Alan
Pub: Penguin Classics, London, NY, 2007
Early Work - Sufism - Poetry


Sufism & Surrealism

5872 | English | Softcover
By: Adonis (Adunis, b. 1930)
Pub: Saqi Books, London, 2005 English Edition
Sufism - Surrealism - Parallels

Price: US$20
Sale price: US$18

Tale of Tala

42934 | English | Softcover
By: Khazaal, Chaker (Khaz'al Shakir)
Pub: Hachette Antoine / Naufal, Beirut,
Fiction - Romantic Thriller - Refugees


Tales of Juha: Classic Arab Folk Humor

80660 | English | Softcover
By: Ed: Jayyusi, Salma Khadra
Pub: Interlink Publishing Group, Massachusetts 2007
Tales - Arab Folk - Humor


Tales of the Marvelous and News of the Strange

74020 | English | Paperback
By: Group
Pub: Penguin Classics, 2015
Literature - Fantasy - Tales



10744 | English | Softcover
By: Khamissi, Khaled / Translated: Jonathan Wright
Pub: Dar al-Shorouk, Egypt, 2008 English Edition c.2007
Arabic Fiction - Social Commentary

Price: US$15
Sale price: US$14

The Adventures of Robin Hood

80758 | English | Hardcover
By: Green, Roger Lancelyn
Pub: Alfred Knopf, Everyman's Library, US/UK / Printed by GCP Media, Germany 2023
Teen & Young Adult Fantasy Fiction - Classics


The Archer

74203 | English | Hardcover
By: Coelho, Paulo
Pub: Knopf, 2003
Selected Literature / Fiction / Coelho / Brazil


The Architect's Apprentice

74110 | English | Paperback
By: Shafak, Elif
Pub: Penguin Books, 2014
Literature - Novel


The Best Short Works of Mark Twain

43552 | English | Softcover
By: Twain, Mark
Pub: Simon & Schuster, Enriched Classic, NY, 2004
Classics - Short Stories - American


The Blue Fox

7511 | English | Softcover
By: Sjón / Translator: Cribb, Victoria
Pub: Telegram, Beirut, 2008 English Edition
Translated Icelandic Literature - Novel


The Broom of the System

72538 | English | Softcover
By: Wallace, David Foster (1962-2008)
Pub: Penguin, NY 2016
Literary Fiction - Popular Culture - Missing Person


The Circle

44768 | English | Softcover
By: Eggers, Dave
Pub: Vintage, NY, 2014
Literary Fiction - Dystopian Novel - Suspense

Price: US$17
Sale price: US$15

The Devil's Adisory Council: Iblees ki Majlis-e-Shoora

44748 | English | Softcover
By: Iqbal, Muhammad (1877-1938)
Pub: IBT / The Other Press, Kuala Lumpur, 2021
Poetry - World Politics - Islamic Solutions


The Divine Comedy: Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradiso

72856 | English | Hardcover
By: Alighieri, Dante / Tr: Mandelbaum, Allen
Pub: PRH / Everyman Library, London, 1995
Classic Poetry - Dante Alighieri (1265-1321 CE) - Divina Commedia


The Dramatic Literature of Nawal El Saadawi

11730 | English | Softcover
By: Saadawi, Nawal (1931-2021)
Pub: Saqi, 2009
Arabic Literature - Fiction - Egypt

Price: US$16
Sale price: US$12

The Erotic Potential of My Wife

11699 | English | Softcover
By: Foenkinos, David
Pub: Telegram, 2008
Novel - Humor


The Every : A Novel

44686 | English | Softcover
By: Eggers, Dave
Pub: Vintage Books, New York 2021
Literary Fiction - Suspense & Thriller

Price: US$18
Sale price: US$16

The Eye of the Mirror ( Palestinian Fiction)

72398 | English | Softcover
By: Badr, Liana / Tr. Kawar, Samira
Pub: Garnett Press, Reading,UK 2008
Arabic Fiction - Palestine


The Flood

4555 | English | Softcover
By: Gee, Maggie (b. 1948)
Pub: Saqi Books, Beirut, 2012
British Fiction - Apocalyptical Flood

Price: US$14
Sale price: US$10

The Fountainhead

72592 | English | Softcover
By: Rand, Ayn
Pub: Penguin Random House, NY 2017
Literary Fiction


The History of Hayy Ibn Yaqzan

44751 | English | Softcover
By: Ibn Tufail, Abu Bakr (d. 581/1185) / Tr: Ockley, Simon
Pub: IBT, Kuala Lumpur, 2020
Early Work - Philosophical Novel


The House of Islam

75430 | English | Softcover
By: Pickthall. Marmaduke
Pub: Beacon Books, Oldham 2023
Novel - Islam -Palestine


The Left Hand of Darkness

72589 | English | Softcover
By: Le Guin, Ursula
Pub: PRH, NY 2019
Science Fiction

Price: US$10
Sale price: US$9

The Legend of Redwood Raven (HC)

75322 | English | Hardcover
By: Wareh, Sama
Pub: Self Published, Illinois 2023
Fiction - Magical Realism - Pre-teen +


The Legend of Redwood Raven (SC)

75323 | English | Softcover
By: Wareh, Sama
Pub: Self-Published, Illinois 2023
Fiction - Magical Realism - Pre-teen +


The Legend of Sander Grant

10976 | English | Softcover
By: Phillips, Marc
Pub: Telegram, London, 2009
American Fiction

Price: US$14
Sale price: US$12

The Little Girl and the Cigarette

6822 | English | Softcover
By: Duteurtre, Benoit / Translator: Mandell, Charlotte
Pub: Telegram, London, 2007 English Edition
Translated Fiction - Dark Humor - France


The Metamorphosis

71931 | English | Softcover
By: Kafka, Franz (1883-1924)
Pub: Modern Library, USA 2013
Novel - Metamorphosis - Classic - German


The Monk of Mokha

44769 | English | Softcover
By: Eggers, Dave
Pub: Vintage, NY, 2019
Literary Writings - Travel - Yemen - History - Biography

Price: US$17
Sale price: US$15

The Open Door

11696 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Zayyat, Latifa
Pub: The American University in Cairo Press, 2002
Novel - Arabic Fiction


The Other Americans

72021 | English | Hardcover
By: Lalami, Laila
Pub: Pantheon, 2019
Literature - Fiction - Immigrants - Mystery


The Outsiders

44779 | English | Softcover
By: Hinton, S.E.
Pub: Penguin Classics, NY, 2006
Fiction - Classic American Novel - Young Adult

Price: US$15
Sale price: US$14

The Overstory

82090 | English | Softcover
By: Powers, Richard
Pub: Norton, New York, 2019
Novel - Deforestation Fiction


The Plot Against America

44657 | English | Softcover
By: Roth, Philip (1933-2018)
Pub: Vintage International, NY, 2020 Movie tie-in Edition
Literary Fiction - Alternate History - American

Price: US$17
Sale price: US$16

The Prague Orgy

44597 | English | Softcover
By: Roth, Philip (1933-2018)
Pub: Vintage International, NY, 1995
Historical Fiction - Amusing - American


The Railway Children

71962 | English | Hardcover
By: Nesbit, E.(1858-1924) / Ill: Brock, C.E.
Pub: Alfred Knopf, Everyman's Library, NY
Classic - Fiction - Adventure - Teen - Young Adult


The Red Wedding Dress

73431 | English | Softcover
By: Ganjifard, Mercy
Pub: Trademark Engine, CA 2020
Persian Fiction

Price: US$15
Sale price: US$14

The Return : Father, Sons and The Land In Between

74994 | English | Softcover
By: Matar, Hisham
Pub: Random House, New York 2017
Memoir - Biography - Father and Son - Exile - Libya


The Road

72881 | English | Softcover
By: McCarthy, Cormac (b. 1933)
Pub: Vintage, NY 2006
Classic American Literature - Epic Fiction

Price: US$16
Sale price: US$12

The Secrets of the Self (Asrar-i-khudí, Eng.)

44331 | English | Softcover
By: Iqbal, Muhammad (1877 - 1938)
Pub: Kitab Bhavan, New Delhi, 2013
Philosophical Poetry - Islamic - British India (Pakistan)


The Speech of the Birds - Mantiqu't-Tair (Maqamat al-Tuyur)

44593 | English | Softcover
By: Faridu'd-Din Attar / Tr: Avery, Peter
Pub: ITS, Cambridge, UK, 1998
Early Work - Sufi Poetry - Persian - trans. to English

Price: US$45
Sale price: US$38

The Stories of Ray Bradbury

73120 | English | Hardcover
By: Bradbury, Ray
Pub: Penguin Books, NY 2010
Science Fiction / Horror - American

Price: US$35
Sale price: US$26

The Sunset Limited

73122 | English | Softcover
By: McCarthy, Cormac (b. 1933)
Pub: Vintage, NY 2006
American Literature - Drama- Play

Price: US$16
Sale price: US$14

The Tale of Princess Fatima, Warrior Woman: The Arabic Epic of Dhat al-Himma

73512 | English | Softcover
By: Translated by: Magidow, Melanie
Pub: PRH, NY 2021
Arab / Muslim Epic

Price: US$16
Sale price: US$14

The White Family

4547 | English | Softcover
By: Gee, Maggie
Pub: Saqi Books, London, Beirut, 2003
British Fiction - Family Saga - Racism

Price: US$14
Sale price: US$10

Three Sisters

12507 | English | Softcover
By: Feiyu, Bi
Pub: Telegram, 2010


Throne of the Crescent Moon

44599 | English | Softcover
By: Ahmed, Saladin
Pub: Daw Books, NY, 2012
Epic Fantasy - Paranormal Fiction


Tulip in the Desert : A selection of the poetry of Muhammad Iqbal

44763 | English | Softcover
By: Iqbal, Muhammad (1877 - 1938) / Mir, Mustansir
Pub: IBT, Kuala Lumpur, 2011
Philosophical Poetry - Islamic - British India (Pakistan)



4544 | English | Softcover
By: Hussein, Aamer
Pub: Saqi Books, Beirut


Two Women in One

8190 | English | Softcover
By: Saadawi, Nawal (1931-2021)
Pub: Saqi Books, London, 2005 Edition
Arabic Literature - Novel - Egypt


Unwritten Secrets

12509 | English | Softcover
By: Frame, Ronald (b. 1953)
Pub: Telegram, London, 2010
Fiction - Scotland

Price: US$15
Sale price: US$13

Waiting for the Barbarians

73118 | English | Softcover
By: Coetzee, J.M
Pub: Penguin Random House, NY 1980
South African Literature

Price: US$16
Sale price: US$14


5829 | English | Softcover
By: Joffe, Jasper
Pub: Telegram, London, 2006
Novel - Love - Life

Price: US$15
Sale price: US$10

We Wrote In Symbols: Love and Lust By Arab Women Writers

73814 | English | Softcover
By: Dabbagh,Selma
Pub: Saqi Books, UK 2021
Arabic Literature - Sensual Writings - Arab Women Authors

Price: US$22
Sale price: US$20

What Happened to Zeeko (En)

41104 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Nasrallah, Emily / Translated by: Johnson-Davies, Denys
Pub: Naufal - Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2015 English Edition c. 1997
Young Adult Fiction - Lebanon


What Strange Paradise: A novel

44685 | English | Hardcover
By: El Akkad, Omar
Pub: Knopf Publishing, NY, 2021
Fiction - Refugees

Price: US$26
Sale price: US$24

When I Was Young and in My Prime

7449 | English | Softcover
By: Munce, Alayna
Pub: Telegram, London, 2007
Canadian Fiction - Families


While Mortals Sleep

44770 | English | Softcover
By: Vonnegut, Kurt (1922-2007)
Pub: Dial Press, NY, 2012
Literary Collection - Short Fiction - Satire - Fantasy

Price: US$17
Sale price: US$15

White Noise

72595 | English | Softcover
By: Delillo, Don (b. 1936) / Intro: Powers, Richard
Pub: Penguin Classics, NY 2009
American Fiction - Postmodern Literature


White Tears

44771 | English | Softcover
By: Kunzru, Hari
Pub: Vintage, NY, 2018
Literary Fiction - Noir Mystery

Price: US$17
Sale price: US$14

Why We Read: Quotations for Book Lovers

72043 | English | Hardcover
By: Group / Ill: Surrey, Ellen
Pub: Gibbs Smith, 2019
Literature - Quotes - Inspiration - YA+


Woke & Loud: A Faith Based Medley of Muslim Poetry and Spoken Word

72022 | English | Softcover
By: Group
Pub: Inked Resistance, 2019
Literature - Poetry - Spoken Word


Yacoubian Building (English HC Edition)

5871 | English | Hardcover
By: Aswani, Ala (1957-)
Pub: The American University in Cairo Press, 2005 English Edition
Translated Arabic Fiction - Egypt

Price: US$22
Sale price: US$19

Year of the Revolutionary New Bread-making Machine

7446 | English | Softcover
By: Dawud, Hassan
Pub: Telegram, Beirut, 2007 English Edition c. 2006
Fiction - Lebanon

Price: US$12
Sale price: US$7

You Shall Know Our Velocity

44767 | English | Softcover
By: Eggers, Dave
Pub: Vintage; Reprint edition, 2003
Literary Fiction

Price: US$17
Sale price: US$15

Young Turk

4557 | English | Softcover
By: Farhi, Moris
Pub: Saqi Books, Beirut


Zayni Barakat

11860 | English | Softcover
By: Ghitani, Jamal
Pub: AUC, 2006



4542 | English | Softcover
By: Abd al-Hamid, Ammar (1966-)
Pub: Saqi Books, Beirut, 2001
Fiction - Sexuality - Contemporary Issues

Price: US$10
Sale price: US$8

Mornings in Jenin - A Novel

75318 | English | Softcover
By: Abdulhawa, Susan
Pub: Bloomsbury, New York 2010
Fiction - Palestine


Against the Loveless World

80353 | English | Softcover
By: Abulhawa, Susan
Pub: Atria, imprint of Simon & Schuster, NY 2020
Fiction - Palestinian

Price: US$20
Sale price: US$15

Sufism & Surrealism

5872 | English | Softcover
By: Adonis (Adunis, b. 1930)
Pub: Saqi Books, London, 2005 English Edition
Sufism - Surrealism - Parallels

Price: US$20
Sale price: US$18

Akbar Ahmed: Two Plays

11731 | English | Softcover
By: Ahmed, Akbar
Pub: Saqi, 2009
Theatre - Arabic Plays


Throne of the Crescent Moon

44599 | English | Softcover
By: Ahmed, Saladin
Pub: Daw Books, NY, 2012
Epic Fantasy - Paranormal Fiction



6852 | English | Softcover
By: Aitmatov, Chingiz (1928-2008) / Translator: Riordan, James
Pub: Telegram, London, 2007 English Edition
Novel - Love Story - Kyrgyzstan Literature

Price: US$12
Sale price: US$9

Islamic Thought in Africa

73444 | English | Hardcover
By: Ajura, Alhaj Yusuf Salih / Tr. Ibrahim, Zakyi
Pub: YUP, New Haven, 2021
African Muslims - Poetry


Islam Quintet 3: The Stone Woman

44519 | English | Softcover
By: Ali, Tariq
Pub: Verso, London/NY, 2015
Historical Novel - Ottoman Empire - Turkey


Islam Quintet 1: Shadows of the Pomegranate Tree

44518 | English | Softcover
By: Ali, Tariq
Pub: Verso, London/NY, 2015
Historical Novel - Muslims in Spain


Islam Quintet 4: A Sultan in Palermo

44520 | English | Softcover
By: Ali, Tariq
Pub: Verso, London/NY, 2015
Historical Novel - Sultans - Italy


Islam Quintet 5: Night of the Golden Butterfly

44521 | English | Softcover
By: Ali, Tariq
Pub: Verso, London/NY, 2015
Historical Novel - International Cities


Islam Quintet 2: The Book of Saladin

44565 | English | Softcover
By: Ali, Tariq
Pub: Verso, London/NY, 2015
Historical Novel - Saladin - Crusades

Price: US$17
Sale price: US$15

The Divine Comedy: Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradiso

72856 | English | Hardcover
By: Alighieri, Dante / Tr: Mandelbaum, Allen
Pub: PRH / Everyman Library, London, 1995
Classic Poetry - Dante Alighieri (1265-1321 CE) - Divina Commedia


Right Against Might: The Trio Versus The Sefids

70615 | English | Softcover
By: Almas, Fajr
Pub: IRIP, USA, 2018
Young Adult Fiction - Mystery - Novel


Many and Many A Year Ago

73386 | English | Softcover
By: Altun, Selcuk
Pub: Telegram, London 2009
Turkish Fiction



80145 | English | Softcover
By: Anonymous / Tr: Prabhavananda, Swami / Isherwood
Pub: Signet, 2002
Classic Fiction - Spiritual Fiction - Comparative Religion - Hindu


Islam and the Divine Comedy

41434 | English | Softcover
By: Asin, Miguel (1871-1944, Spain) / Translated by: Sunderland, Harold
Pub: Goodword Books, India, 2002 Edition (c.1926)
Islamic Eschatology - Literary Influence


Yacoubian Building (English HC Edition)

5871 | English | Hardcover
By: Aswani, Ala (1957-)
Pub: The American University in Cairo Press, 2005 English Edition
Translated Arabic Fiction - Egypt

Price: US$22
Sale price: US$19

The Eye of the Mirror ( Palestinian Fiction)

72398 | English | Softcover
By: Badr, Liana / Tr. Kawar, Samira
Pub: Garnett Press, Reading,UK 2008
Arabic Fiction - Palestine


Go Tell It on the Mountain

44500 | English | Hardcover
By: Baldwin, James (1924-1987)
Pub: Alfred Knopf, Everyman's Library, NY, London, 2016 c.1953
American Fiction Classic - New York - Harlem


Giovanni's Room

44499 | English | Hardcover
By: Baldwin, James (1924-1987)
Pub: Alfred Knopf, Everyman's Library, NY, London, 2016 c.1956
American Fiction Classic - Americans - France


Peter Pan (World Classic)

43551 | English | Flexi-Cover - Embossed
By: Barrie, J.M. / Ill: Rackham, Arthur
Pub: World Cloud Classics, San Diego, 2015
Classics - Fantasy - Pre-teen up


The Stories of Ray Bradbury

73120 | English | Hardcover
By: Bradbury, Ray
Pub: Penguin Books, NY 2010
Science Fiction / Horror - American

Price: US$35
Sale price: US$26

Parable of the Sower & Parable of Talents (Set of 2 Books)

75207 | English | Hardcover
By: Butler, E. Octavia
Pub: Seven Stories Press, New York 2016
Science Fiction - Dystopia - Fantasy - Speculative Fiction


The Archer

74203 | English | Hardcover
By: Coelho, Paulo
Pub: Knopf, 2003
Selected Literature / Fiction / Coelho / Brazil


Manuscript Found in Accra

74101 | English | Softcover
By: Coelho, Paulo (b. 1947) باولو كويلو
Pub: Vintage Books, 2013
Selected Literature / Fiction / Coelho / Brazil


Waiting for the Barbarians

73118 | English | Softcover
By: Coetzee, J.M
Pub: Penguin Random House, NY 1980
South African Literature

Price: US$16
Sale price: US$14

We Wrote In Symbols: Love and Lust By Arab Women Writers

73814 | English | Softcover
By: Dabbagh,Selma
Pub: Saqi Books, UK 2021
Arabic Literature - Sensual Writings - Arab Women Authors

Price: US$22
Sale price: US$20

Borrowed Time

10801 | English | Softcover
By: Daoud, Hassan / Translated by Michael K. Scott
Pub: Saqi Books, London, 2008 English Edition
Translated Arabic Fiction - Lebanon

Price: US$13
Sale price: US$12


80150 | English | Softcover
By: Darwish, Mahmoud
Pub: Verso, New York, 2024
Literature - Poetry - Palestine

Price: US$20
Sale price: US$19

In the Presence of Absence (En)

75204 | English | Softcover
By: Darwish, Mahmoud (1941-2008) / Tr: Antoon, Sinan
Pub: Archipelago books, New York 2011
Arabic Literature - essays, poetry, prose translated to English


Palestine As Methaphor

74976 | English | Softcover
By: Darwish, Mahmud (1941-2008) محمود درويش
Pub: Olive Branch Press, Massachusetts 2019
Palestinian Arab Poet - 20th Century Interviews - Mahmoud Darwish


Rumi: The Persian Mystics

44339 | English | Softcover
By: Davis, F. Handland
Pub: Kitab Bhavan, New Delhi, 2014
Sufism - Jalal al-Din Rumi


Year of the Revolutionary New Bread-making Machine

7446 | English | Softcover
By: Dawud, Hassan
Pub: Telegram, Beirut, 2007 English Edition c. 2006
Fiction - Lebanon

Price: US$12
Sale price: US$7

Memoirs of a Midget

10738 | English | Softcover
By: de la Mare, Walter John (1873 - 1956)
Pub: Telegram, London
Fiction - UK

Price: US$15
Sale price: US$11


72880 | English | Softcover
By: Delillo, Don (b. 1936)
Pub: PRH, NY 1989
American Fiction

Price: US$17
Sale price: US$16

End Zone

72878 | English | Softcover
By: DeLillo, Don (b. 1936)
Pub: Penguin Random House, NY 1986
American Fiction - Football - Metaphorical Nuclear War

Price: US$16
Sale price: US$16


72759 | English | Softcover
By: Delillo, Don (b. 1936)
Pub: Penguin Random House,NY 2006
American Fiction

Price: US$17
Sale price: US$16

Mao II

72758 | English | Softcover
By: Delillo, Don (b. 1936)
Pub: Penguin Random House, NY 1992
American Fiction

Price: US$17
Sale price: US$16

Ratner's Star

72757 | English | Softcover
By: DeLillo, Don (b. 1936)
Pub: Vintage, NY 1989
American Fiction

Price: US$17
Sale price: US$15

White Noise

72595 | English | Softcover
By: Delillo, Don (b. 1936) / Intro: Powers, Richard
Pub: Penguin Classics, NY 2009
American Fiction - Postmodern Literature


Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?

72761 | English | Softcover
By: Dick, Philip
Pub: PRH, NY 2017
Science Fiction

Price: US$16
Sale price: US$14

Dostoyevsky: Demons (Penguin Classics)

44153 | English | Softcover
By: Dostoyevsky, Fyodor (1821-1881) / Tr: Maguire, Robert
Pub: Penguin Classics, London, NY, 2008
Penguin Classics - Russian Literature


Dostoyevsky: The House of the Dead (Penguin Classics)

44164 | English | Softcover
By: Dostoyevsky, Fyodor (1821-1881) / Tr: McDuff, David
Pub: Penguin Classics, London, NY, 2003
Penguin Classics - Russian Literature


Crime and Punishment (En, HC, Penguin Clothbound Classic)

44658 | English | Hardcover
By: Dostoyevsky, Fyodor (1821-1881) / Tr: McDuff, David
Pub: Penguin Clothbound Classics, London, NY, 2018
Penguin Classics - Russian Literature - Crime Mystery

Price: US$27
Sale price: US$24

In Their Father's Country

10975 | English | Softcover
By: Drosso, Anne-Marie
Pub: Telegram, London, 2009
Fiction - Novel - Egypt

Price: US$13
Sale price: US$12

The Little Girl and the Cigarette

6822 | English | Softcover
By: Duteurtre, Benoit / Translator: Mandell, Charlotte
Pub: Telegram, London, 2007 English Edition
Translated Fiction - Dark Humor - France


Tales of Juha: Classic Arab Folk Humor

80660 | English | Softcover
By: Ed: Jayyusi, Salma Khadra
Pub: Interlink Publishing Group, Massachusetts 2007
Tales - Arab Folk - Humor


Lebanon, Lebanon (English)

6634 | English | Softcover
By: Editor - Wilson, Anna
Pub: Saqi Books, London, 2006
Anthology - Lebanon - Descriptions, war, travel, social conditions


Arabic Poems (bilingual Ar-En)

44279 | Arabic-English | Hardcover
By: Editor: Hammond, Marle
Pub: Everyman's Library Pocket Poets, Alfred A. Knopf, 2014, New York
Arabic Poetry - Early through Contemporary

Price: US$16
Sale price: US$14

Arabian Nights

71967 | English | Hardcover
By: Editor: Ouyang, Wen-Chin
Pub: Everyman's Library, US/UK, 2014
Literature - Classic = Tales


A Hologram for the King

44772 | English | Softcover
By: Eggers, Dave
Pub: Vintage, NY, 2013
Literary Fiction

Price: US$17
Sale price: US$15

The Monk of Mokha

44769 | English | Softcover
By: Eggers, Dave
Pub: Vintage, NY, 2019
Literary Writings - Travel - Yemen - History - Biography

Price: US$17
Sale price: US$15

The Circle

44768 | English | Softcover
By: Eggers, Dave
Pub: Vintage, NY, 2014
Literary Fiction - Dystopian Novel - Suspense

Price: US$17
Sale price: US$15

You Shall Know Our Velocity

44767 | English | Softcover
By: Eggers, Dave
Pub: Vintage; Reprint edition, 2003
Literary Fiction

Price: US$17
Sale price: US$15

The Every : A Novel

44686 | English | Softcover
By: Eggers, Dave
Pub: Vintage Books, New York 2021
Literary Fiction - Suspense & Thriller

Price: US$18
Sale price: US$16

What Strange Paradise: A novel

44685 | English | Hardcover
By: El Akkad, Omar
Pub: Knopf Publishing, NY, 2021
Fiction - Refugees

Price: US$26
Sale price: US$24

A Designated Man (En)

10726 | English | Hardcover
By: Farhi, Moris
Pub: Telegram, 2009

Price: US$20
Sale price: US$17

Journey Through The Wilderness

4546 | English | Softcover
By: Farhi, Moris
Pub: Saqi Books, Beirut


Young Turk

4557 | English | Softcover
By: Farhi, Moris
Pub: Saqi Books, Beirut


The Speech of the Birds - Mantiqu't-Tair (Maqamat al-Tuyur)

44593 | English | Softcover
By: Faridu'd-Din Attar / Tr: Avery, Peter
Pub: ITS, Cambridge, UK, 1998
Early Work - Sufi Poetry - Persian - trans. to English

Price: US$45
Sale price: US$38

Three Sisters

12507 | English | Softcover
By: Feiyu, Bi
Pub: Telegram, 2010


Moon Opera

7512 | English | Softcover
By: Feiyu, Bi
Pub: Telegram, 2007
Translated Chinese Fiction


The Erotic Potential of My Wife

11699 | English | Softcover
By: Foenkinos, David
Pub: Telegram, 2008
Novel - Humor


Unwritten Secrets

12509 | English | Softcover
By: Frame, Ronald (b. 1953)
Pub: Telegram, London, 2010
Fiction - Scotland

Price: US$15
Sale price: US$13

The Red Wedding Dress

73431 | English | Softcover
By: Ganjifard, Mercy
Pub: Trademark Engine, CA 2020
Persian Fiction

Price: US$15
Sale price: US$14

Light Years

4548 | English | Softcover
By: Gee, Maggie
Pub: Saqi Books, Beirut, 2012
British Fiction - Love Story

Price: US$14
Sale price: US$10

The White Family

4547 | English | Softcover
By: Gee, Maggie
Pub: Saqi Books, London, Beirut, 2003
British Fiction - Family Saga - Racism

Price: US$14
Sale price: US$10

My Cleaner

12327 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Gee, Maggie
Pub: Telegram, London, 2006
British Fiction - Class Conflict

Price: US$14
Sale price: US$10

The Flood

4555 | English | Softcover
By: Gee, Maggie (b. 1948)
Pub: Saqi Books, Beirut, 2012
British Fiction - Apocalyptical Flood

Price: US$14
Sale price: US$10

Zayni Barakat

11860 | English | Softcover
By: Ghitani, Jamal
Pub: AUC, 2006


Mai Ghoussoub Selected Writings

7457 | English | Softcover
By: Ghoussoub, Mai
Pub: Saqi Books, Beirut, 2008, English Edition
Literary Writings - Lebanon

Price: US$18
Sale price: US$15

A'mal al-Kamila Jibran Khalil Jibran (English and Arabic) الأعمال الكاملة

16065 | Arabic and English | Hardcover
By: Gibran Khalil Gibran جبران خليل جبران
Pub: Naufal, Beirut, 2012
Poetry and Prose - Lebanon


Prophet - Gibran (English Gift Edition)

71942 | English | Hardcover Linen Case, Copper Stamped
By: Gibran Khalil Gibran (1883-1931)
Pub: Penguin, USA 2019
20th Century Prose - Gibran - Lebanon/US


Dam'a wa Ibtisama En-Fr-Ar دمعة وابتسامة بثلاث لغات

21129 | English - French - Arabic | Hardcover
By: Gibran Khalil Gibran (1883-1931) جبران، جبران خليل
Pub: Al-Biruni Publishing House, Beirut, 2011
Arabic Literature - Prose - Poems - Gibran


Earth Gods - Alihat al-Ard - English & Arabic آلهة الأرض

43024 | English & Arabic | Softcover
By: Gibran Khalil Gibran (1883-1931) جبران، جبران خليل
Pub: Hachette Antoine / Naufal, Beirut, 1989
20th Century Poetry and Prose - Gibran - Lebanon/US


Excerpts of the Spiritual Legacy of Gibran ( En- Fr- Ar ) ارم ذات العماد - انكليزي فرنسي عربي

21128 | English - French - Arabic | Hardcover
By: Gibran Khalil Gibran (1883-1931) جبران، جبران خليل
Pub: Al-Biruni Publishing House, Beirut, 2012
Literature - Prose - Poetry - Writings - Gibran


Lord of the Flies

71932 | English | Softcover
By: Golding, William (1911-1993)
Pub: Penguin Books, USA 2016
Novel - Castaways - Boys - Classic - England


Seven (English)

4539 | English | Hardcover
By: Gosaibi, Ghazi (1940-2010)
Pub: Saqi Books, Beirut
Novel - Saudi Arabia


Love Story (En)

8187 | English | Softcover
By: Gosaibi, Ghazi (1940-2010) / Translated by Robin Bray
Pub: Saqi Books, Beirut, 2002 En Edition c1988
Arabic Literature - Novel


The Adventures of Robin Hood

80758 | English | Hardcover
By: Green, Roger Lancelyn
Pub: Alfred Knopf, Everyman's Library, US/UK / Printed by GCP Media, Germany 2023
Teen & Young Adult Fantasy Fiction - Classics


100 Best Arabic Novels

70678 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Group
Pub: Banipal, 2018
Literature - Reviews


Tales of the Marvelous and News of the Strange

74020 | English | Paperback
By: Group
Pub: Penguin Classics, 2015
Literature - Fantasy - Tales


Woke & Loud: A Faith Based Medley of Muslim Poetry and Spoken Word

72022 | English | Softcover
By: Group
Pub: Inked Resistance, 2019
Literature - Poetry - Spoken Word


Anchor Book of Modern Arabic Fiction

80149 | English | Softcover
By: Group
Pub: Anchor Books, New York, 2006
Literary Fiction - Anthology - Arabic Fiction


Why We Read: Quotations for Book Lovers

72043 | English | Hardcover
By: Group / Ill: Surrey, Ellen
Pub: Gibbs Smith, 2019
Literature - Quotes - Inspiration - YA+


Dairy of a Country Prosecutor

8188 | English | Softcover
By: Hakim, Tawfik
Pub: Saqi Books, London, 2005
Novel - Arabic Fiction - Egypt



70411 | English | Softcover
By: Hamad, Turki
Pub: Dar al Saqi, London 2003
Fiction / Saudi Arabia

Price: US$18
Sale price: US$12


70410 | English | Softcover
By: Hamad, Turki
Pub: Dar al Saqi, Beirut 2005
Translated Arabic Fiction - Saudi Arabia

Price: US$18
Sale price: US$10

Exit West

72858 | English | Softcover
By: Hamid, Mohsin
Pub: Riverhead Books, 2018
Literary Fiction - Magic Realism - Refugees

Price: US$17
Sale price: US$14

Folklore of the Holy Land: Muslim Christian and Jewish

44717 | English | Softcover
By: Hanauer, J.E./ Ed: Pickthall, Marmaduke
Pub: IBT, Kuala Lumpur, 2011
Palestine - Folklore


Sandhills of Arabia

70616 | English | Softcover
By: Hasib, Laila
Pub: IRIP, 2017 Edition c. 1992
Young Adult Fiction - Kuwait - War - Friendship - Love


Role of the Poetess at the Abbasid Court (132-247/750-861) English & Arabic

5781 | English and Arabic | Softcover
By: Heitty, Dr. Abdul Kareem
Pub: Al Rayan, Beirut
Classical Arabic Poetry


Catch -22

72591 | English | Hardcover
By: Heller, Joseph
Pub: PRH, NY 1995
Literary Fiction

Price: US$28
Sale price: US$26

Dune (Deluxe Hardcopy Edition)

71943 | English | Hardcover
By: Herbert, Frank Jr.
Pub: Penguin Galaxy, USA 2016
Fiction - USA - Science Fiction Classic



72499 | English | Softcover
By: Hesse, Hermann (1877-1962)
Pub: Shambhala, 2018
Fiction - Novel


The Outsiders

44779 | English | Softcover
By: Hinton, S.E.
Pub: Penguin Classics, NY, 2006
Fiction - Classic American Novel - Young Adult

Price: US$15
Sale price: US$14


71946 | English | Softcover
By: Homer
Pub: Penguin (Signet Classics), USA, 2014
Early Fiction - Mythology - War Epic



71945 | English | Softcover
By: Homer
Pub: Penguin (Signet Classics), USA 2014
Early Fiction - Mythology - Odysseus - King of Ithaca



4544 | English | Softcover
By: Hussein, Aamer
Pub: Saqi Books, Beirut


Another Gulmohar Tree

10800 | English | Softcover
By: Hussein, Aamer
Pub: Telegram, London, 2009
Fiction - Love - Marriage

Price: US$11
Sale price: US$9

The History of Hayy Ibn Yaqzan

44751 | English | Softcover
By: Ibn Tufail, Abu Bakr (d. 581/1185) / Tr: Ockley, Simon
Pub: IBT, Kuala Lumpur, 2020
Early Work - Philosophical Novel


City of Love and Ashes

5843 | English | Softcover
By: Idris, Yusef (1927-1990)
Pub: The American University in Cairo Press, 2004 English Edition
Translated Arabic Fiction - Novel - Cairo Society

Price: US$15
Sale price: US$12

The Secrets of the Self (Asrar-i-khudí, Eng.)

44331 | English | Softcover
By: Iqbal, Muhammad (1877 - 1938)
Pub: Kitab Bhavan, New Delhi, 2013
Philosophical Poetry - Islamic - British India (Pakistan)


Tulip in the Desert : A selection of the poetry of Muhammad Iqbal

44763 | English | Softcover
By: Iqbal, Muhammad (1877 - 1938) / Mir, Mustansir
Pub: IBT, Kuala Lumpur, 2011
Philosophical Poetry - Islamic - British India (Pakistan)


Complaint and Answer

82075 | English | Softcover
By: Iqbal, Muhammad (1877 – 1938)
Pub: Kitab Bhavan, India, 2017 English Edition
Poetry - Islam - Revival - British India ( Pakistan ) - 19th-20th Century


The Devil's Adisory Council: Iblees ki Majlis-e-Shoora

44748 | English | Softcover
By: Iqbal, Muhammad (1877-1938)
Pub: IBT / The Other Press, Kuala Lumpur, 2021
Poetry - World Politics - Islamic Solutions


Selections from the Diwan of Shaykh Salih Al-Ja'fari (Vol One - Ar-En)

75187 | English w/ Arabic | Softcover
By: Ja'fari, Shaykh Salih
Pub: Imam Ghazali Publishers, New Jersey 2021
Poetry - Praise - Islam


Haunting of Hill House (Penguin Classics Deluxe Edition)

71951 | English | Softcover
By: Jackson, Shirley (1916-1965)
Pub: Penguin Classics, USA 2016
Fiction Classics - USA - Gothic & Horror


Great Books of Islamic Civilization: The Book of Misers (Jahiz HC)

70005 | English | Hardcover
By: Jahiz
Pub: Garnet Press, 1998
Early Work - Arabic Literature - Prose - Humor - Satire


Feeling the Shoulder of the Lion: Poetry and Teaching Stories of Rumi

44594 | English | Softcover
By: Jalal al-Din Rumi (1207-1273 CE) / Barks, Coleman
Pub: Shambhala, Boston, 2000
Early Work - Sufism - Poetry


Selected Poems from the Divani Shamsi Tabriz

44341 | English (with Persian) | Hardcover
By: Jalal al-Din Rumi (1207-1273 CE) / Nicholson, R.A.
Pub: Kitab Bhavan, New Delhi, 2014 print, c. 1898
Early Work - Sufism - Poetry


Mathnawi of Jalaluddin Rumi Vols I - IV (2 books)

74245 | English | Hardcover
By: Jalal al-Din Rumi (1207-1273 CE) / Tr: Nicholson, Reynold (1868-1945)
Pub: Alfa, 2004
Early Work - Sufism - Poetr


Spiritual Verses

44598 | English | Softcover
By: Jalal al-Din Rumi (1207-1273 CE) / William, Alan
Pub: Penguin Classics, London, NY, 2007
Early Work - Sufism - Poetry


Boat to Lesbos and other poems

70677 | English | Softcover
By: Jarrah, Nouri
Pub: Banipal, 2018
Literature - Fiction - Poetry



5829 | English | Softcover
By: Joffe, Jasper
Pub: Telegram, London, 2006
Novel - Love - Life

Price: US$15
Sale price: US$10

The Metamorphosis

71931 | English | Softcover
By: Kafka, Franz (1883-1924)
Pub: Modern Library, USA 2013
Novel - Metamorphosis - Classic - German


Of Love and Terror

4556 | English | Softcover
By: Kazantzis, Judith
Pub: Saqi Books, Beirut


Down Sterling Road

6914 | English | Softcover
By: Kelly, Adrian Michael
Pub: Telegram, London 2007
Canadian Fiction - Childhood - Loss


Boone System

4520 | English | Softcover
By: Kemp, Percy
Pub: Saqi Books, Beirut


On the Road (Orange Collection Ed.)

72849 | English | Softcover
By: Kerouac, Jack (1922-1969)
Pub: Penguin Orange Collection (Penguin), NY 2016
Literary Fiction - American Classic Novel

Price: US$18
Sale price: US$14


10744 | English | Softcover
By: Khamissi, Khaled / Translated: Jonathan Wright
Pub: Dar al-Shorouk, Egypt, 2008 English Edition c.2007
Arabic Fiction - Social Commentary

Price: US$15
Sale price: US$14

Ruba'iyat of Omar Khayyam

74202 | English | Softcover
By: Khayyam, Omar
Pub: Penguin Books, 2004
Poetry - Classical



80967 | English | Softcover
By: Khazaal, Chaker
Pub: Hachtette Antoine, Beirut 2024
Fiction - Middle East


Tale of Tala

42934 | English | Softcover
By: Khazaal, Chaker (Khaz'al Shakir)
Pub: Hachette Antoine / Naufal, Beirut,
Fiction - Romantic Thriller - Refugees


Finding that Warmth In the Frosty Nights

74788 | English | Softcover
By: Kirchhofer, Roshana Nazari
Pub: Xlibris, Bloomington 2019
English - Poetry


White Tears

44771 | English | Softcover
By: Kunzru, Hari
Pub: Vintage, NY, 2018
Literary Fiction - Noir Mystery

Price: US$17
Sale price: US$14

The Other Americans

72021 | English | Hardcover
By: Lalami, Laila
Pub: Pantheon, 2019
Literature - Fiction - Immigrants - Mystery


The Left Hand of Darkness

72589 | English | Softcover
By: Le Guin, Ursula
Pub: PRH, NY 2019
Science Fiction

Price: US$10
Sale price: US$9

It Can't Happen Here

44773 | English | Softcover
By: Lewis, Sinclair (1885-1951)
Pub: Berkley, Reprint Edition, 2005
Literary Fiction - Political Satire - Fascism

Price: US$15
Sale price: US$14

Man Who Was Loved

6411 | English | Softcover
By: MacCauley, Kay
Pub: Telegram Books, London, 2006
Fiction - Abandoned Child - Italy - Fantasy

Price: US$16
Sale price: US$13

Islamic Mystical Poetry: Sufi verse from the mystics to Rumi

44280 | English | Softcover
By: Mahmood, Jamal, (edited, translations, introduction)
Pub: Penguin Classics, New York, London, 2009
Sufi Poetry


Revolt Against the Sun: Selected Poetry of Nazik Al-Mala'ikah

73843 | Arabic & English | Softcover
By: Mala'ikah, Nazik / Tr. Drumsta, Emily
Pub: Saqi Books, London 2020
Translated Arabic Poetry - Iraq


The Return : Father, Sons and The Land In Between

74994 | English | Softcover
By: Matar, Hisham
Pub: Random House, New York 2017
Memoir - Biography - Father and Son - Exile - Libya


In The Country of Men

74992 | English | Softcover
By: Matar, Hisham
Pub: The Dial Press, New York 2008
Fiction - Childhood - Boys - Family Struggles - Libya


Blood Meridian, or The Evening Redness in the West (HC, Modern Library)

80177 | English | Hardcover
By: McCarthy, Cormac
Pub: Modern Library, New York, 2010
Classic American Literature - Glanton Gang - Mexican-American Border


Blood Meridian, or, The Evening Redness in the West (SC, Vintage Intl)

72876 | English | Softcover
By: McCarthy, Cormac (b. 1933)
Pub: Vintage International, NY 1992
Classic American Literature - Glanton Gang - Mexican-American Border


BORDER TRILOGY (2) The Crossing

73125 | English | Softcover
By: McCarthy, Cormac (b. 1933)
Pub: Vintage Press, NY 1994
Classic American Literature - Epic Fiction


BORDER TRILOGY (3) Cities of the Plain

73124 | English | Softcover
By: McCarthy, Cormac (b. 1933)
Pub: Vintage Books, NY 1998
Classic American Literature - Epic Fiction


BORDER TRILOGY: All The Pretty Horses, The Crossing, Cities of the Plain

72857 | English | Hardcover
By: McCarthy, Cormac (b. 1933)
Pub: PRH / Everyman's Library, NY 2008
Classic American Literature - Epic Fiction

Price: US$36
Sale price: US$30

BORDER TRILOGY (1) All The Pretty Horses

73123 | English | Softcover
By: McCarthy, Cormac (b. 1933)
Pub: Vintage, NY 1993
Classic American Literature - Epic Fiction

Price: US$16
Sale price: US$12

The Sunset Limited

73122 | English | Softcover
By: McCarthy, Cormac (b. 1933)
Pub: Vintage, NY 2006
American Literature - Drama- Play

Price: US$16
Sale price: US$14

The Road

72881 | English | Softcover
By: McCarthy, Cormac (b. 1933)
Pub: Vintage, NY 2006
Classic American Literature - Epic Fiction

Price: US$16
Sale price: US$12

Child of God

73121 | English | Softcover
By: McCarthy, Cormac (b. 1933)
Pub: Vintage, NY 1973
American Literature - Fiction

Price: US$16
Sale price: US$13

Eating Air

11729 | English | Hardcover
By: Melville, Pauline
Pub: Telegram, 2009


No Word From Gurb

6922 | English | Softcover
By: Mendoza, Eduardo
Pub: Telegram, Beirut, 2007 c1990



5832 | English | Softcover
By: Mok, Judith
Pub: Telegram, London, 2006

Price: US$14
Sale price: US$12

Memory In The Flesh

5851 | English | Softcover
By: Mosteghanemi, Ahlam
Pub: The American University in Cairo Press, 2004
Arabic Fiction - Algeria


When I Was Young and in My Prime

7449 | English | Softcover
By: Munce, Alayna
Pub: Telegram, London, 2007
Canadian Fiction - Families


Kafka on the Shore

72855 | English | Softcover
By: Murakami, Haruki / Tr. Gabriel, Philip
Pub: Vintage Press, NY 2005
Japanese Fiction

Price: US$17
Sale price: US$15

Norwegian Wood (Movie Tie-in Edition)

72850 | English | Softcover
By: Murakami, Haruki / Tr. Rubin, Jay
Pub: Vintage International, NY, 2000
Japanese Fiction

Price: US$16
Sale price: US$14

What Happened to Zeeko (En)

41104 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Nasrallah, Emily / Translated by: Johnson-Davies, Denys
Pub: Naufal - Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2015 English Edition c. 1997
Young Adult Fiction - Lebanon


Flight Against Time (En)

10713 | English | Softcover
By: Nasrallah, Emily, Translated Issa J. Boullata
Pub: Naufal-Group, Beirut, 2006
Arabic Literature - Migration - Lebanon


The Railway Children

71962 | English | Hardcover
By: Nesbit, E.(1858-1924) / Ill: Brock, C.E.
Pub: Alfred Knopf, Everyman's Library, NY
Classic - Fiction - Adventure - Teen - Young Adult


Double Vision

4543 | English | Hardcover
By: Neville, Pauline
Pub: Saqi Books, Beirut


A Literary History of the Arabs

44347 | Englilsh | Hardcover
By: Nicholson, Reynold A. (1868-1945)
Pub: Kitab Bhavan, New Delhi, repr 2013, c.1907
Arabic Literature - History and Criticism


Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyan (HC, English, Urdu, + Multi-lingual)

44340 | English-Urdu-Arabic-Persian-French-German | Hardcover
By: Omar Khayyam (1048-1131 CE) / Fitzgerald, Edward
Pub: Kitab Bhavan, New Delhi, 2008
Early Verse - Quatrains - Omar Khayyam


1984 (English)

71930 | English | Softcover
By: Orwell, George (1903-1950)
Pub: Penguin Publishing Group, (Signet Classics) USA 2017
Novel - Totalitarianism - Classic - England


Animal Farm

71929 | English | Softcover
By: Orwell, George (1903-1950)
Pub: Penguin Publishing Group, (Signet Classics) USA 2017
Political Satire - Classic - England


Reflections Of A Wayfarer Poetry Of Islamic Excellence

11893 | English | Softcover
By: Othman, Aisha
Pub: Author House, 2010
Islamic Poetry


Nights of Plague

74876 | English | Softcover
By: Pamuk, Orhan / Tr: Oklap, Ekin
Pub: Vinatge Publishers, London 2023
Ottoman Empire - Historical Fiction - Pandemic


Shadow of the Swords : An Epic Novel of the Crusades

75428 | English | Softcover
By: Pasha, Kamran
Pub: Washington Square Press
Historical Fiction - Epic Novel - Crusades - Saladin


My Uncle Napoleon

72596 | English | Softcover
By: Pezeshkzad, Iraj / Translated: Davis, Dick
Pub: Penguin Books, USA 2006
Iranian Fiction

Price: US$18
Sale price: US$14

Night Watch

75617 | English | Hardcover
By: Phillips, Jayne Anne
Pub: Knopf / Penguin Random House, New York 2023
Literary Fiction - Historical Novel


The Legend of Sander Grant

10976 | English | Softcover
By: Phillips, Marc
Pub: Telegram, London, 2009
American Fiction

Price: US$14
Sale price: US$12

The House of Islam

75430 | English | Softcover
By: Pickthall. Marmaduke
Pub: Beacon Books, Oldham 2023
Novel - Islam -Palestine


Great Tales and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe

43553 | English | Softcover
By: Poe, Edgar Allan
Pub: Simon & Schuster, Enriched Classic, NY, 2009
Classics - Short Stories - Poems - American


The Overstory

82090 | English | Softcover
By: Powers, Richard
Pub: Norton, New York, 2019
Novel - Deforestation Fiction


Atlas Shrugged

72590 | English | Softcover
By: Rand, Ayn
Pub: PRH, NY 1992
Literary Fiction


The Fountainhead

72592 | English | Softcover
By: Rand, Ayn
Pub: Penguin Random House, NY 2017
Literary Fiction


The Prague Orgy

44597 | English | Softcover
By: Roth, Philip (1933-2018)
Pub: Vintage International, NY, 1995
Historical Fiction - Amusing - American


American Trilogy 1: American Pastoral

73115 | English | Softcover
By: Roth, Philip (1933-2018)
Pub: Vintage International NY 1998
Literary Fiction - Historical Fiction - American

Price: US$17
Sale price: US$16

American Trilogy 2: I Married a Communist

73116 | English | Softcover
By: Roth, Philip (1933-2018)
Pub: Vintage International, NY 1998
Literary Fiction - American

Price: US$17
Sale price: US$15

The Plot Against America

44657 | English | Softcover
By: Roth, Philip (1933-2018)
Pub: Vintage International, NY, 2020 Movie tie-in Edition
Literary Fiction - Alternate History - American

Price: US$17
Sale price: US$16

American Trilogy 3: The Human Stain

73117 | English | Softcover
By: Roth, Philip (1933-2018)
Pub: Vintage International, NY 2000
Literary Fiction - American

Price: US$17
Sale price: US$15

Operation Shylock : A Confession

44595 | English | Softcover
By: Roth, Philip (1933-2018)
Pub: Vintage International NY, 1994
Literary Fiction - American


Patrimony : A True Story

44596 | English | Softcover
By: Roth, Philip (1933-2018)
Pub: Vintage International, NY, 1996 Reprint edition
American Literature - Memoir - Father-Son


Fall of the Imam

8191 | English | Softcover
By: Saadawi, Nawal (1931-2021)
Pub: Saqi Books, London, 2002 Edition
Arabic Literature - Novel - Egypt


Two Women in One

8190 | English | Softcover
By: Saadawi, Nawal (1931-2021)
Pub: Saqi Books, London, 2005 Edition
Arabic Literature - Novel - Egypt


Love In The Kingdom Of Oil (En)

4569 | English | Softcover
By: Saadawi, Nawal (1931-2021)
Pub: Saqi Books, Beirut
Arabic Literature - Novel - Egypt


The Dramatic Literature of Nawal El Saadawi

11730 | English | Softcover
By: Saadawi, Nawal (1931-2021)
Pub: Saqi, 2009
Arabic Literature - Fiction - Egypt

Price: US$16
Sale price: US$12

Memoirs of a Woman Doctor

8189 | English | Softcover
By: Saadawi, Nawal (1931-2021)
Pub: Saqi Books, London, 2000 Edition
Arabic Literature - Novel - Egypt


Don Quixote (Clothbound Classic)

71944 | English | Hardcover
By: Saavedra, Miguel de Cervantes
Pub: Penguin Clothbound Classics, USA 2018
Fiction - Literary Classic - Spain


Footnotes In Gaza

82041 | English | Softcover - Graphic
By: Sacco, Joe
Pub: Metropolitan Books, New York, 2010
History - Graphic Novel - Palestine - Events Based On Real Life


Journey of a 21-Year-Old Kuwaiti Girl (En)

40635 | English | Softover
By: Sardi, Lulwa
Pub: Difaf Publishing, Beirut, 2015
Fiction - Memories


Dark Side Of Love

11803 | English | Hardcover
By: Schami, Rafik
Pub: The American University In Cairo Press, 2009

Price: US$30
Sale price: US$15

The Architect's Apprentice

74110 | English | Paperback
By: Shafak, Elif
Pub: Penguin Books, 2014
Literature - Novel


Forty Rules of Love

71966 | English | Softcover
By: Shafak, Elif
Pub: Penguin Books, 2011
Literary Fiction - Historical - Love

Price: US$18
Sale price: US$17

Che Guevara : A Manga Biography

71948 | English | Softcover
By: Shimano, Chie
Pub: Penguin, USA 2008
Biography|Graphic Novels & Manga|Politics



72580 | English | Softcover
By: Sinclair, Upton
Pub: Penguin Group, NY 2007
Literary Fiction


The Blue Fox

7511 | English | Softcover
By: Sjón / Translator: Cribb, Victoria
Pub: Telegram, Beirut, 2008 English Edition
Translated Icelandic Literature - Novel


GITANJALI Song Offerings

74628 | English | Softcover
By: Tagore, Rabindranath
Pub: TOP, Kuala Lumpur 2022
Poetry - Philosophy


Love In Exile

11698 | English | Softcover
By: Taher, Bahaa
Pub: The American University in Cairo Press, 2004
Novel - Arabic Fiction


Joy Luck Club

71940 | English | Softcover
By: Tan, Amy
Pub: Penguin, USA 2016
Fiction - USA - Women


The Tale of Princess Fatima, Warrior Woman: The Arabic Epic of Dhat al-Himma

73512 | English | Softcover
By: Translated by: Magidow, Melanie
Pub: PRH, NY 2021
Arab / Muslim Epic

Price: US$16
Sale price: US$14

The Best Short Works of Mark Twain

43552 | English | Softcover
By: Twain, Mark
Pub: Simon & Schuster, Enriched Classic, NY, 2004
Classics - Short Stories - American


Anthology of Islamic Literature: From the Rise of Islam to Modern Times

80148 | English | Softcover
By: Various / Edited By: Kritzeck, James
Pub: Plume / Penguin, New York, 1964
Islamic Literature - Anthology - Scripture, Prose, Poetry, Proverbs, Drama


While Mortals Sleep

44770 | English | Softcover
By: Vonnegut, Kurt (1922-2007)
Pub: Dial Press, NY, 2012
Literary Collection - Short Fiction - Satire - Fantasy

Price: US$17
Sale price: US$15

Deadeye Dick

72760 | English | Softcover
By: Vonnegut, Kurt (1922-2007)
Pub: Dial Press, NY, 1999
Literary Fiction - Black Humor

Price: US$17
Sale price: US$15

Breakfast of Champions

72497 | English | Softcover
By: Vonnegut, Kurt (1922-2007)
Pub: Dial Press, 2011
Literature - Novel - Satire


Slaughterhouse- Five

72536 | English | Softcover
By: Vonnegut, Kurt (1922-2007)
Pub: Dell, NY 1991
Literary Fiction - Dark Satire

Price: US$8
Sale price: US$7

The Broom of the System

72538 | English | Softcover
By: Wallace, David Foster (1962-2008)
Pub: Penguin, NY 2016
Literary Fiction - Popular Culture - Missing Person


The Legend of Redwood Raven (SC)

75323 | English | Softcover
By: Wareh, Sama
Pub: Self-Published, Illinois 2023
Fiction - Magical Realism - Pre-teen +


The Legend of Redwood Raven (HC)

75322 | English | Hardcover
By: Wareh, Sama
Pub: Self Published, Illinois 2023
Fiction - Magical Realism - Pre-teen +


Anise Boy: An Eternal Search for Love

75605 | English | Softcover
By: Warour, Hsain
Pub: Khayat Publishing, Washington, DC 2024
Memoir - Novella


Nickel Boys

71941 | English | Hardcover
By: Whitehead, Colson
Pub: Doublday, USA 2019
Fiction - USA - African American boys


Palestine Affair

75005 | English | Softcover
By: Wilson, Jonathan
Pub: Anchor Books, New York 2003
Fiction - Palestine


From Here I Can See The End

4554 | English | Softcover
By: Yared, Ibrahim
Pub: Saqi Books, Beirut


Cage Without Bars (En)

4540 | English | Softcover
By: Yared, Ibrahim
Pub: Saqi Books, Beirut, 2002


The Open Door

11696 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Zayyat, Latifa
Pub: The American University in Cairo Press, 2002
Novel - Arabic Fiction


No Land to Light On

44778 | English | Hardcover
By: Zgheib, Yara
Pub: Atria Books, NY, 2022
Literary Fiction - Refurgee - Family Separation

Price: US$26
Sale price: US$24


7921 | English | Softcover
By: Zolghadr, Tirdad
Pub: Telegram, Beirut, 2007
Novel - Iranian Fiction


Complaint and Answer

82075 | English | Softcover
By: Iqbal, Muhammad (1877 – 1938)
Pub: Kitab Bhavan, India, 2017 English Edition
Poetry - Islam - Revival - British India ( Pakistan ) - 19th-20th Century


Great Tales and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe

43553 | English | Softcover
By: Poe, Edgar Allan
Pub: Simon & Schuster, Enriched Classic, NY, 2009
Classics - Short Stories - Poems - American



71945 | English | Softcover
By: Homer
Pub: Penguin (Signet Classics), USA 2014
Early Fiction - Mythology - Odysseus - King of Ithaca



80145 | English | Softcover
By: Anonymous / Tr: Prabhavananda, Swami / Isherwood
Pub: Signet, 2002
Classic Fiction - Spiritual Fiction - Comparative Religion - Hindu


Rumi: The Persian Mystics

44339 | English | Softcover
By: Davis, F. Handland
Pub: Kitab Bhavan, New Delhi, 2014
Sufism - Jalal al-Din Rumi



71946 | English | Softcover
By: Homer
Pub: Penguin (Signet Classics), USA, 2014
Early Fiction - Mythology - War Epic


Year of the Revolutionary New Bread-making Machine

7446 | English | Softcover
By: Dawud, Hassan
Pub: Telegram, Beirut, 2007 English Edition c. 2006
Fiction - Lebanon

Price: US$12
Sale price: US$7

Slaughterhouse- Five

72536 | English | Softcover
By: Vonnegut, Kurt (1922-2007)
Pub: Dell, NY 1991
Literary Fiction - Dark Satire

Price: US$8
Sale price: US$7

What Happened to Zeeko (En)

41104 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Nasrallah, Emily / Translated by: Johnson-Davies, Denys
Pub: Naufal - Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2015 English Edition c. 1997
Young Adult Fiction - Lebanon


Cage Without Bars (En)

4540 | English | Softcover
By: Yared, Ibrahim
Pub: Saqi Books, Beirut, 2002



4542 | English | Softcover
By: Abd al-Hamid, Ammar (1966-)
Pub: Saqi Books, Beirut, 2001
Fiction - Sexuality - Contemporary Issues

Price: US$10
Sale price: US$8

The Secrets of the Self (Asrar-i-khudí, Eng.)

44331 | English | Softcover
By: Iqbal, Muhammad (1877 - 1938)
Pub: Kitab Bhavan, New Delhi, 2013
Philosophical Poetry - Islamic - British India (Pakistan)


Throne of the Crescent Moon

44599 | English | Softcover
By: Ahmed, Saladin
Pub: Daw Books, NY, 2012
Epic Fantasy - Paranormal Fiction


The Best Short Works of Mark Twain

43552 | English | Softcover
By: Twain, Mark
Pub: Simon & Schuster, Enriched Classic, NY, 2004
Classics - Short Stories - American


The Devil's Adisory Council: Iblees ki Majlis-e-Shoora

44748 | English | Softcover
By: Iqbal, Muhammad (1877-1938)
Pub: IBT / The Other Press, Kuala Lumpur, 2021
Poetry - World Politics - Islamic Solutions


Earth Gods - Alihat al-Ard - English & Arabic آلهة الأرض

43024 | English & Arabic | Softcover
By: Gibran Khalil Gibran (1883-1931) جبران، جبران خليل
Pub: Hachette Antoine / Naufal, Beirut, 1989
20th Century Poetry and Prose - Gibran - Lebanon/US


The Left Hand of Darkness

72589 | English | Softcover
By: Le Guin, Ursula
Pub: PRH, NY 2019
Science Fiction

Price: US$10
Sale price: US$9

Islam and the Divine Comedy

41434 | English | Softcover
By: Asin, Miguel (1871-1944, Spain) / Translated by: Sunderland, Harold
Pub: Goodword Books, India, 2002 Edition (c.1926)
Islamic Eschatology - Literary Influence



6852 | English | Softcover
By: Aitmatov, Chingiz (1928-2008) / Translator: Riordan, James
Pub: Telegram, London, 2007 English Edition
Novel - Love Story - Kyrgyzstan Literature

Price: US$12
Sale price: US$9

Flight Against Time (En)

10713 | English | Softcover
By: Nasrallah, Emily, Translated Issa J. Boullata
Pub: Naufal-Group, Beirut, 2006
Arabic Literature - Migration - Lebanon



4544 | English | Softcover
By: Hussein, Aamer
Pub: Saqi Books, Beirut


The Erotic Potential of My Wife

11699 | English | Softcover
By: Foenkinos, David
Pub: Telegram, 2008
Novel - Humor


Another Gulmohar Tree

10800 | English | Softcover
By: Hussein, Aamer
Pub: Telegram, London, 2009
Fiction - Love - Marriage

Price: US$11
Sale price: US$9

Light Years

4548 | English | Softcover
By: Gee, Maggie
Pub: Saqi Books, Beirut, 2012
British Fiction - Love Story

Price: US$14
Sale price: US$10

The White Family

4547 | English | Softcover
By: Gee, Maggie
Pub: Saqi Books, London, Beirut, 2003
British Fiction - Family Saga - Racism

Price: US$14
Sale price: US$10

The Flood

4555 | English | Softcover
By: Gee, Maggie (b. 1948)
Pub: Saqi Books, Beirut, 2012
British Fiction - Apocalyptical Flood

Price: US$14
Sale price: US$10

My Cleaner

12327 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Gee, Maggie
Pub: Telegram, London, 2006
British Fiction - Class Conflict

Price: US$14
Sale price: US$10


70410 | English | Softcover
By: Hamad, Turki
Pub: Dar al Saqi, Beirut 2005
Translated Arabic Fiction - Saudi Arabia

Price: US$18
Sale price: US$10

Love In The Kingdom Of Oil (En)

4569 | English | Softcover
By: Saadawi, Nawal (1931-2021)
Pub: Saqi Books, Beirut
Arabic Literature - Novel - Egypt



5829 | English | Softcover
By: Joffe, Jasper
Pub: Telegram, London, 2006
Novel - Love - Life

Price: US$15
Sale price: US$10

No Word From Gurb

6922 | English | Softcover
By: Mendoza, Eduardo
Pub: Telegram, Beirut, 2007 c1990


The Little Girl and the Cigarette

6822 | English | Softcover
By: Duteurtre, Benoit / Translator: Mandell, Charlotte
Pub: Telegram, London, 2007 English Edition
Translated Fiction - Dark Humor - France


Atlas Shrugged

72590 | English | Softcover
By: Rand, Ayn
Pub: PRH, NY 1992
Literary Fiction


Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyan (HC, English, Urdu, + Multi-lingual)

44340 | English-Urdu-Arabic-Persian-French-German | Hardcover
By: Omar Khayyam (1048-1131 CE) / Fitzgerald, Edward
Pub: Kitab Bhavan, New Delhi, 2008
Early Verse - Quatrains - Omar Khayyam


Animal Farm

71929 | English | Softcover
By: Orwell, George (1903-1950)
Pub: Penguin Publishing Group, (Signet Classics) USA 2017
Political Satire - Classic - England


1984 (English)

71930 | English | Softcover
By: Orwell, George (1903-1950)
Pub: Penguin Publishing Group, (Signet Classics) USA 2017
Novel - Totalitarianism - Classic - England


Selected Poems from the Divani Shamsi Tabriz

44341 | English (with Persian) | Hardcover
By: Jalal al-Din Rumi (1207-1273 CE) / Nicholson, R.A.
Pub: Kitab Bhavan, New Delhi, 2014 print, c. 1898
Early Work - Sufism - Poetry


Memoirs of a Midget

10738 | English | Softcover
By: de la Mare, Walter John (1873 - 1956)
Pub: Telegram, London
Fiction - UK

Price: US$15
Sale price: US$11

GITANJALI Song Offerings

74628 | English | Softcover
By: Tagore, Rabindranath
Pub: TOP, Kuala Lumpur 2022
Poetry - Philosophy


Borrowed Time

10801 | English | Softcover
By: Daoud, Hassan / Translated by Michael K. Scott
Pub: Saqi Books, London, 2008 English Edition
Translated Arabic Fiction - Lebanon

Price: US$13
Sale price: US$12

In Their Father's Country

10975 | English | Softcover
By: Drosso, Anne-Marie
Pub: Telegram, London, 2009
Fiction - Novel - Egypt

Price: US$13
Sale price: US$12

100 Best Arabic Novels

70678 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Group
Pub: Banipal, 2018
Literature - Reviews


The Legend of Sander Grant

10976 | English | Softcover
By: Phillips, Marc
Pub: Telegram, London, 2009
American Fiction

Price: US$14
Sale price: US$12

Love Story (En)

8187 | English | Softcover
By: Gosaibi, Ghazi (1940-2010) / Translated by Robin Bray
Pub: Saqi Books, Beirut, 2002 En Edition c1988
Arabic Literature - Novel


The Dramatic Literature of Nawal El Saadawi

11730 | English | Softcover
By: Saadawi, Nawal (1931-2021)
Pub: Saqi, 2009
Arabic Literature - Fiction - Egypt

Price: US$16
Sale price: US$12

Memoirs of a Woman Doctor

8189 | English | Softcover
By: Saadawi, Nawal (1931-2021)
Pub: Saqi Books, London, 2000 Edition
Arabic Literature - Novel - Egypt


Two Women in One

8190 | English | Softcover
By: Saadawi, Nawal (1931-2021)
Pub: Saqi Books, London, 2005 Edition
Arabic Literature - Novel - Egypt


From Here I Can See The End

4554 | English | Softcover
By: Yared, Ibrahim
Pub: Saqi Books, Beirut


The Blue Fox

7511 | English | Softcover
By: Sjón / Translator: Cribb, Victoria
Pub: Telegram, Beirut, 2008 English Edition
Translated Icelandic Literature - Novel


Dairy of a Country Prosecutor

8188 | English | Softcover
By: Hakim, Tawfik
Pub: Saqi Books, London, 2005
Novel - Arabic Fiction - Egypt



7921 | English | Softcover
By: Zolghadr, Tirdad
Pub: Telegram, Beirut, 2007
Novel - Iranian Fiction


City of Love and Ashes

5843 | English | Softcover
By: Idris, Yusef (1927-1990)
Pub: The American University in Cairo Press, 2004 English Edition
Translated Arabic Fiction - Novel - Cairo Society

Price: US$15
Sale price: US$12


5832 | English | Softcover
By: Mok, Judith
Pub: Telegram, London, 2006

Price: US$14
Sale price: US$12

BORDER TRILOGY (1) All The Pretty Horses

73123 | English | Softcover
By: McCarthy, Cormac (b. 1933)
Pub: Vintage, NY 1993
Classic American Literature - Epic Fiction

Price: US$16
Sale price: US$12

The History of Hayy Ibn Yaqzan

44751 | English | Softcover
By: Ibn Tufail, Abu Bakr (d. 581/1185) / Tr: Ockley, Simon
Pub: IBT, Kuala Lumpur, 2020
Early Work - Philosophical Novel


The Road

72881 | English | Softcover
By: McCarthy, Cormac (b. 1933)
Pub: Vintage, NY 2006
Classic American Literature - Epic Fiction

Price: US$16
Sale price: US$12


70411 | English | Softcover
By: Hamad, Turki
Pub: Dar al Saqi, London 2003
Fiction / Saudi Arabia

Price: US$18
Sale price: US$12

Love In Exile

11698 | English | Softcover
By: Taher, Bahaa
Pub: The American University in Cairo Press, 2004
Novel - Arabic Fiction


Unwritten Secrets

12509 | English | Softcover
By: Frame, Ronald (b. 1953)
Pub: Telegram, London, 2010
Fiction - Scotland

Price: US$15
Sale price: US$13

Moon Opera

7512 | English | Softcover
By: Feiyu, Bi
Pub: Telegram, 2007
Translated Chinese Fiction


Zayni Barakat

11860 | English | Softcover
By: Ghitani, Jamal
Pub: AUC, 2006


Tales of Juha: Classic Arab Folk Humor

80660 | English | Softcover
By: Ed: Jayyusi, Salma Khadra
Pub: Interlink Publishing Group, Massachusetts 2007
Tales - Arab Folk - Humor



72499 | English | Softcover
By: Hesse, Hermann (1877-1962)
Pub: Shambhala, 2018
Fiction - Novel


Ruba'iyat of Omar Khayyam

74202 | English | Softcover
By: Khayyam, Omar
Pub: Penguin Books, 2004
Poetry - Classical


Why We Read: Quotations for Book Lovers

72043 | English | Hardcover
By: Group / Ill: Surrey, Ellen
Pub: Gibbs Smith, 2019
Literature - Quotes - Inspiration - YA+


Child of God

73121 | English | Softcover
By: McCarthy, Cormac (b. 1933)
Pub: Vintage, NY 1973
American Literature - Fiction

Price: US$16
Sale price: US$13

Man Who Was Loved

6411 | English | Softcover
By: MacCauley, Kay
Pub: Telegram Books, London, 2006
Fiction - Abandoned Child - Italy - Fantasy

Price: US$16
Sale price: US$13

The Outsiders

44779 | English | Softcover
By: Hinton, S.E.
Pub: Penguin Classics, NY, 2006
Fiction - Classic American Novel - Young Adult

Price: US$15
Sale price: US$14


10744 | English | Softcover
By: Khamissi, Khaled / Translated: Jonathan Wright
Pub: Dar al-Shorouk, Egypt, 2008 English Edition c.2007
Arabic Fiction - Social Commentary

Price: US$15
Sale price: US$14

Many and Many A Year Ago

73386 | English | Softcover
By: Altun, Selcuk
Pub: Telegram, London 2009
Turkish Fiction


On the Road (Orange Collection Ed.)

72849 | English | Softcover
By: Kerouac, Jack (1922-1969)
Pub: Penguin Orange Collection (Penguin), NY 2016
Literary Fiction - American Classic Novel

Price: US$18
Sale price: US$14

The Sunset Limited

73122 | English | Softcover
By: McCarthy, Cormac (b. 1933)
Pub: Vintage, NY 2006
American Literature - Drama- Play

Price: US$16
Sale price: US$14

The Red Wedding Dress

73431 | English | Softcover
By: Ganjifard, Mercy
Pub: Trademark Engine, CA 2020
Persian Fiction

Price: US$15
Sale price: US$14

Reflections Of A Wayfarer Poetry Of Islamic Excellence

11893 | English | Softcover
By: Othman, Aisha
Pub: Author House, 2010
Islamic Poetry


It Can't Happen Here

44773 | English | Softcover
By: Lewis, Sinclair (1885-1951)
Pub: Berkley, Reprint Edition, 2005
Literary Fiction - Political Satire - Fascism

Price: US$15
Sale price: US$14

Fall of the Imam

8191 | English | Softcover
By: Saadawi, Nawal (1931-2021)
Pub: Saqi Books, London, 2002 Edition
Arabic Literature - Novel - Egypt


Exit West

72858 | English | Softcover
By: Hamid, Mohsin
Pub: Riverhead Books, 2018
Literary Fiction - Magic Realism - Refugees

Price: US$17
Sale price: US$14

Role of the Poetess at the Abbasid Court (132-247/750-861) English & Arabic

5781 | English and Arabic | Softcover
By: Heitty, Dr. Abdul Kareem
Pub: Al Rayan, Beirut
Classical Arabic Poetry


The Prague Orgy

44597 | English | Softcover
By: Roth, Philip (1933-2018)
Pub: Vintage International, NY, 1995
Historical Fiction - Amusing - American


Waiting for the Barbarians

73118 | English | Softcover
By: Coetzee, J.M
Pub: Penguin Random House, NY 1980
South African Literature

Price: US$16
Sale price: US$14

Dostoyevsky: The House of the Dead (Penguin Classics)

44164 | English | Softcover
By: Dostoyevsky, Fyodor (1821-1881) / Tr: McDuff, David
Pub: Penguin Classics, London, NY, 2003
Penguin Classics - Russian Literature


Norwegian Wood (Movie Tie-in Edition)

72850 | English | Softcover
By: Murakami, Haruki / Tr. Rubin, Jay
Pub: Vintage International, NY, 2000
Japanese Fiction

Price: US$16
Sale price: US$14

The Tale of Princess Fatima, Warrior Woman: The Arabic Epic of Dhat al-Himma

73512 | English | Softcover
By: Translated by: Magidow, Melanie
Pub: PRH, NY 2021
Arab / Muslim Epic

Price: US$16
Sale price: US$14

White Tears

44771 | English | Softcover
By: Kunzru, Hari
Pub: Vintage, NY, 2018
Literary Fiction - Noir Mystery

Price: US$17
Sale price: US$14

My Uncle Napoleon

72596 | English | Softcover
By: Pezeshkzad, Iraj / Translated: Davis, Dick
Pub: Penguin Books, USA 2006
Iranian Fiction

Price: US$18
Sale price: US$14

Arabic Poems (bilingual Ar-En)

44279 | Arabic-English | Hardcover
By: Editor: Hammond, Marle
Pub: Everyman's Library Pocket Poets, Alfred A. Knopf, 2014, New York
Arabic Poetry - Early through Contemporary

Price: US$16
Sale price: US$14

Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?

72761 | English | Softcover
By: Dick, Philip
Pub: PRH, NY 2017
Science Fiction

Price: US$16
Sale price: US$14

Three Sisters

12507 | English | Softcover
By: Feiyu, Bi
Pub: Telegram, 2010


Young Turk

4557 | English | Softcover
By: Farhi, Moris
Pub: Saqi Books, Beirut


Down Sterling Road

6914 | English | Softcover
By: Kelly, Adrian Michael
Pub: Telegram, London 2007
Canadian Fiction - Childhood - Loss


Ratner's Star

72757 | English | Softcover
By: DeLillo, Don (b. 1936)
Pub: Vintage, NY 1989
American Fiction

Price: US$17
Sale price: US$15

When I Was Young and in My Prime

7449 | English | Softcover
By: Munce, Alayna
Pub: Telegram, London, 2007
Canadian Fiction - Families


Double Vision

4543 | English | Hardcover
By: Neville, Pauline
Pub: Saqi Books, Beirut


Peter Pan (World Classic)

43551 | English | Flexi-Cover - Embossed
By: Barrie, J.M. / Ill: Rackham, Arthur
Pub: World Cloud Classics, San Diego, 2015
Classics - Fantasy - Pre-teen up


Against the Loveless World

80353 | English | Softcover
By: Abulhawa, Susan
Pub: Atria, imprint of Simon & Schuster, NY 2020
Fiction - Palestinian

Price: US$20
Sale price: US$15

Dark Side Of Love

11803 | English | Hardcover
By: Schami, Rafik
Pub: The American University In Cairo Press, 2009

Price: US$30
Sale price: US$15

American Trilogy 3: The Human Stain

73117 | English | Softcover
By: Roth, Philip (1933-2018)
Pub: Vintage International, NY 2000
Literary Fiction - American

Price: US$17
Sale price: US$15

American Trilogy 2: I Married a Communist

73116 | English | Softcover
By: Roth, Philip (1933-2018)
Pub: Vintage International, NY 1998
Literary Fiction - American

Price: US$17
Sale price: US$15

The Metamorphosis

71931 | English | Softcover
By: Kafka, Franz (1883-1924)
Pub: Modern Library, USA 2013
Novel - Metamorphosis - Classic - German


Kafka on the Shore

72855 | English | Softcover
By: Murakami, Haruki / Tr. Gabriel, Philip
Pub: Vintage Press, NY 2005
Japanese Fiction

Price: US$17
Sale price: US$15

Palestine Affair

75005 | English | Softcover
By: Wilson, Jonathan
Pub: Anchor Books, New York 2003
Fiction - Palestine


Tale of Tala

42934 | English | Softcover
By: Khazaal, Chaker (Khaz'al Shakir)
Pub: Hachette Antoine / Naufal, Beirut,
Fiction - Romantic Thriller - Refugees


Boat to Lesbos and other poems

70677 | English | Softcover
By: Jarrah, Nouri
Pub: Banipal, 2018
Literature - Fiction - Poetry


The Monk of Mokha

44769 | English | Softcover
By: Eggers, Dave
Pub: Vintage, NY, 2019
Literary Writings - Travel - Yemen - History - Biography

Price: US$17
Sale price: US$15

A Hologram for the King

44772 | English | Softcover
By: Eggers, Dave
Pub: Vintage, NY, 2013
Literary Fiction

Price: US$17
Sale price: US$15

You Shall Know Our Velocity

44767 | English | Softcover
By: Eggers, Dave
Pub: Vintage; Reprint edition, 2003
Literary Fiction

Price: US$17
Sale price: US$15

Mai Ghoussoub Selected Writings

7457 | English | Softcover
By: Ghoussoub, Mai
Pub: Saqi Books, Beirut, 2008, English Edition
Literary Writings - Lebanon

Price: US$18
Sale price: US$15

Islam Quintet 2: The Book of Saladin

44565 | English | Softcover
By: Ali, Tariq
Pub: Verso, London/NY, 2015
Historical Novel - Saladin - Crusades

Price: US$17
Sale price: US$15

The Circle

44768 | English | Softcover
By: Eggers, Dave
Pub: Vintage, NY, 2014
Literary Fiction - Dystopian Novel - Suspense

Price: US$17
Sale price: US$15

Deadeye Dick

72760 | English | Softcover
By: Vonnegut, Kurt (1922-2007)
Pub: Dial Press, NY, 1999
Literary Fiction - Black Humor

Price: US$17
Sale price: US$15

While Mortals Sleep

44770 | English | Softcover
By: Vonnegut, Kurt (1922-2007)
Pub: Dial Press, NY, 2012
Literary Collection - Short Fiction - Satire - Fantasy

Price: US$17
Sale price: US$15

American Trilogy 1: American Pastoral

73115 | English | Softcover
By: Roth, Philip (1933-2018)
Pub: Vintage International NY 1998
Literary Fiction - Historical Fiction - American

Price: US$17
Sale price: US$16


72880 | English | Softcover
By: Delillo, Don (b. 1936)
Pub: PRH, NY 1989
American Fiction

Price: US$17
Sale price: US$16

End Zone

72878 | English | Softcover
By: DeLillo, Don (b. 1936)
Pub: Penguin Random House, NY 1986
American Fiction - Football - Metaphorical Nuclear War

Price: US$16
Sale price: US$16

Mao II

72758 | English | Softcover
By: Delillo, Don (b. 1936)
Pub: Penguin Random House, NY 1992
American Fiction

Price: US$17
Sale price: US$16

Akbar Ahmed: Two Plays

11731 | English | Softcover
By: Ahmed, Akbar
Pub: Saqi, 2009
Theatre - Arabic Plays


The Plot Against America

44657 | English | Softcover
By: Roth, Philip (1933-2018)
Pub: Vintage International, NY, 2020 Movie tie-in Edition
Literary Fiction - Alternate History - American

Price: US$17
Sale price: US$16

Memory In The Flesh

5851 | English | Softcover
By: Mosteghanemi, Ahlam
Pub: The American University in Cairo Press, 2004
Arabic Fiction - Algeria


Journey of a 21-Year-Old Kuwaiti Girl (En)

40635 | English | Softover
By: Sardi, Lulwa
Pub: Difaf Publishing, Beirut, 2015
Fiction - Memories


Manuscript Found in Accra

74101 | English | Softcover
By: Coelho, Paulo (b. 1947) باولو كويلو
Pub: Vintage Books, 2013
Selected Literature / Fiction / Coelho / Brazil



72759 | English | Softcover
By: Delillo, Don (b. 1936)
Pub: Penguin Random House,NY 2006
American Fiction

Price: US$17
Sale price: US$16

Che Guevara : A Manga Biography

71948 | English | Softcover
By: Shimano, Chie
Pub: Penguin, USA 2008
Biography|Graphic Novels & Manga|Politics


Lord of the Flies

71932 | English | Softcover
By: Golding, William (1911-1993)
Pub: Penguin Books, USA 2016
Novel - Castaways - Boys - Classic - England


Finding that Warmth In the Frosty Nights

74788 | English | Softcover
By: Kirchhofer, Roshana Nazari
Pub: Xlibris, Bloomington 2019
English - Poetry


Tulip in the Desert : A selection of the poetry of Muhammad Iqbal

44763 | English | Softcover
By: Iqbal, Muhammad (1877 - 1938) / Mir, Mustansir
Pub: IBT, Kuala Lumpur, 2011
Philosophical Poetry - Islamic - British India (Pakistan)


Patrimony : A True Story

44596 | English | Softcover
By: Roth, Philip (1933-2018)
Pub: Vintage International, NY, 1996 Reprint edition
American Literature - Memoir - Father-Son


The Every : A Novel

44686 | English | Softcover
By: Eggers, Dave
Pub: Vintage Books, New York 2021
Literary Fiction - Suspense & Thriller

Price: US$18
Sale price: US$16

Islam Quintet 5: Night of the Golden Butterfly

44521 | English | Softcover
By: Ali, Tariq
Pub: Verso, London/NY, 2015
Historical Novel - International Cities


Operation Shylock : A Confession

44595 | English | Softcover
By: Roth, Philip (1933-2018)
Pub: Vintage International NY, 1994
Literary Fiction - American


A Designated Man (En)

10726 | English | Hardcover
By: Farhi, Moris
Pub: Telegram, 2009

Price: US$20
Sale price: US$17

Islam Quintet 3: The Stone Woman

44519 | English | Softcover
By: Ali, Tariq
Pub: Verso, London/NY, 2015
Historical Novel - Ottoman Empire - Turkey


Islam Quintet 4: A Sultan in Palermo

44520 | English | Softcover
By: Ali, Tariq
Pub: Verso, London/NY, 2015
Historical Novel - Sultans - Italy


BORDER TRILOGY (2) The Crossing

73125 | English | Softcover
By: McCarthy, Cormac (b. 1933)
Pub: Vintage Press, NY 1994
Classic American Literature - Epic Fiction


Blood Meridian, or, The Evening Redness in the West (SC, Vintage Intl)

72876 | English | Softcover
By: McCarthy, Cormac (b. 1933)
Pub: Vintage International, NY 1992
Classic American Literature - Glanton Gang - Mexican-American Border


The Open Door

11696 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Zayyat, Latifa
Pub: The American University in Cairo Press, 2002
Novel - Arabic Fiction


Boone System

4520 | English | Softcover
By: Kemp, Percy
Pub: Saqi Books, Beirut


Of Love and Terror

4556 | English | Softcover
By: Kazantzis, Judith
Pub: Saqi Books, Beirut


The House of Islam

75430 | English | Softcover
By: Pickthall. Marmaduke
Pub: Beacon Books, Oldham 2023
Novel - Islam -Palestine


The Legend of Redwood Raven (SC)

75323 | English | Softcover
By: Wareh, Sama
Pub: Self-Published, Illinois 2023
Fiction - Magical Realism - Pre-teen +


Prophet - Gibran (English Gift Edition)

71942 | English | Hardcover Linen Case, Copper Stamped
By: Gibran Khalil Gibran (1883-1931)
Pub: Penguin, USA 2019
20th Century Prose - Gibran - Lebanon/US


Lebanon, Lebanon (English)

6634 | English | Softcover
By: Editor - Wilson, Anna
Pub: Saqi Books, London, 2006
Anthology - Lebanon - Descriptions, war, travel, social conditions


Forty Rules of Love

71966 | English | Softcover
By: Shafak, Elif
Pub: Penguin Books, 2011
Literary Fiction - Historical - Love

Price: US$18
Sale price: US$17

The Eye of the Mirror ( Palestinian Fiction)

72398 | English | Softcover
By: Badr, Liana / Tr. Kawar, Samira
Pub: Garnett Press, Reading,UK 2008
Arabic Fiction - Palestine


Breakfast of Champions

72497 | English | Softcover
By: Vonnegut, Kurt (1922-2007)
Pub: Dial Press, 2011
Literature - Novel - Satire


BORDER TRILOGY (3) Cities of the Plain

73124 | English | Softcover
By: McCarthy, Cormac (b. 1933)
Pub: Vintage Books, NY 1998
Classic American Literature - Epic Fiction


Joy Luck Club

71940 | English | Softcover
By: Tan, Amy
Pub: Penguin, USA 2016
Fiction - USA - Women


In The Country of Men

74992 | English | Softcover
By: Matar, Hisham
Pub: The Dial Press, New York 2008
Fiction - Childhood - Boys - Family Struggles - Libya


Spiritual Verses

44598 | English | Softcover
By: Jalal al-Din Rumi (1207-1273 CE) / William, Alan
Pub: Penguin Classics, London, NY, 2007
Early Work - Sufism - Poetry



72580 | English | Softcover
By: Sinclair, Upton
Pub: Penguin Group, NY 2007
Literary Fiction


The Architect's Apprentice

74110 | English | Paperback
By: Shafak, Elif
Pub: Penguin Books, 2014
Literature - Novel


Tales of the Marvelous and News of the Strange

74020 | English | Paperback
By: Group
Pub: Penguin Classics, 2015
Literature - Fantasy - Tales


The Overstory

82090 | English | Softcover
By: Powers, Richard
Pub: Norton, New York, 2019
Novel - Deforestation Fiction


Folklore of the Holy Land: Muslim Christian and Jewish

44717 | English | Softcover
By: Hanauer, J.E./ Ed: Pickthall, Marmaduke
Pub: IBT, Kuala Lumpur, 2011
Palestine - Folklore


Sufism & Surrealism

5872 | English | Softcover
By: Adonis (Adunis, b. 1930)
Pub: Saqi Books, London, 2005 English Edition
Sufism - Surrealism - Parallels

Price: US$20
Sale price: US$18

Haunting of Hill House (Penguin Classics Deluxe Edition)

71951 | English | Softcover
By: Jackson, Shirley (1916-1965)
Pub: Penguin Classics, USA 2016
Fiction Classics - USA - Gothic & Horror


The Broom of the System

72538 | English | Softcover
By: Wallace, David Foster (1962-2008)
Pub: Penguin, NY 2016
Literary Fiction - Popular Culture - Missing Person


White Noise

72595 | English | Softcover
By: Delillo, Don (b. 1936) / Intro: Powers, Richard
Pub: Penguin Classics, NY 2009
American Fiction - Postmodern Literature


Dostoyevsky: Demons (Penguin Classics)

44153 | English | Softcover
By: Dostoyevsky, Fyodor (1821-1881) / Tr: Maguire, Robert
Pub: Penguin Classics, London, NY, 2008
Penguin Classics - Russian Literature


Yacoubian Building (English HC Edition)

5871 | English | Hardcover
By: Aswani, Ala (1957-)
Pub: The American University in Cairo Press, 2005 English Edition
Translated Arabic Fiction - Egypt

Price: US$22
Sale price: US$19

The Railway Children

71962 | English | Hardcover
By: Nesbit, E.(1858-1924) / Ill: Brock, C.E.
Pub: Alfred Knopf, Everyman's Library, NY
Classic - Fiction - Adventure - Teen - Young Adult


Excerpts of the Spiritual Legacy of Gibran ( En- Fr- Ar ) ارم ذات العماد - انكليزي فرنسي عربي

21128 | English - French - Arabic | Hardcover
By: Gibran Khalil Gibran (1883-1931) جبران، جبران خليل
Pub: Al-Biruni Publishing House, Beirut, 2012
Literature - Prose - Poetry - Writings - Gibran


A Literary History of the Arabs

44347 | Englilsh | Hardcover
By: Nicholson, Reynold A. (1868-1945)
Pub: Kitab Bhavan, New Delhi, repr 2013, c.1907
Arabic Literature - History and Criticism


Journey Through The Wilderness

4546 | English | Softcover
By: Farhi, Moris
Pub: Saqi Books, Beirut


Feeling the Shoulder of the Lion: Poetry and Teaching Stories of Rumi

44594 | English | Softcover
By: Jalal al-Din Rumi (1207-1273 CE) / Barks, Coleman
Pub: Shambhala, Boston, 2000
Early Work - Sufism - Poetry


Anise Boy: An Eternal Search for Love

75605 | English | Softcover
By: Warour, Hsain
Pub: Khayat Publishing, Washington, DC 2024
Memoir - Novella


In the Presence of Absence (En)

75204 | English | Softcover
By: Darwish, Mahmoud (1941-2008) / Tr: Antoon, Sinan
Pub: Archipelago books, New York 2011
Arabic Literature - essays, poetry, prose translated to English


Islamic Mystical Poetry: Sufi verse from the mystics to Rumi

44280 | English | Softcover
By: Mahmood, Jamal, (edited, translations, introduction)
Pub: Penguin Classics, New York, London, 2009
Sufi Poetry



80150 | English | Softcover
By: Darwish, Mahmoud
Pub: Verso, New York, 2024
Literature - Poetry - Palestine

Price: US$20
Sale price: US$19

The Return : Father, Sons and The Land In Between

74994 | English | Softcover
By: Matar, Hisham
Pub: Random House, New York 2017
Memoir - Biography - Father and Son - Exile - Libya


Nights of Plague

74876 | English | Softcover
By: Pamuk, Orhan / Tr: Oklap, Ekin
Pub: Vinatge Publishers, London 2023
Ottoman Empire - Historical Fiction - Pandemic


We Wrote In Symbols: Love and Lust By Arab Women Writers

73814 | English | Softcover
By: Dabbagh,Selma
Pub: Saqi Books, UK 2021
Arabic Literature - Sensual Writings - Arab Women Authors

Price: US$22
Sale price: US$20

Selections from the Diwan of Shaykh Salih Al-Ja'fari (Vol One - Ar-En)

75187 | English w/ Arabic | Softcover
By: Ja'fari, Shaykh Salih
Pub: Imam Ghazali Publishers, New Jersey 2021
Poetry - Praise - Islam


Palestine As Methaphor

74976 | English | Softcover
By: Darwish, Mahmud (1941-2008) محمود درويش
Pub: Olive Branch Press, Massachusetts 2019
Palestinian Arab Poet - 20th Century Interviews - Mahmoud Darwish


Right Against Might: The Trio Versus The Sefids

70615 | English | Softcover
By: Almas, Fajr
Pub: IRIP, USA, 2018
Young Adult Fiction - Mystery - Novel


Islam Quintet 1: Shadows of the Pomegranate Tree

44518 | English | Softcover
By: Ali, Tariq
Pub: Verso, London/NY, 2015
Historical Novel - Muslims in Spain


Sandhills of Arabia

70616 | English | Softcover
By: Hasib, Laila
Pub: IRIP, 2017 Edition c. 1992
Young Adult Fiction - Kuwait - War - Friendship - Love


Woke & Loud: A Faith Based Medley of Muslim Poetry and Spoken Word

72022 | English | Softcover
By: Group
Pub: Inked Resistance, 2019
Literature - Poetry - Spoken Word


Mornings in Jenin - A Novel

75318 | English | Softcover
By: Abdulhawa, Susan
Pub: Bloomsbury, New York 2010
Fiction - Palestine



80967 | English | Softcover
By: Khazaal, Chaker
Pub: Hachtette Antoine, Beirut 2024
Fiction - Middle East


The Adventures of Robin Hood

80758 | English | Hardcover
By: Green, Roger Lancelyn
Pub: Alfred Knopf, Everyman's Library, US/UK / Printed by GCP Media, Germany 2023
Teen & Young Adult Fantasy Fiction - Classics


The Archer

74203 | English | Hardcover
By: Coelho, Paulo
Pub: Knopf, 2003
Selected Literature / Fiction / Coelho / Brazil


Giovanni's Room

44499 | English | Hardcover
By: Baldwin, James (1924-1987)
Pub: Alfred Knopf, Everyman's Library, NY, London, 2016 c.1956
American Fiction Classic - Americans - France


Revolt Against the Sun: Selected Poetry of Nazik Al-Mala'ikah

73843 | Arabic & English | Softcover
By: Mala'ikah, Nazik / Tr. Drumsta, Emily
Pub: Saqi Books, London 2020
Translated Arabic Poetry - Iraq


Seven (English)

4539 | English | Hardcover
By: Gosaibi, Ghazi (1940-2010)
Pub: Saqi Books, Beirut
Novel - Saudi Arabia


Eating Air

11729 | English | Hardcover
By: Melville, Pauline
Pub: Telegram, 2009


No Land to Light On

44778 | English | Hardcover
By: Zgheib, Yara
Pub: Atria Books, NY, 2022
Literary Fiction - Refurgee - Family Separation

Price: US$26
Sale price: US$24

What Strange Paradise: A novel

44685 | English | Hardcover
By: El Akkad, Omar
Pub: Knopf Publishing, NY, 2021
Fiction - Refugees

Price: US$26
Sale price: US$24

Go Tell It on the Mountain

44500 | English | Hardcover
By: Baldwin, James (1924-1987)
Pub: Alfred Knopf, Everyman's Library, NY, London, 2016 c.1953
American Fiction Classic - New York - Harlem


Crime and Punishment (En, HC, Penguin Clothbound Classic)

44658 | English | Hardcover
By: Dostoyevsky, Fyodor (1821-1881) / Tr: McDuff, David
Pub: Penguin Clothbound Classics, London, NY, 2018
Penguin Classics - Russian Literature - Crime Mystery

Price: US$27
Sale price: US$24

Nickel Boys

71941 | English | Hardcover
By: Whitehead, Colson
Pub: Doublday, USA 2019
Fiction - USA - African American boys


The Legend of Redwood Raven (HC)

75322 | English | Hardcover
By: Wareh, Sama
Pub: Self Published, Illinois 2023
Fiction - Magical Realism - Pre-teen +


Shadow of the Swords : An Epic Novel of the Crusades

75428 | English | Softcover
By: Pasha, Kamran
Pub: Washington Square Press
Historical Fiction - Epic Novel - Crusades - Saladin


Anchor Book of Modern Arabic Fiction

80149 | English | Softcover
By: Group
Pub: Anchor Books, New York, 2006
Literary Fiction - Anthology - Arabic Fiction


The Fountainhead

72592 | English | Softcover
By: Rand, Ayn
Pub: Penguin Random House, NY 2017
Literary Fiction


Catch -22

72591 | English | Hardcover
By: Heller, Joseph
Pub: PRH, NY 1995
Literary Fiction

Price: US$28
Sale price: US$26

The Other Americans

72021 | English | Hardcover
By: Lalami, Laila
Pub: Pantheon, 2019
Literature - Fiction - Immigrants - Mystery


The Stories of Ray Bradbury

73120 | English | Hardcover
By: Bradbury, Ray
Pub: Penguin Books, NY 2010
Science Fiction / Horror - American

Price: US$35
Sale price: US$26

Blood Meridian, or The Evening Redness in the West (HC, Modern Library)

80177 | English | Hardcover
By: McCarthy, Cormac
Pub: Modern Library, New York, 2010
Classic American Literature - Glanton Gang - Mexican-American Border


Arabian Nights

71967 | English | Hardcover
By: Editor: Ouyang, Wen-Chin
Pub: Everyman's Library, US/UK, 2014
Literature - Classic = Tales


The Divine Comedy: Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradiso

72856 | English | Hardcover
By: Alighieri, Dante / Tr: Mandelbaum, Allen
Pub: PRH / Everyman Library, London, 1995
Classic Poetry - Dante Alighieri (1265-1321 CE) - Divina Commedia


Night Watch

75617 | English | Hardcover
By: Phillips, Jayne Anne
Pub: Knopf / Penguin Random House, New York 2023
Literary Fiction - Historical Novel


Don Quixote (Clothbound Classic)

71944 | English | Hardcover
By: Saavedra, Miguel de Cervantes
Pub: Penguin Clothbound Classics, USA 2018
Fiction - Literary Classic - Spain


BORDER TRILOGY: All The Pretty Horses, The Crossing, Cities of the Plain

72857 | English | Hardcover
By: McCarthy, Cormac (b. 1933)
Pub: PRH / Everyman's Library, NY 2008
Classic American Literature - Epic Fiction

Price: US$36
Sale price: US$30

Dune (Deluxe Hardcopy Edition)

71943 | English | Hardcover
By: Herbert, Frank Jr.
Pub: Penguin Galaxy, USA 2016
Fiction - USA - Science Fiction Classic


Anthology of Islamic Literature: From the Rise of Islam to Modern Times

80148 | English | Softcover
By: Various / Edited By: Kritzeck, James
Pub: Plume / Penguin, New York, 1964
Islamic Literature - Anthology - Scripture, Prose, Poetry, Proverbs, Drama


Dam'a wa Ibtisama En-Fr-Ar دمعة وابتسامة بثلاث لغات

21129 | English - French - Arabic | Hardcover
By: Gibran Khalil Gibran (1883-1931) جبران، جبران خليل
Pub: Al-Biruni Publishing House, Beirut, 2011
Arabic Literature - Prose - Poems - Gibran


The Speech of the Birds - Mantiqu't-Tair (Maqamat al-Tuyur)

44593 | English | Softcover
By: Faridu'd-Din Attar / Tr: Avery, Peter
Pub: ITS, Cambridge, UK, 1998
Early Work - Sufi Poetry - Persian - trans. to English

Price: US$45
Sale price: US$38

Mathnawi of Jalaluddin Rumi Vols I - IV (2 books)

74245 | English | Hardcover
By: Jalal al-Din Rumi (1207-1273 CE) / Tr: Nicholson, Reynold (1868-1945)
Pub: Alfa, 2004
Early Work - Sufism - Poetr


Footnotes In Gaza

82041 | English | Softcover - Graphic
By: Sacco, Joe
Pub: Metropolitan Books, New York, 2010
History - Graphic Novel - Palestine - Events Based On Real Life


Parable of the Sower & Parable of Talents (Set of 2 Books)

75207 | English | Hardcover
By: Butler, E. Octavia
Pub: Seven Stories Press, New York 2016
Science Fiction - Dystopia - Fantasy - Speculative Fiction


A'mal al-Kamila Jibran Khalil Jibran (English and Arabic) الأعمال الكاملة

16065 | Arabic and English | Hardcover
By: Gibran Khalil Gibran جبران خليل جبران
Pub: Naufal, Beirut, 2012
Poetry and Prose - Lebanon


Islamic Thought in Africa

73444 | English | Hardcover
By: Ajura, Alhaj Yusuf Salih / Tr. Ibrahim, Zakyi
Pub: YUP, New Haven, 2021
African Muslims - Poetry


Great Books of Islamic Civilization: The Book of Misers (Jahiz HC)

70005 | English | Hardcover
By: Jahiz
Pub: Garnet Press, 1998
Early Work - Arabic Literature - Prose - Humor - Satire


Year of the Revolutionary New Bread-making Machine

7446 | English | Softcover
By: Dawud, Hassan
Pub: Telegram, Beirut, 2007 English Edition c. 2006
Fiction - Lebanon

Price: US$12
Sale price: US$7

Slaughterhouse- Five

72536 | English | Softcover
By: Vonnegut, Kurt (1922-2007)
Pub: Dell, NY 1991
Literary Fiction - Dark Satire

Price: US$8
Sale price: US$7


4542 | English | Softcover
By: Abd al-Hamid, Ammar (1966-)
Pub: Saqi Books, Beirut, 2001
Fiction - Sexuality - Contemporary Issues

Price: US$10
Sale price: US$8


6852 | English | Softcover
By: Aitmatov, Chingiz (1928-2008) / Translator: Riordan, James
Pub: Telegram, London, 2007 English Edition
Novel - Love Story - Kyrgyzstan Literature

Price: US$12
Sale price: US$9

The Left Hand of Darkness

72589 | English | Softcover
By: Le Guin, Ursula
Pub: PRH, NY 2019
Science Fiction

Price: US$10
Sale price: US$9

Another Gulmohar Tree

10800 | English | Softcover
By: Hussein, Aamer
Pub: Telegram, London, 2009
Fiction - Love - Marriage

Price: US$11
Sale price: US$9

Light Years

4548 | English | Softcover
By: Gee, Maggie
Pub: Saqi Books, Beirut, 2012
British Fiction - Love Story

Price: US$14
Sale price: US$10

The White Family

4547 | English | Softcover
By: Gee, Maggie
Pub: Saqi Books, London, Beirut, 2003
British Fiction - Family Saga - Racism

Price: US$14
Sale price: US$10

The Flood

4555 | English | Softcover
By: Gee, Maggie (b. 1948)
Pub: Saqi Books, Beirut, 2012
British Fiction - Apocalyptical Flood

Price: US$14
Sale price: US$10

My Cleaner

12327 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Gee, Maggie
Pub: Telegram, London, 2006
British Fiction - Class Conflict

Price: US$14
Sale price: US$10


5829 | English | Softcover
By: Joffe, Jasper
Pub: Telegram, London, 2006
Novel - Love - Life

Price: US$15
Sale price: US$10


70410 | English | Softcover
By: Hamad, Turki
Pub: Dar al Saqi, Beirut 2005
Translated Arabic Fiction - Saudi Arabia

Price: US$18
Sale price: US$10

Memoirs of a Midget

10738 | English | Softcover
By: de la Mare, Walter John (1873 - 1956)
Pub: Telegram, London
Fiction - UK

Price: US$15
Sale price: US$11

Borrowed Time

10801 | English | Softcover
By: Daoud, Hassan / Translated by Michael K. Scott
Pub: Saqi Books, London, 2008 English Edition
Translated Arabic Fiction - Lebanon

Price: US$13
Sale price: US$12

In Their Father's Country

10975 | English | Softcover
By: Drosso, Anne-Marie
Pub: Telegram, London, 2009
Fiction - Novel - Egypt

Price: US$13
Sale price: US$12

The Legend of Sander Grant

10976 | English | Softcover
By: Phillips, Marc
Pub: Telegram, London, 2009
American Fiction

Price: US$14
Sale price: US$12

City of Love and Ashes

5843 | English | Softcover
By: Idris, Yusef (1927-1990)
Pub: The American University in Cairo Press, 2004 English Edition
Translated Arabic Fiction - Novel - Cairo Society

Price: US$15
Sale price: US$12


5832 | English | Softcover
By: Mok, Judith
Pub: Telegram, London, 2006

Price: US$14
Sale price: US$12

The Dramatic Literature of Nawal El Saadawi

11730 | English | Softcover
By: Saadawi, Nawal (1931-2021)
Pub: Saqi, 2009
Arabic Literature - Fiction - Egypt

Price: US$16
Sale price: US$12

The Road

72881 | English | Softcover
By: McCarthy, Cormac (b. 1933)
Pub: Vintage, NY 2006
Classic American Literature - Epic Fiction

Price: US$16
Sale price: US$12

BORDER TRILOGY (1) All The Pretty Horses

73123 | English | Softcover
By: McCarthy, Cormac (b. 1933)
Pub: Vintage, NY 1993
Classic American Literature - Epic Fiction

Price: US$16
Sale price: US$12


70411 | English | Softcover
By: Hamad, Turki
Pub: Dar al Saqi, London 2003
Fiction / Saudi Arabia

Price: US$18
Sale price: US$12

Unwritten Secrets

12509 | English | Softcover
By: Frame, Ronald (b. 1953)
Pub: Telegram, London, 2010
Fiction - Scotland

Price: US$15
Sale price: US$13

Child of God

73121 | English | Softcover
By: McCarthy, Cormac (b. 1933)
Pub: Vintage, NY 1973
American Literature - Fiction

Price: US$16
Sale price: US$13

Man Who Was Loved

6411 | English | Softcover
By: MacCauley, Kay
Pub: Telegram Books, London, 2006
Fiction - Abandoned Child - Italy - Fantasy

Price: US$16
Sale price: US$13

The Outsiders

44779 | English | Softcover
By: Hinton, S.E.
Pub: Penguin Classics, NY, 2006
Fiction - Classic American Novel - Young Adult

Price: US$15
Sale price: US$14


10744 | English | Softcover
By: Khamissi, Khaled / Translated: Jonathan Wright
Pub: Dar al-Shorouk, Egypt, 2008 English Edition c.2007
Arabic Fiction - Social Commentary

Price: US$15
Sale price: US$14

The Red Wedding Dress

73431 | English | Softcover
By: Ganjifard, Mercy
Pub: Trademark Engine, CA 2020
Persian Fiction

Price: US$15
Sale price: US$14

The Sunset Limited

73122 | English | Softcover
By: McCarthy, Cormac (b. 1933)
Pub: Vintage, NY 2006
American Literature - Drama- Play

Price: US$16
Sale price: US$14

On the Road (Orange Collection Ed.)

72849 | English | Softcover
By: Kerouac, Jack (1922-1969)
Pub: Penguin Orange Collection (Penguin), NY 2016
Literary Fiction - American Classic Novel

Price: US$18
Sale price: US$14

It Can't Happen Here

44773 | English | Softcover
By: Lewis, Sinclair (1885-1951)
Pub: Berkley, Reprint Edition, 2005
Literary Fiction - Political Satire - Fascism

Price: US$15
Sale price: US$14

Exit West

72858 | English | Softcover
By: Hamid, Mohsin
Pub: Riverhead Books, 2018
Literary Fiction - Magic Realism - Refugees

Price: US$17
Sale price: US$14

Norwegian Wood (Movie Tie-in Edition)

72850 | English | Softcover
By: Murakami, Haruki / Tr. Rubin, Jay
Pub: Vintage International, NY, 2000
Japanese Fiction

Price: US$16
Sale price: US$14

The Tale of Princess Fatima, Warrior Woman: The Arabic Epic of Dhat al-Himma

73512 | English | Softcover
By: Translated by: Magidow, Melanie
Pub: PRH, NY 2021
Arab / Muslim Epic

Price: US$16
Sale price: US$14

Waiting for the Barbarians

73118 | English | Softcover
By: Coetzee, J.M
Pub: Penguin Random House, NY 1980
South African Literature

Price: US$16
Sale price: US$14

White Tears

44771 | English | Softcover
By: Kunzru, Hari
Pub: Vintage, NY, 2018
Literary Fiction - Noir Mystery

Price: US$17
Sale price: US$14

My Uncle Napoleon

72596 | English | Softcover
By: Pezeshkzad, Iraj / Translated: Davis, Dick
Pub: Penguin Books, USA 2006
Iranian Fiction

Price: US$18
Sale price: US$14

Arabic Poems (bilingual Ar-En)

44279 | Arabic-English | Hardcover
By: Editor: Hammond, Marle
Pub: Everyman's Library Pocket Poets, Alfred A. Knopf, 2014, New York
Arabic Poetry - Early through Contemporary

Price: US$16
Sale price: US$14

Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?

72761 | English | Softcover
By: Dick, Philip
Pub: PRH, NY 2017
Science Fiction

Price: US$16
Sale price: US$14

Ratner's Star

72757 | English | Softcover
By: DeLillo, Don (b. 1936)
Pub: Vintage, NY 1989
American Fiction

Price: US$17
Sale price: US$15

Dark Side Of Love

11803 | English | Hardcover
By: Schami, Rafik
Pub: The American University In Cairo Press, 2009

Price: US$30
Sale price: US$15

Against the Loveless World

80353 | English | Softcover
By: Abulhawa, Susan
Pub: Atria, imprint of Simon & Schuster, NY 2020
Fiction - Palestinian

Price: US$20
Sale price: US$15

American Trilogy 3: The Human Stain

73117 | English | Softcover
By: Roth, Philip (1933-2018)
Pub: Vintage International, NY 2000
Literary Fiction - American

Price: US$17
Sale price: US$15

American Trilogy 2: I Married a Communist

73116 | English | Softcover
By: Roth, Philip (1933-2018)
Pub: Vintage International, NY 1998
Literary Fiction - American

Price: US$17
Sale price: US$15

Kafka on the Shore

72855 | English | Softcover
By: Murakami, Haruki / Tr. Gabriel, Philip
Pub: Vintage Press, NY 2005
Japanese Fiction

Price: US$17
Sale price: US$15

The Monk of Mokha

44769 | English | Softcover
By: Eggers, Dave
Pub: Vintage, NY, 2019
Literary Writings - Travel - Yemen - History - Biography

Price: US$17
Sale price: US$15

You Shall Know Our Velocity

44767 | English | Softcover
By: Eggers, Dave
Pub: Vintage; Reprint edition, 2003
Literary Fiction

Price: US$17
Sale price: US$15

Mai Ghoussoub Selected Writings

7457 | English | Softcover
By: Ghoussoub, Mai
Pub: Saqi Books, Beirut, 2008, English Edition
Literary Writings - Lebanon

Price: US$18
Sale price: US$15

Islam Quintet 2: The Book of Saladin

44565 | English | Softcover
By: Ali, Tariq
Pub: Verso, London/NY, 2015
Historical Novel - Saladin - Crusades

Price: US$17
Sale price: US$15

A Hologram for the King

44772 | English | Softcover
By: Eggers, Dave
Pub: Vintage, NY, 2013
Literary Fiction

Price: US$17
Sale price: US$15

The Circle

44768 | English | Softcover
By: Eggers, Dave
Pub: Vintage, NY, 2014
Literary Fiction - Dystopian Novel - Suspense

Price: US$17
Sale price: US$15

Deadeye Dick

72760 | English | Softcover
By: Vonnegut, Kurt (1922-2007)
Pub: Dial Press, NY, 1999
Literary Fiction - Black Humor

Price: US$17
Sale price: US$15

While Mortals Sleep

44770 | English | Softcover
By: Vonnegut, Kurt (1922-2007)
Pub: Dial Press, NY, 2012
Literary Collection - Short Fiction - Satire - Fantasy

Price: US$17
Sale price: US$15


72880 | English | Softcover
By: Delillo, Don (b. 1936)
Pub: PRH, NY 1989
American Fiction

Price: US$17
Sale price: US$16

End Zone

72878 | English | Softcover
By: DeLillo, Don (b. 1936)
Pub: Penguin Random House, NY 1986
American Fiction - Football - Metaphorical Nuclear War

Price: US$16
Sale price: US$16

American Trilogy 1: American Pastoral

73115 | English | Softcover
By: Roth, Philip (1933-2018)
Pub: Vintage International NY 1998
Literary Fiction - Historical Fiction - American

Price: US$17
Sale price: US$16

The Plot Against America

44657 | English | Softcover
By: Roth, Philip (1933-2018)
Pub: Vintage International, NY, 2020 Movie tie-in Edition
Literary Fiction - Alternate History - American

Price: US$17
Sale price: US$16

Mao II

72758 | English | Softcover
By: Delillo, Don (b. 1936)
Pub: Penguin Random House, NY 1992
American Fiction

Price: US$17
Sale price: US$16


72759 | English | Softcover
By: Delillo, Don (b. 1936)
Pub: Penguin Random House,NY 2006
American Fiction

Price: US$17
Sale price: US$16

The Every : A Novel

44686 | English | Softcover
By: Eggers, Dave
Pub: Vintage Books, New York 2021
Literary Fiction - Suspense & Thriller

Price: US$18
Sale price: US$16

Forty Rules of Love

71966 | English | Softcover
By: Shafak, Elif
Pub: Penguin Books, 2011
Literary Fiction - Historical - Love

Price: US$18
Sale price: US$17

A Designated Man (En)

10726 | English | Hardcover
By: Farhi, Moris
Pub: Telegram, 2009

Price: US$20
Sale price: US$17

Sufism & Surrealism

5872 | English | Softcover
By: Adonis (Adunis, b. 1930)
Pub: Saqi Books, London, 2005 English Edition
Sufism - Surrealism - Parallels

Price: US$20
Sale price: US$18

Yacoubian Building (English HC Edition)

5871 | English | Hardcover
By: Aswani, Ala (1957-)
Pub: The American University in Cairo Press, 2005 English Edition
Translated Arabic Fiction - Egypt

Price: US$22
Sale price: US$19


80150 | English | Softcover
By: Darwish, Mahmoud
Pub: Verso, New York, 2024
Literature - Poetry - Palestine

Price: US$20
Sale price: US$19

Anise Boy: An Eternal Search for Love

75605 | English | Softcover
By: Warour, Hsain
Pub: Khayat Publishing, Washington, DC 2024
Memoir - Novella


We Wrote In Symbols: Love and Lust By Arab Women Writers

73814 | English | Softcover
By: Dabbagh,Selma
Pub: Saqi Books, UK 2021
Arabic Literature - Sensual Writings - Arab Women Authors

Price: US$22
Sale price: US$20

No Land to Light On

44778 | English | Hardcover
By: Zgheib, Yara
Pub: Atria Books, NY, 2022
Literary Fiction - Refurgee - Family Separation

Price: US$26
Sale price: US$24

What Strange Paradise: A novel

44685 | English | Hardcover
By: El Akkad, Omar
Pub: Knopf Publishing, NY, 2021
Fiction - Refugees

Price: US$26
Sale price: US$24

Crime and Punishment (En, HC, Penguin Clothbound Classic)

44658 | English | Hardcover
By: Dostoyevsky, Fyodor (1821-1881) / Tr: McDuff, David
Pub: Penguin Clothbound Classics, London, NY, 2018
Penguin Classics - Russian Literature - Crime Mystery

Price: US$27
Sale price: US$24

Catch -22

72591 | English | Hardcover
By: Heller, Joseph
Pub: PRH, NY 1995
Literary Fiction

Price: US$28
Sale price: US$26

The Stories of Ray Bradbury

73120 | English | Hardcover
By: Bradbury, Ray
Pub: Penguin Books, NY 2010
Science Fiction / Horror - American

Price: US$35
Sale price: US$26

BORDER TRILOGY: All The Pretty Horses, The Crossing, Cities of the Plain

72857 | English | Hardcover
By: McCarthy, Cormac (b. 1933)
Pub: PRH / Everyman's Library, NY 2008
Classic American Literature - Epic Fiction

Price: US$36
Sale price: US$30

The Speech of the Birds - Mantiqu't-Tair (Maqamat al-Tuyur)

44593 | English | Softcover
By: Faridu'd-Din Attar / Tr: Avery, Peter
Pub: ITS, Cambridge, UK, 1998
Early Work - Sufi Poetry - Persian - trans. to English

Price: US$45
Sale price: US$38

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