MENUMENU - الكتاب

French Titles
Titles in the French Language, or Arabic-French, primarily with a focus on Islam and the Arab world.


Abu Bakr al-Siddik: Le Premier De L'Islam

10151 | French | Softcover
By: Reda, Muhammad (Reza, d. 1369/1950)
Pub: DKI, 2002
Islam - Early Muslims - French Language


Abu Bakr al-Siddiq (French)

11833 | French-Arabic | Hardcover
By: Reda, Muhammad (Reza, d. 1369/1950)
Pub: al-Maktaba Assrya, 2008
Biography-Early Muslims


Allah L'Unique

10131 | French | Softcover
By: Yousof. Ahmed Khalifa
Pub:, 2003
Islam - French Language


At Tajrid As Sarih Abrege De Bukhari

10110 | French | Hardcover
By: Zabidi, al-Imam Ahmad ibn Ahmad (d. 893 AH) زبيدي، احمد بن احمد (Zubaydi)
Pub: Maktaba al-Assrya, Beirut, 2001
Early Work - Hadith - French Language


Authentification du Propos Prophetique

10218 | French | Softcover
By: Albani, Muhammad
Pub: Librairie al-Maaref, 2003
Islam - General - French



10351 | French | Softcover
By: Voltaire
Pub: Librairie Du Liban Editeurs
Short Stories - Classical - French


Dam'a wa Ibtisama En-Fr-Ar دمعة وابتسامة بثلاث لغات

21129 | English - French - Arabic | Hardcover
By: Gibran Khalil Gibran (1883-1931) جبران، جبران خليل
Pub: Al-Biruni Publishing House, Beirut, 2011
Arabic Literature - Prose - Poems - Gibran


Des Compagnes Militantes Et Des Femmes Devotes

10123 | French | Softcover
By: Moubarak, Oum al-Fadel Alyia Mustafa
Pub: DKI, 2003
Islam - French Language


Des Hommes Autour Du Prophete (Lg)

10119 | French | Hardcover
By: Khalid, Khalid Muhammad (1920-1996)
Pub: DKI, 2001
Islam - Early Muslims - French Language


Des Hommes Autour Du Prophete (Med)

10094 | French | Hardcover
By: Khalid, Khalid Muhammad (1920-1996)
Pub: DKI, 2004
Islam - Biography - Early Muslims


Directives Pour L'Education Des Enfants

10134 | French | Softcover
By: Traduit Par / By: Muhammad Lamine Ben Brahim
Pub: Darussalaam, 2001
Islam - French Language


Dissiper L'Equivoque En Monotheisme

10173 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Ibn Abdul Wahhab, Muhammad
Pub: Darussalam
Islam - Creed - French


E-Tawassoul Ou Les Sollicitations Divines

10132 | French | Softcover
By: Albani, Muhammad Nacer E-Dine
Pub: Librairie al-Maaref, 2003
Islam - French Language


Ecrire et Parler Facilement le Francais (1CD, Ar-Fr) اكتب وتكلم الفرنسية بسهولة

9294 | Arabic-French | Hardcover
By: Dupont, Roger
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, 2007
Arabic to French Language Study

Price: US$20
Sale price: US$16

Excerpts of the Spiritual Legacy of Gibran ( En- Fr- Ar ) ارم ذات العماد - انكليزي فرنسي عربي

21128 | English - French - Arabic | Hardcover
By: Gibran Khalil Gibran (1883-1931) جبران، جبران خليل
Pub: Al-Biruni Publishing House, Beirut, 2012
Literature - Prose - Poetry - Writings - Gibran


Fables (French)

10347 | French | Softcover
By: de la Fontaine, Jean
Pub: Librairie Du Liban Editeurs
Classic - Fables - French - Teen, YA +


Fleurus, la grande encyclopédie: Nature (French)

75458 | French | Hardcover
By: Dutilleul, Hélène
Pub: Fleurus Jeunese, Paris 1997
Encyclopedia for Youth - Nature - French - Ages 6 and Up


General International Dictionary English-Arabic, French-Arabic الـقـامـوس الـدولـي الـعـام، انـكـلـيـزي - عـربـي ، فـرنـسي - عـربـي

20608 | English-Arabic and French-Arabic | Hardcover
By: Alwan, Firyal / Nour, M / Laham, S.M. / Sassine, M.
Pub: Dar Al-Kotob Al-ilmiyah, Beirut, 2006
Three Language Dictionary - English, Arabic, French


Histoire De La Mosquee Honoree Du Prophete

10140 | French | Softcover
By: Abdelghani, Muhammad Lyes
Pub: DKI, 2003
Islam - French Language


Histoires des Prophetes

11830 | French | Hardcover
By: Ibn Kathir (700/1301 - 774/1372)
Pub: Maktabat al-Assrya, Saida, 2008
Early Work - Islam - Prophets - History


Hitti's New Medical Dictionary En-Ar قاموس حتي الطبي الجديد : إنجليزي عربي

20614 | English-Arabic | Hardcover
By: Hitti, Yusuf L. يوسف حتي / Khatib, Ahmad Sh. احمد شفيق الخطيب
Pub: Librarie du Liban, Beirut
Medical Dictionary - English-Arabic


Interpretation Des Reves

10113 | French | Hardcover
By: Bin Sirine, Muhammad
Pub: DKI
Islam - French Language



10345 | French | Softcover
By: Moliere
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut,
Short Stories - Classical - French


L'Elagage De La Biographie Du Prophete

10105 | French | Hardcover
By: Ibn Hisham
Pub: DKI, 2002
Islam - French Language


L'Imam Ali Ibn Abi Taleb: Le Quatrieme Calife De L'Islam

10149 | French | Softcover
By: Reda, Muhammad (Reza, d. 1369/1950)
Pub: DKI, 2002
Islam - Early Muslims - French Language


L'Imam Ali Ibn Abu Talib

11828 | French-Arabic | Hardcover
By: Reda, Muhammad (Reza, d. 1369/1950)
Pub: al-Maktaba Assrya, 2008
Biography-Early Muslims


L'Islam: Religion De Tolerance Et De Paix

10136 | French | Softcover
By: Royet, Amine Gerard
Pub: DKI, 2004
Islam - Creed - French Language


L'Ultime Messager du Ciel

11835 | French-Arabic | Hardcover
By: Khidri, Muhammad
Pub: al-Maktaba Assrya, 2005


L'Unicite D'Abord Chers Precheurs

10210 | French | Softcover
By: Albani, Muhammad
Pub: Librairie al-Maaref, 2003
Islam - General - French


La Biographie Et Les Fastes De Omar Ben Abdul Aziz

10097 | French | Hardcover
By: Traduit Par: Fawzi Ali Muhammad
Pub: DKI, 2003
Islam - Biography - Early Muslims


La Conquete Du Monde Musulman

10156 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: DKI, 2003
Islam - History


La Femme A L'Epoque Du Prophete

10115 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Ismet, Dr. / Eddine Karkar
Pub: Dar al-Gharb al-Islami, 1993
Islam - French Language


La Femme A Travers Les Versets Coraniques

10157 | French | Softcover
By: Karkar, Ismet-Ouddine
Pub: Dar al-Gharb al-Islami, 1992
Islam - Women - French Language


La foi (sa réalité, ses piliers, ses obligations et les causes qui la rendent caduque)

73241 | French | Hardcover
By: Yacine, Mohammed
Pub: Editions Ibn Hazm, Beirut 2009, French Edition
Islamic Faith - Eman - French Edition


La Foi: Ses Piliers - Sa Realite - Sa Rupture

10147 | French | Softcover
By: Muhammad, Fawzi Ali
Pub: DKI, 2003
Islam - Tawhid - French Language


La Mise En Eveil Insouciants: A L'aide Des Hadiths Prophetiques

10098 | French | Hardcover
By: Samarqandi, Nasr Ben Muhammad
Pub: DKI, 2002
Islam - French Language


La Princesse De Cleves

10348 | French | Softcover
By: Madame de la Fayette
Pub: Librairie Du Liban Editeurs
Short Stories - Classical - French


La Risala (Fr)

10118 | French | Hardcover
By: Qayrawani, Ibn Abi Zayd (d.386/996)
Pub: al-Maktaba al-Assrya, 2004
Islam - Creed - Maliki Madhab - French Language


La Separation Entre Epoux Dans L'Islam

10158 | French-Arabic | Softcover
By: Ibn Rushd / Traduit Par: Ahmed Laimeche
Pub: DKI, 2001
Islam - Family - French Language


La Vie Du Prophete

10130 | French | Softcover
By: Ghalayini, Mustapha
Pub: al-Maktaba al-Assrya, 2004
Islam - Prophet's Biography - French Language


La Vie Du Prophète (Saw): Leçons Et Enseignements

73239 | French | Hardcover
By: Sibbai, Dr. Mustafa
Pub: Editions Ibn Hazm, Beirut 2019, French Edition
Seera- Prophetic Biography - French


Le Bouclier du Musulman - Arabic-French

8069 | Arabic-French | Softcover
By: Muhammad, Fawzi Ali
Pub: DKI, Beirut, 2003
Islam General


Le Chemin De Dieu ou (Le Livre De La Veracite)

10176 | French | Softcover
By: Kharraz, Abu Said
Pub: al-Maktaba al-Assrya, 2003
Islam - Creed - French


Le Cid

10350 | French | Softcover
By: Corneille, Pierre
Pub: Librairie Du Liban Editeurs
Short Stories - Classical - French


Le Consentement al-Muwatta 1/2

10108 | French-Arabic | Hardcover
By: Ben Anas, L'Imam Malek
Pub: DKI, 1999
Islam - French Language


Le Coran Inimitable - Suratu Ya Sin (Arabic-French)

10222 | Arabic-French | Softcover
By: Translated by: M.H. Chamseddine
Pub: DKI, 2003
Islam - Quran - French


Le Credo Authentique

10213 | French | Softcover
By: Bin Baz, Abdul Aziz Ibn Abdullah
Pub: Darussalam
Islam - Creed - French


Le Grand Meaulnes

10352 | French | Softcover
By: Alain-Fournier
Pub: Librairie Du Liban Editeurs
Short Stories - Classical - French


Le Guide Du Musulman

11829 | French | Hardcover
By: Jazairi, Abu Bakr Jabir (b. 1921)
Pub: al-Maktaba Assrya, 2004


Le Guide du Musulman

11832 | French-Arabic | Hardcover
By: Jazairi, Abu Bakr Jabir (b. 1921)
Pub: al-Maktaba Assrya, 2008
Islamic Creed


Le Jour De La Retribution

10155 | French | Softcover
By: Ismail, Muhammad
Pub: DKI, 2003
Islam - General - French Language


Le Livre Complet et Concis sur La Jurisprudence du Coran et de la Sunna (3 vol)

73882 | French with Arabic | Hardcover
By: Hallaq, Muhammad Subhi bin Hasan
Pub: Dar Ibn Hazm Beirut 2021
Jurisprudence of Islam


Le Livre De La Sincerite

10133 | French | Softcover
By: Awaicha, Hocine
Pub: Dar Ibn Hazm, 2003
Islam - French Language


Le Livre Du Destin

10138 | French | Softcover
By: Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah (691/1292 - 751/1350) / Abdullah Ben Wahb
Pub: DKI, 2003
Islam - French Language


Le Noble Coran (Arabic-French) القرآن الكريم

15798 | Arabic - Français | Hardcover
Pub: Bureau de prédication islamique de Rabwah (Riyadh) - Complexe du Roi Fahd pour l’impression du Noble Coran à Médine
Islam - Qur'an Translation


Le Remede Par Le Coran

10139 | French | Softcover
By: Ismail, Muhammad
Pub: DKI, 2004
Islam - French Language


Le Sabre Tranchant Contre Les Magiciens Mechants

10154 | French | Softcover
By: Bali, Wahid Abdulsalam
Pub: al-Maktaba al-Ilmiyah, Beirut, 2007
Islam - General - French Language


Le Saint Coran avec traduction des sens en Français (Format Poche long) القرآن الكريم

40211 | Arabe-Français | Flexi-Cover
By: Traduction par Muhammad Hamidullah
Pub: Dar Ibn Kathir, Beirut, 2014
Quran with meaning in French


Le Sermon Avant D'Entreprendre Une Affaire

10209 | French | Softcover
By: Albani, Muhammad
Pub: Librairie al-Maarref, 2003
Islam - General - French


Le Voile De La Femme Musulmane Pourquoi?

10145 | French | Softcover
By: Ben Ismail, Sheikh Muhammad ben Ahmad
Pub: Darussalam, 1998
Islam - Women - French Language


Le Voyage Nocturne Et L'Ascension

10146 | French | Softcover
By: Ibn Abbas et Abou Ishaq Muhammad Ben Ibrahim al-Namani
Pub: DKI, 2003
Islam - General - French Language


Lecons Importantes Pour Le Public De La Nation

10214 | French | Softcover
By: Bin Baz, Abdul Aziz Ibn Abdullah
Pub: Darussalam, 2002
Islam - General - French


Les Beaux Noms D'Allah

10142 | French | Softcover
By: Fudayli, Abdul Karim
Pub: DKI, 2001
Islam - General - French Language


Les Califes Du Messager Qu'Allah Le Benisse Et Le Salue

10092 | French | Hardcover
By: Kayale, J.F.
Pub: DKI, 2003
Islam - French Language


Les Causes De La Revelation Du Saint Coran

10107 | French-Arabic | Hardcover
By: Nisaburi, Abu al-Hasan Wahidi
Pub: DKI, 2000
Islam - French Language


Les Conditions De L'Islam Et Les Dix Abrogations

10215 | French | Softcover
By: Revise Par: Muhammad al-Ameen Bin Ibrahim
Pub: Darussalam, 2001
Islam - General - French


Les Dix Compagnons Promis Du Paradis (Nouvelle Edition)

10144 | French | Softcover
By: Prepare Par: Fawzi Ali Muhammad
Pub: DKI, 2005
Islam - Early Muslims - French Language


Les Droits Des Parents En Islam

10141 | French | Softcover
By: Hamoui, Muhammad
Pub: DKI, 2003
Islam - Parents - French Language


Les Femmes Et Les Filles Du Prophete

10143 | French | Softcover
By: Muhammad, Fawzi Ali
Pub: DKI, 2003
Islam - Prophet's Wives - French Language



73997 | French | Softcover
By: Mosteghanemi, Ahlam أحلام مستغانمي
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Paris / Beirut 2018
Fiction - Algerian Literature


Les Hadiths Divins: al-Ahadiths al-Quoudoussias

10096 | French | Hardcover
By: Traduit En Francais Par: Fawzi Chaaban
Pub: DKI, 2004
Islam - French Language


Les Invocations De Dieu

11827 | French | Hardcover
By: Nawawi (Imam al-Nawawi)
Pub: al-Maktaba Assrya, 2006


Les Mots Du Coran

10101 | French | Hardcover
By: Traduit et preface par: Marwan Jardaly
Pub: Dar Ibn Hazm, 2003
Islam - Quran - French Language


Les Precieuses Ridicules

10349 | French | Softcover
By: Moliere
Pub: Librairie Du Liban Editeurs
Short Stories - Classical - French


Les Propos Authentiques Du Livre: Les Bonnes Paroles

10220 | French | Softcover
By: Ibn Taymiyyah
Pub: Librairie al-Maaref, 2004
Islam - General - French


Les Quarante Hadiths

10175 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Nawawi (Imam al-Nawawi)
Pub: al-Maktaba al-Assrya, 2004
Islam - Hadith - French


Les Regles Concernants Le Nouveau-NE

10100 | French | Hardcover
By: Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah (691/1292 - 751/1350)
Pub: DKI, 2003
Islam - French Language


Les Signes Precurseurs De L'Heure

10137 | French | Softcover
By: Cheikh, Dr. Izzedine Houssayn
Pub: DKI, 2003
Islam - French Language


Les sources de la loi extraites du hadith

11824 | French-Arabic | Hardcover
By: Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani (d. 852/1448)
Pub: Al-Maktaba al-Assrya, 2005


Lire, Ecrire et Parler l'Arabe (1CD, Arabic-French)

9296 | Arabic-French | Hardcover
By: Tabbal, Ahmed
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, 2001
French Language Study

Price: US$20
Sale price: US$16

Livre Des Peches Majeurs (Ar-Fr)

11831 | French-Arabic | Hardcover
By: Dhahabi (al-Zahabi)
Pub: Maktaba al-Assrya, 2006
Early Work - Religious-Creed


Livre Des Peches Majeurs (Fr Only)

10111 | French | Hardcover
By: Dhahabi (al-Zahabi)
Pub: Maktaba al-Assrya, 2004
Early Work - Islam - French Language


Lumieres sur les Quarante Hadiths

10103 | French | Hardcover
By: Nawawi (Imam al-Nawawi)
Pub: Dar Ibn Hazm, 2004
Islam - Ahadith


Manon Lescaut

10353 | French | Softcover
By: Previst, Abbe
Pub: Librairie Du Liban Editeurs
Short Stories - Classical - French


Mu'jam Lughat al-Fuqaha: Arabi-Inkilizi-Faransi

40327 | Arabic- English - French | Hardcover
By: Qal'aji, Muhammad Rawwas / Qunaybi, Hamid Sadiq
Pub: Dar al-Nafa'es, Beirut, 2012
Islamic Law Dictionary - Ar-En-Fr


Muhammad (SBSL) Comme Si Tu Le Voyais

10093 | French | Hardcover
By: Qarni, Aaidh (al-Qarni)
Pub: Dar Ibn Hazm, 2003
Islam - French Language


Mujam Thasrif Ishrwun Alf fil wa fil - معجم ثصريف عشرون الف فعل و فعل

75359 | Arabic - French | Softcover
By: Dichy, Joseph & Ammar Sam
Pub: Sayegh, Beirut 2021
Dictionary of Arabic Verbs


Oman - My Beautiful Country

5986 | English-Arabic | Hardcover
By: Zubair, Muhammad (photographed, edited and designed)
Pub: Bait al-Zubair, 2002
Arts-Photography Book


Omar Ben al-Khattab: Le Deuxieme Calife De L'Islam

10148 | French | Softcover
By: Reda, Muhammad (Reza, d. 1369/1950)
Pub: DKI, 2002
Islam - Early Muslims - French Language


Pensees, Morceaux Choisis

10344 | French | Softcover
By: Pascal, Blaise
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut,
Short Stories - Classical - French


Political Dictionary English-French-Arabic القاموس السياسي ومصطلحات المؤتمرات الدولية

20628 | English-French-Arabic | Hardcover
By: Laham, Farah, Alwan, Sasin
Pub: DKI, Beirut, 2004
Political Dictionary - Political Science - World Politics


Precis de doctrine et de culte Islamiques seln l'ecole Malekite

11834 | French | Hardcover
By: Abd Assalm, Khalid
Pub: al-Maktaba Assrya, 2007
Islamic Creed


Profite de ta vie

73240 | French | Hardcover
By: Arifi, Muhammad Abdur-Rahman
Pub: IIPH, Riyadh 2014 French Edition
Muslim Lifestyle


Quran Tajweed Arabic-French

11205 | Arabic-French | Hardcover
Pub: Dar al-Marefah Publishing, Beirut
Tajweed Quran, French Translation


Recueil Des Missives

10109 | French | Hardcover
By: Ghazzali, L'Imam
Pub: DKI, 1999
Islam - Al Ghazali - French Language


Replique Suffisante Pour Un Remede Guerissant

10116 | French | Hardcover
By: Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah (691/1292 - 751/1350)
Pub: DKI, 2000
Islam - French Language


Sahih al-Bukhari, Le Sommaire Du Sahih al-Bukhari (Fr)

10174 | French | Softcover
By: Zubaidi, Zein Ed Dine Ahmad Ibn Abdul Latif
Pub: DKI, 2000
Islam - Hadith - French


Sahih d'al-Bukhari bilingue Arabe/Français (Le Boukhari complet en 8 vol)

75463 | Arabic & French | Hardcover
By: Bukhari, Muhammad / Tr. By Ahmed, Harkat
Pub: Maktaba Asriyah, Beirut 2006
Early Work - Hadith


Tahdhib al-Targhib wa-al Tarhib (3 Vol Fr-Ar) تهذيب الترغيب والترهيب

74557 | French-Arabic | Hardcover
By: Moundhiri, (Mundhari) Imam Zaki Uddin زكي الدين عبد العظيم بن عبد القوي المنذري
Pub: Dar al-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah (DKI), Beirut 1997
Early Work - Hadith - French-Arabic



10346 | French | Softcover
By: Moliere
Pub: Librairie Du Liban Editeurs
Short Stories - Classical - French


Umar Ibn al-Khattab (French)

11825 | French-Arabic | Hardcover
By: Reda, Muhammad (Reza, d. 1369/1950)
Pub: Al-Maktaba al-Assrya, 2008
Biography-Early Muslims


Un Apercu Concis Sur L'Islam

10153 | French | Softcover
By: Traduit Par: Mohamed Lamine Ben Brahim
Pub: Darussalam, 2001
Islam - Creed - French Language


Un Bref Apercu Sur Le Caractere Sublime de L'Islam

10135 | French | Softcover
By: Arabi, Abu Hamzah
Pub: Darussalam, 2001
Islam - French Language


Un Enfant Musulman Avec Ahadithir Rassoul

10171 | French | Hardcover
By: Traduit Par: Mohamed S. Sangare
Pub: Darussalam, 1999
Islam - Children - Ahadith - French


Uthman Ibn Afan: Le Troisieme Calife De L'Islam

10150 | French | Softcover
By: Reda, Muhammad (Reza, d. 1369/1950)
Pub: DKI, 2003
Islam - Early Muslims - French Language


Uthman Ibn Affan (French)

11826 | French-Arabic | Hardcover
By: Reda, Muhammad (Reza, d. 1369/1950)
Pub: al-Maktaba Assrya, 2008
Biography - Early Muslims


La Conquete Du Monde Musulman

10156 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: DKI, 2003
Islam - History


Le Noble Coran (Arabic-French) القرآن الكريم

15798 | Arabic - Français | Hardcover
Pub: Bureau de prédication islamique de Rabwah (Riyadh) - Complexe du Roi Fahd pour l’impression du Noble Coran à Médine
Islam - Qur'an Translation


Quran Tajweed Arabic-French

11205 | Arabic-French | Hardcover
Pub: Dar al-Marefah Publishing, Beirut
Tajweed Quran, French Translation


Precis de doctrine et de culte Islamiques seln l'ecole Malekite

11834 | French | Hardcover
By: Abd Assalm, Khalid
Pub: al-Maktaba Assrya, 2007
Islamic Creed


Histoire De La Mosquee Honoree Du Prophete

10140 | French | Softcover
By: Abdelghani, Muhammad Lyes
Pub: DKI, 2003
Islam - French Language


Le Grand Meaulnes

10352 | French | Softcover
By: Alain-Fournier
Pub: Librairie Du Liban Editeurs
Short Stories - Classical - French


Le Sermon Avant D'Entreprendre Une Affaire

10209 | French | Softcover
By: Albani, Muhammad
Pub: Librairie al-Maarref, 2003
Islam - General - French


L'Unicite D'Abord Chers Precheurs

10210 | French | Softcover
By: Albani, Muhammad
Pub: Librairie al-Maaref, 2003
Islam - General - French


Authentification du Propos Prophetique

10218 | French | Softcover
By: Albani, Muhammad
Pub: Librairie al-Maaref, 2003
Islam - General - French


E-Tawassoul Ou Les Sollicitations Divines

10132 | French | Softcover
By: Albani, Muhammad Nacer E-Dine
Pub: Librairie al-Maaref, 2003
Islam - French Language


General International Dictionary English-Arabic, French-Arabic الـقـامـوس الـدولـي الـعـام، انـكـلـيـزي - عـربـي ، فـرنـسي - عـربـي

20608 | English-Arabic and French-Arabic | Hardcover
By: Alwan, Firyal / Nour, M / Laham, S.M. / Sassine, M.
Pub: Dar Al-Kotob Al-ilmiyah, Beirut, 2006
Three Language Dictionary - English, Arabic, French


Un Bref Apercu Sur Le Caractere Sublime de L'Islam

10135 | French | Softcover
By: Arabi, Abu Hamzah
Pub: Darussalam, 2001
Islam - French Language


Profite de ta vie

73240 | French | Hardcover
By: Arifi, Muhammad Abdur-Rahman
Pub: IIPH, Riyadh 2014 French Edition
Muslim Lifestyle


Le Livre De La Sincerite

10133 | French | Softcover
By: Awaicha, Hocine
Pub: Dar Ibn Hazm, 2003
Islam - French Language


Le Sabre Tranchant Contre Les Magiciens Mechants

10154 | French | Softcover
By: Bali, Wahid Abdulsalam
Pub: al-Maktaba al-Ilmiyah, Beirut, 2007
Islam - General - French Language


Le Consentement al-Muwatta 1/2

10108 | French-Arabic | Hardcover
By: Ben Anas, L'Imam Malek
Pub: DKI, 1999
Islam - French Language


Le Voile De La Femme Musulmane Pourquoi?

10145 | French | Softcover
By: Ben Ismail, Sheikh Muhammad ben Ahmad
Pub: Darussalam, 1998
Islam - Women - French Language


Lecons Importantes Pour Le Public De La Nation

10214 | French | Softcover
By: Bin Baz, Abdul Aziz Ibn Abdullah
Pub: Darussalam, 2002
Islam - General - French


Le Credo Authentique

10213 | French | Softcover
By: Bin Baz, Abdul Aziz Ibn Abdullah
Pub: Darussalam
Islam - Creed - French


Interpretation Des Reves

10113 | French | Hardcover
By: Bin Sirine, Muhammad
Pub: DKI
Islam - French Language


Sahih d'al-Bukhari bilingue Arabe/Français (Le Boukhari complet en 8 vol)

75463 | Arabic & French | Hardcover
By: Bukhari, Muhammad / Tr. By Ahmed, Harkat
Pub: Maktaba Asriyah, Beirut 2006
Early Work - Hadith


Les Signes Precurseurs De L'Heure

10137 | French | Softcover
By: Cheikh, Dr. Izzedine Houssayn
Pub: DKI, 2003
Islam - French Language


Le Cid

10350 | French | Softcover
By: Corneille, Pierre
Pub: Librairie Du Liban Editeurs
Short Stories - Classical - French


Fables (French)

10347 | French | Softcover
By: de la Fontaine, Jean
Pub: Librairie Du Liban Editeurs
Classic - Fables - French - Teen, YA +


Livre Des Peches Majeurs (Fr Only)

10111 | French | Hardcover
By: Dhahabi (al-Zahabi)
Pub: Maktaba al-Assrya, 2004
Early Work - Islam - French Language


Livre Des Peches Majeurs (Ar-Fr)

11831 | French-Arabic | Hardcover
By: Dhahabi (al-Zahabi)
Pub: Maktaba al-Assrya, 2006
Early Work - Religious-Creed


Mujam Thasrif Ishrwun Alf fil wa fil - معجم ثصريف عشرون الف فعل و فعل

75359 | Arabic - French | Softcover
By: Dichy, Joseph & Ammar Sam
Pub: Sayegh, Beirut 2021
Dictionary of Arabic Verbs


Ecrire et Parler Facilement le Francais (1CD, Ar-Fr) اكتب وتكلم الفرنسية بسهولة

9294 | Arabic-French | Hardcover
By: Dupont, Roger
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, 2007
Arabic to French Language Study

Price: US$20
Sale price: US$16

Fleurus, la grande encyclopédie: Nature (French)

75458 | French | Hardcover
By: Dutilleul, Hélène
Pub: Fleurus Jeunese, Paris 1997
Encyclopedia for Youth - Nature - French - Ages 6 and Up


Les Beaux Noms D'Allah

10142 | French | Softcover
By: Fudayli, Abdul Karim
Pub: DKI, 2001
Islam - General - French Language


La Vie Du Prophete

10130 | French | Softcover
By: Ghalayini, Mustapha
Pub: al-Maktaba al-Assrya, 2004
Islam - Prophet's Biography - French Language


Recueil Des Missives

10109 | French | Hardcover
By: Ghazzali, L'Imam
Pub: DKI, 1999
Islam - Al Ghazali - French Language


Dam'a wa Ibtisama En-Fr-Ar دمعة وابتسامة بثلاث لغات

21129 | English - French - Arabic | Hardcover
By: Gibran Khalil Gibran (1883-1931) جبران، جبران خليل
Pub: Al-Biruni Publishing House, Beirut, 2011
Arabic Literature - Prose - Poems - Gibran


Excerpts of the Spiritual Legacy of Gibran ( En- Fr- Ar ) ارم ذات العماد - انكليزي فرنسي عربي

21128 | English - French - Arabic | Hardcover
By: Gibran Khalil Gibran (1883-1931) جبران، جبران خليل
Pub: Al-Biruni Publishing House, Beirut, 2012
Literature - Prose - Poetry - Writings - Gibran


Le Livre Complet et Concis sur La Jurisprudence du Coran et de la Sunna (3 vol)

73882 | French with Arabic | Hardcover
By: Hallaq, Muhammad Subhi bin Hasan
Pub: Dar Ibn Hazm Beirut 2021
Jurisprudence of Islam


Les Droits Des Parents En Islam

10141 | French | Softcover
By: Hamoui, Muhammad
Pub: DKI, 2003
Islam - Parents - French Language


Hitti's New Medical Dictionary En-Ar قاموس حتي الطبي الجديد : إنجليزي عربي

20614 | English-Arabic | Hardcover
By: Hitti, Yusuf L. يوسف حتي / Khatib, Ahmad Sh. احمد شفيق الخطيب
Pub: Librarie du Liban, Beirut
Medical Dictionary - English-Arabic


Le Voyage Nocturne Et L'Ascension

10146 | French | Softcover
By: Ibn Abbas et Abou Ishaq Muhammad Ben Ibrahim al-Namani
Pub: DKI, 2003
Islam - General - French Language


Dissiper L'Equivoque En Monotheisme

10173 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Ibn Abdul Wahhab, Muhammad
Pub: Darussalam
Islam - Creed - French


Les sources de la loi extraites du hadith

11824 | French-Arabic | Hardcover
By: Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani (d. 852/1448)
Pub: Al-Maktaba al-Assrya, 2005


L'Elagage De La Biographie Du Prophete

10105 | French | Hardcover
By: Ibn Hisham
Pub: DKI, 2002
Islam - French Language


Histoires des Prophetes

11830 | French | Hardcover
By: Ibn Kathir (700/1301 - 774/1372)
Pub: Maktabat al-Assrya, Saida, 2008
Early Work - Islam - Prophets - History


Les Regles Concernants Le Nouveau-NE

10100 | French | Hardcover
By: Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah (691/1292 - 751/1350)
Pub: DKI, 2003
Islam - French Language


Replique Suffisante Pour Un Remede Guerissant

10116 | French | Hardcover
By: Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah (691/1292 - 751/1350)
Pub: DKI, 2000
Islam - French Language


Le Livre Du Destin

10138 | French | Softcover
By: Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah (691/1292 - 751/1350) / Abdullah Ben Wahb
Pub: DKI, 2003
Islam - French Language


La Separation Entre Epoux Dans L'Islam

10158 | French-Arabic | Softcover
By: Ibn Rushd / Traduit Par: Ahmed Laimeche
Pub: DKI, 2001
Islam - Family - French Language


Les Propos Authentiques Du Livre: Les Bonnes Paroles

10220 | French | Softcover
By: Ibn Taymiyyah
Pub: Librairie al-Maaref, 2004
Islam - General - French


Le Jour De La Retribution

10155 | French | Softcover
By: Ismail, Muhammad
Pub: DKI, 2003
Islam - General - French Language


Le Remede Par Le Coran

10139 | French | Softcover
By: Ismail, Muhammad
Pub: DKI, 2004
Islam - French Language


La Femme A L'Epoque Du Prophete

10115 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Ismet, Dr. / Eddine Karkar
Pub: Dar al-Gharb al-Islami, 1993
Islam - French Language


Le Guide Du Musulman

11829 | French | Hardcover
By: Jazairi, Abu Bakr Jabir (b. 1921)
Pub: al-Maktaba Assrya, 2004


Le Guide du Musulman

11832 | French-Arabic | Hardcover
By: Jazairi, Abu Bakr Jabir (b. 1921)
Pub: al-Maktaba Assrya, 2008
Islamic Creed


La Femme A Travers Les Versets Coraniques

10157 | French | Softcover
By: Karkar, Ismet-Ouddine
Pub: Dar al-Gharb al-Islami, 1992
Islam - Women - French Language


Les Califes Du Messager Qu'Allah Le Benisse Et Le Salue

10092 | French | Hardcover
By: Kayale, J.F.
Pub: DKI, 2003
Islam - French Language


Des Hommes Autour Du Prophete (Lg)

10119 | French | Hardcover
By: Khalid, Khalid Muhammad (1920-1996)
Pub: DKI, 2001
Islam - Early Muslims - French Language


Des Hommes Autour Du Prophete (Med)

10094 | French | Hardcover
By: Khalid, Khalid Muhammad (1920-1996)
Pub: DKI, 2004
Islam - Biography - Early Muslims


Le Chemin De Dieu ou (Le Livre De La Veracite)

10176 | French | Softcover
By: Kharraz, Abu Said
Pub: al-Maktaba al-Assrya, 2003
Islam - Creed - French


L'Ultime Messager du Ciel

11835 | French-Arabic | Hardcover
By: Khidri, Muhammad
Pub: al-Maktaba Assrya, 2005


Political Dictionary English-French-Arabic القاموس السياسي ومصطلحات المؤتمرات الدولية

20628 | English-French-Arabic | Hardcover
By: Laham, Farah, Alwan, Sasin
Pub: DKI, Beirut, 2004
Political Dictionary - Political Science - World Politics


La Princesse De Cleves

10348 | French | Softcover
By: Madame de la Fayette
Pub: Librairie Du Liban Editeurs
Short Stories - Classical - French



10345 | French | Softcover
By: Moliere
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut,
Short Stories - Classical - French



10346 | French | Softcover
By: Moliere
Pub: Librairie Du Liban Editeurs
Short Stories - Classical - French


Les Precieuses Ridicules

10349 | French | Softcover
By: Moliere
Pub: Librairie Du Liban Editeurs
Short Stories - Classical - French



73997 | French | Softcover
By: Mosteghanemi, Ahlam أحلام مستغانمي
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Paris / Beirut 2018
Fiction - Algerian Literature


Des Compagnes Militantes Et Des Femmes Devotes

10123 | French | Softcover
By: Moubarak, Oum al-Fadel Alyia Mustafa
Pub: DKI, 2003
Islam - French Language


Tahdhib al-Targhib wa-al Tarhib (3 Vol Fr-Ar) تهذيب الترغيب والترهيب

74557 | French-Arabic | Hardcover
By: Moundhiri, (Mundhari) Imam Zaki Uddin زكي الدين عبد العظيم بن عبد القوي المنذري
Pub: Dar al-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah (DKI), Beirut 1997
Early Work - Hadith - French-Arabic


Les Femmes Et Les Filles Du Prophete

10143 | French | Softcover
By: Muhammad, Fawzi Ali
Pub: DKI, 2003
Islam - Prophet's Wives - French Language


La Foi: Ses Piliers - Sa Realite - Sa Rupture

10147 | French | Softcover
By: Muhammad, Fawzi Ali
Pub: DKI, 2003
Islam - Tawhid - French Language


Le Bouclier du Musulman - Arabic-French

8069 | Arabic-French | Softcover
By: Muhammad, Fawzi Ali
Pub: DKI, Beirut, 2003
Islam General


Lumieres sur les Quarante Hadiths

10103 | French | Hardcover
By: Nawawi (Imam al-Nawawi)
Pub: Dar Ibn Hazm, 2004
Islam - Ahadith


Les Quarante Hadiths

10175 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Nawawi (Imam al-Nawawi)
Pub: al-Maktaba al-Assrya, 2004
Islam - Hadith - French


Les Invocations De Dieu

11827 | French | Hardcover
By: Nawawi (Imam al-Nawawi)
Pub: al-Maktaba Assrya, 2006


Les Causes De La Revelation Du Saint Coran

10107 | French-Arabic | Hardcover
By: Nisaburi, Abu al-Hasan Wahidi
Pub: DKI, 2000
Islam - French Language


Pensees, Morceaux Choisis

10344 | French | Softcover
By: Pascal, Blaise
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut,
Short Stories - Classical - French


Les Dix Compagnons Promis Du Paradis (Nouvelle Edition)

10144 | French | Softcover
By: Prepare Par: Fawzi Ali Muhammad
Pub: DKI, 2005
Islam - Early Muslims - French Language


Manon Lescaut

10353 | French | Softcover
By: Previst, Abbe
Pub: Librairie Du Liban Editeurs
Short Stories - Classical - French


Mu'jam Lughat al-Fuqaha: Arabi-Inkilizi-Faransi

40327 | Arabic- English - French | Hardcover
By: Qal'aji, Muhammad Rawwas / Qunaybi, Hamid Sadiq
Pub: Dar al-Nafa'es, Beirut, 2012
Islamic Law Dictionary - Ar-En-Fr


Muhammad (SBSL) Comme Si Tu Le Voyais

10093 | French | Hardcover
By: Qarni, Aaidh (al-Qarni)
Pub: Dar Ibn Hazm, 2003
Islam - French Language


La Risala (Fr)

10118 | French | Hardcover
By: Qayrawani, Ibn Abi Zayd (d.386/996)
Pub: al-Maktaba al-Assrya, 2004
Islam - Creed - Maliki Madhab - French Language


Umar Ibn al-Khattab (French)

11825 | French-Arabic | Hardcover
By: Reda, Muhammad (Reza, d. 1369/1950)
Pub: Al-Maktaba al-Assrya, 2008
Biography-Early Muslims


Abu Bakr al-Siddik: Le Premier De L'Islam

10151 | French | Softcover
By: Reda, Muhammad (Reza, d. 1369/1950)
Pub: DKI, 2002
Islam - Early Muslims - French Language


L'Imam Ali Ibn Abi Taleb: Le Quatrieme Calife De L'Islam

10149 | French | Softcover
By: Reda, Muhammad (Reza, d. 1369/1950)
Pub: DKI, 2002
Islam - Early Muslims - French Language


Omar Ben al-Khattab: Le Deuxieme Calife De L'Islam

10148 | French | Softcover
By: Reda, Muhammad (Reza, d. 1369/1950)
Pub: DKI, 2002
Islam - Early Muslims - French Language


Abu Bakr al-Siddiq (French)

11833 | French-Arabic | Hardcover
By: Reda, Muhammad (Reza, d. 1369/1950)
Pub: al-Maktaba Assrya, 2008
Biography-Early Muslims


Uthman Ibn Affan (French)

11826 | French-Arabic | Hardcover
By: Reda, Muhammad (Reza, d. 1369/1950)
Pub: al-Maktaba Assrya, 2008
Biography - Early Muslims


Uthman Ibn Afan: Le Troisieme Calife De L'Islam

10150 | French | Softcover
By: Reda, Muhammad (Reza, d. 1369/1950)
Pub: DKI, 2003
Islam - Early Muslims - French Language


L'Imam Ali Ibn Abu Talib

11828 | French-Arabic | Hardcover
By: Reda, Muhammad (Reza, d. 1369/1950)
Pub: al-Maktaba Assrya, 2008
Biography-Early Muslims


Les Conditions De L'Islam Et Les Dix Abrogations

10215 | French | Softcover
By: Revise Par: Muhammad al-Ameen Bin Ibrahim
Pub: Darussalam, 2001
Islam - General - French


L'Islam: Religion De Tolerance Et De Paix

10136 | French | Softcover
By: Royet, Amine Gerard
Pub: DKI, 2004
Islam - Creed - French Language


La Mise En Eveil Insouciants: A L'aide Des Hadiths Prophetiques

10098 | French | Hardcover
By: Samarqandi, Nasr Ben Muhammad
Pub: DKI, 2002
Islam - French Language


La Vie Du Prophète (Saw): Leçons Et Enseignements

73239 | French | Hardcover
By: Sibbai, Dr. Mustafa
Pub: Editions Ibn Hazm, Beirut 2019, French Edition
Seera- Prophetic Biography - French


Lire, Ecrire et Parler l'Arabe (1CD, Arabic-French)

9296 | Arabic-French | Hardcover
By: Tabbal, Ahmed
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, 2001
French Language Study

Price: US$20
Sale price: US$16

Le Saint Coran avec traduction des sens en Français (Format Poche long) القرآن الكريم

40211 | Arabe-Français | Flexi-Cover
By: Traduction par Muhammad Hamidullah
Pub: Dar Ibn Kathir, Beirut, 2014
Quran with meaning in French


Les Hadiths Divins: al-Ahadiths al-Quoudoussias

10096 | French | Hardcover
By: Traduit En Francais Par: Fawzi Chaaban
Pub: DKI, 2004
Islam - French Language


Les Mots Du Coran

10101 | French | Hardcover
By: Traduit et preface par: Marwan Jardaly
Pub: Dar Ibn Hazm, 2003
Islam - Quran - French Language


Directives Pour L'Education Des Enfants

10134 | French | Softcover
By: Traduit Par / By: Muhammad Lamine Ben Brahim
Pub: Darussalaam, 2001
Islam - French Language


Un Enfant Musulman Avec Ahadithir Rassoul

10171 | French | Hardcover
By: Traduit Par: Mohamed S. Sangare
Pub: Darussalam, 1999
Islam - Children - Ahadith - French


La Biographie Et Les Fastes De Omar Ben Abdul Aziz

10097 | French | Hardcover
By: Traduit Par: Fawzi Ali Muhammad
Pub: DKI, 2003
Islam - Biography - Early Muslims


Un Apercu Concis Sur L'Islam

10153 | French | Softcover
By: Traduit Par: Mohamed Lamine Ben Brahim
Pub: Darussalam, 2001
Islam - Creed - French Language


Le Coran Inimitable - Suratu Ya Sin (Arabic-French)

10222 | Arabic-French | Softcover
By: Translated by: M.H. Chamseddine
Pub: DKI, 2003
Islam - Quran - French



10351 | French | Softcover
By: Voltaire
Pub: Librairie Du Liban Editeurs
Short Stories - Classical - French


La foi (sa réalité, ses piliers, ses obligations et les causes qui la rendent caduque)

73241 | French | Hardcover
By: Yacine, Mohammed
Pub: Editions Ibn Hazm, Beirut 2009, French Edition
Islamic Faith - Eman - French Edition


Allah L'Unique

10131 | French | Softcover
By: Yousof. Ahmed Khalifa
Pub:, 2003
Islam - French Language


At Tajrid As Sarih Abrege De Bukhari

10110 | French | Hardcover
By: Zabidi, al-Imam Ahmad ibn Ahmad (d. 893 AH) زبيدي، احمد بن احمد (Zubaydi)
Pub: Maktaba al-Assrya, Beirut, 2001
Early Work - Hadith - French Language


Sahih al-Bukhari, Le Sommaire Du Sahih al-Bukhari (Fr)

10174 | French | Softcover
By: Zubaidi, Zein Ed Dine Ahmad Ibn Abdul Latif
Pub: DKI, 2000
Islam - Hadith - French


Oman - My Beautiful Country

5986 | English-Arabic | Hardcover
By: Zubair, Muhammad (photographed, edited and designed)
Pub: Bait al-Zubair, 2002
Arts-Photography Book


L'Unicite D'Abord Chers Precheurs

10210 | French | Softcover
By: Albani, Muhammad
Pub: Librairie al-Maaref, 2003
Islam - General - French


Le Sermon Avant D'Entreprendre Une Affaire

10209 | French | Softcover
By: Albani, Muhammad
Pub: Librairie al-Maarref, 2003
Islam - General - French


Le Credo Authentique

10213 | French | Softcover
By: Bin Baz, Abdul Aziz Ibn Abdullah
Pub: Darussalam
Islam - Creed - French


Lecons Importantes Pour Le Public De La Nation

10214 | French | Softcover
By: Bin Baz, Abdul Aziz Ibn Abdullah
Pub: Darussalam, 2002
Islam - General - French


Les Conditions De L'Islam Et Les Dix Abrogations

10215 | French | Softcover
By: Revise Par: Muhammad al-Ameen Bin Ibrahim
Pub: Darussalam, 2001
Islam - General - French


Authentification du Propos Prophetique

10218 | French | Softcover
By: Albani, Muhammad
Pub: Librairie al-Maaref, 2003
Islam - General - French


Les Propos Authentiques Du Livre: Les Bonnes Paroles

10220 | French | Softcover
By: Ibn Taymiyyah
Pub: Librairie al-Maaref, 2004
Islam - General - French


Le Coran Inimitable - Suratu Ya Sin (Arabic-French)

10222 | Arabic-French | Softcover
By: Translated by: M.H. Chamseddine
Pub: DKI, 2003
Islam - Quran - French


Un Enfant Musulman Avec Ahadithir Rassoul

10171 | French | Hardcover
By: Traduit Par: Mohamed S. Sangare
Pub: Darussalam, 1999
Islam - Children - Ahadith - French


La Princesse De Cleves

10348 | French | Softcover
By: Madame de la Fayette
Pub: Librairie Du Liban Editeurs
Short Stories - Classical - French


Les Quarante Hadiths

10175 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Nawawi (Imam al-Nawawi)
Pub: al-Maktaba al-Assrya, 2004
Islam - Hadith - French


Fables (French)

10347 | French | Softcover
By: de la Fontaine, Jean
Pub: Librairie Du Liban Editeurs
Classic - Fables - French - Teen, YA +


Le Chemin De Dieu ou (Le Livre De La Veracite)

10176 | French | Softcover
By: Kharraz, Abu Said
Pub: al-Maktaba al-Assrya, 2003
Islam - Creed - French


Les Precieuses Ridicules

10349 | French | Softcover
By: Moliere
Pub: Librairie Du Liban Editeurs
Short Stories - Classical - French



10346 | French | Softcover
By: Moliere
Pub: Librairie Du Liban Editeurs
Short Stories - Classical - French



10345 | French | Softcover
By: Moliere
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut,
Short Stories - Classical - French


Pensees, Morceaux Choisis

10344 | French | Softcover
By: Pascal, Blaise
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut,
Short Stories - Classical - French


Le Cid

10350 | French | Softcover
By: Corneille, Pierre
Pub: Librairie Du Liban Editeurs
Short Stories - Classical - French



10351 | French | Softcover
By: Voltaire
Pub: Librairie Du Liban Editeurs
Short Stories - Classical - French


Le Grand Meaulnes

10352 | French | Softcover
By: Alain-Fournier
Pub: Librairie Du Liban Editeurs
Short Stories - Classical - French


Dissiper L'Equivoque En Monotheisme

10173 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Ibn Abdul Wahhab, Muhammad
Pub: Darussalam
Islam - Creed - French


Manon Lescaut

10353 | French | Softcover
By: Previst, Abbe
Pub: Librairie Du Liban Editeurs
Short Stories - Classical - French


Les Femmes Et Les Filles Du Prophete

10143 | French | Softcover
By: Muhammad, Fawzi Ali
Pub: DKI, 2003
Islam - Prophet's Wives - French Language


Le Voyage Nocturne Et L'Ascension

10146 | French | Softcover
By: Ibn Abbas et Abou Ishaq Muhammad Ben Ibrahim al-Namani
Pub: DKI, 2003
Islam - General - French Language


Le Voile De La Femme Musulmane Pourquoi?

10145 | French | Softcover
By: Ben Ismail, Sheikh Muhammad ben Ahmad
Pub: Darussalam, 1998
Islam - Women - French Language


E-Tawassoul Ou Les Sollicitations Divines

10132 | French | Softcover
By: Albani, Muhammad Nacer E-Dine
Pub: Librairie al-Maaref, 2003
Islam - French Language


Abu Bakr al-Siddik: Le Premier De L'Islam

10151 | French | Softcover
By: Reda, Muhammad (Reza, d. 1369/1950)
Pub: DKI, 2002
Islam - Early Muslims - French Language


Un Apercu Concis Sur L'Islam

10153 | French | Softcover
By: Traduit Par: Mohamed Lamine Ben Brahim
Pub: Darussalam, 2001
Islam - Creed - French Language


Le Sabre Tranchant Contre Les Magiciens Mechants

10154 | French | Softcover
By: Bali, Wahid Abdulsalam
Pub: al-Maktaba al-Ilmiyah, Beirut, 2007
Islam - General - French Language


La Vie Du Prophete

10130 | French | Softcover
By: Ghalayini, Mustapha
Pub: al-Maktaba al-Assrya, 2004
Islam - Prophet's Biography - French Language


Allah L'Unique

10131 | French | Softcover
By: Yousof. Ahmed Khalifa
Pub:, 2003
Islam - French Language


Le Bouclier du Musulman - Arabic-French

8069 | Arabic-French | Softcover
By: Muhammad, Fawzi Ali
Pub: DKI, Beirut, 2003
Islam General


Directives Pour L'Education Des Enfants

10134 | French | Softcover
By: Traduit Par / By: Muhammad Lamine Ben Brahim
Pub: Darussalaam, 2001
Islam - French Language


Un Bref Apercu Sur Le Caractere Sublime de L'Islam

10135 | French | Softcover
By: Arabi, Abu Hamzah
Pub: Darussalam, 2001
Islam - French Language


Histoire De La Mosquee Honoree Du Prophete

10140 | French | Softcover
By: Abdelghani, Muhammad Lyes
Pub: DKI, 2003
Islam - French Language


Les Droits Des Parents En Islam

10141 | French | Softcover
By: Hamoui, Muhammad
Pub: DKI, 2003
Islam - Parents - French Language


La Foi: Ses Piliers - Sa Realite - Sa Rupture

10147 | French | Softcover
By: Muhammad, Fawzi Ali
Pub: DKI, 2003
Islam - Tawhid - French Language


Des Compagnes Militantes Et Des Femmes Devotes

10123 | French | Softcover
By: Moubarak, Oum al-Fadel Alyia Mustafa
Pub: DKI, 2003
Islam - French Language


Le Livre De La Sincerite

10133 | French | Softcover
By: Awaicha, Hocine
Pub: Dar Ibn Hazm, 2003
Islam - French Language


Les Dix Compagnons Promis Du Paradis (Nouvelle Edition)

10144 | French | Softcover
By: Prepare Par: Fawzi Ali Muhammad
Pub: DKI, 2005
Islam - Early Muslims - French Language


Les Beaux Noms D'Allah

10142 | French | Softcover
By: Fudayli, Abdul Karim
Pub: DKI, 2001
Islam - General - French Language


Le Livre Du Destin

10138 | French | Softcover
By: Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah (691/1292 - 751/1350) / Abdullah Ben Wahb
Pub: DKI, 2003
Islam - French Language


L'Islam: Religion De Tolerance Et De Paix

10136 | French | Softcover
By: Royet, Amine Gerard
Pub: DKI, 2004
Islam - Creed - French Language


Les Signes Precurseurs De L'Heure

10137 | French | Softcover
By: Cheikh, Dr. Izzedine Houssayn
Pub: DKI, 2003
Islam - French Language


Le Remede Par Le Coran

10139 | French | Softcover
By: Ismail, Muhammad
Pub: DKI, 2004
Islam - French Language


Muhammad (SBSL) Comme Si Tu Le Voyais

10093 | French | Hardcover
By: Qarni, Aaidh (al-Qarni)
Pub: Dar Ibn Hazm, 2003
Islam - French Language


Lumieres sur les Quarante Hadiths

10103 | French | Hardcover
By: Nawawi (Imam al-Nawawi)
Pub: Dar Ibn Hazm, 2004
Islam - Ahadith


Le Jour De La Retribution

10155 | French | Softcover
By: Ismail, Muhammad
Pub: DKI, 2003
Islam - General - French Language


Les Regles Concernants Le Nouveau-NE

10100 | French | Hardcover
By: Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah (691/1292 - 751/1350)
Pub: DKI, 2003
Islam - French Language


Sahih al-Bukhari, Le Sommaire Du Sahih al-Bukhari (Fr)

10174 | French | Softcover
By: Zubaidi, Zein Ed Dine Ahmad Ibn Abdul Latif
Pub: DKI, 2000
Islam - Hadith - French


La Biographie Et Les Fastes De Omar Ben Abdul Aziz

10097 | French | Hardcover
By: Traduit Par: Fawzi Ali Muhammad
Pub: DKI, 2003
Islam - Biography - Early Muslims


Les Mots Du Coran

10101 | French | Hardcover
By: Traduit et preface par: Marwan Jardaly
Pub: Dar Ibn Hazm, 2003
Islam - Quran - French Language


L'Elagage De La Biographie Du Prophete

10105 | French | Hardcover
By: Ibn Hisham
Pub: DKI, 2002
Islam - French Language


Uthman Ibn Afan: Le Troisieme Calife De L'Islam

10150 | French | Softcover
By: Reda, Muhammad (Reza, d. 1369/1950)
Pub: DKI, 2003
Islam - Early Muslims - French Language


L'Imam Ali Ibn Abi Taleb: Le Quatrieme Calife De L'Islam

10149 | French | Softcover
By: Reda, Muhammad (Reza, d. 1369/1950)
Pub: DKI, 2002
Islam - Early Muslims - French Language


Omar Ben al-Khattab: Le Deuxieme Calife De L'Islam

10148 | French | Softcover
By: Reda, Muhammad (Reza, d. 1369/1950)
Pub: DKI, 2002
Islam - Early Muslims - French Language


Le Saint Coran avec traduction des sens en Français (Format Poche long) القرآن الكريم

40211 | Arabe-Français | Flexi-Cover
By: Traduction par Muhammad Hamidullah
Pub: Dar Ibn Kathir, Beirut, 2014
Quran with meaning in French


La Femme A Travers Les Versets Coraniques

10157 | French | Softcover
By: Karkar, Ismet-Ouddine
Pub: Dar al-Gharb al-Islami, 1992
Islam - Women - French Language


La Conquete Du Monde Musulman

10156 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: DKI, 2003
Islam - History


La Separation Entre Epoux Dans L'Islam

10158 | French-Arabic | Softcover
By: Ibn Rushd / Traduit Par: Ahmed Laimeche
Pub: DKI, 2001
Islam - Family - French Language


Des Hommes Autour Du Prophete (Med)

10094 | French | Hardcover
By: Khalid, Khalid Muhammad (1920-1996)
Pub: DKI, 2004
Islam - Biography - Early Muslims


Les Hadiths Divins: al-Ahadiths al-Quoudoussias

10096 | French | Hardcover
By: Traduit En Francais Par: Fawzi Chaaban
Pub: DKI, 2004
Islam - French Language


La foi (sa réalité, ses piliers, ses obligations et les causes qui la rendent caduque)

73241 | French | Hardcover
By: Yacine, Mohammed
Pub: Editions Ibn Hazm, Beirut 2009, French Edition
Islamic Faith - Eman - French Edition


Livre Des Peches Majeurs (Fr Only)

10111 | French | Hardcover
By: Dhahabi (al-Zahabi)
Pub: Maktaba al-Assrya, 2004
Early Work - Islam - French Language


La Vie Du Prophète (Saw): Leçons Et Enseignements

73239 | French | Hardcover
By: Sibbai, Dr. Mustafa
Pub: Editions Ibn Hazm, Beirut 2019, French Edition
Seera- Prophetic Biography - French


Des Hommes Autour Du Prophete (Lg)

10119 | French | Hardcover
By: Khalid, Khalid Muhammad (1920-1996)
Pub: DKI, 2001
Islam - Early Muslims - French Language


Abu Bakr al-Siddiq (French)

11833 | French-Arabic | Hardcover
By: Reda, Muhammad (Reza, d. 1369/1950)
Pub: al-Maktaba Assrya, 2008
Biography-Early Muslims


Replique Suffisante Pour Un Remede Guerissant

10116 | French | Hardcover
By: Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah (691/1292 - 751/1350)
Pub: DKI, 2000
Islam - French Language


La Mise En Eveil Insouciants: A L'aide Des Hadiths Prophetiques

10098 | French | Hardcover
By: Samarqandi, Nasr Ben Muhammad
Pub: DKI, 2002
Islam - French Language


Les Califes Du Messager Qu'Allah Le Benisse Et Le Salue

10092 | French | Hardcover
By: Kayale, J.F.
Pub: DKI, 2003
Islam - French Language


Ecrire et Parler Facilement le Francais (1CD, Ar-Fr) اكتب وتكلم الفرنسية بسهولة

9294 | Arabic-French | Hardcover
By: Dupont, Roger
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, 2007
Arabic to French Language Study

Price: US$20
Sale price: US$16

Lire, Ecrire et Parler l'Arabe (1CD, Arabic-French)

9296 | Arabic-French | Hardcover
By: Tabbal, Ahmed
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, 2001
French Language Study

Price: US$20
Sale price: US$16

Profite de ta vie

73240 | French | Hardcover
By: Arifi, Muhammad Abdur-Rahman
Pub: IIPH, Riyadh 2014 French Edition
Muslim Lifestyle


Umar Ibn al-Khattab (French)

11825 | French-Arabic | Hardcover
By: Reda, Muhammad (Reza, d. 1369/1950)
Pub: Al-Maktaba al-Assrya, 2008
Biography-Early Muslims


Uthman Ibn Affan (French)

11826 | French-Arabic | Hardcover
By: Reda, Muhammad (Reza, d. 1369/1950)
Pub: al-Maktaba Assrya, 2008
Biography - Early Muslims


Livre Des Peches Majeurs (Ar-Fr)

11831 | French-Arabic | Hardcover
By: Dhahabi (al-Zahabi)
Pub: Maktaba al-Assrya, 2006
Early Work - Religious-Creed


Histoires des Prophetes

11830 | French | Hardcover
By: Ibn Kathir (700/1301 - 774/1372)
Pub: Maktabat al-Assrya, Saida, 2008
Early Work - Islam - Prophets - History


Precis de doctrine et de culte Islamiques seln l'ecole Malekite

11834 | French | Hardcover
By: Abd Assalm, Khalid
Pub: al-Maktaba Assrya, 2007
Islamic Creed


Excerpts of the Spiritual Legacy of Gibran ( En- Fr- Ar ) ارم ذات العماد - انكليزي فرنسي عربي

21128 | English - French - Arabic | Hardcover
By: Gibran Khalil Gibran (1883-1931) جبران، جبران خليل
Pub: Al-Biruni Publishing House, Beirut, 2012
Literature - Prose - Poetry - Writings - Gibran


La Risala (Fr)

10118 | French | Hardcover
By: Qayrawani, Ibn Abi Zayd (d.386/996)
Pub: al-Maktaba al-Assrya, 2004
Islam - Creed - Maliki Madhab - French Language



73997 | French | Softcover
By: Mosteghanemi, Ahlam أحلام مستغانمي
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Paris / Beirut 2018
Fiction - Algerian Literature


Les Causes De La Revelation Du Saint Coran

10107 | French-Arabic | Hardcover
By: Nisaburi, Abu al-Hasan Wahidi
Pub: DKI, 2000
Islam - French Language


Les Invocations De Dieu

11827 | French | Hardcover
By: Nawawi (Imam al-Nawawi)
Pub: al-Maktaba Assrya, 2006


L'Imam Ali Ibn Abu Talib

11828 | French-Arabic | Hardcover
By: Reda, Muhammad (Reza, d. 1369/1950)
Pub: al-Maktaba Assrya, 2008
Biography-Early Muslims


Les sources de la loi extraites du hadith

11824 | French-Arabic | Hardcover
By: Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani (d. 852/1448)
Pub: Al-Maktaba al-Assrya, 2005


At Tajrid As Sarih Abrege De Bukhari

10110 | French | Hardcover
By: Zabidi, al-Imam Ahmad ibn Ahmad (d. 893 AH) زبيدي، احمد بن احمد (Zubaydi)
Pub: Maktaba al-Assrya, Beirut, 2001
Early Work - Hadith - French Language


Interpretation Des Reves

10113 | French | Hardcover
By: Bin Sirine, Muhammad
Pub: DKI
Islam - French Language


La Femme A L'Epoque Du Prophete

10115 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Ismet, Dr. / Eddine Karkar
Pub: Dar al-Gharb al-Islami, 1993
Islam - French Language


Le Noble Coran (Arabic-French) القرآن الكريم

15798 | Arabic - Français | Hardcover
Pub: Bureau de prédication islamique de Rabwah (Riyadh) - Complexe du Roi Fahd pour l’impression du Noble Coran à Médine
Islam - Qur'an Translation


Le Guide Du Musulman

11829 | French | Hardcover
By: Jazairi, Abu Bakr Jabir (b. 1921)
Pub: al-Maktaba Assrya, 2004


Recueil Des Missives

10109 | French | Hardcover
By: Ghazzali, L'Imam
Pub: DKI, 1999
Islam - Al Ghazali - French Language


L'Ultime Messager du Ciel

11835 | French-Arabic | Hardcover
By: Khidri, Muhammad
Pub: al-Maktaba Assrya, 2005


General International Dictionary English-Arabic, French-Arabic الـقـامـوس الـدولـي الـعـام، انـكـلـيـزي - عـربـي ، فـرنـسي - عـربـي

20608 | English-Arabic and French-Arabic | Hardcover
By: Alwan, Firyal / Nour, M / Laham, S.M. / Sassine, M.
Pub: Dar Al-Kotob Al-ilmiyah, Beirut, 2006
Three Language Dictionary - English, Arabic, French


Mu'jam Lughat al-Fuqaha: Arabi-Inkilizi-Faransi

40327 | Arabic- English - French | Hardcover
By: Qal'aji, Muhammad Rawwas / Qunaybi, Hamid Sadiq
Pub: Dar al-Nafa'es, Beirut, 2012
Islamic Law Dictionary - Ar-En-Fr


Mujam Thasrif Ishrwun Alf fil wa fil - معجم ثصريف عشرون الف فعل و فعل

75359 | Arabic - French | Softcover
By: Dichy, Joseph & Ammar Sam
Pub: Sayegh, Beirut 2021
Dictionary of Arabic Verbs


Political Dictionary English-French-Arabic القاموس السياسي ومصطلحات المؤتمرات الدولية

20628 | English-French-Arabic | Hardcover
By: Laham, Farah, Alwan, Sasin
Pub: DKI, Beirut, 2004
Political Dictionary - Political Science - World Politics


Dam'a wa Ibtisama En-Fr-Ar دمعة وابتسامة بثلاث لغات

21129 | English - French - Arabic | Hardcover
By: Gibran Khalil Gibran (1883-1931) جبران، جبران خليل
Pub: Al-Biruni Publishing House, Beirut, 2011
Arabic Literature - Prose - Poems - Gibran


Le Guide du Musulman

11832 | French-Arabic | Hardcover
By: Jazairi, Abu Bakr Jabir (b. 1921)
Pub: al-Maktaba Assrya, 2008
Islamic Creed


Le Consentement al-Muwatta 1/2

10108 | French-Arabic | Hardcover
By: Ben Anas, L'Imam Malek
Pub: DKI, 1999
Islam - French Language


Fleurus, la grande encyclopédie: Nature (French)

75458 | French | Hardcover
By: Dutilleul, Hélène
Pub: Fleurus Jeunese, Paris 1997
Encyclopedia for Youth - Nature - French - Ages 6 and Up


Quran Tajweed Arabic-French

11205 | Arabic-French | Hardcover
Pub: Dar al-Marefah Publishing, Beirut
Tajweed Quran, French Translation


Tahdhib al-Targhib wa-al Tarhib (3 Vol Fr-Ar) تهذيب الترغيب والترهيب

74557 | French-Arabic | Hardcover
By: Moundhiri, (Mundhari) Imam Zaki Uddin زكي الدين عبد العظيم بن عبد القوي المنذري
Pub: Dar al-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah (DKI), Beirut 1997
Early Work - Hadith - French-Arabic


Hitti's New Medical Dictionary En-Ar قاموس حتي الطبي الجديد : إنجليزي عربي

20614 | English-Arabic | Hardcover
By: Hitti, Yusuf L. يوسف حتي / Khatib, Ahmad Sh. احمد شفيق الخطيب
Pub: Librarie du Liban, Beirut
Medical Dictionary - English-Arabic


Le Livre Complet et Concis sur La Jurisprudence du Coran et de la Sunna (3 vol)

73882 | French with Arabic | Hardcover
By: Hallaq, Muhammad Subhi bin Hasan
Pub: Dar Ibn Hazm Beirut 2021
Jurisprudence of Islam


Oman - My Beautiful Country

5986 | English-Arabic | Hardcover
By: Zubair, Muhammad (photographed, edited and designed)
Pub: Bait al-Zubair, 2002
Arts-Photography Book


Sahih d'al-Bukhari bilingue Arabe/Français (Le Boukhari complet en 8 vol)

75463 | Arabic & French | Hardcover
By: Bukhari, Muhammad / Tr. By Ahmed, Harkat
Pub: Maktaba Asriyah, Beirut 2006
Early Work - Hadith


Lire, Ecrire et Parler l'Arabe (1CD, Arabic-French)

9296 | Arabic-French | Hardcover
By: Tabbal, Ahmed
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, 2001
French Language Study

Price: US$20
Sale price: US$16

Ecrire et Parler Facilement le Francais (1CD, Ar-Fr) اكتب وتكلم الفرنسية بسهولة

9294 | Arabic-French | Hardcover
By: Dupont, Roger
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, 2007
Arabic to French Language Study

Price: US$20
Sale price: US$16

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