MENUMENU - الكتاب

Culture | Sciences | Studies | Other (En)
Non-fiction books in the English Language related to culture, the sciences, travels, studies, and other subjects primarily related to the Islamic world.


A History of the Jews of Arabia: From Ancient Times to Their Eclipse under Islam

74601 | English | Softcover
By: Newby, Gordon
Pub: University of South Carolina Press, Columbia, S.C., 2009
History - Arabian Peninsula - Ethnic Relations


A Little Devil in America: Notes in Praise of Black Performance

44566 | English | Hardcover
By: Abdurraqib, Hanif
Pub: Random House, New York, 2021
African Americans - Performing Arts, Authors, Literature, Identity


A Quiet Revolution - The Veil's Resurgence, from the Middle East to America

75296 | English | Softcover
By: Ahmed, Leila
Pub: Yale University Press, New Haven 2011
Study - History - Hijab - Islam - Contemporary - Muslim Women


A Saudi Tale: Reading and Encounters In Search For Consciousness

80386 | English | Hardcover
By: Madani, Iyad Ameen
Pub: The Other Press, Kuala Lumpur 2023
Saudi Arabia - History


Aghani Sha'bia min Masr (Book 1) أغاني شعبية من مصر

21305 | Arabic / English | Softcover
By: Rasheed, Hassan حسن أحمد رشيد
Traditional Songs - Egyptian Songs - Egypt - Music


Aghani Sha'bia min Masr (Book 2) أغاني شعبية من مصر

21306 | Arabic / English | Softcover
By: Rasheed, Hassan حسن أحمد رشيد
Folk Songs - Egyptian Songs - Music


Anthology of Black Humour

11355 | English | Softcover
By: Andre Breton, Andre / Translated: Mark Polizzotti
Pub: Telegram, London, 2009 Edition
Humour, Culture

Price: US$16
Sale price: US$14

Arab Society and Culture: An Essential Reader

15634 | English | Softcover
By: Various / Edited by: Samir and Roseanna Saad Khalaf
Pub: Saqi Books, London, 2009
Arab Culture


Arabian Horse: His Country and People (HC Classic Reprint, English)

41576 | English | Hardcover with Jacket
By: Tweedie, W. (William) 1836-1914
Pub: Longman / Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut,
Classic Work - Arabian Horse - Arabic language lexicology


Balcony on the Moon : Coming of Age In Palestine

75164 | English | Softcover
By: Barakat, Ibtisam
Pub: Square Fish, New York 2018
Memoir - Palestine - Culture - Coming of Age - Girls


Because Internet : Understanding the New Rules of Language

71469 | English | Hardcover
By: McCulloch, Gretchen
Pub: Riverhead, 2019
Linguistics - Social Media - Internet


Belonging and Globalisation

6849 | English | Softcover
By: Editor: Boullata, Kamal
Pub: Saqi Books, London/Beirut, 2008
Essays - Art and Culture - Globalization

Price: US$22
Sale price: US$19

Blackness and Islam

75181 | English | Hardcover
By: Walid, Dawud
Pub: Algorithm Publishers, Wembley 2021
Islam - History - Race & Ethnicity - Culture


Cults: Secret Sects and Radical Religions

11112 | English | Hardcover
By: Schroeder, Robert
Pub: Carlton Books, 2007
Religion - History and Current

Price: US$25
Sale price: US$21

Culture and Imperialism

72354 | English | Softcover
By: Said, Edward (1935-2003)
Pub: Vintage Books, New York, 1994
Cultural Criticism - History - Political Thought

Price: US$18
Sale price: US$15

Culture and Resistance

75100 | English | Softcover
By: Barsamian, David & Said, Edward
Pub: Haymarket Books, Illinois 2019
Political Science


Cyber-Counseling for Muslim Clients

44710 | English | Softcover
By: Badri, Malik
Pub: IBT / The Other Press, Kuala Lumpur, 2015
Muslims - Counseling of - Psychology


Decolonizing The Study Of Palestine: Indigenous Perspective and Settler Colonialism After Elia Zureik

75326 | English | Softcover
By: Masalha, Nur & Ahmad H. Sa'di
Pub: L.B Tauris, Dublin 2023
Arab-Israeli Conflict - Colonialism & imperialism - Decolonization Palestine


Drinking the Sea at Gaza - Days and Nights in Land Under Siege

75062 | English | Softcover
By: Hass, Amira Tr. Wesley, Elana & Lacusta-Kaufmann
Pub: Holt, New York 2000
Palestine-Israel - Palestinians - Gaza - Social life and customs


Egyptian Theatre in the Nineteenth Century 1799-1882

10974 | English | Softcover
By: Sadgrove, Philip
Pub: Ithaca Press, UK
History - Culture - Theatre - Egypt

Price: US$25
Sale price: US$21

Etiquette For All (HC)

81221 | English | Hardcover
By: Nofal, Dr. Riad
Pub: Khayat Publishing House DC, 2025
Etiquette - Manners - English


Etiquette For All (SC)

81223 | English | Softcover
By: Nofal, Dr. Riad
Pub: Khayat Publishing House DC, 2025
Etiquette - Manners - English


Folklore of the Holy Land: Muslim Christian and Jewish

44717 | English | Softcover
By: Hanauer, J.E./ Ed: Pickthall, Marmaduke
Pub: IBT, Kuala Lumpur, 2011
Palestine - Folklore


From Oslo to Iraq and the Road Map

75023 | English | Softcover
By: Said, Edward W. (1935-2003)
Pub: Random House, New York 2005
Politics - Current Events - Essays - Palestine


Great Books of Islamic Civilization: An Essay on Algebra and Equations (Algebra wa Al-Muqabala)

9272 | English | Softcover
By: Khayyam, Omar
Pub: Garnet Publishing Limited, 2009
Mathematics, History


Great Books of Islamic Civilization: The Book of Misers (Jahiz HC)

70005 | English | Hardcover
By: Jahiz
Pub: Garnet Press, 1998
Early Work - Arabic Literature - Prose - Humor - Satire


Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance

71994 | English | Softcover
By: Duckworth, Angela
Pub: Simon and Schuster, 2018
Self Help


Hell in the Holy Land: World War I in the Middle East

74602 | English | Hardcover
By: Woodward, David
Pub: The University Press of Kentucky, Lexington, 2006
World War I, 1914-1918 Campaigns - Middle East - Personal Narratives - British Soldiers


Honour Killing: Stories of Men Who Killed

10712 | English | Softcover
By: Ayse Onal, Ayse / Intro: Joan Smith
Pub: Saqi Books, London, 2008

Price: US$20
Sale price: US$17

Illuminating the Darkness: Blacks and North Africans in Islam

70518 | English | Softcover
By: Akande, Habeeb
Pub: Ta-Ha, 2014
Islam - History - Culture


Imagined Communities : Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism

44794 | English | Softcover
By: Anderson, Benedict
Pub: Verso, Revised edition (2016)
Domestic Politics - Nationalism

Price: US$20
Sale price: US$17

Imagined Masculinities

4551 | English | Softcover
By: Ghoussoub, Mai / Sinclair-Webb, Emma
Pub: Saqi Books, Beirut
Culture - Middle East


Imperial Fictions: Europe's Myths of Orient

10711 | English | Softcover
By: Kabbani, Rana
Pub: Saqi Books, Beirut, 2008 Edition

Price: US$17
Sale price: US$14

Iraqi Jews: A History of Mass Exodus

60952 | English | Softcover
By: Shiblak, Abbas
Pub: Saqi books, London 2005
History - Iraqi Jews

Price: US$25
Sale price: US$12

Islam and Capitalism

6632 | English | Softcover
By: Rodinson, Maxime
Pub: Saqi Books, London, 2007 Edition, c1974
Economics - Islam

Price: US$25
Sale price: US$19

Islam at the Crossroads

74674 | English | Softcover
By: Asad, Muhammad (1900-1992)
Pub: IBT/The Other Press, Kuala Lumpur 2022
Islam - Contemporary Issues


Islam, Science, and the Challenge of History

73454 | English | Softcover
By: Dallal, Ahmad
Pub: Yale University Press, New Haven 2010
Islam and Science - History

Price: US$22
Sale price: US$19

Islamic Science and the Making of the European Renaissance

73435 | English | Softcover
By: Saliba, George
Pub: MIT, Cambridge 2011
Science - Islamic Countries - History - Islam and Science - Medieval Science


Justice in Islam : New Ethical Perspective

75138 | English | Softcover
By: Harvey, Ramon and Tutt, Daniel
Pub: International Institute of Islamic Thought, Virginia 2023
Islamic Law - Contemporary Thought - Justice


Laughter in Occupied Palestine : Comedy And Identity in Art And Film

75332 | English | Softcover
By: Lionis, Chrisoula
Pub: L.B Tauris, New York 2016
Palestine - Culture - Social Studies

Price: US$41
Sale price: US$37

Letters to the Celestial Serbs

60959 | English | Softcover
By: Beric, Gojko
Pub: Saqi Books, London 2004
History/Politics - Serbs - 20th Century

Price: US$22
Sale price: US$11

Medicine and Shariah: A Dialogue in Islamic Bioethics

73430 | English | Hardcover
By: Padela, Aasim / Foreword : Moosa, Ebrahim
Pub: University of Notre Dame Press, Indiana 2021
Islamic Medical and Healthcare Ethics

Price: US$75
Sale price: US$72

Nobody's Home

7447 | English | Softcover
By: Ugrešić, Dubravka.
Pub: Telegram, London, English Edition 2007
Translated Writings - Travels - Observations - Europe

Price: US$15
Sale price: US$12

On the Sociology of Islam

44736 | English | Softcover
By: Shariati, Ali (1933-1977) / Tr: Algar, Hamid
Pub: IBT, Kuala Lumpur, 2018
Sociology - Islamic culture - Lectures - Writings



72355 | English | Softcover
By: Said, Edward (1935-2003)
Pub: Vintage Books, NY 1979
Orientalism - History - Political Thought

Price: US$18
Sale price: US$15

Out of Place : A Memoir

75024 | English | Softcover
By: Said, Edward W. (1935-2003)
Pub: Random House, New York 2000
Memoir - Palestine - Refugee


Palestine In Israel School Books: Idealogy and Propaganda in Education

75331 | English | Softcover
By: Peled-Elhanana, Nurit
Pub: L.B Tauris, New York 2012
Arab-Israeli Conflict - Israel Study and Teaching - Education Aims


Palestine In The Victorian Age : Colonial Encounters In the Holy Land

75327 | English | Softcover
By: Polley, Gabriel
Pub: L.B Tauris, Dublin 2022
British-Palestine History 19th century - Colonialism & Imperialism - Great Britain Relations Palestine


Performing al-Andalus: Music and Nostalgia Across The Mediterranean

74597 | English | Softcover
By: Shannon, Jonathon Holt
Pub: Indiana University Press, Bloomington, 2015
Ethnomusicology - Spain - No. Africa - Mediterranean Region


Polygamy and Law in Contemporary Saudi Arabia

10977 | English | Hardcover
By: Yamani, Maha A.Z.
Pub: Ithaca Press, UK, 2008
Society - Islamic Law - Saudi Arabia - Polygamy

Price: US$54
Sale price: US$46

Raw Memory: Prijedor, Laboratory of Ethnic Cleansing

60957 | English | Softcover
By: Wesselingh, Isabelle. and Vaulerin, Arnaud
Pub: Saqi Books, London 2005
History/Politics - Bosnia 20th Century

Price: US$28
Sale price: US$14

Representations of the Intellectual

72353 | English | Softcover
By: Said, Edward (1935-2003)
Pub: Vintage Books, New York 1996
Essays - Cultural Studies - Political Thought

Price: US$16
Sale price: US$12

Saudi Arabian Almanac: A Fact Book About the Kingdom

60956 | English | Softcover
By: Pampanini, Andrea H.
Pub: Turnaround Associates, New York 2010
History and Current - Saudi Arabia

Price: US$30
Sale price: US$15

Sexual Encounters in the Middle East

6638 | English | Softcover
By: Hopwood, Derek
Pub: Garnet Publishing Ltd, UK, 2006
Middle East Culture - History

Price: US$35
Sale price: US$30

Sexuality in Islam

4570 | English | Softcover
By: Bouhdiba, Abdul Wahab
Pub: Saqi Books, Beirut
Islamic Culture


Sexuality in the Arab World (En)

40246 | English | Hardcover with dust jacket
By: Khalaf, Samir / Gagnon, John
Pub: Saqi Books, 2006
Arab World - Society - Sexuality

Price: US$50
Sale price: US$30

Spain Unmoored

74600 | English | Softcover
By: Rogozen-Soltar, Mikaela
Pub: Indiana University Press, Bloomington, 2017
History - Granada (Spain) - Ethnic relations - Islam

Price: US$30
Sale price: US$28

Temple Folk

74691 | English | Hardcover
By: Bilal, Aaliyah
Pub: Simon & Schuster, NY 2023
Short Stories - African-American Culture - Black Muslims

Price: US$27
Sale price: US$24

Text & Context in Islamic Societies

40245 | English | Hardcover with dust jacket
By: Group / Bierman, Irene A. (Editor)
Pub: Garnet Publishing, UK, 2004
Islamic Society - Texts and Communications


The Arabs: Journeys Beyond the Mirage

44548 | English | Softcover
By: Lamb, David
Pub: Vintage Books, New York, 2002 Revised Edition
Arab Culture - Understanding the Middle East


The Body in Islamic Culture

7547 | English | Softcover
By: Khuri, Fuad I.
Pub: Saqi Books, London, 2001


The Bosnian Church

7460 | English | Hardcover
By: Fine, John
Pub: Saqi Books, Beirut, 2007
History - Bosnia and Herzegovina - Religion and state - Ethnicity

Price: US$50
Sale price: US$42

The Cultural Atlas of Islam

75137 | English | Hardcover
By: Faruqi, Ismail R. & Faruqi, Lois Lamya
Pub: MACMILLAN Publishing Company, New York 1986 / IIIT
Islam - Cultural History


The Dilemma of Muslim Psychologists

44749 | English | Softcover
By: Badri, Malik
Pub: IBT, Kuala Lumpur, 2016
Islam - Psychology - Philosophy


The House of Wisdom: How Arabic Science Saved Ancient Knowledge and Gave us the Renaissance

43953 | English | Softcover
By: Khalili, Jim
Pub: Penguin Books, London, US, 2010
Medieval Arab - Sciences - History - Philosophy

Price: US$18
Sale price: US$15

The Liberation of Women The New Woman

5833 | English | Softcover
By: Amin, Qasim
Pub: The American University in Cairo Press, 2005
Islamic Culture


The Middle East Crisis Factory: Tyranny, Resilience and Resistance

44549 | English | Softcover
By: El-Baghdadi, Iyad and Gatnash, Ahmed
Pub: Hurst & Company, London, 2021
Middle East - Conflict Research - Peace Research


The Politics of Dispossession: The Struggle for Palestinian Self-Determination, 1969 - 1994

75025 | English | Softcover
By: Said, Edward W. (1935-2003)
Pub: Random House, New York 1995
Politics - Culture - Palestine


The Taqwacores: Muslim Punk In The USA

80366 | English | Hardcover
By: Badawi,Kim / Knight, Michael
Pub: Powerhouse Books, Brooklyn
Pictorial Work - US Muslims - Punk Culture - Musicians


The Way to the Spring - Life and Death in Palestine

75063 | English | Softcover
By: Ehrenreich, Ben
Pub: Penguin Books, New York 2017
Political Science - Middle Eastern Studies - Palestine Culture and Society


Travels of Ibn Jubayr (English Edition)

40204 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Ibn Jubayr / Translated By R.J.C. Broadhurst
Pub: Goodword Books, !st Pub. 1952, 2013 Printing
Early Work - Travels - Ibn Jubayr


White Rage - The Unspoken Truth of Our Racial Divide

75320 | English | Softcover
By: Anderson, Carol
Pub: Bloomsbury, New York 2017
History - Race in America - African American Civil Rights


A Little Devil in America: Notes in Praise of Black Performance

44566 | English | Hardcover
By: Abdurraqib, Hanif
Pub: Random House, New York, 2021
African Americans - Performing Arts, Authors, Literature, Identity


A Quiet Revolution - The Veil's Resurgence, from the Middle East to America

75296 | English | Softcover
By: Ahmed, Leila
Pub: Yale University Press, New Haven 2011
Study - History - Hijab - Islam - Contemporary - Muslim Women


Illuminating the Darkness: Blacks and North Africans in Islam

70518 | English | Softcover
By: Akande, Habeeb
Pub: Ta-Ha, 2014
Islam - History - Culture


The Liberation of Women The New Woman

5833 | English | Softcover
By: Amin, Qasim
Pub: The American University in Cairo Press, 2005
Islamic Culture


Imagined Communities : Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism

44794 | English | Softcover
By: Anderson, Benedict
Pub: Verso, Revised edition (2016)
Domestic Politics - Nationalism

Price: US$20
Sale price: US$17

White Rage - The Unspoken Truth of Our Racial Divide

75320 | English | Softcover
By: Anderson, Carol
Pub: Bloomsbury, New York 2017
History - Race in America - African American Civil Rights


Anthology of Black Humour

11355 | English | Softcover
By: Andre Breton, Andre / Translated: Mark Polizzotti
Pub: Telegram, London, 2009 Edition
Humour, Culture

Price: US$16
Sale price: US$14

Islam at the Crossroads

74674 | English | Softcover
By: Asad, Muhammad (1900-1992)
Pub: IBT/The Other Press, Kuala Lumpur 2022
Islam - Contemporary Issues


Honour Killing: Stories of Men Who Killed

10712 | English | Softcover
By: Ayse Onal, Ayse / Intro: Joan Smith
Pub: Saqi Books, London, 2008

Price: US$20
Sale price: US$17

The Taqwacores: Muslim Punk In The USA

80366 | English | Hardcover
By: Badawi,Kim / Knight, Michael
Pub: Powerhouse Books, Brooklyn
Pictorial Work - US Muslims - Punk Culture - Musicians


Cyber-Counseling for Muslim Clients

44710 | English | Softcover
By: Badri, Malik
Pub: IBT / The Other Press, Kuala Lumpur, 2015
Muslims - Counseling of - Psychology


The Dilemma of Muslim Psychologists

44749 | English | Softcover
By: Badri, Malik
Pub: IBT, Kuala Lumpur, 2016
Islam - Psychology - Philosophy


Balcony on the Moon : Coming of Age In Palestine

75164 | English | Softcover
By: Barakat, Ibtisam
Pub: Square Fish, New York 2018
Memoir - Palestine - Culture - Coming of Age - Girls


Culture and Resistance

75100 | English | Softcover
By: Barsamian, David & Said, Edward
Pub: Haymarket Books, Illinois 2019
Political Science


Letters to the Celestial Serbs

60959 | English | Softcover
By: Beric, Gojko
Pub: Saqi Books, London 2004
History/Politics - Serbs - 20th Century

Price: US$22
Sale price: US$11

Temple Folk

74691 | English | Hardcover
By: Bilal, Aaliyah
Pub: Simon & Schuster, NY 2023
Short Stories - African-American Culture - Black Muslims

Price: US$27
Sale price: US$24

Sexuality in Islam

4570 | English | Softcover
By: Bouhdiba, Abdul Wahab
Pub: Saqi Books, Beirut
Islamic Culture


Islam, Science, and the Challenge of History

73454 | English | Softcover
By: Dallal, Ahmad
Pub: Yale University Press, New Haven 2010
Islam and Science - History

Price: US$22
Sale price: US$19

Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance

71994 | English | Softcover
By: Duckworth, Angela
Pub: Simon and Schuster, 2018
Self Help


Belonging and Globalisation

6849 | English | Softcover
By: Editor: Boullata, Kamal
Pub: Saqi Books, London/Beirut, 2008
Essays - Art and Culture - Globalization

Price: US$22
Sale price: US$19

The Way to the Spring - Life and Death in Palestine

75063 | English | Softcover
By: Ehrenreich, Ben
Pub: Penguin Books, New York 2017
Political Science - Middle Eastern Studies - Palestine Culture and Society


The Middle East Crisis Factory: Tyranny, Resilience and Resistance

44549 | English | Softcover
By: El-Baghdadi, Iyad and Gatnash, Ahmed
Pub: Hurst & Company, London, 2021
Middle East - Conflict Research - Peace Research


The Cultural Atlas of Islam

75137 | English | Hardcover
By: Faruqi, Ismail R. & Faruqi, Lois Lamya
Pub: MACMILLAN Publishing Company, New York 1986 / IIIT
Islam - Cultural History


The Bosnian Church

7460 | English | Hardcover
By: Fine, John
Pub: Saqi Books, Beirut, 2007
History - Bosnia and Herzegovina - Religion and state - Ethnicity

Price: US$50
Sale price: US$42

Imagined Masculinities

4551 | English | Softcover
By: Ghoussoub, Mai / Sinclair-Webb, Emma
Pub: Saqi Books, Beirut
Culture - Middle East


Text & Context in Islamic Societies

40245 | English | Hardcover with dust jacket
By: Group / Bierman, Irene A. (Editor)
Pub: Garnet Publishing, UK, 2004
Islamic Society - Texts and Communications


Folklore of the Holy Land: Muslim Christian and Jewish

44717 | English | Softcover
By: Hanauer, J.E./ Ed: Pickthall, Marmaduke
Pub: IBT, Kuala Lumpur, 2011
Palestine - Folklore


Justice in Islam : New Ethical Perspective

75138 | English | Softcover
By: Harvey, Ramon and Tutt, Daniel
Pub: International Institute of Islamic Thought, Virginia 2023
Islamic Law - Contemporary Thought - Justice


Drinking the Sea at Gaza - Days and Nights in Land Under Siege

75062 | English | Softcover
By: Hass, Amira Tr. Wesley, Elana & Lacusta-Kaufmann
Pub: Holt, New York 2000
Palestine-Israel - Palestinians - Gaza - Social life and customs


Sexual Encounters in the Middle East

6638 | English | Softcover
By: Hopwood, Derek
Pub: Garnet Publishing Ltd, UK, 2006
Middle East Culture - History

Price: US$35
Sale price: US$30

Travels of Ibn Jubayr (English Edition)

40204 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Ibn Jubayr / Translated By R.J.C. Broadhurst
Pub: Goodword Books, !st Pub. 1952, 2013 Printing
Early Work - Travels - Ibn Jubayr


Great Books of Islamic Civilization: The Book of Misers (Jahiz HC)

70005 | English | Hardcover
By: Jahiz
Pub: Garnet Press, 1998
Early Work - Arabic Literature - Prose - Humor - Satire


Imperial Fictions: Europe's Myths of Orient

10711 | English | Softcover
By: Kabbani, Rana
Pub: Saqi Books, Beirut, 2008 Edition

Price: US$17
Sale price: US$14

Sexuality in the Arab World (En)

40246 | English | Hardcover with dust jacket
By: Khalaf, Samir / Gagnon, John
Pub: Saqi Books, 2006
Arab World - Society - Sexuality

Price: US$50
Sale price: US$30

The House of Wisdom: How Arabic Science Saved Ancient Knowledge and Gave us the Renaissance

43953 | English | Softcover
By: Khalili, Jim
Pub: Penguin Books, London, US, 2010
Medieval Arab - Sciences - History - Philosophy

Price: US$18
Sale price: US$15

Great Books of Islamic Civilization: An Essay on Algebra and Equations (Algebra wa Al-Muqabala)

9272 | English | Softcover
By: Khayyam, Omar
Pub: Garnet Publishing Limited, 2009
Mathematics, History


The Body in Islamic Culture

7547 | English | Softcover
By: Khuri, Fuad I.
Pub: Saqi Books, London, 2001


The Arabs: Journeys Beyond the Mirage

44548 | English | Softcover
By: Lamb, David
Pub: Vintage Books, New York, 2002 Revised Edition
Arab Culture - Understanding the Middle East


Laughter in Occupied Palestine : Comedy And Identity in Art And Film

75332 | English | Softcover
By: Lionis, Chrisoula
Pub: L.B Tauris, New York 2016
Palestine - Culture - Social Studies

Price: US$41
Sale price: US$37

A Saudi Tale: Reading and Encounters In Search For Consciousness

80386 | English | Hardcover
By: Madani, Iyad Ameen
Pub: The Other Press, Kuala Lumpur 2023
Saudi Arabia - History


Decolonizing The Study Of Palestine: Indigenous Perspective and Settler Colonialism After Elia Zureik

75326 | English | Softcover
By: Masalha, Nur & Ahmad H. Sa'di
Pub: L.B Tauris, Dublin 2023
Arab-Israeli Conflict - Colonialism & imperialism - Decolonization Palestine


Because Internet : Understanding the New Rules of Language

71469 | English | Hardcover
By: McCulloch, Gretchen
Pub: Riverhead, 2019
Linguistics - Social Media - Internet


A History of the Jews of Arabia: From Ancient Times to Their Eclipse under Islam

74601 | English | Softcover
By: Newby, Gordon
Pub: University of South Carolina Press, Columbia, S.C., 2009
History - Arabian Peninsula - Ethnic Relations


Etiquette For All (SC)

81223 | English | Softcover
By: Nofal, Dr. Riad
Pub: Khayat Publishing House DC, 2025
Etiquette - Manners - English


Etiquette For All (HC)

81221 | English | Hardcover
By: Nofal, Dr. Riad
Pub: Khayat Publishing House DC, 2025
Etiquette - Manners - English


Medicine and Shariah: A Dialogue in Islamic Bioethics

73430 | English | Hardcover
By: Padela, Aasim / Foreword : Moosa, Ebrahim
Pub: University of Notre Dame Press, Indiana 2021
Islamic Medical and Healthcare Ethics

Price: US$75
Sale price: US$72

Saudi Arabian Almanac: A Fact Book About the Kingdom

60956 | English | Softcover
By: Pampanini, Andrea H.
Pub: Turnaround Associates, New York 2010
History and Current - Saudi Arabia

Price: US$30
Sale price: US$15

Palestine In Israel School Books: Idealogy and Propaganda in Education

75331 | English | Softcover
By: Peled-Elhanana, Nurit
Pub: L.B Tauris, New York 2012
Arab-Israeli Conflict - Israel Study and Teaching - Education Aims


Palestine In The Victorian Age : Colonial Encounters In the Holy Land

75327 | English | Softcover
By: Polley, Gabriel
Pub: L.B Tauris, Dublin 2022
British-Palestine History 19th century - Colonialism & Imperialism - Great Britain Relations Palestine


Aghani Sha'bia min Masr (Book 2) أغاني شعبية من مصر

21306 | Arabic / English | Softcover
By: Rasheed, Hassan حسن أحمد رشيد
Folk Songs - Egyptian Songs - Music


Aghani Sha'bia min Masr (Book 1) أغاني شعبية من مصر

21305 | Arabic / English | Softcover
By: Rasheed, Hassan حسن أحمد رشيد
Traditional Songs - Egyptian Songs - Egypt - Music


Islam and Capitalism

6632 | English | Softcover
By: Rodinson, Maxime
Pub: Saqi Books, London, 2007 Edition, c1974
Economics - Islam

Price: US$25
Sale price: US$19

Spain Unmoored

74600 | English | Softcover
By: Rogozen-Soltar, Mikaela
Pub: Indiana University Press, Bloomington, 2017
History - Granada (Spain) - Ethnic relations - Islam

Price: US$30
Sale price: US$28

Egyptian Theatre in the Nineteenth Century 1799-1882

10974 | English | Softcover
By: Sadgrove, Philip
Pub: Ithaca Press, UK
History - Culture - Theatre - Egypt

Price: US$25
Sale price: US$21


72355 | English | Softcover
By: Said, Edward (1935-2003)
Pub: Vintage Books, NY 1979
Orientalism - History - Political Thought

Price: US$18
Sale price: US$15

Culture and Imperialism

72354 | English | Softcover
By: Said, Edward (1935-2003)
Pub: Vintage Books, New York, 1994
Cultural Criticism - History - Political Thought

Price: US$18
Sale price: US$15

Representations of the Intellectual

72353 | English | Softcover
By: Said, Edward (1935-2003)
Pub: Vintage Books, New York 1996
Essays - Cultural Studies - Political Thought

Price: US$16
Sale price: US$12

From Oslo to Iraq and the Road Map

75023 | English | Softcover
By: Said, Edward W. (1935-2003)
Pub: Random House, New York 2005
Politics - Current Events - Essays - Palestine


Out of Place : A Memoir

75024 | English | Softcover
By: Said, Edward W. (1935-2003)
Pub: Random House, New York 2000
Memoir - Palestine - Refugee


The Politics of Dispossession: The Struggle for Palestinian Self-Determination, 1969 - 1994

75025 | English | Softcover
By: Said, Edward W. (1935-2003)
Pub: Random House, New York 1995
Politics - Culture - Palestine


Islamic Science and the Making of the European Renaissance

73435 | English | Softcover
By: Saliba, George
Pub: MIT, Cambridge 2011
Science - Islamic Countries - History - Islam and Science - Medieval Science


Cults: Secret Sects and Radical Religions

11112 | English | Hardcover
By: Schroeder, Robert
Pub: Carlton Books, 2007
Religion - History and Current

Price: US$25
Sale price: US$21

Performing al-Andalus: Music and Nostalgia Across The Mediterranean

74597 | English | Softcover
By: Shannon, Jonathon Holt
Pub: Indiana University Press, Bloomington, 2015
Ethnomusicology - Spain - No. Africa - Mediterranean Region


On the Sociology of Islam

44736 | English | Softcover
By: Shariati, Ali (1933-1977) / Tr: Algar, Hamid
Pub: IBT, Kuala Lumpur, 2018
Sociology - Islamic culture - Lectures - Writings


Iraqi Jews: A History of Mass Exodus

60952 | English | Softcover
By: Shiblak, Abbas
Pub: Saqi books, London 2005
History - Iraqi Jews

Price: US$25
Sale price: US$12

Arabian Horse: His Country and People (HC Classic Reprint, English)

41576 | English | Hardcover with Jacket
By: Tweedie, W. (William) 1836-1914
Pub: Longman / Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut,
Classic Work - Arabian Horse - Arabic language lexicology


Nobody's Home

7447 | English | Softcover
By: Ugrešić, Dubravka.
Pub: Telegram, London, English Edition 2007
Translated Writings - Travels - Observations - Europe

Price: US$15
Sale price: US$12

Arab Society and Culture: An Essential Reader

15634 | English | Softcover
By: Various / Edited by: Samir and Roseanna Saad Khalaf
Pub: Saqi Books, London, 2009
Arab Culture


Blackness and Islam

75181 | English | Hardcover
By: Walid, Dawud
Pub: Algorithm Publishers, Wembley 2021
Islam - History - Race & Ethnicity - Culture


Raw Memory: Prijedor, Laboratory of Ethnic Cleansing

60957 | English | Softcover
By: Wesselingh, Isabelle. and Vaulerin, Arnaud
Pub: Saqi Books, London 2005
History/Politics - Bosnia 20th Century

Price: US$28
Sale price: US$14

Hell in the Holy Land: World War I in the Middle East

74602 | English | Hardcover
By: Woodward, David
Pub: The University Press of Kentucky, Lexington, 2006
World War I, 1914-1918 Campaigns - Middle East - Personal Narratives - British Soldiers


Polygamy and Law in Contemporary Saudi Arabia

10977 | English | Hardcover
By: Yamani, Maha A.Z.
Pub: Ithaca Press, UK, 2008
Society - Islamic Law - Saudi Arabia - Polygamy

Price: US$54
Sale price: US$46

Letters to the Celestial Serbs

60959 | English | Softcover
By: Beric, Gojko
Pub: Saqi Books, London 2004
History/Politics - Serbs - 20th Century

Price: US$22
Sale price: US$11

Nobody's Home

7447 | English | Softcover
By: Ugrešić, Dubravka.
Pub: Telegram, London, English Edition 2007
Translated Writings - Travels - Observations - Europe

Price: US$15
Sale price: US$12

Islam at the Crossroads

74674 | English | Softcover
By: Asad, Muhammad (1900-1992)
Pub: IBT/The Other Press, Kuala Lumpur 2022
Islam - Contemporary Issues


Representations of the Intellectual

72353 | English | Softcover
By: Said, Edward (1935-2003)
Pub: Vintage Books, New York 1996
Essays - Cultural Studies - Political Thought

Price: US$16
Sale price: US$12

Iraqi Jews: A History of Mass Exodus

60952 | English | Softcover
By: Shiblak, Abbas
Pub: Saqi books, London 2005
History - Iraqi Jews

Price: US$25
Sale price: US$12

Illuminating the Darkness: Blacks and North Africans in Islam

70518 | English | Softcover
By: Akande, Habeeb
Pub: Ta-Ha, 2014
Islam - History - Culture


On the Sociology of Islam

44736 | English | Softcover
By: Shariati, Ali (1933-1977) / Tr: Algar, Hamid
Pub: IBT, Kuala Lumpur, 2018
Sociology - Islamic culture - Lectures - Writings


Anthology of Black Humour

11355 | English | Softcover
By: Andre Breton, Andre / Translated: Mark Polizzotti
Pub: Telegram, London, 2009 Edition
Humour, Culture

Price: US$16
Sale price: US$14

Raw Memory: Prijedor, Laboratory of Ethnic Cleansing

60957 | English | Softcover
By: Wesselingh, Isabelle. and Vaulerin, Arnaud
Pub: Saqi Books, London 2005
History/Politics - Bosnia 20th Century

Price: US$28
Sale price: US$14

Travels of Ibn Jubayr (English Edition)

40204 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Ibn Jubayr / Translated By R.J.C. Broadhurst
Pub: Goodword Books, !st Pub. 1952, 2013 Printing
Early Work - Travels - Ibn Jubayr


Cyber-Counseling for Muslim Clients

44710 | English | Softcover
By: Badri, Malik
Pub: IBT / The Other Press, Kuala Lumpur, 2015
Muslims - Counseling of - Psychology


Great Books of Islamic Civilization: An Essay on Algebra and Equations (Algebra wa Al-Muqabala)

9272 | English | Softcover
By: Khayyam, Omar
Pub: Garnet Publishing Limited, 2009
Mathematics, History


The Dilemma of Muslim Psychologists

44749 | English | Softcover
By: Badri, Malik
Pub: IBT, Kuala Lumpur, 2016
Islam - Psychology - Philosophy


Imperial Fictions: Europe's Myths of Orient

10711 | English | Softcover
By: Kabbani, Rana
Pub: Saqi Books, Beirut, 2008 Edition

Price: US$17
Sale price: US$14

Saudi Arabian Almanac: A Fact Book About the Kingdom

60956 | English | Softcover
By: Pampanini, Andrea H.
Pub: Turnaround Associates, New York 2010
History and Current - Saudi Arabia

Price: US$30
Sale price: US$15

Culture and Imperialism

72354 | English | Softcover
By: Said, Edward (1935-2003)
Pub: Vintage Books, New York, 1994
Cultural Criticism - History - Political Thought

Price: US$18
Sale price: US$15


72355 | English | Softcover
By: Said, Edward (1935-2003)
Pub: Vintage Books, NY 1979
Orientalism - History - Political Thought

Price: US$18
Sale price: US$15

Aghani Sha'bia min Masr (Book 2) أغاني شعبية من مصر

21306 | Arabic / English | Softcover
By: Rasheed, Hassan حسن أحمد رشيد
Folk Songs - Egyptian Songs - Music


The House of Wisdom: How Arabic Science Saved Ancient Knowledge and Gave us the Renaissance

43953 | English | Softcover
By: Khalili, Jim
Pub: Penguin Books, London, US, 2010
Medieval Arab - Sciences - History - Philosophy

Price: US$18
Sale price: US$15

Sexuality in Islam

4570 | English | Softcover
By: Bouhdiba, Abdul Wahab
Pub: Saqi Books, Beirut
Islamic Culture


From Oslo to Iraq and the Road Map

75023 | English | Softcover
By: Said, Edward W. (1935-2003)
Pub: Random House, New York 2005
Politics - Current Events - Essays - Palestine


Imagined Communities : Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism

44794 | English | Softcover
By: Anderson, Benedict
Pub: Verso, Revised edition (2016)
Domestic Politics - Nationalism

Price: US$20
Sale price: US$17

The Arabs: Journeys Beyond the Mirage

44548 | English | Softcover
By: Lamb, David
Pub: Vintage Books, New York, 2002 Revised Edition
Arab Culture - Understanding the Middle East


Honour Killing: Stories of Men Who Killed

10712 | English | Softcover
By: Ayse Onal, Ayse / Intro: Joan Smith
Pub: Saqi Books, London, 2008

Price: US$20
Sale price: US$17

Balcony on the Moon : Coming of Age In Palestine

75164 | English | Softcover
By: Barakat, Ibtisam
Pub: Square Fish, New York 2018
Memoir - Palestine - Culture - Coming of Age - Girls


Justice in Islam : New Ethical Perspective

75138 | English | Softcover
By: Harvey, Ramon and Tutt, Daniel
Pub: International Institute of Islamic Thought, Virginia 2023
Islamic Law - Contemporary Thought - Justice


Out of Place : A Memoir

75024 | English | Softcover
By: Said, Edward W. (1935-2003)
Pub: Random House, New York 2000
Memoir - Palestine - Refugee


The Liberation of Women The New Woman

5833 | English | Softcover
By: Amin, Qasim
Pub: The American University in Cairo Press, 2005
Islamic Culture


Culture and Resistance

75100 | English | Softcover
By: Barsamian, David & Said, Edward
Pub: Haymarket Books, Illinois 2019
Political Science


Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance

71994 | English | Softcover
By: Duckworth, Angela
Pub: Simon and Schuster, 2018
Self Help


Imagined Masculinities

4551 | English | Softcover
By: Ghoussoub, Mai / Sinclair-Webb, Emma
Pub: Saqi Books, Beirut
Culture - Middle East


White Rage - The Unspoken Truth of Our Racial Divide

75320 | English | Softcover
By: Anderson, Carol
Pub: Bloomsbury, New York 2017
History - Race in America - African American Civil Rights


The Body in Islamic Culture

7547 | English | Softcover
By: Khuri, Fuad I.
Pub: Saqi Books, London, 2001


Folklore of the Holy Land: Muslim Christian and Jewish

44717 | English | Softcover
By: Hanauer, J.E./ Ed: Pickthall, Marmaduke
Pub: IBT, Kuala Lumpur, 2011
Palestine - Folklore


Islam and Capitalism

6632 | English | Softcover
By: Rodinson, Maxime
Pub: Saqi Books, London, 2007 Edition, c1974
Economics - Islam

Price: US$25
Sale price: US$19

Belonging and Globalisation

6849 | English | Softcover
By: Editor: Boullata, Kamal
Pub: Saqi Books, London/Beirut, 2008
Essays - Art and Culture - Globalization

Price: US$22
Sale price: US$19

Islam, Science, and the Challenge of History

73454 | English | Softcover
By: Dallal, Ahmad
Pub: Yale University Press, New Haven 2010
Islam and Science - History

Price: US$22
Sale price: US$19

The Way to the Spring - Life and Death in Palestine

75063 | English | Softcover
By: Ehrenreich, Ben
Pub: Penguin Books, New York 2017
Political Science - Middle Eastern Studies - Palestine Culture and Society


Arab Society and Culture: An Essential Reader

15634 | English | Softcover
By: Various / Edited by: Samir and Roseanna Saad Khalaf
Pub: Saqi Books, London, 2009
Arab Culture


The Middle East Crisis Factory: Tyranny, Resilience and Resistance

44549 | English | Softcover
By: El-Baghdadi, Iyad and Gatnash, Ahmed
Pub: Hurst & Company, London, 2021
Middle East - Conflict Research - Peace Research


Egyptian Theatre in the Nineteenth Century 1799-1882

10974 | English | Softcover
By: Sadgrove, Philip
Pub: Ithaca Press, UK
History - Culture - Theatre - Egypt

Price: US$25
Sale price: US$21

Cults: Secret Sects and Radical Religions

11112 | English | Hardcover
By: Schroeder, Robert
Pub: Carlton Books, 2007
Religion - History and Current

Price: US$25
Sale price: US$21

Drinking the Sea at Gaza - Days and Nights in Land Under Siege

75062 | English | Softcover
By: Hass, Amira Tr. Wesley, Elana & Lacusta-Kaufmann
Pub: Holt, New York 2000
Palestine-Israel - Palestinians - Gaza - Social life and customs


Etiquette For All (SC)

81223 | English | Softcover
By: Nofal, Dr. Riad
Pub: Khayat Publishing House DC, 2025
Etiquette - Manners - English


A Quiet Revolution - The Veil's Resurgence, from the Middle East to America

75296 | English | Softcover
By: Ahmed, Leila
Pub: Yale University Press, New Haven 2011
Study - History - Hijab - Islam - Contemporary - Muslim Women


Aghani Sha'bia min Masr (Book 1) أغاني شعبية من مصر

21305 | Arabic / English | Softcover
By: Rasheed, Hassan حسن أحمد رشيد
Traditional Songs - Egyptian Songs - Egypt - Music


The Politics of Dispossession: The Struggle for Palestinian Self-Determination, 1969 - 1994

75025 | English | Softcover
By: Said, Edward W. (1935-2003)
Pub: Random House, New York 1995
Politics - Culture - Palestine


Performing al-Andalus: Music and Nostalgia Across The Mediterranean

74597 | English | Softcover
By: Shannon, Jonathon Holt
Pub: Indiana University Press, Bloomington, 2015
Ethnomusicology - Spain - No. Africa - Mediterranean Region


A History of the Jews of Arabia: From Ancient Times to Their Eclipse under Islam

74601 | English | Softcover
By: Newby, Gordon
Pub: University of South Carolina Press, Columbia, S.C., 2009
History - Arabian Peninsula - Ethnic Relations


Temple Folk

74691 | English | Hardcover
By: Bilal, Aaliyah
Pub: Simon & Schuster, NY 2023
Short Stories - African-American Culture - Black Muslims

Price: US$27
Sale price: US$24

Blackness and Islam

75181 | English | Hardcover
By: Walid, Dawud
Pub: Algorithm Publishers, Wembley 2021
Islam - History - Race & Ethnicity - Culture


A Saudi Tale: Reading and Encounters In Search For Consciousness

80386 | English | Hardcover
By: Madani, Iyad Ameen
Pub: The Other Press, Kuala Lumpur 2023
Saudi Arabia - History


Because Internet : Understanding the New Rules of Language

71469 | English | Hardcover
By: McCulloch, Gretchen
Pub: Riverhead, 2019
Linguistics - Social Media - Internet


A Little Devil in America: Notes in Praise of Black Performance

44566 | English | Hardcover
By: Abdurraqib, Hanif
Pub: Random House, New York, 2021
African Americans - Performing Arts, Authors, Literature, Identity


Etiquette For All (HC)

81221 | English | Hardcover
By: Nofal, Dr. Riad
Pub: Khayat Publishing House DC, 2025
Etiquette - Manners - English


Spain Unmoored

74600 | English | Softcover
By: Rogozen-Soltar, Mikaela
Pub: Indiana University Press, Bloomington, 2017
History - Granada (Spain) - Ethnic relations - Islam

Price: US$30
Sale price: US$28

Sexual Encounters in the Middle East

6638 | English | Softcover
By: Hopwood, Derek
Pub: Garnet Publishing Ltd, UK, 2006
Middle East Culture - History

Price: US$35
Sale price: US$30

Sexuality in the Arab World (En)

40246 | English | Hardcover with dust jacket
By: Khalaf, Samir / Gagnon, John
Pub: Saqi Books, 2006
Arab World - Society - Sexuality

Price: US$50
Sale price: US$30

Islamic Science and the Making of the European Renaissance

73435 | English | Softcover
By: Saliba, George
Pub: MIT, Cambridge 2011
Science - Islamic Countries - History - Islam and Science - Medieval Science


Palestine In The Victorian Age : Colonial Encounters In the Holy Land

75327 | English | Softcover
By: Polley, Gabriel
Pub: L.B Tauris, Dublin 2022
British-Palestine History 19th century - Colonialism & Imperialism - Great Britain Relations Palestine


Decolonizing The Study Of Palestine: Indigenous Perspective and Settler Colonialism After Elia Zureik

75326 | English | Softcover
By: Masalha, Nur & Ahmad H. Sa'di
Pub: L.B Tauris, Dublin 2023
Arab-Israeli Conflict - Colonialism & imperialism - Decolonization Palestine


Hell in the Holy Land: World War I in the Middle East

74602 | English | Hardcover
By: Woodward, David
Pub: The University Press of Kentucky, Lexington, 2006
World War I, 1914-1918 Campaigns - Middle East - Personal Narratives - British Soldiers


The Taqwacores: Muslim Punk In The USA

80366 | English | Hardcover
By: Badawi,Kim / Knight, Michael
Pub: Powerhouse Books, Brooklyn
Pictorial Work - US Muslims - Punk Culture - Musicians


Palestine In Israel School Books: Idealogy and Propaganda in Education

75331 | English | Softcover
By: Peled-Elhanana, Nurit
Pub: L.B Tauris, New York 2012
Arab-Israeli Conflict - Israel Study and Teaching - Education Aims


Laughter in Occupied Palestine : Comedy And Identity in Art And Film

75332 | English | Softcover
By: Lionis, Chrisoula
Pub: L.B Tauris, New York 2016
Palestine - Culture - Social Studies

Price: US$41
Sale price: US$37

The Bosnian Church

7460 | English | Hardcover
By: Fine, John
Pub: Saqi Books, Beirut, 2007
History - Bosnia and Herzegovina - Religion and state - Ethnicity

Price: US$50
Sale price: US$42

Text & Context in Islamic Societies

40245 | English | Hardcover with dust jacket
By: Group / Bierman, Irene A. (Editor)
Pub: Garnet Publishing, UK, 2004
Islamic Society - Texts and Communications


Polygamy and Law in Contemporary Saudi Arabia

10977 | English | Hardcover
By: Yamani, Maha A.Z.
Pub: Ithaca Press, UK, 2008
Society - Islamic Law - Saudi Arabia - Polygamy

Price: US$54
Sale price: US$46

Arabian Horse: His Country and People (HC Classic Reprint, English)

41576 | English | Hardcover with Jacket
By: Tweedie, W. (William) 1836-1914
Pub: Longman / Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut,
Classic Work - Arabian Horse - Arabic language lexicology


The Cultural Atlas of Islam

75137 | English | Hardcover
By: Faruqi, Ismail R. & Faruqi, Lois Lamya
Pub: MACMILLAN Publishing Company, New York 1986 / IIIT
Islam - Cultural History


Medicine and Shariah: A Dialogue in Islamic Bioethics

73430 | English | Hardcover
By: Padela, Aasim / Foreword : Moosa, Ebrahim
Pub: University of Notre Dame Press, Indiana 2021
Islamic Medical and Healthcare Ethics

Price: US$75
Sale price: US$72

Great Books of Islamic Civilization: The Book of Misers (Jahiz HC)

70005 | English | Hardcover
By: Jahiz
Pub: Garnet Press, 1998
Early Work - Arabic Literature - Prose - Humor - Satire


Letters to the Celestial Serbs

60959 | English | Softcover
By: Beric, Gojko
Pub: Saqi Books, London 2004
History/Politics - Serbs - 20th Century

Price: US$22
Sale price: US$11

Nobody's Home

7447 | English | Softcover
By: Ugrešić, Dubravka.
Pub: Telegram, London, English Edition 2007
Translated Writings - Travels - Observations - Europe

Price: US$15
Sale price: US$12

Representations of the Intellectual

72353 | English | Softcover
By: Said, Edward (1935-2003)
Pub: Vintage Books, New York 1996
Essays - Cultural Studies - Political Thought

Price: US$16
Sale price: US$12

Iraqi Jews: A History of Mass Exodus

60952 | English | Softcover
By: Shiblak, Abbas
Pub: Saqi books, London 2005
History - Iraqi Jews

Price: US$25
Sale price: US$12

Anthology of Black Humour

11355 | English | Softcover
By: Andre Breton, Andre / Translated: Mark Polizzotti
Pub: Telegram, London, 2009 Edition
Humour, Culture

Price: US$16
Sale price: US$14

Raw Memory: Prijedor, Laboratory of Ethnic Cleansing

60957 | English | Softcover
By: Wesselingh, Isabelle. and Vaulerin, Arnaud
Pub: Saqi Books, London 2005
History/Politics - Bosnia 20th Century

Price: US$28
Sale price: US$14

Imperial Fictions: Europe's Myths of Orient

10711 | English | Softcover
By: Kabbani, Rana
Pub: Saqi Books, Beirut, 2008 Edition

Price: US$17
Sale price: US$14

Culture and Imperialism

72354 | English | Softcover
By: Said, Edward (1935-2003)
Pub: Vintage Books, New York, 1994
Cultural Criticism - History - Political Thought

Price: US$18
Sale price: US$15

Saudi Arabian Almanac: A Fact Book About the Kingdom

60956 | English | Softcover
By: Pampanini, Andrea H.
Pub: Turnaround Associates, New York 2010
History and Current - Saudi Arabia

Price: US$30
Sale price: US$15


72355 | English | Softcover
By: Said, Edward (1935-2003)
Pub: Vintage Books, NY 1979
Orientalism - History - Political Thought

Price: US$18
Sale price: US$15

The House of Wisdom: How Arabic Science Saved Ancient Knowledge and Gave us the Renaissance

43953 | English | Softcover
By: Khalili, Jim
Pub: Penguin Books, London, US, 2010
Medieval Arab - Sciences - History - Philosophy

Price: US$18
Sale price: US$15

Imagined Communities : Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism

44794 | English | Softcover
By: Anderson, Benedict
Pub: Verso, Revised edition (2016)
Domestic Politics - Nationalism

Price: US$20
Sale price: US$17

Honour Killing: Stories of Men Who Killed

10712 | English | Softcover
By: Ayse Onal, Ayse / Intro: Joan Smith
Pub: Saqi Books, London, 2008

Price: US$20
Sale price: US$17

Islam and Capitalism

6632 | English | Softcover
By: Rodinson, Maxime
Pub: Saqi Books, London, 2007 Edition, c1974
Economics - Islam

Price: US$25
Sale price: US$19

Belonging and Globalisation

6849 | English | Softcover
By: Editor: Boullata, Kamal
Pub: Saqi Books, London/Beirut, 2008
Essays - Art and Culture - Globalization

Price: US$22
Sale price: US$19

Islam, Science, and the Challenge of History

73454 | English | Softcover
By: Dallal, Ahmad
Pub: Yale University Press, New Haven 2010
Islam and Science - History

Price: US$22
Sale price: US$19

Egyptian Theatre in the Nineteenth Century 1799-1882

10974 | English | Softcover
By: Sadgrove, Philip
Pub: Ithaca Press, UK
History - Culture - Theatre - Egypt

Price: US$25
Sale price: US$21

Cults: Secret Sects and Radical Religions

11112 | English | Hardcover
By: Schroeder, Robert
Pub: Carlton Books, 2007
Religion - History and Current

Price: US$25
Sale price: US$21

Temple Folk

74691 | English | Hardcover
By: Bilal, Aaliyah
Pub: Simon & Schuster, NY 2023
Short Stories - African-American Culture - Black Muslims

Price: US$27
Sale price: US$24

Spain Unmoored

74600 | English | Softcover
By: Rogozen-Soltar, Mikaela
Pub: Indiana University Press, Bloomington, 2017
History - Granada (Spain) - Ethnic relations - Islam

Price: US$30
Sale price: US$28

Sexual Encounters in the Middle East

6638 | English | Softcover
By: Hopwood, Derek
Pub: Garnet Publishing Ltd, UK, 2006
Middle East Culture - History

Price: US$35
Sale price: US$30

Sexuality in the Arab World (En)

40246 | English | Hardcover with dust jacket
By: Khalaf, Samir / Gagnon, John
Pub: Saqi Books, 2006
Arab World - Society - Sexuality

Price: US$50
Sale price: US$30

Laughter in Occupied Palestine : Comedy And Identity in Art And Film

75332 | English | Softcover
By: Lionis, Chrisoula
Pub: L.B Tauris, New York 2016
Palestine - Culture - Social Studies

Price: US$41
Sale price: US$37

The Bosnian Church

7460 | English | Hardcover
By: Fine, John
Pub: Saqi Books, Beirut, 2007
History - Bosnia and Herzegovina - Religion and state - Ethnicity

Price: US$50
Sale price: US$42

Polygamy and Law in Contemporary Saudi Arabia

10977 | English | Hardcover
By: Yamani, Maha A.Z.
Pub: Ithaca Press, UK, 2008
Society - Islamic Law - Saudi Arabia - Polygamy

Price: US$54
Sale price: US$46

Medicine and Shariah: A Dialogue in Islamic Bioethics

73430 | English | Hardcover
By: Padela, Aasim / Foreword : Moosa, Ebrahim
Pub: University of Notre Dame Press, Indiana 2021
Islamic Medical and Healthcare Ethics

Price: US$75
Sale price: US$72

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