Comedy: Bath Mubashir بث مباشر
By: Hammoud, Abd al-Halim (1974-) عبد الحليم حمود
Item #: 15305
Softcover | 110 pp, B/W Illustrations
Language: Arabic
Topic: Caricature - Cartoons
Publisher: Dar al-Moualef, Beirut, 2009
ISBN: 9789953762906
Comedy: Nazrah Fabtisama نظرة فابتسامة
By: Hammoud, Abd al-Halim (1974-) عبد الحليم حمود
Item #: 15308
Softcover | 136 pp B/W Illustrations
Language: Arabic
Topic: Caricature - Cartoons
Publisher: Dar al-Moualef, Beirut, 2009
ISBN: 9789953762913
Comedy: Tahta al-Sawahi تحت السواهي
By: Hammoud, Abd al-Halim (1974-) عبد الحليم حمود
Item #: 15307
Softcover | 86 pp B/W Illustrations
Language: Arabic
Topic: Caricature - Cartoons
Publisher: Dar al-Moualef, Beirut, 2009
ISBN: 9789953762937
Fan al-Ghasal al-Mulabis فن الغسل الملابس
By: Richardson, Patric باتريك ريتشاردسون / Miller, Katherine
Item #: 74099
Softcover | 238 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Self Help - DIY Tips and Fun with Laundry
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2022
ISBN: 9786140134478
Fan Kitaba Scenario فن كتابة السيناريو
By: Haro, Franck فرانك هارو
Item #: 73014
Softcover | 296 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Screen Writing - Development - Writing Fiction
Publisher: Dar al Mada, Baghdad 2016
ISBN: 9782843090493
Fann al-Karikatir فن الكاريكاتير
By: Shasha'a, Talal Fahid
Item #: 14878
Softcover | 285 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Art - Studies
Publisher: Intishar al-Arabi, Beirut, 2011
ISBN: 9786144041642
Hadathawiya الحداثوية
By: Rodrigues, Chris / Ill: Garratt, Chris كريس رودريغز، كريس غارات
Item #: 70603
Softcover | 184 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Modernism - History - Aesthetics, Art, Literature
Publisher: Al-Mutawassit, Italy, 2016 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9788899687144
Hadhihi al-Qissah Tajri هذه القصة تجري
By: Kirbaj, Mazin مازن كرباج
Item #: 16778
Softcover | 78 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Caricatures and cartoons - Lebanon
Publisher: Dar al-Adab, Beirut, 2010
ISBN: 9789953891934
How to Read Islamic Calligraphy
By: Ekhtiar, Maryam
Item #: 72046
Softcover | 155 pp
Language: English
Topic: Islam - Art - Calligraphy
Publisher: Metropolitan Museum of Art, NY, 2018
ISBN: 9781588396303
Janat wa Ayown جنات وعيون
By: Hamid, Safi al-Din
Item #: 12154
Softcover | 123 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Architecture-Design
Publisher: Shorouk, 2009
ISBN: 9789776278639
Kaif Tarsum al-Wujuh كيف ترسم الوجوه
By: Hodge, Susie
Item #: 60845
Softcover | 80 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Drawing - Portraits
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Riyadh 2009
ISBN: 6281072058890
Kitab al-Khat كتاب الخط
By: Zajjaji, Abd al-Rahman Ibn Ishaq أبي القاسم عبدالرحمن الزجاجي
Item #: 21377
Hardcover | 118 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Arabic Calligraphy Rules
Publisher: Dar Sader, Beirut, 2009
ISBN: 9789953132136
Munamnamat al-Islamiyah المنمنمات الإسلامية
By: Fontana, Maria Vittoria ماريا فيتوريا فونتانا
Item #: 40740
Softcover | 260 pp, color photos of art work
Language: Arabic
Topic: Islamic illumination - Islamic Minatures
Publisher: Dar al-Tanweer, Beirut, 2015 Arabic Edition c. 1998
ISBN: 9789776483231
Qalam al-Khat قلم الخط على أديم الورق
By: Younes, Bassem Z. ذنون، باسم
Item #: 70407
Softcover | 159 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Calligraphy - History
Publisher: DKI, Beirut 2018
ISBN: 9782745174277
Ra'aytu Dhat Film رأيت ذات فيلم
By: Qasmi, Muhammed
Item #: 60659
Softcover | 664 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: The Arts - Cinema Masterpieces
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut 2014
ISBN: 9789995896300
Rawa'i al-'Alam al-Arabiyah روائع العالم العربي
By: Mourad, Michel ميشال مراد
Item #: 43091
Softcover | 416 pp, color photos on coated paper
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arab World - Masterpieces - Photos and text
Publisher: ASP & Dar al-Mourad , Beirut, 2017
ISBN: 9786140123632
Speak Oh Sadah أقول يا سادة
By: Pasha, Fathi
Item #: 7417
Softcover | 480 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Theatre
Publisher: Dar al-Adab, Beirut, 2007
Tajdid al-Hammamat تجديد الحمامات
By: Cassell, Julian and Parham, Peter
Item #: 43952
Softcover | 111 pp, Coated paper, Color Photos
Language: Arabic
Topic: Do-it-Yourself Bathroom Makeover
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2000
ISBN: 9782844097309
Tajdid wa Tajmil al-Manazal تجديد وتجميل المنازل
By: Cassell, Julian and Parham, Peter
Item #: 73210
Softcover | 111 pp, Coated paper, Color Photos
Language: Arabic
Topic: Do-it-Yourself - House Makeover
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2000 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9782844097361
Tarikh al-Fann wa-al-'Imarah تاريخ الفن والعمارة
By: Shamsi, Samar / Dabajah, Ali سمر الشامسي، علي دباجة
Item #: 74360
Softcover | 233 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Architecture and Arts - History
Publisher: All Prints, Beirut, 2021
ISBN: 9786144585535
Tarikh al-Khatt al-Arabi (3 vol) تاريخ الخط العربي
By: Salih, Dr. Abd al-Aziz Hamid عبد العزيز حميد صالح ،الدكتور
Item #: 70360
Hardcover | 1424 pp 3 Volumes
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Writing - Calligraphy - History
Publisher: DKI, Beirut 2017
ISBN: 9782745189233
Tehran Studio Works: The Art of Khosrow Hassanzadeh (Dual English-Persian)
By: Hassanzadeh, Khosrow / Editor: Shatanawi, Mirjam
Item #: 41511
Softcover | 142 pp, Color illustrations, Color Portraits
Language: English and Persian
Topic: Painters - Iran - Khosrow Hassanzadeh
Publisher: Dar al-Saqi, London in association with Amsterdam KIT Tropenmuseum, 2007.
ISBN: 9780863566707
Wajah al-Ukhra 1966-1972 الوجة الاخر
By: Zawawi, Muhammad (1936-2011) محمد الزواوي
Item #: 74572
Softcover | 325 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Political Satire - Newspaper Cartoons - Arab countries
Publisher: Dar al-Rawad, 2002
ISBN: 9789959812070
World Theatre: Battah al-Birriyah البطة البرية
By: Ibsen, Henrik (1828-1906) هنريك إبسن / Translator: Nassar, Samir Izzat
Item #: 43387
Softcover | 152 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translation - Play - Modern Tragicomedy - Families (Norway)
Publisher: Al-Ahlia Publishing, Amman, Jordan, 2007
ISBN: 9786589094968
World Theatre: Bayt Dumyah بيت دمية
By: Ibsen, Henrik (1828-1906) هنريك إبسن / Translator: Nassar, Samir Izzat
Item #: 43386
Softcover | 139 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translation - Play - Modern Tragedy - Wifes (Norway)
Publisher: Al-Ahlia Publishing, Amman, Jordan, 2016
ISBN: 9786589095316
World Theatre: Thalath Trajidiyat ثلاث تراجيديات
By: Federico Garcia Lorca (1898-1936) فيدريكو لوركا / Translator: Nassar, Samir Izzat
Item #: 43388
Softcover | 240 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translation - Play - Modern Tragedy - Women (Spain)
Publisher: Al-Ahlia Publishing, Amman, Jordan, 2016
ISBN: 9786589079072
A'lam al-Nisa'a أعلام النساء
By: Mustawi, Abd al-Rahman عبد الرحمن المصطاوي / Halabi, Abd al-Majid Tu'mah
Item #: 15442
Hardcover | 264 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Islam - Women's Biographies - Reference
Publisher: Dar al-Marefah, Beirut, 2002
ISBN: 9789953420851
A'lam Libya أعلام ليبيا
By: Zawi, Tahir Ahmad (1880-1986) الطاهر أحمد الزاوي
Item #: 71545
Softcover | 432 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Biographies - Libya
Publisher: Madar Islami, Beirut 2004
ISBN: 9789959291998
Abd al-Wahid ibn al-Tawwah عبد الواحد بن الطواح
By: Jubran, Muhammad Mas'ud جبران، محمد مسعود
Item #: 40377
Softcover | 262 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Sufis - Tunisia 13th-14th Century CE - Biography
Publisher: Dar al-Madar al-Islami, 2004
ISBN: 9789959291073
Ahlumu bi-Zinzanah min Karaz أحلم بزنزانة من كرز
By: Bechara, Souha سهى بشارة / Ibrahim, Cosette كوزيت ابراهيم
Item #: 41091
Softcover, coated pages | 159 pp, color photographs
Language: Arabic
Topic: Autobiography - Lebanon - Women Political Prisoners
Publisher: Dar al-Saqi, London/Beirut, 2011
ISBN: 9781855166820
Ahmad Fu'ad Najm أحمد فؤاد نجم
By: Abd al-Malik, Kamal
Item #: 71721
Softcover | 122 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Biography - Literature
Publisher: Allprints, Beirut 2010
ISBN: 9789953883106
Ana Malala (I am Malala ) أنا ملالا
By: Yousafzai, Malala
Item #: 20759
Softcover | 414 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Memoirs - Biography - Pakistan
Publisher: All Prints, Beirut, 2014
ISBN: 9789953687193
Araq al-Ruh ارق الروح
By: Eid, Dr. Yumna
Item #: 15930
Softcover | 247 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Autobiography - Lebanon
Publisher: Dar al-Adab
ISBN: 9789953890807
Arar Sha'r al-Ordan عرار شاعر الاردن
By: Badawi al-Mulaththum
Item #: 16222
Hardcover | 409 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Contemporary Arabic Poetry - Jordan - Biography
Publisher: Ahlia Publishing, Beirut, 2009
ISBN: 9786589079765
Ard al-Maw'udah الأرض الموعودة
By: Obama, Barack باراك أوباما
Item #: 44821
Flexi Laminated Card Cover | 848 pp, color photos
Language: Arabic
Topic: US Presidents - Memoirs - 21st Century US History
Publisher: Hachette Antoine / Naufal, Beirut, 2021 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9786144698266
Ayyam Ma'a Taha Hussein ايام مع طه حسين
By: Dasuqi, Dr. Muhammad al-Sayid (b. 1353/1934) محمد السيد الدسوقي
Item #: 70245
Softcover | 232 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Biographical Diary - Egyptian Intellectuals - Taha Hussein 1889-1973
Publisher: Dar al Qalam, Syria 2002
Ba'i al-Kutub fi Kabul بائع الكتب في كابول
By: Seierstad, Åsne آسني سييرستاد
Item #: 44151
Softcover | 357 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Biography/Memoir - Afghan - Norwegian
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2009 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789953876658
Beyond the White House ما وراء البيت الابيض
By: Carter, Jimmy
Item #: 12190
Hardcover | 272 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Biography - Former US President
Publisher: All Prints, Beirut, 2007 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789953882352
Bidayat بدايات
By: Maalouf, Amin امين معلوف
Item #: 41951
Softcover | 470 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Memoirs - Musings - French-Lebanese
Publisher: Dar al-Farabi, Beirut, 2013 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789953719917
Bunat al-Alam (2 vol) بناة العالم
By: Zweig, Stefan (Austria 1881-1942) ستيفان زفايغ
Item #: 20513
Softcover | 740 pp, 2 volumes
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Biographies - Facts + Fictional Narration
Publisher: Dar al-Mada. Beirut, 2003 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9782843056833 / 9782843056840
Dalai Lama الدالاي لاما
By: Shaya, Myaing ميانغ شايا
Item #: 9860
Hardcover | 306 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Biography
Publisher: All Prints Distributors & Publishers, Beirut, 2008
ISBN: 9789953880808
Demashq دمشق|ذاكرة الوجوه والتحولات
By: Mansour, Mohammad محمد منصور
Item #: 21408
Softcover | 152 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Literature - Memories - Syria - Aleppo
Publisher: Dar Jadawel, Beirut, 2014
ISBN: 9786144182884
Falsafat al-Thawrah فلسفة الثورة
By: Abd al-Nassir, Jamal (1918-1970) جمال عبد الناصر
Item #: 71137
Softcover | 85 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: History - Political Thought - Egypt 1952-1970
Publisher: Madbuli, Cairo 2005
Fann al-Tajassus فنّ التجسّس
By: Crumpton, Henry A.
Item #: 71720
Softcover | 389 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: CIA - United States Biographical Account
Publisher: Allprints, Beirut 2014
ISBN: 9789953888217
Hulum Fatat al-Azqah حلم فتاة الأزقة
By: Ali, Rubina / Berthod, Anne / Dugar, Divya
Item #: 70654
Softcover | 195 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Biographies - Memoirs
Publisher: All Prints, Beirut, 2009 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789953883113
Inna Mahkumon Bil-'Aml إننا محكومون بالأمل
By: Husami, Iyad إياد حسامي
Item #: 21425
Softcover | 256 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Biography - Theater - Hope - Memories
Publisher: Dar al-Adab, Beirut, 2013
ISBN: 9789953892542
Jass Nabd جس نبض
By: Shamma'ah, Munir شماعة، منير
Item #: 40464
Softcover | 110 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Short Stories - Memoirs - Lebanon
Publisher: Riad al-Rayyes Books, Beirut, 2008
ISBN: 9789953213637
Jasus al-Nabil الجاسوس النبيل
By: Bird, Kai
Item #: 41872
Softcover | 391 pp, b/w photos
Language: Arabic
Topic: Robert Ames (1934-1983) - Intelligence - Middle East Conflict
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 20115 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9786140117280
Khubz al-Hafi الخبز الحافي
By: Choukri, Muhammad (1935-2003) محمد شكري
Item #: 71711
Softcover | 228 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Memoir - Biographical Novel - Morocco
Publisher: Dar al-Saqi, London/Beirut, 2015
ISBN: 9781855160453
Kul Yawm huwa Idafa كل يوم هو إضافة
By: Kerry, John جون كيري
Item #: 72320
Softcover | 658 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Political Memoirs - Current Affairs - John Kerry
Publisher: All Prints, Beirut 2019
ISBN: 9786144585054
La: Ghandi: La lil-'Unf غاندي : لا لِلعُنف
By: Actes Sud / Portillo, Chantal
Item #: 42128
Softcover | 80 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Young Adult Non-Fiction - Biography - Ages 12+
Publisher: Samir Editeur, Beirut, 2016 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789953318622
Layali al-Arabia الليالي العربية
By: Huffman, Ruth and Helen روث وهيلين هوفمان
Item #: 14998
Hardcover | 320 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Memoir - Travels - Iraq
Publisher: al-Ahlia, Amman, 2004
Ma Qall wa-Dall : (8 Vol) Amine Nakhle, Elias Abu Shabaki, Karam Melhem Karam, Khalil Mutran, Khalil Taqi al-Din, Salah Labaki, Shaykh Abdullah al-Alayili, Umar Fakhuri
By: Jabr, Jamil جميل جبر / Al-Khuri, Bishara / et al
Item #: 75140
Hardcover | 636 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Biography - Literary Critique - Lebanon
Publisher: Naufal-Group, Beirut, 2006
ISBN: 9789953260778
Ma Qall wa-Dall: Al-Akhtal al-Saghir الأخطل الصغير
By: Jabr, Jamil جميل جبر / Al-Khuri, Bishara (Al Akhtal al-Saghir)
Item #: 7275
Hardcover | 79 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Biography - Literary Critique - Lebanon
Publisher: Naufal-Group, Beirut, 2006
ISBN: 9789953260723
Ma Qall wa-Dall: Amine Nakhle أمين نخلة
By: Jabr, Jamil جميل جبر / Nakhle, Amin
Item #: 10416
Hardcover | 80 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Biography - Literary Critique - Lebanon
Publisher: Naufal-Group, Beirut, 2006
ISBN: 9789953260730
Ma Qall wa-Dall: Karam Melhem Karam كرم ملحم كر
By: Jabr, Jamil جميل جبر / Karam. Melhem Karam
Item #: 7285
Hardcover | 80 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Biography - Literary Critique - Lebanon
Publisher: Naufal-Group, Beirut, 2006
ISBN: 9789953260778
Ma Qall wa-Dall: Khalil Mutran خليل مطران
By: Jabr, Jamil جميل جبر / Mutran, Khalil
Item #: 10412
Hardcover | 80 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Biography - Literary Critique - Lebanon
Publisher: Naufal-Group, Beirut, 2006
ISBN: 9789953260662
Ma Qall wa-Dall: Marun Abbud مارون عبود
By: Jabr, Jamil جميل جبر / Abbud, Marun
Item #: 10415
Hardcover | 80 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Biography - Literary Critique - Lebanon
Publisher: Naufal-Group, Beirut, 2006
ISBN: 9789953260679
Ma Qall wa-Dall: Salah Labaki صلاح لبكي
By: Jabr, Jamil جميل جبر / Labaki, Salah
Item #: 7286
Hardcover | 80 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Biography - Literary Critique - Lebanon
Publisher: Naufal-Group, Beirut, 2006
ISBN: 9789953260693
Ma Qall wa-Dall: Umar Fakhuri عمر فاخوري
By: Jabr, Jamil جميل جبر / Fakhuri, Umar
Item #: 10411
Hardcover | 80 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Biography - Literary Critique - Lebanon
Publisher: Naufal-Group, Beirut, 2006
ISBN: 9789953260709
Ma'an Ilá al-Abad معًا، إلى الأبد
By: Ghosn, Carlos and Carole كارول وكارلوس غصن
Item #: 44827
Flexi Laminated Card Cover | 296 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Memoirs - Carlos Ghosn - Japan - Arrest
Publisher: Hachette Antoine / Naufal, Beirut, 2021 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9786144699041
Madeline Albright
By: Albright, Madeline
Item #: 13024
Softcover | pp 264
Language: Arabic
Topic: Subject :Biography / Memoir/ Politics
Publisher: Arab Scientific Publishers
ISBN: 9789953873855
Maktaba al-Atiqa bi-al-Qayrawan المكتبة العتيقة بالقيروان
By: Marwani, Miklosh ميكلوش موراني
Item #: 72868
Hardcover | 382 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Biography - Qayrawan (Kairouan, Tunisia) تراجم وأعلام
Publisher: Dar al-Bashair al-Islamiyah, Beirut. 2018 دار البشائر الاسلامية
ISBN: 9786144373705
Manaqib al-Imam al-Shafi' مناقب الإمام الشافعي
By: Bayhaqi, Abi Bakr Ahmed bin al-Husayn (d. 458/1066) أبي بكر أحمد بن الحسين بن علي البيهقي
Item #: 74402
Hardcover | 520 pp, Chamois Paper
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Biographies - Jurists - Imam Shafi'i (d.204/820)
Publisher: DKI, Beirut 2022
ISBN: 9782745198976
Manshur al-Hidayah fi Kashf منشور الهداية في كشف
By: Fakkun, Abd al-Karim عبد الكريم الفكون
Item #: 847
Hardcover | 277 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Biographical Reference - Muslim Scholars
Publisher: Dar al-Gharb al-Islami, Beirut
Maraya al-Dhakirah : Sard مرايا الذاكرة : سرد
By: Oumlil, Ali علي أومليل
Item #: 41967
Softcover | 160 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Narrative - Reflections - Morocco
Publisher: Markaz al-Thaqafi al-Arabi, Beirut, 2016
ISBN: 9789953688091
Min Dhakirah al-Bahrain من ذاكرة البحرين
By: Mahadin, Abd al-Hamid Salim عبد الحميد سالم المحادين
Item #: 70669
Softcover | 533 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Writings - Memories - Bahrain
Publisher: AIRP, 2007
ISBN: 9789990190748
Min Thakiryati من ذكرياتي
By: Rifai, Hashim هاشم الرفاعي (1950-1885)
Item #: 15146
Softcover | 152 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Memories - Political History - Saudi Arabia - Iraq
Publisher: Jadawel, Beirut, 2012
ISBN: 9786144181119
Mu'jam al-Mu'allifin (4 vol) معجم المؤلفين
By: Kahhalah, Umar Rida (1323/1905-1408/1987) عمر رضا كحالة
Item #: 41977
Hardcover | 3054 pp in 4 volumes, 2 color text on chamois color paper
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Literature - Bio-Bibliography
Publisher: Resalah Publishing, Damascus/Beirut, 2015
ISBN: 9789933231927
Mudhakkirat Suhufi Astiqsaa'i مذكرات صحفي استقصائي
By: Hersh, Seymour M. سيمور م. هيرش / Tr. Muhammad Jiyad al-Azraqi
Item #: 72357
Softcover | 478 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Journalist - Biography
Publisher: Arab Scientific Publishers, Inc, Beirut 2019
ISBN: 9786140128088
Mutamarrid: Muhammad Ali المتمرد : محمد علي
By: Perrignon, Judith جوديت بيرينيون
Item #: 74656
Softcover | 288 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Biography - African Americans - Boxers - Ali, Muhammad (1942-2016)
Publisher: Markaz Al Thaqafi Arabi, Beirut 2021
ISBN: 9789953689692
Ouch! Mudhakkirat Multabisah آوتش! : مذكرات ملتبسة
By: Khazaal, Chaker (1987-) شاكر خزعل
Item #: 74852
Softcover | 288 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Autobiography - Memoirs - Novelist - Palestinian/Canadian/Lebanon
Publisher: Hachette Antoine, Beirut 2020
ISBN: 9786144699249
Peace Women نساء السلام
By: Reutter, Angelika U. / Ruffer, Anne
Item #: 20022
Softcover | 349 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Biographies
Publisher: ASP 2009
ISBN: 9789953876788
Qabadayat Bayrut قبضايات بيروت
By: Samak, Abd al-Rahman Muhammad سماك، عبد الرحمن محمد
Item #: 41646
Softcover | 175 pp with b/w photos and illustrations
Language: Arabic
Topic: History - Lebanon - Biographies - Society
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2015
ISBN: 9786140115385
Qisat Abi Jahl قصة أبي جهل
By: Habib, Jamil Ibrahim جميل إبراهيم حبيب
Item #: 71373
Softcover | 184 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arab History - Abu Jahl, 'Amr ibn Hisham, Prophet's Adversaries
Publisher: Dar al-Kotob al-Ilmiyah, Beirut 2003
ISBN: 9782745136459
Rihlah Italiah رحلة إيطالية
By: Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von غوته
Item #: 21484
Softcover | 460 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translation - Journey - Italy - Diary
Publisher: Almutawassit, Italy, 2017
ISBN: 9788899687694
Sahhaf wa-al-Uluj الصحاف والعلعج
By: Falouji, Farid فريد الفالوجي
Item #: 70126
Softcover | 215 pp, Illustrations
Language: Arabic
Topic: Biography - Media - Iraq War - M. Sahhaf
Publisher: Dar al-Kitab al-Arabi, Beirut, 2003
Sajinah السجينة
By: Oufkir, Malika and Fitoussi, Michèle مليكة أوفقير وميشيل فيتوسي
Item #: 21191
Softcover | 367 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Biography - Political - Morocco
Publisher: Dar al-Jadid, Beirut, 2006 2nd Edition
ISBN: 9789953110059
Salaman ya Gharib (2) سلاماً يا غريب
By: Khalili, Abdul Ghani الـخـلـيـلـي ، عـبـد الـغـنـي
Item #: 20532
Softcover | 140 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Poets - Iraq - Biography
Publisher: Dar al-Mada,2001
Sanawat al-Tayeba السنوات الطيبة
By: Nasrallah, Shekri
Item #: 10709
Softcover | 236 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Diary - Lebanon
Publisher: All Prints Distributors & Publishers, Beirut, 2009
ISBN: 9789953882956
Seera Habayib سيرة الحبايب
By: Basy, Sanaa
Item #: 11892
Hardcover | 570 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Biography
Publisher: Dar al-Shorouk, 2009
ISBN: 9789770926108
Shaksiya San'at Tarikh شخصية صنعت التاريخ
By: Nadwi, Muhammad al-Rabia (1929-) محمد الرابع الحسني الندوي
Item #: 73030
Hardcover | 250 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Biography - Abu al-Hasan Nadwi (1914-1999)
Publisher: Dar al Gharb al Islami, Tunis 2012
Silsilat Jihad Sha'b al-Jaza'iri (3 Vol) سلسلة جهاد شعب الجزائر
By: Asali, Bassam عسلي، بسام
Item #: 41555
Hardcover | 2260 pp in a 3 volume set, boxed
Language: Arabic
Topic: Algeria - Resistance Personalities - 19th-20th Century
Publisher: Dar al-Nafaes, Beirut, 2013
ISBN: 9789953185187 / 9789953185200 / 9789953185194
Sira Amir Abdulkadir سيرة الامير عبد القادر
By: Sallabi, Dr. Ali Muhammad الدكتور علي محمد محمد الصلابي
Item #: 50020
Hardcover | 623 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Biography - Algeria - 19th Century - Colonial Resistance
Publisher: Dar ibn Hazm, 2017
ISBN: 9789959856593
Siret Omr Ajhadahu al-Samt
By: Ibraheem
Item #: 6504
Softcover | 119 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Memoir
Publisher: Saqi Books, Beirut, 2002
Stalin al-Shab ستالين الشاب
By: Montefiore, Simon Sebag (b. 1965) سيمون سيباغ مونتيفيوري
Item #: 70835
Hardcover | 580 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Biography - Russian Leaders - Stalin
Publisher: All Prints, Beirut 2008
ISBN: 9789953880730
Sultan Mahmud al-Ghazni السلطان محمود الغزنوي
By: Nazim, Muhammad محمد ناظم / Tr: Zulaytani, Abd Allah Salam عبد الله سالم الزليتني
Item #: 6798
Softcover | 304 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: History - Biography - Ghaznevids - India
Publisher: Dar al-Madar al-Islami, Beirut, 2005 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789959293435
Tabaqat al-Fuqaha al-Kubra ( 2 vol.) طبقات الفقهاء الكبرى
By: Qurashi, Muhammad ibn Abd al-Rahman (8th cent. AH) محمد ابن عبد الرحمن العثماني القرشي
Item #: 72886
Hardcover | 1193 pp, 2 Volumes
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Islamic Law - Shafite Scholars - Biography
Publisher: Dar al-Bashair al-Islamiyah, Beirut, 2013
ISBN: 9786144370490
Tabaqat al-Kubra (8 vol Ibn Sa'd) الطبقات الكبرى
By: Ibn Sa'd, Muhammad (168/784 - 230/845) محمد بن سعد
Item #: 60006
Hardcover | 8 Volumes
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Biographical History - Early Muslims
Publisher: Dar Sader, Beirut 1998
ISBN: 9789950000000
Tabaqat al-Sufiyah طـبـقـات الـصـوفـيـة
By: Sulami, Muhammad ibn al-Husayn
Item #: 15089
Hardcover | 503 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Sufi Literature, Women in Islam, Biography of Muslim Scholar
Publisher: DKI, Beirut, 2010
ISBN: 9782745158376
Tarmim al-Dhakirah - ترميم الذاكرة
By: Madan, Hassan (1956 - ) حسن مدن
Item #: 74769
Softcover | 120 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Autobiography - Arab Countries - Bahrain
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut 2008
ISBN: 9789995800017
Tartib A'lam a'la al-A'wam (2 vol) ترتيب الأعلام على الأعوام
By: Zirikli, Khayr al-Din (d. 1976) خير الدين الزركلي / Zaza, Zuhair زهير ظاظا
Item #: 73885
Hardcover | 1201 pp, 2 Volumes, indexed
Language: Arabic
Topic: Biographical Encyclopedia of Prominent People - Middle East
Publisher: Dar al Arqam, Beirut, 1990
Tidhkar fi-man Malaka Tarabulus التذكار فيمن ملك طرابلس
By: Ibn Ghalboun, Muhammad ibn Khalil (d.1737) ابن غلبون، محمد بن خليل / Zawi, Tahir Ahmad (1880-1986) الطاهر أحمد الزاوي
Item #: 40383
Softcover | 327 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: History - Biography - Libya
Publisher: Dar al-Madar al-Islami, 2004
ISBN: 9789959291318
Udus al-Sura : Ruh Umam fi Nazif Dhakirah (4 vol)
By: Koni, Ibrahim (b.1948) ابراهيم الكوني
Item #: 42712
Softcover | 4 volumes
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Memoirs - Autobiography - Libya
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2012-2016
ISBN: 9786144191255 / 9786144192887 / 9786144194171 / 9786144196540
Urwat al-Zaman al-Bahi عروة الزمان الباهي
By: Munif, Abd al-Rahman (1933-2004) عبد الرحمن منيف
Item #: 7610
Softcover | 194 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Biographical Essays - al-Bahi - Maghreb
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2007
ISBN: 9789953682461
Wa-ma Baddalu Tabdila وما بدلوا تبديلاً
By: Jaza'iri, Badi'ah Hasani بديعة الحسني جزائري
Item #: 71513
Softcover | 307 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Biography - 'Abd al-Qadir ibn Muhyi al-Din - Algeria - 19th Century
Publisher: Dar al-Fikr, Damascus 2002
Wa-Shahida Shahid min Ahliha !! وشهد شاهد من أهلها
By: Sirjani, Raghib (Dr. Ragheb el-Sergany, b. 1964) راغب سرجاني
Item #: 41327
Hardcover | 359 pp indexed
Language: Arabic
Topic: Western Islamic Scholars
Publisher: Nahdat Misr Publishing, 2013
ISBN: 6221133340571
Walad al-Ta'ih الولد التائه
By: Pelzer, Dave دايف بيلزر
Item #: 74943
Softcover | 256 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Memoir - Abused Children - Foster Care
Publisher: ASP, Beirut 2002 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789953295121
Yamiyat al-Manfa يوميات المنفى
By: Shamlan, Abd al-Aziz (1911-1988) عبد العزيز الشملان / Ed: Bassam, Khalid
Item #: 42462
Softcover | 155 pp, b/w photos
Language: Arabic
Topic: Political Prisoner - Exile Writings - Bahrain
Publisher: Bahrain, 2007 (publisher not identified)
101 Mabada al-Muhasabah مبادئ المحاسبة
By: Cagan, Michele ميشيل كاجان
Item #: 74161
Hardcover | 308 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Accounting Principles
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, KSA, 2021 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 6281072110352
Abda bi li-Madha ابدأ ب لماذا
By: Sinek, Simon سايمون سينك
Item #: 43166
Hardcover with Dustcover | 292 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Leadership
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabia, 2018 Arabic Edition c. 2009
ISBN: 6281072092917
Afdal al-Mumarasat أفضل الممارسات
By: McKie, Stewart
Item #: 60813
Hardcover | 326 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: E-Business Best Practices
Publisher: Obeikan Publishers, Riyadh 2003
ISBN: 9789960402826
Aidarat bi-al-'arqam الإدارة بالأرقام
By: Awwad, Muhammad محمد عواد / Ismail, Muhammad محمد اسماعيل
Item #: 45075
Softcover | 166 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Management - MBTN
Publisher: Thaqafa Publishing, UAE, 2009
ISBN: 9789948038740
Alam bi-la Faqr عالم بلا فقر
By: Yunus, Muhammad ونس، محمد،
Item #: 40415
Softcover | 319 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Social Responsibility of Business
Publisher: Dar al-Shorouk, 2009 Arabic Edition c2007
ISBN: 6223002000906
Awlamah Min Tahtt العولمة من تحت
By: Brecher, Jeremy / Costello, Tim / Smith, Brendan
Item #: 60833
Hardcover | 335 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Globalization - Social Movements
Publisher: Obeikan Publishers, Riyadh 2003
Azmay Nizam ازمة نظام
By: Zalloum, Abd al-Hay عبد الحي زلوم
Item #: 11774
Softcover | 253 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Current Affairs - Economics
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2009
ISBN: 9789953362432
Bari' bi-Basatah بارع ببساطة
By: Taylor, William C. ويليام سي تايلور
Item #: 43650
Hardcover | 256 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Organizational Effectiveness - Business Success
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabia
ISBN: 6281072098889
Brilliant Manager المدير الذكي
By: Peeling, Nic
Item #: 11935
Softcover | 254pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Self Help-Managment-Business
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, 2009
Change to Strange
By: Cable, Daniel M.
Item #: 8013
Softcover | 214 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Management
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2007
Dhaka' al-Mubtadiʼin ذكاء المبتدئين
By: Wiseman, Liz
Item #: 41813
Hardcover with Dust Jacket | 310 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Success in Business
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabia, 2017
ISBN: 6281072087524
Dowrak al-Qadam دورك القادم
By: O'Keeffe, Niamh نيف أوكيف
Item #: 74209
Softcover | 182 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Career Development - Promotions - Self-Help
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, KSA, 2021 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 6281072111830
Durus fi al-Sa'adah دروس في السعادة
By: Easterlin, Richard ريتشارد أ. إيسترلين
Item #: 80252
Softcover | 240 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Economics - Psychological aspects - Well-being Economics - Quality of Life
Publisher: ASP, Beirut 2023 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9786140133891
Executive Guidebook-Decision Making صنع القرار
By: Fitzgerald, Stephen P. / Translated: Lubna Amer
Item #: 10917
Softcover | 213 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Business - Management
Publisher: Dar al-Kitab al-Arabi, Beirut, 2009 Arabic Edition c.2002
ISBN: 9789953278643
Fahim Michael Porter فهم مايكل بورتر
By: Magretta, Joan
Item #: 41807
Hardcover with Dust Jacket | 236 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Strategic planning
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabia, 2016
ISBN: 6281072086657
Fann al-Tafawud فن التفاوض
By: Wheeler, Michael مايكل ويلر
Item #: 43170
Hardcover with Dustcover | 318 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Negotiation in Business
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabia, 2018 Arabic Edition, c. 2013
ISBN: 6281072087272
Financial Fraud الإحتيال المالي
By: Abdeen, Dr. Adnan Hamdi
Item #: 10010
Hardcover | 240 pp
Language: Arabic-Arabic
Topic: Reference - Specialty - Finance
Publisher: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut, 2008
ISBN: 9789953864433
Ghir Wadih غير واضح
By: Bhargava, Rohit روهيت بهارجافا
Item #: 43273
Hardcover with Dust Jacket | 233 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Marketing - Forecasting Trends
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabia, 2017 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 6281072087791
Globalization Gap مخاطر العولمة
By: Isaak, Robert A.
Item #: 6520
Softcover | 301 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Economics
Publisher: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut
Hadur al-Tanfidhi الحضور التنفيذي
By: Hewlett, Sylvia Ann سيلفيا ان هيوليت
Item #: 73640
Hardcover | 242 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Self Development - Business - Leadership
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabia, 2021 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 6281072112943
Handasat al-Tafawud هندسة التفاوض
By: Azzawi, Mahdi Sa'id Haydar مهدي سعيد حيدر العزاوي
Item #: 45076
Softcover | 138 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Business - Negotiation - Persuasion
Publisher: Thaqafa Publishing, UAE, 2014
ISBN: 9789948224624
Hasad al-Masruq الحصاد المسروق
By: Shiva, Vandana / Translator: Khadra', Ibtisam Muhammad
Item #: 60816
Hardcover | 216 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Globalization and Food Supplies
Publisher: Obeikan Publishers, Riyadh 2003
Hikmat al-Fa'izin حكمة الفائزين
By: Stovall, Jim جيم ستوفال
Item #: 80086
Hardcover | 250 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Self-Help - Business
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Riyadh, 2021 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 6281072115944
How You Do. . . .What You Do كيف تبرع... في عملك
By: Livingston, Bob
Item #: 10923
Hardcover | 343 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Business - Customer Service - Marketing
Publisher: Dar al-Kitab al-Arabi, Beirut, 2009 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789953278551
Hulul al-Istithmar حلول الإستثمار
By: Goldie, Daniel C. دانيال سى جولدي / Murray, Gordon S.
Item #: 41770
Hardcover with Dust Jacket | 102 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Personal Finance - Investment
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabia, 2016 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 6281072087661
I'adat Aktishaf Nafsak إعادة اكتشاف نفسك
By: Clark, Dorie
Item #: 41755
Hardcover with Dust Jacket | 242 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Business - Branding
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabia, 2016
ISBN: 6281072084653
I'lm al-Nafs wa-al-'Awlamah علم النفس و العولمة
By: Hijazi, Mustafa مصطفى حجازي
Item #: 73395
Softcover | 335 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Ethnopsychology - Culture and globalization - Arab countries- 21st century.
Publisher: Markaz al-Thaqafi, Beirut 2010
ISBN: 9789953684765
Idara al-Maarafa ادارة المعرفة الزبون
By: Talib, Ala Farhan & Amira al-Janabi
Item #: 12541
Hardcover | 284 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Business-Management
Publisher: Dar al-Safa, 2009
ISBN: 9789957242428
Idarah الإدارة
By: Price, David Clive & Alison آليسون برايس
Item #: 80676
Softcover | 224 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Business - Management
Publisher: Dar Nun, Ras al-Khaymah, UAE, 2015 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789187373442
Idarah al-Masfufah إدارة المصفوفة
By: Metcalfe, Dawn
Item #: 41772
Hardcover with Dust Jacket | 236 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Matrix Organization - Mentoring
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabia, 2016
ISBN: 6281072080860
Idarat al-A'mal Dun Hura ادارة الاعمال دون هراء
By: James, Geoffrey جيوفري جيمس
Item #: 41754
Hardcover with Dust Jacket | 285 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Business - Culture - Management
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabia, 2016 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 6281072080877
Iqtisad al-Muqawamah اقتصاد المقاومة
By: Qurai, Ahmad (Abu Alaa) أحمد قريع
Item #: 74716
Softcover | 448 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Study - Palestine - Resistance Economy
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut 2009
ISBN: 9789953363189
Istiratijiyah al-Muhit al-Azraq إستراتيجية المحيط الأزرق
By: Kim, W. Chan / Mauborgne, Renée رينيه موبورني / دبليو تشان كيم
Item #: 41767
Hardcover with Dust Jacket | 321 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Business - Market Segmentation
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabia, 2016 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 6281072086473
Istishraf الإستشراف؛ مناهج استكشاف المستقبل
By: Cornish, Edward
Item #: 60853
Softcover | 407 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Future study and Preparation
Publisher: Arab Scientific Publishers, Inc. Beirut 2007
ISBN: 9789953870311
Kayf Ta'mal Google كيف تعمل جوجل
By: Schmidt, Eric / Rosenberg, Jonathan جوناثان روزنبرج / اريك شميدت
Item #: 60576
Hardcover | 300 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Technology - Google
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Riyadh 2015
ISBN: 6281072082475
Kitab Na'am كتاب نعم
By: Rich, Clive
Item #: 41793
Softcover | 345 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Negotiation
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabia, 2016
ISBN: 6281072080747
Lahzah al-Wuduh لحظة الوضوح
By: Madsbjerg. Christian / Rasmussen, Mikkel B. ميكيل بي راسميوسن / كريستيان مادسبجيرج
Item #: 41806
Hardcover with Dust Jacket | 214 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Social sciences and management
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabia, 2016 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 6281072088255
Ma La Yasa' al-Tajir Jahlah ما لا يسع التاجر جهله
By: Muslih, A. مصلح، عبد الله عبد العزيز / Sawi, S. صاوي، صلاح
Item #: 60192
Hardcover | 406 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Islam - Business and Economic Aspects
Publisher: Dar Al Muslim, Riyadh, 2001
ISBN: 9789960854427
Make Winning A Habit ليكن الربح شعارك
By: Page, Rick
Item #: 11094
Hardcover | 279 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Business - Sales, Marketing
Publisher: Dar al-Kitab al-Arabi, Beirut, 2009
ISBN: 9789953278681
Masa'il al-Samasirah مسائل السماسرة
By: Tunisi, Abu Abbas Ahmad al-Abyani ابو العباس احمد الابياني التونسي (d.352/964) Ed. Ibn Tahir, Habib الحبيب بن طاهر
Item #: 74463
Softcover | 94 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Islamic Law - Brokerage
Publisher: Dar al Maaref, Beirut 2022
ISBN: 9786144630983
Milaffat al-Aghdhiyah al-Sawda' ملفات الاغذية السوداء
By: Jaitte, Jean-Claude جاييت، جان كلود / Translator: Safar, Adel & Shihabi, Mazen
Item #: 60817
Hardcover | 283 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Nutrition - Malnutrition
Publisher: Obeikan Publishers, Riyadh 2004 Arabic Edition
Min Sifr ila Wahid من صفر الى واحد
By: Thiel, Peter / Masters, Blake بلايك ماسترز / بيتر ثييل
Item #: 41787
Softcover | 218 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Entrepreneurship
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabia, 2016 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 6281072086602
Mugha'ir Qawa'id al-Lu'bah مغير قواعد اللعبة
By: Fisk, Peter بيتر فيسك
Item #: 41765
Softcover | 306 pp. color text and tables
Language: Arabic
Topic: Business - Strategic Planning
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabia, 2016 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 6281072084813
Murabaha al-Masrafiya المرابحة المصرفية
By: Ibn Tahir, Habib الحبيب بن طاهر
Item #: 74461
Hardcover | 160 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Financial Transactions - Murabaha Banking
Publisher: Dar al Maaref, Beirut 2022
ISBN: 9786144630921
Nahu al-Mustaqbal نحو المستقبل
By: Al-Ardhi, Mohammed محمّد العارضي
Item #: 80157
Hardcover | 301 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Business - Self-Help - Investments - Growth
Publisher: Hachette Antoine / Naufal, Beirut, 2023
ISBN: 9786140602106
Nashat النشاط
By: Patel, Neil, et al. نيل باتيل
Item #: 43652
Hardcover | 245 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Success in business - Entrepreneurship
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabia
ISBN: 6281072097967
Nisa' wa-al-Mal (Women & Money) النساء والمال
By: Orman, Suze سوزي أورمان / Translator: Hani Tabiri هاني تابري
Item #: 42055
Hardcover with Dust Jacket | 224 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Women - Personal. Finance - Psychological aspects
Publisher: Dar al-Kitab al-Arabi, Beirut, 2009 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789953278964
Qanun al-Duwali
By: Majzoub, Muhammad
Item #: 6145
Hardcover | 797 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: International Law
Publisher: Halabi Legal-Publications, 2004
Qawa'id al-A'mal ! قواعد العمل
By: Bock, Laszlo
Item #: 41810
Hardcover with Dust Jacket | 430 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Leadership - Management
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabia, 2016
ISBN: 6281072084844
Qawa'id al-Istratijiah القواعد الاستراتيجية
By: Yoffie, David B. / Cusumano, Michael A.
Item #: 41809
Hardcover with Dust Jacket | 204 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Strategic Planning
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabia, 2016
ISBN: 6281072086190
Qawa'id fi al-Qiyadah قواعد في القيادة
By: Maami, Dr. Ali bin Abdo al-Maami لي بن عبده الألمعي
Item #: 72370
Softcover | 78 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Business - Management - Leadership - Planning
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2019
ISBN: 9786140127685
Qimmat al-Ada'a قمة الأداء
By: Ziglar, Zig زيج زيجلار
Item #: 60583
Softcover | 233 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Self Development - Leadership
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Riyadh 2016
ISBN: 6281072084806
Qissat Google قصة غوغل
By: Vise, David / Translator: Din, Marwan Sa'd
Item #: 60825
Softcover | 335 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Google - History
Publisher: ASP, Beirut 2008 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789953874289
Qiyadah القيادة
By: Alison & Price, David
Item #: 71126
Softcover | 222 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Leadership - Personal Development
Publisher: Dar Noon, Ras al-Khayma 2013
ISBN: 9789187373435
Qudrat al-Shakhsiyah قدرة الشخصية
By: Loehken. Sylvia سيلفيا لويكين
Item #: 41784
Softcover | 255 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Personnel management - Psychological aspects
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabia, 2016 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 6281072086336
Rihlah al-Thara' رحلة الثراء
By: Raddadi, Salah M. صلاح بن مهل الردادي
Item #: 43954
Softcover w/Flaps | 178 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Self-Development - Goals - Success - 21st Century
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2017
ISBN: 9786140123670
Say It Like Obama قلها مثل أوباما
By: Leanne, Shel
Item #: 11408
Softcover | 235 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Communications
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabia, 2009 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 6281072060275
Sina'at al-Qadah صناعة القادة
By: Azzawi, Mahdi Sa'id Haydar مهدي سعيد حيدر العزاوي
Item #: 45074
Softcover | 79 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Leadership
Publisher: Thaqafa Publishing, UAE, 2014
ISBN: 9789948224631
Tahaddiyat al-Qiada تحديات القيادة
By: Kouzes, James M. / Posner, Barry Z.
Item #: 41812
Hardcover with Dust Jacket | 409 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Leadership - Management
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabia, 2016 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 6281072088194
Takhalis Min Al-Makhawif تخلص من المخاوف
By: Case, Jane جين كيس
Item #: 74208
Hardcover | 257 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Self Help - Change - Motivational
Publisher: Jarir BookStore, KSA, 2021 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 6281072114794
Tariq ila' al-'Ubudiyah الطريق الى العبودية
By: Hayek, Friedrich A. (1899-1992) فريدريش هايك / Tr: Wehbe, Edward ادوارد وهبة
Item #: 44787
Softcover | 272 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Political Thought - Economic Policy - Totalitarianism
Publisher: Mu'assasat Rinih Ma'awwad, Beriut, 2001 Arabic Edition
Tartib A'lam a'la al-A'wam (2 vol) ترتيب الأعلام على الأعوام
By: Zirikli, Khayr al-Din (d. 1976) خير الدين الزركلي / Zaza, Zuhair زهير ظاظا
Item #: 73885
Hardcover | 1201 pp, 2 Volumes, indexed
Language: Arabic
Topic: Biographical Encyclopedia of Prominent People - Middle East
Publisher: Dar al Arqam, Beirut, 1990
Taswiq al-Mubassat التسويق المبسط
By: Cristol, Steven. and Sealey, Peter
Item #: 60829
Hardcover | 388 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Simplicity Marketing
Publisher: Obeikan Publishers, Riyadh 2004
ISBN: 9789960402925
The 60 Second Leader قيادة الأعمال
By: Phil Dourado, Phil / Translated: Raed Alakkakon
Item #: 11150
Softcover | 218 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Business - Management
Publisher: Academia, Beirut, 2009 Arabic Edition c.2007
ISBN: 9789953375847
The Art of Ingenuity فن الإبداع
By: Isa, In'am Muhammad
Item #: 9575
Softcover | 128 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Psychology
Publisher: 'Alim Al Kotob, 2008
The Greatness Guide دليل العظمة
By: Sharma, Robin
Item #: 16588
Softcover | 220 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Self Development
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, KSA, 2013 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 6281072056667
The Roaring Nineties
By: Stiglitz, Joseph E.
Item #: 8017
Softcover | 333 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Economics
Publisher: Dar al-Farabi, Beirut, 2007
Thiqah bi-la Hudud ثقة بلا حدود
By: Sayre, Kent كنت ساير
Item #: 9560
Softcover | 244 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Confidence - Business Management - Psychology
Publisher: Dar al-Kitab al-Arabi, 2009 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789953278544
Toyoya al-Ibda' تويوتا الابداع
By: Liker, Jeffrey. & Meier, David
Item #: 60860
Softcover | 359 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Business - Developing Talent
Publisher: Arab Scientific Publishers, Inc. Beirut 2007
ISBN: 9789953872483
Tujahhiz تجهز
By: Harvard Business School / Group
Item #: 41764
Softcover | 192 pp, with color and illustrations
Language: Arabic
Topic: Business Planning
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabia, 2016
ISBN: 6281072087630
Wada'an lil-Hulm al-Amriki وداعاً للحلم الأمريكي
By: Chomsky, Noam نعوم تشومسكي / Tr: Azraqi, Muhammad محمد الازرقي
Item #: 44259
Softcover | 189 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Income Distribution - Power - USA
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2017 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9786140123359
Waqf wa Atharuh fi-al-Islam الوقف واثاره في الاسلام
By: Ibn Ashur, Muhammad Tahir محمد الطاهر ابن عاشور
Item #: 74464
Softcover | 118 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Endowments - Effects of Foreign Support
Publisher: Dar al Maaref, Beirut- Dar Sahnun, Tunis 2023
ISBN: 9786144631539
Yastahil Irdauihum يستحيل ارضاؤهم
By: Lavender, Neil / Cavaiola, Alan آلان ايه كافايولا / نيل جيه لافندر
Item #: 60573
Softcover | 187 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Self-Help - Critical People
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Riyadh 2015
ISBN: 6281072082277
30 Wasfah bi-al-Nutella وصفة بالنوتيلا 30
By: Amsilli, Johana / Translator: Fursan, Raniya
Item #: 60861
Hardcover | 64 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Cookbook - Nutella - Sweets
Publisher: Hachette Antoine, Beirut 2013
ISBN: 9789953268491
Arab Fairy Tale Feasts: A Literary Cookbook
By: Alrawi, Karim / Ill: Kazemi, Nahid
Item #: 74534
Hardcover | 144 pp
Language: English
Topic: Literature - Arab Tales - Cookbooks - 7+ Yrs
Publisher: Crocodile Books, New York, 2021
ISBN: 9781623719081
Atbaq Min al-Alam أطباق من الع
By: Beydun, Lina Shabaru لينه شبارو بيضون / Halawani, Nada Misbah
Item #: 9709
Hardcover | 280 pp, Color Photos
Language: Arabic
Topic: International Cooking - Middle East Flavor
Publisher: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut, 2000
ISBN: 9782844094186
Habbah Misk - Salatah li-Kul Yawm سلطة لكل يوم
By: Australian Women's Weekly
Item #: 15991
Softcover | 120 pp with full color photographics
Language: Arabic
Topic: Cookbook - Salads
Publisher: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2009 Ar Edition
ISBN: 9789953261157
Kamil fi Asrar al-Taghdhiyah
By: Murad, Carla Habib
Item #: 9424
Hardcover | 256 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Cooking - Food and Health
Publisher: Academia International & Future Television, Beirut, 2007
ISBN: 9789953375113
Kitab al-Tabikh كتاب الطبيخ
By: Warraq, Abu Muhammad al-Muzaffar أبي محمد المظفر بن نصر بن سيار الوراق
Item #: 80362
Hardcover | 582 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Classic Literature - Islamic Culinary History - 4th Century AH
Publisher: Dar Sader, Beirut 2012
ISBN: 9789953137261
Maa Osama..Atayib مع أسامة .. أطيب
By: Sayed, Mr. Osama
Item #: 7912
Hardcover | 396 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Cooking
Publisher: Al-Sage Associates, Dubai, 2007
ISBN: 9780979831409
Maharat al-Tabakh مهارات الطبخ
By: Yusuf, Chef Abdullah الشيف عبدالله يوسف
Item #: 80092
Hardcover | 256 pp, Color Photos
Language: Arabic
Topic: Cookbook - Cooking Skills, Techniques
Publisher: Dar al-Moualef, Beirut / Sharjah Tv, UAE, 2007
Matbakh al-Halabi المطبخ الحلبي
By: Baydun, Lina / Tawil, Jurjina لينة شبارو بيضون وجورجينا سبتي طويل
Item #: 80094
Hardcover | 213 pp, Color Photos
Language: Arabic
Topic: Cookbooks - Syrian Cuisine - Halabi
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2013
ISBN: 9786140101241
Matbakh al-Musmi المطبخ الموسمي
By: Rabia, Dr. Nisab نسب الربيع
Item #: 80090
Hardcover | 351 pp, Color Photos
Language: Arabic
Topic: Cookbook - Natural - Healthy Eating
Publisher: Markaz al-Tib al-Tabi'i, Sida, 2007
ISBN: 9789953008653
Matbakh Manal al-Alam مطبخ منال العالم
By: Chef Manal al-Alam
Item #: 9459
Hardcover | 344 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: International Cooking
Publisher: al-Khat Printing Press, 2008
ISBN: 9789990666281
Mawsu'at al-Asmak
By: Ablah, Abdul Hady
Item #: 2832
Hardcover | 128 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Cookbook
Publisher: Lebanon
Mawsu'at al-Khidr
By: Walin, Ann
Item #: 217
Hardcover | 168 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Cookbook
Mawsu'at al-Sayoia
By: Walin, Ann
Item #: 2829
Hardcover |
Language: Arabic
Topic: Cookbook
Publisher: al-Maktaba Lubnan
Mawsu'at Makolat Senieh
By: Farahat, Imad
Item #: 2837
Hardcover | 88 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Cookbook
Publisher: Lebanon
Mayo Clinic Cookbook كتاب الطبخ الصحي
By: Mayo Clinic
Item #: 7700
Hardcover | 296 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Healthy Cooking
Publisher: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut, 2006 Ar Edition c2005
Mini Cookbook: al-Mashawi المشاوي
By: Kamal, S. and Othman, S.
Item #: 60941
Softcover | 64 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Cookbook - Barbeques
Publisher: Dar Al-Ilm Lil Malayin, Beirut 2005
Mini Cookbook: Atbaq al-Curry أطباق الكاري
By: Kamal, Saduf and Othman, Sima صدوف كمال و سيما عثمان
Item #: 60892
Softcover | 64 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Cooking - Curry Dishes
Publisher: Dar Al-Ilm Lilmalayin, Beirut 2006
Mini Cookbook: Atbaq al-Hasaa اطباق الحساء
By: Kamal, Saduf and Othman, Sima صدوف كمال و سيما عثمان
Item #: 60894
Softcover | 64 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Cooking - Soup Dishes
Publisher: Dar Al-Ilm Lilmalayin, Beirut 2005
Mini Cookbook: Bagels
Item #: 3750
Softcover | 34 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Mini Cookbook
Publisher: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut
Mini Cookbook: Burger Plates
Item #: 3789
Softcover | 33 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Mini Cookbook
Publisher: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut
Mini Cookbook: Chocolate
Item #: 3774
Softcover | 34 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Mini Cookbook
Publisher: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut
Mini Cookbook: Curry Plates
Item #: 3765
Softcover | 34 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Mini Cookbook
Publisher: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut
Mini Cookbook: Dajaj al-Shahi الدجاج الشهي
By: Kamal, Saduf and Othman, Sima صدوف كمال و سيما عثمان
Item #: 60891
Softcover | 64 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Cooking - Chicken Delicacy
Publisher: Dar Al-Ilm Lilmalayin, Beirut 2005
Mini Cookbook: Espresso coffee
Item #: 3777
Softcover | 33 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Mini Cookbook
Publisher: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut
Mini Cookbook: Fruits Tarte
Item #: 3776
Softcover | 35 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Mini Cookbook
Publisher: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut
Mini Cookbook: Ice cream
Item #: 3768
Softcover | 35 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Mini Cookbook
Publisher: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut
Mini Cookbook: Mashawi المشاوى
By: Kamal, Saduf and Othman, Sima صدوف كمال و سيما عثمان
Item #: 60899
Softcover | 64 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Cooking - Grills
Publisher: Dar Al-Ilm Lilmalayin, Beirut 2005
Mini Cookbook: Milk Drink
Item #: 3784
Softcover | 34 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Mini Cookbook
Publisher: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut
Mini Cookbook: Muffins
Item #: 3752
Softcover | 35 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Mini Cookbook
Publisher: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut
Mini Cookbook: Parties Salad
Item #: 3782
Softcover | 33 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Mini Cookbook
Publisher: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut
Mini Cookbook: Pie الباي
By: Kamal, Saduf and Othman, Sima صدوف كمال و سيما عثمان
Item #: 60895
Softcover | 64 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Cooking - Pies
Publisher: Dar Al-Ilm Lilmalayin, Beirut 2004
Mini Cookbook: Popcorn
Item #: 3756
Softcover | 34 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Mini Cookbook
Publisher: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut
Mini Cookbook: Salad
Item #: 3792
Softcover | 34 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Mini Cookbook
Publisher: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut
Mini Cookbook: Spanish Plates
Item #: 3767
Softcover | 35 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Mini Cookbook
Publisher: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut
Mini Cookbook: Steak Plates
Item #: 3761
Softcover | 34 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Mini Cookbook
Publisher: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut
Mini Cookbook: Tabkh al-Italy الطبخ الايطالي
By: Kamal, Saduf and Othman, Sima صدوف كمال و سيما عثمان
Item #: 60882
Softcover | 64 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Italian Cooking
Publisher: Dar Al-Ilm Lilmalayin, Beirut 2006
Mini Cookbook: Tabkh al-Maksiki الطبخ المكسيكي
By: Kamal, Saduf and Othman, Sima صدوف كمال و سيما عثمان
Item #: 60881
Softcover | 64 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Mexican Cooking
Publisher: Dar Al-Ilm Lilmalayin, Beirut 2003
ISBN: 9789953930602
Mini Cookbook: Tabkh al-Sini الطبخ الصيني
By: Kamal, Saduf and Othman, Sima صدوف كمال و سيما عثمان
Item #: 60886
Softcover | 64 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Cooking - Chinese
Publisher: Dar Al-Ilm Lilmalayin, Beirut 2006
Mini Cookbook: Tarte Plate
Item #: 3762
Softcover | 32 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Mini Cookbook
Publisher: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut
Mini Cookbook: Tea Party
Item #: 3764
Softcover | 34 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Mini Cookbook
Publisher: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut
Mosawar al-Shorabah
By: Farahat, Yusef
Item #: 2838
Hardcover | 128 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Cookbook
Publisher: Lebanon
Mudawah bi al-Asa'ir المداواة بالعصائر
By: Sharma, Shiv Charan and Ahmad, Syed Aziz
Item #: 60920
Softcover | 287 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Natural Health - Juices - Alternative Medicine
Publisher: All Prints Beirut 2007
ISBN: 9789953880181
Pizza البيتزا
By: Bardi, Carla
Item #: 15277
Hardcover | 128 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Cookbook
Publisher: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut, 2013 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9786140103085
Ramadan on Rahma Road: A Recipe Storybook
By: Gutta, Razeena Omar & Osman, Faaiza / Ill: Sohrabi Atieh
Item #: 45277
Hardcover | 40 pp, Color Illustrations
Language: English
Topic: Cookbook - Recipe Storybook - Ages 6-8 +
Publisher: Barefoot Books, Concord, MA, 2025
ISBN: 9798888593646
Safrah Ahmarah سفرة عامرة
By: Khanafir, Hadia
Item #: 6709
Hardcover | 416 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Cooking - Lebanon and International
Publisher: Naufal-Group, Beirut, 2007
Sahtain wa-Hana صحتين وهنا
By: Asili, Nihad نهاد عسيلي
Item #: 16687
Coated Card - Softcover | 328 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Cooking - Lebanese
Publisher: Antoine Publishing, Beirut, 2006
ISBN: 9789953730721
Sahtaine (Ar/En) صحتين
By: Fawaz, Rania Noureddine
Item #: 80078
Hardcover | 379 pp, Color Photos
Language: English - Arabic
Topic: Cookbooks - Middle East and International Cuisine
Publisher: All Prints, 2013
ISBN: 9789953887593
Salatat al-Shahiah السلطات الشهية
By: Beydun, Lina Shabaru لينه شبارو بيضون / Tawil, Jurjina Sabati جورجينا سبتي طويل
Item #: 9722
Hardcover | 210 pp, Color Photos
Language: Arabic
Topic: Healthy Recipes - Salads
Publisher: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut, 2008
ISBN: 9789953875491
Sihhatuka - bi-Matbakhuka صحتك .. بمطبخك
By: Sharma, Shiv Charan and Ahmad, Syed Aziz
Item #: 60919
Softcover | 187 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Health - Alternative Medicine
Publisher: All Prints, Beirut 2007
ISBN: 9789953880235
Ta'am Sahih li-Tifl al-Qawi طعام صحي لطفل قوي
By: Australian Women's Weekly / Tr: Faqih, Dina ترجمة ديما فقيه.
Item #: 74389
Softcover | 119 pp, Color Photos
Language: Arabic
Topic: Children's Nutrition- Health Foods
Publisher: Hachette Antoine, Beirut 2010
ISBN: 9789953261188
Tabakh al-Sahi Lil-Sukri الطبخ الصحي للسكري
By: Farhat, Imad عماد فرحات
Item #: 80096
Hardcover | 96 pp, Color Photos
Language: Arabic
Topic: Cookbooks - Recipes for Diabetes
Publisher: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut, 2003
ISBN: 9789953331652
Tabakh iil-Jami'a الطبخ للجميع
By: Samubar, Umayyah أمية صنوبر / Barakah, Nada
Item #: 80093
Hardcover | 327 pp, Color Photos
Language: Arabic
Topic: Cookbook - Middle Eastern
Publisher: Dar al-Nafaes, Beirut, 1998
Tabkh al-Sari' الطبخ السريع
By: Baydun, Lina Shabaru / Tawil, Jurjina Sibti
Item #: 16623
Hardcover | 140 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Cookbook
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2006
ISBN: 9789953299471
A'lam min Dunina العالم من دوننا
By: Weisman, Alan ألان فايسمان
Item #: 9702
Softcover | 357 pp (with photos)
Language: Arabic
Topic: Social Science - Future Studies
Publisher: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut, 2008 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789953874647 (Ar and En) الآخر..الحوار..المواطنة
By: Murqus, Samir سمير مرقس
Item #: 74400
Softcover | 203 pp, illustrations, photos
Language: Arabic and English
Topic: Egypt - Citizenship - Ethnic Relations - Copts - Egyptian National Characteristics
Publisher: Maktab al Shuruq, Cairo 2005
ISBN: 6223002801435
Almaniya wa-al-Islam ألمانيا والإسلام
By: Sinno, Abd al-Raouf عبد الرؤوف سنو
Item #: 10609
Softcover | 611 pp, Illustrations (some color), Bibliography, Index
Language: Arabic
Topic: Political History - Germany - Foreign relations - Islamic countries
Publisher: Furat Publishing, Beirut, 2007
Amrika al-Wajh al-Akhar (3rd Ed) امركا الوجه الآخر
By: Abu Zeid, Laila (b. 1950) ليلة أبو زيد
Item #: 43972
Softcover | 142 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Writings - America - Politics - Citizens - Culture
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2014 , 3rd Edition
ISBN: 9786140110427
Arab wa Mustaqbal al-Sin العرب ومستقبل الصين
By: Ahmad, Samir Kheir سامر خير أحمد
Item #: 11036
Softcover | 271 pp
Language: English
Topic: Studies - International Relationships - China and Middle East
Publisher: Thaqafa Publishing & Distribution, U.A.E., 2009
ISBN: 9789948446040
Asasiyat I'lm Kalam اساسيات علم الكلام
By: Borden, Gloria / Harris, Katherine / Raphael, Lawrence
Item #: 73127
Softcover | 422 pp illustrations
Language: Arabic
Topic: Speech - Physiology, Acoustics
Publisher: Dar al Mada, Baghdad 1998
ISBN: 9782843050862
Asatir al-Alam أساطير العالم
By: Helal, Haithem
Item #: 10239
Hardcover | 343 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: History - Legends - Arab and Other
Publisher: Dar al-Marefah, 2004
ISBN: 9789953446127
Awdat al-Isti'mar عودة الاستعمار
By: Rayyis, Riyad Najim [et al.] رياض نجيب الريس
Item #: 4005
Hardcover | 265 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Political History - Iran-Kuwait Crisis - 20th Century
Publisher: Riad El Rayyes, Beirut, 1991
ISBN: 9781855131163
Ayyuha al-Muhallifun: Allah - la al-Malik
By: Hafiz, Hisham Ali حافظ، هشام علي / Group
Item #: 40409
Softcover | 304 pp with index
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Essays - 20th Century - Arab Society
Publisher: Riad al-Rayyes Books, Beirut, 2002
Da'i al-Jarimah داء الجريمة
By: Jaffar, Ali Mohammed
Item #: 16710
Softcover | 256 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Studies - Crime - Lebanon
Publisher: Mu'assasah al-Jamiyah lil-Dirasat wa-al-Nashr wa-al-Tawzi, Beirut, 2003
Dafatir Anthrubulujiyyah دفاتر أنثروبولوجيّة
By: Yatim, Abd Allah Abd Al-Rahman (1953-) عبد الله عبد الرحمن يتيم
Item #: 71716
Softcover | 379 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Anthropology - Bahrain
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut 2004
Dumu' Qalam دموع قلم
By: Abu Sha'r, Muhammad Sa'id Adnan محمد سعيد عدنان أبو شعر
Item #: 40632
Softcover | 80 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Writings, Musings, Prose - Syria
Publisher: Difaf Publishing, Beirut, 2013
ISBN: 9786140109544
Edward Said: Istishraq الإستشراق
By: Said, Edward (1935-2003) إدوارد سعيد
Item #: 80389
Softcover | 534 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Orientalism - History - Historical Narrative
Publisher: Dar al-Adab, Beirut 2022
ISBN: 9789953897103
Fan al-Harb فن الحرب
By: Sun Tzu (551 BC-496 BC) سون تزو (551 ق. م.-496 ق. م.)
Item #: 74151
Paperback | 112 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Military Classic - Ancient Military Treatise
Publisher: Dal al-Saqi, Beirut, 2020 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9786140321328
Fi Ra'yi al-Mutawadi' في رأيي المتواضع
By: Gosaibi, Ghazi (1940-2010) القصيبي ، غازي
Item #: 60725
Softcover | 96 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Literature - Essays - Saudi Arabia
Publisher: Arab Scientific Publishers, Inc. Beirut 2006
ISBN: 9789953292458
Final Exam الاختبار الأخير
By: Chen, Pauline W.
Item #: 7765
Softcover | 264 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Essays
Publisher: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut, 2008 Ar Edition c2007
Hasad al-Masruq الحصاد المسروق
By: Shiva, Vandana / Translator: Khadra', Ibtisam Muhammad
Item #: 60816
Hardcover | 216 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Globalization and Food Supplies
Publisher: Obeikan Publishers, Riyadh 2003
Huquq al-Insan #4 حـقـوق الإنـسـان
By: Group
Item #: 40305
Softcover | 195 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Human Rights - Teaching Methods - Arab World
Publisher: Dar al-Ilm lil-Malayin, Beirut, 1988-89
Ilam.kom إعلام . كم
By: Ghaslan, Yasser ibn Abd al-Aziz ياسر بن عبد العزيز الغسلان
Item #: 15188
Softcover | 347 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Mass Media - Arab Countries
Publisher: Riad El Rayyes Books, Beirut, 2012
ISBN: 9789953215327
Itar Yakfi الإطـار يـكـفـي
By: Turki, Ibrahim Abd al-Rahman
Item #: 16446
Softcover | 272 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Essays - Cultural, Political...
Publisher: Bisan Books, Beirut, 2003
Jisad al-Makhloua' الجسد المخلوع
By: Mahmoud, Ibrahim
Item #: 11748
Softcover | 426 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Writings-Culture
Publisher: Riad El Rayyes, 2009
Jnes al-Haer الجنس الحائر
By: Abu Hif, Abdullah
Item #: 4993
Softcover | 367 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Culture - Middle East
Publisher: Riad El Rayyes, Beirut, 2003
Khayal al-Qawi الخيال القوى
By: Nettle, Daniel نيتل، دانيال / Translator: Ayoubi, Samer Abd al-Muhsin
Item #: 60812
Hardcover | 360 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Psychology - Mental Illness
Publisher: Obeikan Publishers, Riyadh 2003
Khitab al-Ilm wa-al-Taqaddum خطاب العالم والتقدم
By: Tawfiq, Zuhayr زهير توفيق / Ibrahim Badran إبراهيم بدران
Item #: 71481
Softcover | 192 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Interviews - Ibrahim Badran - Various Intellectual topics
Publisher: Dar al-Shorouk, Egypt, 2006
Lahut al-Ghalabah لاهوت الغلبة
By: Haider, Mahmud
Item #: 11007
Softcover | 366 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Political - Historical - Cultural Studies
Publisher: Dar al-Farabi, Beirut, 2009
ISBN: 9789953713955
Ma Aladhi Yaf’alu al-Anthurubulujya ما الذي يفل الانثروبولوجيا
By: Strang, Veronica فيرونيك سترنغ / Tr: Ghani, Hana Khalif هانا خليف غني
Item #: 44552
Hardcover | 490 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Anthropology - Vocational guidance, Research, Methodology
Publisher: Academic Center for Research / Arabic Ed. Distributed by: All Prints, Beirut 2019
ISBN: 9781927946695
Majayla al-Tarikhiya المجايلة التاريخية
By: Jamil, Sayyar سيار الجميل
Item #: 73975
Softcover | 586 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Political Thought - History - Sociology
Publisher: Al Ahliya, Amman 1999
Malamah Arabia ملامح عربية
By: Omari, Nasser Suliman
Item #: 11777
Softcover | 419 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Thought
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2009
ISBN: 9786030025367
Man La Yakrahu Baghdad من لا يكره بغداد
By: Muhana, Ahmed (d. 2014)
Item #: 70790
Softcover | 270 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Articles - Iraq - Contemporary society and culture
Publisher: Dar Noon, Ras al Khaymah, UAE 2015
ISBN: 9789187373220
Manahil al-Ibdaa مناهل الإبداع
By: Editors: Pfenninger, K & Shubik, V. / Translator: Bahbuh, Maha Hasan
Item #: 60819
Hardcover | 552 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Essays - Creativeness
Publisher: Obeikan Publishers, Riyadh 2003
ISBN: 9789960402567
Marjiyat al-Jamaat مرجعيات الجماعات
By: Hassan, Mahmud Shamal
Item #: 12367
Softcover | 287 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Sociology-Studies
Publisher: al-Intishar, 2010
ISBN: 9786144041093
Mawqif min al-Tarikh al-Islami الموقف من التاريخ الاسلامي
By: Khalifa, Dr. Hamid Muhammad لـخـلـيـفـة ، حـامـد مـحـمـد
Item #: 20392
Hardcover | 375 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Islamic History - Approaches in reading and writing
Publisher: الـمـوقـف من الـتـاريـخ الإسـلامـي و تـأصـيـل الـهـويـة Mawqif min al-tarikh al-Islami wa-ta’ṣil al-huwiyah يتبنى مؤلفه موقفا علميا واضحا مبنيا على أسس صحيحة وثوابت مستقرة تبرز وسائل السلوك الصحيح والمنهج القويم في قراءة وكتابة التاريخ الإسلامي، وكيفية التعامل مع كتب التاريخ ورواته ومروياته ومفسريه ومحللي أحداثه، ودوافعهم وانتماءاتهم وروابطهم.
ISBN: OCLC: 929539819
Min Dhakirah al-Bahrain من ذاكرة البحرين
By: Mahadin, Abd al-Hamid Salim عبد الحميد سالم المحادين
Item #: 70669
Softcover | 533 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Writings - Memories - Bahrain
Publisher: AIRP, 2007
ISBN: 9789990190748
Muhakima al-Nas محاكمة النص
By: Issa, Hisham al-Shaykh, Doctor هشام الشيخ عيسى ،الدكتور
Item #: 73934
Softcover | 187 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Literature Critique - Poetic text
Publisher: Dar Warraq, Baghdad 2019
Mustaqbal al-Tabi'a al-Insaniya
By: Habermas, Jurgen
Item #: 8116
Softcover | 151 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Studies
Publisher: Librairie Orientale, Beirut, 2006
Naqd al-aql al-Taarufi نقد العقل التعارفي
By: Rasul, Rasul Muhammad رسول محمد رسول
Item #: 6146
Softcover | 120 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: East and West - Arab Countries - Culture Clashes
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2005
ISBN: 9789953366470
Psychologie culturelle علم النفس الثقافي
By: Troadec, Bertrand
Item #: 11006
Softcover | 366 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Psychology
Publisher: Dar al-Farabi, Beirut, 2009 Arabic Edition c.2007
ISBN: 9789953713724
Qabla an Tubhata al-Alwan قبل أن تبهت الألوان
By: Rayyes, Riyad Najib (1937-2020) رياض نجيب الريس
Item #: 15015
Hardcover | 599 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Journalism - Lebanon
Publisher: Riad el-Rayyes Books, London, c1991
ISBN: 9781855130166
Qam'i al-Siyasi القمع السياسي
By: Farraj, Dr. Afif عفيف فراج
Item #: 15610
Softcover | 303 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Critique - Literature and Political Repression
Publisher: Dar al-Adab, Beirut, 2013
ISBN: 9789953892528
Qimat al-Qim قيمة القيم
By: Manjara (Elmandjra), Mahdi (1933-2014) المهدي المنجرة
Item #: 73705
Softcover | 327 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Thought - Cultural Values
Publisher: Markaz al Thaqafi al Arabi, Beirut 2019 المركز الثقافي العربي
ISBN: 9789953683317
Rihan ala al-Hisan الرهان على الحصان
By: Faqi, Mustafa مصطفى الفقي
Item #: 72013
Softcover | 319 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Writings - Political Thought - Egypt - 20th Century
Publisher: Dar al-Shorouk, Cairo, 2002
ISBN: 9789770908013
Risalat Lubnan wa Ma'nah رسالة لبنان ومعناه
By: Salim, Philip (1941 - ) فيليب سالم
Item #: 71797
Softcover | 318 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Writings - Articles - Lebanon
Publisher: Naufal, Beirut 2017
ISBN: 9786144388938
Sahafah Raqmiyah الصحافة الرقمية
By: Antheaume, Alice أليس أنتوم
Item #: 70880
Softcover | 182 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Journalism - Migration to Digital
Publisher: Thaqafa, Abu Dhabi, UAE 2017
ISBN: 9789948239024
Sayaha wa-al-Tarweej fi Jiddah السياحة والترويج في جدة
By: Abu Dawud, Suleiman سليمان أبو داود / Zaazua, Layla ليلى زعزوع
Item #: 7721
Softcover | 319 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Jeddah - Red Sea Tourism Development - History
Publisher: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut, 2007
Shakhsiyat al-Fard al-'Iraqi شخصية الفرد العراقي
By: Wardi, Dr. Ali (1913-1995) دكتورعلي الوردي
Item #: 74844
Softcover | 80 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Identity - Social Psychology - Iraq
Publisher: Al Warrak Publishing, Beirut 2007
ISBN: 9781900700795
Sijill al-Aswad lil-Naft السجل الاسود للنفط
By: Werner, Klaus and Seifert, Thomas
Item #: 16447
Softcover with flaps | 464 pp. illustrations, maps
Language: Arabic
Topic: Petroleum industry and trade - Political aspects
Publisher: Librairie Orientale, 2007 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789953170190
Sirr al-Ma'bad سر المعبد
By: Khirbawi, Tharwat ثروت الخرباوي
Item #: 42721
Softcover | 360 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Jam'iyat al-Ikhwan al-Muslimin - Muslim Brotherhood - Egypt
Publisher: Dar Nahdat Misr lil-Tab' wa-al-Nashr, Egypt, 2012
ISBN: 6221133345514
Tahawwulat al-Azminah تحولات الأزمنة
By: Jamil, Sayyar سيار الجميل
Item #: 43246
Softcover | 318 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Political Thought - History - Periodization
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2017
ISBN: 9786144197929
Talasim al-Nas طلاسم النص
By: Issa, Hisham al-Shaykh, Doctor هشام الشيخ عيسى ،الدكتور
Item #: 73929
Softcover | 164 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Literary Studies - Decipher text, Talismans, Motifs
Publisher: Matba Umran, Baghdad 2014
Taqadum Nahu al-Karitha التقدم نحو الكارثة
By: Khubayz, Bilal بلال خبيز
Item #: 74279
Softcover | 72 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Essays - Current Affairs - Modernity and Disaster - Lebanon
Publisher: Dar al Nahda, Beirut, 2021
ISBN: 9786144429495
Tarbia a'la al-Watinia
By: Akira, Dr. Adonis
Item #: 8042
Softcover | 192 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Current Events
Publisher: Dar al-Taliyah, 2007
Tariq Ila Rasif Wigan الطريق الى رصيف ويغان
By: Orwell, George (1903-1950) جورج اورويل
Item #: 50052
Softcover | 261 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Working Class - Great Britian pre WWII - Socialsim
Publisher: Dar Ninawa, Syria 2010
ISBN: 9789933407407
The White Man's Burden
By: Easterly, William / Oxford University Press
Item #: 8106
Softcover | 454 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Political
Publisher: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut, 2007 Ar Edition c2006
Tisah Maqalat Hawl Dante - تسع مقالات حول دانتي
By: Borges, Jorge Luis (1899-1986) خورخي لويس بورخيس / Tr. Naseh, Ridwan & Said, Zainab
Item #: 80534
Softcover | 126 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Literary Essays - Dante
Publisher: Manshurat Jamal, Freiberg 2023
ISBN: 9789922220758
Usul al-Bahath al-Tarikhi اصول البحث التارخي
By: Taha, Abd al-Wahid Dannun عبد الواحد ذنون طه
Item #: 71467
Softcover | 296 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: History Studies - Research, Teachingm Style
Publisher: Dar al-Madar al-Islami, Beirut, 2004
ISBN: 9789959292070
Wafqa al-Tawqit al-Arabi وفق التوقيت العربي
By: Turki, Ibrahim Abd al-Rahman إبراهيم بن عبد الرحمن تركي
Item #: 60131
Softcover | 160 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Personal Essays and Musings - Arab Society - 1980s
Publisher: Bisan, Beirut 2006
Waste Land الأرض اليباب؛
By: Rabi'o, Turki Ali
Item #: 7262
Softcover | 230 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Studies
Publisher: Riad El Rayyes, Beirut, 2007
Wiqayah min al-Jarimah الوقاية من الجريمة
By: Talib, Dr. Prof, Ahsan Mubarak
Item #: 43352
Hardcover | 202 pp, with footnotes, bibliography, index
Language: Arabic
Topic: Crime Prevention - Development - Programs
Publisher: Dar al-Tali'ah, Beirut, 2002
Zaman al-Dhulluqratiyah زمن الذلقراطية
By: Manjara (Elmandjra), Mahdi (1933-2014) المهدي المنجرة
Item #: 73708
Softcover | 176 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Interviews and Dialogue - Current Thought - Society
Publisher: Markaz al Thaqafi al Arabi, Beirut 2020 المركز الثقافي العربي
ISBN: 9789953688428
1896 Rihlat al-Habashah رحلة الحبشة
By: Azm, Sadiq Pasha al-Muayyad (d. 1911) صادق باشا المؤيد العظم
Item #: 8161
Softcover | 301 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Travels - Expeditions - Ethiopia
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2001
1909-1914 Mudhakkirat Musafir مذكرات مسافر
By: Abd al-Rizq, Mustafa (1885-1947) مصطفى عبد الرازق
Item #: 60556
Softcover | 102 pp, illustrations
Language: Arabic
Topic: Travel Memoirs - Europe Early 20th Century
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2004
ISBN: 9789953366111
1912 Rihlat al-Amerkiya الرحلة الاميركية
By: Prince Muhammad Ali Pasha محمد علي باشا
Item #: 6203
Softcover | 325 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Travels-Expeditions
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2003
ISBN: 9789953366043
1919 Rihlat al-Urubbiya الرحلة الأوروبية
By: Hajwi al-Thaalabi, Muhammad Bin Hasan محمد بن الحسن الحجوي الثعالبي
Item #: 4694
Softcover | 265 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Travels - Expeditions - Europe post WWI
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2003
ISBN: 9789953360966
A'sr al-Dhahabiu lil-'Atirak - العصر الذهبي للأتراك
By: Ortaylı, İlber / Tr: Saleh, Majd al-Din مجد الدين صالح
Item #: 74770
Softcover | 384 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: History - Turkey - Ottoman Empire - 1288-1918
Publisher: ASP, Beirut 2021 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9786140131996
Durub al-Harir: Rihhalah دروب الحرير ؛ الرحالة 2
By: Kulayb, Sami سامي كليب
Item #: 80292
Hardcover | 353 pp, Color Illustrations
Language: Arabic
Topic: Travelogue - Memoirs - World Travels
Publisher: Hachette Antoine, Beirut 2023
ISBN: 9786140601215
Kitab al-Itibar - Ibn Munqidh كتاب الاعتبار - ابن منقذ
By: Ibn Munqidh (488/1095 - 584/1188) / Kinani al-Shayzari, Usamah bin Murshid أسامة بن مرشد الكناني الشيزري / ابن منقذ
Item #: 71562
Hardcover | 246 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Travels - History - Literature
Publisher: Dar al-Kotob al-Ilmiyah, Beirut 1999
ISBN: 9782745126283
Layali al-Arabia الليالي العربية
By: Huffman, Ruth and Helen روث وهيلين هوفمان
Item #: 14998
Hardcover | 320 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Memoir - Travels - Iraq
Publisher: al-Ahlia, Amman, 2004
Mu'rab An B'ad Aja'ib al-Maghrib المعرب عن بعض عجائب المغرب
By: Gharnati, Abu Hamid Muhammad (473/1080 - 565/1170) أبو حامد محمد الغرناطي
Item #: 71523
Softcover | 156 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Travels - North Africa - Descriptions
Publisher: Dar al-Kotob al-Ilmiyah, Beirut 1999
ISBN: 9782745127822
Nasir al-Din 'ala al-Qawm al-Kafirin ناصر الدين على القوم الكافرين
By: Hajari, Ahmad ibn Qasim (ca. 1570-1640) ابن الحجري، أحمد بن قاسم/ Chachia, Dr. Hussem Eddine
Item #: 41478
Softcover | 222 pp, with bibliography
Language: Arabic
Topic: Travel Chronicles - Western Europe 17th Century - Islamic-Christian Relations
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2015
ISBN: 9786144196199
Philby: Mughamrat al-Naft al-Arabi مغامرات النفط العربي
By: Philby, Harry St. John (1885-1960) هاري سانت جون فيلبي
Item #: 16740
Hardcover | 251 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: History - Saudi Arabic - Iraq
Publisher: Obeikan Publishing, Beirut, 2001 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789960207520
Philby: Rub' al-Khali الربع الخالي
By: Philby, Harry St. John (1885-1960) هاري سانت جون فيلبي
Item #: 16738
Hardcover | 668 pp plus fold-out map and bw photos
Language: Arabic
Topic: Travels - Saudi Arabia
Publisher: Obeikan Publishing, Beirut, 2001 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789960208602
Rasa'il al-Lubnaniyah الرسائل اللبنانية
By: Jalloub, Faysal & Kulaib, Sami سامي كليب وفيصل جلّول
Item #: 73747
Softcover | 385 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Current Affairs - World Travels - Lebanon History
Publisher: Nawfal, Beirut 2022
ISBN: 9786144699843
Rihla Ibn Fadlan رحلة ابن فضلان
By: Ibn Fadlan, Ahmad (ca. 879–960 CE) ابن فضلان
Item #: 80329
Hardcover | 203 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Classical Arab Travel Writings - Europe - Dark Ages
Publisher: Dar Sader, Beirut 1991
Rihla ila Arzum رحلة إلى أرضروم
By: Pushkin, Alexander (1799-1837) الكسندر بوشكين
Item #: 72989
Softcover | 249 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Russian Literature - Travels - Caucasus, Turkey - early 19th Century
Publisher: Dar al-Mada, Baghdad 2016
ISBN: 9782843090127
Rihla ila Makkah رحلة الى مكة
By: Hoffman, Dr. Murad
Item #: 70236
Softcover | 229 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Travelogue / Memoirs
Publisher: Al Obeikan, Saudi Arabia 2001
Rihlah Ila al-Jazira al-Arabiyah 1819 رحلتان إلى الجزيرة العربية
By: Sadleir, George Forster (1789–1859) جورج فورستيرسادليير
Item #: 60605
Softcover | 160 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabian Peninsula - Descriptions and Travel - 1819
Publisher: AIRP (Mu'assasat al-Arabi lil-Dirasat wa-al-Nashr), Beirut, 2005
ISBN: 9789990101843
Rihlah Italiah رحلة إيطالية
By: Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von غوته
Item #: 21484
Softcover | 460 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translation - Journey - Italy - Diary
Publisher: Almutawassit, Italy, 2017
ISBN: 9788899687694
Rihlah Ma' Azif al-Nay رحلة مع عازف الناي
By: Mutliq, Luluwah لولوة المطلق
Item #: 71598
Softcover | 72 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Travels - Inner Peace - Meditation
Publisher: Difaf, Beirut 2017
ISBN: 9786140215047
Rihlah wa-Fitnat al-'Ajib الرحلة و فتنة العجيب
By: Tawzani, Khalid خالد التوزاني
Item #: 42719
Softcover | 197 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Travelers' Writings, Arabic - History and Criticism.
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2017
ISBN: 9786144197530
Rihlat Abi Dulaf 942-952 CE رحلات أبي دلف
By: Abu Daluf al-Yanbu'i al-Khazraji (4th/10th century) أبو دلف الينبوعي الخزرجي
Item #: 42718
Softcover | 343 pp + 32 pp
Language: Arabic with 32 pp in French and Russian
Topic: Early Work - 4th/10th Century CE Travels - Asia
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2017
ISBN: 9786144197509
Rihlat al-Maghribiyah الرحلة المغربية
By: Ibn al-Hajj, Ibrahim bin Abd Allah al-Numairi al-Gharnati (d. 786 AH) ابراهيم بن عبداللة النميري الغرناطي المعروف بابن الحاج
Item #: 75302
Hardcover | 446 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Travels - North Africa - Maghrib - History
Publisher: Dar al-Aman, Rabat, Morocco 2021
ISBN: 9789920563024
Rihlat al-Saffar Ila Faransa (1845-1846) رحلة الصفار الى فرنسا
By: Tatwani, Muhammed bin Abd Allah al-Saffar al-Andalusi محمد بن عبد الله الصفار الاندلسي التطوانيد
Item #: 74605
Softcover | 324 pp, Illustrations, map
Language: Arabic
Topic: Muslim scholar - 19th Century Travels - France - Paris
Publisher: AIRP, Amman, 2007
ISBN: 9789953369761
Rihlat ibn Battuta (Dar Sader) رحلة ابن بطوطة
By: Ibn Battuta, Muhammad ibn Abd' Allah ابن بطوطة
Item #: 74945
Hardcover | 446 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Ibn Batutta - 1304-1377 - Travels - Africa, Asia..
Publisher: Dar Sader, Beirut 2011
ISBN: 9789953136745
Rihlat Ibn Jubayr (Sader) رحلة ابن جبير
By: Ibn Jubayr (540/1145-614/1217) ابن جبير
Item #: 3670
Hardcover | 344 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Travels - Middle East, Africa - Ibn Jubayr
Publisher: Dar Sader Publications, Beirut, 2012
ISBN: 9789953136769
Rihlat Ila Somal Al-Mahakem
By: Ali, Muhammad
Item #: 8037
Softcover | 96 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Travels-Expeditions
Publisher: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut, 2008
Rihlat Shibli al-Nu'mani رحلة شبلي النعماني
By: Nu'mani, Shibli (1857-1914) شبلي النعماني / Nadwi, Muhammad Akram
Item #: 72127
Softcover | 118 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Expeditions- Travelogue - Middle East, 1892 CE
Publisher: Dar al Qalam, Damascus 2011
ISBN: 9789933475024
Sahra' wa-al-Ma'murah (1905) الصحراء والمعمورة
By: Bell, Gertrude Lowthian (1868 - 1926) غيرترود لوثيان بل
Item #: 60551
Hardcover | 440 pp, illustrations, index
Language: Arabic
Topic: Travels - Bilad al-Sham - 1905
Publisher: Maktabat Al Obeikan, Riyadh, 2004 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789960404042
Tariq ila Qunyah الطريق الى قونية
By: Nu'aymi, Khalil (Neimi, b. 1945) نعيمي، خليل
Item #: 43236
Softcover | 151 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Travel Memoirs - Turkey
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2015
ISBN: 9786144195895
The Land of Midian
By: Philby, Abed Allah (h. St. John Philby)
Item #: 8134
Hardcover | 341 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Travels-Expeditions
Publisher: Ahliya for Publishing & Distribution, Amman, 2002 Edition, c1957
101 Mabada al-Muhasabah مبادئ المحاسبة
By: Cagan, Michele ميشيل كاجان
Item #: 74161
Hardcover | 308 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Accounting Principles
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, KSA, 2021 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 6281072110352
365 Yawman min al-Hudu' 365 يوما من الهدوء
By: Yvette, Jane
Item #: 41738
Hardcover | 160 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Peace of Mind - Quotations, Maxims, etc.
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabia, 2016 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 6281072086732
365 Yawman min al-Sadaqa 365 يوما من الصداقة
By: Cornwall, Lizzie
Item #: 41737
Hardcover | 160 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Friendship - Quotations, Maxims, etc.
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabia, 2016 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 6281072086749
365 Yawman min al-Yoga 365 يوما من اليوجا
By: Richardson, Sarah
Item #: 41739
Hardcover | 160 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Yoga Inspiration - Quotations, Maxims, etc.
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabia, 2016 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 6281072086763
A'dat al-Ada' al-A'li عادات الاداء العالي
By: Burchard, Brendon برندون بورتشارد
Item #: 73628
Softcover | 404 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Achievement - Success
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabic, 2021 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 6281072114749
A'mrad al-Nafsiya (2 Vol) الأمراض النفسية
By: Hajj, Fayez Muhammad Ali فائز محمد علي الحاج
Item #: 74446
Hardcover | 870 pp, 2 Volumes
Language: Arabic
Topic: Psychology - Comparative Psychology - Mental Illnesses
Publisher: Maktab al Islami, Beirut - Damascus 1987
A'nayah bi al-Dhat العناية بالذات
By: Chamberlaine, Claire كلير تشامبرلين
Item #: 74154
Hardcover | 160 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Self-Help - Quotations - Gift Book
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, KSA, 2020 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 6281072111892
Adat al-Intajiyah عادات الانتاجية
By: Elijah, Ben بين اليجا
Item #: 74096
Cardboard Bound | 146 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Self Help - Productivity
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabia, 2021 Arabic Editioin
ISBN: 6281072116125
Ai'sh Hayatak al-Muthla عش حياتك المثلى
By: Summersdale Publishers
Item #: 44201
Hardcover | 160 pp, color, illustrations
Language: Arabic
Topic: Happiness - Gratitude - Quotes, Maxims
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabia, 2020 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 6281072111922
Al-'Ilaj al-Shafi lil-Talaq العلاج الشافي للطلاق
By: Weiner-Davis, Michele ميشال وينر ديفيس / Tr: Ayyubi, Amin امين الايوبي
Item #: 80934
Hardcover | 296 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Marriage - Communication in Marriage - Divorce Therapy
Publisher: Dar al-Kitab al-Arabi, Beirut 2006 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789953277752
Amaniyat (Khawatir) امانيات (خواطر)
By: Ghabrah, Dr. Aman Nabih أمان نبيه الغبرة
Item #: 44467
Hardcover | 224 pp, coated paper, color illustrations
Language: Arabic
Topic: Inspirational Thoughts and Reflections
Publisher: Dar al-Fikr, Beirut/Damascus,
ISBN: 9789933363048
Anta Mud'hish أنت مدهش
By: Kaye, Alexa / Summersdale
Item #: 43616
Hardcover | 157 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Gift Book - Appreciation
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabia, 2019 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 6281072104498
Aqabat Tariq al-Najah العقبات طريق النجاح
By: Holiday, Ryan ريان هوليداي
Item #: 41752
Hardcover with Dust Jacket | 231 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Motivation
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabia, 2016 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 6281072080631
Arbat Alaf Asbua اربعة الاف اسبوع
By: Burkeman, Oliver
Item #: 80084
Softcover | 286 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Self-Help - Time Management
Publisher: Thaqafa, UAE, 2021 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789948471097
Asrar al-Najah fi al-'Amal أسرار النجاح في العمل
By: Cumberland, Nigel
Item #: 41735
Softcover | 236 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Success in Business - Career Development
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabia, 2016 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 6281072088293
Atlas 'Ilm al-Nafs - DTV اطلس علم النفس
By: Hellmuth Benesch / انطوان ج. الهاسم
Item #: 20067
Hardcover | 487 pp illustrated
Language: Arabic
Topic: Psychology / Medicine
Publisher: Maktabat al Sharqiya, 2003 Arabic Edition
Atliquni أطلقني
By: Himmelman, Peter
Item #: 43629
Hardcover | 217 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Creative Ability
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabia, 2018 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 6281072097806
Basirah البصيرة
By: Eurich, Tasha
Item #: 43625
Hardcover | 352 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Self-awareness - Interpersonal relations - Success
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabia, 2019 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 6281072102159
Bi La Hadud بلا حدود
By: Otting, Laura Gassner لورا جاسنر أوتينج
Item #: 74100
Hardcover | 144 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Self Help - Setting Goals - Work with Purpose
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabic, 2021 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 6281072116460
Brilliant Interview المقابلة الشخصية
By: Jay, Ros
Item #: 11416
Softcover | 240 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Self Development - Business
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabia, 2009 Arabic Edition, c2008
ISBN: 6281072059408
Brilliant Life Coach مدرب الحياة الذكي
By: Lionnet, Annie
Item #: 11413
Softcover | 171 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Self-Development - Reaching Goals
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabia, 2009 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 6281072059071
Brilliant Manager المدير الذكي
By: Peeling, Nic
Item #: 11935
Softcover | 254pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Self Help-Managment-Business
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, 2009
Dalil al-Malik lil-Makh دليل المالك للمخ
By: Howard, Pierce J., PhD بيرس جيه هاوارد
Item #: 43278
Softcover | 1143 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: The Brain - Optimization - Layman Guide
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabia, 2017 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 6281072086145
Dardshah al-'Aqliyah الدردشة العقلية
By: Cross, Ethan ايثان كروس
Item #: 74094
Hardcover | 258 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Self Help - Inner Thoughts - Philosophy
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabia, 2021 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 6281072118150
Dhaka al-Atfi al-Tatbiqi الذكاء العاطفي التطبيقي
By: Bariso, Justin جاستن باريسو
Item #: 73661
Softcover | 209 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Self-Help - Emotions and Cognition - Social Aspects
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabia, 2021 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 6281072117917
Difa'at al-Dhat al-Nafsiya دفاعات الذات النفسية
By: Qatami, Yusuf / Tariq يوسف قطامي - طارق قطامي
Item #: 74323
Softcover | 246 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Psychology - Self Awareness - Defense Mechanisms
Publisher: Al Ahliya, Amman, 2022
ISBN: 9789957394547
Dowrak al-Qadam دورك القادم
By: O'Keeffe, Niamh نيف أوكيف
Item #: 74209
Softcover | 182 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Career Development - Promotions - Self-Help
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, KSA, 2021 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 6281072111830
Durus fi al-Sa'adah دروس في السعادة
By: Easterlin, Richard ريتشارد أ. إيسترلين
Item #: 80252
Softcover | 240 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Economics - Psychological aspects - Well-being Economics - Quality of Life
Publisher: ASP, Beirut 2023 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9786140133891
Fan al-Ghasal al-Mulabis فن الغسل الملابس
By: Richardson, Patric باتريك ريتشاردسون / Miller, Katherine
Item #: 74099
Softcover | 238 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Self Help - DIY Tips and Fun with Laundry
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2022
ISBN: 9786140134478
Fatish 'an Suwalak فتش عن سوالك
By: Sinek, Simon سايمون سينك
Item #: 80076
Softcover | 248 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Self-Help - Finding Purpose - Attitude
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Riyadh, 2019 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 6281072103439
Ghayar Tafkirak Li-al-Nijah غير تفكيرك للنجاح
By: Del Sesto, Dean دين ديل سيستو
Item #: 73656
Softcover | 266 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Self-Development - Optimism - Self Confidence
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabia, 2021 Edition
ISBN: 6281072116439
Hadur al-Tanfidhi الحضور التنفيذي
By: Hewlett, Sylvia Ann سيلفيا ان هيوليت
Item #: 73640
Hardcover | 242 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Self Development - Business - Leadership
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabia, 2021 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 6281072112943
Happy for No Reason السعادة من دون عناء
By: Shimoff, Marci / Klein, Carol
Item #: 10926
Hardcover | 318 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Well-Being
Publisher: Dar al-Kitab al-Arabi, Beirut, 2009 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789953278384
Haya Nusa'dik هيا نساعدك
By: Kopmeyer, M.R. م.ر.كوبماير / Tr: Nasr, Halim Nassib حليم نسيب نصر
Item #: 73383
Softcover | 487 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Self Improvement - Success - Achieve Goals
Publisher: ASP, Beirut 2006, Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789953296227
Helen Exley Giftbook: Hikmat li-'Asrina حكمة لعصرنا
By: Exley, Helen هيلين اكسلي
Item #: 45264
Hardcover | 140 pp, art paper, color illustrations
Language: Arabic
Topic: Quotations - Wisdom - Gift Book
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabia 2020 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 6281072116415
Helen Exley Giftbook: Kun Inta! كن انت
By: Exley, Helen هيلين اكسلي
Item #: 74039
Hardcover | 90 pp, Illustrated
Language: Arabic
Topic: Quotations - Confidence - Gift Book
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabia, 2020 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 6281072116330
Helen Exley Giftbook: Kun Sa'idan كن شجاعا
By: Exley, Helen هيلين اكسلي
Item #: 74041
Hardcover | 90 pp, illustrated
Language: Arabic
Topic: Quotations - Happiness - Gift Book
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, 2020
ISBN: 6281072116316
Helen Exley Giftbook: Kun Shuja'an كن شجاعا
By: Exley, Helen هيلين اكسلي
Item #: 74040
Hardcover | 90 pp, illustrated
Language: Arabic
Topic: Quotations - Bravery - Gift Book
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabia, 2021 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 6281072116347
Helen Exley Giftbook: Kun Wathiqan! كن واثقا
By: Exley, Helen هيلين اكسلي
Item #: 74059
Hardcover | 90 pp, color wash pages
Language: Arabic
Topic: Quotations - Confidence - Gift Book
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, 2020
ISBN: 6281072116323
Helen Exley Giftbook: Qiyam Khaladah قيم خالدة
By: Exley, Helen هيلين اكسلي
Item #: 45265
Hardcover | 140 pp, art paper, color illustrations
Language: Arabic
Topic: Quotations - Wisdom - Gift Book
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabia, 2020 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 6281072116408
Helen Exley Giftbook: Thiq bi Nafsak ثق بنفسك
By: Exley, Helen
Item #: 73638
Hardcover | 140 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Inspiration - Gift Book - Quotations - Confidence
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabia, 2020 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 6281072116293
Hikmat al-Fa'izin حكمة الفائزين
By: Stovall, Jim جيم ستوفال
Item #: 80086
Hardcover | 250 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Self-Help - Business
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Riyadh, 2021 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 6281072115944
Hil al-Intajiyah حيل الإنتاجية
By: Price, Emily
Item #: 80103
Softcover | 235 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Self-Help
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Riyadh, 2021 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 6281072117214
How to Spot a Liar كيف تكشف الكذاب
By: Hartley, Gregory / Karinch, Maryann
Item #: 16594
Softcover | 335 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Self Development - Body Language - Communication Skills
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, KSA, 2013 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 6281072075378
I'lm al-Nafs wa-al-'Awlamah علم النفس و العولمة
By: Hijazi, Mustafa مصطفى حجازي
Item #: 73395
Softcover | 335 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Ethnopsychology - Culture and globalization - Arab countries- 21st century.
Publisher: Markaz al-Thaqafi, Beirut 2010
ISBN: 9789953684765
Ikhtar Nafsak اختر نفسك
By: Robinson, Sara سارة روبنسون
Item #: 73653
Softcover | 176 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Self Care - Journal
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabia, 2021 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 6281072117191
Ikhtiraq al-Makh اختراق المخ
By: Pavitt, Neil نيل بافيت
Item #: 43064
Softcover | 199 pp, 2 color, illustrations
Language: Arabic
Topic: Brain - Cognition
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabia, 2017 Arabic Edition c.2016
ISBN: 6281072091804
Ina Fakrat Tastatia ان فكرت تستطيع
By: Hoisington, TJ تي جيه هويستنجتون
Item #: 73632
Softcover | 177 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Success - Psychological aspect - Self-realization
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabic, 2021 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 6281072111854
Inak 'Adhaka min Dhlik انك أذكى من ذلك
By: Ball, Michael
Item #: 41748
Softcover | 332 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: College graduates - Vocational guidance
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabia, 2016
ISBN: 6281072080648
Inta Ma Ta'tiqidah انت ما تعتقدة
By: Stoop, David ديفيد ستووب
Item #: 73655
Softcover | 174pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Self-Help - Positive Thinking
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabia, 2021 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 6281072116422
Ishraqat Mu'alimah إشراقات معلمة
By: Tamimi, Professor Bashair Shaheen
Item #: 15508
Softcover | 200 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Inspirational writings
Publisher: al-Jaded al-Nafe', 2013
Isn'a Dhatak اصنع ذاتك
By: Knight, Sarah / Group
Item #: 74152
Hardcover | 160 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Quotations - Individuality - Gift Book
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, KSA, 2021 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 6281072116750
Istayqiz ! استيقظ
By: Barez-Brown, Chris
Item #: 43620
Shaped Hardboard cover w/elastic closure | 153 pp, color ill, text, tabs, placeholder
Language: Arabic
Topic: Self-actualization, Fulfillment
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabia, 2019 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 6281072100117
Istisharat (2 vol.) الإستشارات
By: Ghawthani, Yahya د. يحيى عبد الرزاق الغوثاني
Item #: 74308
Hardcover | 1050 pp, 2 Volumes
Language: Arabic
Topic: Self Development - Islamic Teachings
Publisher: Dar al Ghawthani, Istanbul 2016
ISBN: 9789933403102
Istithmar fi Hayatik الإستثمار في حياتك
By: Pollard, Ian ايان بولارد
Item #: 41783
Softcover with flaps | 452 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Self Development - Personal Growth
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabia, 2016 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 6821072082284
Itqan al-Khara'it al-Dhihniyah اتقان الخرائط الذهنية
By: Buzan, Tony توني بوزان
Item #: 43622
Flexi Card Stock cover w/flaps | 217 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Mind Mapping - Methodology - Cognition - Memory
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabia, 2019 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 6281072103446
Janun min al-Tiraz al-Rafi'i جنون من الطراز الرفيع
By: Ghaemi, Nassir ناصر قائمي
Item #: 40727
Softcover | 413 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Leadership - Psychological aspects - Depression
Publisher: Jadawel, Beirut, 2015 Arabic Edition, c. 2012
ISBN: 9786144182871
Kaif Tasila Ila al-Qimmah كيف تصل إلى القمة
By: Ju'aydi, Salih ibn Sa'id صالح الجعيدي
Item #: 60823
Softcover | 120 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Self-actualization (Psychology, NLP)
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2007
ISBN: 9789953290706
Kalima al-U'mr كلمة العمر اكتشف كلمتك المميزة
By: Gordon, Jon / Britton, Dan / Page, Jimmy جون جوردون،دان بريتون،جيمي بيدج
Item #: 74014
Hardcover | 100 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Self Improvement - Simplification
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabia, 2021 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 6281072115937
Kasr al-Dayirah كسر الدائرة
By: Collins, George جورج إن. كولينز / Adleman, Andrew أندرو أدلمان
Item #: 43163
Softcover | 228 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Sex Addiction Treatment
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabia 2018 Arabic Edition c. 2010
ISBN: 6281072094680
Kayf Ta'mal Google كيف تعمل جوجل
By: Schmidt, Eric / Rosenberg, Jonathan جوناثان روزنبرج / اريك شميدت
Item #: 60576
Hardcover | 300 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Technology - Google
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Riyadh 2015
ISBN: 6281072082475
Kayf Tafsil كيف تفصل
By: Dickinson, Ross روس ديكينسون
Item #: 43316
Softcover | 111 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Self Help - Internet / Social Media addiction
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabia, 2017 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 6281072091989
Kayf Takun Hadyan كيف تكون هادئاً
By: Barnes, Anna آنا بارنز
Item #: 43280
Softcover | 159 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Calmness - Stress Management
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabia, 2017 Arabic Edition c. 2016
ISBN: 6281072092122
Kayf Takun Ta'isan كيف تكون تعيساً
By: Paterson, Randy راندي جاي باترسون
Item #: 43060
Softcover | 231 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Conduct of Life - Happiness
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabia, 2017 Arabic Edition c.2016
ISBN: 6281072092825
Kayf Tusaytir ala Qalaqik كيف تسيطر على قلقك
By: Ellis, Albert ألبرت اليس
Item #: 74210
Softcover | 244 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Self Help - Anxiety Relief
Publisher: Jarir BookStore, KSA, 2021 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 6281072110888
Khayal al-Qawi الخيال القوى
By: Nettle, Daniel نيتل، دانيال / Translator: Ayoubi, Samer Abd al-Muhsin
Item #: 60812
Hardcover | 360 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Psychology - Mental Illness
Publisher: Obeikan Publishers, Riyadh 2003
Kif Tusbih Tharayyan كيف تصبح ثريا
By: Horan, Patricia G.
Item #: 41779
Softcover | 149 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Success - Wealth - Self-actualization
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabia, 2016 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 6281072087241
Kitab al-Nijah كتاب النجاح
By: Johnson, Tim تيم جونسون
Item #: 73670
Board Cover with Ribbon Place Holder | 134 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Success in business - Self-actualization (Psychology)
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabia, 2021 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 6281072116149
Kitab al-Saghir al-Sadaqah الكتاب الصغير للصداقة
By: Lane, Lucy لوسي لاين
Item #: 43058
Hardcover | 155 pp, ribbon placeholder
Language: Arabic
Topic: Friendship - Quotations, Maxims, etc.
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabia, 2017 Arabic Edition c. 2016
ISBN: 6281072091934
Kitab al-Saghir lil-Murunah الكتاب الصغير للمرونة
By: Lane, Lucy لوسي لاين
Item #: 43059
Hardcover | 153 pp, ribbon placeholder
Language: Arabic
Topic: Resilience - Quotations, Maxims, etc.
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabia, 2017 Arabic Edition c. 2016
ISBN: 6281072091965
Kitab al-Saghir lil-Rahah الكتاب الصغير للراحة
By: Lane, Lucy لوسي لاين
Item #: 43057
Hardcover | 155 pp, 2 color. ribbon placeholder
Language: Arabic
Topic: Comfort - Quotations, Maxims, etc.
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabia, 2017 Arabic Edition c. 2016
ISBN: 6281072091910
Kitab al-Saghir lil-Safa' الكتاب الصغير للصفاء
By: Smart, Jamie جيمي سمارت
Item #: 43063
Softcover | 202 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Clear Thinking
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabia, 2017 Arabic Edition c 2015
ISBN: 6281072088583
Kitab al-Saghir lil-Wa'y الكتاب الصغير للوعي
By: Pickup, Gilly
Item #: 44200
Hardcover, Ribbon Placeholder | 160 pp, Color, Illustrations
Language: Arabic
Topic: Mindfulness - Quotes, Tips
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabia, 2020 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 6281072111977
Kitabi: Madhakirat Taktubha bi-Nafsik كتابي مذكرات تكتبها بنفسك
By: Peter Paupers Press / Penguin Random House
Item #: 43619
Hardcover / Journal | 192 pp, Ribbon Placeholder, Color headings
Language: Arabic
Topic: Journal / Autobiographical Guidance
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabia, 2018 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 6281072097714
Kun Mutayqizana كن متيقظا
By: Hertz, Noreena نورينا هيرتز
Item #: 43176
Softcover | 381 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Self Development - Decision Making
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabia, 2018 Arabic Edition c, 2013
ISBN: 6281072087333
La 'Ahad Yufhimuki لا أحد يفهمك
By: Grant Halvorson, Heidi هايدي جرانت هالفورسون
Item #: 41797
Softcover | 254 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Self-presentation
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabia, 2016 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 6281072086619
La Tastaslim Abadan لا تستسلم أبدا
By: Summersdale
Item #: 43614
Hardcover | 157 pp, Ribbon Placeholder
Language: Arabic
Topic: Motivation - Inspiration - Quotations, maxims, etc.
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabia, 2019 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 6281072103903
Li-Madha Yufashil al-Nas لماذا يفشل الناس
By: Reynolds, Siimon سيمون رينولدز
Item #: 41803
Softcover with Flaps | 250 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Failure - Success - Psychological aspects
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabia, 2016 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 6281072087609
Limam bi-al-Haqiqah الإلمام بالحقيقة
By: Rosling, Hans / Rosling, Ola / Rosling Ronnlund, Anna
Item #: 73207
Softcover | 302 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Psychology - Statistics - Globalism
Publisher: ASP, 2018
ISBN: 9786140124417
Ma'bar Ila al-Izdihar المعبر الى الازدهار
By: Allen, James (1864-1912) جيمس آلن
Item #: 74093
Softcover | 224 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Self Help - Philosophy - Positive Thinking
Publisher: Markaz al-Thaqafi al-Arabi, 2021 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789953689890
Mabada Ilm al-Nafs 101 مبادئ علم النفس
By: Kleinman, Paul
Item #: 74084
Hardcover | 304 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Psychology
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabic, 2020 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 6281072110345
Mabadi al-Tafawad 101 مبادي التفاوض
By: Sander, Peter بيتر ساندر
Item #: 73665
Hardcover | 261 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Self-Development - Negotiating - Essential Guide
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, 2021
ISBN: 6281072110307
Mafatih al-Kalam مفاتيح الكلام
By: Dijani, Mahdi
Item #: 12314
Hardcover | 558 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Self Improvement-Speaking-Business
Publisher: Dar Ilm Lil Malayin, 2010
ISBN: 9789953637839
Make Winning A Habit ليكن الربح شعارك
By: Page, Rick
Item #: 11094
Hardcover | 279 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Business - Sales, Marketing
Publisher: Dar al-Kitab al-Arabi, Beirut, 2009
ISBN: 9789953278681
Manahil al-Ibdaa مناهل الإبداع
By: Editors: Pfenninger, K & Shubik, V. / Translator: Bahbuh, Maha Hasan
Item #: 60819
Hardcover | 552 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Essays - Creativeness
Publisher: Obeikan Publishers, Riyadh 2003
ISBN: 9789960402567
Mathabir المثابر ؛ من جيد إلى عظيم إلى شخص لا يقهر
By: Grover, Tim / Lesser, Shari تيم س. غروفر، شاري ليسرونك
Item #: 73730
Softcover | 239 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Self Improvement - Potential
Publisher: Markaz al Thaqafi al Arabi, Casablanca / Beirut 2021 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789920657273
Miftah al-I'jab مفتاح الاعجاب
By: Schafer, Jack, PhD. / Karlins, Marvin, PhD,
Item #: 43623
Softcover | 350 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Friendships - Interpersonal Relationships - Influence
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabic, 2018 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 6281072094676
Mizat al-Tafawul ميزة التفاؤل
By: Paulson, Terry
Item #: 80104
Softcover | 211 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Self-Help - Attitudes
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Riyadh, 2014 Arabic Editiion
ISBN: 6281072074456
Mu'askir al-Tadrib معسكر التدريب
By: Gordon, Jon
Item #: 73989
Hardcover | 160 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Self Improvement
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Riyadh 2021 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 6281072115913
Muhaffizat المحفزات
By: Goldsmith, Marshall / Reiter, Mark مارك ريتر / مارشال جولد سميث
Item #: 41771
Hardcover with Dust Jacket | 244 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Behavior - Habit Breaking
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabia, 2016 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 6281072088248
Mukh: Dhakr am Untha? المخ ذكر ام انثى ؟
By: Kamil, Nabil نبيل كامل / Sharif, Amro عمرو شريف
Item #: 72393
Softcover | 391 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: The Brain - Processes - Psychology
Publisher: Maktaba Shurouq Dawliya, Cairo 2009
ISBN: 6223002000968
Mukhattat al-Izdihar مخطط الازدهار
By: Fortgang, Laura B.
Item #: 41786
Softcover with Flaps | 157 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Success - Personal and business
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabia, 2016
ISBN: 6281072080655
Nihayat al-Taswif نهاية التسويف
By: Ludwig, Petr / Schicker, Adela بيتر لودويج / أديلا شيكر
Item #: 73657
Softcover | 266 pp, illustrated
Language: Arabic
Topic: Self Development - Procrastination - Decision Making
Publisher: Ludwig, Petr / Schicker, Adela بيتر لودويج / أديلا شيكر
ISBN: 6281072116590
Nijah al-Sahiq النجاح الساحق
By: Vaynerchuck, Gary
Item #: 80100
Softcover | 275 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Self-Help - Business
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Riyadh, 2021 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 6281072105440
Nijah النجاح
By: Hall, Richard
Item #: 11606
Softcover | 220 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Self Improvement
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore
Personality Profiler محلل الشخصية
By: Gordon, Claire
Item #: 16608
Softcover | 160 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Self Help - Personality Tests
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, KSA, c2013 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 6281072068141
Psychologiya al-Lum سيكولوجية اللوم
By: Qutami, Yusuf / Tariq يوسف قطامي، طارق قطامي
Item #: 74336
Softcover | 256 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Psychology- Self Realization - Blame
Publisher: Al Ahliya, Amman, 2022
ISBN: 9789957394523
Qabl al-Iqna' قبل الإقناع
By: Cialdini, Robert روبرت سيالديني
Item #: 43175
Hardcover with Dustcover | 435 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Self Development - How to Persuade
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabia, 2018 Arabic Edition c. 2016
ISBN: 6281072092863
Qamus al-Aqwiya' قاموس الأقوياء
By: Tarbih, Mamun مأمون طربية
Item #: 60211
Softcover | 243 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Self Development - Difficult People
Publisher: Dar al Marefah, Beirut 2008
Qimam Tahwi al-Najah قمم تهوي النجاح
By: Basha, Dr. Hassan Shamsi حسان شمسي باشا
Item #: 75578
Hardcover | 292 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Success - Goals - Determination
Publisher: Dar al-Kalam, Damascus 2019
ISBN: 9789933291204
Qimmat al-Ada'a قمة الأداء
By: Ziglar, Zig زيج زيجلار
Item #: 60583
Softcover | 233 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Self Development - Leadership
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Riyadh 2016
ISBN: 6281072084806
Qira'at al-'Uqul قراءة العقول
By: Webster, Richard ريتشارد ويبستر
Item #: 43177
Softcover | 224 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Self Development - Telepathy - Perception
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabia, 2018 Arabic Edition c. 2015
ISBN: 6281072088934
Qiyadah القيادة
By: Alison & Price, David
Item #: 71126
Softcover | 222 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Leadership - Personal Development
Publisher: Dar Noon, Ras al-Khayma 2013
ISBN: 9789187373435
Quat al-Khamsin Bit قوة الخمسين بت
By: Nease, Bob المؤلّف: بوب نيس
Item #: 43173
Hardcover with Dustcover | 205 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Develop Influence - Create Motivation
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabia, 2017 Arabic Edition, c. 2015
ISBN: 6281072089412
Quwat al-Hadur قوة الحدور
By: Siegel, Daniel / Bryson, Tina دانيال جيه سيجل / تينا باين برايسون
Item #: 73660
Softcover | 250 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Parenting - Psychological aspects
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabia, 2021 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 6281072117931
Quwat al-Lahzat قوة اللحظات
By: Heath, Chip / Heath, Dan دان هيث / تشيب هيث
Item #: 80069
Hardcover | 315 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Self-Help - Memory - Affect (Psychology) Case studies
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Riyadh, 2019 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 6281072102104
Quwat al-Sahar قوة السحر
By: Tracy, Brian / Arden, Ron براين تراسي/ رون اردين
Item #: 80072
Softcover | 170 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Self-Help - Influence - Success
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Riyadh, 2009 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 6281072059439
Quwatak al-Azimi قوتك العظيمي
By: Kohe, J. Martin جيه مارتن كوهي
Item #: 73635
Softcover | 65 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Self Development - Power to Choose
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabia, 2021 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 6281072115999
Ratab Farashk رتب فراشك
By: McRaven, William H. ويليام اتش ماكرافن
Item #: 43061
Hardcover w/dustcover | 136 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Conduct of Life - Discipline - Anecdotes
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabia, 2018 Arabic Edition c. 2017
ISBN: 6281072097530
Resilience المرونة
By: Webb, Liggy
Item #: 16603
Softcover | 196 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Self Help - Coping
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, KSA, c2014 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 6281072077143
Rihlah al-Thara' رحلة الثراء
By: Raddadi, Salah M. صلاح بن مهل الردادي
Item #: 43954
Softcover w/Flaps | 178 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Self-Development - Goals - Success - 21st Century
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2017
ISBN: 9786140123670
Sahr al-Tartib شحر الترتيب
By: Kondo, Mari ماري كوندو
Item #: 72066
Softcover | 214 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Self-Help - Decluttering and Organizing
Publisher: Arabic Scientific Publishers, Beirut 2015 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9786140117624
Sawt al Ta'thir صوت التأثير
By: Apps, Judy
Item #: 73643
Softcover | 223 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Effective Communication
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabia, 2021 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 6281072116453
Shuja'a an Takun Ghayr Mahbub شجاعة أن تكون غير محبوب
By: Kishimi, Ichiro and Kiga, Fumitake / Tr: Wariagali, Mustafa
Item #: 45055
Softcover | 328 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Conduct of life, Thinking, Self-actualization (Psychology)
Publisher: Markaz al-Thaqafi al-Arabi, Beirut, 2021 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789953689821
Sifr al-la Ma'na سفر اللامعنى
By: Sa'ud, Hajar هاجر سعود
Item #: 43579
Softcover | 137 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Inspirational Writings - Philosophical Writings
Publisher: Madarek Publishing House, Riyadh,
ISBN: 9786039119500
Sirr al-'Usur سر العصور
By: McCreadie , Karen
Item #: 16582
Softcover | 121 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Self-Development - Success
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, KSA, 2013 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 6281072076023
Spark Joy انشروا الفرح
By: Kondo, Mari ماري كوندو
Item #: 72067
Softcover | 271 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Self- Help - Organization
Publisher: Arabic Scientific Publishers, Beirut 2018 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9786140125827
Sticky Notes: al-Haz al-Sa'id الحظ السعيد
By: Source Books
Item #: 74156
Softcover |
Language: Arabic
Topic: Self-Help - Quotations - Gift Book
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, KSA, 2021 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 6281072099848
Sticky Notes: al-Sa'adah كتاب ملصقات السعادة
By: Kempster, Rachel / Leder, Meg
Item #: 74157
Softcover | 105 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Self-Help - Quotations - Happiness
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, KSA, 2021 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 6281072099862
Sticky Notes: Kitab al-Hub كتاب الحب
By: Source Books
Item #: 74158
Softcover | 104 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Self-Help - Quotations - Gift Book - Love
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, KSA, 2021 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 6281072099855
Ta'laq wa Abdi' تألق وأبدع
By: Barez-Brown, Chris كريس باريز براون
Item #: 21233
Softcover | 224 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Motivation - Creativity
Publisher: Dar al-Saqi, Beirut, 2016 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9786144258781
Ta'zir التعزيز
By: Kirkbride, Jasmin
Item #: 43634
Softcover - Card Stock rounded corner | 157 pp, color ill. and text
Language: Arabic
Topic: Self-Confidence
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabia, 2019 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 6281072100452
Taba al-Tawatar تبا التوتر
By: Martin, Alex أليكس مارتين
Item #: 74150
Hardcover | 157 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Stress Management - Gift Book
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, KSA, 2021 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 6281072116729
Taban lil-Qalaq تباً للقلق
By: Martin, Alex أليكس مارتين
Item #: 74153
Hardcover | 160 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Self Help - Overcome Your Fears
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, KSA, 2021 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 6281072116736
Tafkir al-Kharq التفكير الخارق
By: Weinberg, Gabriel / McCann, Lauren جابرييل واينبرج / لورين ماكان
Item #: 73662
Softcover | 368 pp, illustrated
Language: Arabic
Topic: Self Development - Thought and thinking - Cognition - Reasoning
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabia, 2021 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 6281072115623
Taghyir al-Hiwar تغيير الحوار
By: Caspersen, Dana / Joost Elffers
Item #: 41766
Softcover | 258 pp with color
Language: Arabic
Topic: Conflict Management
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabia, 2016
ISBN: 6281072086251
Takhalis Min Al-Makhawif تخلص من المخاوف
By: Case, Jane جين كيس
Item #: 74208
Hardcover | 257 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Self Help - Change - Motivational
Publisher: Jarir BookStore, KSA, 2021 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 6281072114794
Taqah fi 5 Daqa'iq الطاقة في 5 دقائق
By: Isadora Baum ادورا باوم
Item #: 74147
Softcover | 284 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Self Help - Productivity
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, KSA, 2021 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 6281072117177
Taqat al-Hayat طاقات الحىاة
By: Brown, Guy
Item #: 60834
Hardcover | 492 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Bioenergetics - Energy Metabolism
Publisher: Obeikan Publishers, Riyadh 2003
Tartib A'lam a'la al-A'wam (2 vol) ترتيب الأعلام على الأعوام
By: Zirikli, Khayr al-Din (d. 1976) خير الدين الزركلي / Zaza, Zuhair زهير ظاظا
Item #: 73885
Hardcover | 1201 pp, 2 Volumes, indexed
Language: Arabic
Topic: Biographical Encyclopedia of Prominent People - Middle East
Publisher: Dar al Arqam, Beirut, 1990
Tashkhis al-'Amrad al-Nafsia تشخيص الأمراض النفسية
By: Hajjar, Dr. Muhammad محمد الحجار
Item #: 75038
Softcover | 288 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Psychological Disorders - Mental Illness - Reference - Guide - Diagnosis
Publisher: Dar al-Nafais, Beirut 2004
ISBN: 9789953180359
Tastafi'a 'an Taf'aluha تستطيع أن تفعلها
By: Hanna, Paul
Item #: 41780
Softcover | 234 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Success - Self-realization
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabia, 2016
ISBN: 6281072089306
Tawafiq al-Nafsi التوافق النفسي
By: Qatami, Yusuf / Tariq يوسف قطامي، طارق قطامي
Item #: 74337
Softcover | 270 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Psychology - Coping - Compatibility
Publisher: Al Ahliya, Amman, 2022
ISBN: 9789957394530
Tawatur Saykulujia 'Idarah التوتر سيكولوجيا ادارة
By: McIntosh, Diane ديان ماكينتوش / Horowitz, Jonathan جوناثان هورويتز / DK
Item #: 44222
Flexibound Sewn | 224 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Stress Management - Psychology
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabic, 2020 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 6281072112523
The Art of Speed Reading People فن قراءة الناس
By: Tieger, Paul D. / Barron-Tieger, Barbara
Item #: 16609
Softcover | 235 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Self Development
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, KSA, 2014 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 6281072074531
The Greatness Guide دليل العظمة
By: Sharma, Robin
Item #: 16588
Softcover | 220 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Self Development
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, KSA, 2013 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 6281072056667
The Snowball Effect كرة الثلج
By: Bounds, Andy
Item #: 16537
Softcover | 334 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Self Improvement - Communication
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, KSA, 2014 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 6281072076894
The Times Two Brains مجلة التايمز عقلان
By: Keene, Ray / Jacobs, Byron
Item #: 11418
Softcover | 187 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Logic - Brain Teasers
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabia, 2009 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 6281072059460
Thiqa wa-Naffadha ثق ونفذ
By: Naylor, Chris / Summersdale
Item #: 43618
Hardcover | 157 pp, 3 colors
Language: Arabic
Topic: Success - Motivation - Quotations, maxims, etc.
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabia, 2019 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 6281072103897
Thiqah bi-la Hudud ثقة بلا حدود
By: Sayre, Kent كنت ساير
Item #: 9560
Softcover | 244 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Confidence - Business Management - Psychology
Publisher: Dar al-Kitab al-Arabi, 2009 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789953278544
Unas Muathirun أناس مؤثرون
By: Neffinger. John / Kohut, Matthew جون نيفينجر / ماثيو كوهوت
Item #: 41790
Softcover with Flaps | 294 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Influence - Charisma - Personality
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabia, 2016 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 6281072087425
Wahum al-Taybah وهم الطيبة
By: Mathews, Andrea أندريا ماثيوز
Item #: 80156
Softcover | 293 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Self-Help - Finding True Self
Publisher: Hachette Antoine / Naufal, Beirut, 2023
ISBN: 9786140601369
Wasfat Ma'nawiyat وصفة معنويات
By: Tarbiyah, Dr. Mamun د. مأمون طربيه
Item #: 60802
Softcover | 200 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Self-Help - Morale
Publisher: Dar al-Marefah, Beirut 2006
ISBN: 9789953850436
Yaqzah al-Dhihnayah Kul Yawm اليقظة الذهنية كل يوم
By: Jane, Yvette
Item #: 43268
Hardcover w/Ribbon Placeholder | 158 pp, Color Illustrations
Language: Arabic
Topic: Joy - Serenity - Quotations, Maxims, etc.
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabia 2017 Arabic Edition c. 2016
ISBN: 6281072091996
Yastahil Irdauihum يستحيل ارضاؤهم
By: Lavender, Neil / Cavaiola, Alan آلان ايه كافايولا / نيل جيه لافندر
Item #: 60573
Softcover | 187 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Self-Help - Critical People
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Riyadh 2015
ISBN: 6281072082277
Zubdah الزبدة
By: Group / Ed: Dakhil, Adua أضوى الدخيل
Item #: 43588
Softcover | 127 pp, Bibliography
Language: Arabic
Topic: Self-Development - Compendium
Publisher: Madarek Publishing House, Riyadh, 2017
ISBN: 9786144299470
ِDhakaw' al-'Atifi الذكؤ العاطفي
By: Walton, David ديفيد وولتون
Item #: 80677
Softcover | 200 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Psychology - Self Help - Emotions
Publisher: Dar Nun, Ras al-Khaymah, UAE, 2015 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789187373428
Al-'Ilaj al-Shafi lil-Talaq العلاج الشافي للطلاق
By: Weiner-Davis, Michele ميشال وينر ديفيس / Tr: Ayyubi, Amin امين الايوبي
Item #: 80934
Hardcover | 296 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Marriage - Communication in Marriage - Divorce Therapy
Publisher: Dar al-Kitab al-Arabi, Beirut 2006 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789953277752
Ana Alan Mayt, Madha Ba'd? أنا الآن ميت ، ماذا بعد؟
By: Peter Pauper Press
Item #: 43653
Hardcover, Wire Spiral Bound | 100 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Estate Planning - Manual, Handbook
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabic, 2018 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 6281072097691
Anta wa-Tiflik al-Darej أنت وطفلك الدراج
By: Dorling Kindersley
Item #: 44924
Softcover | 96 pp, Color Photos/Tables
Language: Arabic
Topic: Parenting - Toddlers
Publisher: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2014
ISBN: 9786144223031
As'ad Radi'a bi-al-Hayi أسعد رضيع بالحي
By: Karp, Harvey هارفي كارب
Item #: 43054
Softcover | 319 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Parenting - Baby
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabia, 2017 Arabic Edition c.2015
ISBN: 6281072088576
As'ad Tifl bi-Alahi أسعد طفل بالحي
By: Karp, Harvey, M.D.
Item #: 43632
Softcover | 303 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Child Rearing - Toddlers
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabia, 2017 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 6281072088644
Asasiyat I'lm Kalam اساسيات علم الكلام
By: Borden, Gloria / Harris, Katherine / Raphael, Lawrence
Item #: 73127
Softcover | 422 pp illustrations
Language: Arabic
Topic: Speech - Physiology, Acoustics
Publisher: Dar al Mada, Baghdad 1998
ISBN: 9782843050862
Ask Supernanny اسألوا المربية المثالية
By: Frost, Jo
Item #: 7554
Hardcover | 223 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Parenting
Publisher: Dar al-Ilm Lilmalayin, Beirut, 2008 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789953636276
Asrar Dawam al-'Ilaqat أسرار دوام العلاقات
By: de Boysson, Emmanuelle (b. 1955) إيمانويل دي بويسون
Item #: 43298
Softcover | 381 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Couples - Successful Relations
Publisher: All Prints, Beirut, 2008 Arabic Edition c. 2005
ISBN: 9789953880662
Atfal min al-Janah الاطفال من الجنة
By: Gray, John PhD جون جرأي
Item #: 43638
Softcover | 432 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Parenting
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabia, 2007
ISBN: 6281072051464
Azizi Ghabriyil (Dear Gabriel) عزيزي غابرييل
By: Freihow, Halfdan W. هالفدان و. فريهو / Tr: Saleh, Ali علي صالح
Item #: 44150
Softcover | 175 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Norwegian Literature - Father and Son - Autism
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2010 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789953878980
Bayt al-Mafqud البيت المفقود
By: Ibn Sa'd, Sa'ud ibn Sa'd سعود بن سعد
Item #: 71337
Softcover | 117 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Family - Marriage - Relationships
Publisher: ASP, Beirut 2008
ISBN: 9789953873916
Bimadha Yufakkir Tifli بماذا يفكر طفلي؟
By: Woolfson, Richard
Item #: 15788
Hardcover | 144 pp with color photograph throughout
Language: Arabic
Topic: Parenting
Publisher: Academia, Beirut, 2008
ISBN: 9789953374857
Child's Sleep نوم الطفل
By: Octopus Publishing/B.Hollyer, L.Smith
Item #: 7556
Softcover | 96 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Parenting
Publisher: Academia, Beirut, 2008
Des mathematiques aux enfants رياضيات للأولاد
By: Lemoine, Andre / Sartiaux, Pierre
Item #: 10996
Softcover | 269 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Teaching Methodology, practice and theory
Publisher: Dar al-Farabi, Beirut, 2009 Arabic Edition c.2005
ISBN: 9789953713779
Dhawu al-Qusur al-Aqli ذوو القصور العقلي
By: Sisalem, Kamal Salim كمال سالم سيسالم
Item #: 60826
Hardcover | 178 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Learning Disabilities - Education and Activities
Publisher: Dar al-Ilm Lilmalayin, Beirut 2005
ISBN: 9789953632674
Hakaza Nurabi هكذا نربي
By: Abu Saadi, Mustafa مصطفى أبو سعد
Item #: 80201
Softcover | 207 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Child Development - Parenting
Publisher: Ibdaa al Fikri, Kuwait 2022
ISBN: 9789996635106
Haqana al-Miriykh wa-al-Zahrah حقا المريخ والزهرة
By: Gray, John PhD جون جراي
Item #: 43050
Softcover with Flaps | 131 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Relationships
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabia, 2018 Print c 2006 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 6281072045517
Hawiyah al-Tifl هوية الطفل
By: Mobayed, Mamun
Item #: 9564
Hardcover | 216 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Health - Psychology
Publisher: al-Maktaba al-Islami, 2007
Hiyal Hayatiyat lil-Walidayn حيل حياتية للوالدين
By: Marshall, Dan / Summersdale
Item #: 43611
Softcover / Flexi Cardstock | 190 pp, color text and illustrations
Language: Arabic
Topic: Parenting Tips
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabia, 2018 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 6281072100360
Ila Afdal Ab 'ala al-Ittilaq الى أفضل أب على الاطلاق
By: Fenton, Tim / Summersdale
Item #: 43610
Hardcover w/ribbon placeholder |
Language: Arabic
Topic: Fathers - Quotations, Maxims, Curiosities, Wonders
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabia. 2019 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 6281072100445
Inayah al-Yawmiyah: Anta al-Ana Ab أنت الآن أب
By: Dorling Kindersley
Item #: 44922
Softcover | 64 pp, Color Photos/Tables
Language: Arabic
Topic: Parenting - Dad's Guide
Publisher: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2012
ISBN: 9786144221105
Inayah al-Yawmiyah: Salamat al-Atfal سلامة الأطفال
By: Dorling Kindersley
Item #: 44921
Softcover | 64 pp, Color Photos/Tables
Language: Arabic
Topic: Parenting - Child Safety
Publisher: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2012
ISBN: 9786144221129
Isti'dad lil-Wilada الاستعداد للولادة
By: Dorling Kindersley
Item #: 44923
Softcover | 96 pp, Color Photos/Tables
Language: Arabic
Topic: Women's Health - Childbirth
Publisher: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2014
ISBN: 9786144223109
Junun al-Nisa' wa-Ghaba' al-Rijil جنون النساء وغباء الرجال
By: Morris, Howard J. / Lee, Jenny جينى لى / هاوارد جيه. موريس
Item #: 43603
Softcover / Laminated Cardstock w/flaps | 249 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Relationships - Love - Marriage
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabia, 2018 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 6281072069292
Kayf Yanjah al-Atfal كيف ينجح الاطفال
By: Tough, Paul بول توج
Item #: 44221
Softcover | 285 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Parenting - Early Childhood Education
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabia, 2020 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 6281072112387
Kitab al-Saghir al-Sadaqah الكتاب الصغير للصداقة
By: Lane, Lucy لوسي لاين
Item #: 43058
Hardcover | 155 pp, ribbon placeholder
Language: Arabic
Topic: Friendship - Quotations, Maxims, etc.
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabia, 2017 Arabic Edition c. 2016
ISBN: 6281072091934
Maharat al-Awwali lil-Tifl المهارات الاولى للطفل
By: Stoppard, Mariam
Item #: 15789
Hardcover | 112 pp with color photos and tables throughout
Language: Arabic
Topic: Parenting - Baby-Toddler Development
Publisher: Academia, Beirut, 2006
ISBN: 9789953373904
Mas'alah Tahdid Nasl مسألة تحديد النسل
By: Buti, Muhammad Sa'id Ramadan (1929-2013) محمد سعيد رمضان البوطي
Item #: 72103
Softcover | 228 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Birth Control in Islam
Publisher: Dar al Fikr, Damascus 2018
ISBN: 9789933361020
Mawsu'at al-Omm wa-al-Tofel موسوعة الأم والطفل
By: Fakhuri, Maya Khattar مايا خاطر فاخوري / Future Television
Item #: 40063
Hardcover | 271 pp, color photos, tables
Language: Arabic
Topic: Parenting / Child's Development
Publisher: Academia Publishing, Beirut, 2012
ISBN: 9789953377827
Miftah al-Quwah مفتاح القوة
By: Waters, Lea
Item #: 80102
Softcover | 362 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Parenting
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, 2020 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 6281072112400
Mudkhal Ila al-Taddris المدخل إلى التدريس
By: Fatlawi, Suhaylah Muhsin Kazim سهيلة محسن كاظم الفتلاوي
Item #: 15019
Hardcover | 320 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Education - Teaching - Methodology
Publisher: al-Shorouk, Amman, 2003
ISBN: 9789957004200
Mumayizat al-Mudaris al-Faal مميزات المدرس الفعل
By: Stronge, James
Item #: 50082
Softcover | 230 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Education - Good Teacher Qualities
Publisher: Arabic Scientific Publishers, Beirut 2008 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789953873374
Mushkilat al-Atfal مشكلات الأطفال
By: Zubi, Dr. Ahmed Muhammad
Item #: 7621
Softcover | 296 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Parenting
Publisher: Dar al-Fikr, Beirut, 2005
Mutalazimat Dawun متلازمة داون
By: Cunningham, Cliff
Item #: 41778
Softcover | 521 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Down Syndrome - Parents - Child Development
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabia, 2016
ISBN: 6281072084943
Sajill Hayat al-Tifl lil-Banat سجل حياة الطفل للبنات
By: Om Books International
Item #: 43182
Padded Hardcover with Ribbon Tie Closure | 48 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Baby Memory Book
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabia, 2016 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 6281072088767
Shiyatsu al-Atfal شياتسو الأطفال
By: Kalbantner-Wernicke, Karin كارين كالبانتنير
Item #: 43083
Softcover | 160 pp, color photos
Language: Arabic
Topic: Acupressure for Babies
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2013 Arabic Edition c. 2013
ISBN: 9786140107212
Ta'am Sahih li-Tifl al-Qawi طعام صحي لطفل قوي
By: Australian Women's Weekly / Tr: Faqih, Dina ترجمة ديما فقيه.
Item #: 74389
Softcover | 119 pp, Color Photos
Language: Arabic
Topic: Children's Nutrition- Health Foods
Publisher: Hachette Antoine, Beirut 2010
ISBN: 9789953261188
Tarbiah wa-al-Tafulah التربية والطفولة
By: Watfa, Ali Asad | Alrmbi, Khaled
Item #: 16712
Softcover | 336 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Parenting - Childhood Education
Publisher: Mu'assasah al-Jamiyah lil-Dirasat wa-al-Nashr wa-al-Tawzi, Beirut, 2004
Tawahhud التوحد
By: Nassar, Kristin
Item #: 16577
Softcover | 283 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Children - Loneliness
Publisher: All Prints Distributors and Publishers, Beirut, 2009
Thaqafat al-Sahiyah الثقافة الصحية
By: Basha, Hassan Shamsi حسان شمسي باشا
Item #: 80058
Hardcover | 335 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Islam - Family - Health
Publisher: Dar al-Qalam, Syria, 2018
ISBN: 9789933475871
Tifal al-Saab الطفل الصعب
By: Turecki, Stanley
Item #: 80075
Softcover | 344 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Parenting
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Riyadh, 2021
ISBN: 6281072112578
Tifl al-A'sar الطفل الأعسر
By: Milsom, Lauren
Item #: 71789
Softcover | 127 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Left-Handedness - Parenting - Teaching
Publisher: Academia, Beirut, 2011
ISBN: 9789953375953
Tifl al-Mithali الطفل المثالي
By: Nashawati, Muhammad Nabil محمد نبيل النشواتي
Item #: 15790
Hardcover | 572 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Child Development
Publisher: Dar al-Qalam, 2010
Tifl fi-al-Qur'an al-Karim الطفل في القران الكريم
By: Khalaf, Abd al-Karim Ali عبد الكريم علي الخلف
Item #: 72091
Hardcover | 366 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Qur'an Studies - Children - Upbringing
Publisher: Dar al-Ghawthani, Beirut 2019
ISBN: 9789933605223
Tifluki min Sanah ila Sanah طفلك من سنة الى سنة
By: Dorling Kindersley
Item #: 44926
Hardcover | 320 pp, Color Photos/Tables
Language: Arabic
Topic: Parenting - Child to Teens
Publisher: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2014
ISBN: 9786144224267
Tifulki min 6 ila 12 Shahran طفلك من 6 الا 12 شهراً
By: Godridge, Tracey / Tr: Qattan, Dr. Faris الدکقر فارس قطان
Item #: 75147
Hardcover | 64 pp, Color Illustrations
Language: Arabic
Topic: Parenting - Child Development - Baby
Publisher: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2004
ISBN: 9789953335483
Tunbih al-Walidayn ! Kayf Tubqi 'Atfalak 'Amnin تنبيه الوالدين كيف تبقي أطفالك أمنين
By: Geddes, Will / Sawalha, Nadia / Adams, Kaye / Murphy, Noel
Item #: 44219
Flexibound, Sewn | 236 pp, illustrations, color, tables, index
Language: Arabic
Topic: Parenting - Manual - Internet Safety
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore Saudi Arabia, 2020 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 6281072112516
Umm fi Milyun أم في مليون
By: Summersdale Publishers
Item #: 75102
Hardcover | 160 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Gift book - Moms - Appreciation - Inspiration
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Riyadh 2021
ISBN: 6281072116705
Zawaj lil-Mubtadi'iin الزواج للمبتدئين
By: Whichelow, Clive كلايف ويتشيلو
Item #: 43272
Hardcover | 96 pp, Color Ilustrations
Language: Arabic
Topic: Marriage - Humor
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabia, 2018 Arabic Edition c. 2016
ISBN: 6281072092016
5 Steps to a Healthy and Safe Pregnancy لحمل صحي وآمن
By: Arora, Dr. Anjali, MD / Arora, Dr. Vrinda, MD
Item #: 16193
Softcover | 80 pp, color photos and text
Language: Arabic
Topic: Health and Well-Being - Pregnancy
Publisher: Dar al-Chamal, Beirut, 2013 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9786144056059
5 Steps to Counteract Stress لمكافحة التوتر
By: Arora, Dr. Anjali, MD
Item #: 16186
Softcover | 64 pp, color photos and text
Language: Arabic
Topic: Health and Well-Being - Stress Management
Publisher: Dar al-Chamal, Beirut, 2013 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9786144056011
5 Steps to Healthy Nutrition للتغذية السليمة
By: Arora, Dr. Anjali, MD
Item #: 16188
Softcover | 64 pp, color photos and text
Language: Arabic
Topic: Health and Well-Being - Diet and Nutrition
Publisher: Dar al-Chamal, Beirut, 2013 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9786144055991
5 Steps to Manage Obesity للتحكم في البدانة
By: Arora, Dr. Anjali, MD
Item #: 16187
Softcover | 64 pp, color photos and text
Language: Arabic
Topic: Health and Well-Being - Weight Control
Publisher: Dar al-Chamal, Beirut, 2013 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9786144056004
5 Steps to Understand Cholesterol لفهم الكوليسترول
By: Arora, Dr. Anjali, MD
Item #: 16192
Softcover | 64 pp, color photos and text
Language: Arabic
Topic: Health and Well-Being - Cholesterol
Publisher: Dar al-Chamal, Beirut, 2013 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 978614405596X
DK-BMA-Bowels مشاكل الأمعاء
By: Dorling Kindersley Books
Item #: 3983
Softcover | 87 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Health
Publisher: Academia, Beirut
DK-BMA-Cancer السرطان
By: Dorling Kindersley Books
Item #: 3972
Softcover | 112 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Health
Publisher: Academia, Beirut
DK-BMA-Diabetes السكري
By: Dorling Kindersley Books
Item #: 3981
Softcover | 95 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Health
Publisher: Academia, Beirut
DK-BMA-Stress الإجهاد والكرب
By: Dorling Kindersley Books
Item #: 7546
Softcover | 88 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Health - Stress
Publisher: Academia, Beirut, 2004
Firdaws al-Hikmah fi al-Tibb فردوس الحكمة في الطب
By: Tabari, Ali Ibn Sahl Rabban (ca. 838/193-870/247) علی ابن سهل ربن طبری
Item #: 11046
Hardcover | 444 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Encyclopedia of Medicine - Abbasid Period
Publisher: DKI, Beirut, 2002
ISBN: 9782745135766
Fiziyulujiya: Jism al-Insan فيزيولوجيا: جسم الإنسان
By: Ghanim, Asa'd أسعد غنام
Item #: 74612
Hardcover | 280 pp, Illustrated
Language: Arabic
Topic: Medical Sciences - Physiology - Human Body - Athletics
Publisher: Maktaba al- Assriya, Beirut 2009
ISBN: 9789953344713
Kulliyat fi al-Tibb الكلّيات في الطب
By: Ibn Rushd (Averroës - 1126-1198 CE ) ابن رشد
Item #: 20066
Hardcover | 463 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Medicine
Publisher: Dar al-Kotob al-Ilmiyah 2005
ISBN: 9782745149077
Mashakil al-Jinsiya المشاكل الجنسية
By: Younes, Dr. Abd al-Khaliq Hassan عبد الخالق حسن يونس
Item #: 73958
Softcover | 120 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Sexual Health - Issues
Publisher: ASP, Beirut 2004
ISBN: 9799953293683
Mujaz fi al-Tibb الموجز في الطب
By: Ibn al-Nafis (1210 or 1211-1288 CE) ابن النفيس
Item #: 20068
Hardcover | 310 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Medicine - Religious Aspects - Islam
Publisher: DKI, Beirut, 2004
ISBN: 9782745139900
Qanun fi al-Tibb (DKI 3 vol) القانون في الطب
By: Ibn Sina ( Avicenna 370/980 - 427/1037 ) ابن سينا
Item #: 20035
Hardcover | 2200 pp in a 3 volume set
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Medicine - History
Publisher: DKI, Beirut, 2009
ISBN: 9782745126177
Rabu wa-al-Arajiyat الربو والألرجيات
By: Rowlands, Barbara / Translator: Qattan, Faris
Item #: 60810
Hardcover | 160 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Asthma and Allergies - Symptoms and Alterntive Treatments
Publisher: Librairie du Lubnan, Beirut 2005
ISBN: 9789953336084
Rifliksulujiya al-Yadin رفلسولوجيا اليدين
By: Kunz, Barbara and Kevin
Item #: 16560
Hardcover | 160 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Well Being - Reflexology
Publisher: Academia, Lebanon, 2007 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789953374826
Secrets of Shiatsu أسرار الشياتسو
By: The Ivy Press Ltd.
Item #: 6857
Softcover | 216 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Health & Well-Being
Publisher: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut, 2006 Arabic Edition c2001
Secrets of Yoga أسرار اليوغا
By: Dorling Kindersley Books
Item #: 6698
Softcover | 216 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Health-Exercise
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2006
Shabak Madi al-Haya شبابك مدى الحياة
By: Oz, Mehmet / Ervezn, Michael
Item #: 9636
Hardcover | 389 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Health - Aging
Publisher: Dar al-Ilm Lil Malayin, 2006
ISBN: 9789953636870
Tashkhis al-'Amrad al-Nafsia تشخيص الأمراض النفسية
By: Hajjar, Dr. Muhammad محمد الحجار
Item #: 75038
Softcover | 288 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Psychological Disorders - Mental Illness - Reference - Guide - Diagnosis
Publisher: Dar al-Nafais, Beirut 2004
ISBN: 9789953180359
Thawrah 'Italat al-A'ma ثورة إطالة الأعمار
By: Miller, Phillip Lee
Item #: 7687
Softcover | 407 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Staying Healthy
Publisher: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut, 2006 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789953298634
The Doctor Is In You طبب نفسك بنفسك
By: Stork, Dr. Travis
Item #: 14429
Hardcover | 261 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Health and Well-Being
Publisher: Dar Ilm al-Malayin, 2011
ISBN: 9789953638218
Turath al-Tibbi 1: Mansuri fi al-Tibb المنصوري في الطب
By: Razi, Abu Bakr Muhammad Zakariya ( d. 313/925) ابوبكرمحمد بن زكريا الرازي
Item #: 72326
Hardcover | 855 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Arab Medicine- Historical Medical Texts
Publisher: Resalah Publishing, Beirut 2019
ISBN: 9789933230838
A'sha'ir al-Muntafiq عشائر المنتفق
By: Fa'iq Bik, Sulayman سليمان فائق بك
Item #: 74845
Softcover | 104 pp, Illustrations, Portraits
Language: Arabic
Topic: Iraq History - 1534-1921 - Tribes - Al-Muntafiqs
Publisher: Dar al-Arabiyah lil-Mawsu'at, Beirut 2003
A'sr al-Dhahabiu lil-'Atirak - العصر الذهبي للأتراك
By: Ortaylı, İlber / Tr: Saleh, Majd al-Din مجد الدين صالح
Item #: 74770
Softcover | 384 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: History - Turkey - Ottoman Empire - 1288-1918
Publisher: ASP, Beirut 2021 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9786140131996
Al-Fihrist الفهرست
By: Ibn al-Nadim (d. 995/8 CE) ابن النديم
Item #: 41558
Hardcover | 824 pp - chamois color paper
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Bio-Bibliography - Pre-Islamic Arabic Literature
Publisher: Dar al-Nafaes, Beirut, 2016
ISBN: 9789953185521
Amali bi Jam'ia Dimashq الأمالي بجامع دمشق
By: Khatib al-Baghdadi (392/1002 - 463/1071) الخطيب البغدادي
Item #: 72864
Hardcover | 176 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - History - Biography - Damascus التاريخ والسير
Publisher: Dar al-Bashair al-Islamiyah, Beirut 2011
Amazigh: Qissat Sh'ab الأمازيغ : قصة شعب
By: Hassuf, Abd al-Latif عبد اللطيف هسوف
Item #: 42920
Softcover | 160 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: History - Berbers - North Africa
Publisher: Dar al-Saqi, London/Beirut, 2016
ISBN: 9786144258828
Ansab al-Ashraf (8 vol) أنساب الاشراف
By: Baladhuri, Ahmad Ibn Yahya (d. 892 CE) البلاذري، أحمد بن يحيى بن جابر
Item #: 60022
Hardcover | 8 Volumes, 3712 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - History/ Geneology
Publisher: DKI, Beirut 2011
ISBN: 9782745147134
Arab al-Ma wa-al-Insan عرب الماء والإنسان
By: Gharaybah, Abdul Karim عبد الكريم غرايبة
Item #: 7164
Softcover | 314 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arab Countries - Geography - History - Culture
Publisher: AIRP (Mu'assasat al-Arabi lil-Dirasat wa-al-Nashr), Beirut, 2006
ISBN: 9789953368368
Awasim min al-Qawasim العواصم من القواصم في تحقيق مواقف الصحابة
By: Ibn al-Arabi al-Ishbili al-Maliki, Abu Bakr (d.543/1148) أبو بكر بن العربي الإشبيلي المالكي
Item #: 73684
Softcover | 200 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Islamic History - Sahabah
Publisher: DKI, Beirut 2002 دار الكتب العلمية , بيروت
ISBN: 9782745134936
Bahr al-Kabir االبحر الكبير في التاريخ البشري لللمتوسط
By: Abu al- Afiah, Dawud داوود أبو العافية / Translator: Moez Madiouni
Item #: 70837
Hardcover | 912 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: History - Mediterranean - Roman - Ottoman - Greek
Publisher: al-Kamel Verlag, Freiberg - Germany 2018
ISBN: 9789933354220
Bidaya wa-al-Nihaya (8 Vol) البداية والنهاية
By: Ibn Kathir al-Damashqi (701/1300 - 774/1373) ابن كثير الدمشقي
Item #: 80256
Hardcover | 4500 pp 8 Volumes
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Islamic History
Publisher: Dar Sader, Beirut 2021
ISBN: 9789953136646
Bidayah wa-al-Nihayah (21 vol) البداية والنهاية
By: Ibn Kathir (700/1301 - 774/1372) ابن كثير
Item #: 614
Hardcover | 10488 pp, 21 volumes
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Classical - Islamic History
Publisher: Dar Ibn Kathir, Beirut, 2021 6th Edition
ISBN: 9789953520841
Da'irat al-Ma'arif al-Islamiyah (33 vol) دائرة المعارف الإسلامية
By: Group of scholars and researchers نخبة من العلماء (تأليف) مجموعة من الباحثين (تحقيق)
Item #: 72860
Hardcover | 10531 pp, 33 Volumes
Language: Arabic
Topic: Encyclopedia: Islamic Studies, History,Terminology, Biography, Theology
Publisher: Markaz al-Shariqah li Ibda' al-Fikri, Beirut/UAE 2015 1st Arabic Edition
Sale Price: US$525
Daris fi Tarikh al-Mudaris (2 vol) الدارس في تاريخ المدارس
By: Na'imi al-Dimashqi, Abd al-Qadir ibn Muhammad (d. 978 AH) عبد القادر بن محمد النعيمي الدمشقي
Item #: 73754
Hardcover | 959 pp, white paper, 2 volumes, indexed
Language: Arabic
Topic: Schools - Muslim World Educational History
Publisher: DKI, Beirut, 1990
Dawlah al-Umawiya (2 vol) الدولة الاموية
By: Sallabi, Dr. Ali Muhammad الدكتور علي محمد محمد الصلابي
Item #: 70348
Hardcover | 1424 pp, 2 Volumes
Language: Arabic
Topic: History - Umayyad Dynasty
Publisher: Dar al-Marefah, Beirut 2013
ISBN: 9789953850030
Dhakha'ir al-Sharqiya (7 vol) الذخائر الشرقية
By: Awad, Gurgis (1908-1992) كوركيس عواد / Ed. Atiyya, Khalil
Item #: 73080
Hardcover | 3716 pp, 7 Volumes
Language: Arabic
Topic: Historical Documentation - References
Publisher: Dar al Gharb al Islami, Tunis 1999
Dirasat Andalusiya دراسات أندلسية
By: Taha, Abd al-Wahid Dannun عبد الواحد ذنون طه
Item #: 71535
Softcover | 262 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arab History - Andalusia
Publisher: Madar Islami, Beirut 2004
ISBN: 9789959292087
Duha al-Islam - 3 Vol in 1 - ضحى الاسلام
By: Amin, Ahmed (1886-1954) أحمد أمين
Item #: 10269
Hardcover | 752 pp (3 Volumes in 1 book)
Language: Arabic
Topic: History - Islamic Civilization
Publisher: Dar al-Kitab al-Arabi & Academia International, 2008
ISBN: 9789953272689
Duwal al-Islam (2 vol) دول الاسلام
By: Dhahabi, Shams al-Din Muhammad bin Ahmad (673/1274-748/1348) شمس الدين محمد بن أحمد الذهبي
Item #: 80761
Hardcover | 774 pp, 2 Vol
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - History - Arab States - Classical
Publisher: Dar Sader, Beirut 1999
Fajr al-Islam fi Makkah فجر الإسلام في مكة
By: Fuhayd, Muhammad al-Abd Allah al-Mutlaq محمد العبد الله المطلق الفهيد
Item #: 20390
Softcover | 248 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: History - Islam - Mecca
Publisher: Dar al-Nafaes, Beirut, 2004
ISBN: 9789953183985
Fatawa wal Tarikh
By: Mukhtar, M.
Item #: 994
Softcover | 190 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: History - Islamic
Fawat al-Wafiyyat (5 vol) فوات الوفيات والذيل عليها
By: Ibn Shakir al-Kutubi, Muhammad (d. 764/1363) محمد بن شاكر الكتبي
Item #: 20052
Hardcover | 2512 pp in a 5 volume set
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - History - Islamic
Publisher: Dar Sader, Beirut, 2000
Fayd al-Khatir (10 vol) فيض الخاطر
By: Amin, Ahmed (1886-1954 ) أحمد أمين
Item #: 20407
Hardcover | 2614 pp, 10 Volumes
Language: Arabic
Topic: 20th Century Articles - Culture - History - Egypt
Publisher: Maktabat al-Asriya, Beirut
ISBN: 9789953525495
Fikr al-Fiqhi fi al-Iraq الفكر الفقهي في العراق
By: Nasiri, Dr. Basil Akram Shihab باسل أكرم شهاب الناصري
Item #: 72345
Hardcover | 752 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Islamic Law - History - Iraq - Jurisprudence Development
Publisher: Resala Publishers, 2019
ISBN: 9789933230937
Futuh al-Sham (2 vol in 1) فتوح الشام
By: Waqidi, Muhammad b. Umar (ca.130/747 - 207/823) محمد بن عمر واقدي
Item #: 70671
Hardcover | 396 pp, 2 vol in 1 book
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Islamic History - Syria 634-750
Publisher: DKI, Beirut, 2005
ISBN: 9782745111456
Ghazal al-Ka'bah al-Dhahabi غزال الكعبة الذهبي
By: Rubay'i, Fadil (b. 1952) ربيعي، فاضل
Item #: 15406
Softcover | 349 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Kaʻbah - Mecca, Saudi Arabia - History
Publisher: Jadawel, Beirut, 2011
ISBN: 9786144180617
Ghazi Mustafa Kemal Ataturk
By: Ortayli, Alber ألبير أورتايلي / Tr: Majd al-Din Salih مجد الدين صالح
Item #: 80219
Softcover | 446 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Biography - Turkish History - 20th Century
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2019 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9786140127302
Greats of History: Amr bin al-As عمرو بن العاص
By: Dajani, Dr. Zahya (1940 - ) زاهية الدجاني
Item #: 71515
Hardcover | 100 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Islamic History - Biographical - Early Muslims - Companions of the Prophet
Publisher: Dar al Kitab al Arabi, Beirut, 2004
ISBN: 9789953271194
Hadarat al-Islam حضارة الإسلام
By: von Grunebaum, Gustave E. (1909-1972) ڨون جرونيباوم، چوستاف إ
Item #: 43401
Softcover | 493 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: History - Medieval Islamic Civilization
Publisher: Al-Ahlia Publishing, Amman, Jordan, 2018 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9786589096535
Haqiqat al-Khilaf bayn al-Sahabah حقيقة الخلاف بين الصحابة
By: Sallabi, Dr. Ali Muhammad الدكتور علي محمد محمد الصلابي
Item #: 50059
Softcover | 245 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Islamic History - Caliph - Abi Talib - Abi Sufyan - Battle of the Camel
Publisher: Dar ibn Kathir, Syria 2017
ISBN: 9786144152621
Hawadith al-Zaman (3 vol in 1) حوادث الزمان
By: Ibn al-Himsi, Ahmad ibn Muhammad (d. 1527/8 CE) ابن الحمصي
Item #: 41557
Hardcover | 664 pp, 3 vol in 1 book
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - History - Biography - The Levant - Egypt
Publisher: Dar al-Nafaes, Beirut, 2000
Ijazat al-Hafiz al-Zabidi إجازة الحافظ الزبيدي
By: Murtada al-Zabidi, Muhammad ( مرتضى الزبيدي / Ajami, Muhammad محمد العجمي
Item #: 72862
Hardcover | 138 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Muslim / Hadith Scholar Certifcations الإجازات والمسلسلات
Publisher: Dar al Bashaer, Beirut 2019
ISBN: 9786144377925
Iktishaf Dilmun اكتشاف دلمون
By: Rice, Michael مايكل رايس
Item #: 14987
Softcover | 288 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: History - Archaeology - Bahrain
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2009 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789995800659
Imamah wa-al-Siyasah الإمامة والسياسة
By: Ibn Qutaybah (213/828 - 276-889) ابن قتيبة الدينوري
Item #: 20401
Hardcover | 358 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Islamic Empire History - Caliphs
Publisher: DKI, Beirut, 2008
ISBN: 9782745152671
Imbarturiyah al-Uthmaniyah الإمبراطورية العثمانية
By: Inalcik, Halil (1916-2016) خليل انالجيك / Tr: Mehtab Muhammad
Item #: 82071
Softcover | 567 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: History - Islam - Ottoman
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2022 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9786140134003
Imbraturiyat al-Arab امبراطورية العرب
By: Glubb, Sir John Bagot (1897 - 1986) السير جون باغوت غلوب / Tr: Khayri, Hammad خيري حماد
Item #: 80053
Hardcover | 621 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: History - Arab countries - Islamic Empires
Publisher: Al-Ahlia, Jordan, 2022
ISBN: 9786589098041
Impraturyat al-Bahr إمبراطوريات البحر
By: Crowley, Roger
Item #: 71133
Hardcover | 390 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: History - Mediterranean Region - Military - Ottoman
Publisher: Dar al-Malayin, Beirut 2018
ISBN: 9786146308354
Jami’ al-Hanabila al-Muzaffari جامع الحنابلة المظفري
By: Muti al-Hafiz, Muhammad (1940-) محمد مطيع الحافظ
Item #: 73551
Hardcover | 720 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Jami’ al-Muzaffariyah (Damascus) - History - Teachings
Publisher: Dar al-Bashair al-Islamiyah, Beirut, 2002
Khilafah al-Umawiyah الخلافة الأموية
By: Hashimi, Abd al-Mun'im هاشمي، عبد المنعم
Item #: 60607
Hardcover | 437 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Islamic History - Umayyad Caliphate
Publisher: Dar Ibn Hazm, Beirut, 2002
Kifaya fi Ilm al-Riwaya:الكفاية في علم الرواية
By: Baghdadi, al-Khatib al-Baghdadi (392/1002 - 463/1071) الخطيب البغدادي
Item #: 20933
Hardcover | 479 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Hadith Sciences
Publisher: Al Resala Publishers 2013 Damascus
Kitab al-Hawadith كتاب الحوادث
By: Anonymous / Ibn al-Fuwaṭi / Ed. Maruf, Bachar & Rauf, Imad Abd al-Salam
Item #: 73020
Hardcover | 650 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - History - Baghdad - 8th Century AH / 14th Century CE
Publisher: Dar al Gharb al Islami, Tunis 2015 2nd ed.
Kitab al-Itibar - Ibn Munqidh كتاب الاعتبار - ابن منقذ
By: Ibn Munqidh (488/1095 - 584/1188) / Kinani al-Shayzari, Usamah bin Murshid أسامة بن مرشد الكناني الشيزري / ابن منقذ
Item #: 71562
Hardcover | 246 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Travels - History - Literature
Publisher: Dar al-Kotob al-Ilmiyah, Beirut 1999
ISBN: 9782745126283
Kitab al-Siyar (2 vol., Fazari) كتاب السير
By: Fazari, Abu Ishaq (188 H.) أبو إسحاق الفزاري
Item #: 72112
Hardcover | 1357 pp, 2 vol
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Law - International Relations
Publisher: Dar al-Qalam, Damascus 2018
Kitab al-Tanbih wa-al-Ishraf كتاب التنبيه والاشراف
By: Mas'udi, Abu al-Hasan Ali bin Hussein (Masudi d.346/957) أبو الحسن علي بن الحسين المسعودي
Item #: 80275
Hardcover | 508 pp Plus Glossary (Latin)
Language: Arabic & Latin
Topic: Early works - World History - Islamic Empire Descriptions and Travels - Arab Geography
Publisher: Dar Sader, Beirut 1995 (from 1894 Manuscript)
Kitab al-Tarikh كتاب التاريخ
By: Ibn Habib al-Sulami al-Andalusi, Abd al-Malik (d. 238/852 or 3) عبد الملك بن حبيب السلمي الأندلسي
Item #: 71522
Softcover | 200 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - History - Islamic Empire
Publisher: Dar al-Kotob al-Ilmiyah, Beirut 1999
ISBN: 9782745128089
Kitab al-Wafi bi-al-Wafiyat (al-Safadi 32 vol) الوافي بلوفيات
By: Safadi, Salah al-Din Khalil ibn Aybak (d. 764/1362) صلاح الدين خليل بن ابيك الصفدي / Ed: Jokisch Benjamin / Hugairi Muhammad
Item #: 50050
Hardcover | 32 Volumes
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Islamic and Arab History - Biographical
Publisher: Muasasat al Rayan , Beirut / Bei Klaus Shwarz , Berlin 2009
Ma'mun المأمون
By: Nu'mani, Shibli (Nomani) (1857-1914) شبلي النعماني
Item #: 72771
Softcover | 176 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Biographical History - Abbasid Empire - Caliph - Al-Ma'mun
Publisher: DKI, Beirut 2017
ISBN: 9782745185495
Ma'rifat al-Sahabah (5 vol) معرفة الصحابة
By: Abu Nu'aym al-Isbahani (Isfahani 336/948-430/1038) ابو نعيم الاصبهاني
Item #: 4375
Hardcover | 2780 pp, 5 Volumes
Language: Arabic
Topic: History - Early Muslims - Biographical
Publisher: DKI, Beirut, 2002
ISBN: 9782745132710
Mafawwadiyah al-Nabawiyah الدبلوماسية النبوية
By: Abu Majd, Abd al-Rahman عبد الرحمن أبو المجد
Item #: 50031
Softcover | 339 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: History / Prophet Muhammad
Publisher: Al Resalah Publishers , Damascus 2009
ISBN: 9789953323916
Majayla al-Tarikhiya المجايلة التاريخية
By: Jamil, Sayyar سيار الجميل
Item #: 73975
Softcover | 586 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Political Thought - History - Sociology
Publisher: Al Ahliya, Amman 1999
Mamalik al-Maghrib ممالك المغرب
By: Abuzayd, Layla ليلى أبو زايد
Item #: 80299
Softcover | 620 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Moroccan History - Kingdoms
Publisher: Markaz al-Thaqafi, Casa Blanca 2023
ISBN: 9789920657617
Man Huma al-Arab من هم العرب
By: Jabir, Hasan bin Muhammad حسن بن محمد جابر
Item #: 44935
Softcover | 255 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arab History - Pre-Islam - Arabia
Publisher: Dar al-Qalam, Beirut, 2017
ISBN: 9789953727073
Masalik wa-al-Mamalik (2 vol) المسالك والممالك
By: Abu Ubayd al-Bakri ( d. 487/1094) أبي عبيد عبد الله بن عبد العزيز البكري
Item #: 14022
Hardcover | 896 pp, 2 volumes
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - West African History
Publisher: DKI, Beirut, 2003
ISBN: 9782745139481
Mawarid Ibn al-'Adim al-Tarikhiyah موارد إبن العديم التاريخية
By: Dira', Maryam Muhammad Khayr الدرع، مريم محمد خير
Item #: 60611
Hardcover | 878 pp, llustrations, Maps, Facimiles
Language: Arabic
Topic: History - Aleppo - Ibn al-Adim (1192-1262 CE) - Bughyat al-Talab fi Tarikh Halab
Publisher: Dar Al Fikr, Dimashiq, 2005
ISBN: 9781592394555
Mawqif min al-Tarikh al-Islami الموقف من التاريخ الاسلامي
By: Khalifa, Dr. Hamid Muhammad لـخـلـيـفـة ، حـامـد مـحـمـد
Item #: 20392
Hardcover | 375 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Islamic History - Approaches in reading and writing
Publisher: الـمـوقـف من الـتـاريـخ الإسـلامـي و تـأصـيـل الـهـويـة Mawqif min al-tarikh al-Islami wa-ta’ṣil al-huwiyah يتبنى مؤلفه موقفا علميا واضحا مبنيا على أسس صحيحة وثوابت مستقرة تبرز وسائل السلوك الصحيح والمنهج القويم في قراءة وكتابة التاريخ الإسلامي، وكيفية التعامل مع كتب التاريخ ورواته ومروياته ومفسريه ومحللي أحداثه، ودوافعهم وانتماءاتهم وروابطهم.
ISBN: OCLC: 929539819
Mawsu'at Harun al-Rashid (3 vol) موسوعة هـارون الرشيد
By: Dannawi, Dr. Sadi
Item #: 14021
Hardcover | 792 pp in 3 Volumes
Language: Arabic
Topic: Classical Arabic History & Literature, Abbasid, Caliphs - Islamic Empire - Biography.
Publisher: Dar Sader, Beirut, 2001
Mawsu‘at al-Ahwaz (18 vol.) موسوعة الاحواز
By: Hilo, Ali Ni'mat علي نعمة الحلو
Item #: 72733
Hardcover | 18 Volumes, Illustrations, Maps
Language: Arabic
Topic: History - Iran - Society - Literature - Culture - Arabs - Etc.
Publisher: Dar Al Hilo, Beirut 2018
ISBN: 9781725956483
Mizan al-I'tidal fi Naqd al-Rijal ميزان الأعتدال في نقد الرجال
By: Dhahabi (673/1274-748/1348) شمس الدين محمد بن أحمد الذهبي
Item #: 70404
Hardcover | 1,820 pp, 2 color, creme paper
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Biographical History - Hadith Authorities
Publisher: Resalah Publishing, Damascus/Beirut, 2017
ISBN: 9789933231576
Mu'jam al-Buldan (7 vol DKI) معجم البلدان
By: Hamawi, Yaqut bin Abd Allah (d. 626/1229) ياقوت بن عبد الله الحموى
Item #: 786
Hardcover | 3804 pp, 7 volumes
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Dictionary - Geography - Medieval - Islamic Empire
Publisher: DKI, Beirut, 2011
ISBN: 9782745114327
Mughrib fi Hula al-Maghrib (2 vol) المغرب في حلى المغرب
By: Ibn Sa'id al-Maghribi, Ali ibn Musa (ca. 1213-1274 ce) ابن سعيد الغرناطي الأندلسي
Item #: 6259
Hardcover | 784 pp in 2 volumes
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Anthology - History - Biographies - Literature - Andalus
Publisher: DKI, Beirut, 1997
ISBN: 9782745114556
Mukhtar min Manaqib al-Akhyar (6 vol) المختار من مناقب الأخيار
By: Ibn Athir al-Jazari, Majd al-Din (ca. 544/1149 - 606/1209) مجد الدين ابن الاثير الجزري
Item #: 75257
Hardcover | 3000 pp, 6 Vol
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early work - Early Muslims - Hadith Authorities - Biographies - Sayings...
Publisher: Dar Ibn Kathir, Damascus 2021
ISBN: 9786144153826
Munamnamat al-Islamiyah المنمنمات الإسلامية
By: Fontana, Maria Vittoria ماريا فيتوريا فونتانا
Item #: 40740
Softcover | 260 pp, color photos of art work
Language: Arabic
Topic: Islamic illumination - Islamic Minatures
Publisher: Dar al-Tanweer, Beirut, 2015 Arabic Edition c. 1998
ISBN: 9789776483231
Muntakhab min Mudawwanat al-Turath: Al-Mawardi الماوردي
By: Mawardi, Ali ibn Muhammad (d. ca. 1058 CE) ماوردي، علي بن محمد / Azmah, Aziz عظمة، عزيز
Item #: 60559
Softcover | 333 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - al-Mawardi - Islam and State
Publisher: SARL, Beirut, 2000
Muntalaq Tarikh Lubnan منطلق تاريخ لبنان
By: Salibi, Kamal صليبي، كمال
Item #: 41561
Softcover | 216 pp, maps
Language: Arabic
Topic: History - Middle Ages - Lebanon
Publisher: Naufal - Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2012
ISBN: 9789953265353
Muqaddimat Ibn Khaldun (dakaa) مقدمة ابن خلدون
By: Ibn Khaldun (732/1332-808/1406) إبن خلدون
Item #: 73852
Hardcover | 588 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Sociology - History
Publisher: Dar al Kitab al Arabi, Beirut 2025
ISBN: 9789953270029
Muqaddimat Ibn Khaldun (Resalah) مقدمة ابن خالدون
By: Ibn Khaldun (732/1332-808/1406) إبن خلدون
Item #: 70408
Hardcover | 695 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - History - Philosophy - Society
Publisher: Al Resala, Damascus 2015
ISBN: 9789933230296
Muqaffa al-Kabir (6 vol) المقفى الكبير
By: Maqrizi, Taqi al-Din (764/1364-845/1442) تقي الدين المقريزى
Item #: 60600
Hardcover | 3392 pp in 6 volumes
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - History - Egypt, North Africa
Publisher: DKI, Beirut, 2010
ISBN: 9782745163219
Muslim Kingship
By: Azmeh, Aziz
Item #: 9538
Softcover | 372 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: History - Islam - Politics
Publisher: I.B. Tauris Publishers, 2008
Muslimun fi Urubba المسلمون في أوروبا
By: Nielsen, Jørgen S يورغن نيلسن
Item #: 41087
Softcover | 301 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: History and Issues - Muslims in Europe
Publisher: Dar al-Saqi, London/Beirut, 2005 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9781855164789
Nusrat al-Fatrah wa 'Usrat al-Fitrah ( 2 vol.) نصرة الفترة وعصرة الفطرة
By: Asfahani, (Isfahani) Muhammad ibn Muhammad al-Imad al-Katib (d.597/1200) محمد بن محمد العماد الكاتب الاصفهاني
Item #: 73249
Hardcover | 1041 pp, 2 Volumes
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - History - Seljuks - Islamic Empire
Publisher: Al Furqaan Heritage Foundation, London 2019
ISBN: 9781788145336
Nuz'hat al Malik wa-al-Mamluk نزهة المالك والمملوك
By: Abbasi al-Safadi, al-Hasan ibn Abd Allah (d. 1310CE) الـعـبـاسـي الـصـفـدي ، الـحـسـن بن عـبـد الله
Item #: 20371
Hardcover | 294 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Egyptian History-Rulers to 14th Century CE
Publisher: Maktabat al-Asriya, Beirut, 2003
ISBN: 9789953341781
Qanun fi al-Tibb (DKI 3 vol) القانون في الطب
By: Ibn Sina ( Avicenna 370/980 - 427/1037 ) ابن سينا
Item #: 20035
Hardcover | 2200 pp in a 3 volume set
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Medicine - History
Publisher: DKI, Beirut, 2009
ISBN: 9782745126177
Qisas al-Anbiya (Dar Faiha) قصص الأنبياء
By: Ibn Kathir (700/1301 - 774/1372) ابن كثير / Ed. Awad, Talib
Item #: 72960
Hardcover | 608 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Islam - Prophets - History
Publisher: Dar Al Faiha, Beirut 2009
Qisas al-Nabiyin (Sifa) قصص النبيين
By: Nadwi, Abu al-Hasan (1913-1999) أبو الحسن الندوي
Item #: 80564
Hardcover | 272 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Islam - Prophets - Stories
Publisher: Sifa Yayinevi, Istanbul 2022
ISBN: 9786058582088
Qisas al-Nabiyin (UKIA) قصص النبيين
By: Nadwi, Abu al-Hasan (1913-1999) أبو الحسن الندوي
Item #: 80563
Hardcover | 360 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Islam - Prophets - Stories
Publisher: UK Islamic Academy, Leicester 2023
ISBN: 9781872531458
Qisat Abi Jahl قصة أبي جهل
By: Habib, Jamil Ibrahim جميل إبراهيم حبيب
Item #: 71373
Softcover | 184 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arab History - Abu Jahl, 'Amr ibn Hisham, Prophet's Adversaries
Publisher: Dar al-Kotob al-Ilmiyah, Beirut 2003
ISBN: 9782745136459
Rasa'il al-Shirazi رساءل الشيرازي
By: Katib, Abi al-Qasim Abd al-Aziz ibn Yusuf (d.388 AH) أبي القاسم عبد العزيز بن يوسف الكاتب / al-Shirazi
Item #: 80838
Hardcover | 190 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Letters - History - Sociology - Iran and Iraq - Buwayhids
Publisher: Dar Sader, Beirut 2010
ISBN: 9789953136967
Rawa'i al-'Alam al-Arabiyah روائع العالم العربي
By: Mourad, Michel ميشال مراد
Item #: 43091
Softcover | 416 pp, color photos on coated paper
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arab World - Masterpieces - Photos and text
Publisher: ASP & Dar al-Mourad , Beirut, 2017
ISBN: 9786140123632
Rihlah Ila al-Jazira al-Arabiyah 1819 رحلتان إلى الجزيرة العربية
By: Sadleir, George Forster (1789–1859) جورج فورستيرسادليير
Item #: 60605
Softcover | 160 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabian Peninsula - Descriptions and Travel - 1819
Publisher: AIRP (Mu'assasat al-Arabi lil-Dirasat wa-al-Nashr), Beirut, 2005
ISBN: 9789990101843
Rihlat al-Maghribiyah الرحلة المغربية
By: Ibn al-Hajj, Ibrahim bin Abd Allah al-Numairi al-Gharnati (d. 786 AH) ابراهيم بن عبداللة النميري الغرناطي المعروف بابن الحاج
Item #: 75302
Hardcover | 446 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Travels - North Africa - Maghrib - History
Publisher: Dar al-Aman, Rabat, Morocco 2021
ISBN: 9789920563024
Rihlat Shibli al-Nu'mani رحلة شبلي النعماني
By: Nu'mani, Shibli (1857-1914) شبلي النعماني / Nadwi, Muhammad Akram
Item #: 72127
Softcover | 118 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Expeditions- Travelogue - Middle East, 1892 CE
Publisher: Dar al Qalam, Damascus 2011
ISBN: 9789933475024
Ruhama' Baynahum رحماء بينهم
By: Sirjani, Raghib (Dr. Ragheb el-Sergany, b. 1964) راغب سرجاني
Item #: 41325
Hardcover | 272 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Islamic Civilization - Society - Social Services
Publisher: Nahdat Misr Publishing, 2011
ISBN: 9789771442844
Salibiyah wa-al-Jihad الصليبية والجهاد
By: Polk, William R ويليام بولك
Item #: 72356
Softcover | 582 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: History - Crusades and Jihad
Publisher: Arabic Scientific Publishers, Beirut 2019
ISBN: 9786140127661
Saqr al-Sahra' صقر الصحراء
By: Rufayel, Bayar
Item #: 71783
Softcover | 328 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Saudi Arabia - History
Publisher: Jil, Beirut 2000
Shamarikh fi I'lm al-Tarikh الشماريخ في علم التاريخ
By: Suyuti, Hafiz Jalal al-Din (ca. 849/1445 - 911/1505 ) الحافظ جلال الدين السيوطي
Item #: 73167
Hardcover | 22 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - History - Historiography
Publisher: Dar Sader, Beirut 1894 Reprint 2020
Sillat al-Takmila li-Wafiyat al-Naqla' (2 vol.) صلة التكملة لوفيات النقلة
By: Husayni, Izz al-Din Ahmad Ibn Muhammad ( 636/1237-695/1295) / Ed. Maruf, Bashar Awad أحمد بن محمد بن عبد الرحمن الحسيني عز الدين ُ
Item #: 73253
Hardcover | 978 pp, 2 Volumes
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Ulama - Muslim Scholars - Wafayat al-Naqla' (al-Maqdisi)
Publisher: Dar al Gharb al Islami, Tunis 2008 دار الغرب الإسلامي
Siyar A'lam al-Nubala (Resala) 30 vol سير أعلام النبلاء
By: Dhahabi, Muhammad ibn Ahmad (673/1274-748/1348) ذهبي، محمد بن أحمد
Item #: 20812
Hardcover | 30 volumes, 3 color text, deluxe binding
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Islam and Arab Biography and History
Publisher: Resalah Publishers, Beirut, 2014
ISBN: 9789933446659
Sultan Abdul Hamad wa-al-Rawa min al-Dh'ab #2
By: Armağan, Mustafa
Item #: 40658
Softcover | 318 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Turkish History - Ottoman Empire 19-20 Century
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2013 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789948446323
Sultan Mahmud al-Ghazni السلطان محمود الغزنوي
By: Nazim, Muhammad محمد ناظم / Tr: Zulaytani, Abd Allah Salam عبد الله سالم الزليتني
Item #: 6798
Softcover | 304 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: History - Biography - Ghaznevids - India
Publisher: Dar al-Madar al-Islami, Beirut, 2005 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789959293435
Sultanat Mansiyyat سلطانات منسيات
By: Mernissi, Fatima (1940-2015) فاطمة المرنيسي
Item #: 21399
Sofcover | 288 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: History - Islam - Muslim Women
Publisher: Markaz al-Thaqafi al-Arabi, Beirut, 2010
Tabaqat al-Kubra (8 vol Ibn Sa'd) الطبقات الكبرى
By: Ibn Sa'd, Muhammad (168/784 - 230/845) محمد بن سعد
Item #: 60006
Hardcover | 8 Volumes
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Biographical History - Early Muslims
Publisher: Dar Sader, Beirut 1998
ISBN: 9789950000000
Tabaqat al-Saghir (2 vol.) طبقات الصغير
By: Ibn Sa'd, Muhammad (168/784 - 230/845) محمد بن سعد / Ed. Maruf, Bashar / Gul, M.Z.
Item #: 73070
Hardcover | 908 pp, 2 volumes
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Biographical History - Early Muslims
Publisher: Dar al Gharb al Islami, Tunis 2009
Tabaqat al-Ulama wa-al-Alam طبقة العلماء والاعلام
By: Tadmuri, Umar Abd al-Salam عمر عبد السلام تدمري
Item #: 14015
Hardcover | 607 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arab History - Lebanon - The Levant - Scholars
Publisher: Maktaba Assrya, Beirut, 2010
ISBN: 9789953344843
Tadhkirat al-Huffaz (3 Vol) تذكرة الحفاظ
By: Dhahabi (673/1274-748/1348) شمس الدين محمد بن أحمد الذهبي
Item #: 676
Hardcover | 1320 pp, White Paper, 3 Volumes
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Islamic History - Hadith Authorities
Publisher: Dar al-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah (DKI), Beirut, 2012
ISBN: 9782745122179
Tadhkirat Dawud al-Antaki تذكرة داود الأنطاكي
By: Antaki, Dawud ( 1543-1599 CE) داود الأنطاكي
Item #: 70188
Hardcover | 616 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Medicines - Natural History - Sciences
Publisher: DKI, Beirut, 2006
ISBN: 9782745128409
Tahdhib al-Tahdhib (4 Vol) تهذيب التهذيب
By: Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani (d. 852/1449) ابن حجر العسقلاني
Item #: 20930
Hardcover | 2792 pp, 4 volumes, white paper
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Biographical - Hadith Narrators
Publisher: Resalah Publishing, Damascus/Beirut, 2014
ISBN: 9789933446291
Tarikh Abi al-Fida' (2 vol) تاريخ أبي الفداء
By: Abu al-Fida' (1273-1331 CE) أبي الفداء إسماعيل بن علي/الملك المؤيد
Item #: 661
Hardcover | 1112 pp, 2 volumes, White Paper
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - History - Pre-Islamic and Islamic to 1329 CE
Publisher: DKI, Beirut, 2019
ISBN: 9782745104496
Tarikh al-Andalus Li Mualif Majhul
By: Unknown Author مؤلف مجهول
Item #: 60503
Hardcover | 288 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: History - Spain - 711-1516
Publisher: Dar Al Kotob Al Ilmiyah, Beirut, 2009
ISBN: 9782745156228
Tarikh al-Dawlah al-Uthmaniyah تاريخ الدولة العثمانية
By: Arslan, Amir Shakib (1869-1946) الأمير شكيب أرسلان
Item #: 42528
Hardcover | 872 pp (824 pp + 48 pp color plates)
Language: Arabic
Topic: History - Ottoman Empire
Publisher: Dar ibn Kathir Beirut, 2011
ISBN: 9786144150313
Tarikh al-Qawqaz تاريخ القوقاز
By: Abd al-Rahman, Mahmud محمود عبد الرحمن
Item #: 60586
Softcover | 264 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: History - Caucasus
Publisher: Dar Al Nafaes, Beirut, 1999
Tarikh al-Rumaniyan تاريخ الرومانيين
By: Farid, Muhammad (1868-1919) محمد فريد
Item #: 43409
Softcover | 168 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: History - Roman State
Publisher: Al-Ahlia Publishing, Amman, Jordan, 2018
ISBN: 9786589099550
Tarikh al-Tabari (6 vol) تاريخ الطبري : تاريخ الأمم والملوك
By: Tabari, Abu Ja'far Muhammad Ibn Jarir (224/838 - 310/923) أبو جعفر محمد بن جريرالطبري
Item #: 10227
Hardcover | 2496 pp, 6 Volumes
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - World History - Islamic Empire
Publisher: Dar Sader, Beirut, 2008
ISBN: 9789953130576
Tarikh al-Yaqubi (2 vol) تاريخ اليعقوبي
By: Ya'qubi, Ahmad ibn Abi Ya'qub (d. 284/897-898) احمد بن ابي يعقوب يعقوبي
Item #: 42550
Hardcover | 835 pp, 2 volumes
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Pre and Post Islamic history
Publisher: Dar Sader, Beirut, 2010
Tarikh Ardh al-Islam تاريخ ارض الاسلام
By: Planhol, Xavier (1926-2016) / Tr. Saidouni, Muawiya & Nasirdin
Item #: 73061
Hardcover | 505 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Historical Geography - Islamic Empire
Publisher: Dar al Gharb al Islami, Tunis 2008
Tarikh Harakat al-Istishaq تاريخ حركة الإستشراق
By: Fück, Johann W. (1894-1974) يوهان فوك / Translator: Umar Latif al-Alim
Item #: 40378
Softcover | 352 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: History - Orientalism
Publisher: Dar al-Madar al-Islami, 2001 Ar Edition, c. 1955
ISBN: 9789959290410
Tarikh Ibn Khaldun (4 vol) تاريخ ابن خلدون
By: Ibn Khaldun (732/1332-808/1406) إبن خلدون
Item #: 12886
Hardcover | 3,220 pp, 4 volumes, chamois paper
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - History - Classical - Arab
Publisher: Dar Ibn Hazm, Beirut, 2011
ISBN: 9786144161302
Tarikh Ibn Khaldun ( 8 vol.) تاريخ ابن خلدون
By: Ibn Khaldun, Abd al-Rahman (d. 808/1406) عبد الرحمن بن محمد الحضرمي/ ابن خلدون
Item #: 74271
Hardcover | 4648 pp, 8 Volumes
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - History - Sociology
Publisher: DKI, Beirut 2020, 3rd Edition
ISBN: 9782745156525
Tarikh Madinat Dimashq (37 vol) تاريخ مدينة دمشق
By: Ibn Asakir (d.571/1176) ابن عساكر الدمشقي
Item #: 41634
Hardcover | 21,568 pp, 37 vol, 2 color
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Classical History - Damascus
Publisher: DKI, Beirut, 2012
ISBN: 9782745160966
Tarikh Nadwat al-Ulama ( 2 vol.) تاريخ ندوة العلماء
By: Nadwi, Muhammad Akram ( 1963- Present)
Item #: 74476
Hardcover | 1248 pp. 2 volumes, chamois paper, 2 colors
Language: Arabic
Topic: History - Nadwat al-Ulama - Muslims - India (Scholars Symposium)
Publisher: Dar al Bashair, Beirut 2022
ISBN: 9786144378755
Tarikh Sudan تاريخ السودان
By: Saadi, Abd al-Rahman ( d. 1066/1656) عبد الرحمن السعدي/ Ed. Salim, Hamahouallah
Item #: 72205
Hardcover | 448 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - History - Sudan (Mali Empire, Songhai Empire)
Publisher: DKI, Beirut 2012
ISBN: 9782745173362
Tidhkar fi-man Malaka Tarabulus التذكار فيمن ملك طرابلس
By: Ibn Ghalboun, Muhammad ibn Khalil (d.1737) ابن غلبون، محمد بن خليل / Zawi, Tahir Ahmad (1880-1986) الطاهر أحمد الزاوي
Item #: 40383
Softcover | 327 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: History - Biography - Libya
Publisher: Dar al-Madar al-Islami, 2004
ISBN: 9789959291318
Turath al-Arab al-Ma'rifi تراث العرب المعرفي
By: Musawi, Dr. Muhsin / Khaldi, Dr. Boutheina
Item #: 12463
Softcover | 744 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: History - Arab Literature and Culture - Anthropology
Publisher: Markaz al-Thaqafi al-Arabi, Beirut, 2010
ISBN: 9789953684529
Turath al-Tibbi 1: Mansuri fi al-Tibb المنصوري في الطب
By: Razi, Abu Bakr Muhammad Zakariya ( d. 313/925) ابوبكرمحمد بن زكريا الرازي
Item #: 72326
Hardcover | 855 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Arab Medicine- Historical Medical Texts
Publisher: Resalah Publishing, Beirut 2019
ISBN: 9789933230838
Umar ibn Abd al-Aziz عمر بن عبد العزيز
By: Sallabi, Dr. Ali Mohammad الدكتور علي محمد الصلابي
Item #: 20366
Hardcover | 332 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Muslims - Umar II - Caliphate
Publisher: Dar al Marefah, Beirut
ISBN: 9789953850108
Unwan al-Unwan عنوان العنوان
By: Biqa'i, Ibrahim ibn Umar (809/1406-885/1480) بقاعي، إبراهيم بن عمر
Item #: 60737
Hardcover | 231 pp
Language: Arabic-Arabic Dictionary
Topic: Early Work - Arabic Dictionary - Arab Authors, Muslim Scholars
Publisher: Dar Al-Kitab Al-Arabi, Beirut 2002
ISBN: 9789953270692
Usul al-Bahath al-Tarikhi اصول البحث التارخي
By: Taha, Abd al-Wahid Dannun عبد الواحد ذنون طه
Item #: 71467
Softcover | 296 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: History Studies - Research, Teachingm Style
Publisher: Dar al-Madar al-Islami, Beirut, 2004
ISBN: 9789959292070
Wafiyat Siyar A'lam al-Nubala' وفيات سير أعلام النبلاء
By: Dhahabi, Muhammad ibn Ahmad (673/1274-748/1348) ذهبي، محمد بن أحمد
Item #: 9633
Hardcover | 1424 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Islam - Biographies
Publisher: Dar al-Marefah, Beirut, 2007
ISBN: 9789953851181
Wajiz al-Kalam (4 Vol) وجيز الكلام في الذيل على دول الأسلام
By: Sakhawi. Muhammad Ibn Abd al-Rahman (831/1428 - 902/1497) محمد بن عبد الرحمن سخاوي
Item #: 50044
Hardcover | 1886 pp, 4 Volumes, with bibliography, Indexes
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - History - Mamluks - Dhahabi
Publisher: Resalah Publishing, Damascus 2015
ISBN: 9789933231972
Wasaya al-Muluk wa-Ibna al-Muluk وصايا الملوك وأبناء الملوك
By: Khuza'i, Di'bil ibn Ali (d. ca. 246/860) دعبل بن علي الخزاعي
Item #: 1023
Hardcover | 143 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Literature Classic - Arabic Poetry - History - Words of Kings
Publisher: Dar Sader Publications, Beirut, 1997
Wulat Misr ولاة مصر
By: Kindi, Muḥammad ibn Yusuf (283/897-350/961) محمد بن يوسف الكندي
Item #: 40178
Hardcover | 328 pp with bibliographical references.
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Egypt - Kings and Rulers 640-1250
Publisher: Dar Sadir , Beirut
Wulat wa-al-Qudat الولاة والقضاة
By: Kindi, Muḥammad ibn Yusuf (283/897-350/961) محمد بن يوسف الكندي
Item #: 60553
Hardcover | 260 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Islamic History - Judges and Governors - Egypt
Publisher: Dar Al Kotob Al Ilmiyah, Beirut, 2003
ISBN: 9782745138125
Yatimat al-Dahr fi Mahasin Ahl al-'Asr (6 vol) يتمة الدهر في محاسن أهل العربي
By: Tha'alibi al-Nishapuri, Abi Mansur Abd al-Malik (d. 429/1038) أبي منصور عبد الملك بن محمد بن إسمعيل الثعالبي النيسابوري
Item #: 14017
Hardcover | 2736 pp, White Paper, 6 Volumes
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Works - Arabic poetry - Biographies - Criticism, interpretation, etc
Publisher: Dar al-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah (DKI), Beirut 2019
ISBN: 9782745129345
Yawm al-Islam يوم الإسلام
By: Amin, Ahmed (1886-1954) أحمد أمين
Item #: 10242
Hardcover | 247 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: History - Islamic Civilization
Publisher: Academia International & Dar Al Kitab Al Arabi, Beirut, 1952
ISBN: 9789953277288
Zilluhu 'ala al-Ard ظله على الأرض
By: Isah, Usamah أسامة العيسة
Item #: 15366
Softcover | 232 pp, illustrations (some color), maps
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic-Islamic inscriptions - Masjid al-Aqsa - Jerusalem
Publisher: Qadmus lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzi, 2004
Zuhr al-Islam (1 vol DKI) ظهر الاسلام
By: Amin, Ahmed (1886-1954) أحمد أمين
Item #: 60539
Hardcover | 757 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: History - Islamic Civilization
Publisher: Dar Al Kitab Al Arabi, Beirut, 2005
Zuhr al-Islam (4 vol in 1) ظهر الاسلام
By: Amin, Ahmed (1886-1954) أحمد أمين
Item #: 60544
Hardcover | 883 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Islamic History - Abbasid
Publisher: Dar Al Kotob Al Ilmiyah, Beirut, 2004
Akbar Sinjn ala al-Ard أكبر سجن على الأرض
By: Pappe, Ilan إيلان بابيه
Item #: 44826
Softcover | 368 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Palestinian Arabs - Occupied Territories - Civil Rights
Publisher: Hachette Antoine / Naufal, Beirut, 2020 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9786144690598 (Ar and En) الآخر..الحوار..المواطنة
By: Murqus, Samir سمير مرقس
Item #: 74400
Softcover | 203 pp, illustrations, photos
Language: Arabic and English
Topic: Egypt - Citizenship - Ethnic Relations - Copts - Egyptian National Characteristics
Publisher: Maktab al Shuruq, Cairo 2005
ISBN: 6223002801435
Almaniya wa-al-Islam ألمانيا والإسلام
By: Sinno, Abd al-Raouf عبد الرؤوف سنو
Item #: 10609
Softcover | 611 pp, Illustrations (some color), Bibliography, Index
Language: Arabic
Topic: Political History - Germany - Foreign relations - Islamic countries
Publisher: Furat Publishing, Beirut, 2007
Amaliyat al-Salam عملية السلام
By: Quandt, William B. وليام.ب كوانت
Item #: 61091
Hardcover | 749 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Political History - Middle East - Arab-Israeli Peace Processes
Publisher: Obeikan Publishing, Riyadh, 2002 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789960401393
Ard al-Maw'udah الأرض الموعودة
By: Obama, Barack باراك أوباما
Item #: 44821
Flexi Laminated Card Cover | 848 pp, color photos
Language: Arabic
Topic: US Presidents - Memoirs - 21st Century US History
Publisher: Hachette Antoine / Naufal, Beirut, 2021 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9786144698266
Bahr al-Kabir االبحر الكبير في التاريخ البشري لللمتوسط
By: Abu al- Afiah, Dawud داوود أبو العافية / Translator: Moez Madiouni
Item #: 70837
Hardcover | 912 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: History - Mediterranean - Roman - Ottoman - Greek
Publisher: al-Kamel Verlag, Freiberg - Germany 2018
ISBN: 9789933354220
Bahria al-Trabulsia
By: Taoil, M. Sa'id
Item #: 5361
Hardcover |
Language: Arabic
Topic: History
Publisher: al-Kitab al-Jadid
Barak wa-al-Salam باراك والسلام
By: Ma'ruf, Abd عبد معروف
Item #: 60204
Softcover | 145 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arab-Israeli Conflict - Peace Accords - 20th Century
Publisher: Dar Al Muntazar, Beirut 2000
Biristruyka min Manzur Islami البيريسترويكا من منظور اسلامي
By: Yakan, Fathi and Mona Haddad فتحي يكن ومنى حداد يكن
Item #: 75039
Softcover | 188 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Political History - 1985-1991 - Int'l Relations - Islamic Countries - Soviet Union - Perestroika
Publisher: Masusah, Risalah, Beirut 1992
Durub Damashq دروب دمشق
By: Malbrunot. Georges جورج مالبرونو / Chesnot, Christian كريستيان شينو
Item #: 44555
Softcover | 304 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: France - Syria Foreign Relations
Publisher: All Prints, Beirut, 2017 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789953889467
Falsafat al-Thawrah فلسفة الثورة
By: Abd al-Nassir, Jamal (1918-1970) جمال عبد الناصر
Item #: 71137
Softcover | 85 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: History - Political Thought - Egypt 1952-1970
Publisher: Madbuli, Cairo 2005
Fi Mawajaha al-Amrika في مواجهة الأمركة
By: Nabulsi, Muhammad Ahmad محمد أحمد النابلسي
Item #: 73377
Softcover | 202 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Cultural Critique - Americanization - Arab Countries
Publisher: Dar al Fikr, Damascus 2004
ISBN: 9781592393657
Harb al-Salibiyah الحرب الصليبية
By: Carroll, James جيمس كارول
Item #: 74804
Softcover | 128 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Writings - Political History - Bush's War on Terror
Publisher: Maktaba Shrouk Dawlia, Jakarta 2005
ISBN: 6223002801503
Hija' al-Silah هجاء السلاح
By: Saghiyah, Hazim حازم صاغية
Item #: 14890
Softcover | 216 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Political History - Resistance
Publisher: Dar al-Saqi, London/Beirut 2011
ISBN: 9781855166530
Ibn al-Jiniral ابن الجنرال
By: Peled, Miko ميكو المؤلف بيليد
Item #: 71553
Softcover | 303 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Middle East - Palestine
Publisher: ASP, Beirut 2014
ISBN: 9786140110618
Ikhtiraq ! اختراق
By: Laythi, Amr ليثي، عمرو
Item #: 40480
Softcover | 262 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Egypt - Politics and government - 1952-1970
Publisher: Dar al-Shorouk, Cairo, 2003
ISBN: 9789770908921
Imbratoriya al-Huriya امبراطورية الحرية
By: Hernandez, Antonio Beltran
Item #: 14392
Softcover | 336 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: History - United States - International Relations
Publisher: Dar al-Farabi, 2004 Arabic Edition
Imbraturiya al-Shar al-Jadida إمبراطورية الشر الجديدة
By: Zallum, Abd al-Hayy Yahya (1936-) عبد الحي يحيى زلوم
Item #: 73378
Softcover | 432 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Globalization - Capitalism - Misinformation about Islam
Publisher: AIRP, Amman, 2003
ISBN: 9789953441955
Istijwab al-Raʼis استجواب الرءيس
By: Nixon, John جون نكسون
Item #: 74817
Softcover | 240 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Iraq - Political - Saddam Hussein's Interrogation
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2017 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9786140122505
Istiqlal al-Maghrib استقلال المغرب
By: Nataf, Félix فليكس ناتاف / Bouabid, Abderrahim عبد الرحيم بوعبيد / Tr: Wajidi, Muhammad محمد الواجيدي
Item #: 73974
Softcover | 335 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Moroccan History - Independence - Abderrahim Bouabid (1920-1992)
Publisher: Markaz al Thaqafi, Casablanca 2022
ISBN: 9789920657303
Jefferson wa-al-Qur'an جيفرسون والقرآن
By: Spellberg, Denise A.
Item #: 40725
Softcover | 420 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Political History - United States and Islam
Publisher: Jadawel, Beirut, 2015 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9786144182895
Judhur al-Rumantikiah جذور الرومانتيكية
By: Berlin, Isaiah
Item #: 15136
Softcover | 267 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Historical Lectures - Romanticism
Publisher: Jadawel, Beirut, 2012 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9786144181249
Mafia Qazifat al-Qanabil مافيا قاذفات القنابل
By: Gladwell, Malcolm مالكولم غلادويل
Item #: 74582
Softcover | 220 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Military History - World War II - Aerial Bombing - Japan
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2021 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9786140133709
Maktabah fi al-Layl المكتبة في الليل
By: Manguel, Alberto
Item #: 40681
Softcover | 255 pp with illustrations
Language: Arabic
Topic: Libraries - History, Books, Reading
Publisher: Dar al-Saqi, Beirut, 2015 Arabic Edition c.2006
ISBN: 9786144258224
Maqalat al-Yabaniyah المقالات اليابانية
By: Haykal, Muhammad Husanayn هيكل، محمد حسنين
Item #: 60181
Softcover | 225 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Political Articles - 20th Century - Arab Countries
Publisher: Dar Al Shuruq, Cairo 1997
ISBN: 9789770903995
Mat al-Awlad مات الأولاد
By: Geerdink, Fréderike (b. 1970)
Item #: 70941
Softcover | 359 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Politics - Kurdistan - Turkey - Roboski Massacre
Publisher: Dar al-Farabi, Beirut 2018
ISBN: 9786144329290
Min Kabul ila New York من كابول إلى نيويورك
By: Nuwayhid, Walid نويهض، وليد
Item #: 41362
Softcover | 140 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Islam - East and West Relations - 20th Century Essays
Publisher: Dar Ibn Hazm, Beirut, 2002
Mudhakkirat Suhufi Astiqsaa'i مذكرات صحفي استقصائي
By: Hersh, Seymour M. سيمور م. هيرش / Tr. Muhammad Jiyad al-Azraqi
Item #: 72357
Softcover | 478 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Journalist - Biography
Publisher: Arab Scientific Publishers, Inc, Beirut 2019
ISBN: 9786140128088
Nihayat al-Iraq نهاية العراق
By: Galbraith, Peter W. يتر و. غالبريث / Tr: Ahmad, Ayad اياد احمد
Item #: 43974
Softcover | 278 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Iraq War - 2003 - Regional and Global Consequences
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2007 Arabic Edition c. 2006
ISBN: 9789953871127
Orient D'encre حبر الشرق
By: Chevallier, Dominique
Item #: 10823
Hardcover | 288 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Political
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut
ISBN: 9785597455486
Qabla an Tubhata al-Alwan قبل أن تبهت الألوان
By: Rayyes, Riyad Najib (1937-2020) رياض نجيب الريس
Item #: 15015
Hardcover | 599 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Journalism - Lebanon
Publisher: Riad el-Rayyes Books, London, c1991
ISBN: 9781855130166
Qadiyah Sammah قضية سامّة
By: Hilterman, Joost R.
Item #: 71719
Softcover | 426 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Iraq - Kurds - 1988 Bombardment
Publisher: Allprints, Beirut 2008
ISBN: 9789953882673
Qarasinat Amirika al-Janubiyah قراصنة أميركا الجنوبية
By: Ali, Tariq (b. 1943) طارق علي
Item #: 7842
Softcover | 358 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Political History - Latin America - Socialism - Revolutions
Publisher: All Prints, Beirut, 2007 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789953880303
Qatil Mundhu al-Wiladah قاتل منذ الولادة
By: David, Yousif يوسف داود
Item #: 74843
Softcover | 212 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Political History - Articles - Iraq - 1979-1991 - Saddam Hussein
Publisher: Medius Corporation, San Jose 2005
Safar Barlak (Seferberlik) سفر برلك
By: Sa'id, Muhammad محمد الساعد
Item #: 43582
Softcover | 286 pp, photos
Language: Arabic
Topic: Forced Migration - Medina, Saudi Arabia - 20th Century History
Publisher: Madarek Publishing House, Riyadh, 2019
ISBN: 9786144298152
Salam al-Mafqud السلام المفقود
By: Ross, Dennis / Translation: Sami Ka'ki and Umar Ayyubi
Item #: 41339
Hardcover with Dustcover | 982 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Political History - Palestine-Israeli Peace Process 20th Century
Publisher: Dar al-Kitab al-Arabi, Beirut, 2005 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789953273587
Sanawat al-Amal سنوات الأمل
By: Kanafani, Marwan مروان كنفانى
Item #: 21039
Hardcover with Dust Jacket | 557 pp with 40 pp color plates
Language: Arabic
Topic: Palestine - Political History - 1948 -
Publisher: Dar al-Shurouk, Cairo, 2007
ISBN: 9789770922368
Shaykh al-Ra'is
By: Husayni, Muhammad Sadiq حسيني، محمد صادق
Item #: 40396
Softcover | 203 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Interviews - Presidents - Iran - 1979-1997
Publisher: Riad al-Rayyes Books, Beirut, 2004
ISBN: 9789953211817
Silsilat Jihad Sha'b al-Jaza'iri (3 Vol) سلسلة جهاد شعب الجزائر
By: Asali, Bassam عسلي، بسام
Item #: 41555
Hardcover | 2260 pp in a 3 volume set, boxed
Language: Arabic
Topic: Algeria - Resistance Personalities - 19th-20th Century
Publisher: Dar al-Nafaes, Beirut, 2013
ISBN: 9789953185187 / 9789953185200 / 9789953185194
Sira al-Masalih al-Naftiyah صراع المصالح النفطية
By: Sakhnini, Dr. Issam د. عصام سخنيني
Item #: 16304
Softcover | 143 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Political History - Palestine - Oil in Arab Countries
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2013
ISBN: 9786144193464
Sira ala Sham الصراع على الشام
By: Beydoun, Dr. Ibrahim إبراهيم بيضون
Item #: 50119
Softcover | 190 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Syria - History
Publisher: Dar al-Bisan, Beirut 2006
Sira'at al-Jil al-Khamis صراعات الجيل الخامس
By: Khoury, Emile إميل نعمة خوري
Item #: 42170
Softcover | 364 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: World Conflicts - Political History - Strategy - Political Thought
Publisher: All Prints, Beirut, 2016
ISBN: 9789953889412
Tarikh al-'A'lam (12 vol) تاريخ العالم في القرن العشرين
By: Group of Experts
Item #: 15728
Hardcover | 12 volume set, b/w photos
Language: Arabic
Topic: World History - 20th Century - Sequential
Publisher: Edito Creps International, Beirut, 2009-2010
Sale Price: US$150
Tarikh al-'Alam fi 6 'Akwab تاريخ العالم في 6 أكواب
By: Standage, Tom / Tr: Khalid Aljabeli
Item #: 81226
Softcover | 321 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: History - Cooking & Food - Drinks - Translated non-fiction
Publisher: Muheet Publishing UAE, 2024 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789948766605
Tarikh al-Costantiniya
By: Khalil, S.
Item #: 1019
Hardcover | 185 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: History - Arab and Other
Publisher: Dar al-Sadr, 1995
Tarikh al-Fann wa-al-'Imarah تاريخ الفن والعمارة
By: Shamsi, Samar / Dabajah, Ali سمر الشامسي، علي دباجة
Item #: 74360
Softcover | 233 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Architecture and Arts - History
Publisher: All Prints, Beirut, 2021
ISBN: 9786144585535
Tarikh al-Usturah تاريخ الأسطورة
By: Armstrong, Karen كارين أرمسترونغ
Item #: 43955
Softcover | 143 pp, Indexed, Bibliography
Language: Arabic
Topic: Myths - History
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2008 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789953873893
Tarikh al-Watharat al-Iraqiya - 7 Books
By: Group
Item #: 10260
Softcover | 7 Books
Language: Arabic
Topic: History - Arab and Other - Iraq
Publisher: Bait al-Hikma, 2001-2002
Sale Price: US$112
Tarikh al-Yamamah تاريخ اليمامة
By: Askar, Abd Allah Ibrahim عبد الله إبراهيم العسكر
Item #: 15148
Softcover | 272 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: History - Saudi Arabia - Yamama
Publisher: Jadawel, Beirut, 2012
ISBN: 9786144180907
Tarikh Anitha تاريخ عيناثا
By: Ayoub, Khadija Ali
Item #: 14387
Softcover | 365 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Politics-History
Publisher: Dar al-Farabi, 2008
ISBN: 9789953712710
Tasaddu' al-Mashriq al-Arabi تصدع المشرق العربي
By: Saghiyah, Hazem حازم صاغية / Bashir, Salih صالح بشير
Item #: 72375
Softcover | 179 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arab-Israeli Conflict - Iraq - Palestine - Social Unrest
Publisher: Riad el Rayyes, Beirut 2004
ISBN: 9789953211541
Thaqafa al-Taifiya ثقافة الطائفية
By: Makdisi, Ussama / Translator: Deeb, Tha'ir
Item #: 70166
Softcover | 311 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: History - Sectarianism - 19th Century Lebanon
Publisher: Dar al-Adab, 2005
Thawrat Zayd ibn Ali ثورة زيد بن علي
By: Hasan, Naji ناجي حسن
Item #: 44801
Softcover | 202 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Zayd Ibn Ali (d. 122/740) - History - Shi'a - Zaidiyyah
Publisher: Dar al-Arabiyah lil-Mawsu'at, Beirut, 2000
The Angel of Grozny ملاك غروزني
By: Seierstad, Asne
Item #: 20025
Softcover | 447 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Chechni︠a︡ (Russia) Children - Social Conditions - Civil War Social Aspects
Publisher: ASP 2009
ISBN: 9789953877358
The Arab Americans الأمريكيون العرب
By: Kayyali, Randa
Item #: 15010
Hardcover | 223 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arab-American History
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2007 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789953369798
Umara' wa Ghuzat أمراء وغزاة
By: Ibrahim, Abd al-'Aziz 'Abd al-Ghani عبد العزيز عبد الغني إبراهيم
Item #: 71098
Softcover | 335 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arab History - Gulf Region - Political History
Publisher: Saqi, Beirut 2014
ISBN: 9781855160415
Ummah fi Qarn الأمة في قرن : أمتي في العالم
By: Mustafa, Nadia نادية مصطفى / group
Item #: 60537
Hardcover | 488 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Political History - Islamic Nations
Publisher: Maktabat Shorouk, Cairo, 2004
ISBN: 9789775910011
Wa-ma Baddalu Tabdila وما بدلوا تبديلاً
By: Jaza'iri, Badi'ah Hasani بديعة الحسني جزائري
Item #: 71513
Softcover | 307 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Biography - 'Abd al-Qadir ibn Muhyi al-Din - Algeria - 19th Century
Publisher: Dar al-Fikr, Damascus 2002
Wajah al-Ukhra 1966-1972 الوجة الاخر
By: Zawawi, Muhammad (1936-2011) محمد الزواوي
Item #: 74572
Softcover | 325 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Political Satire - Newspaper Cartoons - Arab countries
Publisher: Dar al-Rawad, 2002
ISBN: 9789959812070
Waqf wa Atharuh fi-al-Islam الوقف واثاره في الاسلام
By: Ibn Ashur, Muhammad Tahir محمد الطاهر ابن عاشور
Item #: 74464
Softcover | 118 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Endowments - Effects of Foreign Support
Publisher: Dar al Maaref, Beirut- Dar Sahnun, Tunis 2023
ISBN: 9786144631539
Wujuh Misr al-Haditha وجوه مصر الحديثة
By: Solé, Robert روبير سولييه
Item #: 44929
Softcover | 326 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Egypt - History - Political - Modern Times
Publisher: Hachette Antoine / Naufal, Beirut, 2020
ISBN: 9786144691564
A'radh Mitnaza' A'liha أراض متنازع عليها
By: Bose, Sumantra
Item #: 9706
Softcover | 326 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: International Politics - Troubled Regions - Disputed Territories
Publisher: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut, 2008 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789953874470
Abir Jadar al-Nar عبر جدار النار
By: Mirak-Weissbach, Muriel
Item #: 12863
Softcover | 311 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Politics - Current Affairs - Middle East
Publisher: All Prints, 2011
ISBN: 9789953886046
Ala Muftraq al-Tariq علي مفترق الطريق
By: Qurai, Ahmad أحمد قريع
Item #: 70711
Softcover | 300 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Politics - Palestine - Arab-Israeli conflict
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2008
ISBN: 9789953362090
Alam bi-la Faqr عالم بلا فقر
By: Yunus, Muhammad ونس، محمد،
Item #: 40415
Softcover | 319 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Social Responsibility of Business
Publisher: Dar al-Shorouk, 2009 Arabic Edition c2007
ISBN: 6223002000906
Alim Bi La Ma'alim عالم بلا معالم
By: Aourid, Hassan (b.1962-) حسن أوريد
Item #: 82007
Softcover | 348 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Political Thought - International Relations - World politics
Publisher: Markaz al-Thaqafi al-Arabi, Morocco, 2021
ISBN: 9789953689708
America Israel al-Kabira امريكا اسرايل الكبري
By: Zalloum, Abd al-Hay عبد الحي زلوم
Item #: 11775
Softcover | 408 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Politics - America - Middle East Policy
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2009
ISBN: 9789953362847
Amrika al-Wajh al-Akhar (3rd Ed) امركا الوجه الآخر
By: Abu Zeid, Laila (b. 1950) ليلة أبو زيد
Item #: 43972
Softcover | 142 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Writings - America - Politics - Citizens - Culture
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2014 , 3rd Edition
ISBN: 9786140110427
Asrar Makshoufa
By: Shahak, Israel
Item #: 9445
Softcover | 237 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Political - Current Events
Publisher: All-Prints, 2001
Astamalah al-A'tfah استملة العاطفة
By: Abd al-Majeed, Ahmad أحمد عبد المجيد
Item #: 74573
Softcover | 230 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: American Hegemony
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2008
ISBN: 9789953362366
Atlas al-Anaaf أطلس اللاعنف
By: Manna, Haitham هيثم مناع
Item #: 80325
Softcover | 192 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Politics - Syrian Poltical Thought - Nonviolence
Publisher: Hachette Antoine, Beirut 2023
ISBN: 9786140601673
Awlamah wa-al-Irhab العولمة والإرهاب
By: Chomsky, Noam نعوم تشومسكي / Group
Item #: 60224
Softcover | 275 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Globalization - Terrorism - US Foreign Relations
Publisher: Maktabat Madabouli, Cairo 2003
ISBN: 9789772084012
Awlamat al-Islam عولمة الإسلام
By: Roy, Olivier / Translation: Lara Maaluf
Item #: 40432
Softcover | 222 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Islam - Globalization - Renewal
Publisher: Dar al-Saqi, London, 2003 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9781855167704
Azmay Nizam ازمة نظام
By: Zalloum, Abd al-Hay عبد الحي زلوم
Item #: 11774
Softcover | 253 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Current Affairs - Economics
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2009
ISBN: 9789953362432
Bayna Inhiyarain
By: Abdul-Khaleq, Lahib
Item #: 8074
Softcover | 408 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Political
Publisher: Ahliya for Publishing & Distribution, Amman, 2003
Beyond the White House ما وراء البيت الابيض
By: Carter, Jimmy
Item #: 12190
Hardcover | 272 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Biography - Former US President
Publisher: All Prints, Beirut, 2007 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789953882352
Bush on the Couch بوش تحت المجهر
By: Frank, Justin جوستن أ. فرانك
Item #: 9845
Softcover | 240 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Psychological Profile of Bush
Publisher: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut, 2005 Arabic Editio
Countdown to Crisis العد العكسي الازمة
By: Timmerman, Kenneth R.
Item #: 12178
Softcover | 448 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Political-Current Affairs
Publisher: Dar al-Ilm Lilmalayin, 2006
ISBN: 9789953634124
Dawlah al-Rahinah الدولة الرهينة
By: Zeidan, Dr. Fawzi فوزي زيدان
Item #: 44244
Softcover | 340 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Lebanon - 21st Century - Politics and Government
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2012
ISBN: 9786140104334
Democratization and Civil Society
By: Rasheed, Abdulwahab Hamid
Item #: 20526
Softcover | 182 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Politics / History
Publisher: Dar al-Mada, 2003
Fann al-Tajassus فنّ التجسّس
By: Crumpton, Henry A.
Item #: 71720
Softcover | 389 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: CIA - United States Biographical Account
Publisher: Allprints, Beirut 2014
ISBN: 9789953888217
Fi al-Sha'ia في الشا ئعا
By: unstein, Cass R.
Item #: 12850
Softcover | 122 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Economics - Current Affairs
Publisher: All Prints Distributors & Publishers, 2011
ISBN: 9789953886022
Frontline Pakistan جبهة باكستان
By: Hussain, Zahid
Item #: 7755
Softcover | 269 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Current Events
Publisher: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut, 2007
Ha'iat al Asrar هيئة الأسرار وكالة الأمن القومي تحت المجهر
By: Bamford, James جيمس بامفورد
Item #: 73689
Hardcover | 616 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: United States - NSA - History - Electronic Intelligence - Cryptography
Publisher: Dar al Kitab al Arabi, Beirut, 2002 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789953270418
Hadhihi al-Qissah Tajri هذه القصة تجري
By: Kirbaj, Mazin مازن كرباج
Item #: 16778
Softcover | 78 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Caricatures and cartoons - Lebanon
Publisher: Dar al-Adab, Beirut, 2010
ISBN: 9789953891934
Hadith ila al-'Aduw الحديث الى العدو
By: Atran, Scott
Item #: 40728
Softcover | 488 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Terrorists and Terrorism - Psychology - Social and Religious aspects
Publisher: Jadawel, Beirut, 2015 Arabic Edition c. 2010
ISBN: 9786144182888
Harb al-Laa'nuf
By: Academy of Change
Item #: 8102
Softcover | 271 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Political
Publisher: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut, 2007
Haroub Kalamiah حروب كلامية
By: Fandy, Mamun
Item #: 10860
Softcover | 299 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Current Events
Publisher: Saqi Books, London 2008 Arabic Edition c2007
ISBN: 9781855160224
Hot, Flat, and Crowded عالم حار ومسطح ومزدحم
By: Friedman, Thomas / Tr: Tabare, Hani / Nabulsi, Norma
Item #: 10683
Hardcover | 558 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Environment - US Politics - Glpbal Warming
Publisher: Academia, Beirut, 2009 Ar Edition (c2008)
ISBN: 9789953375915
Hurras al-Haykal حراس الهيكل
By: Mirhij, Bisharah بشارة مرهج
Item #: 60207
Softcover | 336 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Political Administration - Lebanon
Publisher: Riad Al Rayyes Books, Beirut 2004
Hutaf al-Majd هتاف المجد
By: Tantawi, Ali علي الطنطاوي
Item #: 60056
Hardcover | 289 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arab countries - Politics and government.
Publisher: Dar Ibn Hazm, Beirut
ISBN: 978219401124
Huwiyah wa-al-Dhakirah الهوية والذاكرة
By: Shuwayri, Nabil نبيل شويري
Item #: 40410
Softcover | 351 pp with index
Language: Arabic
Topic: Syria - Political Issues - 21st Century
Publisher: Riad al-Rayyes Books, Beirut, 2010
ISBN: 9789953214702
Imbraturiyat al-Khawf إمبراطورية الخوف
By: Barber, Benjamin R. نجامين ر. باربر
Item #: 42466
Softcover | 205 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: US Foreign Relations 2001 - Bush
Publisher: Dar al-Kitab al-Arabi, Beirut, 2005 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789953277707
Iqtira' al-Mughtaribin اقتراع المغتربين
By: Farshakh, George جورج فرشخ
Item #: 70157
Softcover | 183 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Effects of Migration and Immigration (Lebanon)
Publisher: Bisan, Beirut, 2006
Irhab al-Gharbi 2 Vol الأرهاب الغربي
By: Garaudy, Roger (1913-2012) روچيه جارودي / Tr: Fila, Abd al-Masih
Item #: 70124
Softcover | 2 Volumes
Language: Arabic
Topic: Current Events - World Inequalities
Publisher: Maktaba al-Shorouk al-Dawliya, 2004
Irhab: al-Tashkhis wa-al-Hulul الإرهاب : التشخيص والحلول
By: ibn Bayyah, Abd Allah bin Mahfuz (b.1935) ابن بيه، عبد الله بن الشيخ المحفوظ
Item #: 60216
Softcover | 149 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Terrorism - Causes and Solutions
Publisher: Mu'assasat al-Rayyan, Beirut, 2005
ISBN: 9789960541129
Islam bi-la Khawf إسلام بلا خوف : مصر والإسلاميون الجدد
By: Baker, Raymond William أ.د. ريموند ويليام بيكر
Item #: 12157
Softcover | 352 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Egypt - Politics and Government -1981-2011
Publisher: Shorouk Intl, 2009 Arabic Edition / Harvard University Press
ISBN: 9789957416126
Isra'iliyun al-Jadid الاسرائيليون الجدد
By: Melman, Yossi يوسي ميلمان
Item #: 20199
Softcover | 239 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Israelis - National Character
Publisher: Al Ahliyah, Arabic Edition
Jasus al-Nabil الجاسوس النبيل
By: Bird, Kai
Item #: 41872
Softcover | 391 pp, b/w photos
Language: Arabic
Topic: Robert Ames (1934-1983) - Intelligence - Middle East Conflict
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 20115 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9786140117280
Judhur al-Ma'ziq al-Usuli جذور المأزق الأصولي
By: Hajj Hamad, Muhammad Abu al-Qasim محمد أبو القاسم حاج حمد
Item #: 41075
Softcover | 168 pp, Indexed
Language: Arabic
Topic: Thought - Islamic Fundamentalism
Publisher: Dar al-Saqi, London/Beirut, 2010
ISBN: 9781855166240
Kalimat wa-Muwaqaf كلمات ومواقف (1954 – 1990)
By: Salam, Sa'ib (1905-2000) صائب سلام
Item #: 80154
Softcover | 445 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Middle East - Politics - 20th Century - Lebanon
Publisher: Hachette Antoine / Naufal, Beirut, 2024
ISBN: 9786140602083
Kayf Yaml al-Parlaman كيف يعمل البرلمان
By: Silk, Paul بول سيلك / Walters, Rhodri رودري والترز
Item #: 74397
Softcover | 437 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Parliamentary Government - UK
Publisher: Maktaba al Shuruq, Cairo, 2004 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 6223002801008
Kul Yawm huwa Idafa كل يوم هو إضافة
By: Kerry, John جون كيري
Item #: 72320
Softcover | 658 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Political Memoirs - Current Affairs - John Kerry
Publisher: All Prints, Beirut 2019
ISBN: 9786144585054
Mufawid al-Iraqi , Sadd Ilisu ... المفاوض العراقي، سد ّاليسو
By: Dawud, Dr. Isma'il د. إسماعيل داود
Item #: 43238
Softcover | 224 pp, facsimiles, illustrations, bibliography
Language: Arabic with English Abstract
Topic: Ilisu Dam (Turkey) Water - Law & Legislation - Turkey - Iraq
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2017
ISBN: 9786144198216
Mulahazat Hawl al-Muqawama - ملاحظات حول المقاومة
By: Chomsky, Noam نعوم تشومسكي & Barsamian, David
Item #: 80559
Softcover | 304 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: 21st Century - Politics - Crises - Social Aspects - Resistance
Publisher: ASP, Beirut 2023 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9786140135543
Muqatil min Makka مقاتل من مكة
By: As'ad, Khalid Khalil أسـعـد ، خـالـد خليل
Item #: 20219
Softcover | 388 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Bin-Laden pre-Sept 11 View
Publisher: Al Alam Publishers, 2000
Musa'alah wa-al-Muhasabah المساءلة والمحاسبة
By: The Arab Anti-Corruption Organisation
Item #: 60208
Softcover | 606 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arab Countries - Corruption
Publisher: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut 2007
ISBN: 9789953871790
Nabtat Iblis نبتة إبليس
By: Bayati, Ahmed أحمد البياتي
Item #: 21405
Softcover | 120 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: ISIS - Islamic Studies - Egypt
Publisher: Ibda' for Publishing and Distribution, Egypt, 2014
ISBN: 9789776447752
Naft Iran (Iran Oil) نفط إيران
By: Howard, Roger
Item #: 16920
Softcover | 246 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Political - Current Affairs - Iran and America
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2007 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789953871530
Naqd Naziriyat al-Mu'amarah نقد نظرية المؤامرة
By: Uthmani, Uthman عثمان العثمان
Item #: 72573
Softcover | 318 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Political Thought - Conspiracy Theories - Arab World
Publisher: Sindbad Publishers, Damascus 2003
Nawasib wa-Rawafid نواصب وروافض
By: Saghiyah, Hazim حازم صاغية
Item #: 16871
Softcover | 222 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Current Affairs - Sunnite - Shi'ah Relations
Publisher: Dar al-Saqi Books, Beirut, 2009
ISBN: 9781855163966
Nizam al-'Alam al-Jadid - نظام العالم الجديد
By: Epperson, Anthony Ralph أنثوني رالف إيبرسون
Item #: 74823
Softcover | 336 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Current - N.W.O. - Conspiracy Theory
Publisher: ASP, Beirut 2022
ISBN: 9786140115422
Orient D'encre حبر الشرق
By: Chevallier, Dominique
Item #: 10823
Hardcover | 288 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Political
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut
ISBN: 9785597455486
Out of the Energy Labyrinth مأزق الطاقة والحلول البديلة
By: Howell, David / Nakhle, Carole
Item #: 11037
Softcover | 319 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Current Events - Energy and Environment
Publisher: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut, 2008 Arjabic Edition, c2007
ISBN: 9789953872902
Peace Women نساء السلام
By: Reutter, Angelika U. / Ruffer, Anne
Item #: 20022
Softcover | 349 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Biographies
Publisher: ASP 2009
ISBN: 9789953876788
Protocol Dakmae Zion بروتوكولات حكماء صهيون
By: Golovinski, Matvei Vasilievich / Tr: Marsden, Victor
Item #: 74813
Softcover | 136 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Politics - Controversial Literature
Publisher: Dar Al Nafas, Beirut 1990
Qaswah wa-al-Samt القسوة والصمت
By: Makiya, Kanan (1949-) كنعان مكية
Item #: 15023
Softcover | 359 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Tyranny - Arab World
Publisher: Jamal Publications, 2005
Qayoud Tatamzaq قيود تتمزق
By: Abu Isa, Shadi Khalil
Item #: 12855
Softcover | 115 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Politics - Current Affairs
Publisher: All Prints, 2011
ISBN: 9789953886183
Quwah al-Thalithah القوة الثالثة
By: Group / Ed: Florini, Ann / Tr: Bisharah, Taniyah
Item #: 41084
Softcover | 269 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Articles - Civil Society - Globalization
Publisher: Dar al-Saqi, London/Beirut, 2005 Arabic Edition c.2000
ISBN: 9781855164680
Ra'I Liltafkeer رأي للتفكير
By: Muslim, Ali Bin
Item #: 7250
Softcover | 628 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Political Essays
Publisher: Saqi Books, Beirut, 2005
Sa'ud Qiwa' al-Tharwah صعود فوئ الثروة
By: Nasr, Vali
Item #: 12608
Hardcover | 326 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Current Affairs-Economics
Publisher: Dar al-Kitab al-Arabi, 2011
ISBN: 9789953279466
Safar al-Mowt سفر الموت
By: Miraghi, Mahmud
Item #: 11990
Softcover | 327 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Politics-Current Affairs-US policy after 9-11
Publisher: Dar al-Shorouk, 2003
Sahafah Raqmiyah الصحافة الرقمية
By: Antheaume, Alice أليس أنتوم
Item #: 70880
Softcover | 182 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Journalism - Migration to Digital
Publisher: Thaqafa, Abu Dhabi, UAE 2017
ISBN: 9789948239024
Sahwat al-Shi'a صحوة الشيعة
By: Nasr, Vali
Item #: 70096
Hardcover | 286 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Political Study - Shia - Sunni Relations
Publisher: Dar al-Kitab al-Arabi, 2007
ISBN: 9789953277936
Shabak fi al-Iraq الشبك في العراق
By: Abbud, Zuhair K. زهير كاظم عبود
Item #: 40022
Softcover | 195 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Study - Shabak People - Iraq
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2009
ISBN: 9789953362700
Sharif al-Murtada الشريف المرتضى
By: Ma'tuq, Ahmad Muhammad أحمد محمد معتوق
Item #: 40018
Softcover | 367 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Arabic Literature - Sharif al-Murtada
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2008
ISBN: 9789953362017
Sharq al-Awsat al-Jadid الشرق الأوسط الجديد
By: Peres, Shimon (1923-2016) شمعون بيرس
Item #: 42923
Softcover | 230 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Middle East - Politics - Arab-Israeli - Future Vision
Publisher: Al-Ahlia Publishing, Amman, Jordan, 2018
ISBN: 9786589099857
Shuhob al-Lami'a
By: Radwan, Abdullah Ibn
Item #: 9234
Hardcover | 720 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Politics
Publisher: Dar al-Madar, 2002
Sina'at al-Holocaust صناعة الهولوكوست
By: Finkelstein, Norman نورمن فنكلستين
Item #: 60186
Softcover | 152 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Political - Exploitation of the Holocaust
Publisher: Dar Al Adab, Beirut 2001 Arabic Edition
Sira'at al-Jil al-Khamis صراعات الجيل الخامس
By: Khoury, Emile إميل نعمة خوري
Item #: 42170
Softcover | 364 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: World Conflicts - Political History - Strategy - Political Thought
Publisher: All Prints, Beirut, 2016
ISBN: 9789953889412
Small Acts of Resistance حركات ثورية
By: Crawshaw, Steve & John Jackson
Item #: 12856
Softcover | 226 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Politics - Current Affairs
Publisher: All Prints, 2012
ISBN: 9789953886169
Speak Truth to Power أصوات قلبت العالم
By: Kennedy, Kerry
Item #: 7041
Hardcover | 255 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Current Events with Photography
Publisher: All Prints Distributors & Publishers, Beirut, 2007 Arabic Edition
Taghayur al-Manakhi التغيّر المناخي
By: Haddad, Mu'in معين حداد
Item #: 71724
Softcover | 146 pp, illustrations
Language: Arabic
Topic: Climate Change - Environmental Policy
Publisher: All Prints, Beirut 2012
ISBN: 9789953886343
Taha'fut al-Usuliah - تهافت الأصولية
By: Nabulsi, Shakir (1940-2014) شاكر النابلسي
Item #: 74792
Softcover | 272 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Current Affairs - Thought - Islamic Fundamentalism
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut 2009
ISBN: 9789953363202
Tahdhir تحذير
By: Anonymous مجهول: مسؤول رفيع المستوى في إدارة ترامب
Item #: 44384
Softcover | 272 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: US Presidents - Trump - Influence
Publisher: All Prints, Beirut, 2020 Arabic Edition c. 2019
ISBN: 9786144585313
Thaqaft Twitter ثقافة تويتر
By: Ghadami, Abd Allah (1946-) عبدالله الغذامي
Item #: 21404
Softcover | 168 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Social Media - Twitter - Thought
Publisher: Markaz al-Thaqafi al-Arabi, Beirut, 2016
ISBN: 9789953687957
The Global Class War الحرب الطبقية العالمية
By: Faux, Jeff / Translation: Abdel-Rahman Ayas, Asad Hussain
Item #: 11004
Softcover | 342 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Globalization
Publisher: Dar al-Farabi, Beirut, 2009 Arabic Edition c.2006
ISBN: 9789953713731
The Murder of Princess Diana مقتل الاميرة ديانا
By: Botham, Noel
Item #: 9861
Softcover | 336 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Great Britain - Princess Diana's Death
Publisher: All Prints Distributors & Publishers, Beirut, 2008 Ar Edition (c.2004 Pinnacle)
ISBN: 9789953880877
Tumuhat Iran al-Nawawiyah طموحات إيران النووية
By: Chobin, Shahram شاهرام تشوبين
Item #: 60220
Softcover | 280 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Politics - Iran
Publisher: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut 2004 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789953872131
Ummah al-Qutb الأمة القطب
By: Abu al-Fadl, Dr. Mona
Item #: 15564
Softcover | 105 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Islam and State - Thought
Publisher: Shorouk International, 2005
Wada'an lil-Hulm al-Amriki وداعاً للحلم الأمريكي
By: Chomsky, Noam نعوم تشومسكي / Tr: Azraqi, Muhammad محمد الازرقي
Item #: 44259
Softcover | 189 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Income Distribution - Power - USA
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2017 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9786140123359
Zalzal A'qoul #1
By: Adel, Wael
Item #: 8206
Softcover | 83 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Political
Publisher: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut, 2007
A'lam Libya أعلام ليبيا
By: Zawi, Tahir Ahmad (1880-1986) الطاهر أحمد الزاوي
Item #: 71545
Softcover | 432 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Biographies - Libya
Publisher: Madar Islami, Beirut 2004
ISBN: 9789959291998 (Ar and En) الآخر..الحوار..المواطنة
By: Murqus, Samir سمير مرقس
Item #: 74400
Softcover | 203 pp, illustrations, photos
Language: Arabic and English
Topic: Egypt - Citizenship - Ethnic Relations - Copts - Egyptian National Characteristics
Publisher: Maktab al Shuruq, Cairo 2005
ISBN: 6223002801435
Amazigh: Qissat Sh'ab الأمازيغ : قصة شعب
By: Hassuf, Abd al-Latif عبد اللطيف هسوف
Item #: 42920
Softcover | 160 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: History - Berbers - North Africa
Publisher: Dar al-Saqi, London/Beirut, 2016
ISBN: 9786144258828
Ayyam Ma'a Taha Hussein ايام مع طه حسين
By: Dasuqi, Dr. Muhammad al-Sayid (b. 1353/1934) محمد السيد الدسوقي
Item #: 70245
Softcover | 232 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Biographical Diary - Egyptian Intellectuals - Taha Hussein 1889-1973
Publisher: Dar al Qalam, Syria 2002
Falsafat al-Thawrah فلسفة الثورة
By: Abd al-Nassir, Jamal (1918-1970) جمال عبد الناصر
Item #: 71137
Softcover | 85 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: History - Political Thought - Egypt 1952-1970
Publisher: Madbuli, Cairo 2005
Fatawa wa-al-Tarikh - Muritaniya الفتاوى والتاريخ : موريتانيا
By: Wuld al-Sa'ad, Muhammed al-Mukhtar ولد السعد، محمد المختار
Item #: 40276
Softcover | 192 pp with bibliography
Language: Arabic
Topic: Fatwas - Mauritania - Social &Economic Conditions - 17th - 20th Century
Publisher: Dar al-Gharb al-Islami, Beirut, 2000
Fitna al-Taafiya الفتنة الطائفية
By: Amara, Mohammad
Item #: 14772
Softcover | 110 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Egypt - Coptic & Muslim
Publisher: Shorouk
ISBN: 6223002001002
Flag of Egypt: 3 x 5 ft.
Item #: 15335
Flag | Polyester Cloth with 2 metal grommets
Topic: Flag of Egypt
Publisher: Flags Importer
Ikhtiraq ! اختراق
By: Laythi, Amr ليثي، عمرو
Item #: 40480
Softcover | 262 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Egypt - Politics and government - 1952-1970
Publisher: Dar al-Shorouk, Cairo, 2003
ISBN: 9789770908921
Istiqlal al-Maghrib استقلال المغرب
By: Nataf, Félix فليكس ناتاف / Bouabid, Abderrahim عبد الرحيم بوعبيد / Tr: Wajidi, Muhammad محمد الواجيدي
Item #: 73974
Softcover | 335 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Moroccan History - Independence - Abderrahim Bouabid (1920-1992)
Publisher: Markaz al Thaqafi, Casablanca 2022
ISBN: 9789920657303
Mamalik al-Maghrib ممالك المغرب
By: Abuzayd, Layla ليلى أبو زايد
Item #: 80299
Softcover | 620 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Moroccan History - Kingdoms
Publisher: Markaz al-Thaqafi, Casa Blanca 2023
ISBN: 9789920657617
Masalik wa-al-Mamalik (2 vol) المسالك والممالك
By: Abu Ubayd al-Bakri ( d. 487/1094) أبي عبيد عبد الله بن عبد العزيز البكري
Item #: 14022
Hardcover | 896 pp, 2 volumes
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - West African History
Publisher: DKI, Beirut, 2003
ISBN: 9782745139481
Misr bi-'Uyun al-Faransiyin مصر بعيون الفرنسيس
By: Jallul, Faysal فيصل جلول
Item #: 6270
Softcover | 160 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Egypt - North Africa - Political History - Foreign Public Opinions
Publisher: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut, 2007
ISBN: 9789953870397
Mu'rab An B'ad Aja'ib al-Maghrib المعرب عن بعض عجائب المغرب
By: Gharnati, Abu Hamid Muhammad (473/1080 - 565/1170) أبو حامد محمد الغرناطي
Item #: 71523
Softcover | 156 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Travels - North Africa - Descriptions
Publisher: Dar al-Kotob al-Ilmiyah, Beirut 1999
ISBN: 9782745127822
Mujtamaʻ Muslim - Muslim Society - مجتمع مسلم
By: Gellner, Ernest (1925-1995) غيلّنر، إرنست / Translator: Baqadir, Abu Bakr Ahmad
Item #: 40363
Hardcover with jacket | 444 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Social Anthropology - Islamic Society - No. Africa
Publisher: Dar al-Madar al-Islami. 2005 Arabic Edition, c. 1981
ISBN: 9789959291486
Rihan ala al-Hisan الرهان على الحصان
By: Faqi, Mustafa مصطفى الفقي
Item #: 72013
Softcover | 319 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Writings - Political Thought - Egypt - 20th Century
Publisher: Dar al-Shorouk, Cairo, 2002
ISBN: 9789770908013
Rijal al-Zurq الرجال الزرق
By: Ansari, Umar
Item #: 7727
Softcover | 200 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: History
Publisher: Saqi Books, Beirut, 2006
Silsilat Jihad Sha'b al-Jaza'iri (3 Vol) سلسلة جهاد شعب الجزائر
By: Asali, Bassam عسلي، بسام
Item #: 41555
Hardcover | 2260 pp in a 3 volume set, boxed
Language: Arabic
Topic: Algeria - Resistance Personalities - 19th-20th Century
Publisher: Dar al-Nafaes, Beirut, 2013
ISBN: 9789953185187 / 9789953185200 / 9789953185194
Sira Amir Abdulkadir سيرة الامير عبد القادر
By: Sallabi, Dr. Ali Muhammad الدكتور علي محمد محمد الصلابي
Item #: 50020
Hardcover | 623 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Biography - Algeria - 19th Century - Colonial Resistance
Publisher: Dar ibn Hazm, 2017
ISBN: 9789959856593
Sirr al-Ma'bad سر المعبد
By: Khirbawi, Tharwat ثروت الخرباوي
Item #: 42721
Softcover | 360 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Jam'iyat al-Ikhwan al-Muslimin - Muslim Brotherhood - Egypt
Publisher: Dar Nahdat Misr lil-Tab' wa-al-Nashr, Egypt, 2012
ISBN: 6221133345514
Tarikh al-Wafd - تاريخ الوفد
By: Badawi, Jamal / Mutai'i, Lam'i / Jum'a, Dr. Noman جمال بدوي / لمعي المطيعي / د نعمان جمعة
Item #: 74970
Hardcover | 784 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: History - al-Wafd Party - Egypt, No. Africa
Publisher: Dar al-Shorouk, Cairo 2003
ISBN: 6221102012423
Tarikh Sudan تاريخ السودان
By: Saadi, Abd al-Rahman ( d. 1066/1656) عبد الرحمن السعدي/ Ed. Salim, Hamahouallah
Item #: 72205
Hardcover | 448 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - History - Sudan (Mali Empire, Songhai Empire)
Publisher: DKI, Beirut 2012
ISBN: 9782745173362
Tidhkar fi-man Malaka Tarabulus التذكار فيمن ملك طرابلس
By: Ibn Ghalboun, Muhammad ibn Khalil (d.1737) ابن غلبون، محمد بن خليل / Zawi, Tahir Ahmad (1880-1986) الطاهر أحمد الزاوي
Item #: 40383
Softcover | 327 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: History - Biography - Libya
Publisher: Dar al-Madar al-Islami, 2004
ISBN: 9789959291318
Urwat al-Zaman al-Bahi عروة الزمان الباهي
By: Munif, Abd al-Rahman (1933-2004) عبد الرحمن منيف
Item #: 7610
Softcover | 194 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Biographical Essays - al-Bahi - Maghreb
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2007
ISBN: 9789953682461
Wa-ma Baddalu Tabdila وما بدلوا تبديلاً
By: Jaza'iri, Badi'ah Hasani بديعة الحسني جزائري
Item #: 71513
Softcover | 307 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Biography - 'Abd al-Qadir ibn Muhyi al-Din - Algeria - 19th Century
Publisher: Dar al-Fikr, Damascus 2002
Wujuh Misr al-Haditha وجوه مصر الحديثة
By: Solé, Robert روبير سولييه
Item #: 44929
Softcover | 326 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Egypt - History - Political - Modern Times
Publisher: Hachette Antoine / Naufal, Beirut, 2020
ISBN: 9786144691564
Wulat Misr ولاة مصر
By: Kindi, Muḥammad ibn Yusuf (283/897-350/961) محمد بن يوسف الكندي
Item #: 40178
Hardcover | 328 pp with bibliographical references.
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Egypt - Kings and Rulers 640-1250
Publisher: Dar Sadir , Beirut
Wulat wa-al-Qudat الولاة والقضاة
By: Kindi, Muḥammad ibn Yusuf (283/897-350/961) محمد بن يوسف الكندي
Item #: 60553
Hardcover | 260 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Islamic History - Judges and Governors - Egypt
Publisher: Dar Al Kotob Al Ilmiyah, Beirut, 2003
ISBN: 9782745138125
Ahd al-Fasad al-Aswad- عهد الفساد الاسود
By: Tannir, D.Samir سمير التنير
Item #: 74800
Softcover | 248 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Non-Fiction - Lebanon - Political Corruption since 1990
Publisher: Sharikat al-Maṭbuʻat lil-Tawziʻ wa-al-Nashr, Beirut, 2007 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789953880327
Ahlumu bi-Zinzanah min Karaz أحلم بزنزانة من كرز
By: Bechara, Souha سهى بشارة / Ibrahim, Cosette كوزيت ابراهيم
Item #: 41091
Softcover, coated pages | 159 pp, color photographs
Language: Arabic
Topic: Autobiography - Lebanon - Women Political Prisoners
Publisher: Dar al-Saqi, London/Beirut, 2011
ISBN: 9781855166820
Araq al-Ruh ارق الروح
By: Eid, Dr. Yumna
Item #: 15930
Softcover | 247 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Autobiography - Lebanon
Publisher: Dar al-Adab
ISBN: 9789953890807
Da'i al-Jarimah داء الجريمة
By: Jaffar, Ali Mohammed
Item #: 16710
Softcover | 256 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Studies - Crime - Lebanon
Publisher: Mu'assasah al-Jamiyah lil-Dirasat wa-al-Nashr wa-al-Tawzi, Beirut, 2003
Dawlah al-Rahinah الدولة الرهينة
By: Zeidan, Dr. Fawzi فوزي زيدان
Item #: 44244
Softcover | 340 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Lebanon - 21st Century - Politics and Government
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2012
ISBN: 9786140104334
Eid al-'Ilam عيد العلم
By: Hamadi, Caroline كارولين حمادة / Mir, Mira ميرا المير
Item #: 43217
Softcover | 16 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Children's Arabic Story - Flags - Holidays - Ages 6-9
Publisher: Asala Publishers, Beirut, 2010
ISBN: 9786144023389
Fi Beirut…wa-Madat Fikratun في بيروت… ومضت فكرة
By: Group
Item #: 42931
Hardcover w/dustcover | 199 pp + 59 pp, color photos & Illustrations, facsimiles, maps, portraits
Language: Arabic, English, French
Topic: Publishers & Publishing - Lebanon
Publisher: Dar Sader. Beirut, 2014
ISBN: 9789953137780
Hadhihi al-Qissah Tajri هذه القصة تجري
By: Kirbaj, Mazin مازن كرباج
Item #: 16778
Softcover | 78 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Caricatures and cartoons - Lebanon
Publisher: Dar al-Adab, Beirut, 2010
ISBN: 9789953891934
Hadhihi Laysat Sirah هذه ليست سيرة
By: Saghiyah, Hazem حازم صاغية
Item #: 44272
Softcover | 112 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Literature - Texts - Musings - Political Writings - Lebanon
Publisher: Dar al-Saqi, Beirut, 2007
ISBN: 9781855167933
Halat al-Hisar حالة الحصار
By: Balqaziz, Abdullah
Item #: 9048
Softcover | 288 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Lebanese War - 2006
Publisher: Dar al-Adab, Beirut, 2008
ISBN: 9789953890098
Hum هم
By: Basha, Abidu (Pasha) عبيدو باشا
Item #: 7840
Softcover | 527 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Literary Writings and Articles - Lebanon
Publisher: Dar al-Adab, Beirut, 2008
ISBN: 9789953890401
Hurras al-Haykal حراس الهيكل
By: Mirhij, Bisharah بشارة مرهج
Item #: 60207
Softcover | 336 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Political Administration - Lebanon
Publisher: Riad Al Rayyes Books, Beirut 2004
Iqtira' al-Mughtaribin اقتراع المغتربين
By: Farshakh, George جورج فرشخ
Item #: 70157
Softcover | 183 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Effects of Migration and Immigration (Lebanon)
Publisher: Bisan, Beirut, 2006
Jass Nabd جس نبض
By: Shamma'ah, Munir شماعة، منير
Item #: 40464
Softcover | 110 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Short Stories - Memoirs - Lebanon
Publisher: Riad al-Rayyes Books, Beirut, 2008
ISBN: 9789953213637
Junun al-Khulud جنون الخلود
By: Saadeh, Antoun
Item #: 16450
Hardcover | 98 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Political Articles - Syria - Lebanon 20th Century
Publisher: Saadeh Cultural Foundation, Beirut, 2013 Edition
ISBN: 9789953419183
Khabaya al-Dhakirah خبايا الذاكرة
By: Ammar, Ibrahim ابراهيم عمار
Item #: 70131
Softcover | 543 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Lebanon - Essays - Memories
Publisher: Al-Farabi, Beirut, 2008
ISBN: 9789953712642
Lebanon, Lebanon (English)
By: Editor - Wilson, Anna
Item #: 6634
Softcover | 229 pp
Language: English
Topic: Anthology - Lebanon - Descriptions, war, travel, social conditions
Publisher: Saqi Books, London, 2006
ISBN: 9780863566417
Lubnan al-Din wa al-Dunya لبنان الدين والدنيا
By: Farhat, Albert (b. 1938) البير فرحات
Item #: 70659
Softcover | 343 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Lebanon - Religion and State - Constitutional Rights
Publisher: Dar al-Farabi, Beirut, 2006
ISBN: 9789953711461
Lubnan: al-Kayan al-Mahzuz لبنان الكيان المهزوز
By: Dalloul, Muhsin with Yusuf Mortada محسن دلول مع يوسف مرتضى
Item #: 73793
Softcover | 264 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Lebanese Politics - History and Current Circumstances
Publisher: Nawfal, Beirut 2022
ISBN: 9786144699799
Mu'jam Asma' al-Usra. . . . معجم أسماء الأسر والأشخاص
By: Abu Sa'd, Ahmed أحمد أبو سعد
Item #: 7208
Hardcover | 1100 pp w/bibliography
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Reference - Family and Personal Names - Lebanon
Publisher: Dar al-Ilm Lilmalayin, Beirut, 2009
ISBN: 9789953903170
Muntalaq Tarikh Lubnan منطلق تاريخ لبنان
By: Salibi, Kamal صليبي، كمال
Item #: 41561
Softcover | 216 pp, maps
Language: Arabic
Topic: History - Middle Ages - Lebanon
Publisher: Naufal - Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2012
ISBN: 9789953265353
Qabadayat Bayrut قبضايات بيروت
By: Samak, Abd al-Rahman Muhammad سماك، عبد الرحمن محمد
Item #: 41646
Softcover | 175 pp with b/w photos and illustrations
Language: Arabic
Topic: History - Lebanon - Biographies - Society
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2015
ISBN: 9786140115385
Qabla an Tubhata al-Alwan قبل أن تبهت الألوان
By: Rayyes, Riyad Najib (1937-2020) رياض نجيب الريس
Item #: 15015
Hardcover | 599 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Journalism - Lebanon
Publisher: Riad el-Rayyes Books, London, c1991
ISBN: 9781855130166
Rasa'il al-Lubnaniyah الرسائل اللبنانية
By: Jalloub, Faysal & Kulaib, Sami سامي كليب وفيصل جلّول
Item #: 73747
Softcover | 385 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Current Affairs - World Travels - Lebanon History
Publisher: Nawfal, Beirut 2022
ISBN: 9786144699843
Risalat Lubnan wa Ma'nah رسالة لبنان ومعناه
By: Salim, Philip (1941 - ) فيليب سالم
Item #: 71797
Softcover | 318 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Writings - Articles - Lebanon
Publisher: Naufal, Beirut 2017
ISBN: 9786144388938
Taqadum Nahu al-Karitha التقدم نحو الكارثة
By: Khubayz, Bilal بلال خبيز
Item #: 74279
Softcover | 72 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Essays - Current Affairs - Modernity and Disaster - Lebanon
Publisher: Dar al Nahda, Beirut, 2021
ISBN: 9786144429495
Thaman al-Silm ثمن السلم
By: Chamoun, Tracy ترايسي شمعون
Item #: 16397
Softcover | 227 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Lebanon - Struggles - Politics and government
Publisher: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2013
ISBN: 9789953268804
Thaqafa al-Taifiya ثقافة الطائفية
By: Makdisi, Ussama / Translator: Deeb, Tha'ir
Item #: 70166
Softcover | 311 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: History - Sectarianism - 19th Century Lebanon
Publisher: Dar al-Adab, 2005
Za'imal wa-al-Qadi الزعيمة والقاضي
By: Shahhal, Adnan شهال، عدنان
Item #: 40408
Softcover | 137 pp with facsimiles
Language: Arabic
Topic: Lebanon - Politics - 20th Century Correspondence
Publisher: Riad al-Rayyes Books, Beirut, 2002
ISBN: 9789953210827
Abir Jadar al-Nar عبر جدار النار
By: Mirak-Weissbach, Muriel
Item #: 12863
Softcover | 311 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Politics - Current Affairs - Middle East
Publisher: All Prints, 2011
ISBN: 9789953886046
Akbar Sinjn ala al-Ard أكبر سجن على الأرض
By: Pappe, Ilan إيلان بابيه
Item #: 44826
Softcover | 368 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Palestinian Arabs - Occupied Territories - Civil Rights
Publisher: Hachette Antoine / Naufal, Beirut, 2020 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9786144690598
Ala Muftraq al-Tariq علي مفترق الطريق
By: Qurai, Ahmad أحمد قريع
Item #: 70711
Softcover | 300 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Politics - Palestine - Arab-Israeli conflict
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2008
ISBN: 9789953362090
Amaliyat al-Salam عملية السلام
By: Quandt, William B. وليام.ب كوانت
Item #: 61091
Hardcover | 749 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Political History - Middle East - Arab-Israeli Peace Processes
Publisher: Obeikan Publishing, Riyadh, 2002 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789960401393
Arar Sha'r al-Ordan عرار شاعر الاردن
By: Badawi al-Mulaththum
Item #: 16222
Hardcover | 409 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Contemporary Arabic Poetry - Jordan - Biography
Publisher: Ahlia Publishing, Beirut, 2009
ISBN: 9786589079765
Barak wa-al-Salam باراك والسلام
By: Ma'ruf, Abd عبد معروف
Item #: 60204
Softcover | 145 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arab-Israeli Conflict - Peace Accords - 20th Century
Publisher: Dar Al Muntazar, Beirut 2000
Flag of Palestine: 3 x 5 ft.
Item #: 15336
Flag | Polyester Cloth with 2 metal grommets
Topic: Flag of Palestine
Publisher: Flags Importer
Ibn al-Jiniral ابن الجنرال
By: Peled, Miko ميكو المؤلف بيليد
Item #: 71553
Softcover | 303 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Middle East - Palestine
Publisher: ASP, Beirut 2014
ISBN: 9786140110618
Iqtisad al-Muqawamah اقتصاد المقاومة
By: Qurai, Ahmad (Abu Alaa) أحمد قريع
Item #: 74716
Softcover | 448 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Study - Palestine - Resistance Economy
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut 2009
ISBN: 9789953363189
Isra'iliyun al-Jadid الاسرائيليون الجدد
By: Melman, Yossi يوسي ميلمان
Item #: 20199
Softcover | 239 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Israelis - National Character
Publisher: Al Ahliyah, Arabic Edition
Kolna Fedak كلنا فداك
By: Bassam, Khaled
Item #: 14323
Softcover | 238 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Political
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2005
Lajiat Min Filistin
By: Abdallah, Stivani
Item #: 6255
Softcover |
Language: Arabic
Topic: Political - Palestine
Publisher: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut,
Madinat al-Lidd مـديـنـة الـلـدّ،
By: Far, Mustafa Mohammad
Item #: 14993
Softcover | 408 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Palestinian History
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2009
ISBN: 9789953363080
Mehnati Kamlik Hadees Malakiah - مهنثي كملك احاديث ملكية
By: King Hussein bin Talal (1935-1999) حسين بن طلال / Sahebjam, Freidoune صاحب جم فريدون
Item #: 74777
Hardcover | 288 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Jordan - Autobiography - Memoir - Political History 1952-1999 - Interviews
Publisher: Sahebjam, Freidoune, Paris / Masry Distribution Foundation 1987 ?
Muthaqqaf wa-al-Thaqafah المثقف والثقافة
By: Tawfiq, Zuhair زهير توفيق
Item #: 16295
Softcover | 202 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arab Culture - Intellectual Life
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2013
ISBN: 9786144193037
Ruwad al-Tanwir fi Filastin رواد التنوير في فلسطين
By: Maddia, Sa'id مضية، سعيد سعيد مضيه
Item #: 20645
Softcover | 333 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Palestinian Arabs - Intellectual Life - Biography - Authors
Publisher: Al Intishar Al Arabi, 2008
ISBN: 9789953507538
Sahuniya wa-al-Yahudiya الصهيونية واليهودية
By: Masiri, AbdulWahhab عبد الوهاب المسيري
Item #: 80207
Softcover | 312 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Thought - Zionism - Judaism
Publisher: Dar al Fikr, Damascus 2009
ISBN: 9789933100612
Salalim al-Awham سلالم الأوهام
By: Othman Akel - عثمان عقل
Item #: 74753
Softcover | 174 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Writings - Palestine
Publisher: Self Published, San Deigo 2001
Salam al-Mafqud السلام المفقود
By: Ross, Dennis / Translation: Sami Ka'ki and Umar Ayyubi
Item #: 41339
Hardcover with Dustcover | 982 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Political History - Palestine-Israeli Peace Process 20th Century
Publisher: Dar al-Kitab al-Arabi, Beirut, 2005 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789953273587
Sanawat al-Amal سنوات الأمل
By: Kanafani, Marwan مروان كنفانى
Item #: 21039
Hardcover with Dust Jacket | 557 pp with 40 pp color plates
Language: Arabic
Topic: Palestine - Political History - 1948 -
Publisher: Dar al-Shurouk, Cairo, 2007
ISBN: 9789770922368
Sharq al-Awsat al-Jadid الشرق الأوسط الجديد
By: Peres, Shimon (1923-2016) شمعون بيرس
Item #: 42923
Softcover | 230 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Middle East - Politics - Arab-Israeli - Future Vision
Publisher: Al-Ahlia Publishing, Amman, Jordan, 2018
ISBN: 9786589099857
Sira al-Masalih al-Naftiyah صراع المصالح النفطية
By: Sakhnini, Dr. Issam د. عصام سخنيني
Item #: 16304
Softcover | 143 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Political History - Palestine - Oil in Arab Countries
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2013
ISBN: 9786144193464
Tarikh al Quds wa Hadarah تاريخ القدس وحاضرها
By: Group of Specialists عداد نخبة من المختصين / Jaradat, Izzat عازة جرادات.
Item #: 73394
Softcover | 304 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: History - Palestine / Jerusalem
Publisher: Dar al Nafaes, Beirut 2005
ISBN: 9789953184142
The War on Gaza الحرب على غزة
By: Borno, Dr. Rawaya
Item #: 14285
Softcover | 187 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Political-Current Affairs
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2009
ISBN: 9789953363315
Truth About Camp David حقيقة كامب ديفيد
By: Swisher, Clayton E.
Item #: 6517
Softcover | 439 pp + 16 pgs photos
Language: Arabic
Topic: Political History
Publisher: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut, 2006
Urush wa-al-Juyush العروش والجيوش
By: Haykal, Muhammad Hassanein محمد حسنين هيكل
Item #: 16636
Softcover | 458 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Political History - Palestine
Publisher: Dar al-Shuruq, Cairo, 1998
Zilluhu 'ala al-Ard ظله على الأرض
By: Isah, Usamah أسامة العيسة
Item #: 15366
Softcover | 232 pp, illustrations (some color), maps
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic-Islamic inscriptions - Masjid al-Aqsa - Jerusalem
Publisher: Qadmus lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzi, 2004
A'lam al-Nubuwah أعلام النبوة
By: Abu Hatim al-Razi, Ahmad ibn Hamdan
Item #: 15487
Softcover | 248 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Islamic Thought - Muhammad ibn Zakariya al-Razi
Publisher: Dar al-Saqi, Beirut, 2003
A'laqat al-Hadariyah العلاقات الحضارية
By: Idris, Dr. Muhammad Jala' الدكتور محمد جلاء إدريس
Item #: 70632
Softcover | 176 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Political Thought - Cultural Relationships
Publisher: Dar al-Qalam, Damascus, 2003
Abkar al-Afkar fi Usul al-Din (3 vol) أبكار الأفكار في أصول الدين
By: Amidi, Sayf al-Din Ali ibn Muhammad (551/1156 - 631/1233) أبي الحسن علي بن محمد سيف الدين الآمدي
Item #: 71365
Hardcover | 2032 pp in 3 volumes
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Islam - Doctrines - Philosophy
Publisher: Dar al-Kotob al-Ilmiyah, Beirut 2003
ISBN: 9782745141026
Abu al-Barakat al-Baghdadi ابو البركات البغدادي
By: Ajahir, Dr. Abdul Hakim أجهر، عبد الحكيم.
Item #: 12474
Softcover | 198 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Religion - Philosophy - Abu al-Barakat Hibat Allah ibn Ali (active 1077-1164 CE)
Publisher: Markaz al-Thaqafi al-Arabi, Beirut, 2011
ISBN: 9789953684928
Alim Bi La Ma'alim عالم بلا معالم
By: Aourid, Hassan (b.1962-) حسن أوريد
Item #: 82007
Softcover | 348 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Political Thought - International Relations - World politics
Publisher: Markaz al-Thaqafi al-Arabi, Morocco, 2021
ISBN: 9789953689708
Aqaniyah al-Gharbiyah العقلانية الغربية
By: Khalifa, Manal Mohammed د. منال محمد خليف
Item #: 81213
Softcover | 192 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Philosophy - Rationality
Publisher: Khayat Publishing, Washington, DC, 2025
ISBN: 9781961420328
Asas fi al-Mantiq الأساس في المنطق
By: Athir al-Din al-Abhari, al-Mufaddal ibn Umar (d. ca 1265 CE) اثير الدين الأبهري
Item #: 41047
Hardcover, Chamois | 239 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Logic
Publisher: Dar ibn Hazm, Beirut, 2013
ISBN: 9786144163443
Asl al-Furuq Bayn al-Jinsayn أصل الفروق بين الجنسين
By: Scheu, Ursula أورزولا شوي / Tr: Bu'ali, Yassin ياسين بوعلي
Item #: 42459
Softcover | 128 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Socialization - Gender Identification
Publisher: Dar al-Tanweer / Dar al-Farabi, Beirut, 2006
ISBN: 9789953711584
Bahthan 'an al-Muqaddas بحثا عن المقدس
By: Hammud, Hammud حمود، حمود
Item #: 40436
Softcover | 336 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Islamic Fundamentalism - Arab Countries
Publisher: Jadawel, Beirut. 2014
Dafatir al-Sijin دفاتر السجن
By: Gramsi, Antonio (1891-1937) أنطونيو غرامشي
Item #: 82085
Softcover | 592 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Writings - Italy - Political Thought
Publisher: Manshurat Jamal, Germany, 2023 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789922220666
Darasat al-A'dab الدراسة الأدبية
By: Khouri, Raif رئيف خوري
Item #: 15620
Softcover | 155 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Modern Arabic Thought - Literary Criticism
Publisher: Dar al-Saqi, Beirut, 2013
ISBN: 9786144257333
Dawlah wa-al-Mujtama الدولة والمجتمع
By: Shahrur, Dr. Muhammad د. محمد شحرور
Item #: 70754
Softcover | 415 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Political Thought - Society - History
Publisher: Dar As Saqi, Beirut 2018
ISBN: 9786140320796
Din wa Sultah الدين والسلطة
By: Shahrur, Dr. Muhammad د. محمد شحرور
Item #: 70755
Softcover | 480 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Islamic Thought - Religion and Power
Publisher: Dar al-Saqi, Beirut 2018
ISBN: 9786144257470
Durus fi al-Akhlaq دروس في الأخلاق
By: Eco, Umberto (1932-2016)
Item #: 71595
Softcover | 152 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Thought - Morality - Multiculturalism
Publisher: Markaz Thaqafi Arabi, Beirut 2010
ISBN: 9789953684697
Edward Said: Istishraq الإستشراق
By: Said, Edward (1935-2003) إدوارد سعيد
Item #: 80389
Softcover | 534 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Orientalism - History - Historical Narrative
Publisher: Dar al-Adab, Beirut 2022
ISBN: 9789953897103
Eureka! Wiladat al-'Ilm أوريكا! ولادة العلم
By: Gregory, Andrew أندرو غريغوري
Item #: 42508
Softcover | 194 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Ancient Science - Greek Thinkers - History
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2008 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789953362513
Falsafat al Unf فلسفة العنف
By: Dorlin, Elsa إلزا دورلين
Item #: 74012
Softcover | 254 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Philosophy - Sociology - Violence
Publisher: Dar al Saqi, Beirut 2021
ISBN: 9786140321632
Falsafat al-'Ilm فلسفة العلم
By: Qansuh, Salah صلاح قنصوه
Item #: 42457
Softcover | 256 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Philosophy - Modern - Theory of Knowledge
Publisher: Dar al-Tanweer, Beirut, 2008
Falsafat al-Tawasul فلسفة التواصل
By: Ferry, Jean Marc
Item #: 60683
Softcover | 182 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Philosophy - Communication
Publisher: Arab Scientific Publishers, Inc. Beirut, 2006 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789953292106
Falsafat al-Thawrah فلسفة الثورة
By: Abd al-Nassir, Jamal (1918-1970) جمال عبد الناصر
Item #: 71137
Softcover | 85 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: History - Political Thought - Egypt 1952-1970
Publisher: Madbuli, Cairo 2005
Fan al-Harb فن الحرب
By: Sun Tzu (551 BC-496 BC) سون تزو (551 ق. م.-496 ق. م.)
Item #: 74151
Paperback | 112 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Military Classic - Ancient Military Treatise
Publisher: Dal al-Saqi, Beirut, 2020 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9786140321328
Fi al-Siyasah Wa'adan في السياسة وعداً
By: Arendt, Hannah (1906-1975) حنة أرنت / Translator: Madyuni, Muazz
Item #: 70808
Softcover | 303 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Politics - Philosophy
Publisher: Al Jamal Publications, Freiberg 2018
ISBN: 9789933354244
Fi Mawajaha al-Amrika في مواجهة الأمركة
By: Nabulsi, Muhammad Ahmad محمد أحمد النابلسي
Item #: 73377
Softcover | 202 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Cultural Critique - Americanization - Arab Countries
Publisher: Dar al Fikr, Damascus 2004
ISBN: 9781592393657
Fi Mowajahat al-Ta'asub في مواجهة التعصب
By: Sennett, Richard ريتشارد سينيت
Item #: 21243
Softcover | 368 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Thought - Sociology - Diverse Society challenges
Publisher: Dar al-Saqi, Beirut, 2016 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9786144258897
Fi Naqd al-Fikr al-Dini في نقد الفكر الديني
By: Jalabi, Khalis خالص جلبي
Item #: 40003
Softcover | 319 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Islamic Thought and Renewal - Controversial Literature
Publisher: Al Markaz Al Thaqafi 2014 Beirut
ISBN: 9789953686707
Fikr al-Islami - Qira'ah 'Ilmiyah الفكر الإسلامي قراءة علمية
By: Arkoun, Muhammad (Arkun, 1928-2010) محمد أركون / Tr: Salih, Hashim هاشم صالح
Item #: 74670
Softcover | 284 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Thought - Islam - Current Issues - Intellectual Life - Arab Countries
Publisher: Markaz al-Inma' al-Qawmi, Beirut 1996
Ghazali wa-al-Ismailiyun الغزالي والإسماعيليون
By: Ghazali الغزالي / Farouk Mitha فاروق ميثا
Item #: 10879
Softcover | 151 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: al-Ghazali, A.H.- Theology - Philosophical views
Publisher: Saqi Books, London/Beirut, 2005 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9781855164383
Hadha Bayan lil-Nas هذا بيان للناس
By: Ghuwail, Ibrahim Bashir (1935 - ) إبراهيم بشير الغويل
Item #: 71386
Softcover | 238 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Political Thought - Arab Countries
Publisher: Dar al-Ruwad, Libya 2003
ISBN: 9799959812116
Hakadha Faltakun Alhimamu هكذا فلتكن الهمم
By: Astal, Ibrahim Hassan ابراهيم حسن الاسطل
Item #: 73701
Hardcover | 432 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Islamic Philosophy and Theology - Biographical work
Publisher: Dar al Qalam, Damascus 2022
ISBN: 9789933292973
Hakadha Takalam Zarathustra (Ahlia) هكذا تكلم زرادشت
By: Nietzsche, Friedrich (d.1900) فريدريك نيتشه / Tr: Faris, Felix
Item #: 44515
Softcover | 439 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated World Literature - Philosophical Fiction - German
Publisher: al-Ahlia Publishing, Amman, Jordan, 2020
ISBN: 9786589079897
Hakadha Takallama Ibn Arabi هكذا تكلم ابن عربي
By: Abu Zayd, Nasr Hamid (1943-2010) نصر حامد ابو زيد
Item #: 41031
Softcover | 301 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Islamic Philosophy - Sufism
Publisher: Al-Markaz al-Thaqafi al-Arabi, Beirut, 2013
ISBN: 9789953687049
Haqiqah wa-al-Manhaj الحقيقة والمنهج
By: Gadamer, Hans-Georg (1900-2002) هانز جورج غادامير
Item #: 40323
Hardcover with dust jacket | 752 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Philosophy - 20th Century
Publisher: Dar OEA, 2007
ISBN: 9789959292803
Hayat Ba'd al-Mawt
By: Zahreddine, Nayef
Item #: 8142
Softcover | 323 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Philosophy
Publisher: Riad El Rayyes, Beirut, 2008
Hayat Spinoza حياة سبينوزا
By: Abdelkader
Item #: 12927
Softcover | 116 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Philosophy
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2012
ISBN: 9786144190722
Hegel Library # 18: Hegel wa-'Asrah هيجل وعصره
By: Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich (1770-1831)
Item #: 40757
Softcover | 309 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Philosophy - Germany - Hegel
Publisher: Dar al-Tanweer, Beirut, 2011
ISBN: 978658909781x
Hiyat Shifa إلهيات شفا
By: Sadr al-Din Muhammad al-Shirazi, Mulla Sadra (d. ca. 1050/1640) صدر الدين محمد الشيرازي، ملا صدر
Item #: 44892
Hardcover | 784 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Philosophy - Ibn Sina
Publisher: al-Kamel Verlag, Freiberg, Germany, 2011
Hudud al-Ma'rifah حدود المعرفة
By: Dhahir, Jamal جمال ضاهر
Item #: 70933
Softcover | 167 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Philosophy - Logic
Publisher: Dar al-Farabi, Beirut 2018
ISBN: 9786144329221
Humom al-'Aqil هموم العقل
By: Baza'i, Saad سعد البازعي
Item #: 21354
Softcover | 239 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Literature - Critique - Saudi Arabia
Publisher: Markaz al-Thaqafi al-Arabi, Beirut, 2016
ISBN: 9789953688213
Hurriyat al-Asirah الحريات الأسيرة بين
By: Hammuri, Muhammad محمد الحموري
Item #: 42833
Hardcover | 504 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Religion and Politics - Arab Countries
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2017
ISBN: 9786144197974
I'tirafat wa La'nat اعترافات ولعنات
By: Cioran, Emile (1911-1995) / Translator: Fathi, Adam
Item #: 70734
Softcover | 151 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Philosophical Writings - Cioran
Publisher: al-Kamel Verlag, Germany, 2018
ISBN: 9789933354251
Ighlaq Aql al-Muslim إغلاق عقل المسلم
By: Reilly, Robert R. (1946-) روبرت ر. رايلي / Translator: Na'im, Majdi
Item #: 70807
Softcover | 294 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Thought - Critique - Islamic Fundamentalism
Publisher: Al Jamal Publications, Freiberg 2018
ISBN: 9789933353926
Ilm al-Mantiq علم المنطق
By: Abdullah, Dr. Muhammad Ramadan د محمد رمضان عبد الله
Item #: 74439
Hardcover | 220 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Logic - Sciences of
Publisher: Maktab al Amin, Kirkuk / Dar Ibn Hazm, Beirut 2015
ISBN: 9789959855442
Islam wa-al-Dawlah الاسلام والدولة
By: Abu Groon, al-Nayyal النيل عبد القادر أبو قرون
Item #: 41485
Softcover | 158 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Islam and State - Contemporary Thought
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2015
ISBN: 9789953363668
Islam wa-al-Gharb الاسلام والغرب
By: Buti, Muhammad Said Ramadan (1929-2013) محمد سعيد رمضان البوطي
Item #: 72105
Softcover | 214 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Softcover
Publisher: Dar al Fikr, Damascus 2007
ISBN: 9789933107505
Jadal al-Tanwir جدل التنوير
By: Adorno, Theodor W. / Horkheimer, Max
Item #: 40331
Hardcover with dust jacket | 328 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Philosophy - 20th Century
Publisher: Dar al-Kitab al-Jadid, Beirut, 2006
ISBN: 9789959292995
Jami' Ara'a al-Falasifah جامع آراء الفلاسفة
By: Ibn Kammuna, Saad ibn Mansour (d. 683/1284 عز الدولة سعد بن منصور/ ابن كمونة
Item #: 70907
Hardcover | 316 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Philosophy - Comparative - Sufi
Publisher: Dar al Kotob al Ilmiyah, Beirut 2018
ISBN: 9782745179203
Jihad al-Nisa' جهاد النساء
By: Benslama, Fethi & Khosrokhavar, Farhad
Item #: 71505
Softcover | 143 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Sociology - Contemporary
Publisher: Saqi, Beirut 2019
ISBN: 9786140320734
Judhur al-Ma'ziq al-Usuli جذور المأزق الأصولي
By: Hajj Hamad, Muhammad Abu al-Qasim محمد أبو القاسم حاج حمد
Item #: 41075
Softcover | 168 pp, Indexed
Language: Arabic
Topic: Thought - Islamic Fundamentalism
Publisher: Dar al-Saqi, London/Beirut, 2010
ISBN: 9781855166240
Kahanah fi Kull al-Usur كهنة في كل العصور
By: Salam, Rashad رشاد سلام
Item #: 20644
Softcover | 231 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Thought - Religions
Publisher: Al Intishar Al Arabi, Beirut, 2010
ISBN: 9786144040485
Kayla Yua'rrakh Aylul -- ! كيلا يأرخ ايلول
By: Turki, Ibrahim Abd al-Rahman إبراهيم بن عبد الرحمن تركي
Item #: 60147
Softcover | 160 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Thought - Essays
Publisher: Bisan, Beirut 2006
ISBN: 9789960495132
Khiyanat al-Qasam خيانة القسم
By: Miles, Steven H. , M.D.
Item #: 71185
Softcover | 256 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Prisoner Torture - Doctor Ethics
Publisher: ASP, Beirut 2007
ISBN: 9789953870458
Kitab al-Huruf كتاب الحروف
By: Farabi, Abu Nasr Muhammad bin Muhammad bin Turkhan (d. 339/950) أبو نصر محمد بن محمد بن طرخان الفارابي
Item #: 80579
Softcover | 144 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Arabic Language - Philosophy
Publisher: Dar al-Kutub Ilmiyah (DKI), Beirut 2006
ISBN: 9782745149664
La Ikraha fi al-Din لا إكـراه فـي الـديـن
By: Alwani, Taha Jaber طه جابر العلواني
Item #: 40005
Softcover | 237 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Religious Tolerance - Islam - Contemporary Society
Publisher: Al Markaz Al Thaqafi 2014 Beirut
ISBN: 9789953687216
Liqaa Al-Tarikh Bi Al-Asr لقاء التاريخ بالعصر
By: Ansari, Muhammad Jabir انصاري، محمد جابر
Item #: 60650
Softcover | 120 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Philosophy - Arab Countries - Ibn Khaldun (1332-1406) Intellectual life
Publisher: Al-Muassasah Al-Asriyyah Lil Dirasat Wa Al-Nashr, Beirut 2006
ISBN: 9789953369228
Lubab al-Mantiq - لباب المنطق
By: Abidi, Sheikh Falah الشيخ فلاح العابدي
Item #: 74996
Hardcover | 264 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Core Logic
Publisher: Wamaḍat lil-Tarjamah wa-al-Nashr, Beirut 2018
ISBN: 9786144330838
Ma Ba'ad Dhahniya Tahrim مابعد ذهنية التحريم
By: Azm, Sadiq Jalal (1934-2016) صادق جلال العظم
Item #: 73012
Softcover | 575 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Literary Studies - Polemical Fiction - Censorship - Thought
Publisher: Dar al Mada, Baghdad 2007
ISBN: 9782843050206
Mabahath al-Mashriqiyyah 2 Vol المباحث المشرقية
By: Razi, Fakhr al-Din (543/1149 - 606/1209) رازي، فخر الدين محمد بن عمر
Item #: 70148
Hardcover | 2 Volumes
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Islamic philosophy - Sufism
Publisher: Dar al-Kitab al-Arabi, Beirut, 1990
Madkhal ila al-Falsafah مدخل إلى الفلسفة
By: Najjar, Dr. Ibrahim Yusuf ابراهيم يوسف النجار
Item #: 21192
Softcover | 191 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Philosophy - Introduction
Publisher: Markaz al-Thaqafi al-Arabi, Beirut, 2013
ISBN: 9789953685090
Madkhal ila al-Falsafah al-Qadimah مدخل الى الفلسفة القديمة
By: Armstrong, A.H. (1909-1997) أرثر هيلاري آرمسترونغ
Item #: 43098
Hardcover w/Dustcover | 303 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Classical Studies - Ancient Philosophy
Publisher: Markaz al-Thaqafi al-Arabi, Beirut, 2009 Arabic Edition, c. 1989/1947
ISBN: 9789953683700
Mafhum al-Aql مفهوم العقل
By: Arawi, Abd Allah (b. 1933) عبد الله العروي
Item #: 71576
Softcover | 390 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Philosophy - Reason
Publisher: Markaz al-Thaqafi al-Arabi, Beirut 1997
Mafhum al-Dawlah مفهوم الدولة
By: Laroui, Abdallah (b. 1933) عبدالله العروي
Item #: 21409
Softcover | 240 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Thought - Arab Society - Morocco
Publisher: Markaz al-Thaqafi al-Arabi, Beirut, 2014 Edition 10th
ISBN: 9789953685212
Mafhum al-Hurriyah مفهوم الحرية
By: Laroui, Abd Allah (b. 1933) عبدالله العروي
Item #: 41036
Softcover | 149 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Thought - Arab Society - Freedom
Publisher: Al-Markaz al-Thaqafi al-Arabi, Beirut, 2012 Edition (c.1983)
ISBN: 9789953682907
Mafhum al-Ideologya مفهوم الإيديولوجيا
By: Laroui, Abdallah (b. 1933) عروي، عبد الله
Item #: 21402
Softcover | 176 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Thought - Arab Society - Morocco
Publisher: Markaz al-Thaqafi al-Arabi, Beirut, 2008 Edition 12th
ISBN: 9789953685380
Mafhum al-Tarikh مفهوم التاريخ
By: Laroui, Abd Allah (b. 1933) عبدالله العروي
Item #: 41037
Softcover | 432 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Philosophy - History - Historiography
Publisher: Al-Markaz al-Thaqafi al-Arabi, Beirut, 2012 Edition (c 1992)
ISBN: 9789953680354
Majayla al-Tarikhiya المجايلة التاريخية
By: Jamil, Sayyar سيار الجميل
Item #: 73975
Softcover | 586 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Political Thought - History - Sociology
Publisher: Al Ahliya, Amman 1999
Manaqad wa Mashfi منقد ومشفي
By: Deleuze, Gilles (1925-1995) / Tr. By Ba'zawi, Bashir
Item #: 80530
Softcover | 272 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Philosophy - 20th Century
Publisher: Mashurat Jamal, Freiberg 2023, Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789922220659
Manhaj wa-al-Manhajiya المنهج والمنهجية
By: Rifa'i, Muhammad Hussein محمد حسين الرفاعي
Item #: 74285
Softcover | 189 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Sociology - Methodology
Publisher: Dar al-Tanwir, Beirut 2022
ISBN: 9786144722084
Maqasid al-Falasifah مقاصد الفلاسفة
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid (1058-1111 CE) أبي حامد الغزالي
Item #: 61055
Hardcover | 288 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Philosophy
Publisher: DKI, Beirut 2008
ISBN: 9782745138477
Miftah fi Ilm al-Mantiq المفتاح في علم المنطق
By: Asmi, Professor Sheikh Adham الأستاذ الشيخ أدهم العاسمي
Item #: 44633
Softcover | 64 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Science of Logic - Primer
Publisher: Dar al-Fikr, Beirut/Damascus, 2020
ISBN: 9789933363314
Min al-Fikr wa-al-Qalb من الفكر والقلب
By: Buti, Muhammad Said Ramadan (1929-2013) محمد سعيد رمضان البوطي
Item #: 72101
Softcover | 304 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Contemporary Islamic Thought
Publisher: Dar al-Fikr, Damascus 2019
ISBN: 9789933361785
Min al-Nasaq Ala al-Dhat
By: Mahabl, Omar
Item #: 8154
Softcover | 270 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Philosophy
Publisher: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut, 2007
Mubahasat - المباحثات
By: Ibn Sina (Avicenna 370/980 - 427/1037) ابن سينا
Item #: 80528
Softcover | 512 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Philosophy - Philosophical Thought
Publisher: Manshurat Jamal, Freiberg 2022
ISBN: 9789922630366
Mufakar wa-al-Afkar المفكر والفكار
By: Sarhan, Mansur Muhammad
Item #: 11778
Softcover | 239pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Philosphy-Studies
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2009
ISBN: 9789953362750
Mugadimat Slavoj Žižek مقدمات سلافوي جيجيك
By: Kul-Want, Christopher كريستوفر كول وانت
Item #: 21500
Softcover | 176 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Philosophy - Thought - Slovenia
Publisher: Almutawassit, Italy, 2016
ISBN: 9789187373947
Mughni al-Tullab مغني الطلاب
By: Abhari, Mughnisi, Hamid, Najm
Item #: 70770
Hardcover | 400 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Logic / Philosophy
Publisher: Dar al Fayha, Damascus 2018
ISBN: 9789933610029
Mujtamaʻ Muslim - Muslim Society - مجتمع مسلم
By: Gellner, Ernest (1925-1995) غيلّنر، إرنست / Translator: Baqadir, Abu Bakr Ahmad
Item #: 40363
Hardcover with jacket | 444 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Social Anthropology - Islamic Society - No. Africa
Publisher: Dar al-Madar al-Islami. 2005 Arabic Edition, c. 1981
ISBN: 9789959291486
Mukhtar Rasa'il Jabir Ibn Hayyan مختار رسائل جابر بن حيان
By: Ibn Hayyan, Jabir (721-815 AD) جابر بن حيان
Item #: 70745
Softcover | 494 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Thought - Medieval Sciences - Various
Publisher: al-Jamal Publications, Freiberg, Germany, 2017
ISBN: 9789933352561
Muqaddas wa-al-Hurriyah المقدس والحرية
By: Jad'an, Fahmi (1940-) فهمي جدعان
Item #: 44933
Hardcover | 401 pp, bibliography, chamois paper
Language: Arabic
Topic: Thought - Religion and Politics - Arab Countries - Social Change
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2009
ISBN: 978995336290
Muqaddimat Ibn Rushd مقدمة ابن رشد
By: Ibn Rushd (Averroës, 520/1126-595/1198) ابن رشد
Item #: 20775
Hardcover | 685 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Islam - Maliki Law Philosophy
Publisher: Dar Sader, Beirut
Muthaqqaf المثقف : مداخل التعريف والأدوار
By: A'lio, Zaki زكي العليو
Item #: 20658
Softcover | 198 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Philosophy / Thought
Publisher: Al Intishar al-Arabi, Beirut, 2003
ISBN: 9789953529875
Muthaqqaf wa-al-Thaqafah المثقف والثقافة
By: Tawfiq, Zuhair زهير توفيق
Item #: 16295
Softcover | 202 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arab Culture - Intellectual Life
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2013
ISBN: 9786144193037
Nafidhah ala al-Ghaib نافذة على الغيب
By: Salman, Bashir سلمان بشير
Item #: 70741
Softcover | 503 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Sufi - Philosophy - Averroes - Ibn Arabi
Publisher: al-Kamel Verlag, Freiberg, Germany, 2017
ISBN: 9789933352790
Nahwa Thaqafah Ta'siliyah نحو ثقافة تأصيلية
By: Shawish, Muhammad Mahmood محمد محمود شاويش
Item #: 70690
Softcover | 270 pp includes bibliography
Language: Arabic
Topic: Political Thought - Arab Culture - 20th & 21th Century
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2007
ISBN: 9789953870281
Naqd al-khitab al-Istishraqi (2 vol) نقد الخطاب الإستشراقي
By: Hajj, Sasi Salim حاج، ساسي سالم
Item #: 40318
Hardcover | 1138 pp, 2 volumes
Language: Arabic
Topic: Islamic civilization - Study and teaching - Western influences.
Publisher: Dar al-Madar al-Islami, Beirut, 2001
ISBN: 9789959290625
Naqd Awham Madiya Jadiliya نقض اوهام المادية الجدلية
By: Buti, Muhammad Sa'id Ramadan (1929-2013) محمد سعيد رمضان البوطي
Item #: 72234
Softcover | 302 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Muslim Dialogue - Overcoming deceptive dialogue
Publisher: Dar al Fikr, Damascus 2017
ISBN: 9789933360580
Naqd Falsafat Darwin نقد فلسفة دارون
By: Isfahani (Asfahani), Muhammad Rida al-Najafi محمد رضا النجفي الأصفهاني
Item #: 72252
Hardcover | 414 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Phlosophy - Darwin Criticism
Publisher: Dar Ihya al-Turuth al-Arabi, Beirut, 2015
ISBN: Written by Abi al-Majd al-Najafi al-Isfahani
Naqd Naziriyat al-Mu'amarah نقد نظرية المؤامرة
By: Uthmani, Uthman عثمان العثمان
Item #: 72573
Softcover | 318 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Political Thought - Conspiracy Theories - Arab World
Publisher: Sindbad Publishers, Damascus 2003
Nietzsche : Diwan - ديوان نيتشة
By: Nietzsche, Friedrich (1844-1900) فريدريك نيتشه / Tr: Saleh Muhammad Bin
Item #: 80504
Softcover | 350 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Philosophical Poetry
Publisher: Manshurat Jamal, Frieberg 2005
ISBN: 9789922605739
Nietzsche : Hadha Hu al'Insan - هذا هو الإنسان
By: Nietzsche, Friedrich (d.1900) فريدريك نيتشه / Tr: Mosbah, Ali
Item #: 80543
Softcover | 168 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Philosophy - Philosophical Thought - Autobiography
Publisher: Manshurat Jamal, Freiberg 2003
ISBN: 9789933354367
Nietzsche : Naqid al-Masih - نقيض المسيح
By: Nietzsche, Friedrich (1844-1900) فريدريك نيتشه / Tr: Mosbah, Ali
Item #: 80502
Softcover | 152 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Philosophy - Logic
Publisher: Manshurat Jamal, Frieberg 2011
ISBN: 9789933354411
Phenomenology al-Manteq
By: Salameh, Yousef Salim
Item #: 8064
Softcover | 317 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Philosophy
Publisher: Dar al-Tanwir, Beirut, 2007
Qalaq al-Ma'rifah قلق المعرفة
By: Baza'i, Saad سعد البازعي
Item #: 21382
Softcover | 256 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Thought - Critique - Saudi Arabia
Publisher: Markaz al-Thaqafi al-Arabi, Beirut, 2010
ISBN: 9789953684376
Qaswah wa-al-Samt القسوة والصمت
By: Makiya, Kanan (1949-) كنعان مكية
Item #: 15023
Softcover | 359 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Tyranny - Arab World
Publisher: Jamal Publications, 2005
Qimat al-Qim قيمة القيم
By: Manjara (Elmandjra), Mahdi (1933-2014) المهدي المنجرة
Item #: 73705
Softcover | 327 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Thought - Cultural Values
Publisher: Markaz al Thaqafi al Arabi, Beirut 2019 المركز الثقافي العربي
ISBN: 9789953683317
Qiraah Bashariyah lil-Din قراءة بشرية للدين
By: Shabastari, Dr. Al Shiekh Mohammed Mijtahed محمد مجتهد الشبستري
Item #: 20652
Softcover | 360 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Religion - Humanity
Publisher: Al Intishar Al Arabi, Beirut, 2009
ISBN: 9786144040331
Qisat al-Falsafa قصة الفلسفة
By: Durant, Will (1885-1981) ول جيمس ديورانت
Item #: 72981
Hardcover | 392 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Philosophy - Philosophers
Publisher: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut 2017 مكتبة المعارف
ISBN: 9789953436227
Radd 'ala al-Mantiqiyyin الرد على المنطقيين
By: Ibn Taymiyyah ( 661/1263 - 728/1328 ) ابن تيمية
Item #: 752
Hardcover | 480 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Islamic Studies - Philosophy
Publisher: DKI, Beirut
Rasa'il Abi Bakr al-Khuwarizmi رسائل ابي بكر الخوارزمي
By: Khuwarizm, Abi Bakr Muhammad (d.383/993) ابي بكر محمد بن العباس الخوارزمي
Item #: 72264
Hardcover | 214 pp + 8 pg Index
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Khuwarazmi's Missives
Publisher: Dar Sader, Beirut 2019
Rasa'il al-Farabi رسائل الفارابي
By: Farabi, Abu Nasr Muhammad bin Muhammad bin Turkhan (d. 339/950) أبو نصر محمد بن محمد بن طرخان الفارابي
Item #: 80961
Hardcover | 284 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Letters - Notes - Philosophy, Rare Books
Publisher: Dar Sader, re-print / Publishing House, Hyderabad 1925
Rasa'il Falsafiyah رسائل فلسفية
By: Razi, Muhammad Zakariya (ca. 251/864-313/925) محمد بن زكرياء الرازي
Item #: 72266
Hardcover | 316 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Islamic Philosophy - Theology
Publisher: Dar Sader, Beirut 2019
Rasa'il Falsifiyah : Voltaire رسائل فلسفية : فولتير
By: Voltaire (1694-1778) فولتير
Item #: 40744
Softcover | 208 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Philosophy - Voltaire - France - 18th Century
Publisher: Dar al-Tanweer, Beirut, 2014 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789938886184
Rasa'il Ikhwan al-Safa (4 vol) ﺭﺳﺎﺋﻞ ﺇﺧﻮﺍﻥ ﺍﻟﺼﻔﺎ
By: The Safa Folk (10th Century CE Iraq)
Item #: 15614
Hardcover | 1966 pp, 4 volumes
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Epistles of the Brethren of Purity - Islamic Philosophy - Sciences
Publisher: Dar Sader, Beirut, 2011
Rasa'il Jabir ibn Hayyan رسائل جابر بن حيان
By: Ibn Hayyan, Jabir (721-815 AD) جابر بن حيان / Editor: Ahmed Farid Mazidi
Item #: 10847
Hardcover | 608 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Medieval Sciences
Publisher: DKI, Beirut, 2006
Rihan ala al-Hisan الرهان على الحصان
By: Faqi, Mustafa مصطفى الفقي
Item #: 72013
Softcover | 319 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Writings - Political Thought - Egypt - 20th Century
Publisher: Dar al-Shorouk, Cairo, 2002
ISBN: 9789770908013
Risala li-al-Biruni رسالة للبيروني في فهرست كتب الرازي
By: Biruni, Abu al-Rayhan Muhammad (362/973-440/1048) ابي الريحان محمد
Item #: 72265
Hardcover | 51 pp, chamois paper
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Islamic Sciences & Philosophy - al-Biruni - al-Razi
Publisher: Dar Sader, Beirut 2019 / Imprimerie Oreintaliste, Paris, 1936
ISBN: 9789953139982
Risalah fi al-Tasamuh رسالة في التسامح
By: Voltaire (1694-1778) فولتير
Item #: 42882
Softcover | 191 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Philosophy - Tolerance
Publisher: Al-Ahlia Publishing, Amman, Jordan, 2017
ISBN: 9786589090120
Risalat al-Ghufran (dakaa) رسالة الغفران
By: Ma'arri, Abu al-Ala (363/973-449/1057 CE) بو العلاء المعري
Item #: 20010
Hardcover | 279 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Arabic Literature - Prose - Philosophy
Publisher: DKI, Beirut 2011 4th Ed.
ISBN: 9781230457536
Safr al-Manzumat سفر المنظومات
By: Ma'mari, Abd Allah عبد الله المعمري
Item #: 73352
Softcover | 108 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Kindi, Aḥmad ibn ʻAbd Allah, (d.557/1162) - Jawhar al-Muqtasar - Islamic philosophy
Publisher: Al Intishar al Arabi, Beirut 2009
ISBN: 9789953529684
Sawt: Bawwabat al-Kawn الصوت : بوابة الكون
By: Sandri, Samia ساميا ساندري
Item #: 40397
Softcover | 318 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Voice - Religious aspects - Philosophy
Publisher: Riad al-Rayyes Books, Beirut, 2002 Arabic Edition, c. 1997
ISBN: 9789953210728
Shiri'at Iblis شعرية إبليس
By: Bodman, Whitney S. ويتني س. بودمان
Item #: 21462
Softcover | 472 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Thought - Quran Studies - Islamic Studies
Publisher: Al-Kamel Verlag, Beirut, 2017
ISBN: 9789933353469
Showq wa-al-Hijran الشوق والهجران
By: Malakian, Mustafa
Item #: 12286
Softcover | 437 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Philosophy-Religion
Publisher: al-Intishar, 2009
ISBN: 9786144040904
Sifr al-la Ma'na سفر اللامعنى
By: Sa'ud, Hajar هاجر سعود
Item #: 43579
Softcover | 137 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Inspirational Writings - Philosophical Writings
Publisher: Madarek Publishing House, Riyadh,
ISBN: 9786039119500
Simya' al-Kawn سيمياء الكون
By: Lotman, Yuri (1922-1993) يوري لوتمان
Item #: 71589
Softcover | 222 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Thought - Sciences - Semiosphere
Publisher: Markaz Thaqafi Arabi, Beirut 2011
ISBN: 9789953684789
Sirr Tatawwur al-'Umam سر تطور الأمم
By: Le Bon, Dr. Gustave (1931-1841) جوستاف لوبون / Tr: Zaghlul, Ahmad Fathi أحمد فتحي زغلول
Item #: 81164
Softcover | 160 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Ethnopsychology - Psychology, Social - Political Thought
Publisher: Dar al-Nafaes, Beirut, 1987 Arabic Edition
Siyasat al-Rumaz سياسة الرمز
By: Sa'id, Haydar حيدر سعيد
Item #: 70710
Softcover | 199 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Thought - Politics - Iraq - Culture - Influence of War
Publisher: AIRP, 2009
ISBN: 9789953363493
Sunnah wa al-Islah السنة والإصلاح
By: Laroui, Abd Allah (b. 1933) عبدالله العروي
Item #: 21398
Softcover | 222 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Thought - Q and A - 'Other's' view of Islam
Publisher: Markaz al-Thaqafi al-Arabi, Beirut, 2008
ISBN: 9789953683133
Super Mithaliyah السوبر مثالية
By: Ajami, Hassan حسن عجمي
Item #: 71714
Softcover | 109 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Philosophy - Idealism
Publisher: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut, 2007
ISBN: 9789953871998
Super Usuliyah السوبر أصولية
By: Ajami, Hassan حسن عجمي
Item #: 7244
Softcover | 200 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Philosophy - Fundamentalism
Publisher: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut, 2007
ISBN: 9789953870076
Ta'amulat تأملات
By: Falahi, Ahmed (1954-) أحمد الفلاحي
Item #: 16289
Softcover | 180 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Literary Writings - Reflections - Humanity
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2013
ISBN: 9788144192917
Tafkir al-Za'id التفكر الزائد
By: Musfa, Muhammad Jaafar
Item #: 12882
Softcover | 240 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Philosophy - Thought
Publisher: al-Intishar, 2012
ISBN: 9786144042366
Tahafut al-Falasifa تهافت الفلاسفة
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid (1058-1111 CE) الإمام الغزالي
Item #: 74445
Hardcover | 213 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Philosophy - Critique
Publisher: DKI, Beirut 2018
ISBN: 9782745131119
Tahawwulat al-Azminah تحولات الأزمنة
By: Jamil, Sayyar سيار الجميل
Item #: 43246
Softcover | 318 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Political Thought - History - Periodization
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2017
ISBN: 9786144197929
Tajfif Manabi al-Irhab تجفيف منابع الارهاب
By: Shahrur, Muhammad شحرور، محمد
Item #: 42913
Softcover | 400 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Thought - Roots of Terrorism
Publisher: Dar al-Saqi, London/Beirut, 2018
ISBN: 9786140320512
Taqa al-Khafiyat الطاقة الخفية والحاسة السادسة
By: Radwan, Shafiq
Item #: 16703
Softcover | 280 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Thought - The Sixth Sense
Publisher: Mu'assasah al-Jamiyah lil-Dirasat wa-al-Nashr wa-al-Tawzi, Beirut, 2004
Tarikh al-Kadhib تاريخ الكذب
By: Derrida, Jacques
Item #: 40773
Softcover | 117 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Philosophy
Publisher: Markaz al-Thaqafi al-Arabi, Beirut, 2016 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789953687995
Tarikhiyat al-Fikr Arabi al-Islami تاريخية الفكر العربي الاسلامي
By: Arkoun, Muhammad (Arkun, 1928-2010) محمد أركون / Tr: Salih, Hashim هاشم صالح
Item #: 80723
Softcover | 302 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Islamic Thought - Arab Countries Intellectual Life - History - Religious aspects Islam
Publisher: Markaz al-Thaqafi al-Arabi, Beirut 1998
Tariq ila' al-'Ubudiyah الطريق الى العبودية
By: Hayek, Friedrich A. (1899-1992) فريدريش هايك / Tr: Wehbe, Edward ادوارد وهبة
Item #: 44787
Softcover | 272 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Political Thought - Economic Policy - Totalitarianism
Publisher: Mu'assasat Rinih Ma'awwad, Beriut, 2001 Arabic Edition
Thaqafah wa-al-Manhaj الثقافة والمنهج
By: Masiri, AbdulWahhabعبد الوهاب المسيري / Ed: Harfi, Suzan سوزان حرفي
Item #: 80208
Softcover | 392 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Cultural Studies - Thought
Publisher: Dar al-Fikr, Damscus 2018
ISBN: 9789933100582
Thaqafatuna fi Daw' al-Tarikh ثقافتنا في ضوء التاريخ
By: Laroui, Abdallah (b. 1933) عبدالله العروي
Item #: 41038
Softcover | 240 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Thought - Arab Cultural Policy
Publisher: Al-Markaz al-Thaqafi al-Arabi, Beirut, 2014 (c, 1983)
ISBN: 9789953686363
Thaqaft Twitter ثقافة تويتر
By: Ghadami, Abd Allah (1946-) عبدالله الغذامي
Item #: 21404
Softcover | 168 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Social Media - Twitter - Thought
Publisher: Markaz al-Thaqafi al-Arabi, Beirut, 2016
ISBN: 9789953687957
The Book of Disquiet كتاب اللاطمأنينة
By: Pessoa, Fernando (1888-1935) فرناندوا بيسوا
Item #: 21291
Softcover | 560 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Stories and Texts - Portugal
Publisher: Markaz al-Thaqafi al-Arabi, Beirut, 2016 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789953688107
Tuqus al-Ubur fi al-Islam طقوس العبور في الإسلام
By: Buhaha, Abd al-Rahmin عبد الرحيم بوهاها
Item #: 20649
Softcover | 351 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Islamic Philosophy - Customs and Practice
Publisher: Intishar al-Arabi, Beirut, 2009
ISBN: 9789953529486
Turug Heideggers طرق هيدغر
By: Gadamer, Hans-Georg (1900-2002) هانز جورج غادامير
Item #: 40329
Softcover with flaps | 400 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Philosophy - 20th Century - Heidegger
Publisher: Dar al-Kitab al-Jadid, Beirut, 2007
ISBN: 9789959292643
Usturiyyat أسطوريات
By: Barthes, Roland (1915-1980) رولان بارت
Item #: 70751
Softcover | 326 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Essays - Thought - Myths
Publisher: Al Jamal Publications, Freiberg 2018
ISBN: 9789933354206
Vatican wa-al-Islam الفاتيكان والاسلام
By: Abd al-Aziz, Zeinab زينب عبد العزيز
Item #: 70146
Softcover | 160 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Vatican and Islam - Controversial writings
Publisher: Dar al-Kitab al-Arabi, Beirut, 2005
ISBN: 9789773760809
Wada'an lil-Hulm al-Amriki وداعاً للحلم الأمريكي
By: Chomsky, Noam نعوم تشومسكي / Tr: Azraqi, Muhammad محمد الازرقي
Item #: 44259
Softcover | 189 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Income Distribution - Power - USA
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2017 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9786140123359
Zaman al-Dhulluqratiyah زمن الذلقراطية
By: Manjara (Elmandjra), Mahdi (1933-2014) المهدي المنجرة
Item #: 73708
Softcover | 176 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Interviews and Dialogue - Current Thought - Society
Publisher: Markaz al Thaqafi al Arabi, Beirut 2020 المركز الثقافي العربي
ISBN: 9789953688428
Zulamiyun wa-al-Nuraniyun الظلاميون و النورانيون
By: Buti, Muhammad Said Ramadan (1929-2013) محمد سعيد رمضان البوطي
Item #: 72115
Softcover | 200 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Islamic Thought - Obscurantism - Enlightenment
Publisher: Dar al Fikr, Damascus 2018 2nd Ed.
ISBN: 9789933101695
A'lam min Dunina العالم من دوننا
By: Weisman, Alan ألان فايسمان
Item #: 9702
Softcover | 357 pp (with photos)
Language: Arabic
Topic: Social Science - Future Studies
Publisher: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut, 2008 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789953874647
Aihtbas al-Harari الاحتباس الحراري
By: Murphy, Glenn / Bonnier Books
Item #: 41859
Hardcover | 64 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Juvenile Non-fiction - Climate Change - Middle & High School
Publisher: Dar al-Fikr, Beirut/Damascus, 2011 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789933102364
Ajmal Tarikh al-Mara' أجمل تاريخ للمرأة
By: Group : فرنسوا إيريتييه - ميشيل بيرو - سيلفيان آغاسينسكي - نيكول باشاران Tr: Nermin Omri
Item #: 70397
Softcover | 256 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Sociology - Culture - Women
Publisher: Academia, Beirut, 2011
ISBN: 9789953378145
Ajmal Tarikh li-al-Insan أجمل تاريخ للإنسان
By: Group : أندريه لانغاني, جان كلوت, جان غيلان, دومينيك سيمونيه Tr: Musa Dib al-Khouri
Item #: 70396
Softcover | 135 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Science - History - Human Development
Publisher: Academia, Beirut, 2000 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789953371795
Ajmal Tarikh lilkawn اجمل تاريخ للكون
By: Coppens,Reeves, Simonnet, de Rosney / Translator: Khoury, Musa جويل دو روني، هيوبت ريفر، إيف كوبنز، ديمونيك سيمونيه
Item #: 70395
Softcover | 142 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Science - Universe - Earth - Life
Publisher: Dar al Kitab al Arabi, Beirut 1998
Aqasis Rumaniyyah أقاصيص رمانية
By: Ahdab, Marwan مروان الأحدب / Ill: Chassagnard, C./ Le Gall, Loic
Item #: 44453
Softcover | 144 pp, Illustrated
Language: Arabic
Topic: Ancient News - Stpries - Roman Culture - Ages 13+
Publisher: Samir Editeur, Beirut, 2017
ISBN: 9789953318875
Aql fi al-Qalb العقل في القلب
By: Outri, Dr. Mustafa Maher مصطفى ماهر عطري
Item #: 44469
Hardcover | 416 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Islam and Science - Spirituality - Heart and Brain Influences
Publisher: Dar al-Fikr, Beirut/Damascus, 2020
ISBN: 9789933362607
Atlas al-'Ulum al-Shamal: al-Bia'ah البيئة
By: Editorial Sol 90; Encyclopaedia Britannica, inc.
Item #: 40155
Hardcover | 103 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Juvenile Non-fiction - Environment
Publisher: Librairie Stephen, Beirut, 2014
ISBN: 9786144071809
ChatGPT خطوة خطوة
By: ASP Group, ChatGpt خطوة خطوة
Item #: 80394
Softcover | 84 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: User Guide - AI - CHAT GPT
Publisher: ASP, Beirut 2023
ISBN: 9786140136236
Dalil al-Malik lil-Makh دليل المالك للمخ
By: Howard, Pierce J., PhD بيرس جيه هاوارد
Item #: 43278
Softcover | 1143 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: The Brain - Optimization - Layman Guide
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabia, 2017 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 6281072086145
Eureka! Wiladat al-'Ilm أوريكا! ولادة العلم
By: Gregory, Andrew أندرو غريغوري
Item #: 42508
Softcover | 194 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Ancient Science - Greek Thinkers - History
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2008 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789953362513
Fiziya fi al-Tabi'ah الفيزياء في الطبيعة
By: Tarason, L.Q. ل.ق. تاراسون / Ed: Hamid, Hasan حميد حسن
Item #: 73092
Softcover | 383 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Physics - Nature - Science
Publisher: ASP, Beirut 1993
ISBN: 9789953297309
Hub wa-Riyadiyat حب ورياضيات
By: Frenkel, Edward ادوارد فرنكل
Item #: 71129
Hardcover | 359 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Wonder of Learning - Mathematics
Publisher: Dar al-Malayin, Beirut 2018 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9786146312238
I'lm Sumum al Biiya علم السموم البيئية
By: Eissa, Fawzy/ Zidan, Nour/ Elhamalawy, Osama فوزي عيسى ونور الهدى زيدان وأسامة الحملاوي
Item #: 73688
Hardcover | 384 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Ecology - Toxicology
Publisher: DKI, Beirut 2021
ISBN: 9782745198501
Islah al-Islamiya الاسلحة الاسلامة
By: North, Anthony
Item #: 12019
Hardcover | 51 pp, Photos
Language: Arabic
Topic: Military History / Technology
Publisher: Dar al-Arabia, 2000
Jasad wa al-Mujtama الجسد و المجتمع
By: Sahiri bin Hataira, Sufiya
Item #: 14397
Softcover | 384 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Studies
Publisher: al-Intishar, 2008
ISBN: 9789973332035
Jinat wa al-DNA الجينات والـ
By: Kingfisher Knowledge
Item #: 41858
Hardcover | 59 pp, color photos and Illustrations
Language: Arabic
Topic: Juvenile Non-fiction - Genes and DNA - Middle & High School
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2006 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9799953294109
Kayf Ta'mal Google كيف تعمل جوجل
By: Schmidt, Eric / Rosenberg, Jonathan جوناثان روزنبرج / اريك شميدت
Item #: 60576
Hardcover | 300 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Technology - Google
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, Riyadh 2015
ISBN: 6281072082475
Ma Aladhi Yaf’alu al-Anthurubulujya ما الذي يفل الانثروبولوجيا
By: Strang, Veronica فيرونيك سترنغ / Tr: Ghani, Hana Khalif هانا خليف غني
Item #: 44552
Hardcover | 490 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Anthropology - Vocational guidance, Research, Methodology
Publisher: Academic Center for Research / Arabic Ed. Distributed by: All Prints, Beirut 2019
ISBN: 9781927946695
Madkhal ila al-Falsafah al-Qadimah مدخل الى الفلسفة القديمة
By: Armstrong, A.H. (1909-1997) أرثر هيلاري آرمسترونغ
Item #: 43098
Hardcover w/Dustcover | 303 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Classical Studies - Ancient Philosophy
Publisher: Markaz al-Thaqafi al-Arabi, Beirut, 2009 Arabic Edition, c. 1989/1947
ISBN: 9789953683700
Madmarat المدمرات
By: Diez, Octavio
Item #: 12014
Hardcover | 95 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Military Technology
Publisher: Obekan, 2003
Mafatih al-Ulum مفاتيح العلوم
By: Khawarizmi, Abu Abd Allah أبو عبد الله الخوارزمي
Item #: 73168
Hardcover | 341 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Science- Rare Titles
Publisher: Dar Sader, Beirut 2020
Mawsu'at al-Ma'arif al-Ilmiyah موسوعة المعارف العلمية
By: Group of Experts
Item #: 71346
Hardcover | 272 pp, Color photos and illustrations
Language: Arabic
Topic: Youth Encyclopedia - Science - Knowledge - Pre-teen +
Publisher: Dar al-Chamal, Lebanon 2006
ISBN: 9789953195834
Mawsu'at al-Qawmiyat al-Siniyah موسوعة القوميات الصينية
By: Haiyang, Zhang تشانغ هايبانغ / Richardson, Paul
Item #: 45025
Flexi Card Cover | 310 pp, Color Photos, Photo paper
Language: Arabic
Topic: Encyclopedia - Ethnicities - China
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2021 Arabic Edition / Yilin Press
ISBN: 9786140130173
Mawsu'at al-Ulum wa-al-Hayat (5 vol) وسوعة العلم و الحياة
By: Ghaziani, Muhammad Sa'id محمد سعيد الغزلانى [et al.]
Item #: 40057
Hardcover | 336 pp, 5 volumes
Language: Arabic
Topic: School Encyclopedia - Second Elementary to Middle
Publisher: Dar al-Ratib al-Jami'iyah, Beirut, 2004
ISBN: 9789953300825
Mawsu'at Jism al-Insan: Al-Hawasu al-Khams, wa-al-'Asnan, wa-al-'Azafir, wa-al-Shier موسوعة جسم الإنسان: الحواس الخمس, والأسنان, والأظفار, والشعر
By: Sighnal, Ritanshu ريتانشو سيغنال
Item #: 74897
Softcover | 32 pp, color Illustrations
Language: Arabic
Topic: Human Body - Five Senses, Hair and nails - Pre-teen +
Publisher: Maktaba al-Hadissa, Beirut 2020
ISBN: 9786144331095
Mawsu'at Mamlakat al-Tabie'ia (5 vol) موسوعة مملكة الطبيعة
By: Shafa, D. Fakhria, Others فخرية شفا
Item #: 4848
Hardcover | 5 books, Color Illustrations, Boxed Set
Language: Arabic
Topic: Illustrated Arabic Encyclopedia for Youth, Nature, Earth, Universe
Publisher: Dar al-Rateb, Beirut, 2004
Mukhtar Rasa'il Jabir Ibn Hayyan مختار رسائل جابر بن حيان
By: Ibn Hayyan, Jabir (721-815 AD) جابر بن حيان
Item #: 70745
Softcover | 494 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Thought - Medieval Sciences - Various
Publisher: al-Jamal Publications, Freiberg, Germany, 2017
ISBN: 9789933352561
Qanun al-Mas'udi (3 vol) القانون المسعودي
By: Biruni, Abu al-Rayhan Muhammad (362/973-440/1048) ابي الريحان محمد البيروني
Item #: 14983
Hardcover | 3 Volumes, Illustrations
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Science - Astronomy
Publisher: DKI, Beirut, 2002
ISBN: 9782745133052
Qawn min la-Shay’ كون من لاشيء
By: Ba‘zawi, Usamah Ibn Jamal أسامة بن جمال بعزاوي
Item #: 44466
Softcover | 128 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Islam and Science - The Universe
Publisher: Dar al-Fikr, Beirut/Damascus, 2020
ISBN: 9789933363321
Raqamiyoun الرقميون
By: Baker, Stephen
Item #: 12862
Softcover | 263 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Current Affairs - Sociology - Technology/Information
Publisher: All Prints, 2011
ISBN: 9789953886015
Rasa'il Jabir ibn Hayyan رسائل جابر بن حيان
By: Ibn Hayyan, Jabir (721-815 AD) جابر بن حيان / Editor: Ahmed Farid Mazidi
Item #: 10847
Hardcover | 608 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Medieval Sciences
Publisher: DKI, Beirut, 2006
S'hir al-Waqi' سحر الواقع
By: Dawkins, Richard ريتشارد دوكنز
Item #: 21257
Softcover | 280 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Science - Natural Phenomena
Publisher: Dar al-Tanweer, Beirut, 2016
ISBN: 9789938886795
Safr al-Manzumat سفر المنظومات
By: Ma'mari, Abd Allah عبد الله المعمري
Item #: 73352
Softcover | 108 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Kindi, Aḥmad ibn ʻAbd Allah, (d.557/1162) - Jawhar al-Muqtasar - Islamic philosophy
Publisher: Al Intishar al Arabi, Beirut 2009
ISBN: 9789953529684
Simya' al-Kawn سيمياء الكون
By: Lotman, Yuri (1922-1993) يوري لوتمان
Item #: 71589
Softcover | 222 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Thought - Sciences - Semiosphere
Publisher: Markaz Thaqafi Arabi, Beirut 2011
ISBN: 9789953684789
Smart People Only-Chess الشطرنج
By: Dandish, Dr. Nizar
Item #: 12247
Softcover | 156 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Educational-Chess
Publisher: Dar Sader, 2006
Submarines at War الغواصات الحربية
By: Amber Books
Item #: 3641
Hardcover | 96 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Military Technology
Publisher: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut
Ta'raf ila Mafatih al-'Ulum تعرف إلى مفاتيح العلوم
By: Group / DK Books
Item #: 45045
Hardcover | 144 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Science Answers for Youth - Elementary
Publisher: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2019 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9786144228432
Taghayur al-Manakhi التغيّر المناخي
By: Haddad, Mu'in معين حداد
Item #: 71724
Softcover | 146 pp, illustrations
Language: Arabic
Topic: Climate Change - Environmental Policy
Publisher: All Prints, Beirut 2012
ISBN: 9789953886343
Tajarib 'Ilmiat fi Al'ahya' تجارب علمية في الأحياء
By: Hamud, A.D Mohammad Hassan محمد حسن الحمود / Youssef, A.D. Walid Hamid وليد حميد يوسف
Item #: 74671
Hardcover | 410 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Biological Studies - Biology Experiments - Reference
Publisher: Al Ahlia Nashr, Amman 2004
Taqat al-Hayat طاقات الحىاة
By: Brown, Guy
Item #: 60834
Hardcover | 492 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Bioenergetics - Energy Metabolism
Publisher: Obeikan Publishers, Riyadh 2003
Uktub al-Salam اكتب السلام
Item #: 71025
Softcover | 70 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Children Books - World Languages - Pre-teen + - Ages 12 +
Publisher: Samir, Beirut, 2017 / UNESCO
ISBN: 9789236000596
Wadih fi al-Nabat الواضح في النبات
By: Zaltini, Khalifa
Item #: 74509
Softcover | 455 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Botany - Study of Plants - High School and up
Publisher: Kitab Jadid, Benghazi, 2000
ISBN: 9799959290327