A Collection of Sufi Rules of Conduct 42820 | English | Softcover US$30 |
A Journal of Sufic Sciences: Introducing El Gilani Methodology and Sufic Knowledge 80817 | English | Softcover US$10 |
A Sufi Commentary on the Qur'an: Ta'wilat al-Qur'an (Vol II) 44631 | English Only | Softcover US$40 |
A Summary of Imam al-Ghazali's The Revival of Religious Sciences (4 Volume Boxed Set) 81211 | English | Hardcover US$125 |
Abu Zayd al-Balkhi's Sustenance of the Soul 41502 | English | Softcover US$8 |
Al-FARABI: Life, Works and Significance 44706 | English | Softcover US$16 |
Al-Fuyudat al-Rabbaniya (Emanations of Lordly Grace) 44317 | English | Softcover US$9 |
Al-Kindi : The Philosopher of the Arabs 44316 | English | Hardcover US$14 |
80818 | English | Softcover US$8 |
An Outpouring of Subtleties Upon the Pearl of Oneness Volume 1 (Divinity) 73185 | English | Softcover US$25 |
An Outpouring of Subtleties V2 73258 | English | Softcover US$25 |
Ana Al-Haqq Reconsidered with Eng. Tr. of Kitab Al-Tawasin 44324 | English | Hardcover US$10 |
Ancient Rhetoric From Aristotle To Philostratus 71957 | English | Softcover US$17 |
11600 | English with Arabic text | Hardcover US$38 |
44708 | English | Softcover US$19 |
72001 | English | Softcover US$14 Sale Price: US$11 |
Critique of Religious Discourse 74692 | English | Hardcover US$94 Sale Price: US$70 |
Divine Love :Islamic Literature and the Path to God 73429 | English | Hardcover US$85 Sale Price: US$75 |
Enjoining Right & Forbidding Wrong 74443 | English | Softcover US$9 |
Epistemological Bias in the Physical and Social Sciences 7920 | English | Softcover US$16 Sale Price: US$14 |
Farabi: The Political Writings 72308 | English | Softcover US$24 |
Feeling the Shoulder of the Lion: Poetry and Teaching Stories of Rumi 44594 | English | Softcover US$19 |
Futuh Al-Ghaib: The revelations In The Unseen 71070 | English | Softcover US$9 |
Ghazali & The Poetics of Imagination 73399 | English | Softcover US$35 Sale Price: US$34 |
Ghazali An Epistle To The World! (Dear Beloved Son English with Arabic) 42546 | English with Arabic | Softcover US$8 |
Ghazali Invocations & Supplications 75246 | English | Softcover US$23 |
71997 | Arabic - English | Softcover US$30 |
Ghazali On Condemnation of Pride and Self-Admiration. 75245 | English | Softcover US$23 |
71996 | English | Softcover US$22 |
Ghazali On Disciplining The Soul & Breaking The Two Desires 80120 | English | Softcover US$30 |
Ghazali on Intention Sincerity and Truthfulness 70587 | English | Softcover US$22 |
Ghazali on Love, Longing, Intimacy & Contentment (Ghazali series) 72729 | English | Softcover US$38 Sale Price: US$37 |
Ghazali on Patience and Thankfulness 75248 | English | Softcover US$26 |
Ghazali On Poverty & Abstinence 71998 | English | Softcover US$25 |
Ghazali on the Elucidation of the Marvels of the Heart 70517 | Arabic & English | Softcover US$15 |
Ghazali On The Lawful & Unlawful 80121 | English | Softcover US$30 |
Ghazali on the Manners Relating to Eating 71995 | English | Softcover US$25 |
Ghazali on Vigilance & Self-Examination 42821 | English | Softcover US$22 |
Ghazali The Ninety-Nine Beautiful Names of God 71999 | English | Softcover US$32 |
Ghazali The Remembrance of Death and the Afterlife 72000 | English | Softcover US$36 |
Ghazali: Deliverance from Error and the Beginning of Guidance 44712 | English | Softcover US$10 |
44716 | English | Softcover US$12 |
Ghazali: Kimiya-e Saadat: The Alchemy of Happiness 44730 | English | Softcover US$10 |
Ghazali: Knowledge of the Hereafter: Durrah al-Fakhirah 44732 | English | Softcover US$10 |
Ghazali: Marriage and Sexuality in Islam 44733 | English | Softcover US$9 |
Ghazali: The Message From On High 74626 | English | Softcover US$10 |
44766 | English | Softcover US$14 |
Ghazali’s Political Thought and Other Essays on Hujjatu’l-Islam 74624 | English | Softcover US$16 |
74628 | English | Softcover US$12 |
Great Books of Islamic Civilization: A Guide to Conclusive Proofs for the Principles of Belief 70006 | English | Softcover US$38 |
Great Books of Islamic Civilization: An Essay on Algebra and Equations (Algebra wa Al-Muqabala) 9272 | English | Softcover US$14 |
9273 | English | Softcover US$40 |
Great Books of Islamic Civilization: The Book of Misers (Jahiz HC) 70005 | English | Hardcover US$90 |
Great Books of Islamic Civilization: The Book of Revenue 70026 | English | Softcover US$35 |
Great Books of Islamic Civilization: The Life of the Prophet Muhammad Vol 1 70012 | English | Hardcover US$95 Sale Price: US$86 |
Great Books of Islamic Civilization: The Life of the Prophet Muhammad Vol. 3 70018 | English | Softcover US$35 Sale Price: US$31 |
Great Books of Islamic Civilization: The Life of the Prophet Muhammad Vol. 4 70017 | English | Softcover US$35 Sale Price: US$31 |
Great Books of Islamic Civilization: The Ordinances of Government 70007 | English | Softcover US$35 |
Great Books of Islamic Civilization: The Reconciliation of the Fundamentals of Islamic Law Vol 1 70008 | English | Softcover US$35 |
Great Books of Islamic Civilization: The Reconciliation of the Fundamentals of Islamic Law Vol 2 70009 | English | Softcover US$35 |
Great Books of Islamic Civilization: The Unique Necklace, Vol. 1 6983 | English | Softcover US$35 |
Great Books of Islamic Civilization: The Unique Necklace, Vol. 3 72295 | English | Softcover US$37 |
Great Works of Islamic Civilization: The Distinguished Jurist's Primer Vol.2 70029 | English | Hardcover US$90 |
Hafez Teachings of the Philosopher of Love 74206 | English US$17 |
Hajj to the Heart: Sufi Journeys across the Indian Ocean 73817 | English | Softcover US$44 Sale Price: US$35 |
Hidden Blessings: Forty Wisdoms Behind Calamities, Difficulties, Trials & Tribulations 81059 | English | Softcover US$15 |
Hujjat Allah Balighah : The Conclusive Argument from God 73683 | English | Hardcover US$33 |
Ibn 'Arabi: The Voyage of No Return 42786 | English | Softcover US$23 |
42795 | English | Softcover US$22 |
Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya on Divine Wisdom and the Problem of Evil 42787 | English | Softcover US$25 |
Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya on Knowledge 42788 | English | Softcover US$25 |
Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya on The Invocation of God (SC) 11211 | English | Softcover US$30 |
Ibn Taymeeyah's Essay on The Jinn (Demons) 43848 | English | Softcover US$8 |
Ibn Taymiyya On Causality and Reliance on God (HC) 44816 | English | Hardcover US$30 |
Ibn Taymiyya On Causality and Reliance on God (SC) 44817 | English | Softcover US$25 |
Ibn Taymiyya: Epistle on Worship ( Risalat al-Ubudiyya) 42794 | English | Softcover US$22 |
Ibn Taymiyyah : Response to Christianity 72121 | English | Hardcover US$100 Sale Price: US$85 |
Ihya' 'Ulum al-Din: [Volume 1] 44725 | English | Softcover US$25 |
Ihya' 'Ulum al-Din: [Volume 2] 44726 | English | Softcover US$22 |
Ihya' 'Ulum al-Din: [Volume 3] 44727 | English | Softcover US$25 |
Ihya' 'Ulum al-Din: [Volume 4] 44728 | English | Softcover US$29 |
Ihya' Ulum al-Din (English, 4 vol) 71043 | English | Hardcover US$42 |
Imam al-Shatibi's Theory of the Higher Objectives and Intents of Islamic Law 7919 | English | Softcover US$25 |
74630 | English | Softcover US$18 |
Inner Dimensions of Islamic Worship 71035 | English | Softcover US$8 |
Interpretation of Dreams (al-Qafsi) 42115 | Arabic | Hardcover US$25 Sale Price: US$17 |
Interpretation of Dreams (Ibn Sirin, English) 6717 | English | Hardcover US$25 Sale Price: US$20 |
44334 | English | Softcover US$10 |
Islamic Etiquette: A Part From the Book Minhaj-ul-Muslim 40029 | English | Hardcover US$12 |
Islamic Mystical Poetry: Sufi verse from the mystics to Rumi 44280 | English | Softcover US$19 |
Journey to the Lord of Power: A Sufi Manual on Retreat 44485 | English | Softcover US$13 Sale Price: US$12 |
20798 | English | Softcover US$12 |
44556 | English | Softcover US$10 |
71956 | English | Softcover US$13 |
Maimonides: Torah and Philosophic Quest 72312 | English | Softcover US$19 |
Makers of Islamic Civilization: Rumi 72303 | English | Softcover US$20 Sale Price: US$16 |
Mathnawi of Jalaluddin Rumi Vols I - IV (2 books) 74245 | English | Hardcover US$40 |
Minhajul 'Abideen - The Best Way For Worshipers 71700 | English | Hardcover US$17 |
Mishkat al-Anwar (The Niche for Lights) 71027 | English | Softcover US$6 |
44735 | English | Softcover US$10 |
72302 | English | Softcover US$42 Sale Price: US$36 |
Nasir al-Din Tusi: A Philosopher for All Seasons 72728 | English | Softcover US$17 Sale Price: US$16 |
O Son ! - Timeless Advice from Al-Ghazali's Letter to His Student 75183 | English w/ Arabic | Softcover US$19 |
44738 | English | Softcover US$20 |
Peak of Eloquence: Nahjul Balagha 74428 | English | Softcover US$25 |
Poetry in Praise of the Prophetic Perfection 73350 | English | Softcover US$25 |
72019 | English | Softcover US$25 |
Provisions of the Afterlife Zad al-Ma'ad 14450 | English | Hardcover US$40 |
Quest for the Red Sulphur : The Life of Ibn 'Arabi 42791 | English | Softcover US$36 |
Radical Love: Teachings from the Islamic Mystical Tradition 72903 | English | Softcover US$20 Sale Price: US$18 |
81058 | English | Softcover US$10 |
Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyan (HC, English, Urdu, + Multi-lingual) 44340 | English-Urdu-Arabic-Persian-French-German | Hardcover US$10 |
Rumi Daylight: A Daybook of Spiritual Guidance 44643 | English | Softcover US$20 |
Rumi's Four Essential Practices: Ecstatic Body, Awakened Soul 14715 | English | Softcover US$15 |
44740 | English | Softcover US$12 |
44339 | English | Softcover US$7 |
72705 | English | Hardcover US$15 |
74102 | English | Hardcover US$28 |
Sakinatul Awliya / Tranquility of the Saints 71150 | English | Hardcover US$16 |
Seal of the Saints: Prophethood and Sainthood in the Doctrine of Ibn Arabi 70588 | English | Softcover US$17 |
Secret Practices of the Sufi Freemasons 74650 | English | Softcover US$15 |
Selected Poems from the Divani Shamsi Tabriz 44341 | English (with Persian) | Hardcover US$11 |
Selections from Fariduddin 'Attar's Tadhkaratul Aulia 44349 | Hardcover US$15 |
Spiritual Therapy: An Islamic Perspective 80384 | English | Softcover US$19 |
44598 | English | Softcover US$17 |
Sufi Metaphysics and Qur'anic Prophets 72756 | English | Softcover US$35 Sale Price: US$33 |
Sufi Narratives of Intimacy: Ibn 'Arabī, Gender, and Sexuality 72301 | English | Softcover US$35 Sale Price: US$32 |
72014 | English | Softcover US$22 |
Sufism : And The Imams of the Salafi Movement 81056 | English | Hardcover US$30 |
Sufism, Mystics, and Saints in Modern Egypt 74596 | English | Softcover US$33 Sale Price: US$32 |
Sufism: An Introduction to the Mystical Tradition of Islam 73390 | English | Softcover US$20 Sale Price: US$16 |
The Abridgment of the Levels of People in the Hereafter 71048 | English | Softcover US$6 |
The Art of Persuasion : Aristotle’s Rhetoric for Everybody 71358 | English | Hardcover US$23 |
The Ascent to the Divine Through the Path of Self-Knowledge 80385 | English | Softcover US$19 |
70021 | English | Softcover US$25 |
The Book of Aphorisms (Kitab al-Hikam) 44745 | English | Softcover US$14 |
71033 | English | Softcover US$11 |
The Book of Truthfulness: Kitab al-Sidq 44746 | English | Softcover US$7 |
The Chief Sins - Al Kaba'ir (Arabic-English, HC) الكبائر - عربي/إنكليزي 14444 | English with Arabic | Hardcover US$27 |
73119 | English | Softcover US$16 Sale Price: US$14 |
44323 | English | Hardcover US$10 |
The Forbidden Rumi: The Suppressed Poems of Rumi on Love, Heresy, and Intoxication 14716 | English | Softcover US$15 |
The Fragrant Scent: On the Knowledge of Motivating Thoughts and Other Such Gems 42823 | English | Softcover US$22 |
The History of Hayy Ibn Yaqzan 44751 | English | Softcover US$12 |
The House of Wisdom: How Arabic Science Saved Ancient Knowledge and Gave us the Renaissance 43953 | English | Softcover US$18 Sale Price: US$15 |
The Islamic Months: A detailed treatise... 40596 | English | Hardcover US$30 |
The Jewels of the Qur'an: Al-Ghazali's Theory 44753 | English | Softcover US$16 |
71958 | English | Softcover US$16 |
The Kashful Mahjub «Unveiling the Veiled» 44754 | English | Softcover US$27 |
14555 | English | Softcover US$35 |
The Life and Times of Uwais Al-Qarni: The Hidden Sufi and Best Among the Tabi'in 44756 | English | Softcover US$10 |
THe Life and Work of Jalal-Ud-din Rumi 80376 | English | Softcover US$15 |
The Life, Personality, and Writings of al-Junayd 80378 | English | Softcover US$13 |
The Major Sins - al-Kaba'ir (Arabic-English) الكبائر - عربي/إنكليزي 43693 | Arabic-English | Hardcover US$16 |
The Maverick Dervish: Mystic Melodies of a Radical Romantic 80375 | English | Softcover US$11 |
82076 | English | Softcover US$12 |
The Mysteries and Duties of Prayer 20797 | English | Softcover US$12 |
The Mystical Doctrine of Abū Ṭālib al-Makkī as Found in His Book Qūt al-Qulūb 80370 | English | Softcover US$17 |
The Other In The Light Of The One - The Universality of the Qur'an and Interfaith Dialogue 75243 | English | Softcover US$24 |
The Prophetic Medicine (En, DKI) الطب النبوي 15084 | English | Hardcover US$16 |
The Pure Intention: On Knowledge of the Unique Name 70609 | English | Softcover US$15 |
The Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam 44332 | Engllish | Hardcover US$10 |
The Rubais of Rumi: Insane with Love 44487 | English | Softcover US$15 |
The Rubais of Rumi: Insane with Love 14714 | English | Softcover US$15 |
43673 | English | Softcover US$25 |
44762 | English | Softcover US$16 |
The Search for the Absolute Truth 72911 | English | Hardcover US$26 |
71071 | English | Softcover US$9 |
60921 | English | Softcover US$29 Sale Price: US$26 |
The Secrets of the Self (Asrar-i-khudí, Eng.) 44331 | English | Softcover US$8 |
7469 | English | Hardcover US$17 |
The Speech of the Birds - Mantiqu't-Tair (Maqamat al-Tuyur) 44593 | English | Softcover US$45 Sale Price: US$38 |
The Spiritual Journey to Allah & His Messenger 70825 | English | Softcover US$12 |
The Spiritual Practices of Rumi: Radical Techniques for Beholding the Divine 44486 | English | Softcover US$15 |
The Straight Path Simplified : An Annotated Translation of Qasd al-Sabil 81052 | English | Hardcover US$20 |
45139 | English | Softcover US$17 |
The Way of Abu Madyan: The Works of Abu Madyan Shu‘ayb (Ar-En) 71381 | English / Arabic | Softcover US$40 |
The Work of Day and Night: Suyuti's Collection of Prophetic Practices and Prayers 42796 | English with Arabic | Softcover US$20 |
Tulip in the Desert : A selection of the poetry of Muhammad Iqbal 44763 | English | Softcover US$16 |
Universe between the Qur'an and Science 72913 | English | Hardcover US$20 |
World Thought in Translation: Advice for Callow Jurists and Gullible Mendicants 44843 | English | Hardcover US$65 Sale Price: US$58 |
World Thought in Translation: Initiative to Stop the Violence 44842 | English | Hardcover US$85 Sale Price: US$75 |
World Thought in Translation: Subtle Insights Concerning Knowledge and Practice 44840 | English | Hardcover US$85 Sale Price: US$75 |
World Thought in Translation: The Criterion for Distinguishing Legal Opinions 44841 | English | Hardcover US$85 Sale Price: US$75 |
Enjoining Right & Forbidding Wrong 74443 | English | Softcover US$9 |
The Life, Personality, and Writings of al-Junayd 80378 | English | Softcover US$13 |
The Way of Abu Madyan: The Works of Abu Madyan Shu‘ayb (Ar-En) 71381 | English / Arabic | Softcover US$40 |
Peak of Eloquence: Nahjul Balagha 74428 | English | Softcover US$25 |
Abu Zayd al-Balkhi's Sustenance of the Soul 41502 | English | Softcover US$8 |
Critique of Religious Discourse 74692 | English | Hardcover US$94 Sale Price: US$70 |
Ibn 'Arabi: The Voyage of No Return 42786 | English | Softcover US$23 |
Quest for the Red Sulphur : The Life of Ibn 'Arabi 42791 | English | Softcover US$36 |
44708 | English | Softcover US$19 |
Hidden Blessings: Forty Wisdoms Behind Calamities, Difficulties, Trials & Tribulations 81059 | English | Softcover US$15 |
81058 | English | Softcover US$10 |
74102 | English | Hardcover US$28 |
Al-Kindi : The Philosopher of the Arabs 44316 | English | Hardcover US$14 |
The Fragrant Scent: On the Knowledge of Motivating Thoughts and Other Such Gems 42823 | English | Softcover US$22 |
Al-FARABI: Life, Works and Significance 44706 | English | Softcover US$16 |
44334 | English | Softcover US$10 |
73119 | English | Softcover US$16 Sale Price: US$14 |
Divine Love :Islamic Literature and the Path to God 73429 | English | Hardcover US$85 Sale Price: US$75 |
Seal of the Saints: Prophethood and Sainthood in the Doctrine of Ibn Arabi 70588 | English | Softcover US$17 |
The Art of Persuasion : Aristotle’s Rhetoric for Everybody 71358 | English | Hardcover US$23 |
Hujjat Allah Balighah : The Conclusive Argument from God 73683 | English | Hardcover US$33 |
44339 | English | Softcover US$7 |
The Chief Sins - Al Kaba'ir (Arabic-English, HC) الكبائر - عربي/إنكليزي 14444 | English with Arabic | Hardcover US$27 |
The Major Sins - al-Kaba'ir (Arabic-English) الكبائر - عربي/إنكليزي 43693 | Arabic-English | Hardcover US$16 |
45139 | English | Softcover US$17 |
Sufism: An Introduction to the Mystical Tradition of Islam 73390 | English | Softcover US$20 Sale Price: US$16 |
Farabi: The Political Writings 72308 | English | Softcover US$24 |
Selections from Fariduddin 'Attar's Tadhkaratul Aulia 44349 | Hardcover US$15 |
The Speech of the Birds - Mantiqu't-Tair (Maqamat al-Tuyur) 44593 | English | Softcover US$45 Sale Price: US$38 |
Spiritual Therapy: An Islamic Perspective 80384 | English | Softcover US$19 |
71033 | English | Softcover US$11 |
Mishkat al-Anwar (The Niche for Lights) 71027 | English | Softcover US$6 |
Inner Dimensions of Islamic Worship 71035 | English | Softcover US$8 |
Ihya' 'Ulum al-Din: [Volume 4] 44728 | English | Softcover US$29 |
Ihya' 'Ulum al-Din: [Volume 1] 44725 | English | Softcover US$25 |
Ihya' 'Ulum al-Din: [Volume 3] 44727 | English | Softcover US$25 |
Ihya' 'Ulum al-Din: [Volume 2] 44726 | English | Softcover US$22 |
Ghazali On Condemnation of Pride and Self-Admiration. 75245 | English | Softcover US$23 |
Ghazali on the Manners Relating to Eating 71995 | English | Softcover US$25 |
Ghazali An Epistle To The World! (Dear Beloved Son English with Arabic) 42546 | English with Arabic | Softcover US$8 |
71996 | English | Softcover US$22 |
71997 | Arabic - English | Softcover US$30 |
Ghazali On Poverty & Abstinence 71998 | English | Softcover US$25 |
Ghazali The Ninety-Nine Beautiful Names of God 71999 | English | Softcover US$32 |
Ghazali The Remembrance of Death and the Afterlife 72000 | English | Softcover US$36 |
44766 | English | Softcover US$14 |
The Mysteries and Duties of Prayer 20797 | English | Softcover US$12 |
Ghazali: Knowledge of the Hereafter: Durrah al-Fakhirah 44732 | English | Softcover US$10 |
44735 | English | Softcover US$10 |
O Son ! - Timeless Advice from Al-Ghazali's Letter to His Student 75183 | English w/ Arabic | Softcover US$19 |
Ghazali: Marriage and Sexuality in Islam 44733 | English | Softcover US$9 |
Ghazali: Kimiya-e Saadat: The Alchemy of Happiness 44730 | English | Softcover US$10 |
44716 | English | Softcover US$12 |
Ghazali: Deliverance from Error and the Beginning of Guidance 44712 | English | Softcover US$10 |
Ghazali on Vigilance & Self-Examination 42821 | English | Softcover US$22 |
Ghazali Invocations & Supplications 75246 | English | Softcover US$23 |
The Jewels of the Qur'an: Al-Ghazali's Theory 44753 | English | Softcover US$16 |
Ghazali on Love, Longing, Intimacy & Contentment (Ghazali series) 72729 | English | Softcover US$38 Sale Price: US$37 |
Ihya' Ulum al-Din (English, 4 vol) 71043 | English | Hardcover US$42 |
20798 | English | Softcover US$12 |
Minhajul 'Abideen - The Best Way For Worshipers 71700 | English | Hardcover US$17 |
Ghazali on the Elucidation of the Marvels of the Heart 70517 | Arabic & English | Softcover US$15 |
A Summary of Imam al-Ghazali's The Revival of Religious Sciences (4 Volume Boxed Set) 81211 | English | Hardcover US$125 |
Ghazali on Patience and Thankfulness 75248 | English | Softcover US$26 |
The Ascent to the Divine Through the Path of Self-Knowledge 80385 | English | Softcover US$19 |
Ghazali On Disciplining The Soul & Breaking The Two Desires 80120 | English | Softcover US$30 |
Ghazali On The Lawful & Unlawful 80121 | English | Softcover US$30 |
Ghazali: The Message From On High 74626 | English | Softcover US$10 |
Ghazali on Intention Sincerity and Truthfulness 70587 | English | Softcover US$22 |
Ghazali’s Political Thought and Other Essays on Hujjatu’l-Islam 74624 | English | Softcover US$16 |
A Journal of Sufic Sciences: Introducing El Gilani Methodology and Sufic Knowledge 80817 | English | Softcover US$10 |
72019 | English | Softcover US$25 |
Ancient Rhetoric From Aristotle To Philostratus 71957 | English | Softcover US$17 |
70021 | English | Softcover US$25 |
74630 | English | Softcover US$18 |
Ana Al-Haqq Reconsidered with Eng. Tr. of Kitab Al-Tawasin 44324 | English | Hardcover US$10 |
The Islamic Months: A detailed treatise... 40596 | English | Hardcover US$30 |
Maimonides: Torah and Philosophic Quest 72312 | English | Softcover US$19 |
71956 | English | Softcover US$13 |
Sufism, Mystics, and Saints in Modern Egypt 74596 | English | Softcover US$33 Sale Price: US$32 |
The Kashful Mahjub «Unveiling the Veiled» 44754 | English | Softcover US$27 |
Great Books of Islamic Civilization: The Unique Necklace, Vol. 1 6983 | English | Softcover US$35 |
Great Books of Islamic Civilization: The Unique Necklace, Vol. 3 72295 | English | Softcover US$37 |
Journey to the Lord of Power: A Sufi Manual on Retreat 44485 | English | Softcover US$13 Sale Price: US$12 |
44762 | English | Softcover US$16 |
14555 | English | Softcover US$35 |
The Book of Aphorisms (Kitab al-Hikam) 44745 | English | Softcover US$14 |
World Thought in Translation: The Criterion for Distinguishing Legal Opinions 44841 | English | Hardcover US$85 Sale Price: US$75 |
World Thought in Translation: Subtle Insights Concerning Knowledge and Practice 44840 | English | Hardcover US$85 Sale Price: US$75 |
Great Books of Islamic Civilization: The Life of the Prophet Muhammad Vol 1 70012 | English | Hardcover US$95 Sale Price: US$86 |
Great Books of Islamic Civilization: The Life of the Prophet Muhammad Vol. 4 70017 | English | Softcover US$35 Sale Price: US$31 |
Great Books of Islamic Civilization: The Life of the Prophet Muhammad Vol. 3 70018 | English | Softcover US$35 Sale Price: US$31 |
42795 | English | Softcover US$22 |
The Abridgment of the Levels of People in the Hereafter 71048 | English | Softcover US$6 |
The Prophetic Medicine (En, DKI) الطب النبوي 15084 | English | Hardcover US$16 |
7469 | English | Hardcover US$17 |
Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya on The Invocation of God (SC) 11211 | English | Softcover US$30 |
Provisions of the Afterlife Zad al-Ma'ad 14450 | English | Hardcover US$40 |
Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya on Divine Wisdom and the Problem of Evil 42787 | English | Softcover US$25 |
Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya on Knowledge 42788 | English | Softcover US$25 |
The Spiritual Journey to Allah & His Messenger 70825 | English | Softcover US$12 |
Great Works of Islamic Civilization: The Distinguished Jurist's Primer Vol.2 70029 | English | Hardcover US$90 |
Great Books of Islamic Civilization: The Book of Revenue 70026 | English | Softcover US$35 |
Interpretation of Dreams (Ibn Sirin, English) 6717 | English | Hardcover US$25 Sale Price: US$20 |
Ibn Taymeeyah's Essay on The Jinn (Demons) 43848 | English | Softcover US$8 |
Ibn Taymiyya On Causality and Reliance on God (HC) 44816 | English | Hardcover US$30 |
Ibn Taymiyya On Causality and Reliance on God (SC) 44817 | English | Softcover US$25 |
Ibn Taymiyya: Epistle on Worship ( Risalat al-Ubudiyya) 42794 | English | Softcover US$22 |
Ibn Taymiyyah : Response to Christianity 72121 | English | Hardcover US$100 Sale Price: US$85 |
The History of Hayy Ibn Yaqzan 44751 | English | Softcover US$12 |
THe Life and Work of Jalal-Ud-din Rumi 80376 | English | Softcover US$15 |
The Secrets of the Self (Asrar-i-khudí, Eng.) 44331 | English | Softcover US$8 |
The Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam 44332 | Engllish | Hardcover US$10 |
Tulip in the Desert : A selection of the poetry of Muhammad Iqbal 44763 | English | Softcover US$16 |
The Pure Intention: On Knowledge of the Unique Name 70609 | English | Softcover US$15 |
Great Books of Islamic Civilization: The Book of Misers (Jahiz HC) 70005 | English | Hardcover US$90 |
The Maverick Dervish: Mystic Melodies of a Radical Romantic 80375 | English | Softcover US$11 |
Feeling the Shoulder of the Lion: Poetry and Teaching Stories of Rumi 44594 | English | Softcover US$19 |
Rumi Daylight: A Daybook of Spiritual Guidance 44643 | English | Softcover US$20 |
Selected Poems from the Divani Shamsi Tabriz 44341 | English (with Persian) | Hardcover US$11 |
Mathnawi of Jalaluddin Rumi Vols I - IV (2 books) 74245 | English | Hardcover US$40 |
44740 | English | Softcover US$12 |
44598 | English | Softcover US$17 |
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