Allah Jali Mastahu الله جلي المسته 73472 | Arabic | Softcover US$10 |
Armageddon - What the Bible Really Says About the End 74649 | English | Hardcover US$30 Sale Price: US$25 |
Azma al-Anajil al-Arba'ah إزائية الأناجيل الأربعة 41410 | Arabic | Softcover US$25 Sale Price: US$20 |
Beyond Mere Christianity: C.S. Lewis & the Betrayal of Christianity 11213 | English | Hardcover US$7 |
Bidayat al-Bayah al-Ruhbaniyah fi Lubnon بـدايـات الـحـيـاة الـرهـبـانـيـة في لـبـنـان 11002 | Arabic | Hardcover US$50 |
Christianity & Islam According to The Bible & The Qur'an 70442 | English | Softcover US$6 |
70339 | English | Softcover US$13 |
7945 | Arabic and English side by side | Hardcover US$75 |
Dalil al-Maskuniya al-Ruhiya دليل المسكونية الروحية 73470 | Arabic | Softcover US$6 |
Evangelizing Lebanon: Baptists, Missions, and the Question of Cultures 72310 | English | Hardcover US$50 Sale Price: US$46 |
Fikr al-Islami fi al-Radd 'ala al-Nasara الفكر الاسلامي في الرد على النصارى 73142 | Arabic | Hardcover US$38 |
Gospel of Barnabas (Global IP) 43713 | English | Softcover US$7 |
71058 | English | Softcover US$9 |
Heretics and Believers: A History of the English Reformation 44845 | English | Softcover US$25 Sale Price: US$22 |
In the Beginning: A New Interpretation of Genesis 44498 | English | Softcover US$17 Sale Price: US$16 |
Injil al-Khamsa الإنجيل الخامس 41408 | Arabic | Softcover US$15 |
Insan Sirr al-Zaman الإنسان سر الزمن 41420 | Arabic | Softcover US$8 |
JPS TANAKH: The Holy Scriptures 72314 | English | Softcover US$23 |
Kitab al-Moqaddas al-'Ahd al-Jadid الكتاب المقدس العهد الجديد حجم وسط : ترجمة جديدة 40230 | Arabic | Hardcover with dustcover US$16 |
Kitab al-Moqaddas al-'Ahd al-Jadid (Palm) الكتاب المقدس العهد الجديد حجم صغير للجيب 40233 | Arabic | Vinyl Flexicover US$13 |
Kitab al-Moqaddas al-'Ahd al-Jadid (S/C Med) الكتاب المقدس العهد الجديد 80321 | Arabic | Softcover US$14 |
Kitab al-Moqaddas al-'Ahd al-Qadim الكتاب المقدس العهد القديم 40228 | Arabic | Hardcover with Dustcover / With QR Code US$38 |
8055 | Arabic | Softcover US$12 |
Kitab al-Moqaddas New Testament (lrg) الكتاب المقدس.العهد الجديد : حجم كبير 40231 | Arabic | Hardcover with dust jacket US$34 |
Kitab al-Muqadas (Pocket size + box) كتاب المقدس 80320 | Arabic | Softcover + Box US$17 |
Maronite Icons: Saints of the Maronite Church (Ar-En) الأيقونات المارونية 4600 | Arabic and English | Hardcover US$54 |
Masih Ibn Mariam المسيح ابن مريم 80391 | Arabic | Softcover US$10 |
73474 | Arabic | Softcover US$10 |
Mazameer al-Salat al-Tarnima مزامير الصلاة في الترنيم 10948 | Arabic | Softcover US$8 |
New Testament: English Standard Version 70333 | English | Softcover US$4 |
Painted Churches and Rock-Cut Chapels of Lebanon (English) 41396 | English | Hardcover with Dustcover US$56 |
Reading the Women of The Bible 74116 | English | Paperback US$19 |
Risalah : Kitab al-Qira'at fi al-Quddas الرسائل : كتاب القرائات في القداس 41395 | Arabic | Hardcover US$47 |
Roman Catholics and Shi'i Muslims : Prayer, Passion, and Politics 73403 | English | Softcover US$40 Sale Price: US$39 |
Ruh al-Qudus fi al-Kitab al-Muqaddas الروح القدس في الكتاب المقدّس 41419 | Arabic | Softcover US$6 |
Rusum Diniyah Qadimah fi Kuhuf wa-Kana'is Lubnaniyah رسوم دينية قديمة في كهوف و كنائس لبنانية 15806 | Arabic | Hardcover US$38 Sale Price: US$30 |
Sarah and Her Sisters: American Missionary Pioneers in Arab Female Education, 1834-1937 73775 | English | Hardcover US$34 |
41423 | Arabic | Softcover US$20 |
Ta'bir al-Dini fi Mujtam'a Mut'adad al-Tawaif التعبير الديني في مجتمع متعدد الطوائف 73477 | Arabic | Softcover US$6 |
Ta'ifah al-Maruniyah wa-al-Rubbaniyah al-Yasu'iyah الطائفة المارونية والرهبانية اليسوعية 41414 | Arabic | Hardcover with Dustcover US$20 |
Tarbiyah ‘ala al-‘Aysh al-Mushtarak التربية على العيش المشترك من خلال التعليم الديني 73476 | Arabic | Softcover US$10 |
Tarikh al-Kanissa al-Mufassal 1/5 تاريخ الكنيسة المفصّل 8224 | Arabic | Hardcover US$98 |
Tartuliyanus wa-al-Munqalib al-Hirminutiqi al-Qadim ترتوليانوس والمنقلب الهرمنوطيقي القديم 70740 | Arabic | Softcover US$9 |
Tasawuf Insan al-Ighnati تصوف الانسان الاغناطي 73473 | Arabic | Softcover US$9 |
73437 | English | Softcover US$22 |
73402 | English | Hardcover US$30 Sale Price: US$20 |
The First Thousand Years: A Global History of Christianity 73450 | English | Softcover US$23 |
73439 | English | Softcover US$16 Sale Price: US$15 |
73407 | English | Softcover US$18 Sale Price: US$17 |
The Lost Art of Scripture: Rescuing the Sacred Texts 73388 | English | Softcover US$17 Sale Price: US$16 |
The Orthodox Church in the Arab World, 700-1700: An Anthology of Sources 73398 | English | Softcover US$35 |
The Spanish Inquisition A Historical Revision (4th Ed.) 73451 | English | Softcover US$25 |
41407 | English | Softcover US$16 |
The Templars: The Rise & Spectacular Fall of God's Holy Warriors 73440 | English | Softcover US$18 |
The Treasures of Coptic Art in the Coptic Museum and Churches of Old Cairo (English) 40234 | English | Hardcover with Jacket US$60 |
What Every Christian should know about Islam 81113 | English | Softcover US$12 |
Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth 72349 | English | Softcover US$18 Sale Price: US$16 |
Kitab al-Moqaddas New Testament (lrg) الكتاب المقدس.العهد الجديد : حجم كبير 40231 | Arabic | Hardcover with dust jacket US$34 |
Kitab al-Muqadas (Pocket size + box) كتاب المقدس 80320 | Arabic | Softcover + Box US$17 |
Kitab al-Moqaddas al-'Ahd al-Jadid (S/C Med) الكتاب المقدس العهد الجديد 80321 | Arabic | Softcover US$14 |
JPS TANAKH: The Holy Scriptures 72314 | English | Softcover US$23 |
Kitab al-Moqaddas al-'Ahd al-Jadid (Palm) الكتاب المقدس العهد الجديد حجم صغير للجيب 40233 | Arabic | Vinyl Flexicover US$13 |
Kitab al-Moqaddas al-'Ahd al-Jadid الكتاب المقدس العهد الجديد حجم وسط : ترجمة جديدة 40230 | Arabic | Hardcover with dustcover US$16 |
Kitab al-Moqaddas al-'Ahd al-Qadim الكتاب المقدس العهد القديم 40228 | Arabic | Hardcover with Dustcover / With QR Code US$38 |
New Testament: English Standard Version 70333 | English | Softcover US$4 |
8055 | Arabic | Softcover US$12 |
Mazameer al-Salat al-Tarnima مزامير الصلاة في الترنيم 10948 | Arabic | Softcover US$8 |
73407 | English | Softcover US$18 Sale Price: US$17 |
73402 | English | Hardcover US$30 Sale Price: US$20 |
Tarbiyah ‘ala al-‘Aysh al-Mushtarak التربية على العيش المشترك من خلال التعليم الديني 73476 | Arabic | Softcover US$10 |
Ta'bir al-Dini fi Mujtam'a Mut'adad al-Tawaif التعبير الديني في مجتمع متعدد الطوائف 73477 | Arabic | Softcover US$6 |
Maronite Icons: Saints of the Maronite Church (Ar-En) الأيقونات المارونية 4600 | Arabic and English | Hardcover US$54 |
In the Beginning: A New Interpretation of Genesis 44498 | English | Softcover US$17 Sale Price: US$16 |
The Lost Art of Scripture: Rescuing the Sacred Texts 73388 | English | Softcover US$17 Sale Price: US$16 |
Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth 72349 | English | Softcover US$18 Sale Price: US$16 |
Roman Catholics and Shi'i Muslims : Prayer, Passion, and Politics 73403 | English | Softcover US$40 Sale Price: US$39 |
Insan Sirr al-Zaman الإنسان سر الزمن 41420 | Arabic | Softcover US$8 |
Allah Jali Mastahu الله جلي المسته 73472 | Arabic | Softcover US$10 |
Ta'ifah al-Maruniyah wa-al-Rubbaniyah al-Yasu'iyah الطائفة المارونية والرهبانية اليسوعية 41414 | Arabic | Hardcover with Dustcover US$20 |
73474 | Arabic | Softcover US$10 |
70339 | English | Softcover US$13 |
Armageddon - What the Bible Really Says About the End 74649 | English | Hardcover US$30 Sale Price: US$25 |
Reading the Women of The Bible 74116 | English | Paperback US$19 |
The Treasures of Coptic Art in the Coptic Museum and Churches of Old Cairo (English) 40234 | English | Hardcover with Jacket US$60 |
Tarikh al-Kanissa al-Mufassal 1/5 تاريخ الكنيسة المفصّل 8224 | Arabic | Hardcover US$98 |
Ruh al-Qudus fi al-Kitab al-Muqaddas الروح القدس في الكتاب المقدّس 41419 | Arabic | Softcover US$6 |
Azma al-Anajil al-Arba'ah إزائية الأناجيل الأربعة 41410 | Arabic | Softcover US$25 Sale Price: US$20 |
The Templars: The Rise & Spectacular Fall of God's Holy Warriors 73440 | English | Softcover US$18 |
Masih Ibn Mariam المسيح ابن مريم 80391 | Arabic | Softcover US$10 |
The Spanish Inquisition A Historical Revision (4th Ed.) 73451 | English | Softcover US$25 |
Dalil al-Maskuniya al-Ruhiya دليل المسكونية الروحية 73470 | Arabic | Softcover US$6 |
Injil al-Khamsa الإنجيل الخامس 41408 | Arabic | Softcover US$15 |
71058 | English | Softcover US$9 |
Tartuliyanus wa-al-Munqalib al-Hirminutiqi al-Qadim ترتوليانوس والمنقلب الهرمنوطيقي القديم 70740 | Arabic | Softcover US$9 |
What Every Christian should know about Islam 81113 | English | Softcover US$12 |
Risalah : Kitab al-Qira'at fi al-Quddas الرسائل : كتاب القرائات في القداس 41395 | Arabic | Hardcover US$47 |
Heretics and Believers: A History of the English Reformation 44845 | English | Softcover US$25 Sale Price: US$22 |
Christianity & Islam According to The Bible & The Qur'an 70442 | English | Softcover US$6 |
73439 | English | Softcover US$16 Sale Price: US$15 |
Gospel of Barnabas (Global IP) 43713 | English | Softcover US$7 |
41407 | English | Softcover US$16 |
7945 | Arabic and English side by side | Hardcover US$75 |
Painted Churches and Rock-Cut Chapels of Lebanon (English) 41396 | English | Hardcover with Dustcover US$56 |
Rusum Diniyah Qadimah fi Kuhuf wa-Kana'is Lubnaniyah رسوم دينية قديمة في كهوف و كنائس لبنانية 15806 | Arabic | Hardcover US$38 Sale Price: US$30 |
Bidayat al-Bayah al-Ruhbaniyah fi Lubnon بـدايـات الـحـيـاة الـرهـبـانـيـة في لـبـنـان 11002 | Arabic | Hardcover US$50 |
41423 | Arabic | Softcover US$20 |
Fikr al-Islami fi al-Radd 'ala al-Nasara الفكر الاسلامي في الرد على النصارى 73142 | Arabic | Hardcover US$38 |
Tasawuf Insan al-Ighnati تصوف الانسان الاغناطي 73473 | Arabic | Softcover US$9 |
Sarah and Her Sisters: American Missionary Pioneers in Arab Female Education, 1834-1937 73775 | English | Hardcover US$34 |
Beyond Mere Christianity: C.S. Lewis & the Betrayal of Christianity 11213 | English | Hardcover US$7 |
The Orthodox Church in the Arab World, 700-1700: An Anthology of Sources 73398 | English | Softcover US$35 |
Evangelizing Lebanon: Baptists, Missions, and the Question of Cultures 72310 | English | Hardcover US$50 Sale Price: US$46 |
73437 | English | Softcover US$22 |
The First Thousand Years: A Global History of Christianity 73450 | English | Softcover US$23 |
New Testament: English Standard Version 70333 | English | Softcover US$4 |
Dalil al-Maskuniya al-Ruhiya دليل المسكونية الروحية 73470 | Arabic | Softcover US$6 |
Ta'bir al-Dini fi Mujtam'a Mut'adad al-Tawaif التعبير الديني في مجتمع متعدد الطوائف 73477 | Arabic | Softcover US$6 |
Christianity & Islam According to The Bible & The Qur'an 70442 | English | Softcover US$6 |
Ruh al-Qudus fi al-Kitab al-Muqaddas الروح القدس في الكتاب المقدّس 41419 | Arabic | Softcover US$6 |
Gospel of Barnabas (Global IP) 43713 | English | Softcover US$7 |
Beyond Mere Christianity: C.S. Lewis & the Betrayal of Christianity 11213 | English | Hardcover US$7 |
Mazameer al-Salat al-Tarnima مزامير الصلاة في الترنيم 10948 | Arabic | Softcover US$8 |
Insan Sirr al-Zaman الإنسان سر الزمن 41420 | Arabic | Softcover US$8 |
Tasawuf Insan al-Ighnati تصوف الانسان الاغناطي 73473 | Arabic | Softcover US$9 |
71058 | English | Softcover US$9 |
Tartuliyanus wa-al-Munqalib al-Hirminutiqi al-Qadim ترتوليانوس والمنقلب الهرمنوطيقي القديم 70740 | Arabic | Softcover US$9 |
73474 | Arabic | Softcover US$10 |
Tarbiyah ‘ala al-‘Aysh al-Mushtarak التربية على العيش المشترك من خلال التعليم الديني 73476 | Arabic | Softcover US$10 |
Masih Ibn Mariam المسيح ابن مريم 80391 | Arabic | Softcover US$10 |
Allah Jali Mastahu الله جلي المسته 73472 | Arabic | Softcover US$10 |
What Every Christian should know about Islam 81113 | English | Softcover US$12 |
8055 | Arabic | Softcover US$12 |
70339 | English | Softcover US$13 |
Kitab al-Moqaddas al-'Ahd al-Jadid (Palm) الكتاب المقدس العهد الجديد حجم صغير للجيب 40233 | Arabic | Vinyl Flexicover US$13 |
Kitab al-Moqaddas al-'Ahd al-Jadid (S/C Med) الكتاب المقدس العهد الجديد 80321 | Arabic | Softcover US$14 |
Injil al-Khamsa الإنجيل الخامس 41408 | Arabic | Softcover US$15 |
73439 | English | Softcover US$16 Sale Price: US$15 |
Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth 72349 | English | Softcover US$18 Sale Price: US$16 |
The Lost Art of Scripture: Rescuing the Sacred Texts 73388 | English | Softcover US$17 Sale Price: US$16 |
41407 | English | Softcover US$16 |
In the Beginning: A New Interpretation of Genesis 44498 | English | Softcover US$17 Sale Price: US$16 |
Kitab al-Moqaddas al-'Ahd al-Jadid الكتاب المقدس العهد الجديد حجم وسط : ترجمة جديدة 40230 | Arabic | Hardcover with dustcover US$16 |
Kitab al-Muqadas (Pocket size + box) كتاب المقدس 80320 | Arabic | Softcover + Box US$17 |
73407 | English | Softcover US$18 Sale Price: US$17 |
The Templars: The Rise & Spectacular Fall of God's Holy Warriors 73440 | English | Softcover US$18 |
Reading the Women of The Bible 74116 | English | Paperback US$19 |
Ta'ifah al-Maruniyah wa-al-Rubbaniyah al-Yasu'iyah الطائفة المارونية والرهبانية اليسوعية 41414 | Arabic | Hardcover with Dustcover US$20 |
Azma al-Anajil al-Arba'ah إزائية الأناجيل الأربعة 41410 | Arabic | Softcover US$25 Sale Price: US$20 |
73402 | English | Hardcover US$30 Sale Price: US$20 |
41423 | Arabic | Softcover US$20 |
73437 | English | Softcover US$22 |
Heretics and Believers: A History of the English Reformation 44845 | English | Softcover US$25 Sale Price: US$22 |
JPS TANAKH: The Holy Scriptures 72314 | English | Softcover US$23 |
The First Thousand Years: A Global History of Christianity 73450 | English | Softcover US$23 |
Armageddon - What the Bible Really Says About the End 74649 | English | Hardcover US$30 Sale Price: US$25 |
The Spanish Inquisition A Historical Revision (4th Ed.) 73451 | English | Softcover US$25 |
Rusum Diniyah Qadimah fi Kuhuf wa-Kana'is Lubnaniyah رسوم دينية قديمة في كهوف و كنائس لبنانية 15806 | Arabic | Hardcover US$38 Sale Price: US$30 |
Kitab al-Moqaddas New Testament (lrg) الكتاب المقدس.العهد الجديد : حجم كبير 40231 | Arabic | Hardcover with dust jacket US$34 |
Sarah and Her Sisters: American Missionary Pioneers in Arab Female Education, 1834-1937 73775 | English | Hardcover US$34 |
The Orthodox Church in the Arab World, 700-1700: An Anthology of Sources 73398 | English | Softcover US$35 |
Fikr al-Islami fi al-Radd 'ala al-Nasara الفكر الاسلامي في الرد على النصارى 73142 | Arabic | Hardcover US$38 |
Kitab al-Moqaddas al-'Ahd al-Qadim الكتاب المقدس العهد القديم 40228 | Arabic | Hardcover with Dustcover / With QR Code US$38 |
Roman Catholics and Shi'i Muslims : Prayer, Passion, and Politics 73403 | English | Softcover US$40 Sale Price: US$39 |
Evangelizing Lebanon: Baptists, Missions, and the Question of Cultures 72310 | English | Hardcover US$50 Sale Price: US$46 |
Risalah : Kitab al-Qira'at fi al-Quddas الرسائل : كتاب القرائات في القداس 41395 | Arabic | Hardcover US$47 |
Bidayat al-Bayah al-Ruhbaniyah fi Lubnon بـدايـات الـحـيـاة الـرهـبـانـيـة في لـبـنـان 11002 | Arabic | Hardcover US$50 |
Maronite Icons: Saints of the Maronite Church (Ar-En) الأيقونات المارونية 4600 | Arabic and English | Hardcover US$54 |
Painted Churches and Rock-Cut Chapels of Lebanon (English) 41396 | English | Hardcover with Dustcover US$56 |
The Treasures of Coptic Art in the Coptic Museum and Churches of Old Cairo (English) 40234 | English | Hardcover with Jacket US$60 |
7945 | Arabic and English side by side | Hardcover US$75 |
Tarikh al-Kanissa al-Mufassal 1/5 تاريخ الكنيسة المفصّل 8224 | Arabic | Hardcover US$98 |
73439 | English | Softcover US$16 Sale Price: US$15 |
Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth 72349 | English | Softcover US$18 Sale Price: US$16 |
The Lost Art of Scripture: Rescuing the Sacred Texts 73388 | English | Softcover US$17 Sale Price: US$16 |
In the Beginning: A New Interpretation of Genesis 44498 | English | Softcover US$17 Sale Price: US$16 |
73407 | English | Softcover US$18 Sale Price: US$17 |
73402 | English | Hardcover US$30 Sale Price: US$20 |
Azma al-Anajil al-Arba'ah إزائية الأناجيل الأربعة 41410 | Arabic | Softcover US$25 Sale Price: US$20 |
Heretics and Believers: A History of the English Reformation 44845 | English | Softcover US$25 Sale Price: US$22 |
Armageddon - What the Bible Really Says About the End 74649 | English | Hardcover US$30 Sale Price: US$25 |
Rusum Diniyah Qadimah fi Kuhuf wa-Kana'is Lubnaniyah رسوم دينية قديمة في كهوف و كنائس لبنانية 15806 | Arabic | Hardcover US$38 Sale Price: US$30 |
Roman Catholics and Shi'i Muslims : Prayer, Passion, and Politics 73403 | English | Softcover US$40 Sale Price: US$39 |
Evangelizing Lebanon: Baptists, Missions, and the Question of Cultures 72310 | English | Hardcover US$50 Sale Price: US$46 |
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