MENUMENU - الكتاب
أنشطة للأطفال: رسم وتلوين وأكثر
Activities: Coloring - Arts & Crafts - More
Fun and colorful activities for children. Coloring books and arts & crafts. In Arabic or English-Arabic.


ABC's of Palestine for Activists Big and Small (Coloring Book)

75313 | English | Softcover
By: Dada, Alia
Pub: Prolance Publishing, California,
Children's Coloring Book - Ages 6+


Activities & Exercises 3: al-Fakihah أنشطة وتدريبات : الفاكهة - الخضار الطبيعية والفصول

16246 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Shamsuddin, Salim
Pub: Maktaba al-Assrya, Beirut, 2012
Early Childhood Education - Arabic - PreK


Activities & Exercises 4: al Hayawanat أنشطة وتدريبات : حيوانات المزرعة والغابة والطيور

16247 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Shamsuddin, Salim
Pub: Maktaba al-Assrya, Beirut, 2012
Early Childhood Education - Arabic - PreK


Activities: Ashghal Yadawiyah Sahlah أشغال يدوية سهلة

41109 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Kush, Sonya / Casterman
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2012
Children's Activities - Preschool - 8 Years


Activities: Ashkal : al-Hiyawanat ; al-Ilwan الأشكال - الحيوانات - الألوان - اكتب و امسح

16502 | Arabic | Spiral Bound Erasable Shaped Board Book
Pub: Digital Future, Beirut
Children's Activity - Preschool - Kindergarten


Activities: 365 Fikrat li-Lashghali al-Yadawiyah فكرة للاشغال اليدوية

16235 | Arabic | Spiral Bound Hardcover
By: Usborne Books / Watt, Fiona
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2011
Kids Activities 6 and up


Activities: al-Kitab al-Kabir li-al-'ab Ruba wa-Wufi الكتاب الكبير للالعاب ربى ووفي

16803 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Editions Caramel
Pub: Librairie Stephan
Kids Activities - Elementary Years


Activities: Amrah Aktob Atamaran Ages 3-4 امرح اكتب اتمرن

16233 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Editions Caramel / Carletti, Emanuela
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2009
Educational Activities - Preschool - Early Elementary


Activities: Amrah Aktob Atamaran Ages 4-5 امرح اكتب اتمرن

16232 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Editions Caramel / Carletti, Emanuela
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2009
Educational Activities - Preschool - Early Elementary


Activities: Amrah Aktob Atamaran Ages 5-6 امرح اكتب اتمرن

16231 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Editions Caramel / Carletti, Emanuela
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2009
Educational Activities - Preschool - Early Elementary


Activities: Amrah Aktob Atamaran Ages 6-7 امرح اكتب اتمرن

16230 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Editions Caramel / Carletti, Emanuela
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2009
Educational Activities - Preschool - Early Elementary


Activities: Asna'u min al-Kartun أصنع من الكرتون

41108 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Lannoy, Gaëtane / Casterman
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2012 Arabic Edition
Children's Activities - Preschool - 8 Years


Activities: I Learn About: Shapes

14594 | Arabic, English, and Spanish | Hardcover
By: Group
Pub: Academia, Beirut
Children's Activity Book

Price: US$10
Sale price: US$8

Activities: Ikhtara'a bi-Wasatahi Hawasasi al-Khamsi أخترع بوساطة حواسي الخمس

41107 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Lannoy, Gaëtane / Casterman
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2012 Arabic Edition
Children's Activities - Preschool - 8 Years


Activities: Ila'b ma'i bi-al-Ashkal - Part 1 & 2 إلعب معي بالأشكال

15466 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Gosaibi, Sahar bint 'Abd al-Aziz
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut, 2004
Early Child Education - Activities


Activities: Ma Tha'lub: Ta'alam al-'Add تعلم العد مع ثعلوب

16227 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Editions Caramel / De Klerk, Roger
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2013
Educational Activities - Preschool - Early Elementary


Activities: Ma Tha'lub: Ta'alam al-Kitabah تعلم الكتابة مع ثعلوب

16226 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Editions Caramel / De Klerk, Roger
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2013
Educational Activities - Preschool - Early Elementary


Activities: Ma Tha'lub: Ta'alam al-Mala Hazah تعلم الملاحظة مع ثعلوب

16228 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Editions Caramel / De Klerk, Roger
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2013
Educational Activities - Preschool - Early Elementary


Activities: Ma Tha'lub: Ta'alam al-Qara'ah تعلم القراءة مع ثعلوب

16229 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Editions Caramel / De Klerk, Roger
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2013
Educational Activities - Preschool - Early Elementary


Activities: Maharat al-Khatut مهارات الخطوط

72837 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Group
Pub: Asala Publishing, Beirut, 2018
Activities - Handwriting Skills - Pre-k +


Activities: Maharat al-Riyadiyat مهارات الرياضيات

72836 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Group
Pub: Asala, 2018
Children's Educational - Basic Math - Activities - Pre-K +


Activities: Maktabati al-Owali مكتبتي الاولي

11891 | Arabic | Hardcover
Pub: Digital-Future, 2010


Activities: Minhaj Al Rawda # 3 (ages 5-6) منهج الروضة الثالثة

21004 | Arabic | Softcover Activities Pack
By: Labir /Shoudo
Pub: Antoine 2014
Childrens Learn Arabic Activities - Emerging Ages 3-6


Activities: My First Library: Little Marvels (English)

16910 | English | Board Book and Activities Box
By: Better Learning
Pub: Digital Future, Beirut
Kids Activities - Ages 4 - 8


Activities: My Little Showcase of Getting Ready for School Arabic-English الذهاب الى المدرسة

16911 | Arabic - English | Board Book and Activities Box
Pub: Charg Studio Publishing, South Africa, 2008
Kids Activities - Ages 4 - up


Activities: My Little Showcase of Zoo Animals Arabic-English حديقة الحيوانات

16877 | Arabic and English | Board Book and Activities Box
Pub: Chart Studio Publishing, Cape Town, Soth Africa, 2008
Kids Activities - Ages 4 - up


Activities: Paste and Color إلصق ولون مع مهى وهادي في المدرسة

10720 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Caramel Editions
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut
Children's Arabic Activity Book 4-8


Activities: Silsilat Sa'adu Sa'adun (Set of 4) سلسلة ساعدوا سعدون

43558 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Zaybaq, Lina Mustafa لينا مصطفى الزيبق
Pub: Children World, Damascus, Syria
Kids Educational Activities - Ages 4-6


Activities: Simplissime: al-Ikhtibarat al-Alimiyah al-Absat fi al-Alam ولااسهل الاختبارات العلمية الابسط في العالم

72493 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Barde, Nahalie / Ill: Moutarde, Colonel
Pub: Hachette Antoine, 2019
Children's Educational - Scientific Tests - Ages 8-12


Activities: Simplissime: Alab al-Khafah al-Absat fi al-Alam ولاالسهل العاب الخفة الابسط في العالم

72494 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: H, Alex / Ill: Lapassade, Roxy
Pub: Hachette Antoine, 2019
Children's Activities - DIY Games - Ages 8-12


Activities: Simplissime: Dalil Makyaj al-Atfal al-Absat fi al-Alam ولا أسهل دليل ماكياج الاطفال الابسط في العالم

72492 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Multier, Fred / Ill: Ronzon, Stephanie
Pub: Hachette Antoine, 2019
Children's Activities - Face Paint - Ages 5-10


Activities: Tamarin Masliyah 1 تمارين مسلية

72463 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Caramel S.A., Belgian
Pub: Asala Publishing, Beirut, 2019
Children's Educational - Activities - Ages 6-8


Activities: Tamarin Masliyah 2 تمارين مسلية- أصفر2

72464 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Caramel S.A., Belgian
Pub: Asala Publishing, Beirut, 2019
Children's Educational - Activities - Ages 6-8


Aktub wa Amsahu: al-Waqt أكتب وأمسح الوقت

40904 | Arabic | Erasable Board Book
By: Editions Piccolia
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2014 Arabic Edition
Children's Activity Ages 3-6


Ana al-Alif, Hikayat wa-Aghani al-Huruf أنا الألف، حكايات و أغـني الحروف

74551 | Arabic | Softcover w/CD
By: Abdullah, Hassan, Ill: Tuni, Helmi, Voice: Hayder, Jana
Pub: Dar al-Hadaek, Beirut, 2020
Arabic Tales - Songs - Alphabet 4+ Yrs


Anashid al-Mumti'ah: Fusul (Book + CD) فصول

42264 | Arabic | Hardcover + Audio CD
By: Group / Haydar, Nasir: Composer / Haydar, Jana: Vocalist
Pub: Hadaek Group, Beirut, 2013
Children's Arabic Poems and Songs - Ages 4-8


Anashid al-Mumti'ah: Hamdan Hamdan ya Rahman (Book + CD) حمداً حمداً يا رحمن

42262 | Arabic | Hardcover + Audio CD
By: Group / Haydar, Nasir: Composer / Haydar, Jana: Vocalist
Pub: Hadaek Group, Beirut, 2014
Children's Arabic Poems and Songs - Islamic - Ages 8-12


Anashid al-Mumti'ah: Kalimat wa-Ughniyat (Book + CD) كلمات واغنيات

42263 | Arabic | Hardcover + Audio CD
By: Abd Allah, Hasan: Lyrics / Kabur, Ahmad: Composer
Pub: Hadaek Group, Beirut, 2013
Children's Arabic Poems and Songs - Ages 4-8


Anashid al-Mumti'ah: Sabah al-Khayr (Book + CD) صباح الخير

42261 | Arabic | Hardcover + Audio CD
By: Group / Haydar, Nasir: Composer / Haydar, Jana: Vocalist
Pub: Hadaek Group, Beirut
Children's Arabic Poems and Songs - Ages 3+


Arab Fairy Tale Feasts: A Literary Cookbook

74534 | English | Hardcover
By: Alrawi, Karim / Ill: Kazemi, Nahid
Pub: Crocodile Books, New York, 2021
Literature - Arab Tales - Cookbooks - 7+ Yrs


Art: 1-2-3-Ana A'rasm (I Draw) أنا أرسم

11104 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: De Rosamel, Godeleine / Casterman
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2009 Arabic Edition
Children's Art - Preschool Up


Art: 365 Fikrat fi al-rasim wa-al-Talwin فكرة في الرسم والتلوين

16234 | Arabic | Spiral Bound Hardcover
By: Usborne Books / Watt, Fiona
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2011
Kids Activities 6 and up - Draw and Paint


Art: Drawing-Hadiya الهدية

15159 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Gharaballi, Leila Mohammed
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut, 2009
Children's Arabic Story - Art - Elementary


Art: Maharat al-Tabiqiyah fi al-Funun al-Jamilah المهارات التطبيقية في الفنون الجميلة

40159 | Arabic | Spiral Bound Hardcover
By: Usborne Publishing
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2015
Painting and Drawing - 7 and Up


Arts & Crafts: Maharat al-Tatbiqiyah fi al-Tasamim al-Faniyah المهارات التطبيقية في التصاميم الفنية

16236 | Arabic | Spiral Bound Hardcover
By: Usborne Books / Watt, Fiona
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2011
Kids Activities 8 and up


Arts & Crafts: Sana't Biyadi صنعت بيدي : أعمال فنية للأطفال

60235 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sabil, W. / Hussain, F.
Pub: Dar Al Moualef, Beirut 2004
Children's Books


Arts and Crafts: Fikrat fi al-Waraq wa-al-Kartun 365 فكرة في الورق والكرتون

40160 | Arabic | Spiral Bound Hardcover
By: Osbourn Publishing
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2015
Ages 7 and Up


Baby Montessori: Animals

45172 | English | Board Book
By: Baruzzi, Agnese / Piroddi, Chiara
Baby Montessori -Animals - Baby - 0-3 years


Baby Montessori: Big or Small?

45175 | English | Board Book
By: Baruzzi, Agnese / Piroddi, Chiara
Pub: White Star / Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2021 Special Edition
Baby Montessori - Sizes - Baby - 0-3 years


Baby Montessori: Follow Me!

45173 | English | Board Book
By: Baruzzi, Agnese / Piroddi, Chiara
Pub: White Star / Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2021 Special Edition
Baby Montessori - Lines - Baby - 0-3 years


Baby Montessori: Vehicles

45174 | English | Board Book
By: Baruzzi, Agnese / Piroddi, Chiara
Pub: White Star / Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2021 Special Edition
Baby Montessori - Vehicles - Baby - 0-3 years


Bath Book and Puppet Loofah - Batbut كتاب الاستحمام مع ليفة – بطبوط

44033 | Arabic-English | Waterproof soft book + puppet loofah
By: Dar al-Maaref
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2019
Bath Book + Puppet Loofah - 6 months +


Bath Book and Puppet Loofah - Dafdu' كتاب الاستحمام مع ليفة – ضفدوع

44032 | Arabic-English | Waterproof soft book + puppet loofah
By: Dar al-Maaref
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2019
Bath Book + Puppet Loofah - 6 months +


Bath Book: Disney: Finding Nemo كتاب يسبح: فعندنج نيمو

44016 | Arabic | Waterproof soft book
By: Disney Pixar
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2019
Baby Bath Book - Disney Pixar


Bath Book: Disney: Mickey and Friends كتاب يسبح: ميكي وأصدقائه!

44015 | Arabic | Waterproof soft book
By: Disney Enterprises
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2019
Baby Bath Book - Disney


Chalkboard: Dinosurat a'la al-Lawh : al-Sabura ديناصورات على اللوح : السبورة‬‎

43438 | Arabic | Chalkboard Board Book
By: Barron's Educational Series, Incorporated
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut,
Children's Activities - Pre-k +


Chalkboard: Hayawanat Bariyat 'Ala al-Lawah : al-Sabura حيوانات برية على اللوح: السبورة‬‎

43468 | Arabic | Chalkboard Board Book
By: Barron's Educational Series, Incorporated
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2016
Children's Activities - Pre-k +


Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 10: Hassan wa-al-Hudhudan

3731 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 11: al-Qit wa-al-Far al-Zaki

3717 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Coloring Book

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 12: al-Tajir wa Ibn Irss

3712 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 13: Mughamarat al-Assdika'

3723 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 14: al-Bata wa-al-Arnab al-Moughafal

3725 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 15: al-Akhwane wa-al-Hiya

3726 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 16: al-Thalib wa-al-Tabeil al-Ajwaf

3727 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 17: al-Assad wa-al-Dabii wa-al-Hmar

3730 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 18: al-Amin' wa Kha'in al-Amana

3729 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 19: al-Jamal wa-al-Sdikaa al-Sou

3728 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 1: al-Salib wa Malik al-Hazine

3719 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 20: al-Assad wa Thalib قصص للتلوين

3733 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 2: al-Ghurab wa-al-Soobane al-Sharir

3721 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 3: al-Sulhufat al-Sarsara

3716 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Coloring Book

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 4: al-Nawrass al-Maker

3714 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Coloring Book

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 5: al-Qurd wa-al-Sulhufat al-Ghayoura

3713 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Coloring Book

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 6: al-Assad wa-al-Arnab al-Shoujaa

3718 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 7: Sibak al-Sulhufat wa-al-Arnab

3720 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 8: al-Hama al-Moutawaka

3724 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 9: Mus'ad wa Sa'id

3732 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin: Set of 20 Books قصص للتلوين

41936 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

Price: US$60
Sale price: US$30

Color and Activity: Hadith Activity Book for Kids

42582 | English | Softcover
By: Rashid, Muhammad Harun
Pub: Goodword Books, India
Child's Islamic Activity Book Ages 5 +


Color and Activity: Quran Activity Book For Kids

42583 | English | Softcover
By: Rashid, Muhammad Harun
Pub: Goodword Books, India
Child's Islamic Activity Book Ages 5 +


Color and Activity: Seerah Activity Book For Kids

40569 | English | Softcover
By: Sen, Hayrunnisa
Pub: Goodword Books, 2015
Child's Islamic Activity Book Ages 5 +


Color and Activity: Teletubbies: Lovely Presents (Arabic)

40537 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut,
Children's Coloring Activity - Preschool - Kindergarten 3-6


Color and Activity: Teletubbies: 1,2,3...4 Teletubbies (Arabic)

40538 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut,
Children's Coloring Activity - Preschool - Kindergarten 3-6


Color and Activity: Teletubbies: Dipsy's Hat (Arabic)

40540 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut,
Children's Coloring Activity - Preschool - Kindergarten 3-6


Color and Activity: Teletubbies: Laa-Laa's Song (Arabic)

40542 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut,
Children's Coloring Activity - Preschool - Kindergarten 3-6


Color and Activity: Teletubbies: Po's Blowy Day (Arabic)

40541 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut,
Children's Coloring Activity - Preschool - Kindergarten 3-6


Color and Activity: Teletubbies: Tinky Winky's Walk (Arabic)

40539 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut,
Children's Coloring Activity - Preschool - Kindergarten 3-6


Color: Book Set of 4

7091 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Asala for Publishing and Distributing, Beirut,
Children's Arabic Coloring Book 3-6

Price: US$4
Sale price: US$2

Color: Dabdub wa Alam al-Fadha'a دبدوب وعالم الفضاء

11176 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut, Beirut
Children's Arabic Coloring Book 4-8


Color: Iftah Ya Simsim: al-Hayawanat min Hawlina إفتح يا سمسم : الحيوانات من حولنا

44814 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Iftah Ya Simsim إفتح يا سمسم
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2017
Children's Activity from 3 years


Color: My Coloring Book - Set of 12 Large Books

14982 | English-Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Dar Chimal , Beirut
Children - Coloring

Price: US$42
Sale price: US$29

Color: Snoopy al-La'ub al-Marah

11172 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut, Beirut
Children's Arabic Coloring Book 4-8

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color: Snoopy al-Mutazallaj al-Bara'

11174 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut, Beirut
Children's Arabic Coloring Book 4-8

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color: Snoopy al-Riyadhi al-Nasheet

11171 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut, Beirut
Children's Arabic Coloring Book 4-8

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color: Snoopy al-Sadik al-Muhub

11170 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut, Beirut
Children's Arabic Coloring Book 4-8

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color: Snoopy al-Sibah al-Mahir

11173 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut, Beirut
Children's Arabic Coloring Book 4-8

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color: Stories from the Quran BIG Coloring Book

40570 | English | Softcover
By: Khan, Saniyasnain
Pub: Goodword, 2015
Children's Islamic Story and Activity Book Ages 5 up


Colour and Learn Du'as (Ar-En)

43851 | Arabic and English | Softcover
Pub: Islamic Book Service, New Delhi, India, 2019 Impression
Children's Islamic Coloring Book - Du'as - K - Up


Colour and Learn the 99 Beautiful Names of Allah (Ar-En)

43852 | Arabic and English | Softcover
Pub: Islamic Book Service, New Delhi, India, 2019 Impression
Children's Islamic Coloring Book - 99 Names - K - Up


Colouring Book of Wudhu and Salah (En)

43780 | English | Softcover
By: Shamsi, Muhammad Ajmal
Pub: Islamic Book Service, New Delhi, India
Children's Islamic Coloring Book - Prayer - K - Up


Crafts: Il'ab bil-Baloon اللعب بالبالون

11809 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Macaw Books
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, 2009
Childrens-Activities Book-Arabic-Crafts

Price: US$5
Sale price: US$4

Crafts: Mold Clay الابداع بل لمعجون

11812 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Macaw Books
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, 2009
Childrens-Crafts-Art - Arabic

Price: US$5
Sale price: US$4

Crafts: Origami - al-Ashya' al-Basitah أورغامي - الأشياء البسيطة

14823 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sterling Publishing
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, Beirut, 2010
Children's Crafts - Origami - Ages 5 +

Price: US$8
Sale price: US$6

Crafts: Origami - al-Hiyawanat أورغامي - الحيوانات

14822 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sterling Publishing
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, Beirut, 2010
Children's Crafts - Origami - Ages 5 +

Price: US$8
Sale price: US$6

Crafts: Origami - al-Tuyur wa-al-Hasharat أورغامي - الطيور والحشرات

14824 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sterling Publishing
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, Beirut, 2010
Children's Crafts - Origami - Ages 5 +

Price: US$8
Sale price: US$6

Crafts: Origami - lwazim al-Hafalat (al-Munasabat) أورغامي - لوازام الحفلات : المناسبات

14821 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sterling Publishing
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, Beirut, 2010
Children's Crafts - Origami - Ages 5 +

Price: US$8
Sale price: US$6

Crafts: Origami - SET of 4 أورغامي

40593 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sterling Publishing
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, Beirut, 2010
Children's Crafts - Origami - Ages 5 +

Price: US$28
Sale price: US$24

Crafts: Origami Fann Sina'at al-Namadhij al-Waraqiah الاوريجامي : فن صناعة النماذج الورقية

16802 | Arabic | Spiral Bound Hard Cover
By: Bowman, Lucy
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2013
Activities - Arts and Crafts - Elementary & Up

Price: US$18
Sale price: US$14

Crafts: Origami الابداع بلل لاوراق الملونة

11810 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Macaw Books
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, Beirut, 2009
Crafts - Origami

Price: US$5
Sale price: US$4

Crafts: Paper صناعة الطين من الورق

11813 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Macaw Books
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, 2009
Childrens-Arts-Crafts - Arabic

Price: US$5
Sale price: US$4

Crafts: Rocks Transformed الحجر المتنكر

11811 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Macaw Books
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, 2009
Childrens-Crafts-Art - Arabivc

Price: US$5
Sale price: US$4

Crafts: Wire Fuzzies الاسلك المخملية

11814 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Macaw Books
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, 2009
Childrens-Arts-Crafts - Arabic

Price: US$5
Sale price: US$4

Dawwamat - Hikayat wa-Tisali: Cinderella دوامة - حكايات و تسالي - سندريلا

42337 | Arabic | Spiral Bound Hardcover
By: Cernuschi, Claudio / Adapted to Arabic: Qar'an, Fadia
Pub: Dar al-Moualef, Beirut, 2016 Arabic Edition
Children's Arabic Tales and Activities - Ages 4+


Dawwamat - Hikayat wa-Tisali: Layla wa-al-Dhib دوامة - حكايات و تسالي - ليلى والذئب

42338 | Arabic | Spiral Bound Hardcover
By: Cernuschi, Claudio / Adapted to Arabic: Qar'an, Fadia
Pub: Dar al-Moualef, Beirut, 2016 Arabic Edition
Children's Arabic Tale and Activities - Age 4+


Dawwamat - Hikayat wa-Tisali: Peter Pan دوامة - حكايات و تسالي - بيتربان

42340 | Arabic | Spiral Bound Hardcover
By: Cernuschi, Claudio / Adapted to Arabic: Qar'an, Fadia
Pub: Dar al-Moualef, Beirut, 2016 Arabic Edition
Children's Arabic Tale and Activities - Age 4+


Dawwamat - Hikayat wa-Tisali: Pinnocchio دوامة - حكايات و تسالي - بينوكيو

42339 | Arabic | Spiral Bound Hardcover
By: Cernuschi, Claudio / Adapted to Arabic: Qar'an, Fadia
Pub: Dar al-Moualef, Beirut, 2016 Arabic Edition
Children's Arabic Tale and Activities - Age 4+


Disney Frozen: Activities & Color العب و الون : فروزن

44815 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Disney Enterprises
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2015
Children's Activities - Ages 6-10


Disney Pixar: Activities: Atillim wa-Amrah Ma' al-Sayyarat 3 أتعلّم وأمرح مع السيارات 3

43152 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Disney Pixar
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2018
Learning Activities - Math - Ages 6-8


Disney Princess Color and Stickers تعالوا نلوّن مع

43867 | Softcover
By: Disney
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2019
Children's Activities - Coloring - Sticker - Ages 4+


Disney Princess: Activities اميرات: كتاب الألعاب والتسلية

10716 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Disney/Pixar
Pub: Academia, Beirut, 2006
Children's Arabic Activity Book 4-8


Disney Princesses: Iqra wa Alawn bi Hasab al-Arqam أقرأ وألوّن بحسب الأرقام

74185 | Arabic - English | Softcover
By: Disney
Pub: Hachette Antoine, 2020
Coloring Book - First Sentences - Disney - 4+ Yrs


Disney: Minnie Iqra wa Alawn bi Hasab al-Arqam أقرأ وألوّن بحسب الأرقام

74184 | Arabic - English | Softcover
By: Disney
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2020
Coloring Book - Disney - 4+ Yrs


Disney: Star Wars: Power in the Galaxy Color and Stickers احلى تلوين

73927 | N/A | Softcover
By: Lucas, George / Disney
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut 2018
Children's Activities - Coloring - Sticker - Ages 4+


Disney: Star Wars: Rogue One Coloring Universe

74186 | N/A | Softcover
By: Lucasfilm
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut 2017
Coloring Book - Star Wars - 3+ Yrs


Disney: Star Wars: The Force Awakens Color and Stickers تعالوا نلوّن مع

43866 | Softcover
By: Disney
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2019
Children's Activities - Coloring - Sticker - Ages 4+


Disney: Starwars: Solo Color and Stickers أحلى تلوين مع ستيكرز

73928 | 9.78614E+12 | Softcover
By: Disney
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut 2019
Children's Activities - Coloring - Sticker - Ages 4+


Dome of the Rock Painting Canvas (Al-Aqsa)

81172 | Canvas Stretched in Frame
By: Blissed Kids
Pub: Blissed Kids, Newport Beach, California 2025
Kids Activity - Islamic - Painting - Ages 3 +


Eid Painting Canvas--Includes Paint

81169 | Canvas Stretched in Frame
By: Blissed Kids
Pub: Blissed Kids, Newport Beach, California 2025
Kids Activity - Eid Decoration - Painting


Hajj and Umrah Activity Book (Big Kids)

74071 | English | Softcover
By: Group
Pub: Learning Roots, 2021
Islam - Hajj - 8+ Yrs


Hajj and Umrah Activity Book (Little Kids)

74072 | English | Softcover
By: Group
Pub: Learning Roots, 2021
Islam - Hajj - 5+ Yrs


Hurufi al-Abjadiyah Coloring حروفي الأبجدية

44166 | Arabic | Softcover Coloring Book
By: Muhaydali, Nabihah نبيهة محيدلي / Ill: Baalbaki, Muhammad محمد بعلبكي
Pub: Hadaek Group, Beirut, 2017
Children's Coloring Book - Toddler - Pre-k - K


Jungle Stick n' Color: Butterfly

16820 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Jungle Stick n' Color: Cat

16819 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Jungle Stick n' Color: Dog

16818 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Jungle Stick n' Color: Elephant

16817 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Jungle Stick n' Color: Frog

16816 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Jungle Stick n' Color: Hippo

16815 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Jungle Stick n' Color: Lion

16814 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Jungle Stick n' Color: Monkey

16813 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Jungle Stick n' Color: Octopus

16812 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Jungle Stick n' Color: Owl

16811 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Jungle Stick n' Color: Panda

16810 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Jungle Stick n' Color: Rabbit

16809 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Jungle Stick n' Color: Rooster

16808 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Jungle Stick n' Color: Snake

16807 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Jungle Stick n' Color: Turtle

16806 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Lanaqum Bi Masharia Ra'ia لنقم بمشاريع رائعة

80417 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Khoury, J.B. ج ب الخوري
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut, 2022
Arts & Crafts - 8+ Yrs


Lawn li al-Mazra'ah لون لي المزرعة

44886 | Arabic | Board Book w/Paint Brush
By: Priddy Books
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2021
Children's Activity Book - Trucks - Ages 3-6


Lawn li al-Shahinat لون لي الشاحنات

44885 | Arabic | Board Book
By: Priddy Books
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2021
Children's Activity Book - Trucks - Ages 3-6


Learning Arabic Alphabet: Fun Activities for Kids

43779 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Mateenuddin Ahmad
Pub: Goodword Books, India, 2017
Kids Learn Arabic Letters - Ages 3+


Luzah لوزة

71422 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Yilmaz, Muzeyyen
Pub: Asala, 2017
Art - Coloring Book - Ages 6-9


Man Ana fi Ramadan ? من أنا في رمضان

44535 | Arabic | Softcover and activity tools
By: Digital Future
Pub: Digital Future, Beirut, 2020
Arabic Story and Activity for Youth, Ramadan, Ages 7-12


Marvel Heroes : Activities متعة التلوين...مع ملصقات

73838 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Marvel Kids
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut 2020
Children's Activities - Coloring - Stickers - Marvel - Ages 3+


Marvel: Black Panther Activities & Color الفَهد الأسوَد - أحلى تلوين

73839 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Marvel Studios
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut 2018
Coloring Book w/ Stickers - Marvel, Ages 3+


Marvel: Super Heroes Iqra wa Alawn bi Hasab al-Arqam أقرأ وألوّن بحسب الأرقام

74183 | Arabic - English | Softcover
By: Marvel
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2020
Coloring - First Sentences - 4+ Yrs


Masjid an-Nabawi Painting Canvas (Madina)

81171 | Canvas Stretched in Frame
By: Blissed Kids
Pub: Blissed Kids, Newport Beach, California 2025
Kids Activity - Islamic - Painting - Ages 3 +


Montessori Mukhtabar fi al-Manzil مونتيسوري مختبر في المنزل

44972 | Arabic | Flexi Card Cover w/Flaps
By: Perodi, Chiara شيارا بيرودي
Pub: ASP. Beirut, 2021
Children's Activities - Parenting - Teaching


MU Bros : Let's Learn Arabic ! Activity & Practice Coloring Book

75381 | Arabic & English | Softcover
By: Sengsone, Judy
Pub: MU Girls LLC, Nevada 2023
Children's Coloring and Activity - Learn Arabic - Islam - Ages 5+


MU Girls : I Am Beautiful because .... (Vol 1)

75385 | English | Softcover
By: Sengsone, Judy
Pub: MU Girls LLC, Nevada 2023
Children's Coloring - Girls - Islam - Ages 7+


MU Girls : I Am Beautiful because .... (Vol 2)

75383 | English | Softcover
By: Sengsone, Judy
Pub: MU Girls LLC, Nevada 2023
Children's Coloring - Girls - Islam - Ages 7+


MU Girls Coloring Book: Mosques Around The World - Adventure Awaits

75384 | English | Softcover
By: Sengsone, Judy
Pub: MU Girls LLC, Nevada 2023
Children's Coloring and Activity - Mosques - Islam - Ages 5+


MU Girls Coloring Book: Mosques Around The World - Passport to Fun

75382 | English | Softcover
By: Sengsone, Judy
Pub: MU Girls LLC, Nevada 2023
Children's Coloring and Activity - Mosques - Islam - Ages 5+


Mudhakkirat Tufulati (BLUE) مذكرات طفولتي

41712 | Arabic | Padded Hardcover
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, Beirut
Baby Memory Book


Mudhakkirat Tufulati (PINK) مذكرات طفولتي

41713 | Arabic | Padded Hardcover
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, Beirut
Baby Memory Book


Mudhakkirat Tufulati (PINK, w/CD) مذكرات طفولتي

41670 | Arabic | Padded Hardcover + CD
By: EdiBimbi
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, Beirut, 2011
Baby Memory Book


My First Book of Arabic Writing كتاب الاول للخط العربي

73918 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Soltana, Lynda
Pub: Iqra, US, 2022
Children's Arabic Handwriting - Elementary


Palestine: Activity Book

81107 | English | Softcover
By: Joossab, Adilah
Pub: Kube Publishing, Leicestershire 2024
Activity book - Kids - Palestine - Ages 6-8


Paw Patrol Color and Stickers: Quwwat al-Fariq Talwinat قوّة الفريق تلوينات... مع الكثير من الستيكرز

43865 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Nickelodeon
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2019
Children's Activities - Coloring - Sticker - Ages 4-8


Paw Patrol Color and Stickers: Talwinat Han Waqat al-Qataf تلوينات حان وقت القطاف

72496 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Nickelodeon
Pub: Hachette Antoine, 2019
Children's Activities - Coloring - Sticker - Ages 4-8


Paw Patrol Color: Talwin Dawriyat al-Makhlab تلوين دورية المخلب

72490 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Nickelodeon
Pub: Hachette Antoine, 2019
Children's Activities - Coloring - Ages 4-8


Paw Patrol Color: Talwin Haya Intalq! تلوين هيا انطلق

72491 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Nickelodeon
Pub: Hachette Antoine, 2019
Children's Activities - Coloring - Ages 4-8


Preschool Activity Book

44497 | English | Softcover
By: Weekend Learners
Pub: Weekend Learning, Columbus, Ohio, USA, 2021
Activities - Toddler - Preschool


Ramadan Activity Book (Big Kids)

74073 | English-Arabic | Softcover
By: Group
Pub: Learning Roots, 2019
Islam - Ramadan - 8+ Yrs


Ramadan Activity Book (Little Kids)

74074 | English-Arabic | Softcover
By: Group
Pub: Learning Roots, 2019
Islam - Ramadan - 5+ Yrs


Ramadan on Rahma Road: A Recipe Storybook

45277 | English | Hardcover
By: Gutta, Razeena Omar & Osman, Faaiza / Ill: Sohrabi Atieh
Pub: Barefoot Books, Concord, MA, 2025
Cookbook - Recipe Storybook - Ages 6-8 +


Ramadan Painting Canvas - Includes Paint

81170 | Canvas Stretched in Frame
By: Blissed Kids
Pub: Blissed Kids, Newport Beach, California 2025
Kida Activity - Ramadan - Painting - Ages 3 +


Sajill Hayat al-Tifl lil-Awlad سجل حياة الطفل للاولاد

43183 | Arabic | Padded Hardcover with Ribbon Tie Closure
By: Om Books International
Pub: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabia, 2016 Arabic Edition
Baby Memory Book


Sajill Hayat al-Tifl lil-Banat سجل حياة الطفل للبنات

43182 | Arabic | Padded Hardcover with Ribbon Tie Closure
By: Om Books International
Pub: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabia, 2016 Arabic Edition
Baby Memory Book


San'tu Biyadi : A'mal Faniyah lil-Atfal صنعت بيدي : أعمال فنية للأطفال

44536 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sabil, Wafa / Hussein, Fatima
Pub: Dar al-Moualef, Beirut, 2006
Activities - Primary School Ages - Illustrated Guide


Sticker Book (Arabic) Home البيت

6357 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut, 1997
Children't Activity Book - Arabic

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Sticker Book (Arabic) Shapes الأشكال

6360 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut, 1997
Children't Activity Book - Arabic

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Sticker Book (Arabic) Shopping التسوّق

6358 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut, 1997
Children't Activity Book - Arabic

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Sticker Book (Arabic) Things That Go المركبات

6356 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut, 1997
Children't Activity Book - Arabic

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Sticker Book (Arabic) Time الوقت

6361 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut, 1997
Children't Activity Book - Arabic

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Sticker Book: Teletubbies: Come and Play (Arabic)

40545 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut,
Children's Sticker Book - Preschool - Kindergarten 3-6


Sticker Book: Teletubbies: Magical Stories (Arabic)

40543 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut,
Children's Sticker Book - Preschool - Kindergarten 3-6


Sticker Book: Teletubbies: The Teletubbyland (Arabic)

40544 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut,
Children's Sticker Book - Preschool - Kindergarten 3-6


Stickers & Story: Talia: Ana Atanakaru أنا أَتَنَكَّرُ

16256 | Arabic | Softcover - Shaped Handle
By: Akawi, Rihab / Ballon Media
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2012 Arabic Edition
Arabic Story and Sticker Book - Age 4 +


Stickers & Story: Talia: Eid Milad Sa'id ! عيد ميلاد سعيد

16255 | Arabic | Softcover - Shaped Handle
By: Akawi, Rihab / Ballon Media
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2012 Arabic Edition
Arabic Story and Sticker Book - Age 4 +


Stickers & Story: Talia: Haflatun fi al-Hadiqah حفلة في الحديقة

16258 | Arabic | Softcover - Shaped Handle
By: Akawi, Rihab / Ballon Media
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2012 Arabic Edition
Arabic Story and Sticker Book - Age 4 +


Stickers & Story: Talia: Sadiqati صديقاتي

16257 | Arabic | Softcover - Shaped Handle
By: Akawi, Rihab / Ballon Media
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2012 Arabic Edition
Arabic Story and Sticker Book - Age 4 +


Super Muslim Art Studio (Blue)

75502 | English | Softcover
By: Iman Kidz
Pub: Iman Kidz Ltd, London 2023
Kids Activity - Stationary - Art - Boys - Preschool +


T. Rex: Kitab Unmudhaj كتاب التيرانوصور : كتاب أنموذج

44477 | Arabic | Board Book
By: Fullman, Joe / Akkawi, Dr. Rehab
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2018 Arabic Edition / Arcturus Holding Ltd.
Interactive Board Book - Punch-out play figures


Ta Awal Harf min Tasliyah ت اول حرف من تسلية - كتاب ممتع للتلوين و الانشطة

74187 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sesame Workshop
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2017
Coloring Book - Reading - Activities - 4+ Yrs


Tamarin Mumti'ah: 2 تمارين ممتعة

72841 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Dayah, Hanadi / Shamah, Manal
Pub: Asala, 2018
Children's Arabic Curriculum - Ages Pre-K +


Tamarin Mumti'ah: 4 تمارين ممتعة

72840 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Dayah, Hanadi / Shamah, Manal
Pub: Asala, 2018
Children's Arabic Curriculum - Ages 5-8 K+


Tamarin Mumti'ah: 5 تمارين ممتعة

72839 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Dayah, Hanadi / Shamah, Manal
Pub: Asala, 2018
Children's Arabic Curriculum - Ages 5-8 - K+


Tamarin Mumti'ah: 6 تمارين ممتعة

72838 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Dayah, Hanadi / Shamah, Manal
Pub: Asala Publishing, Beirut, 2018
Children's Arabic Curriculum - Ages 5-8 - K+


Tasliyat al-Atfal al-Sighar wa Taw'iyatuhum تسلية الاطفال الصغار وتوعيتهم

80040 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Young, Caroline كارولين يانغ
Pub: Academia, Beirut, 2008 Arabic Edition
Parenting - Children - Educating - Play - Activities


Tufulati al-Awla طفولتي الأولى، نشاطات معرفية لمرحلة ما قبل المدرسة

74558 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Khateeb, Ahmad, Group of Educators مجموعة مؤلفين
Pub: Dar al Hadaiq, Beirut 2019
Chidren's Cognitive Activity Book - Preschool - Ages 3-5


Uhibbu al-Yugha أحب اليوغا

45171 | Arabic | Softcover - Cardstock
By: Berk, Ezgi / Ill: Ulusan, Rukiye
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2020 Arabic Edition
Chldren's Health - Activity - Yoga - Ages 5+


Jungle Stick n' Color: Monkey

16813 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Jungle Stick n' Color: Lion

16814 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Sticker Book (Arabic) Things That Go المركبات

6356 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut, 1997
Children't Activity Book - Arabic

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Sticker Book (Arabic) Home البيت

6357 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut, 1997
Children't Activity Book - Arabic

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Sticker Book (Arabic) Shopping التسوّق

6358 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut, 1997
Children't Activity Book - Arabic

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Sticker Book (Arabic) Shapes الأشكال

6360 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut, 1997
Children't Activity Book - Arabic

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Sticker Book (Arabic) Time الوقت

6361 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut, 1997
Children't Activity Book - Arabic

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color: Book Set of 4

7091 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Asala for Publishing and Distributing, Beirut,
Children's Arabic Coloring Book 3-6

Price: US$4
Sale price: US$2

Activities: Maktabati al-Owali مكتبتي الاولي

11891 | Arabic | Hardcover
Pub: Digital-Future, 2010


Activities: Ashkal : al-Hiyawanat ; al-Ilwan الأشكال - الحيوانات - الألوان - اكتب و امسح

16502 | Arabic | Spiral Bound Erasable Shaped Board Book
Pub: Digital Future, Beirut
Children's Activity - Preschool - Kindergarten


Jungle Stick n' Color: Panda

16810 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Color: Snoopy al-Sadik al-Muhub

11170 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut, Beirut
Children's Arabic Coloring Book 4-8

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color: Snoopy al-Riyadhi al-Nasheet

11171 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut, Beirut
Children's Arabic Coloring Book 4-8

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color: Snoopy al-La'ub al-Marah

11172 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut, Beirut
Children's Arabic Coloring Book 4-8

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color: Snoopy al-Sibah al-Mahir

11173 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut, Beirut
Children's Arabic Coloring Book 4-8

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color: Snoopy al-Mutazallaj al-Bara'

11174 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut, Beirut
Children's Arabic Coloring Book 4-8

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color: Dabdub wa Alam al-Fadha'a دبدوب وعالم الفضاء

11176 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut, Beirut
Children's Arabic Coloring Book 4-8


Jungle Stick n' Color: Turtle

16806 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Jungle Stick n' Color: Octopus

16812 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Jungle Stick n' Color: Frog

16816 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Jungle Stick n' Color: Rabbit

16809 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Jungle Stick n' Color: Rooster

16808 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Mudhakkirat Tufulati (PINK) مذكرات طفولتي

41713 | Arabic | Padded Hardcover
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, Beirut
Baby Memory Book


Mudhakkirat Tufulati (BLUE) مذكرات طفولتي

41712 | Arabic | Padded Hardcover
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, Beirut
Baby Memory Book


Jungle Stick n' Color: Owl

16811 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Jungle Stick n' Color: Snake

16807 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Color: My Coloring Book - Set of 12 Large Books

14982 | English-Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Dar Chimal , Beirut
Children - Coloring

Price: US$42
Sale price: US$29

Activities: My Little Showcase of Getting Ready for School Arabic-English الذهاب الى المدرسة

16911 | Arabic - English | Board Book and Activities Box
Pub: Charg Studio Publishing, South Africa, 2008
Kids Activities - Ages 4 - up


Activities: My Little Showcase of Zoo Animals Arabic-English حديقة الحيوانات

16877 | Arabic and English | Board Book and Activities Box
Pub: Chart Studio Publishing, Cape Town, Soth Africa, 2008
Kids Activities - Ages 4 - up


Jungle Stick n' Color: Butterfly

16820 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Jungle Stick n' Color: Cat

16819 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Jungle Stick n' Color: Dog

16818 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Jungle Stick n' Color: Elephant

16817 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Jungle Stick n' Color: Hippo

16815 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Anashid al-Mumti'ah: Kalimat wa-Ughniyat (Book + CD) كلمات واغنيات

42263 | Arabic | Hardcover + Audio CD
By: Abd Allah, Hasan: Lyrics / Kabur, Ahmad: Composer
Pub: Hadaek Group, Beirut, 2013
Children's Arabic Poems and Songs - Ages 4-8


Ana al-Alif, Hikayat wa-Aghani al-Huruf أنا الألف، حكايات و أغـني الحروف

74551 | Arabic | Softcover w/CD
By: Abdullah, Hassan, Ill: Tuni, Helmi, Voice: Hayder, Jana
Pub: Dar al-Hadaek, Beirut, 2020
Arabic Tales - Songs - Alphabet 4+ Yrs


Stickers & Story: Talia: Haflatun fi al-Hadiqah حفلة في الحديقة

16258 | Arabic | Softcover - Shaped Handle
By: Akawi, Rihab / Ballon Media
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2012 Arabic Edition
Arabic Story and Sticker Book - Age 4 +


Stickers & Story: Talia: Sadiqati صديقاتي

16257 | Arabic | Softcover - Shaped Handle
By: Akawi, Rihab / Ballon Media
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2012 Arabic Edition
Arabic Story and Sticker Book - Age 4 +


Stickers & Story: Talia: Ana Atanakaru أنا أَتَنَكَّرُ

16256 | Arabic | Softcover - Shaped Handle
By: Akawi, Rihab / Ballon Media
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2012 Arabic Edition
Arabic Story and Sticker Book - Age 4 +


Stickers & Story: Talia: Eid Milad Sa'id ! عيد ميلاد سعيد

16255 | Arabic | Softcover - Shaped Handle
By: Akawi, Rihab / Ballon Media
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2012 Arabic Edition
Arabic Story and Sticker Book - Age 4 +


Arab Fairy Tale Feasts: A Literary Cookbook

74534 | English | Hardcover
By: Alrawi, Karim / Ill: Kazemi, Nahid
Pub: Crocodile Books, New York, 2021
Literature - Arab Tales - Cookbooks - 7+ Yrs


Activities: Simplissime: al-Ikhtibarat al-Alimiyah al-Absat fi al-Alam ولااسهل الاختبارات العلمية الابسط في العالم

72493 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Barde, Nahalie / Ill: Moutarde, Colonel
Pub: Hachette Antoine, 2019
Children's Educational - Scientific Tests - Ages 8-12


Chalkboard: Dinosurat a'la al-Lawh : al-Sabura ديناصورات على اللوح : السبورة‬‎

43438 | Arabic | Chalkboard Board Book
By: Barron's Educational Series, Incorporated
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut,
Children's Activities - Pre-k +


Chalkboard: Hayawanat Bariyat 'Ala al-Lawah : al-Sabura حيوانات برية على اللوح: السبورة‬‎

43468 | Arabic | Chalkboard Board Book
By: Barron's Educational Series, Incorporated
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2016
Children's Activities - Pre-k +


Baby Montessori: Follow Me!

45173 | English | Board Book
By: Baruzzi, Agnese / Piroddi, Chiara
Pub: White Star / Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2021 Special Edition
Baby Montessori - Lines - Baby - 0-3 years


Baby Montessori: Animals

45172 | English | Board Book
By: Baruzzi, Agnese / Piroddi, Chiara
Baby Montessori -Animals - Baby - 0-3 years


Baby Montessori: Vehicles

45174 | English | Board Book
By: Baruzzi, Agnese / Piroddi, Chiara
Pub: White Star / Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2021 Special Edition
Baby Montessori - Vehicles - Baby - 0-3 years


Baby Montessori: Big or Small?

45175 | English | Board Book
By: Baruzzi, Agnese / Piroddi, Chiara
Pub: White Star / Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2021 Special Edition
Baby Montessori - Sizes - Baby - 0-3 years


Color and Activity: Teletubbies: Lovely Presents (Arabic)

40537 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut,
Children's Coloring Activity - Preschool - Kindergarten 3-6


Color and Activity: Teletubbies: 1,2,3...4 Teletubbies (Arabic)

40538 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut,
Children's Coloring Activity - Preschool - Kindergarten 3-6


Color and Activity: Teletubbies: Tinky Winky's Walk (Arabic)

40539 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut,
Children's Coloring Activity - Preschool - Kindergarten 3-6


Color and Activity: Teletubbies: Dipsy's Hat (Arabic)

40540 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut,
Children's Coloring Activity - Preschool - Kindergarten 3-6


Color and Activity: Teletubbies: Po's Blowy Day (Arabic)

40541 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut,
Children's Coloring Activity - Preschool - Kindergarten 3-6


Color and Activity: Teletubbies: Laa-Laa's Song (Arabic)

40542 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut,
Children's Coloring Activity - Preschool - Kindergarten 3-6


Sticker Book: Teletubbies: Magical Stories (Arabic)

40543 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut,
Children's Sticker Book - Preschool - Kindergarten 3-6


Sticker Book: Teletubbies: The Teletubbyland (Arabic)

40544 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut,
Children's Sticker Book - Preschool - Kindergarten 3-6


Sticker Book: Teletubbies: Come and Play (Arabic)

40545 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut,
Children's Sticker Book - Preschool - Kindergarten 3-6


Uhibbu al-Yugha أحب اليوغا

45171 | Arabic | Softcover - Cardstock
By: Berk, Ezgi / Ill: Ulusan, Rukiye
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2020 Arabic Edition
Chldren's Health - Activity - Yoga - Ages 5+


Activities: My First Library: Little Marvels (English)

16910 | English | Board Book and Activities Box
By: Better Learning
Pub: Digital Future, Beirut
Kids Activities - Ages 4 - 8


Dome of the Rock Painting Canvas (Al-Aqsa)

81172 | Canvas Stretched in Frame
By: Blissed Kids
Pub: Blissed Kids, Newport Beach, California 2025
Kids Activity - Islamic - Painting - Ages 3 +


Eid Painting Canvas--Includes Paint

81169 | Canvas Stretched in Frame
By: Blissed Kids
Pub: Blissed Kids, Newport Beach, California 2025
Kids Activity - Eid Decoration - Painting


Ramadan Painting Canvas - Includes Paint

81170 | Canvas Stretched in Frame
By: Blissed Kids
Pub: Blissed Kids, Newport Beach, California 2025
Kida Activity - Ramadan - Painting - Ages 3 +


Masjid an-Nabawi Painting Canvas (Madina)

81171 | Canvas Stretched in Frame
By: Blissed Kids
Pub: Blissed Kids, Newport Beach, California 2025
Kids Activity - Islamic - Painting - Ages 3 +


Crafts: Origami Fann Sina'at al-Namadhij al-Waraqiah الاوريجامي : فن صناعة النماذج الورقية

16802 | Arabic | Spiral Bound Hard Cover
By: Bowman, Lucy
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2013
Activities - Arts and Crafts - Elementary & Up

Price: US$18
Sale price: US$14

Activities: Paste and Color إلصق ولون مع مهى وهادي في المدرسة

10720 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Caramel Editions
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut
Children's Arabic Activity Book 4-8


Activities: Tamarin Masliyah 2 تمارين مسلية- أصفر2

72464 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Caramel S.A., Belgian
Pub: Asala Publishing, Beirut, 2019
Children's Educational - Activities - Ages 6-8


Activities: Tamarin Masliyah 1 تمارين مسلية

72463 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Caramel S.A., Belgian
Pub: Asala Publishing, Beirut, 2019
Children's Educational - Activities - Ages 6-8


Dawwamat - Hikayat wa-Tisali: Cinderella دوامة - حكايات و تسالي - سندريلا

42337 | Arabic | Spiral Bound Hardcover
By: Cernuschi, Claudio / Adapted to Arabic: Qar'an, Fadia
Pub: Dar al-Moualef, Beirut, 2016 Arabic Edition
Children's Arabic Tales and Activities - Ages 4+


Dawwamat - Hikayat wa-Tisali: Layla wa-al-Dhib دوامة - حكايات و تسالي - ليلى والذئب

42338 | Arabic | Spiral Bound Hardcover
By: Cernuschi, Claudio / Adapted to Arabic: Qar'an, Fadia
Pub: Dar al-Moualef, Beirut, 2016 Arabic Edition
Children's Arabic Tale and Activities - Age 4+


Dawwamat - Hikayat wa-Tisali: Pinnocchio دوامة - حكايات و تسالي - بينوكيو

42339 | Arabic | Spiral Bound Hardcover
By: Cernuschi, Claudio / Adapted to Arabic: Qar'an, Fadia
Pub: Dar al-Moualef, Beirut, 2016 Arabic Edition
Children's Arabic Tale and Activities - Age 4+


Dawwamat - Hikayat wa-Tisali: Peter Pan دوامة - حكايات و تسالي - بيتربان

42340 | Arabic | Spiral Bound Hardcover
By: Cernuschi, Claudio / Adapted to Arabic: Qar'an, Fadia
Pub: Dar al-Moualef, Beirut, 2016 Arabic Edition
Children's Arabic Tale and Activities - Age 4+


Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 12: al-Tajir wa Ibn Irss

3712 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 10: Hassan wa-al-Hudhudan

3731 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 13: Mughamarat al-Assdika'

3723 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 2: al-Ghurab wa-al-Soobane al-Sharir

3721 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 8: al-Hama al-Moutawaka

3724 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 14: al-Bata wa-al-Arnab al-Moughafal

3725 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 7: Sibak al-Sulhufat wa-al-Arnab

3720 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 15: al-Akhwane wa-al-Hiya

3726 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 16: al-Thalib wa-al-Tabeil al-Ajwaf

3727 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 19: al-Jamal wa-al-Sdikaa al-Sou

3728 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 18: al-Amin' wa Kha'in al-Amana

3729 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 17: al-Assad wa-al-Dabii wa-al-Hmar

3730 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 9: Mus'ad wa Sa'id

3732 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 20: al-Assad wa Thalib قصص للتلوين

3733 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 1: al-Salib wa Malik al-Hazine

3719 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 6: al-Assad wa-al-Arnab al-Shoujaa

3718 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin: Set of 20 Books قصص للتلوين

41936 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

Price: US$60
Sale price: US$30

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 11: al-Qit wa-al-Far al-Zaki

3717 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Coloring Book

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 3: al-Sulhufat al-Sarsara

3716 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Coloring Book

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 4: al-Nawrass al-Maker

3714 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Coloring Book

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 5: al-Qurd wa-al-Sulhufat al-Ghayoura

3713 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Coloring Book

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

ABC's of Palestine for Activists Big and Small (Coloring Book)

75313 | English | Softcover
By: Dada, Alia
Pub: Prolance Publishing, California,
Children's Coloring Book - Ages 6+


Bath Book and Puppet Loofah - Dafdu' كتاب الاستحمام مع ليفة – ضفدوع

44032 | Arabic-English | Waterproof soft book + puppet loofah
By: Dar al-Maaref
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2019
Bath Book + Puppet Loofah - 6 months +


Bath Book and Puppet Loofah - Batbut كتاب الاستحمام مع ليفة – بطبوط

44033 | Arabic-English | Waterproof soft book + puppet loofah
By: Dar al-Maaref
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2019
Bath Book + Puppet Loofah - 6 months +


Tamarin Mumti'ah: 6 تمارين ممتعة

72838 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Dayah, Hanadi / Shamah, Manal
Pub: Asala Publishing, Beirut, 2018
Children's Arabic Curriculum - Ages 5-8 - K+


Tamarin Mumti'ah: 2 تمارين ممتعة

72841 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Dayah, Hanadi / Shamah, Manal
Pub: Asala, 2018
Children's Arabic Curriculum - Ages Pre-K +


Tamarin Mumti'ah: 4 تمارين ممتعة

72840 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Dayah, Hanadi / Shamah, Manal
Pub: Asala, 2018
Children's Arabic Curriculum - Ages 5-8 K+


Tamarin Mumti'ah: 5 تمارين ممتعة

72839 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Dayah, Hanadi / Shamah, Manal
Pub: Asala, 2018
Children's Arabic Curriculum - Ages 5-8 - K+


Art: 1-2-3-Ana A'rasm (I Draw) أنا أرسم

11104 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: De Rosamel, Godeleine / Casterman
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2009 Arabic Edition
Children's Art - Preschool Up


Man Ana fi Ramadan ? من أنا في رمضان

44535 | Arabic | Softcover and activity tools
By: Digital Future
Pub: Digital Future, Beirut, 2020
Arabic Story and Activity for Youth, Ramadan, Ages 7-12


Disney Princess Color and Stickers تعالوا نلوّن مع

43867 | Softcover
By: Disney
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2019
Children's Activities - Coloring - Sticker - Ages 4+


Disney Princesses: Iqra wa Alawn bi Hasab al-Arqam أقرأ وألوّن بحسب الأرقام

74185 | Arabic - English | Softcover
By: Disney
Pub: Hachette Antoine, 2020
Coloring Book - First Sentences - Disney - 4+ Yrs


Disney: Minnie Iqra wa Alawn bi Hasab al-Arqam أقرأ وألوّن بحسب الأرقام

74184 | Arabic - English | Softcover
By: Disney
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2020
Coloring Book - Disney - 4+ Yrs


Disney: Starwars: Solo Color and Stickers أحلى تلوين مع ستيكرز

73928 | 9.78614E+12 | Softcover
By: Disney
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut 2019
Children's Activities - Coloring - Sticker - Ages 4+


Disney: Star Wars: The Force Awakens Color and Stickers تعالوا نلوّن مع

43866 | Softcover
By: Disney
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2019
Children's Activities - Coloring - Sticker - Ages 4+


Disney Frozen: Activities & Color العب و الون : فروزن

44815 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Disney Enterprises
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2015
Children's Activities - Ages 6-10


Bath Book: Disney: Mickey and Friends كتاب يسبح: ميكي وأصدقائه!

44015 | Arabic | Waterproof soft book
By: Disney Enterprises
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2019
Baby Bath Book - Disney


Bath Book: Disney: Finding Nemo كتاب يسبح: فعندنج نيمو

44016 | Arabic | Waterproof soft book
By: Disney Pixar
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2019
Baby Bath Book - Disney Pixar


Disney Pixar: Activities: Atillim wa-Amrah Ma' al-Sayyarat 3 أتعلّم وأمرح مع السيارات 3

43152 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Disney Pixar
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2018
Learning Activities - Math - Ages 6-8


Disney Princess: Activities اميرات: كتاب الألعاب والتسلية

10716 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Disney/Pixar
Pub: Academia, Beirut, 2006
Children's Arabic Activity Book 4-8


Mudhakkirat Tufulati (PINK, w/CD) مذكرات طفولتي

41670 | Arabic | Padded Hardcover + CD
By: EdiBimbi
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, Beirut, 2011
Baby Memory Book


Activities: al-Kitab al-Kabir li-al-'ab Ruba wa-Wufi الكتاب الكبير للالعاب ربى ووفي

16803 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Editions Caramel
Pub: Librairie Stephan
Kids Activities - Elementary Years


Activities: Amrah Aktob Atamaran Ages 3-4 امرح اكتب اتمرن

16233 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Editions Caramel / Carletti, Emanuela
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2009
Educational Activities - Preschool - Early Elementary


Activities: Amrah Aktob Atamaran Ages 4-5 امرح اكتب اتمرن

16232 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Editions Caramel / Carletti, Emanuela
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2009
Educational Activities - Preschool - Early Elementary


Activities: Amrah Aktob Atamaran Ages 5-6 امرح اكتب اتمرن

16231 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Editions Caramel / Carletti, Emanuela
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2009
Educational Activities - Preschool - Early Elementary


Activities: Amrah Aktob Atamaran Ages 6-7 امرح اكتب اتمرن

16230 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Editions Caramel / Carletti, Emanuela
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2009
Educational Activities - Preschool - Early Elementary


Activities: Ma Tha'lub: Ta'alam al-Qara'ah تعلم القراءة مع ثعلوب

16229 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Editions Caramel / De Klerk, Roger
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2013
Educational Activities - Preschool - Early Elementary


Activities: Ma Tha'lub: Ta'alam al-Mala Hazah تعلم الملاحظة مع ثعلوب

16228 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Editions Caramel / De Klerk, Roger
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2013
Educational Activities - Preschool - Early Elementary


Activities: Ma Tha'lub: Ta'alam al-'Add تعلم العد مع ثعلوب

16227 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Editions Caramel / De Klerk, Roger
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2013
Educational Activities - Preschool - Early Elementary


Activities: Ma Tha'lub: Ta'alam al-Kitabah تعلم الكتابة مع ثعلوب

16226 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Editions Caramel / De Klerk, Roger
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2013
Educational Activities - Preschool - Early Elementary


Aktub wa Amsahu: al-Waqt أكتب وأمسح الوقت

40904 | Arabic | Erasable Board Book
By: Editions Piccolia
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2014 Arabic Edition
Children's Activity Ages 3-6


T. Rex: Kitab Unmudhaj كتاب التيرانوصور : كتاب أنموذج

44477 | Arabic | Board Book
By: Fullman, Joe / Akkawi, Dr. Rehab
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2018 Arabic Edition / Arcturus Holding Ltd.
Interactive Board Book - Punch-out play figures


Art: Drawing-Hadiya الهدية

15159 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Gharaballi, Leila Mohammed
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut, 2009
Children's Arabic Story - Art - Elementary


Activities: Ila'b ma'i bi-al-Ashkal - Part 1 & 2 إلعب معي بالأشكال

15466 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Gosaibi, Sahar bint 'Abd al-Aziz
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut, 2004
Early Child Education - Activities


Hajj and Umrah Activity Book (Big Kids)

74071 | English | Softcover
By: Group
Pub: Learning Roots, 2021
Islam - Hajj - 8+ Yrs


Activities: Maharat al-Khatut مهارات الخطوط

72837 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Group
Pub: Asala Publishing, Beirut, 2018
Activities - Handwriting Skills - Pre-k +


Hajj and Umrah Activity Book (Little Kids)

74072 | English | Softcover
By: Group
Pub: Learning Roots, 2021
Islam - Hajj - 5+ Yrs


Ramadan Activity Book (Big Kids)

74073 | English-Arabic | Softcover
By: Group
Pub: Learning Roots, 2019
Islam - Ramadan - 8+ Yrs


Ramadan Activity Book (Little Kids)

74074 | English-Arabic | Softcover
By: Group
Pub: Learning Roots, 2019
Islam - Ramadan - 5+ Yrs


Activities: Maharat al-Riyadiyat مهارات الرياضيات

72836 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Group
Pub: Asala, 2018
Children's Educational - Basic Math - Activities - Pre-K +


Activities: I Learn About: Shapes

14594 | Arabic, English, and Spanish | Hardcover
By: Group
Pub: Academia, Beirut
Children's Activity Book

Price: US$10
Sale price: US$8

Anashid al-Mumti'ah: Sabah al-Khayr (Book + CD) صباح الخير

42261 | Arabic | Hardcover + Audio CD
By: Group / Haydar, Nasir: Composer / Haydar, Jana: Vocalist
Pub: Hadaek Group, Beirut
Children's Arabic Poems and Songs - Ages 3+


Anashid al-Mumti'ah: Hamdan Hamdan ya Rahman (Book + CD) حمداً حمداً يا رحمن

42262 | Arabic | Hardcover + Audio CD
By: Group / Haydar, Nasir: Composer / Haydar, Jana: Vocalist
Pub: Hadaek Group, Beirut, 2014
Children's Arabic Poems and Songs - Islamic - Ages 8-12


Anashid al-Mumti'ah: Fusul (Book + CD) فصول

42264 | Arabic | Hardcover + Audio CD
By: Group / Haydar, Nasir: Composer / Haydar, Jana: Vocalist
Pub: Hadaek Group, Beirut, 2013
Children's Arabic Poems and Songs - Ages 4-8


Ramadan on Rahma Road: A Recipe Storybook

45277 | English | Hardcover
By: Gutta, Razeena Omar & Osman, Faaiza / Ill: Sohrabi Atieh
Pub: Barefoot Books, Concord, MA, 2025
Cookbook - Recipe Storybook - Ages 6-8 +


Activities: Simplissime: Alab al-Khafah al-Absat fi al-Alam ولاالسهل العاب الخفة الابسط في العالم

72494 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: H, Alex / Ill: Lapassade, Roxy
Pub: Hachette Antoine, 2019
Children's Activities - DIY Games - Ages 8-12


Colour and Learn Du'as (Ar-En)

43851 | Arabic and English | Softcover
Pub: Islamic Book Service, New Delhi, India, 2019 Impression
Children's Islamic Coloring Book - Du'as - K - Up


Colour and Learn the 99 Beautiful Names of Allah (Ar-En)

43852 | Arabic and English | Softcover
Pub: Islamic Book Service, New Delhi, India, 2019 Impression
Children's Islamic Coloring Book - 99 Names - K - Up


Color: Iftah Ya Simsim: al-Hayawanat min Hawlina إفتح يا سمسم : الحيوانات من حولنا

44814 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Iftah Ya Simsim إفتح يا سمسم
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2017
Children's Activity from 3 years


Super Muslim Art Studio (Blue)

75502 | English | Softcover
By: Iman Kidz
Pub: Iman Kidz Ltd, London 2023
Kids Activity - Stationary - Art - Boys - Preschool +


Palestine: Activity Book

81107 | English | Softcover
By: Joossab, Adilah
Pub: Kube Publishing, Leicestershire 2024
Activity book - Kids - Palestine - Ages 6-8


Color: Stories from the Quran BIG Coloring Book

40570 | English | Softcover
By: Khan, Saniyasnain
Pub: Goodword, 2015
Children's Islamic Story and Activity Book Ages 5 up


Tufulati al-Awla طفولتي الأولى، نشاطات معرفية لمرحلة ما قبل المدرسة

74558 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Khateeb, Ahmad, Group of Educators مجموعة مؤلفين
Pub: Dar al Hadaiq, Beirut 2019
Chidren's Cognitive Activity Book - Preschool - Ages 3-5


Lanaqum Bi Masharia Ra'ia لنقم بمشاريع رائعة

80417 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Khoury, J.B. ج ب الخوري
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut, 2022
Arts & Crafts - 8+ Yrs


Activities: Ashghal Yadawiyah Sahlah أشغال يدوية سهلة

41109 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Kush, Sonya / Casterman
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2012
Children's Activities - Preschool - 8 Years


Activities: Minhaj Al Rawda # 3 (ages 5-6) منهج الروضة الثالثة

21004 | Arabic | Softcover Activities Pack
By: Labir /Shoudo
Pub: Antoine 2014
Childrens Learn Arabic Activities - Emerging Ages 3-6


Activities: Asna'u min al-Kartun أصنع من الكرتون

41108 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Lannoy, Gaëtane / Casterman
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2012 Arabic Edition
Children's Activities - Preschool - 8 Years


Activities: Ikhtara'a bi-Wasatahi Hawasasi al-Khamsi أخترع بوساطة حواسي الخمس

41107 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Lannoy, Gaëtane / Casterman
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2012 Arabic Edition
Children's Activities - Preschool - 8 Years


Disney: Star Wars: Power in the Galaxy Color and Stickers احلى تلوين

73927 | N/A | Softcover
By: Lucas, George / Disney
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut 2018
Children's Activities - Coloring - Sticker - Ages 4+


Disney: Star Wars: Rogue One Coloring Universe

74186 | N/A | Softcover
By: Lucasfilm
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut 2017
Coloring Book - Star Wars - 3+ Yrs


Crafts: Paper صناعة الطين من الورق

11813 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Macaw Books
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, 2009
Childrens-Arts-Crafts - Arabic

Price: US$5
Sale price: US$4

Crafts: Wire Fuzzies الاسلك المخملية

11814 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Macaw Books
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, 2009
Childrens-Arts-Crafts - Arabic

Price: US$5
Sale price: US$4

Crafts: Il'ab bil-Baloon اللعب بالبالون

11809 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Macaw Books
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, 2009
Childrens-Activities Book-Arabic-Crafts

Price: US$5
Sale price: US$4

Crafts: Origami الابداع بلل لاوراق الملونة

11810 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Macaw Books
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, Beirut, 2009
Crafts - Origami

Price: US$5
Sale price: US$4

Crafts: Rocks Transformed الحجر المتنكر

11811 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Macaw Books
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, 2009
Childrens-Crafts-Art - Arabivc

Price: US$5
Sale price: US$4

Crafts: Mold Clay الابداع بل لمعجون

11812 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Macaw Books
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, 2009
Childrens-Crafts-Art - Arabic

Price: US$5
Sale price: US$4

Marvel: Super Heroes Iqra wa Alawn bi Hasab al-Arqam أقرأ وألوّن بحسب الأرقام

74183 | Arabic - English | Softcover
By: Marvel
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2020
Coloring - First Sentences - 4+ Yrs


Marvel Heroes : Activities متعة التلوين...مع ملصقات

73838 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Marvel Kids
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut 2020
Children's Activities - Coloring - Stickers - Marvel - Ages 3+


Marvel: Black Panther Activities & Color الفَهد الأسوَد - أحلى تلوين

73839 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Marvel Studios
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut 2018
Coloring Book w/ Stickers - Marvel, Ages 3+


Learning Arabic Alphabet: Fun Activities for Kids

43779 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Mateenuddin Ahmad
Pub: Goodword Books, India, 2017
Kids Learn Arabic Letters - Ages 3+


Hurufi al-Abjadiyah Coloring حروفي الأبجدية

44166 | Arabic | Softcover Coloring Book
By: Muhaydali, Nabihah نبيهة محيدلي / Ill: Baalbaki, Muhammad محمد بعلبكي
Pub: Hadaek Group, Beirut, 2017
Children's Coloring Book - Toddler - Pre-k - K


Activities: Simplissime: Dalil Makyaj al-Atfal al-Absat fi al-Alam ولا أسهل دليل ماكياج الاطفال الابسط في العالم

72492 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Multier, Fred / Ill: Ronzon, Stephanie
Pub: Hachette Antoine, 2019
Children's Activities - Face Paint - Ages 5-10


Paw Patrol Color: Talwin Dawriyat al-Makhlab تلوين دورية المخلب

72490 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Nickelodeon
Pub: Hachette Antoine, 2019
Children's Activities - Coloring - Ages 4-8


Paw Patrol Color: Talwin Haya Intalq! تلوين هيا انطلق

72491 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Nickelodeon
Pub: Hachette Antoine, 2019
Children's Activities - Coloring - Ages 4-8


Paw Patrol Color and Stickers: Talwinat Han Waqat al-Qataf تلوينات حان وقت القطاف

72496 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Nickelodeon
Pub: Hachette Antoine, 2019
Children's Activities - Coloring - Sticker - Ages 4-8


Paw Patrol Color and Stickers: Quwwat al-Fariq Talwinat قوّة الفريق تلوينات... مع الكثير من الستيكرز

43865 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Nickelodeon
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2019
Children's Activities - Coloring - Sticker - Ages 4-8


Sajill Hayat al-Tifl lil-Banat سجل حياة الطفل للبنات

43182 | Arabic | Padded Hardcover with Ribbon Tie Closure
By: Om Books International
Pub: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabia, 2016 Arabic Edition
Baby Memory Book


Sajill Hayat al-Tifl lil-Awlad سجل حياة الطفل للاولاد

43183 | Arabic | Padded Hardcover with Ribbon Tie Closure
By: Om Books International
Pub: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabia, 2016 Arabic Edition
Baby Memory Book


Arts and Crafts: Fikrat fi al-Waraq wa-al-Kartun 365 فكرة في الورق والكرتون

40160 | Arabic | Spiral Bound Hardcover
By: Osbourn Publishing
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2015
Ages 7 and Up


Montessori Mukhtabar fi al-Manzil مونتيسوري مختبر في المنزل

44972 | Arabic | Flexi Card Cover w/Flaps
By: Perodi, Chiara شيارا بيرودي
Pub: ASP. Beirut, 2021
Children's Activities - Parenting - Teaching


Lawn li al-Shahinat لون لي الشاحنات

44885 | Arabic | Board Book
By: Priddy Books
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2021
Children's Activity Book - Trucks - Ages 3-6


Lawn li al-Mazra'ah لون لي المزرعة

44886 | Arabic | Board Book w/Paint Brush
By: Priddy Books
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2021
Children's Activity Book - Trucks - Ages 3-6


Color and Activity: Quran Activity Book For Kids

42583 | English | Softcover
By: Rashid, Muhammad Harun
Pub: Goodword Books, India
Child's Islamic Activity Book Ages 5 +


Color and Activity: Hadith Activity Book for Kids

42582 | English | Softcover
By: Rashid, Muhammad Harun
Pub: Goodword Books, India
Child's Islamic Activity Book Ages 5 +


Arts & Crafts: Sana't Biyadi صنعت بيدي : أعمال فنية للأطفال

60235 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sabil, W. / Hussain, F.
Pub: Dar Al Moualef, Beirut 2004
Children's Books


San'tu Biyadi : A'mal Faniyah lil-Atfal صنعت بيدي : أعمال فنية للأطفال

44536 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sabil, Wafa / Hussein, Fatima
Pub: Dar al-Moualef, Beirut, 2006
Activities - Primary School Ages - Illustrated Guide


Color and Activity: Seerah Activity Book For Kids

40569 | English | Softcover
By: Sen, Hayrunnisa
Pub: Goodword Books, 2015
Child's Islamic Activity Book Ages 5 +


MU Girls : I Am Beautiful because .... (Vol 1)

75385 | English | Softcover
By: Sengsone, Judy
Pub: MU Girls LLC, Nevada 2023
Children's Coloring - Girls - Islam - Ages 7+


MU Girls Coloring Book: Mosques Around The World - Adventure Awaits

75384 | English | Softcover
By: Sengsone, Judy
Pub: MU Girls LLC, Nevada 2023
Children's Coloring and Activity - Mosques - Islam - Ages 5+


MU Girls : I Am Beautiful because .... (Vol 2)

75383 | English | Softcover
By: Sengsone, Judy
Pub: MU Girls LLC, Nevada 2023
Children's Coloring - Girls - Islam - Ages 7+


MU Girls Coloring Book: Mosques Around The World - Passport to Fun

75382 | English | Softcover
By: Sengsone, Judy
Pub: MU Girls LLC, Nevada 2023
Children's Coloring and Activity - Mosques - Islam - Ages 5+


MU Bros : Let's Learn Arabic ! Activity & Practice Coloring Book

75381 | Arabic & English | Softcover
By: Sengsone, Judy
Pub: MU Girls LLC, Nevada 2023
Children's Coloring and Activity - Learn Arabic - Islam - Ages 5+


Ta Awal Harf min Tasliyah ت اول حرف من تسلية - كتاب ممتع للتلوين و الانشطة

74187 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sesame Workshop
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2017
Coloring Book - Reading - Activities - 4+ Yrs


Colouring Book of Wudhu and Salah (En)

43780 | English | Softcover
By: Shamsi, Muhammad Ajmal
Pub: Islamic Book Service, New Delhi, India
Children's Islamic Coloring Book - Prayer - K - Up


Activities & Exercises 3: al-Fakihah أنشطة وتدريبات : الفاكهة - الخضار الطبيعية والفصول

16246 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Shamsuddin, Salim
Pub: Maktaba al-Assrya, Beirut, 2012
Early Childhood Education - Arabic - PreK


Activities & Exercises 4: al Hayawanat أنشطة وتدريبات : حيوانات المزرعة والغابة والطيور

16247 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Shamsuddin, Salim
Pub: Maktaba al-Assrya, Beirut, 2012
Early Childhood Education - Arabic - PreK


My First Book of Arabic Writing كتاب الاول للخط العربي

73918 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Soltana, Lynda
Pub: Iqra, US, 2022
Children's Arabic Handwriting - Elementary


Crafts: Origami - SET of 4 أورغامي

40593 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sterling Publishing
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, Beirut, 2010
Children's Crafts - Origami - Ages 5 +

Price: US$28
Sale price: US$24

Crafts: Origami - lwazim al-Hafalat (al-Munasabat) أورغامي - لوازام الحفلات : المناسبات

14821 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sterling Publishing
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, Beirut, 2010
Children's Crafts - Origami - Ages 5 +

Price: US$8
Sale price: US$6

Crafts: Origami - al-Hiyawanat أورغامي - الحيوانات

14822 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sterling Publishing
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, Beirut, 2010
Children's Crafts - Origami - Ages 5 +

Price: US$8
Sale price: US$6

Crafts: Origami - al-Ashya' al-Basitah أورغامي - الأشياء البسيطة

14823 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sterling Publishing
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, Beirut, 2010
Children's Crafts - Origami - Ages 5 +

Price: US$8
Sale price: US$6

Crafts: Origami - al-Tuyur wa-al-Hasharat أورغامي - الطيور والحشرات

14824 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sterling Publishing
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, Beirut, 2010
Children's Crafts - Origami - Ages 5 +

Price: US$8
Sale price: US$6

Arts & Crafts: Maharat al-Tatbiqiyah fi al-Tasamim al-Faniyah المهارات التطبيقية في التصاميم الفنية

16236 | Arabic | Spiral Bound Hardcover
By: Usborne Books / Watt, Fiona
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2011
Kids Activities 8 and up


Art: 365 Fikrat fi al-rasim wa-al-Talwin فكرة في الرسم والتلوين

16234 | Arabic | Spiral Bound Hardcover
By: Usborne Books / Watt, Fiona
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2011
Kids Activities 6 and up - Draw and Paint


Activities: 365 Fikrat li-Lashghali al-Yadawiyah فكرة للاشغال اليدوية

16235 | Arabic | Spiral Bound Hardcover
By: Usborne Books / Watt, Fiona
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2011
Kids Activities 6 and up


Art: Maharat al-Tabiqiyah fi al-Funun al-Jamilah المهارات التطبيقية في الفنون الجميلة

40159 | Arabic | Spiral Bound Hardcover
By: Usborne Publishing
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2015
Painting and Drawing - 7 and Up


Preschool Activity Book

44497 | English | Softcover
By: Weekend Learners
Pub: Weekend Learning, Columbus, Ohio, USA, 2021
Activities - Toddler - Preschool


Luzah لوزة

71422 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Yilmaz, Muzeyyen
Pub: Asala, 2017
Art - Coloring Book - Ages 6-9


Tasliyat al-Atfal al-Sighar wa Taw'iyatuhum تسلية الاطفال الصغار وتوعيتهم

80040 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Young, Caroline كارولين يانغ
Pub: Academia, Beirut, 2008 Arabic Edition
Parenting - Children - Educating - Play - Activities


Activities: Silsilat Sa'adu Sa'adun (Set of 4) سلسلة ساعدوا سعدون

43558 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Zaybaq, Lina Mustafa لينا مصطفى الزيبق
Pub: Children World, Damascus, Syria
Kids Educational Activities - Ages 4-6


Color: Snoopy al-Mutazallaj al-Bara'

11174 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut, Beirut
Children's Arabic Coloring Book 4-8

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color: Snoopy al-Sibah al-Mahir

11173 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut, Beirut
Children's Arabic Coloring Book 4-8

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color: Snoopy al-La'ub al-Marah

11172 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut, Beirut
Children's Arabic Coloring Book 4-8

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color: Snoopy al-Riyadhi al-Nasheet

11171 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut, Beirut
Children's Arabic Coloring Book 4-8

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color: Snoopy al-Sadik al-Muhub

11170 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut, Beirut
Children's Arabic Coloring Book 4-8

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color: Book Set of 4

7091 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Asala for Publishing and Distributing, Beirut,
Children's Arabic Coloring Book 3-6

Price: US$4
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 5: al-Qurd wa-al-Sulhufat al-Ghayoura

3713 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Coloring Book

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 12: al-Tajir wa Ibn Irss

3712 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 20: al-Assad wa Thalib قصص للتلوين

3733 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 9: Mus'ad wa Sa'id

3732 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 10: Hassan wa-al-Hudhudan

3731 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 17: al-Assad wa-al-Dabii wa-al-Hmar

3730 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 18: al-Amin' wa Kha'in al-Amana

3729 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 19: al-Jamal wa-al-Sdikaa al-Sou

3728 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 15: al-Akhwane wa-al-Hiya

3726 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 4: al-Nawrass al-Maker

3714 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Coloring Book

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 3: al-Sulhufat al-Sarsara

3716 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Coloring Book

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 11: al-Qit wa-al-Far al-Zaki

3717 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Coloring Book

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 6: al-Assad wa-al-Arnab al-Shoujaa

3718 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 1: al-Salib wa Malik al-Hazine

3719 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 7: Sibak al-Sulhufat wa-al-Arnab

3720 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 2: al-Ghurab wa-al-Soobane al-Sharir

3721 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 13: Mughamarat al-Assdika'

3723 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 8: al-Hama al-Moutawaka

3724 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 14: al-Bata wa-al-Arnab al-Moughafal

3725 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 16: al-Thalib wa-al-Tabeil al-Ajwaf

3727 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Sticker Book (Arabic) Home البيت

6357 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut, 1997
Children't Activity Book - Arabic

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Sticker Book (Arabic) Shopping التسوّق

6358 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut, 1997
Children't Activity Book - Arabic

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Sticker Book (Arabic) Shapes الأشكال

6360 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut, 1997
Children't Activity Book - Arabic

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Sticker Book (Arabic) Time الوقت

6361 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut, 1997
Children't Activity Book - Arabic

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Sticker Book (Arabic) Things That Go المركبات

6356 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut, 1997
Children't Activity Book - Arabic

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color: Dabdub wa Alam al-Fadha'a دبدوب وعالم الفضاء

11176 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut, Beirut
Children's Arabic Coloring Book 4-8


Hurufi al-Abjadiyah Coloring حروفي الأبجدية

44166 | Arabic | Softcover Coloring Book
By: Muhaydali, Nabihah نبيهة محيدلي / Ill: Baalbaki, Muhammad محمد بعلبكي
Pub: Hadaek Group, Beirut, 2017
Children's Coloring Book - Toddler - Pre-k - K


Sticker Book: Teletubbies: The Teletubbyland (Arabic)

40544 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut,
Children's Sticker Book - Preschool - Kindergarten 3-6


Sticker Book: Teletubbies: Magical Stories (Arabic)

40543 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut,
Children's Sticker Book - Preschool - Kindergarten 3-6


Sticker Book: Teletubbies: Come and Play (Arabic)

40545 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut,
Children's Sticker Book - Preschool - Kindergarten 3-6


Colour and Learn Du'as (Ar-En)

43851 | Arabic and English | Softcover
Pub: Islamic Book Service, New Delhi, India, 2019 Impression
Children's Islamic Coloring Book - Du'as - K - Up


Colour and Learn the 99 Beautiful Names of Allah (Ar-En)

43852 | Arabic and English | Softcover
Pub: Islamic Book Service, New Delhi, India, 2019 Impression
Children's Islamic Coloring Book - 99 Names - K - Up


Jungle Stick n' Color: Monkey

16813 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Jungle Stick n' Color: Snake

16807 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Jungle Stick n' Color: Turtle

16806 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Jungle Stick n' Color: Frog

16816 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Jungle Stick n' Color: Hippo

16815 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Jungle Stick n' Color: Rooster

16808 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Color and Activity: Teletubbies: Laa-Laa's Song (Arabic)

40542 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut,
Children's Coloring Activity - Preschool - Kindergarten 3-6


Jungle Stick n' Color: Lion

16814 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Color and Activity: Teletubbies: 1,2,3...4 Teletubbies (Arabic)

40538 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut,
Children's Coloring Activity - Preschool - Kindergarten 3-6


Color and Activity: Teletubbies: Po's Blowy Day (Arabic)

40541 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut,
Children's Coloring Activity - Preschool - Kindergarten 3-6


Color and Activity: Teletubbies: Lovely Presents (Arabic)

40537 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut,
Children's Coloring Activity - Preschool - Kindergarten 3-6


Color and Activity: Teletubbies: Dipsy's Hat (Arabic)

40540 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut,
Children's Coloring Activity - Preschool - Kindergarten 3-6


Color and Activity: Teletubbies: Tinky Winky's Walk (Arabic)

40539 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut,
Children's Coloring Activity - Preschool - Kindergarten 3-6


Jungle Stick n' Color: Octopus

16812 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Jungle Stick n' Color: Owl

16811 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Jungle Stick n' Color: Panda

16810 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Jungle Stick n' Color: Rabbit

16809 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Jungle Stick n' Color: Elephant

16817 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Jungle Stick n' Color: Dog

16818 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Jungle Stick n' Color: Cat

16819 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Jungle Stick n' Color: Butterfly

16820 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Crafts: Wire Fuzzies الاسلك المخملية

11814 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Macaw Books
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, 2009
Childrens-Arts-Crafts - Arabic

Price: US$5
Sale price: US$4

Crafts: Il'ab bil-Baloon اللعب بالبالون

11809 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Macaw Books
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, 2009
Childrens-Activities Book-Arabic-Crafts

Price: US$5
Sale price: US$4

Crafts: Origami الابداع بلل لاوراق الملونة

11810 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Macaw Books
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, Beirut, 2009
Crafts - Origami

Price: US$5
Sale price: US$4

Crafts: Rocks Transformed الحجر المتنكر

11811 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Macaw Books
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, 2009
Childrens-Crafts-Art - Arabivc

Price: US$5
Sale price: US$4

Crafts: Mold Clay الابداع بل لمعجون

11812 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Macaw Books
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, 2009
Childrens-Crafts-Art - Arabic

Price: US$5
Sale price: US$4

Crafts: Paper صناعة الطين من الورق

11813 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Macaw Books
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, 2009
Childrens-Arts-Crafts - Arabic

Price: US$5
Sale price: US$4

Color and Activity: Seerah Activity Book For Kids

40569 | English | Softcover
By: Sen, Hayrunnisa
Pub: Goodword Books, 2015
Child's Islamic Activity Book Ages 5 +


Colouring Book of Wudhu and Salah (En)

43780 | English | Softcover
By: Shamsi, Muhammad Ajmal
Pub: Islamic Book Service, New Delhi, India
Children's Islamic Coloring Book - Prayer - K - Up


Color and Activity: Hadith Activity Book for Kids

42582 | English | Softcover
By: Rashid, Muhammad Harun
Pub: Goodword Books, India
Child's Islamic Activity Book Ages 5 +


Color and Activity: Quran Activity Book For Kids

42583 | English | Softcover
By: Rashid, Muhammad Harun
Pub: Goodword Books, India
Child's Islamic Activity Book Ages 5 +


Learning Arabic Alphabet: Fun Activities for Kids

43779 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Mateenuddin Ahmad
Pub: Goodword Books, India, 2017
Kids Learn Arabic Letters - Ages 3+


Activities: Paste and Color إلصق ولون مع مهى وهادي في المدرسة

10720 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Caramel Editions
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut
Children's Arabic Activity Book 4-8


Palestine: Activity Book

81107 | English | Softcover
By: Joossab, Adilah
Pub: Kube Publishing, Leicestershire 2024
Activity book - Kids - Palestine - Ages 6-8


Paw Patrol Color and Stickers: Quwwat al-Fariq Talwinat قوّة الفريق تلوينات... مع الكثير من الستيكرز

43865 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Nickelodeon
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2019
Children's Activities - Coloring - Sticker - Ages 4-8


Paw Patrol Color and Stickers: Talwinat Han Waqat al-Qataf تلوينات حان وقت القطاف

72496 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Nickelodeon
Pub: Hachette Antoine, 2019
Children's Activities - Coloring - Sticker - Ages 4-8


Paw Patrol Color: Talwin Haya Intalq! تلوين هيا انطلق

72491 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Nickelodeon
Pub: Hachette Antoine, 2019
Children's Activities - Coloring - Ages 4-8


Paw Patrol Color: Talwin Dawriyat al-Makhlab تلوين دورية المخلب

72490 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Nickelodeon
Pub: Hachette Antoine, 2019
Children's Activities - Coloring - Ages 4-8


Stickers & Story: Talia: Haflatun fi al-Hadiqah حفلة في الحديقة

16258 | Arabic | Softcover - Shaped Handle
By: Akawi, Rihab / Ballon Media
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2012 Arabic Edition
Arabic Story and Sticker Book - Age 4 +


Disney Princess: Activities اميرات: كتاب الألعاب والتسلية

10716 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Disney/Pixar
Pub: Academia, Beirut, 2006
Children's Arabic Activity Book 4-8


Ta Awal Harf min Tasliyah ت اول حرف من تسلية - كتاب ممتع للتلوين و الانشطة

74187 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sesame Workshop
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2017
Coloring Book - Reading - Activities - 4+ Yrs


Disney: Star Wars: The Force Awakens Color and Stickers تعالوا نلوّن مع

43866 | Softcover
By: Disney
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2019
Children's Activities - Coloring - Sticker - Ages 4+


Disney Pixar: Activities: Atillim wa-Amrah Ma' al-Sayyarat 3 أتعلّم وأمرح مع السيارات 3

43152 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Disney Pixar
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2018
Learning Activities - Math - Ages 6-8


Disney Princesses: Iqra wa Alawn bi Hasab al-Arqam أقرأ وألوّن بحسب الأرقام

74185 | Arabic - English | Softcover
By: Disney
Pub: Hachette Antoine, 2020
Coloring Book - First Sentences - Disney - 4+ Yrs


Disney: Minnie Iqra wa Alawn bi Hasab al-Arqam أقرأ وألوّن بحسب الأرقام

74184 | Arabic - English | Softcover
By: Disney
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2020
Coloring Book - Disney - 4+ Yrs


Marvel: Super Heroes Iqra wa Alawn bi Hasab al-Arqam أقرأ وألوّن بحسب الأرقام

74183 | Arabic - English | Softcover
By: Marvel
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2020
Coloring - First Sentences - 4+ Yrs


Disney: Starwars: Solo Color and Stickers أحلى تلوين مع ستيكرز

73928 | 9.78614E+12 | Softcover
By: Disney
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut 2019
Children's Activities - Coloring - Sticker - Ages 4+


Marvel Heroes : Activities متعة التلوين...مع ملصقات

73838 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Marvel Kids
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut 2020
Children's Activities - Coloring - Stickers - Marvel - Ages 3+


Disney Frozen: Activities & Color العب و الون : فروزن

44815 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Disney Enterprises
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2015
Children's Activities - Ages 6-10


Stickers & Story: Talia: Eid Milad Sa'id ! عيد ميلاد سعيد

16255 | Arabic | Softcover - Shaped Handle
By: Akawi, Rihab / Ballon Media
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2012 Arabic Edition
Arabic Story and Sticker Book - Age 4 +


Stickers & Story: Talia: Ana Atanakaru أنا أَتَنَكَّرُ

16256 | Arabic | Softcover - Shaped Handle
By: Akawi, Rihab / Ballon Media
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2012 Arabic Edition
Arabic Story and Sticker Book - Age 4 +


Stickers & Story: Talia: Sadiqati صديقاتي

16257 | Arabic | Softcover - Shaped Handle
By: Akawi, Rihab / Ballon Media
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2012 Arabic Edition
Arabic Story and Sticker Book - Age 4 +


Disney Princess Color and Stickers تعالوا نلوّن مع

43867 | Softcover
By: Disney
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2019
Children's Activities - Coloring - Sticker - Ages 4+


Dawwamat - Hikayat wa-Tisali: Peter Pan دوامة - حكايات و تسالي - بيتربان

42340 | Arabic | Spiral Bound Hardcover
By: Cernuschi, Claudio / Adapted to Arabic: Qar'an, Fadia
Pub: Dar al-Moualef, Beirut, 2016 Arabic Edition
Children's Arabic Tale and Activities - Age 4+


Dawwamat - Hikayat wa-Tisali: Pinnocchio دوامة - حكايات و تسالي - بينوكيو

42339 | Arabic | Spiral Bound Hardcover
By: Cernuschi, Claudio / Adapted to Arabic: Qar'an, Fadia
Pub: Dar al-Moualef, Beirut, 2016 Arabic Edition
Children's Arabic Tale and Activities - Age 4+


Dawwamat - Hikayat wa-Tisali: Layla wa-al-Dhib دوامة - حكايات و تسالي - ليلى والذئب

42338 | Arabic | Spiral Bound Hardcover
By: Cernuschi, Claudio / Adapted to Arabic: Qar'an, Fadia
Pub: Dar al-Moualef, Beirut, 2016 Arabic Edition
Children's Arabic Tale and Activities - Age 4+


Dawwamat - Hikayat wa-Tisali: Cinderella دوامة - حكايات و تسالي - سندريلا

42337 | Arabic | Spiral Bound Hardcover
By: Cernuschi, Claudio / Adapted to Arabic: Qar'an, Fadia
Pub: Dar al-Moualef, Beirut, 2016 Arabic Edition
Children's Arabic Tales and Activities - Ages 4+


Crafts: Origami - lwazim al-Hafalat (al-Munasabat) أورغامي - لوازام الحفلات : المناسبات

14821 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sterling Publishing
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, Beirut, 2010
Children's Crafts - Origami - Ages 5 +

Price: US$8
Sale price: US$6

Crafts: Origami - al-Hiyawanat أورغامي - الحيوانات

14822 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sterling Publishing
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, Beirut, 2010
Children's Crafts - Origami - Ages 5 +

Price: US$8
Sale price: US$6

Crafts: Origami - al-Ashya' al-Basitah أورغامي - الأشياء البسيطة

14823 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sterling Publishing
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, Beirut, 2010
Children's Crafts - Origami - Ages 5 +

Price: US$8
Sale price: US$6

Crafts: Origami - al-Tuyur wa-al-Hasharat أورغامي - الطيور والحشرات

14824 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sterling Publishing
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, Beirut, 2010
Children's Crafts - Origami - Ages 5 +

Price: US$8
Sale price: US$6

Marvel: Black Panther Activities & Color الفَهد الأسوَد - أحلى تلوين

73839 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Marvel Studios
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut 2018
Coloring Book w/ Stickers - Marvel, Ages 3+


Disney: Star Wars: Power in the Galaxy Color and Stickers احلى تلوين

73927 | N/A | Softcover
By: Lucas, George / Disney
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut 2018
Children's Activities - Coloring - Sticker - Ages 4+


Art: Drawing-Hadiya الهدية

15159 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Gharaballi, Leila Mohammed
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut, 2009
Children's Arabic Story - Art - Elementary


Activities: Tamarin Masliyah 1 تمارين مسلية

72463 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Caramel S.A., Belgian
Pub: Asala Publishing, Beirut, 2019
Children's Educational - Activities - Ages 6-8


Disney: Star Wars: Rogue One Coloring Universe

74186 | N/A | Softcover
By: Lucasfilm
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut 2017
Coloring Book - Star Wars - 3+ Yrs


Activities: Tamarin Masliyah 2 تمارين مسلية- أصفر2

72464 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Caramel S.A., Belgian
Pub: Asala Publishing, Beirut, 2019
Children's Educational - Activities - Ages 6-8


Activities: Ma Tha'lub: Ta'alam al-Kitabah تعلم الكتابة مع ثعلوب

16226 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Editions Caramel / De Klerk, Roger
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2013
Educational Activities - Preschool - Early Elementary


Eid Painting Canvas--Includes Paint

81169 | Canvas Stretched in Frame
By: Blissed Kids
Pub: Blissed Kids, Newport Beach, California 2025
Kids Activity - Eid Decoration - Painting


Activities: Ma Tha'lub: Ta'alam al-'Add تعلم العد مع ثعلوب

16227 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Editions Caramel / De Klerk, Roger
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2013
Educational Activities - Preschool - Early Elementary


Activities: Ma Tha'lub: Ta'alam al-Mala Hazah تعلم الملاحظة مع ثعلوب

16228 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Editions Caramel / De Klerk, Roger
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2013
Educational Activities - Preschool - Early Elementary


Activities: Ma Tha'lub: Ta'alam al-Qara'ah تعلم القراءة مع ثعلوب

16229 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Editions Caramel / De Klerk, Roger
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2013
Educational Activities - Preschool - Early Elementary


Ramadan Painting Canvas - Includes Paint

81170 | Canvas Stretched in Frame
By: Blissed Kids
Pub: Blissed Kids, Newport Beach, California 2025
Kida Activity - Ramadan - Painting - Ages 3 +


Bath Book: Disney: Finding Nemo كتاب يسبح: فعندنج نيمو

44016 | Arabic | Waterproof soft book
By: Disney Pixar
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2019
Baby Bath Book - Disney Pixar


Bath Book: Disney: Mickey and Friends كتاب يسبح: ميكي وأصدقائه!

44015 | Arabic | Waterproof soft book
By: Disney Enterprises
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2019
Baby Bath Book - Disney


Aktub wa Amsahu: al-Waqt أكتب وأمسح الوقت

40904 | Arabic | Erasable Board Book
By: Editions Piccolia
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2014 Arabic Edition
Children's Activity Ages 3-6


Activities: Maharat al-Riyadiyat مهارات الرياضيات

72836 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Group
Pub: Asala, 2018
Children's Educational - Basic Math - Activities - Pre-K +


Luzah لوزة

71422 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Yilmaz, Muzeyyen
Pub: Asala, 2017
Art - Coloring Book - Ages 6-9


Color: Iftah Ya Simsim: al-Hayawanat min Hawlina إفتح يا سمسم : الحيوانات من حولنا

44814 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Iftah Ya Simsim إفتح يا سمسم
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2017
Children's Activity from 3 years


Activities: Maharat al-Khatut مهارات الخطوط

72837 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Group
Pub: Asala Publishing, Beirut, 2018
Activities - Handwriting Skills - Pre-k +


Activities: I Learn About: Shapes

14594 | Arabic, English, and Spanish | Hardcover
By: Group
Pub: Academia, Beirut
Children's Activity Book

Price: US$10
Sale price: US$8

MU Girls : I Am Beautiful because .... (Vol 1)

75385 | English | Softcover
By: Sengsone, Judy
Pub: MU Girls LLC, Nevada 2023
Children's Coloring - Girls - Islam - Ages 7+


MU Girls : I Am Beautiful because .... (Vol 2)

75383 | English | Softcover
By: Sengsone, Judy
Pub: MU Girls LLC, Nevada 2023
Children's Coloring - Girls - Islam - Ages 7+


Activities: Amrah Aktob Atamaran Ages 4-5 امرح اكتب اتمرن

16232 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Editions Caramel / Carletti, Emanuela
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2009
Educational Activities - Preschool - Early Elementary


Activities: Amrah Aktob Atamaran Ages 3-4 امرح اكتب اتمرن

16233 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Editions Caramel / Carletti, Emanuela
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2009
Educational Activities - Preschool - Early Elementary


Activities: Amrah Aktob Atamaran Ages 6-7 امرح اكتب اتمرن

16230 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Editions Caramel / Carletti, Emanuela
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2009
Educational Activities - Preschool - Early Elementary


Activities: Amrah Aktob Atamaran Ages 5-6 امرح اكتب اتمرن

16231 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Editions Caramel / Carletti, Emanuela
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2009
Educational Activities - Preschool - Early Elementary


Color: Stories from the Quran BIG Coloring Book

40570 | English | Softcover
By: Khan, Saniyasnain
Pub: Goodword, 2015
Children's Islamic Story and Activity Book Ages 5 up


Baby Montessori: Animals

45172 | English | Board Book
By: Baruzzi, Agnese / Piroddi, Chiara
Baby Montessori -Animals - Baby - 0-3 years


Tufulati al-Awla طفولتي الأولى، نشاطات معرفية لمرحلة ما قبل المدرسة

74558 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Khateeb, Ahmad, Group of Educators مجموعة مؤلفين
Pub: Dar al Hadaiq, Beirut 2019
Chidren's Cognitive Activity Book - Preschool - Ages 3-5


Baby Montessori: Vehicles

45174 | English | Board Book
By: Baruzzi, Agnese / Piroddi, Chiara
Pub: White Star / Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2021 Special Edition
Baby Montessori - Vehicles - Baby - 0-3 years


Baby Montessori: Big or Small?

45175 | English | Board Book
By: Baruzzi, Agnese / Piroddi, Chiara
Pub: White Star / Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2021 Special Edition
Baby Montessori - Sizes - Baby - 0-3 years


Baby Montessori: Follow Me!

45173 | English | Board Book
By: Baruzzi, Agnese / Piroddi, Chiara
Pub: White Star / Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2021 Special Edition
Baby Montessori - Lines - Baby - 0-3 years


Tamarin Mumti'ah: 2 تمارين ممتعة

72841 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Dayah, Hanadi / Shamah, Manal
Pub: Asala, 2018
Children's Arabic Curriculum - Ages Pre-K +


Tamarin Mumti'ah: 4 تمارين ممتعة

72840 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Dayah, Hanadi / Shamah, Manal
Pub: Asala, 2018
Children's Arabic Curriculum - Ages 5-8 K+


Activities: Simplissime: Alab al-Khafah al-Absat fi al-Alam ولاالسهل العاب الخفة الابسط في العالم

72494 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: H, Alex / Ill: Lapassade, Roxy
Pub: Hachette Antoine, 2019
Children's Activities - DIY Games - Ages 8-12


Tamarin Mumti'ah: 5 تمارين ممتعة

72839 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Dayah, Hanadi / Shamah, Manal
Pub: Asala, 2018
Children's Arabic Curriculum - Ages 5-8 - K+


Tamarin Mumti'ah: 6 تمارين ممتعة

72838 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Dayah, Hanadi / Shamah, Manal
Pub: Asala Publishing, Beirut, 2018
Children's Arabic Curriculum - Ages 5-8 - K+


Activities: Simplissime: al-Ikhtibarat al-Alimiyah al-Absat fi al-Alam ولااسهل الاختبارات العلمية الابسط في العالم

72493 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Barde, Nahalie / Ill: Moutarde, Colonel
Pub: Hachette Antoine, 2019
Children's Educational - Scientific Tests - Ages 8-12


Activities: Simplissime: Dalil Makyaj al-Atfal al-Absat fi al-Alam ولا أسهل دليل ماكياج الاطفال الابسط في العالم

72492 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Multier, Fred / Ill: Ronzon, Stephanie
Pub: Hachette Antoine, 2019
Children's Activities - Face Paint - Ages 5-10


Activities: Silsilat Sa'adu Sa'adun (Set of 4) سلسلة ساعدوا سعدون

43558 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Zaybaq, Lina Mustafa لينا مصطفى الزيبق
Pub: Children World, Damascus, Syria
Kids Educational Activities - Ages 4-6


MU Girls Coloring Book: Mosques Around The World - Passport to Fun

75382 | English | Softcover
By: Sengsone, Judy
Pub: MU Girls LLC, Nevada 2023
Children's Coloring and Activity - Mosques - Islam - Ages 5+


MU Bros : Let's Learn Arabic ! Activity & Practice Coloring Book

75381 | Arabic & English | Softcover
By: Sengsone, Judy
Pub: MU Girls LLC, Nevada 2023
Children's Coloring and Activity - Learn Arabic - Islam - Ages 5+


MU Girls Coloring Book: Mosques Around The World - Adventure Awaits

75384 | English | Softcover
By: Sengsone, Judy
Pub: MU Girls LLC, Nevada 2023
Children's Coloring and Activity - Mosques - Islam - Ages 5+


Chalkboard: Hayawanat Bariyat 'Ala al-Lawah : al-Sabura حيوانات برية على اللوح: السبورة‬‎

43468 | Arabic | Chalkboard Board Book
By: Barron's Educational Series, Incorporated
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2016
Children's Activities - Pre-k +


Chalkboard: Dinosurat a'la al-Lawh : al-Sabura ديناصورات على اللوح : السبورة‬‎

43438 | Arabic | Chalkboard Board Book
By: Barron's Educational Series, Incorporated
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut,
Children's Activities - Pre-k +


Uhibbu al-Yugha أحب اليوغا

45171 | Arabic | Softcover - Cardstock
By: Berk, Ezgi / Ill: Ulusan, Rukiye
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2020 Arabic Edition
Chldren's Health - Activity - Yoga - Ages 5+


Lawn li al-Shahinat لون لي الشاحنات

44885 | Arabic | Board Book
By: Priddy Books
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2021
Children's Activity Book - Trucks - Ages 3-6


Lawn li al-Mazra'ah لون لي المزرعة

44886 | Arabic | Board Book w/Paint Brush
By: Priddy Books
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2021
Children's Activity Book - Trucks - Ages 3-6


My First Book of Arabic Writing كتاب الاول للخط العربي

73918 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Soltana, Lynda
Pub: Iqra, US, 2022
Children's Arabic Handwriting - Elementary


Activities: Ashkal : al-Hiyawanat ; al-Ilwan الأشكال - الحيوانات - الألوان - اكتب و امسح

16502 | Arabic | Spiral Bound Erasable Shaped Board Book
Pub: Digital Future, Beirut
Children's Activity - Preschool - Kindergarten


ABC's of Palestine for Activists Big and Small (Coloring Book)

75313 | English | Softcover
By: Dada, Alia
Pub: Prolance Publishing, California,
Children's Coloring Book - Ages 6+


Activities & Exercises 3: al-Fakihah أنشطة وتدريبات : الفاكهة - الخضار الطبيعية والفصول

16246 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Shamsuddin, Salim
Pub: Maktaba al-Assrya, Beirut, 2012
Early Childhood Education - Arabic - PreK


Activities & Exercises 4: al Hayawanat أنشطة وتدريبات : حيوانات المزرعة والغابة والطيور

16247 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Shamsuddin, Salim
Pub: Maktaba al-Assrya, Beirut, 2012
Early Childhood Education - Arabic - PreK


Sajill Hayat al-Tifl lil-Awlad سجل حياة الطفل للاولاد

43183 | Arabic | Padded Hardcover with Ribbon Tie Closure
By: Om Books International
Pub: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabia, 2016 Arabic Edition
Baby Memory Book


Sajill Hayat al-Tifl lil-Banat سجل حياة الطفل للبنات

43182 | Arabic | Padded Hardcover with Ribbon Tie Closure
By: Om Books International
Pub: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabia, 2016 Arabic Edition
Baby Memory Book


Man Ana fi Ramadan ? من أنا في رمضان

44535 | Arabic | Softcover and activity tools
By: Digital Future
Pub: Digital Future, Beirut, 2020
Arabic Story and Activity for Youth, Ramadan, Ages 7-12


Activities: Minhaj Al Rawda # 3 (ages 5-6) منهج الروضة الثالثة

21004 | Arabic | Softcover Activities Pack
By: Labir /Shoudo
Pub: Antoine 2014
Childrens Learn Arabic Activities - Emerging Ages 3-6


Ramadan Activity Book (Big Kids)

74073 | English-Arabic | Softcover
By: Group
Pub: Learning Roots, 2019
Islam - Ramadan - 8+ Yrs


Ramadan Activity Book (Little Kids)

74074 | English-Arabic | Softcover
By: Group
Pub: Learning Roots, 2019
Islam - Ramadan - 5+ Yrs


Mudhakkirat Tufulati (BLUE) مذكرات طفولتي

41712 | Arabic | Padded Hardcover
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, Beirut
Baby Memory Book


Mudhakkirat Tufulati (PINK) مذكرات طفولتي

41713 | Arabic | Padded Hardcover
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, Beirut
Baby Memory Book


Masjid an-Nabawi Painting Canvas (Madina)

81171 | Canvas Stretched in Frame
By: Blissed Kids
Pub: Blissed Kids, Newport Beach, California 2025
Kids Activity - Islamic - Painting - Ages 3 +


Dome of the Rock Painting Canvas (Al-Aqsa)

81172 | Canvas Stretched in Frame
By: Blissed Kids
Pub: Blissed Kids, Newport Beach, California 2025
Kids Activity - Islamic - Painting - Ages 3 +


Crafts: Origami Fann Sina'at al-Namadhij al-Waraqiah الاوريجامي : فن صناعة النماذج الورقية

16802 | Arabic | Spiral Bound Hard Cover
By: Bowman, Lucy
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2013
Activities - Arts and Crafts - Elementary & Up

Price: US$18
Sale price: US$14

Hajj and Umrah Activity Book (Little Kids)

74072 | English | Softcover
By: Group
Pub: Learning Roots, 2021
Islam - Hajj - 5+ Yrs


Hajj and Umrah Activity Book (Big Kids)

74071 | English | Softcover
By: Group
Pub: Learning Roots, 2021
Islam - Hajj - 8+ Yrs


Bath Book and Puppet Loofah - Dafdu' كتاب الاستحمام مع ليفة – ضفدوع

44032 | Arabic-English | Waterproof soft book + puppet loofah
By: Dar al-Maaref
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2019
Bath Book + Puppet Loofah - 6 months +


Activities: al-Kitab al-Kabir li-al-'ab Ruba wa-Wufi الكتاب الكبير للالعاب ربى ووفي

16803 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Editions Caramel
Pub: Librairie Stephan
Kids Activities - Elementary Years


Bath Book and Puppet Loofah - Batbut كتاب الاستحمام مع ليفة – بطبوط

44033 | Arabic-English | Waterproof soft book + puppet loofah
By: Dar al-Maaref
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2019
Bath Book + Puppet Loofah - 6 months +


Arts & Crafts: Sana't Biyadi صنعت بيدي : أعمال فنية للأطفال

60235 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sabil, W. / Hussain, F.
Pub: Dar Al Moualef, Beirut 2004
Children's Books


San'tu Biyadi : A'mal Faniyah lil-Atfal صنعت بيدي : أعمال فنية للأطفال

44536 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sabil, Wafa / Hussein, Fatima
Pub: Dar al-Moualef, Beirut, 2006
Activities - Primary School Ages - Illustrated Guide


Art: 1-2-3-Ana A'rasm (I Draw) أنا أرسم

11104 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: De Rosamel, Godeleine / Casterman
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2009 Arabic Edition
Children's Art - Preschool Up


Lanaqum Bi Masharia Ra'ia لنقم بمشاريع رائعة

80417 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Khoury, J.B. ج ب الخوري
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut, 2022
Arts & Crafts - 8+ Yrs


Activities: Asna'u min al-Kartun أصنع من الكرتون

41108 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Lannoy, Gaëtane / Casterman
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2012 Arabic Edition
Children's Activities - Preschool - 8 Years


Mudhakkirat Tufulati (PINK, w/CD) مذكرات طفولتي

41670 | Arabic | Padded Hardcover + CD
By: EdiBimbi
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, Beirut, 2011
Baby Memory Book


Preschool Activity Book

44497 | English | Softcover
By: Weekend Learners
Pub: Weekend Learning, Columbus, Ohio, USA, 2021
Activities - Toddler - Preschool


Activities: Ila'b ma'i bi-al-Ashkal - Part 1 & 2 إلعب معي بالأشكال

15466 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Gosaibi, Sahar bint 'Abd al-Aziz
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut, 2004
Early Child Education - Activities


Activities: Ikhtara'a bi-Wasatahi Hawasasi al-Khamsi أخترع بوساطة حواسي الخمس

41107 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Lannoy, Gaëtane / Casterman
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2012 Arabic Edition
Children's Activities - Preschool - 8 Years


Anashid al-Mumti'ah: Fusul (Book + CD) فصول

42264 | Arabic | Hardcover + Audio CD
By: Group / Haydar, Nasir: Composer / Haydar, Jana: Vocalist
Pub: Hadaek Group, Beirut, 2013
Children's Arabic Poems and Songs - Ages 4-8


Anashid al-Mumti'ah: Sabah al-Khayr (Book + CD) صباح الخير

42261 | Arabic | Hardcover + Audio CD
By: Group / Haydar, Nasir: Composer / Haydar, Jana: Vocalist
Pub: Hadaek Group, Beirut
Children's Arabic Poems and Songs - Ages 3+


Anashid al-Mumti'ah: Hamdan Hamdan ya Rahman (Book + CD) حمداً حمداً يا رحمن

42262 | Arabic | Hardcover + Audio CD
By: Group / Haydar, Nasir: Composer / Haydar, Jana: Vocalist
Pub: Hadaek Group, Beirut, 2014
Children's Arabic Poems and Songs - Islamic - Ages 8-12


Anashid al-Mumti'ah: Kalimat wa-Ughniyat (Book + CD) كلمات واغنيات

42263 | Arabic | Hardcover + Audio CD
By: Abd Allah, Hasan: Lyrics / Kabur, Ahmad: Composer
Pub: Hadaek Group, Beirut, 2013
Children's Arabic Poems and Songs - Ages 4-8


Ramadan on Rahma Road: A Recipe Storybook

45277 | English | Hardcover
By: Gutta, Razeena Omar & Osman, Faaiza / Ill: Sohrabi Atieh
Pub: Barefoot Books, Concord, MA, 2025
Cookbook - Recipe Storybook - Ages 6-8 +


Tasliyat al-Atfal al-Sighar wa Taw'iyatuhum تسلية الاطفال الصغار وتوعيتهم

80040 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Young, Caroline كارولين يانغ
Pub: Academia, Beirut, 2008 Arabic Edition
Parenting - Children - Educating - Play - Activities


Activities: Ashghal Yadawiyah Sahlah أشغال يدوية سهلة

41109 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Kush, Sonya / Casterman
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2012
Children's Activities - Preschool - 8 Years


Montessori Mukhtabar fi al-Manzil مونتيسوري مختبر في المنزل

44972 | Arabic | Flexi Card Cover w/Flaps
By: Perodi, Chiara شيارا بيرودي
Pub: ASP. Beirut, 2021
Children's Activities - Parenting - Teaching


Crafts: Origami - SET of 4 أورغامي

40593 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sterling Publishing
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, Beirut, 2010
Children's Crafts - Origami - Ages 5 +

Price: US$28
Sale price: US$24

T. Rex: Kitab Unmudhaj كتاب التيرانوصور : كتاب أنموذج

44477 | Arabic | Board Book
By: Fullman, Joe / Akkawi, Dr. Rehab
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2018 Arabic Edition / Arcturus Holding Ltd.
Interactive Board Book - Punch-out play figures


Arab Fairy Tale Feasts: A Literary Cookbook

74534 | English | Hardcover
By: Alrawi, Karim / Ill: Kazemi, Nahid
Pub: Crocodile Books, New York, 2021
Literature - Arab Tales - Cookbooks - 7+ Yrs


Super Muslim Art Studio (Blue)

75502 | English | Softcover
By: Iman Kidz
Pub: Iman Kidz Ltd, London 2023
Kids Activity - Stationary - Art - Boys - Preschool +


Ana al-Alif, Hikayat wa-Aghani al-Huruf أنا الألف، حكايات و أغـني الحروف

74551 | Arabic | Softcover w/CD
By: Abdullah, Hassan, Ill: Tuni, Helmi, Voice: Hayder, Jana
Pub: Dar al-Hadaek, Beirut, 2020
Arabic Tales - Songs - Alphabet 4+ Yrs


Activities: 365 Fikrat li-Lashghali al-Yadawiyah فكرة للاشغال اليدوية

16235 | Arabic | Spiral Bound Hardcover
By: Usborne Books / Watt, Fiona
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2011
Kids Activities 6 and up


Arts & Crafts: Maharat al-Tatbiqiyah fi al-Tasamim al-Faniyah المهارات التطبيقية في التصاميم الفنية

16236 | Arabic | Spiral Bound Hardcover
By: Usborne Books / Watt, Fiona
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2011
Kids Activities 8 and up


Art: 365 Fikrat fi al-rasim wa-al-Talwin فكرة في الرسم والتلوين

16234 | Arabic | Spiral Bound Hardcover
By: Usborne Books / Watt, Fiona
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2011
Kids Activities 6 and up - Draw and Paint


Activities: My Little Showcase of Zoo Animals Arabic-English حديقة الحيوانات

16877 | Arabic and English | Board Book and Activities Box
Pub: Chart Studio Publishing, Cape Town, Soth Africa, 2008
Kids Activities - Ages 4 - up


Activities: My First Library: Little Marvels (English)

16910 | English | Board Book and Activities Box
By: Better Learning
Pub: Digital Future, Beirut
Kids Activities - Ages 4 - 8


Activities: My Little Showcase of Getting Ready for School Arabic-English الذهاب الى المدرسة

16911 | Arabic - English | Board Book and Activities Box
Pub: Charg Studio Publishing, South Africa, 2008
Kids Activities - Ages 4 - up


Art: Maharat al-Tabiqiyah fi al-Funun al-Jamilah المهارات التطبيقية في الفنون الجميلة

40159 | Arabic | Spiral Bound Hardcover
By: Usborne Publishing
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2015
Painting and Drawing - 7 and Up


Arts and Crafts: Fikrat fi al-Waraq wa-al-Kartun 365 فكرة في الورق والكرتون

40160 | Arabic | Spiral Bound Hardcover
By: Osbourn Publishing
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2015
Ages 7 and Up


Color: My Coloring Book - Set of 12 Large Books

14982 | English-Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Dar Chimal , Beirut
Children - Coloring

Price: US$42
Sale price: US$29

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin: Set of 20 Books قصص للتلوين

41936 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

Price: US$60
Sale price: US$30

Activities: Maktabati al-Owali مكتبتي الاولي

11891 | Arabic | Hardcover
Pub: Digital-Future, 2010


Click section header to open/close

Baby Montessori: Animals

45172 | English | Board Book
By: Baruzzi, Agnese / Piroddi, Chiara
Baby Montessori -Animals - Baby - 0-3 years


Baby Montessori: Big or Small?

45175 | English | Board Book
By: Baruzzi, Agnese / Piroddi, Chiara
Pub: White Star / Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2021 Special Edition
Baby Montessori - Sizes - Baby - 0-3 years


Baby Montessori: Follow Me!

45173 | English | Board Book
By: Baruzzi, Agnese / Piroddi, Chiara
Pub: White Star / Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2021 Special Edition
Baby Montessori - Lines - Baby - 0-3 years


Baby Montessori: Vehicles

45174 | English | Board Book
By: Baruzzi, Agnese / Piroddi, Chiara
Pub: White Star / Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2021 Special Edition
Baby Montessori - Vehicles - Baby - 0-3 years


Bath Book and Puppet Loofah - Batbut كتاب الاستحمام مع ليفة – بطبوط

44033 | Arabic-English | Waterproof soft book + puppet loofah
By: Dar al-Maaref
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2019
Bath Book + Puppet Loofah - 6 months +


Bath Book and Puppet Loofah - Dafdu' كتاب الاستحمام مع ليفة – ضفدوع

44032 | Arabic-English | Waterproof soft book + puppet loofah
By: Dar al-Maaref
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2019
Bath Book + Puppet Loofah - 6 months +


Bath Book: Disney: Finding Nemo كتاب يسبح: فعندنج نيمو

44016 | Arabic | Waterproof soft book
By: Disney Pixar
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2019
Baby Bath Book - Disney Pixar


Bath Book: Disney: Mickey and Friends كتاب يسبح: ميكي وأصدقائه!

44015 | Arabic | Waterproof soft book
By: Disney Enterprises
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2019
Baby Bath Book - Disney


Mudhakkirat Tufulati (BLUE) مذكرات طفولتي

41712 | Arabic | Padded Hardcover
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, Beirut
Baby Memory Book


Mudhakkirat Tufulati (PINK) مذكرات طفولتي

41713 | Arabic | Padded Hardcover
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, Beirut
Baby Memory Book


Mudhakkirat Tufulati (PINK, w/CD) مذكرات طفولتي

41670 | Arabic | Padded Hardcover + CD
By: EdiBimbi
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, Beirut, 2011
Baby Memory Book


Sajill Hayat al-Tifl lil-Awlad سجل حياة الطفل للاولاد

43183 | Arabic | Padded Hardcover with Ribbon Tie Closure
By: Om Books International
Pub: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabia, 2016 Arabic Edition
Baby Memory Book


Sajill Hayat al-Tifl lil-Banat سجل حياة الطفل للبنات

43182 | Arabic | Padded Hardcover with Ribbon Tie Closure
By: Om Books International
Pub: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabia, 2016 Arabic Edition
Baby Memory Book

If no items show above there are none for the age group.

Activities & Exercises 3: al-Fakihah أنشطة وتدريبات : الفاكهة - الخضار الطبيعية والفصول

16246 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Shamsuddin, Salim
Pub: Maktaba al-Assrya, Beirut, 2012
Early Childhood Education - Arabic - PreK


Activities & Exercises 4: al Hayawanat أنشطة وتدريبات : حيوانات المزرعة والغابة والطيور

16247 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Shamsuddin, Salim
Pub: Maktaba al-Assrya, Beirut, 2012
Early Childhood Education - Arabic - PreK


Activities: Ashkal : al-Hiyawanat ; al-Ilwan الأشكال - الحيوانات - الألوان - اكتب و امسح

16502 | Arabic | Spiral Bound Erasable Shaped Board Book
Pub: Digital Future, Beirut
Children's Activity - Preschool - Kindergarten


Activities: Amrah Aktob Atamaran Ages 3-4 امرح اكتب اتمرن

16233 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Editions Caramel / Carletti, Emanuela
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2009
Educational Activities - Preschool - Early Elementary


Activities: Amrah Aktob Atamaran Ages 4-5 امرح اكتب اتمرن

16232 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Editions Caramel / Carletti, Emanuela
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2009
Educational Activities - Preschool - Early Elementary


Activities: Amrah Aktob Atamaran Ages 5-6 امرح اكتب اتمرن

16231 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Editions Caramel / Carletti, Emanuela
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2009
Educational Activities - Preschool - Early Elementary


Activities: Amrah Aktob Atamaran Ages 6-7 امرح اكتب اتمرن

16230 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Editions Caramel / Carletti, Emanuela
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2009
Educational Activities - Preschool - Early Elementary


Activities: I Learn About: Shapes

14594 | Arabic, English, and Spanish | Hardcover
By: Group
Pub: Academia, Beirut
Children's Activity Book

Price: US$10
Sale price: US$8

Activities: Ila'b ma'i bi-al-Ashkal - Part 1 & 2 إلعب معي بالأشكال

15466 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Gosaibi, Sahar bint 'Abd al-Aziz
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut, 2004
Early Child Education - Activities


Activities: Ma Tha'lub: Ta'alam al-'Add تعلم العد مع ثعلوب

16227 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Editions Caramel / De Klerk, Roger
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2013
Educational Activities - Preschool - Early Elementary


Activities: Ma Tha'lub: Ta'alam al-Kitabah تعلم الكتابة مع ثعلوب

16226 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Editions Caramel / De Klerk, Roger
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2013
Educational Activities - Preschool - Early Elementary


Activities: Ma Tha'lub: Ta'alam al-Mala Hazah تعلم الملاحظة مع ثعلوب

16228 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Editions Caramel / De Klerk, Roger
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2013
Educational Activities - Preschool - Early Elementary


Activities: Ma Tha'lub: Ta'alam al-Qara'ah تعلم القراءة مع ثعلوب

16229 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Editions Caramel / De Klerk, Roger
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2013
Educational Activities - Preschool - Early Elementary


Activities: Maharat al-Khatut مهارات الخطوط

72837 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Group
Pub: Asala Publishing, Beirut, 2018
Activities - Handwriting Skills - Pre-k +


Activities: Maharat al-Riyadiyat مهارات الرياضيات

72836 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Group
Pub: Asala, 2018
Children's Educational - Basic Math - Activities - Pre-K +


Activities: Maktabati al-Owali مكتبتي الاولي

11891 | Arabic | Hardcover
Pub: Digital-Future, 2010


Activities: Minhaj Al Rawda # 3 (ages 5-6) منهج الروضة الثالثة

21004 | Arabic | Softcover Activities Pack
By: Labir /Shoudo
Pub: Antoine 2014
Childrens Learn Arabic Activities - Emerging Ages 3-6


Activities: My First Library: Little Marvels (English)

16910 | English | Board Book and Activities Box
By: Better Learning
Pub: Digital Future, Beirut
Kids Activities - Ages 4 - 8


Activities: My Little Showcase of Getting Ready for School Arabic-English الذهاب الى المدرسة

16911 | Arabic - English | Board Book and Activities Box
Pub: Charg Studio Publishing, South Africa, 2008
Kids Activities - Ages 4 - up


Activities: My Little Showcase of Zoo Animals Arabic-English حديقة الحيوانات

16877 | Arabic and English | Board Book and Activities Box
Pub: Chart Studio Publishing, Cape Town, Soth Africa, 2008
Kids Activities - Ages 4 - up


Activities: Silsilat Sa'adu Sa'adun (Set of 4) سلسلة ساعدوا سعدون

43558 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Zaybaq, Lina Mustafa لينا مصطفى الزيبق
Pub: Children World, Damascus, Syria
Kids Educational Activities - Ages 4-6


Aktub wa Amsahu: al-Waqt أكتب وأمسح الوقت

40904 | Arabic | Erasable Board Book
By: Editions Piccolia
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2014 Arabic Edition
Children's Activity Ages 3-6


Anashid al-Mumti'ah: Sabah al-Khayr (Book + CD) صباح الخير

42261 | Arabic | Hardcover + Audio CD
By: Group / Haydar, Nasir: Composer / Haydar, Jana: Vocalist
Pub: Hadaek Group, Beirut
Children's Arabic Poems and Songs - Ages 3+


Chalkboard: Dinosurat a'la al-Lawh : al-Sabura ديناصورات على اللوح : السبورة‬‎

43438 | Arabic | Chalkboard Board Book
By: Barron's Educational Series, Incorporated
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut,
Children's Activities - Pre-k +


Chalkboard: Hayawanat Bariyat 'Ala al-Lawah : al-Sabura حيوانات برية على اللوح: السبورة‬‎

43468 | Arabic | Chalkboard Board Book
By: Barron's Educational Series, Incorporated
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2016
Children's Activities - Pre-k +


Color and Activity: Teletubbies: Lovely Presents (Arabic)

40537 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut,
Children's Coloring Activity - Preschool - Kindergarten 3-6


Color and Activity: Teletubbies: 1,2,3...4 Teletubbies (Arabic)

40538 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut,
Children's Coloring Activity - Preschool - Kindergarten 3-6


Color and Activity: Teletubbies: Dipsy's Hat (Arabic)

40540 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut,
Children's Coloring Activity - Preschool - Kindergarten 3-6


Color and Activity: Teletubbies: Laa-Laa's Song (Arabic)

40542 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut,
Children's Coloring Activity - Preschool - Kindergarten 3-6


Color and Activity: Teletubbies: Po's Blowy Day (Arabic)

40541 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut,
Children's Coloring Activity - Preschool - Kindergarten 3-6


Color and Activity: Teletubbies: Tinky Winky's Walk (Arabic)

40539 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut,
Children's Coloring Activity - Preschool - Kindergarten 3-6


Color: Book Set of 4

7091 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Asala for Publishing and Distributing, Beirut,
Children's Arabic Coloring Book 3-6

Price: US$4
Sale price: US$2

Color: Iftah Ya Simsim: al-Hayawanat min Hawlina إفتح يا سمسم : الحيوانات من حولنا

44814 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Iftah Ya Simsim إفتح يا سمسم
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2017
Children's Activity from 3 years


Color: My Coloring Book - Set of 12 Large Books

14982 | English-Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Dar Chimal , Beirut
Children - Coloring

Price: US$42
Sale price: US$29

Disney Princess: Activities اميرات: كتاب الألعاب والتسلية

10716 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Disney/Pixar
Pub: Academia, Beirut, 2006
Children's Arabic Activity Book 4-8


Hurufi al-Abjadiyah Coloring حروفي الأبجدية

44166 | Arabic | Softcover Coloring Book
By: Muhaydali, Nabihah نبيهة محيدلي / Ill: Baalbaki, Muhammad محمد بعلبكي
Pub: Hadaek Group, Beirut, 2017
Children's Coloring Book - Toddler - Pre-k - K


Jungle Stick n' Color: Butterfly

16820 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Jungle Stick n' Color: Cat

16819 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Jungle Stick n' Color: Dog

16818 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Jungle Stick n' Color: Elephant

16817 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Jungle Stick n' Color: Frog

16816 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Jungle Stick n' Color: Hippo

16815 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Jungle Stick n' Color: Lion

16814 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Jungle Stick n' Color: Monkey

16813 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Jungle Stick n' Color: Octopus

16812 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Jungle Stick n' Color: Owl

16811 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Jungle Stick n' Color: Panda

16810 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Jungle Stick n' Color: Rabbit

16809 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Jungle Stick n' Color: Rooster

16808 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Jungle Stick n' Color: Snake

16807 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Jungle Stick n' Color: Turtle

16806 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Lawn li al-Mazra'ah لون لي المزرعة

44886 | Arabic | Board Book w/Paint Brush
By: Priddy Books
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2021
Children's Activity Book - Trucks - Ages 3-6


Lawn li al-Shahinat لون لي الشاحنات

44885 | Arabic | Board Book
By: Priddy Books
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2021
Children's Activity Book - Trucks - Ages 3-6


Learning Arabic Alphabet: Fun Activities for Kids

43779 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Mateenuddin Ahmad
Pub: Goodword Books, India, 2017
Kids Learn Arabic Letters - Ages 3+


Marvel Heroes : Activities متعة التلوين...مع ملصقات

73838 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Marvel Kids
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut 2020
Children's Activities - Coloring - Stickers - Marvel - Ages 3+


Marvel: Black Panther Activities & Color الفَهد الأسوَد - أحلى تلوين

73839 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Marvel Studios
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut 2018
Coloring Book w/ Stickers - Marvel, Ages 3+


My First Book of Arabic Writing كتاب الاول للخط العربي

73918 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Soltana, Lynda
Pub: Iqra, US, 2022
Children's Arabic Handwriting - Elementary


Preschool Activity Book

44497 | English | Softcover
By: Weekend Learners
Pub: Weekend Learning, Columbus, Ohio, USA, 2021
Activities - Toddler - Preschool


Sticker Book (Arabic) Home البيت

6357 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut, 1997
Children't Activity Book - Arabic

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Sticker Book (Arabic) Shapes الأشكال

6360 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut, 1997
Children't Activity Book - Arabic

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Sticker Book (Arabic) Shopping التسوّق

6358 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut, 1997
Children't Activity Book - Arabic

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Sticker Book (Arabic) Things That Go المركبات

6356 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut, 1997
Children't Activity Book - Arabic

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Sticker Book (Arabic) Time الوقت

6361 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut, 1997
Children't Activity Book - Arabic

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Sticker Book: Teletubbies: Come and Play (Arabic)

40545 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut,
Children's Sticker Book - Preschool - Kindergarten 3-6


Sticker Book: Teletubbies: Magical Stories (Arabic)

40543 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut,
Children's Sticker Book - Preschool - Kindergarten 3-6


Sticker Book: Teletubbies: The Teletubbyland (Arabic)

40544 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut,
Children's Sticker Book - Preschool - Kindergarten 3-6


Stickers & Story: Talia: Ana Atanakaru أنا أَتَنَكَّرُ

16256 | Arabic | Softcover - Shaped Handle
By: Akawi, Rihab / Ballon Media
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2012 Arabic Edition
Arabic Story and Sticker Book - Age 4 +


Stickers & Story: Talia: Eid Milad Sa'id ! عيد ميلاد سعيد

16255 | Arabic | Softcover - Shaped Handle
By: Akawi, Rihab / Ballon Media
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2012 Arabic Edition
Arabic Story and Sticker Book - Age 4 +


Stickers & Story: Talia: Haflatun fi al-Hadiqah حفلة في الحديقة

16258 | Arabic | Softcover - Shaped Handle
By: Akawi, Rihab / Ballon Media
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2012 Arabic Edition
Arabic Story and Sticker Book - Age 4 +


Stickers & Story: Talia: Sadiqati صديقاتي

16257 | Arabic | Softcover - Shaped Handle
By: Akawi, Rihab / Ballon Media
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2012 Arabic Edition
Arabic Story and Sticker Book - Age 4 +


T. Rex: Kitab Unmudhaj كتاب التيرانوصور : كتاب أنموذج

44477 | Arabic | Board Book
By: Fullman, Joe / Akkawi, Dr. Rehab
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2018 Arabic Edition / Arcturus Holding Ltd.
Interactive Board Book - Punch-out play figures


Tamarin Mumti'ah: 2 تمارين ممتعة

72841 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Dayah, Hanadi / Shamah, Manal
Pub: Asala, 2018
Children's Arabic Curriculum - Ages Pre-K +


Tasliyat al-Atfal al-Sighar wa Taw'iyatuhum تسلية الاطفال الصغار وتوعيتهم

80040 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Young, Caroline كارولين يانغ
Pub: Academia, Beirut, 2008 Arabic Edition
Parenting - Children - Educating - Play - Activities


Tufulati al-Awla طفولتي الأولى، نشاطات معرفية لمرحلة ما قبل المدرسة

74558 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Khateeb, Ahmad, Group of Educators مجموعة مؤلفين
Pub: Dar al Hadaiq, Beirut 2019
Chidren's Cognitive Activity Book - Preschool - Ages 3-5

If no items show above there are none for the age group.

ABC's of Palestine for Activists Big and Small (Coloring Book)

75313 | English | Softcover
By: Dada, Alia
Pub: Prolance Publishing, California,
Children's Coloring Book - Ages 6+


Activities: Ashghal Yadawiyah Sahlah أشغال يدوية سهلة

41109 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Kush, Sonya / Casterman
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2012
Children's Activities - Preschool - 8 Years


Activities: 365 Fikrat li-Lashghali al-Yadawiyah فكرة للاشغال اليدوية

16235 | Arabic | Spiral Bound Hardcover
By: Usborne Books / Watt, Fiona
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2011
Kids Activities 6 and up


Activities: al-Kitab al-Kabir li-al-'ab Ruba wa-Wufi الكتاب الكبير للالعاب ربى ووفي

16803 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Editions Caramel
Pub: Librairie Stephan
Kids Activities - Elementary Years


Activities: Asna'u min al-Kartun أصنع من الكرتون

41108 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Lannoy, Gaëtane / Casterman
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2012 Arabic Edition
Children's Activities - Preschool - 8 Years


Activities: Ikhtara'a bi-Wasatahi Hawasasi al-Khamsi أخترع بوساطة حواسي الخمس

41107 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Lannoy, Gaëtane / Casterman
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2012 Arabic Edition
Children's Activities - Preschool - 8 Years


Activities: Paste and Color إلصق ولون مع مهى وهادي في المدرسة

10720 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Caramel Editions
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut
Children's Arabic Activity Book 4-8


Activities: Simplissime: al-Ikhtibarat al-Alimiyah al-Absat fi al-Alam ولااسهل الاختبارات العلمية الابسط في العالم

72493 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Barde, Nahalie / Ill: Moutarde, Colonel
Pub: Hachette Antoine, 2019
Children's Educational - Scientific Tests - Ages 8-12


Activities: Simplissime: Alab al-Khafah al-Absat fi al-Alam ولاالسهل العاب الخفة الابسط في العالم

72494 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: H, Alex / Ill: Lapassade, Roxy
Pub: Hachette Antoine, 2019
Children's Activities - DIY Games - Ages 8-12


Activities: Simplissime: Dalil Makyaj al-Atfal al-Absat fi al-Alam ولا أسهل دليل ماكياج الاطفال الابسط في العالم

72492 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Multier, Fred / Ill: Ronzon, Stephanie
Pub: Hachette Antoine, 2019
Children's Activities - Face Paint - Ages 5-10


Activities: Tamarin Masliyah 1 تمارين مسلية

72463 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Caramel S.A., Belgian
Pub: Asala Publishing, Beirut, 2019
Children's Educational - Activities - Ages 6-8


Activities: Tamarin Masliyah 2 تمارين مسلية- أصفر2

72464 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Caramel S.A., Belgian
Pub: Asala Publishing, Beirut, 2019
Children's Educational - Activities - Ages 6-8


Ana al-Alif, Hikayat wa-Aghani al-Huruf أنا الألف، حكايات و أغـني الحروف

74551 | Arabic | Softcover w/CD
By: Abdullah, Hassan, Ill: Tuni, Helmi, Voice: Hayder, Jana
Pub: Dar al-Hadaek, Beirut, 2020
Arabic Tales - Songs - Alphabet 4+ Yrs


Anashid al-Mumti'ah: Fusul (Book + CD) فصول

42264 | Arabic | Hardcover + Audio CD
By: Group / Haydar, Nasir: Composer / Haydar, Jana: Vocalist
Pub: Hadaek Group, Beirut, 2013
Children's Arabic Poems and Songs - Ages 4-8


Anashid al-Mumti'ah: Kalimat wa-Ughniyat (Book + CD) كلمات واغنيات

42263 | Arabic | Hardcover + Audio CD
By: Abd Allah, Hasan: Lyrics / Kabur, Ahmad: Composer
Pub: Hadaek Group, Beirut, 2013
Children's Arabic Poems and Songs - Ages 4-8


Arab Fairy Tale Feasts: A Literary Cookbook

74534 | English | Hardcover
By: Alrawi, Karim / Ill: Kazemi, Nahid
Pub: Crocodile Books, New York, 2021
Literature - Arab Tales - Cookbooks - 7+ Yrs


Art: 1-2-3-Ana A'rasm (I Draw) أنا أرسم

11104 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: De Rosamel, Godeleine / Casterman
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2009 Arabic Edition
Children's Art - Preschool Up


Art: 365 Fikrat fi al-rasim wa-al-Talwin فكرة في الرسم والتلوين

16234 | Arabic | Spiral Bound Hardcover
By: Usborne Books / Watt, Fiona
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2011
Kids Activities 6 and up - Draw and Paint


Art: Maharat al-Tabiqiyah fi al-Funun al-Jamilah المهارات التطبيقية في الفنون الجميلة

40159 | Arabic | Spiral Bound Hardcover
By: Usborne Publishing
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2015
Painting and Drawing - 7 and Up


Arts & Crafts: Sana't Biyadi صنعت بيدي : أعمال فنية للأطفال

60235 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sabil, W. / Hussain, F.
Pub: Dar Al Moualef, Beirut 2004
Children's Books


Arts and Crafts: Fikrat fi al-Waraq wa-al-Kartun 365 فكرة في الورق والكرتون

40160 | Arabic | Spiral Bound Hardcover
By: Osbourn Publishing
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2015
Ages 7 and Up


Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 10: Hassan wa-al-Hudhudan

3731 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 11: al-Qit wa-al-Far al-Zaki

3717 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Coloring Book

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 12: al-Tajir wa Ibn Irss

3712 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 13: Mughamarat al-Assdika'

3723 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 14: al-Bata wa-al-Arnab al-Moughafal

3725 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 15: al-Akhwane wa-al-Hiya

3726 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 16: al-Thalib wa-al-Tabeil al-Ajwaf

3727 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 17: al-Assad wa-al-Dabii wa-al-Hmar

3730 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 18: al-Amin' wa Kha'in al-Amana

3729 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 19: al-Jamal wa-al-Sdikaa al-Sou

3728 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 1: al-Salib wa Malik al-Hazine

3719 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 20: al-Assad wa Thalib قصص للتلوين

3733 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 2: al-Ghurab wa-al-Soobane al-Sharir

3721 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 3: al-Sulhufat al-Sarsara

3716 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Coloring Book

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 4: al-Nawrass al-Maker

3714 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Coloring Book

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 5: al-Qurd wa-al-Sulhufat al-Ghayoura

3713 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Coloring Book

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 6: al-Assad wa-al-Arnab al-Shoujaa

3718 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 7: Sibak al-Sulhufat wa-al-Arnab

3720 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 8: al-Hama al-Moutawaka

3724 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 9: Mus'ad wa Sa'id

3732 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin: Set of 20 Books قصص للتلوين

41936 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

Price: US$60
Sale price: US$30

Color and Activity: Hadith Activity Book for Kids

42582 | English | Softcover
By: Rashid, Muhammad Harun
Pub: Goodword Books, India
Child's Islamic Activity Book Ages 5 +


Color and Activity: Quran Activity Book For Kids

42583 | English | Softcover
By: Rashid, Muhammad Harun
Pub: Goodword Books, India
Child's Islamic Activity Book Ages 5 +


Color and Activity: Seerah Activity Book For Kids

40569 | English | Softcover
By: Sen, Hayrunnisa
Pub: Goodword Books, 2015
Child's Islamic Activity Book Ages 5 +


Color: Dabdub wa Alam al-Fadha'a دبدوب وعالم الفضاء

11176 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut, Beirut
Children's Arabic Coloring Book 4-8


Color: Snoopy al-La'ub al-Marah

11172 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut, Beirut
Children's Arabic Coloring Book 4-8

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color: Snoopy al-Mutazallaj al-Bara'

11174 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut, Beirut
Children's Arabic Coloring Book 4-8

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color: Snoopy al-Riyadhi al-Nasheet

11171 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut, Beirut
Children's Arabic Coloring Book 4-8

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color: Snoopy al-Sadik al-Muhub

11170 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut, Beirut
Children's Arabic Coloring Book 4-8

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color: Snoopy al-Sibah al-Mahir

11173 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut, Beirut
Children's Arabic Coloring Book 4-8

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color: Stories from the Quran BIG Coloring Book

40570 | English | Softcover
By: Khan, Saniyasnain
Pub: Goodword, 2015
Children's Islamic Story and Activity Book Ages 5 up


Colour and Learn Du'as (Ar-En)

43851 | Arabic and English | Softcover
Pub: Islamic Book Service, New Delhi, India, 2019 Impression
Children's Islamic Coloring Book - Du'as - K - Up


Colour and Learn the 99 Beautiful Names of Allah (Ar-En)

43852 | Arabic and English | Softcover
Pub: Islamic Book Service, New Delhi, India, 2019 Impression
Children's Islamic Coloring Book - 99 Names - K - Up


Colouring Book of Wudhu and Salah (En)

43780 | English | Softcover
By: Shamsi, Muhammad Ajmal
Pub: Islamic Book Service, New Delhi, India
Children's Islamic Coloring Book - Prayer - K - Up


Crafts: Il'ab bil-Baloon اللعب بالبالون

11809 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Macaw Books
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, 2009
Childrens-Activities Book-Arabic-Crafts

Price: US$5
Sale price: US$4

Crafts: Mold Clay الابداع بل لمعجون

11812 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Macaw Books
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, 2009
Childrens-Crafts-Art - Arabic

Price: US$5
Sale price: US$4

Crafts: Origami - al-Ashya' al-Basitah أورغامي - الأشياء البسيطة

14823 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sterling Publishing
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, Beirut, 2010
Children's Crafts - Origami - Ages 5 +

Price: US$8
Sale price: US$6

Crafts: Origami - al-Hiyawanat أورغامي - الحيوانات

14822 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sterling Publishing
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, Beirut, 2010
Children's Crafts - Origami - Ages 5 +

Price: US$8
Sale price: US$6

Crafts: Origami - al-Tuyur wa-al-Hasharat أورغامي - الطيور والحشرات

14824 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sterling Publishing
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, Beirut, 2010
Children's Crafts - Origami - Ages 5 +

Price: US$8
Sale price: US$6

Crafts: Origami - lwazim al-Hafalat (al-Munasabat) أورغامي - لوازام الحفلات : المناسبات

14821 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sterling Publishing
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, Beirut, 2010
Children's Crafts - Origami - Ages 5 +

Price: US$8
Sale price: US$6

Crafts: Origami - SET of 4 أورغامي

40593 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sterling Publishing
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, Beirut, 2010
Children's Crafts - Origami - Ages 5 +

Price: US$28
Sale price: US$24

Crafts: Origami الابداع بلل لاوراق الملونة

11810 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Macaw Books
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, Beirut, 2009
Crafts - Origami

Price: US$5
Sale price: US$4

Crafts: Paper صناعة الطين من الورق

11813 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Macaw Books
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, 2009
Childrens-Arts-Crafts - Arabic

Price: US$5
Sale price: US$4

Crafts: Rocks Transformed الحجر المتنكر

11811 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Macaw Books
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, 2009
Childrens-Crafts-Art - Arabivc

Price: US$5
Sale price: US$4

Crafts: Wire Fuzzies الاسلك المخملية

11814 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Macaw Books
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, 2009
Childrens-Arts-Crafts - Arabic

Price: US$5
Sale price: US$4

Dawwamat - Hikayat wa-Tisali: Cinderella دوامة - حكايات و تسالي - سندريلا

42337 | Arabic | Spiral Bound Hardcover
By: Cernuschi, Claudio / Adapted to Arabic: Qar'an, Fadia
Pub: Dar al-Moualef, Beirut, 2016 Arabic Edition
Children's Arabic Tales and Activities - Ages 4+


Dawwamat - Hikayat wa-Tisali: Layla wa-al-Dhib دوامة - حكايات و تسالي - ليلى والذئب

42338 | Arabic | Spiral Bound Hardcover
By: Cernuschi, Claudio / Adapted to Arabic: Qar'an, Fadia
Pub: Dar al-Moualef, Beirut, 2016 Arabic Edition
Children's Arabic Tale and Activities - Age 4+


Dawwamat - Hikayat wa-Tisali: Peter Pan دوامة - حكايات و تسالي - بيتربان

42340 | Arabic | Spiral Bound Hardcover
By: Cernuschi, Claudio / Adapted to Arabic: Qar'an, Fadia
Pub: Dar al-Moualef, Beirut, 2016 Arabic Edition
Children's Arabic Tale and Activities - Age 4+


Dawwamat - Hikayat wa-Tisali: Pinnocchio دوامة - حكايات و تسالي - بينوكيو

42339 | Arabic | Spiral Bound Hardcover
By: Cernuschi, Claudio / Adapted to Arabic: Qar'an, Fadia
Pub: Dar al-Moualef, Beirut, 2016 Arabic Edition
Children's Arabic Tale and Activities - Age 4+


Disney Frozen: Activities & Color العب و الون : فروزن

44815 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Disney Enterprises
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2015
Children's Activities - Ages 6-10


Disney Pixar: Activities: Atillim wa-Amrah Ma' al-Sayyarat 3 أتعلّم وأمرح مع السيارات 3

43152 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Disney Pixar
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2018
Learning Activities - Math - Ages 6-8


Disney Princess Color and Stickers تعالوا نلوّن مع

43867 | Softcover
By: Disney
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2019
Children's Activities - Coloring - Sticker - Ages 4+


Disney Princesses: Iqra wa Alawn bi Hasab al-Arqam أقرأ وألوّن بحسب الأرقام

74185 | Arabic - English | Softcover
By: Disney
Pub: Hachette Antoine, 2020
Coloring Book - First Sentences - Disney - 4+ Yrs


Disney: Minnie Iqra wa Alawn bi Hasab al-Arqam أقرأ وألوّن بحسب الأرقام

74184 | Arabic - English | Softcover
By: Disney
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2020
Coloring Book - Disney - 4+ Yrs


Disney: Star Wars: Power in the Galaxy Color and Stickers احلى تلوين

73927 | N/A | Softcover
By: Lucas, George / Disney
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut 2018
Children's Activities - Coloring - Sticker - Ages 4+


Disney: Star Wars: Rogue One Coloring Universe

74186 | N/A | Softcover
By: Lucasfilm
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut 2017
Coloring Book - Star Wars - 3+ Yrs


Disney: Star Wars: The Force Awakens Color and Stickers تعالوا نلوّن مع

43866 | Softcover
By: Disney
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2019
Children's Activities - Coloring - Sticker - Ages 4+


Disney: Starwars: Solo Color and Stickers أحلى تلوين مع ستيكرز

73928 | 9.78614E+12 | Softcover
By: Disney
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut 2019
Children's Activities - Coloring - Sticker - Ages 4+


Dome of the Rock Painting Canvas (Al-Aqsa)

81172 | Canvas Stretched in Frame
By: Blissed Kids
Pub: Blissed Kids, Newport Beach, California 2025
Kids Activity - Islamic - Painting - Ages 3 +


Eid Painting Canvas--Includes Paint

81169 | Canvas Stretched in Frame
By: Blissed Kids
Pub: Blissed Kids, Newport Beach, California 2025
Kids Activity - Eid Decoration - Painting


Hajj and Umrah Activity Book (Little Kids)

74072 | English | Softcover
By: Group
Pub: Learning Roots, 2021
Islam - Hajj - 5+ Yrs


Lanaqum Bi Masharia Ra'ia لنقم بمشاريع رائعة

80417 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Khoury, J.B. ج ب الخوري
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut, 2022
Arts & Crafts - 8+ Yrs


Luzah لوزة

71422 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Yilmaz, Muzeyyen
Pub: Asala, 2017
Art - Coloring Book - Ages 6-9


Marvel: Super Heroes Iqra wa Alawn bi Hasab al-Arqam أقرأ وألوّن بحسب الأرقام

74183 | Arabic - English | Softcover
By: Marvel
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2020
Coloring - First Sentences - 4+ Yrs


Masjid an-Nabawi Painting Canvas (Madina)

81171 | Canvas Stretched in Frame
By: Blissed Kids
Pub: Blissed Kids, Newport Beach, California 2025
Kids Activity - Islamic - Painting - Ages 3 +


Montessori Mukhtabar fi al-Manzil مونتيسوري مختبر في المنزل

44972 | Arabic | Flexi Card Cover w/Flaps
By: Perodi, Chiara شيارا بيرودي
Pub: ASP. Beirut, 2021
Children's Activities - Parenting - Teaching


MU Bros : Let's Learn Arabic ! Activity & Practice Coloring Book

75381 | Arabic & English | Softcover
By: Sengsone, Judy
Pub: MU Girls LLC, Nevada 2023
Children's Coloring and Activity - Learn Arabic - Islam - Ages 5+


MU Girls : I Am Beautiful because .... (Vol 1)

75385 | English | Softcover
By: Sengsone, Judy
Pub: MU Girls LLC, Nevada 2023
Children's Coloring - Girls - Islam - Ages 7+


MU Girls : I Am Beautiful because .... (Vol 2)

75383 | English | Softcover
By: Sengsone, Judy
Pub: MU Girls LLC, Nevada 2023
Children's Coloring - Girls - Islam - Ages 7+


MU Girls Coloring Book: Mosques Around The World - Adventure Awaits

75384 | English | Softcover
By: Sengsone, Judy
Pub: MU Girls LLC, Nevada 2023
Children's Coloring and Activity - Mosques - Islam - Ages 5+


MU Girls Coloring Book: Mosques Around The World - Passport to Fun

75382 | English | Softcover
By: Sengsone, Judy
Pub: MU Girls LLC, Nevada 2023
Children's Coloring and Activity - Mosques - Islam - Ages 5+


Palestine: Activity Book

81107 | English | Softcover
By: Joossab, Adilah
Pub: Kube Publishing, Leicestershire 2024
Activity book - Kids - Palestine - Ages 6-8


Paw Patrol Color and Stickers: Quwwat al-Fariq Talwinat قوّة الفريق تلوينات... مع الكثير من الستيكرز

43865 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Nickelodeon
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2019
Children's Activities - Coloring - Sticker - Ages 4-8


Paw Patrol Color and Stickers: Talwinat Han Waqat al-Qataf تلوينات حان وقت القطاف

72496 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Nickelodeon
Pub: Hachette Antoine, 2019
Children's Activities - Coloring - Sticker - Ages 4-8


Paw Patrol Color: Talwin Dawriyat al-Makhlab تلوين دورية المخلب

72490 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Nickelodeon
Pub: Hachette Antoine, 2019
Children's Activities - Coloring - Ages 4-8


Paw Patrol Color: Talwin Haya Intalq! تلوين هيا انطلق

72491 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Nickelodeon
Pub: Hachette Antoine, 2019
Children's Activities - Coloring - Ages 4-8


Ramadan Activity Book (Little Kids)

74074 | English-Arabic | Softcover
By: Group
Pub: Learning Roots, 2019
Islam - Ramadan - 5+ Yrs


Ramadan on Rahma Road: A Recipe Storybook

45277 | English | Hardcover
By: Gutta, Razeena Omar & Osman, Faaiza / Ill: Sohrabi Atieh
Pub: Barefoot Books, Concord, MA, 2025
Cookbook - Recipe Storybook - Ages 6-8 +


Ramadan Painting Canvas - Includes Paint

81170 | Canvas Stretched in Frame
By: Blissed Kids
Pub: Blissed Kids, Newport Beach, California 2025
Kida Activity - Ramadan - Painting - Ages 3 +


Super Muslim Art Studio (Blue)

75502 | English | Softcover
By: Iman Kidz
Pub: Iman Kidz Ltd, London 2023
Kids Activity - Stationary - Art - Boys - Preschool +


Ta Awal Harf min Tasliyah ت اول حرف من تسلية - كتاب ممتع للتلوين و الانشطة

74187 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sesame Workshop
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2017
Coloring Book - Reading - Activities - 4+ Yrs


Tamarin Mumti'ah: 4 تمارين ممتعة

72840 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Dayah, Hanadi / Shamah, Manal
Pub: Asala, 2018
Children's Arabic Curriculum - Ages 5-8 K+


Tamarin Mumti'ah: 5 تمارين ممتعة

72839 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Dayah, Hanadi / Shamah, Manal
Pub: Asala, 2018
Children's Arabic Curriculum - Ages 5-8 - K+


Tamarin Mumti'ah: 6 تمارين ممتعة

72838 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Dayah, Hanadi / Shamah, Manal
Pub: Asala Publishing, Beirut, 2018
Children's Arabic Curriculum - Ages 5-8 - K+


Uhibbu al-Yugha أحب اليوغا

45171 | Arabic | Softcover - Cardstock
By: Berk, Ezgi / Ill: Ulusan, Rukiye
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2020 Arabic Edition
Chldren's Health - Activity - Yoga - Ages 5+

If no items show above there are none for the age group.

Anashid al-Mumti'ah: Hamdan Hamdan ya Rahman (Book + CD) حمداً حمداً يا رحمن

42262 | Arabic | Hardcover + Audio CD
By: Group / Haydar, Nasir: Composer / Haydar, Jana: Vocalist
Pub: Hadaek Group, Beirut, 2014
Children's Arabic Poems and Songs - Islamic - Ages 8-12


Art: Drawing-Hadiya الهدية

15159 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Gharaballi, Leila Mohammed
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut, 2009
Children's Arabic Story - Art - Elementary


Arts & Crafts: Maharat al-Tatbiqiyah fi al-Tasamim al-Faniyah المهارات التطبيقية في التصاميم الفنية

16236 | Arabic | Spiral Bound Hardcover
By: Usborne Books / Watt, Fiona
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2011
Kids Activities 8 and up


Crafts: Origami Fann Sina'at al-Namadhij al-Waraqiah الاوريجامي : فن صناعة النماذج الورقية

16802 | Arabic | Spiral Bound Hard Cover
By: Bowman, Lucy
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2013
Activities - Arts and Crafts - Elementary & Up

Price: US$18
Sale price: US$14

Hajj and Umrah Activity Book (Big Kids)

74071 | English | Softcover
By: Group
Pub: Learning Roots, 2021
Islam - Hajj - 8+ Yrs


Man Ana fi Ramadan ? من أنا في رمضان

44535 | Arabic | Softcover and activity tools
By: Digital Future
Pub: Digital Future, Beirut, 2020
Arabic Story and Activity for Youth, Ramadan, Ages 7-12


Ramadan Activity Book (Big Kids)

74073 | English-Arabic | Softcover
By: Group
Pub: Learning Roots, 2019
Islam - Ramadan - 8+ Yrs


San'tu Biyadi : A'mal Faniyah lil-Atfal صنعت بيدي : أعمال فنية للأطفال

44536 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sabil, Wafa / Hussein, Fatima
Pub: Dar al-Moualef, Beirut, 2006
Activities - Primary School Ages - Illustrated Guide

If no items show above there are none for the age group.
If no items show above there are none for the age group.

ABC's of Palestine for Activists Big and Small (Coloring Book)

75313 | English | Softcover
By: Dada, Alia
Pub: Prolance Publishing, California,
Children's Coloring Book - Ages 6+


Activities & Exercises 3: al-Fakihah أنشطة وتدريبات : الفاكهة - الخضار الطبيعية والفصول

16246 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Shamsuddin, Salim
Pub: Maktaba al-Assrya, Beirut, 2012
Early Childhood Education - Arabic - PreK


Activities & Exercises 4: al Hayawanat أنشطة وتدريبات : حيوانات المزرعة والغابة والطيور

16247 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Shamsuddin, Salim
Pub: Maktaba al-Assrya, Beirut, 2012
Early Childhood Education - Arabic - PreK


Activities: Ashghal Yadawiyah Sahlah أشغال يدوية سهلة

41109 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Kush, Sonya / Casterman
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2012
Children's Activities - Preschool - 8 Years


Activities: Ashkal : al-Hiyawanat ; al-Ilwan الأشكال - الحيوانات - الألوان - اكتب و امسح

16502 | Arabic | Spiral Bound Erasable Shaped Board Book
Pub: Digital Future, Beirut
Children's Activity - Preschool - Kindergarten


Activities: 365 Fikrat li-Lashghali al-Yadawiyah فكرة للاشغال اليدوية

16235 | Arabic | Spiral Bound Hardcover
By: Usborne Books / Watt, Fiona
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2011
Kids Activities 6 and up


Activities: al-Kitab al-Kabir li-al-'ab Ruba wa-Wufi الكتاب الكبير للالعاب ربى ووفي

16803 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Editions Caramel
Pub: Librairie Stephan
Kids Activities - Elementary Years


Activities: Amrah Aktob Atamaran Ages 3-4 امرح اكتب اتمرن

16233 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Editions Caramel / Carletti, Emanuela
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2009
Educational Activities - Preschool - Early Elementary


Activities: Amrah Aktob Atamaran Ages 4-5 امرح اكتب اتمرن

16232 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Editions Caramel / Carletti, Emanuela
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2009
Educational Activities - Preschool - Early Elementary


Activities: Amrah Aktob Atamaran Ages 5-6 امرح اكتب اتمرن

16231 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Editions Caramel / Carletti, Emanuela
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2009
Educational Activities - Preschool - Early Elementary


Activities: Amrah Aktob Atamaran Ages 6-7 امرح اكتب اتمرن

16230 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Editions Caramel / Carletti, Emanuela
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2009
Educational Activities - Preschool - Early Elementary


Activities: Asna'u min al-Kartun أصنع من الكرتون

41108 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Lannoy, Gaëtane / Casterman
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2012 Arabic Edition
Children's Activities - Preschool - 8 Years


Activities: I Learn About: Shapes

14594 | Arabic, English, and Spanish | Hardcover
By: Group
Pub: Academia, Beirut
Children's Activity Book

Price: US$10
Sale price: US$8

Activities: Ikhtara'a bi-Wasatahi Hawasasi al-Khamsi أخترع بوساطة حواسي الخمس

41107 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Lannoy, Gaëtane / Casterman
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2012 Arabic Edition
Children's Activities - Preschool - 8 Years


Activities: Ila'b ma'i bi-al-Ashkal - Part 1 & 2 إلعب معي بالأشكال

15466 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Gosaibi, Sahar bint 'Abd al-Aziz
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut, 2004
Early Child Education - Activities


Activities: Ma Tha'lub: Ta'alam al-'Add تعلم العد مع ثعلوب

16227 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Editions Caramel / De Klerk, Roger
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2013
Educational Activities - Preschool - Early Elementary


Activities: Ma Tha'lub: Ta'alam al-Kitabah تعلم الكتابة مع ثعلوب

16226 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Editions Caramel / De Klerk, Roger
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2013
Educational Activities - Preschool - Early Elementary


Activities: Ma Tha'lub: Ta'alam al-Mala Hazah تعلم الملاحظة مع ثعلوب

16228 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Editions Caramel / De Klerk, Roger
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2013
Educational Activities - Preschool - Early Elementary


Activities: Ma Tha'lub: Ta'alam al-Qara'ah تعلم القراءة مع ثعلوب

16229 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Editions Caramel / De Klerk, Roger
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2013
Educational Activities - Preschool - Early Elementary


Activities: Maharat al-Khatut مهارات الخطوط

72837 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Group
Pub: Asala Publishing, Beirut, 2018
Activities - Handwriting Skills - Pre-k +


Activities: Maharat al-Riyadiyat مهارات الرياضيات

72836 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Group
Pub: Asala, 2018
Children's Educational - Basic Math - Activities - Pre-K +


Activities: Maktabati al-Owali مكتبتي الاولي

11891 | Arabic | Hardcover
Pub: Digital-Future, 2010


Activities: Minhaj Al Rawda # 3 (ages 5-6) منهج الروضة الثالثة

21004 | Arabic | Softcover Activities Pack
By: Labir /Shoudo
Pub: Antoine 2014
Childrens Learn Arabic Activities - Emerging Ages 3-6


Activities: My First Library: Little Marvels (English)

16910 | English | Board Book and Activities Box
By: Better Learning
Pub: Digital Future, Beirut
Kids Activities - Ages 4 - 8


Activities: My Little Showcase of Getting Ready for School Arabic-English الذهاب الى المدرسة

16911 | Arabic - English | Board Book and Activities Box
Pub: Charg Studio Publishing, South Africa, 2008
Kids Activities - Ages 4 - up


Activities: My Little Showcase of Zoo Animals Arabic-English حديقة الحيوانات

16877 | Arabic and English | Board Book and Activities Box
Pub: Chart Studio Publishing, Cape Town, Soth Africa, 2008
Kids Activities - Ages 4 - up


Activities: Paste and Color إلصق ولون مع مهى وهادي في المدرسة

10720 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Caramel Editions
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut
Children's Arabic Activity Book 4-8


Activities: Silsilat Sa'adu Sa'adun (Set of 4) سلسلة ساعدوا سعدون

43558 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Zaybaq, Lina Mustafa لينا مصطفى الزيبق
Pub: Children World, Damascus, Syria
Kids Educational Activities - Ages 4-6


Activities: Simplissime: al-Ikhtibarat al-Alimiyah al-Absat fi al-Alam ولااسهل الاختبارات العلمية الابسط في العالم

72493 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Barde, Nahalie / Ill: Moutarde, Colonel
Pub: Hachette Antoine, 2019
Children's Educational - Scientific Tests - Ages 8-12


Activities: Simplissime: Alab al-Khafah al-Absat fi al-Alam ولاالسهل العاب الخفة الابسط في العالم

72494 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: H, Alex / Ill: Lapassade, Roxy
Pub: Hachette Antoine, 2019
Children's Activities - DIY Games - Ages 8-12


Activities: Simplissime: Dalil Makyaj al-Atfal al-Absat fi al-Alam ولا أسهل دليل ماكياج الاطفال الابسط في العالم

72492 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Multier, Fred / Ill: Ronzon, Stephanie
Pub: Hachette Antoine, 2019
Children's Activities - Face Paint - Ages 5-10


Activities: Tamarin Masliyah 1 تمارين مسلية

72463 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Caramel S.A., Belgian
Pub: Asala Publishing, Beirut, 2019
Children's Educational - Activities - Ages 6-8


Activities: Tamarin Masliyah 2 تمارين مسلية- أصفر2

72464 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Caramel S.A., Belgian
Pub: Asala Publishing, Beirut, 2019
Children's Educational - Activities - Ages 6-8


Aktub wa Amsahu: al-Waqt أكتب وأمسح الوقت

40904 | Arabic | Erasable Board Book
By: Editions Piccolia
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2014 Arabic Edition
Children's Activity Ages 3-6


Ana al-Alif, Hikayat wa-Aghani al-Huruf أنا الألف، حكايات و أغـني الحروف

74551 | Arabic | Softcover w/CD
By: Abdullah, Hassan, Ill: Tuni, Helmi, Voice: Hayder, Jana
Pub: Dar al-Hadaek, Beirut, 2020
Arabic Tales - Songs - Alphabet 4+ Yrs


Anashid al-Mumti'ah: Fusul (Book + CD) فصول

42264 | Arabic | Hardcover + Audio CD
By: Group / Haydar, Nasir: Composer / Haydar, Jana: Vocalist
Pub: Hadaek Group, Beirut, 2013
Children's Arabic Poems and Songs - Ages 4-8


Anashid al-Mumti'ah: Hamdan Hamdan ya Rahman (Book + CD) حمداً حمداً يا رحمن

42262 | Arabic | Hardcover + Audio CD
By: Group / Haydar, Nasir: Composer / Haydar, Jana: Vocalist
Pub: Hadaek Group, Beirut, 2014
Children's Arabic Poems and Songs - Islamic - Ages 8-12


Anashid al-Mumti'ah: Kalimat wa-Ughniyat (Book + CD) كلمات واغنيات

42263 | Arabic | Hardcover + Audio CD
By: Abd Allah, Hasan: Lyrics / Kabur, Ahmad: Composer
Pub: Hadaek Group, Beirut, 2013
Children's Arabic Poems and Songs - Ages 4-8


Anashid al-Mumti'ah: Sabah al-Khayr (Book + CD) صباح الخير

42261 | Arabic | Hardcover + Audio CD
By: Group / Haydar, Nasir: Composer / Haydar, Jana: Vocalist
Pub: Hadaek Group, Beirut
Children's Arabic Poems and Songs - Ages 3+


Arab Fairy Tale Feasts: A Literary Cookbook

74534 | English | Hardcover
By: Alrawi, Karim / Ill: Kazemi, Nahid
Pub: Crocodile Books, New York, 2021
Literature - Arab Tales - Cookbooks - 7+ Yrs


Art: 1-2-3-Ana A'rasm (I Draw) أنا أرسم

11104 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: De Rosamel, Godeleine / Casterman
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2009 Arabic Edition
Children's Art - Preschool Up


Art: 365 Fikrat fi al-rasim wa-al-Talwin فكرة في الرسم والتلوين

16234 | Arabic | Spiral Bound Hardcover
By: Usborne Books / Watt, Fiona
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2011
Kids Activities 6 and up - Draw and Paint


Art: Drawing-Hadiya الهدية

15159 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Gharaballi, Leila Mohammed
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut, 2009
Children's Arabic Story - Art - Elementary


Art: Maharat al-Tabiqiyah fi al-Funun al-Jamilah المهارات التطبيقية في الفنون الجميلة

40159 | Arabic | Spiral Bound Hardcover
By: Usborne Publishing
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2015
Painting and Drawing - 7 and Up


Arts & Crafts: Maharat al-Tatbiqiyah fi al-Tasamim al-Faniyah المهارات التطبيقية في التصاميم الفنية

16236 | Arabic | Spiral Bound Hardcover
By: Usborne Books / Watt, Fiona
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2011
Kids Activities 8 and up


Arts & Crafts: Sana't Biyadi صنعت بيدي : أعمال فنية للأطفال

60235 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sabil, W. / Hussain, F.
Pub: Dar Al Moualef, Beirut 2004
Children's Books


Arts and Crafts: Fikrat fi al-Waraq wa-al-Kartun 365 فكرة في الورق والكرتون

40160 | Arabic | Spiral Bound Hardcover
By: Osbourn Publishing
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2015
Ages 7 and Up


Baby Montessori: Animals

45172 | English | Board Book
By: Baruzzi, Agnese / Piroddi, Chiara
Baby Montessori -Animals - Baby - 0-3 years


Baby Montessori: Big or Small?

45175 | English | Board Book
By: Baruzzi, Agnese / Piroddi, Chiara
Pub: White Star / Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2021 Special Edition
Baby Montessori - Sizes - Baby - 0-3 years


Baby Montessori: Follow Me!

45173 | English | Board Book
By: Baruzzi, Agnese / Piroddi, Chiara
Pub: White Star / Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2021 Special Edition
Baby Montessori - Lines - Baby - 0-3 years


Baby Montessori: Vehicles

45174 | English | Board Book
By: Baruzzi, Agnese / Piroddi, Chiara
Pub: White Star / Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2021 Special Edition
Baby Montessori - Vehicles - Baby - 0-3 years


Bath Book and Puppet Loofah - Batbut كتاب الاستحمام مع ليفة – بطبوط

44033 | Arabic-English | Waterproof soft book + puppet loofah
By: Dar al-Maaref
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2019
Bath Book + Puppet Loofah - 6 months +


Bath Book and Puppet Loofah - Dafdu' كتاب الاستحمام مع ليفة – ضفدوع

44032 | Arabic-English | Waterproof soft book + puppet loofah
By: Dar al-Maaref
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2019
Bath Book + Puppet Loofah - 6 months +


Bath Book: Disney: Finding Nemo كتاب يسبح: فعندنج نيمو

44016 | Arabic | Waterproof soft book
By: Disney Pixar
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2019
Baby Bath Book - Disney Pixar


Bath Book: Disney: Mickey and Friends كتاب يسبح: ميكي وأصدقائه!

44015 | Arabic | Waterproof soft book
By: Disney Enterprises
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2019
Baby Bath Book - Disney


Chalkboard: Dinosurat a'la al-Lawh : al-Sabura ديناصورات على اللوح : السبورة‬‎

43438 | Arabic | Chalkboard Board Book
By: Barron's Educational Series, Incorporated
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut,
Children's Activities - Pre-k +


Chalkboard: Hayawanat Bariyat 'Ala al-Lawah : al-Sabura حيوانات برية على اللوح: السبورة‬‎

43468 | Arabic | Chalkboard Board Book
By: Barron's Educational Series, Incorporated
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2016
Children's Activities - Pre-k +


Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 10: Hassan wa-al-Hudhudan

3731 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 11: al-Qit wa-al-Far al-Zaki

3717 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Coloring Book

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 12: al-Tajir wa Ibn Irss

3712 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 13: Mughamarat al-Assdika'

3723 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 14: al-Bata wa-al-Arnab al-Moughafal

3725 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 15: al-Akhwane wa-al-Hiya

3726 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 16: al-Thalib wa-al-Tabeil al-Ajwaf

3727 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 17: al-Assad wa-al-Dabii wa-al-Hmar

3730 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 18: al-Amin' wa Kha'in al-Amana

3729 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 19: al-Jamal wa-al-Sdikaa al-Sou

3728 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 1: al-Salib wa Malik al-Hazine

3719 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 20: al-Assad wa Thalib قصص للتلوين

3733 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 2: al-Ghurab wa-al-Soobane al-Sharir

3721 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 3: al-Sulhufat al-Sarsara

3716 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Coloring Book

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 4: al-Nawrass al-Maker

3714 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Coloring Book

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 5: al-Qurd wa-al-Sulhufat al-Ghayoura

3713 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Coloring Book

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 6: al-Assad wa-al-Arnab al-Shoujaa

3718 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 7: Sibak al-Sulhufat wa-al-Arnab

3720 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 8: al-Hama al-Moutawaka

3724 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 9: Mus'ad wa Sa'id

3732 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin: Set of 20 Books قصص للتلوين

41936 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

Price: US$60
Sale price: US$30

Color and Activity: Hadith Activity Book for Kids

42582 | English | Softcover
By: Rashid, Muhammad Harun
Pub: Goodword Books, India
Child's Islamic Activity Book Ages 5 +


Color and Activity: Quran Activity Book For Kids

42583 | English | Softcover
By: Rashid, Muhammad Harun
Pub: Goodword Books, India
Child's Islamic Activity Book Ages 5 +


Color and Activity: Seerah Activity Book For Kids

40569 | English | Softcover
By: Sen, Hayrunnisa
Pub: Goodword Books, 2015
Child's Islamic Activity Book Ages 5 +


Color and Activity: Teletubbies: Lovely Presents (Arabic)

40537 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut,
Children's Coloring Activity - Preschool - Kindergarten 3-6


Color and Activity: Teletubbies: 1,2,3...4 Teletubbies (Arabic)

40538 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut,
Children's Coloring Activity - Preschool - Kindergarten 3-6


Color and Activity: Teletubbies: Dipsy's Hat (Arabic)

40540 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut,
Children's Coloring Activity - Preschool - Kindergarten 3-6


Color and Activity: Teletubbies: Laa-Laa's Song (Arabic)

40542 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut,
Children's Coloring Activity - Preschool - Kindergarten 3-6


Color and Activity: Teletubbies: Po's Blowy Day (Arabic)

40541 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut,
Children's Coloring Activity - Preschool - Kindergarten 3-6


Color and Activity: Teletubbies: Tinky Winky's Walk (Arabic)

40539 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut,
Children's Coloring Activity - Preschool - Kindergarten 3-6


Color: Book Set of 4

7091 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Asala for Publishing and Distributing, Beirut,
Children's Arabic Coloring Book 3-6

Price: US$4
Sale price: US$2

Color: Dabdub wa Alam al-Fadha'a دبدوب وعالم الفضاء

11176 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut, Beirut
Children's Arabic Coloring Book 4-8


Color: Iftah Ya Simsim: al-Hayawanat min Hawlina إفتح يا سمسم : الحيوانات من حولنا

44814 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Iftah Ya Simsim إفتح يا سمسم
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2017
Children's Activity from 3 years


Color: My Coloring Book - Set of 12 Large Books

14982 | English-Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Dar Chimal , Beirut
Children - Coloring

Price: US$42
Sale price: US$29

Color: Snoopy al-La'ub al-Marah

11172 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut, Beirut
Children's Arabic Coloring Book 4-8

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color: Snoopy al-Mutazallaj al-Bara'

11174 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut, Beirut
Children's Arabic Coloring Book 4-8

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color: Snoopy al-Riyadhi al-Nasheet

11171 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut, Beirut
Children's Arabic Coloring Book 4-8

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color: Snoopy al-Sadik al-Muhub

11170 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut, Beirut
Children's Arabic Coloring Book 4-8

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color: Snoopy al-Sibah al-Mahir

11173 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut, Beirut
Children's Arabic Coloring Book 4-8

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color: Stories from the Quran BIG Coloring Book

40570 | English | Softcover
By: Khan, Saniyasnain
Pub: Goodword, 2015
Children's Islamic Story and Activity Book Ages 5 up


Colour and Learn Du'as (Ar-En)

43851 | Arabic and English | Softcover
Pub: Islamic Book Service, New Delhi, India, 2019 Impression
Children's Islamic Coloring Book - Du'as - K - Up


Colour and Learn the 99 Beautiful Names of Allah (Ar-En)

43852 | Arabic and English | Softcover
Pub: Islamic Book Service, New Delhi, India, 2019 Impression
Children's Islamic Coloring Book - 99 Names - K - Up


Colouring Book of Wudhu and Salah (En)

43780 | English | Softcover
By: Shamsi, Muhammad Ajmal
Pub: Islamic Book Service, New Delhi, India
Children's Islamic Coloring Book - Prayer - K - Up


Crafts: Il'ab bil-Baloon اللعب بالبالون

11809 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Macaw Books
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, 2009
Childrens-Activities Book-Arabic-Crafts

Price: US$5
Sale price: US$4

Crafts: Mold Clay الابداع بل لمعجون

11812 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Macaw Books
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, 2009
Childrens-Crafts-Art - Arabic

Price: US$5
Sale price: US$4

Crafts: Origami - al-Ashya' al-Basitah أورغامي - الأشياء البسيطة

14823 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sterling Publishing
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, Beirut, 2010
Children's Crafts - Origami - Ages 5 +

Price: US$8
Sale price: US$6

Crafts: Origami - al-Hiyawanat أورغامي - الحيوانات

14822 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sterling Publishing
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, Beirut, 2010
Children's Crafts - Origami - Ages 5 +

Price: US$8
Sale price: US$6

Crafts: Origami - al-Tuyur wa-al-Hasharat أورغامي - الطيور والحشرات

14824 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sterling Publishing
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, Beirut, 2010
Children's Crafts - Origami - Ages 5 +

Price: US$8
Sale price: US$6

Crafts: Origami - lwazim al-Hafalat (al-Munasabat) أورغامي - لوازام الحفلات : المناسبات

14821 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sterling Publishing
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, Beirut, 2010
Children's Crafts - Origami - Ages 5 +

Price: US$8
Sale price: US$6

Crafts: Origami - SET of 4 أورغامي

40593 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sterling Publishing
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, Beirut, 2010
Children's Crafts - Origami - Ages 5 +

Price: US$28
Sale price: US$24

Crafts: Origami Fann Sina'at al-Namadhij al-Waraqiah الاوريجامي : فن صناعة النماذج الورقية

16802 | Arabic | Spiral Bound Hard Cover
By: Bowman, Lucy
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2013
Activities - Arts and Crafts - Elementary & Up

Price: US$18
Sale price: US$14

Crafts: Origami الابداع بلل لاوراق الملونة

11810 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Macaw Books
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, Beirut, 2009
Crafts - Origami

Price: US$5
Sale price: US$4

Crafts: Paper صناعة الطين من الورق

11813 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Macaw Books
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, 2009
Childrens-Arts-Crafts - Arabic

Price: US$5
Sale price: US$4

Crafts: Rocks Transformed الحجر المتنكر

11811 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Macaw Books
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, 2009
Childrens-Crafts-Art - Arabivc

Price: US$5
Sale price: US$4

Crafts: Wire Fuzzies الاسلك المخملية

11814 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Macaw Books
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, 2009
Childrens-Arts-Crafts - Arabic

Price: US$5
Sale price: US$4

Dawwamat - Hikayat wa-Tisali: Cinderella دوامة - حكايات و تسالي - سندريلا

42337 | Arabic | Spiral Bound Hardcover
By: Cernuschi, Claudio / Adapted to Arabic: Qar'an, Fadia
Pub: Dar al-Moualef, Beirut, 2016 Arabic Edition
Children's Arabic Tales and Activities - Ages 4+


Dawwamat - Hikayat wa-Tisali: Layla wa-al-Dhib دوامة - حكايات و تسالي - ليلى والذئب

42338 | Arabic | Spiral Bound Hardcover
By: Cernuschi, Claudio / Adapted to Arabic: Qar'an, Fadia
Pub: Dar al-Moualef, Beirut, 2016 Arabic Edition
Children's Arabic Tale and Activities - Age 4+


Dawwamat - Hikayat wa-Tisali: Peter Pan دوامة - حكايات و تسالي - بيتربان

42340 | Arabic | Spiral Bound Hardcover
By: Cernuschi, Claudio / Adapted to Arabic: Qar'an, Fadia
Pub: Dar al-Moualef, Beirut, 2016 Arabic Edition
Children's Arabic Tale and Activities - Age 4+


Dawwamat - Hikayat wa-Tisali: Pinnocchio دوامة - حكايات و تسالي - بينوكيو

42339 | Arabic | Spiral Bound Hardcover
By: Cernuschi, Claudio / Adapted to Arabic: Qar'an, Fadia
Pub: Dar al-Moualef, Beirut, 2016 Arabic Edition
Children's Arabic Tale and Activities - Age 4+


Disney Frozen: Activities & Color العب و الون : فروزن

44815 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Disney Enterprises
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2015
Children's Activities - Ages 6-10


Disney Pixar: Activities: Atillim wa-Amrah Ma' al-Sayyarat 3 أتعلّم وأمرح مع السيارات 3

43152 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Disney Pixar
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2018
Learning Activities - Math - Ages 6-8


Disney Princess Color and Stickers تعالوا نلوّن مع

43867 | Softcover
By: Disney
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2019
Children's Activities - Coloring - Sticker - Ages 4+


Disney Princess: Activities اميرات: كتاب الألعاب والتسلية

10716 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Disney/Pixar
Pub: Academia, Beirut, 2006
Children's Arabic Activity Book 4-8


Disney Princesses: Iqra wa Alawn bi Hasab al-Arqam أقرأ وألوّن بحسب الأرقام

74185 | Arabic - English | Softcover
By: Disney
Pub: Hachette Antoine, 2020
Coloring Book - First Sentences - Disney - 4+ Yrs


Disney: Minnie Iqra wa Alawn bi Hasab al-Arqam أقرأ وألوّن بحسب الأرقام

74184 | Arabic - English | Softcover
By: Disney
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2020
Coloring Book - Disney - 4+ Yrs


Disney: Star Wars: Power in the Galaxy Color and Stickers احلى تلوين

73927 | N/A | Softcover
By: Lucas, George / Disney
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut 2018
Children's Activities - Coloring - Sticker - Ages 4+


Disney: Star Wars: Rogue One Coloring Universe

74186 | N/A | Softcover
By: Lucasfilm
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut 2017
Coloring Book - Star Wars - 3+ Yrs


Disney: Star Wars: The Force Awakens Color and Stickers تعالوا نلوّن مع

43866 | Softcover
By: Disney
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2019
Children's Activities - Coloring - Sticker - Ages 4+


Disney: Starwars: Solo Color and Stickers أحلى تلوين مع ستيكرز

73928 | 9.78614E+12 | Softcover
By: Disney
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut 2019
Children's Activities - Coloring - Sticker - Ages 4+


Dome of the Rock Painting Canvas (Al-Aqsa)

81172 | Canvas Stretched in Frame
By: Blissed Kids
Pub: Blissed Kids, Newport Beach, California 2025
Kids Activity - Islamic - Painting - Ages 3 +


Eid Painting Canvas--Includes Paint

81169 | Canvas Stretched in Frame
By: Blissed Kids
Pub: Blissed Kids, Newport Beach, California 2025
Kids Activity - Eid Decoration - Painting


Hajj and Umrah Activity Book (Big Kids)

74071 | English | Softcover
By: Group
Pub: Learning Roots, 2021
Islam - Hajj - 8+ Yrs


Hajj and Umrah Activity Book (Little Kids)

74072 | English | Softcover
By: Group
Pub: Learning Roots, 2021
Islam - Hajj - 5+ Yrs


Hurufi al-Abjadiyah Coloring حروفي الأبجدية

44166 | Arabic | Softcover Coloring Book
By: Muhaydali, Nabihah نبيهة محيدلي / Ill: Baalbaki, Muhammad محمد بعلبكي
Pub: Hadaek Group, Beirut, 2017
Children's Coloring Book - Toddler - Pre-k - K


Jungle Stick n' Color: Butterfly

16820 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Jungle Stick n' Color: Cat

16819 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Jungle Stick n' Color: Dog

16818 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Jungle Stick n' Color: Elephant

16817 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Jungle Stick n' Color: Frog

16816 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Jungle Stick n' Color: Hippo

16815 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Jungle Stick n' Color: Lion

16814 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Jungle Stick n' Color: Monkey

16813 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Jungle Stick n' Color: Octopus

16812 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Jungle Stick n' Color: Owl

16811 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Jungle Stick n' Color: Panda

16810 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Jungle Stick n' Color: Rabbit

16809 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Jungle Stick n' Color: Rooster

16808 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Jungle Stick n' Color: Snake

16807 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Jungle Stick n' Color: Turtle

16806 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Lanaqum Bi Masharia Ra'ia لنقم بمشاريع رائعة

80417 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Khoury, J.B. ج ب الخوري
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut, 2022
Arts & Crafts - 8+ Yrs


Lawn li al-Mazra'ah لون لي المزرعة

44886 | Arabic | Board Book w/Paint Brush
By: Priddy Books
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2021
Children's Activity Book - Trucks - Ages 3-6


Lawn li al-Shahinat لون لي الشاحنات

44885 | Arabic | Board Book
By: Priddy Books
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2021
Children's Activity Book - Trucks - Ages 3-6


Learning Arabic Alphabet: Fun Activities for Kids

43779 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Mateenuddin Ahmad
Pub: Goodword Books, India, 2017
Kids Learn Arabic Letters - Ages 3+


Luzah لوزة

71422 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Yilmaz, Muzeyyen
Pub: Asala, 2017
Art - Coloring Book - Ages 6-9


Man Ana fi Ramadan ? من أنا في رمضان

44535 | Arabic | Softcover and activity tools
By: Digital Future
Pub: Digital Future, Beirut, 2020
Arabic Story and Activity for Youth, Ramadan, Ages 7-12


Marvel Heroes : Activities متعة التلوين...مع ملصقات

73838 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Marvel Kids
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut 2020
Children's Activities - Coloring - Stickers - Marvel - Ages 3+


Marvel: Black Panther Activities & Color الفَهد الأسوَد - أحلى تلوين

73839 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Marvel Studios
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut 2018
Coloring Book w/ Stickers - Marvel, Ages 3+


Marvel: Super Heroes Iqra wa Alawn bi Hasab al-Arqam أقرأ وألوّن بحسب الأرقام

74183 | Arabic - English | Softcover
By: Marvel
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2020
Coloring - First Sentences - 4+ Yrs


Masjid an-Nabawi Painting Canvas (Madina)

81171 | Canvas Stretched in Frame
By: Blissed Kids
Pub: Blissed Kids, Newport Beach, California 2025
Kids Activity - Islamic - Painting - Ages 3 +


Montessori Mukhtabar fi al-Manzil مونتيسوري مختبر في المنزل

44972 | Arabic | Flexi Card Cover w/Flaps
By: Perodi, Chiara شيارا بيرودي
Pub: ASP. Beirut, 2021
Children's Activities - Parenting - Teaching


MU Bros : Let's Learn Arabic ! Activity & Practice Coloring Book

75381 | Arabic & English | Softcover
By: Sengsone, Judy
Pub: MU Girls LLC, Nevada 2023
Children's Coloring and Activity - Learn Arabic - Islam - Ages 5+


MU Girls : I Am Beautiful because .... (Vol 1)

75385 | English | Softcover
By: Sengsone, Judy
Pub: MU Girls LLC, Nevada 2023
Children's Coloring - Girls - Islam - Ages 7+


MU Girls : I Am Beautiful because .... (Vol 2)

75383 | English | Softcover
By: Sengsone, Judy
Pub: MU Girls LLC, Nevada 2023
Children's Coloring - Girls - Islam - Ages 7+


MU Girls Coloring Book: Mosques Around The World - Adventure Awaits

75384 | English | Softcover
By: Sengsone, Judy
Pub: MU Girls LLC, Nevada 2023
Children's Coloring and Activity - Mosques - Islam - Ages 5+


MU Girls Coloring Book: Mosques Around The World - Passport to Fun

75382 | English | Softcover
By: Sengsone, Judy
Pub: MU Girls LLC, Nevada 2023
Children's Coloring and Activity - Mosques - Islam - Ages 5+


Mudhakkirat Tufulati (BLUE) مذكرات طفولتي

41712 | Arabic | Padded Hardcover
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, Beirut
Baby Memory Book


Mudhakkirat Tufulati (PINK) مذكرات طفولتي

41713 | Arabic | Padded Hardcover
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, Beirut
Baby Memory Book


Mudhakkirat Tufulati (PINK, w/CD) مذكرات طفولتي

41670 | Arabic | Padded Hardcover + CD
By: EdiBimbi
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, Beirut, 2011
Baby Memory Book


My First Book of Arabic Writing كتاب الاول للخط العربي

73918 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Soltana, Lynda
Pub: Iqra, US, 2022
Children's Arabic Handwriting - Elementary


Palestine: Activity Book

81107 | English | Softcover
By: Joossab, Adilah
Pub: Kube Publishing, Leicestershire 2024
Activity book - Kids - Palestine - Ages 6-8


Paw Patrol Color and Stickers: Quwwat al-Fariq Talwinat قوّة الفريق تلوينات... مع الكثير من الستيكرز

43865 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Nickelodeon
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2019
Children's Activities - Coloring - Sticker - Ages 4-8


Paw Patrol Color and Stickers: Talwinat Han Waqat al-Qataf تلوينات حان وقت القطاف

72496 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Nickelodeon
Pub: Hachette Antoine, 2019
Children's Activities - Coloring - Sticker - Ages 4-8


Paw Patrol Color: Talwin Dawriyat al-Makhlab تلوين دورية المخلب

72490 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Nickelodeon
Pub: Hachette Antoine, 2019
Children's Activities - Coloring - Ages 4-8


Paw Patrol Color: Talwin Haya Intalq! تلوين هيا انطلق

72491 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Nickelodeon
Pub: Hachette Antoine, 2019
Children's Activities - Coloring - Ages 4-8


Preschool Activity Book

44497 | English | Softcover
By: Weekend Learners
Pub: Weekend Learning, Columbus, Ohio, USA, 2021
Activities - Toddler - Preschool


Ramadan Activity Book (Big Kids)

74073 | English-Arabic | Softcover
By: Group
Pub: Learning Roots, 2019
Islam - Ramadan - 8+ Yrs


Ramadan Activity Book (Little Kids)

74074 | English-Arabic | Softcover
By: Group
Pub: Learning Roots, 2019
Islam - Ramadan - 5+ Yrs


Ramadan on Rahma Road: A Recipe Storybook

45277 | English | Hardcover
By: Gutta, Razeena Omar & Osman, Faaiza / Ill: Sohrabi Atieh
Pub: Barefoot Books, Concord, MA, 2025
Cookbook - Recipe Storybook - Ages 6-8 +


Ramadan Painting Canvas - Includes Paint

81170 | Canvas Stretched in Frame
By: Blissed Kids
Pub: Blissed Kids, Newport Beach, California 2025
Kida Activity - Ramadan - Painting - Ages 3 +


Sajill Hayat al-Tifl lil-Awlad سجل حياة الطفل للاولاد

43183 | Arabic | Padded Hardcover with Ribbon Tie Closure
By: Om Books International
Pub: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabia, 2016 Arabic Edition
Baby Memory Book


Sajill Hayat al-Tifl lil-Banat سجل حياة الطفل للبنات

43182 | Arabic | Padded Hardcover with Ribbon Tie Closure
By: Om Books International
Pub: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabia, 2016 Arabic Edition
Baby Memory Book


San'tu Biyadi : A'mal Faniyah lil-Atfal صنعت بيدي : أعمال فنية للأطفال

44536 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sabil, Wafa / Hussein, Fatima
Pub: Dar al-Moualef, Beirut, 2006
Activities - Primary School Ages - Illustrated Guide


Sticker Book (Arabic) Home البيت

6357 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut, 1997
Children't Activity Book - Arabic

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Sticker Book (Arabic) Shapes الأشكال

6360 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut, 1997
Children't Activity Book - Arabic

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Sticker Book (Arabic) Shopping التسوّق

6358 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut, 1997
Children't Activity Book - Arabic

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Sticker Book (Arabic) Things That Go المركبات

6356 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut, 1997
Children't Activity Book - Arabic

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Sticker Book (Arabic) Time الوقت

6361 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut, 1997
Children't Activity Book - Arabic

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Sticker Book: Teletubbies: Come and Play (Arabic)

40545 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut,
Children's Sticker Book - Preschool - Kindergarten 3-6


Sticker Book: Teletubbies: Magical Stories (Arabic)

40543 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut,
Children's Sticker Book - Preschool - Kindergarten 3-6


Sticker Book: Teletubbies: The Teletubbyland (Arabic)

40544 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut,
Children's Sticker Book - Preschool - Kindergarten 3-6


Stickers & Story: Talia: Ana Atanakaru أنا أَتَنَكَّرُ

16256 | Arabic | Softcover - Shaped Handle
By: Akawi, Rihab / Ballon Media
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2012 Arabic Edition
Arabic Story and Sticker Book - Age 4 +


Stickers & Story: Talia: Eid Milad Sa'id ! عيد ميلاد سعيد

16255 | Arabic | Softcover - Shaped Handle
By: Akawi, Rihab / Ballon Media
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2012 Arabic Edition
Arabic Story and Sticker Book - Age 4 +


Stickers & Story: Talia: Haflatun fi al-Hadiqah حفلة في الحديقة

16258 | Arabic | Softcover - Shaped Handle
By: Akawi, Rihab / Ballon Media
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2012 Arabic Edition
Arabic Story and Sticker Book - Age 4 +


Stickers & Story: Talia: Sadiqati صديقاتي

16257 | Arabic | Softcover - Shaped Handle
By: Akawi, Rihab / Ballon Media
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2012 Arabic Edition
Arabic Story and Sticker Book - Age 4 +


Super Muslim Art Studio (Blue)

75502 | English | Softcover
By: Iman Kidz
Pub: Iman Kidz Ltd, London 2023
Kids Activity - Stationary - Art - Boys - Preschool +


T. Rex: Kitab Unmudhaj كتاب التيرانوصور : كتاب أنموذج

44477 | Arabic | Board Book
By: Fullman, Joe / Akkawi, Dr. Rehab
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2018 Arabic Edition / Arcturus Holding Ltd.
Interactive Board Book - Punch-out play figures


Ta Awal Harf min Tasliyah ت اول حرف من تسلية - كتاب ممتع للتلوين و الانشطة

74187 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sesame Workshop
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2017
Coloring Book - Reading - Activities - 4+ Yrs


Tamarin Mumti'ah: 2 تمارين ممتعة

72841 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Dayah, Hanadi / Shamah, Manal
Pub: Asala, 2018
Children's Arabic Curriculum - Ages Pre-K +


Tamarin Mumti'ah: 4 تمارين ممتعة

72840 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Dayah, Hanadi / Shamah, Manal
Pub: Asala, 2018
Children's Arabic Curriculum - Ages 5-8 K+


Tamarin Mumti'ah: 5 تمارين ممتعة

72839 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Dayah, Hanadi / Shamah, Manal
Pub: Asala, 2018
Children's Arabic Curriculum - Ages 5-8 - K+


Tamarin Mumti'ah: 6 تمارين ممتعة

72838 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Dayah, Hanadi / Shamah, Manal
Pub: Asala Publishing, Beirut, 2018
Children's Arabic Curriculum - Ages 5-8 - K+


Tasliyat al-Atfal al-Sighar wa Taw'iyatuhum تسلية الاطفال الصغار وتوعيتهم

80040 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Young, Caroline كارولين يانغ
Pub: Academia, Beirut, 2008 Arabic Edition
Parenting - Children - Educating - Play - Activities


Tufulati al-Awla طفولتي الأولى، نشاطات معرفية لمرحلة ما قبل المدرسة

74558 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Khateeb, Ahmad, Group of Educators مجموعة مؤلفين
Pub: Dar al Hadaiq, Beirut 2019
Chidren's Cognitive Activity Book - Preschool - Ages 3-5


Uhibbu al-Yugha أحب اليوغا

45171 | Arabic | Softcover - Cardstock
By: Berk, Ezgi / Ill: Ulusan, Rukiye
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2020 Arabic Edition
Chldren's Health - Activity - Yoga - Ages 5+


Color: Snoopy al-Mutazallaj al-Bara'

11174 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut, Beirut
Children's Arabic Coloring Book 4-8

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color: Book Set of 4

7091 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Asala for Publishing and Distributing, Beirut,
Children's Arabic Coloring Book 3-6

Price: US$4
Sale price: US$2

Color: Snoopy al-Sibah al-Mahir

11173 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut, Beirut
Children's Arabic Coloring Book 4-8

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color: Snoopy al-La'ub al-Marah

11172 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut, Beirut
Children's Arabic Coloring Book 4-8

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color: Snoopy al-Sadik al-Muhub

11170 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut, Beirut
Children's Arabic Coloring Book 4-8

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color: Snoopy al-Riyadhi al-Nasheet

11171 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut, Beirut
Children's Arabic Coloring Book 4-8

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 5: al-Qurd wa-al-Sulhufat al-Ghayoura

3713 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Coloring Book

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 20: al-Assad wa Thalib قصص للتلوين

3733 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 10: Hassan wa-al-Hudhudan

3731 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 17: al-Assad wa-al-Dabii wa-al-Hmar

3730 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 9: Mus'ad wa Sa'id

3732 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 18: al-Amin' wa Kha'in al-Amana

3729 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 19: al-Jamal wa-al-Sdikaa al-Sou

3728 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 16: al-Thalib wa-al-Tabeil al-Ajwaf

3727 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 15: al-Akhwane wa-al-Hiya

3726 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 14: al-Bata wa-al-Arnab al-Moughafal

3725 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 8: al-Hama al-Moutawaka

3724 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 13: Mughamarat al-Assdika'

3723 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 2: al-Ghurab wa-al-Soobane al-Sharir

3721 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 7: Sibak al-Sulhufat wa-al-Arnab

3720 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 1: al-Salib wa Malik al-Hazine

3719 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 6: al-Assad wa-al-Arnab al-Shoujaa

3718 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 11: al-Qit wa-al-Far al-Zaki

3717 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Coloring Book

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 3: al-Sulhufat al-Sarsara

3716 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Coloring Book

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 4: al-Nawrass al-Maker

3714 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Coloring Book

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 12: al-Tajir wa Ibn Irss

3712 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Sticker Book (Arabic) Home البيت

6357 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut, 1997
Children't Activity Book - Arabic

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Sticker Book (Arabic) Shopping التسوّق

6358 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut, 1997
Children't Activity Book - Arabic

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Sticker Book (Arabic) Shapes الأشكال

6360 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut, 1997
Children't Activity Book - Arabic

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Sticker Book (Arabic) Time الوقت

6361 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut, 1997
Children't Activity Book - Arabic

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Sticker Book (Arabic) Things That Go المركبات

6356 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut, 1997
Children't Activity Book - Arabic

Price: US$3
Sale price: US$2

Crafts: Wire Fuzzies الاسلك المخملية

11814 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Macaw Books
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, 2009
Childrens-Arts-Crafts - Arabic

Price: US$5
Sale price: US$4

Crafts: Paper صناعة الطين من الورق

11813 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Macaw Books
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, 2009
Childrens-Arts-Crafts - Arabic

Price: US$5
Sale price: US$4

Crafts: Mold Clay الابداع بل لمعجون

11812 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Macaw Books
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, 2009
Childrens-Crafts-Art - Arabic

Price: US$5
Sale price: US$4

Crafts: Rocks Transformed الحجر المتنكر

11811 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Macaw Books
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, 2009
Childrens-Crafts-Art - Arabivc

Price: US$5
Sale price: US$4

Crafts: Origami الابداع بلل لاوراق الملونة

11810 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Macaw Books
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, Beirut, 2009
Crafts - Origami

Price: US$5
Sale price: US$4

Crafts: Il'ab bil-Baloon اللعب بالبالون

11809 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Macaw Books
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, 2009
Childrens-Activities Book-Arabic-Crafts

Price: US$5
Sale price: US$4

Crafts: Origami - lwazim al-Hafalat (al-Munasabat) أورغامي - لوازام الحفلات : المناسبات

14821 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sterling Publishing
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, Beirut, 2010
Children's Crafts - Origami - Ages 5 +

Price: US$8
Sale price: US$6

Crafts: Origami - al-Hiyawanat أورغامي - الحيوانات

14822 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sterling Publishing
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, Beirut, 2010
Children's Crafts - Origami - Ages 5 +

Price: US$8
Sale price: US$6

Crafts: Origami - al-Ashya' al-Basitah أورغامي - الأشياء البسيطة

14823 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sterling Publishing
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, Beirut, 2010
Children's Crafts - Origami - Ages 5 +

Price: US$8
Sale price: US$6

Crafts: Origami - al-Tuyur wa-al-Hasharat أورغامي - الطيور والحشرات

14824 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sterling Publishing
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, Beirut, 2010
Children's Crafts - Origami - Ages 5 +

Price: US$8
Sale price: US$6

Activities: I Learn About: Shapes

14594 | Arabic, English, and Spanish | Hardcover
By: Group
Pub: Academia, Beirut
Children's Activity Book

Price: US$10
Sale price: US$8

Crafts: Origami Fann Sina'at al-Namadhij al-Waraqiah الاوريجامي : فن صناعة النماذج الورقية

16802 | Arabic | Spiral Bound Hard Cover
By: Bowman, Lucy
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2013
Activities - Arts and Crafts - Elementary & Up

Price: US$18
Sale price: US$14

Crafts: Origami - SET of 4 أورغامي

40593 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sterling Publishing
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, Beirut, 2010
Children's Crafts - Origami - Ages 5 +

Price: US$28
Sale price: US$24

Color: My Coloring Book - Set of 12 Large Books

14982 | English-Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Dar Chimal , Beirut
Children - Coloring

Price: US$42
Sale price: US$29

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin: Set of 20 Books قصص للتلوين

41936 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

Price: US$60
Sale price: US$30

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