MENUMENU - الكتاب
الأطفال : القصص البازل : المنبثقة : ممغنطة
Books: Puzzle - Pop-up - Magnetic
These pop-up, puzzle and magnet books are fun for the child, and in Arabic Too!


Amazing Pop Ups: Human Body

81001 | English | Board Book with Pop Ups
By: Hawcock, David
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2023 / Nuinui
Children's Popup Book - Human Anatomy - 3+ Yrs


Amazing Pop Ups: Jungle

81000 | English | Board Book With Pop Ups
By: Hawcock, David
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2023 / Nuinui
Children's Popup Book - Discovery - Jungle Life - 3+ Yrs


Book w/Puzzle - Alice in Wonderland (Ar) أليس في بلاد العجائب

11361 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Vecchi Editore - Italy
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, Beirut
Children's Puzzle Book


Book w/Puzzle - Animal Babies (Ar) صغار الحيوانات

11363 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: RL Publishing Group / Gian Luca Olivieri
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, Beirut, 2008
Children's Puzzle Book


Book w/Puzzle - Cinderella سندرلا

15301 | Arabic | Board Book with Puzzle
By: RL Gruppo Editoriale
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, Beirut, 2008
Children's Puzzle Book


Book w/Puzzle - Cinderella (Ar) سندريلا

6736 | Arabic | Hardcover
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, Beirut, 2007
Children's Puzzle Book


Book w/Puzzle - Da'boul fi al-Cirq

15693 | Arabic | Padded Hard Board
By: Editions Caramel
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut
Chidren's Arabic Book 4-8


Book w/Puzzle - Da'boul fi al-Mazra'ah

15694 | Arabic | Padded Hard Board
By: Editions Caramel
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut
Chidren's Arabic Book 4-8


Book w/Puzzle - Da'boul fi al-Muntazah

15691 | Arabic | Padded Hard Board
By: Editions Caramel
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut
Chidren's Arabic Book 4-8


Book w/Puzzle - Da'boul fi Hadikat al-Hayawanat

15692 | Arabic | Padded Hard Board
By: Editions Caramel
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut
Chidren's Arabic Book 4-8


Book w/Puzzle - Hansel and Gretel (Ar) هانسل وغراتيل

6737 | Arabic | Hardcover
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, Beirut, 2007
Children's Puzzle Book


Book w/Puzzle - In View of Dogs (Ar) جراء الكلاب

11365 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: RL Publishing Group / Gian Luca Olivieri
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, Beirut, 2008
Children's Puzzle Book


Book w/Puzzle - Little Red Riding Hood (Ar) القبعة الحمراء

6738 | Arabic | Hardcover
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, Beirut, 2007
Children's Puzzle Book


Book w/Puzzle - Mermaid حورية البحر

15298 | Arabic | Board Book with Puzzles
By: RL Gruppo Editoriale
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, Beirut, 2008
Children's Puzzle Book


Book w/Puzzle - Red Riding Hood ذات القبعة الحمراء

15300 | Arabic | Board Book with Puzzle
By: RL Gruppo Editoriale
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, Beirut, 2008
Children's Puzzle Book


Book w/Puzzle - Sleeping Beauty لاميرة النائمة

15302 | Arabic | Board Book with Puzzle
By: RL Gruppo Editoriale
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, Beirut, 2008
Children's Puzzle Book


Book w/Puzzle - Snow White بياض الثلج

15299 | Arabic | Board Book with Puzzle
By: RL Gruppo Editoriale
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, Beirut, 2008
Children's Puzzle Book


Book w/Puzzle - Snow White (Ar) بياض الثلج

6739 | Arabic | Hardcover
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, Beirut, 2007
Children's Puzzle Book


Book w/Puzzle - Teddy at the Farm (Ar) دبدوب في المزرعة

11277 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Caramel-Belgium, 2006
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2006
Children's Puzzle Book


Book w/Puzzle - Teddy at the Sea Shore (Ar) دبدوب على شاطئ البحر

11359 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Caramel-Belgium, 2005 / Zeina Zein
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2005
Children's Puzzle Book


Book w/Puzzle - Teddy in the Forest (Ar) دبدوب في الغابة

11360 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Caramel-Belgium, 2005 / Zeina Zein
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2005
Children's Puzzle Book


Book w/Puzzle - Ugly Duckling (Ar) البطة القبيحة

6740 | Arabic | Hardcover
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, Beirut, 2007
Children's Puzzle Book


Learn & Play With Magnets: al-'Ad Ma' al-Qarasinah العد مع القراصنة

81005 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Daw, Raymond
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2019
Children's Interactive Book - Discovery - Counting - 3+ Yrs


Learn & Play With Magnets: al-'Addad ma' al-Hayawanat مغناطيسي: الأضداد مع الحيوانات

81003 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Illustrated by: Crisp, Dan
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2019
Children's Discovery - Animals - Opposites - 3+ Yrs


Learn & Play With Magnets: al-Alwan الالوان

81004 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Daw, Raymond
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2019
Children's Discovery - Colors - 3+ Yrs


Learn & Play with Magnets: al-Ashkal Ma al-Jinayat الاشكال مع الجنيات

81014 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Daw, Raymond
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2019
Children's Interactive - Discovery - Shapes - 3+ Yrs


Learn & Play With Magnets: al-Dub Billy al-Id min 1-10 مغناطيسي: الدب بيلي العد من 1-10

81002 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Top That! Publishing
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2024
Children's Interactive - Magnetic Book - Counting - Preschool 3+


Maghnatisi: Jazirat al-Dinosaurat جزيرة الديناصورات

81008 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Nuhra, Salma
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2024
Children's Interactive Story - Dinosaurs - 3+ Yrs


Maghnatisi: Wasa'il al-Naqal وسائلل النقل

81007 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Nuhra, Salma
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2024
Children's Interactive Story - Discovery - Vehicles - 3+ Yrs


Magnetic Play and Learn: On the Farm

81011 | English | Hardcover
By: Group
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2024
Children's Interactive - Discovery - Farm - 3+ Yrs


Magnetic Play and Learn: Opposites with Animals

81010 | English | Hardcover
By: Crisp, Dan
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2024
Children's Interactive - Discovery - Opposites - 3+ Yrs


Magnetic Play and Learn: Shapes with Fairies

81009 | English | Hardcover
By: Ellis, Lauren
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2024
Children's Inteactive Book - Discovery - Shapes - 3+ Yrs


Magnetic Play and Learn: Wild Animals

81012 | English | Hardcover
By: Group
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2024
Children's Discovery - Animals - 3+ Yrs


Peep Inside: Al-Ghabat: Min bi-al-dakhil? الغابة : من بالداخل؟

45219 | Arabic | Board Book - Die-Cut Windows - 3-D Popup Flap
By: Librairie du-Lubnan
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2019
Children's Arabic Board Book - Interactive - Forect - Ages 3-6


Peep Inside: Al-Hadiqat: Min bi-al-dakhil? الحديقة : من بالداخل؟

45218 | Arabic | Board Book - Die-Cut Windows - 3-D Popup Flap
By: Librairie du-Lubnan
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2019
Children's Arabic Board Book - Interactive - Garden - Ages 3-6


Popup - al-Ghabah الغابة

80419 | Arabic | Board - Popup
By: Hawcock, David ديفيد هوكوك / Abbas, Simon سيمون العباس
Pub: Stephan, Beirut, NueNue Books, 2023
Children's Pop-up Book - Jungle Animals - 3+ Yrs


Popup - Ard al-A'jeeb (27 x 21cm)

3591 | Arabic | Hardcover
Pub: Dar al-Fikr, Beirut
Children's Pop-up Book


Popup - Asadiqa fi al-Bahar (27x27cm) أصدقائي في البحر

7387 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Robert Frederick Ltd), Translated by Abdel Salam
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2004
Children's Pop-up Book

  Sale Price: US$8

Popup - Asadiqa fi al-Mazr'a (27x27cm) أصدقائي في المزرعة

14610 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Deverel, Richard
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut
Children's Pop-up Book

  Sale Price: US$8

Popup - Asadiqa fi al-Mazr'a (15x15cm) أصدقائي في المزرعة

7385 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Watson, Patrick (Robert Frederick Ltd), Translated by Abdel Salam
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2004
Children's Pop-up Book


Popup - Asfour fi Hadiqa al-Hayawanat (27 x 21cm)

3577 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Marshak, S.
Pub: Dar al-Fikr, Beirut
Children's Pop-up Book


Popup - Dayouf al-Ghaaba (27 x 21cm)

3592 | Arabic | Hardcover
Pub: Dar al-Fikr, Beirut
Children's Pop-up Book


Popup - Hayya Bina Ma'a al-Markabat هيا بنا مع المركبات

44809 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Dar al-Maaref
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2020
Children's Pop-up Book Ages 4+


Popup - Iwazaat al-Bayda (27 x 21cm)

3587 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Shustovoi, L.B.
Pub: Dar al-Fikr, Beirut
Children's Pop-up Book


Popup - Jism al-Insan جسم الانسان

80420 | Arabic | Board - Popup
By: Hawcock, David ديفيد هوكوك / Abbas, Simon سيمون العباس
Pub: Stephan, Beirut, NueNue Books, 2023
Children's Pop-up Book - Human Body - 3+ Yrs


Popup - Kobtolaat(27 x 21cm)

3590 | Arabic | Hardcover
Pub: Dar al-Fikr, Beirut
Children's Pop-up Book


Popup - L'aab Labna wa Kanan (27 x 21cm)

3578 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Barto, A.
Pub: Dar al-Fikr, Beirut
Children's Pop-up Book


Popup - Mahrajoun al-Saghar (27 x 21cm)

3580 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Folletti
Pub: Dar al-Fikr, Beirut
Children's Pop-up Book


Popup - Markabatu al-Halati al-Tari'ah مركبات الحالات الطارئة

80418 | Arabic | Board - Popup
By: Hawcock, David ديفيد هوكوك / Abbas, Simon سيمون العباس
Pub: Stephan, Beirut, NueNue Books, 2023
Children's Pop-up Book - Vehicles - 3+ Yrs


Popup - Pinochio (27 x 21cm)

3585 | Arabic | Hardcover
Pub: Dar al-Fikr, Beirut
Children's Pop-up Book


Popup - Rajal al-Thalj (27 x 21cm)

3586 | Arabic | Hardcover
Pub: Dar al-Fikr, Beirut
Children's Pop-up Book


Popup - Tabib al-Ghaba (27 x 21 cm)

3579 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Tchkovsky, K.I
Pub: Dar al-Fikr, Beirut
Children's Pop-up Book


Popup - Tales - Al-Hasna' wa-al-Wahsh (14x24cm) الحسناء والوحش

7407 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Grandreams Books Ltd, UK
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2004
Children's Pop-up Book

  Sale Price: US$3

Popup - Tales - Bayad al-Thalij (14x24cm) بياض الثلج

7408 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Grandreams Books Ltd, UK
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2004
Children's Pop-up Book

  Sale Price: US$3

Popup - Tales - Cinderella (14x24cm) سندريللا

7404 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Grandreams Books Ltd, UK
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2004
Children's Pop-up Book

  Sale Price: US$3

Popup - Tales - Peter Pan (14x24cm) بيتر بان

7405 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Grandreams Books Ltd, UK
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2004
Children's Pop-up Book

  Sale Price: US$5

Popup - Tales - Salam wa-al-Fasuliya (14x24cm) سالم والفاصوليا

7403 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Grandreams Books Ltd, UK
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2004
Children's Pop-up Book

  Sale Price: US$3

Popup - Umlaak (27 x 21cm)

3589 | Arabic | Hardcover
Pub: Dar al-Fikr, Beirut
Children's Pop-up Book


Book w/Puzzle - Ugly Duckling (Ar) البطة القبيحة

6740 | Arabic | Hardcover
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, Beirut, 2007
Children's Puzzle Book


Book w/Puzzle - Snow White (Ar) بياض الثلج

6739 | Arabic | Hardcover
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, Beirut, 2007
Children's Puzzle Book


Book w/Puzzle - Little Red Riding Hood (Ar) القبعة الحمراء

6738 | Arabic | Hardcover
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, Beirut, 2007
Children's Puzzle Book


Popup - Pinochio (27 x 21cm)

3585 | Arabic | Hardcover
Pub: Dar al-Fikr, Beirut
Children's Pop-up Book


Popup - Rajal al-Thalj (27 x 21cm)

3586 | Arabic | Hardcover
Pub: Dar al-Fikr, Beirut
Children's Pop-up Book


Book w/Puzzle - Hansel and Gretel (Ar) هانسل وغراتيل

6737 | Arabic | Hardcover
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, Beirut, 2007
Children's Puzzle Book


Popup - Umlaak (27 x 21cm)

3589 | Arabic | Hardcover
Pub: Dar al-Fikr, Beirut
Children's Pop-up Book


Popup - Kobtolaat(27 x 21cm)

3590 | Arabic | Hardcover
Pub: Dar al-Fikr, Beirut
Children's Pop-up Book


Popup - Ard al-A'jeeb (27 x 21cm)

3591 | Arabic | Hardcover
Pub: Dar al-Fikr, Beirut
Children's Pop-up Book


Popup - Dayouf al-Ghaaba (27 x 21cm)

3592 | Arabic | Hardcover
Pub: Dar al-Fikr, Beirut
Children's Pop-up Book


Book w/Puzzle - Cinderella (Ar) سندريلا

6736 | Arabic | Hardcover
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, Beirut, 2007
Children's Puzzle Book


Popup - L'aab Labna wa Kanan (27 x 21cm)

3578 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Barto, A.
Pub: Dar al-Fikr, Beirut
Children's Pop-up Book


Book w/Puzzle - Teddy in the Forest (Ar) دبدوب في الغابة

11360 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Caramel-Belgium, 2005 / Zeina Zein
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2005
Children's Puzzle Book


Book w/Puzzle - Teddy at the Sea Shore (Ar) دبدوب على شاطئ البحر

11359 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Caramel-Belgium, 2005 / Zeina Zein
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2005
Children's Puzzle Book


Book w/Puzzle - Teddy at the Farm (Ar) دبدوب في المزرعة

11277 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Caramel-Belgium, 2006
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2006
Children's Puzzle Book


Magnetic Play and Learn: Opposites with Animals

81010 | English | Hardcover
By: Crisp, Dan
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2024
Children's Interactive - Discovery - Opposites - 3+ Yrs


Popup - Hayya Bina Ma'a al-Markabat هيا بنا مع المركبات

44809 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Dar al-Maaref
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2020
Children's Pop-up Book Ages 4+


Learn & Play With Magnets: al-Alwan الالوان

81004 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Daw, Raymond
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2019
Children's Discovery - Colors - 3+ Yrs


Learn & Play With Magnets: al-'Ad Ma' al-Qarasinah العد مع القراصنة

81005 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Daw, Raymond
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2019
Children's Interactive Book - Discovery - Counting - 3+ Yrs


Learn & Play with Magnets: al-Ashkal Ma al-Jinayat الاشكال مع الجنيات

81014 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Daw, Raymond
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2019
Children's Interactive - Discovery - Shapes - 3+ Yrs


Popup - Asadiqa fi al-Mazr'a (27x27cm) أصدقائي في المزرعة

14610 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Deverel, Richard
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut
Children's Pop-up Book

  Sale Price: US$8

Book w/Puzzle - Da'boul fi al-Mazra'ah

15694 | Arabic | Padded Hard Board
By: Editions Caramel
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut
Chidren's Arabic Book 4-8


Book w/Puzzle - Da'boul fi al-Cirq

15693 | Arabic | Padded Hard Board
By: Editions Caramel
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut
Chidren's Arabic Book 4-8


Book w/Puzzle - Da'boul fi al-Muntazah

15691 | Arabic | Padded Hard Board
By: Editions Caramel
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut
Chidren's Arabic Book 4-8


Book w/Puzzle - Da'boul fi Hadikat al-Hayawanat

15692 | Arabic | Padded Hard Board
By: Editions Caramel
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut
Chidren's Arabic Book 4-8


Magnetic Play and Learn: Shapes with Fairies

81009 | English | Hardcover
By: Ellis, Lauren
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2024
Children's Inteactive Book - Discovery - Shapes - 3+ Yrs


Popup - Mahrajoun al-Saghar (27 x 21cm)

3580 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Folletti
Pub: Dar al-Fikr, Beirut
Children's Pop-up Book


Popup - Tales - Al-Hasna' wa-al-Wahsh (14x24cm) الحسناء والوحش

7407 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Grandreams Books Ltd, UK
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2004
Children's Pop-up Book

  Sale Price: US$3

Popup - Tales - Peter Pan (14x24cm) بيتر بان

7405 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Grandreams Books Ltd, UK
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2004
Children's Pop-up Book

  Sale Price: US$5

Popup - Tales - Cinderella (14x24cm) سندريللا

7404 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Grandreams Books Ltd, UK
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2004
Children's Pop-up Book

  Sale Price: US$3

Popup - Tales - Bayad al-Thalij (14x24cm) بياض الثلج

7408 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Grandreams Books Ltd, UK
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2004
Children's Pop-up Book

  Sale Price: US$3

Popup - Tales - Salam wa-al-Fasuliya (14x24cm) سالم والفاصوليا

7403 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Grandreams Books Ltd, UK
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2004
Children's Pop-up Book

  Sale Price: US$3

Magnetic Play and Learn: Wild Animals

81012 | English | Hardcover
By: Group
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2024
Children's Discovery - Animals - 3+ Yrs


Magnetic Play and Learn: On the Farm

81011 | English | Hardcover
By: Group
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2024
Children's Interactive - Discovery - Farm - 3+ Yrs


Amazing Pop Ups: Human Body

81001 | English | Board Book with Pop Ups
By: Hawcock, David
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2023 / Nuinui
Children's Popup Book - Human Anatomy - 3+ Yrs


Amazing Pop Ups: Jungle

81000 | English | Board Book With Pop Ups
By: Hawcock, David
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2023 / Nuinui
Children's Popup Book - Discovery - Jungle Life - 3+ Yrs


Popup - Jism al-Insan جسم الانسان

80420 | Arabic | Board - Popup
By: Hawcock, David ديفيد هوكوك / Abbas, Simon سيمون العباس
Pub: Stephan, Beirut, NueNue Books, 2023
Children's Pop-up Book - Human Body - 3+ Yrs


Popup - al-Ghabah الغابة

80419 | Arabic | Board - Popup
By: Hawcock, David ديفيد هوكوك / Abbas, Simon سيمون العباس
Pub: Stephan, Beirut, NueNue Books, 2023
Children's Pop-up Book - Jungle Animals - 3+ Yrs


Popup - Markabatu al-Halati al-Tari'ah مركبات الحالات الطارئة

80418 | Arabic | Board - Popup
By: Hawcock, David ديفيد هوكوك / Abbas, Simon سيمون العباس
Pub: Stephan, Beirut, NueNue Books, 2023
Children's Pop-up Book - Vehicles - 3+ Yrs


Learn & Play With Magnets: al-'Addad ma' al-Hayawanat مغناطيسي: الأضداد مع الحيوانات

81003 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Illustrated by: Crisp, Dan
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2019
Children's Discovery - Animals - Opposites - 3+ Yrs


Peep Inside: Al-Hadiqat: Min bi-al-dakhil? الحديقة : من بالداخل؟

45218 | Arabic | Board Book - Die-Cut Windows - 3-D Popup Flap
By: Librairie du-Lubnan
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2019
Children's Arabic Board Book - Interactive - Garden - Ages 3-6


Peep Inside: Al-Ghabat: Min bi-al-dakhil? الغابة : من بالداخل؟

45219 | Arabic | Board Book - Die-Cut Windows - 3-D Popup Flap
By: Librairie du-Lubnan
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2019
Children's Arabic Board Book - Interactive - Forect - Ages 3-6


Popup - Asfour fi Hadiqa al-Hayawanat (27 x 21cm)

3577 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Marshak, S.
Pub: Dar al-Fikr, Beirut
Children's Pop-up Book


Maghnatisi: Wasa'il al-Naqal وسائلل النقل

81007 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Nuhra, Salma
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2024
Children's Interactive Story - Discovery - Vehicles - 3+ Yrs


Maghnatisi: Jazirat al-Dinosaurat جزيرة الديناصورات

81008 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Nuhra, Salma
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2024
Children's Interactive Story - Dinosaurs - 3+ Yrs


Book w/Puzzle - Sleeping Beauty لاميرة النائمة

15302 | Arabic | Board Book with Puzzle
By: RL Gruppo Editoriale
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, Beirut, 2008
Children's Puzzle Book


Book w/Puzzle - Cinderella سندرلا

15301 | Arabic | Board Book with Puzzle
By: RL Gruppo Editoriale
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, Beirut, 2008
Children's Puzzle Book


Book w/Puzzle - Red Riding Hood ذات القبعة الحمراء

15300 | Arabic | Board Book with Puzzle
By: RL Gruppo Editoriale
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, Beirut, 2008
Children's Puzzle Book


Book w/Puzzle - Snow White بياض الثلج

15299 | Arabic | Board Book with Puzzle
By: RL Gruppo Editoriale
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, Beirut, 2008
Children's Puzzle Book


Book w/Puzzle - Mermaid حورية البحر

15298 | Arabic | Board Book with Puzzles
By: RL Gruppo Editoriale
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, Beirut, 2008
Children's Puzzle Book


Book w/Puzzle - In View of Dogs (Ar) جراء الكلاب

11365 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: RL Publishing Group / Gian Luca Olivieri
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, Beirut, 2008
Children's Puzzle Book


Book w/Puzzle - Animal Babies (Ar) صغار الحيوانات

11363 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: RL Publishing Group / Gian Luca Olivieri
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, Beirut, 2008
Children's Puzzle Book


Popup - Asadiqa fi al-Bahar (27x27cm) أصدقائي في البحر

7387 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Robert Frederick Ltd), Translated by Abdel Salam
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2004
Children's Pop-up Book

  Sale Price: US$8

Popup - Iwazaat al-Bayda (27 x 21cm)

3587 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Shustovoi, L.B.
Pub: Dar al-Fikr, Beirut
Children's Pop-up Book


Popup - Tabib al-Ghaba (27 x 21 cm)

3579 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Tchkovsky, K.I
Pub: Dar al-Fikr, Beirut
Children's Pop-up Book


Learn & Play With Magnets: al-Dub Billy al-Id min 1-10 مغناطيسي: الدب بيلي العد من 1-10

81002 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Top That! Publishing
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2024
Children's Interactive - Magnetic Book - Counting - Preschool 3+


Book w/Puzzle - Alice in Wonderland (Ar) أليس في بلاد العجائب

11361 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Vecchi Editore - Italy
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, Beirut
Children's Puzzle Book


Popup - Asadiqa fi al-Mazr'a (15x15cm) أصدقائي في المزرعة

7385 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Watson, Patrick (Robert Frederick Ltd), Translated by Abdel Salam
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2004
Children's Pop-up Book


Popup - Tales - Bayad al-Thalij (14x24cm) بياض الثلج

7408 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Grandreams Books Ltd, UK
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2004
Children's Pop-up Book

  Sale Price: US$3

Popup - Tales - Al-Hasna' wa-al-Wahsh (14x24cm) الحسناء والوحش

7407 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Grandreams Books Ltd, UK
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2004
Children's Pop-up Book

  Sale Price: US$3

Popup - Tales - Cinderella (14x24cm) سندريللا

7404 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Grandreams Books Ltd, UK
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2004
Children's Pop-up Book

  Sale Price: US$3

Popup - Tales - Salam wa-al-Fasuliya (14x24cm) سالم والفاصوليا

7403 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Grandreams Books Ltd, UK
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2004
Children's Pop-up Book

  Sale Price: US$3

Popup - Tales - Peter Pan (14x24cm) بيتر بان

7405 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Grandreams Books Ltd, UK
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2004
Children's Pop-up Book

  Sale Price: US$5

Peep Inside: Al-Hadiqat: Min bi-al-dakhil? الحديقة : من بالداخل؟

45218 | Arabic | Board Book - Die-Cut Windows - 3-D Popup Flap
By: Librairie du-Lubnan
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2019
Children's Arabic Board Book - Interactive - Garden - Ages 3-6


Peep Inside: Al-Ghabat: Min bi-al-dakhil? الغابة : من بالداخل؟

45219 | Arabic | Board Book - Die-Cut Windows - 3-D Popup Flap
By: Librairie du-Lubnan
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2019
Children's Arabic Board Book - Interactive - Forect - Ages 3-6


Popup - Asadiqa fi al-Mazr'a (15x15cm) أصدقائي في المزرعة

7385 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Watson, Patrick (Robert Frederick Ltd), Translated by Abdel Salam
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2004
Children's Pop-up Book


Book w/Puzzle - Hansel and Gretel (Ar) هانسل وغراتيل

6737 | Arabic | Hardcover
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, Beirut, 2007
Children's Puzzle Book


Book w/Puzzle - Teddy at the Farm (Ar) دبدوب في المزرعة

11277 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Caramel-Belgium, 2006
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2006
Children's Puzzle Book


Book w/Puzzle - Teddy at the Sea Shore (Ar) دبدوب على شاطئ البحر

11359 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Caramel-Belgium, 2005 / Zeina Zein
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2005
Children's Puzzle Book


Book w/Puzzle - Teddy in the Forest (Ar) دبدوب في الغابة

11360 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Caramel-Belgium, 2005 / Zeina Zein
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2005
Children's Puzzle Book


Book w/Puzzle - Ugly Duckling (Ar) البطة القبيحة

6740 | Arabic | Hardcover
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, Beirut, 2007
Children's Puzzle Book


Book w/Puzzle - Snow White (Ar) بياض الثلج

6739 | Arabic | Hardcover
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, Beirut, 2007
Children's Puzzle Book


Book w/Puzzle - Little Red Riding Hood (Ar) القبعة الحمراء

6738 | Arabic | Hardcover
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, Beirut, 2007
Children's Puzzle Book


Book w/Puzzle - Cinderella (Ar) سندريلا

6736 | Arabic | Hardcover
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, Beirut, 2007
Children's Puzzle Book


Book w/Puzzle - Alice in Wonderland (Ar) أليس في بلاد العجائب

11361 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Vecchi Editore - Italy
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, Beirut
Children's Puzzle Book


Book w/Puzzle - Animal Babies (Ar) صغار الحيوانات

11363 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: RL Publishing Group / Gian Luca Olivieri
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, Beirut, 2008
Children's Puzzle Book


Book w/Puzzle - In View of Dogs (Ar) جراء الكلاب

11365 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: RL Publishing Group / Gian Luca Olivieri
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, Beirut, 2008
Children's Puzzle Book


Popup - L'aab Labna wa Kanan (27 x 21cm)

3578 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Barto, A.
Pub: Dar al-Fikr, Beirut
Children's Pop-up Book


Popup - Asfour fi Hadiqa al-Hayawanat (27 x 21cm)

3577 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Marshak, S.
Pub: Dar al-Fikr, Beirut
Children's Pop-up Book


Book w/Puzzle - Da'boul fi al-Muntazah

15691 | Arabic | Padded Hard Board
By: Editions Caramel
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut
Chidren's Arabic Book 4-8


Book w/Puzzle - Da'boul fi Hadikat al-Hayawanat

15692 | Arabic | Padded Hard Board
By: Editions Caramel
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut
Chidren's Arabic Book 4-8


Book w/Puzzle - Da'boul fi al-Cirq

15693 | Arabic | Padded Hard Board
By: Editions Caramel
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut
Chidren's Arabic Book 4-8


Book w/Puzzle - Da'boul fi al-Mazra'ah

15694 | Arabic | Padded Hard Board
By: Editions Caramel
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut
Chidren's Arabic Book 4-8


Popup - Tabib al-Ghaba (27 x 21 cm)

3579 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Tchkovsky, K.I
Pub: Dar al-Fikr, Beirut
Children's Pop-up Book


Popup - Dayouf al-Ghaaba (27 x 21cm)

3592 | Arabic | Hardcover
Pub: Dar al-Fikr, Beirut
Children's Pop-up Book


Popup - Ard al-A'jeeb (27 x 21cm)

3591 | Arabic | Hardcover
Pub: Dar al-Fikr, Beirut
Children's Pop-up Book


Popup - Kobtolaat(27 x 21cm)

3590 | Arabic | Hardcover
Pub: Dar al-Fikr, Beirut
Children's Pop-up Book


Popup - Mahrajoun al-Saghar (27 x 21cm)

3580 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Folletti
Pub: Dar al-Fikr, Beirut
Children's Pop-up Book


Popup - Umlaak (27 x 21cm)

3589 | Arabic | Hardcover
Pub: Dar al-Fikr, Beirut
Children's Pop-up Book


Popup - Iwazaat al-Bayda (27 x 21cm)

3587 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Shustovoi, L.B.
Pub: Dar al-Fikr, Beirut
Children's Pop-up Book


Popup - Rajal al-Thalj (27 x 21cm)

3586 | Arabic | Hardcover
Pub: Dar al-Fikr, Beirut
Children's Pop-up Book


Popup - Pinochio (27 x 21cm)

3585 | Arabic | Hardcover
Pub: Dar al-Fikr, Beirut
Children's Pop-up Book


Popup - Asadiqa fi al-Mazr'a (27x27cm) أصدقائي في المزرعة

14610 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Deverel, Richard
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut
Children's Pop-up Book

  Sale Price: US$8

Popup - Asadiqa fi al-Bahar (27x27cm) أصدقائي في البحر

7387 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Robert Frederick Ltd), Translated by Abdel Salam
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2004
Children's Pop-up Book

  Sale Price: US$8

Popup - Hayya Bina Ma'a al-Markabat هيا بنا مع المركبات

44809 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Dar al-Maaref
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2020
Children's Pop-up Book Ages 4+


Book w/Puzzle - Mermaid حورية البحر

15298 | Arabic | Board Book with Puzzles
By: RL Gruppo Editoriale
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, Beirut, 2008
Children's Puzzle Book


Book w/Puzzle - Cinderella سندرلا

15301 | Arabic | Board Book with Puzzle
By: RL Gruppo Editoriale
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, Beirut, 2008
Children's Puzzle Book


Book w/Puzzle - Red Riding Hood ذات القبعة الحمراء

15300 | Arabic | Board Book with Puzzle
By: RL Gruppo Editoriale
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, Beirut, 2008
Children's Puzzle Book


Book w/Puzzle - Snow White بياض الثلج

15299 | Arabic | Board Book with Puzzle
By: RL Gruppo Editoriale
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, Beirut, 2008
Children's Puzzle Book


Book w/Puzzle - Sleeping Beauty لاميرة النائمة

15302 | Arabic | Board Book with Puzzle
By: RL Gruppo Editoriale
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, Beirut, 2008
Children's Puzzle Book


Learn & Play with Magnets: al-Ashkal Ma al-Jinayat الاشكال مع الجنيات

81014 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Daw, Raymond
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2019
Children's Interactive - Discovery - Shapes - 3+ Yrs


Magnetic Play and Learn: Wild Animals

81012 | English | Hardcover
By: Group
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2024
Children's Discovery - Animals - 3+ Yrs


Magnetic Play and Learn: On the Farm

81011 | English | Hardcover
By: Group
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2024
Children's Interactive - Discovery - Farm - 3+ Yrs


Magnetic Play and Learn: Opposites with Animals

81010 | English | Hardcover
By: Crisp, Dan
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2024
Children's Interactive - Discovery - Opposites - 3+ Yrs


Magnetic Play and Learn: Shapes with Fairies

81009 | English | Hardcover
By: Ellis, Lauren
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2024
Children's Inteactive Book - Discovery - Shapes - 3+ Yrs


Maghnatisi: Jazirat al-Dinosaurat جزيرة الديناصورات

81008 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Nuhra, Salma
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2024
Children's Interactive Story - Dinosaurs - 3+ Yrs


Maghnatisi: Wasa'il al-Naqal وسائلل النقل

81007 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Nuhra, Salma
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2024
Children's Interactive Story - Discovery - Vehicles - 3+ Yrs


Learn & Play With Magnets: al-'Ad Ma' al-Qarasinah العد مع القراصنة

81005 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Daw, Raymond
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2019
Children's Interactive Book - Discovery - Counting - 3+ Yrs


Learn & Play With Magnets: al-Alwan الالوان

81004 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Daw, Raymond
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2019
Children's Discovery - Colors - 3+ Yrs


Learn & Play With Magnets: al-'Addad ma' al-Hayawanat مغناطيسي: الأضداد مع الحيوانات

81003 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Illustrated by: Crisp, Dan
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2019
Children's Discovery - Animals - Opposites - 3+ Yrs


Learn & Play With Magnets: al-Dub Billy al-Id min 1-10 مغناطيسي: الدب بيلي العد من 1-10

81002 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Top That! Publishing
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2024
Children's Interactive - Magnetic Book - Counting - Preschool 3+


Amazing Pop Ups: Human Body

81001 | English | Board Book with Pop Ups
By: Hawcock, David
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2023 / Nuinui
Children's Popup Book - Human Anatomy - 3+ Yrs


Amazing Pop Ups: Jungle

81000 | English | Board Book With Pop Ups
By: Hawcock, David
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2023 / Nuinui
Children's Popup Book - Discovery - Jungle Life - 3+ Yrs


Popup - Jism al-Insan جسم الانسان

80420 | Arabic | Board - Popup
By: Hawcock, David ديفيد هوكوك / Abbas, Simon سيمون العباس
Pub: Stephan, Beirut, NueNue Books, 2023
Children's Pop-up Book - Human Body - 3+ Yrs


Popup - al-Ghabah الغابة

80419 | Arabic | Board - Popup
By: Hawcock, David ديفيد هوكوك / Abbas, Simon سيمون العباس
Pub: Stephan, Beirut, NueNue Books, 2023
Children's Pop-up Book - Jungle Animals - 3+ Yrs


Popup - Markabatu al-Halati al-Tari'ah مركبات الحالات الطارئة

80418 | Arabic | Board - Popup
By: Hawcock, David ديفيد هوكوك / Abbas, Simon سيمون العباس
Pub: Stephan, Beirut, NueNue Books, 2023
Children's Pop-up Book - Vehicles - 3+ Yrs


Click section header to open/close

If no items show above there are none for the age group.

Amazing Pop Ups: Human Body

81001 | English | Board Book with Pop Ups
By: Hawcock, David
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2023 / Nuinui
Children's Popup Book - Human Anatomy - 3+ Yrs


Amazing Pop Ups: Jungle

81000 | English | Board Book With Pop Ups
By: Hawcock, David
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2023 / Nuinui
Children's Popup Book - Discovery - Jungle Life - 3+ Yrs


Book w/Puzzle - Alice in Wonderland (Ar) أليس في بلاد العجائب

11361 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Vecchi Editore - Italy
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, Beirut
Children's Puzzle Book


Book w/Puzzle - Animal Babies (Ar) صغار الحيوانات

11363 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: RL Publishing Group / Gian Luca Olivieri
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, Beirut, 2008
Children's Puzzle Book


Book w/Puzzle - Cinderella سندرلا

15301 | Arabic | Board Book with Puzzle
By: RL Gruppo Editoriale
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, Beirut, 2008
Children's Puzzle Book


Book w/Puzzle - Cinderella (Ar) سندريلا

6736 | Arabic | Hardcover
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, Beirut, 2007
Children's Puzzle Book


Book w/Puzzle - Da'boul fi al-Cirq

15693 | Arabic | Padded Hard Board
By: Editions Caramel
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut
Chidren's Arabic Book 4-8


Book w/Puzzle - Da'boul fi al-Mazra'ah

15694 | Arabic | Padded Hard Board
By: Editions Caramel
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut
Chidren's Arabic Book 4-8


Book w/Puzzle - Da'boul fi al-Muntazah

15691 | Arabic | Padded Hard Board
By: Editions Caramel
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut
Chidren's Arabic Book 4-8


Book w/Puzzle - Da'boul fi Hadikat al-Hayawanat

15692 | Arabic | Padded Hard Board
By: Editions Caramel
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut
Chidren's Arabic Book 4-8


Book w/Puzzle - Hansel and Gretel (Ar) هانسل وغراتيل

6737 | Arabic | Hardcover
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, Beirut, 2007
Children's Puzzle Book


Book w/Puzzle - In View of Dogs (Ar) جراء الكلاب

11365 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: RL Publishing Group / Gian Luca Olivieri
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, Beirut, 2008
Children's Puzzle Book


Book w/Puzzle - Little Red Riding Hood (Ar) القبعة الحمراء

6738 | Arabic | Hardcover
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, Beirut, 2007
Children's Puzzle Book


Book w/Puzzle - Mermaid حورية البحر

15298 | Arabic | Board Book with Puzzles
By: RL Gruppo Editoriale
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, Beirut, 2008
Children's Puzzle Book


Book w/Puzzle - Red Riding Hood ذات القبعة الحمراء

15300 | Arabic | Board Book with Puzzle
By: RL Gruppo Editoriale
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, Beirut, 2008
Children's Puzzle Book


Book w/Puzzle - Sleeping Beauty لاميرة النائمة

15302 | Arabic | Board Book with Puzzle
By: RL Gruppo Editoriale
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, Beirut, 2008
Children's Puzzle Book


Book w/Puzzle - Snow White بياض الثلج

15299 | Arabic | Board Book with Puzzle
By: RL Gruppo Editoriale
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, Beirut, 2008
Children's Puzzle Book


Book w/Puzzle - Snow White (Ar) بياض الثلج

6739 | Arabic | Hardcover
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, Beirut, 2007
Children's Puzzle Book


Book w/Puzzle - Teddy at the Farm (Ar) دبدوب في المزرعة

11277 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Caramel-Belgium, 2006
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2006
Children's Puzzle Book


Book w/Puzzle - Teddy at the Sea Shore (Ar) دبدوب على شاطئ البحر

11359 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Caramel-Belgium, 2005 / Zeina Zein
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2005
Children's Puzzle Book


Book w/Puzzle - Teddy in the Forest (Ar) دبدوب في الغابة

11360 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Caramel-Belgium, 2005 / Zeina Zein
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2005
Children's Puzzle Book


Book w/Puzzle - Ugly Duckling (Ar) البطة القبيحة

6740 | Arabic | Hardcover
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, Beirut, 2007
Children's Puzzle Book


Learn & Play With Magnets: al-'Ad Ma' al-Qarasinah العد مع القراصنة

81005 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Daw, Raymond
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2019
Children's Interactive Book - Discovery - Counting - 3+ Yrs


Learn & Play With Magnets: al-'Addad ma' al-Hayawanat مغناطيسي: الأضداد مع الحيوانات

81003 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Illustrated by: Crisp, Dan
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2019
Children's Discovery - Animals - Opposites - 3+ Yrs


Learn & Play With Magnets: al-Alwan الالوان

81004 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Daw, Raymond
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2019
Children's Discovery - Colors - 3+ Yrs


Learn & Play with Magnets: al-Ashkal Ma al-Jinayat الاشكال مع الجنيات

81014 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Daw, Raymond
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2019
Children's Interactive - Discovery - Shapes - 3+ Yrs


Learn & Play With Magnets: al-Dub Billy al-Id min 1-10 مغناطيسي: الدب بيلي العد من 1-10

81002 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Top That! Publishing
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2024
Children's Interactive - Magnetic Book - Counting - Preschool 3+


Maghnatisi: Jazirat al-Dinosaurat جزيرة الديناصورات

81008 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Nuhra, Salma
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2024
Children's Interactive Story - Dinosaurs - 3+ Yrs


Maghnatisi: Wasa'il al-Naqal وسائلل النقل

81007 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Nuhra, Salma
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2024
Children's Interactive Story - Discovery - Vehicles - 3+ Yrs


Magnetic Play and Learn: On the Farm

81011 | English | Hardcover
By: Group
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2024
Children's Interactive - Discovery - Farm - 3+ Yrs


Magnetic Play and Learn: Opposites with Animals

81010 | English | Hardcover
By: Crisp, Dan
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2024
Children's Interactive - Discovery - Opposites - 3+ Yrs


Magnetic Play and Learn: Shapes with Fairies

81009 | English | Hardcover
By: Ellis, Lauren
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2024
Children's Inteactive Book - Discovery - Shapes - 3+ Yrs


Magnetic Play and Learn: Wild Animals

81012 | English | Hardcover
By: Group
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2024
Children's Discovery - Animals - 3+ Yrs


Peep Inside: Al-Ghabat: Min bi-al-dakhil? الغابة : من بالداخل؟

45219 | Arabic | Board Book - Die-Cut Windows - 3-D Popup Flap
By: Librairie du-Lubnan
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2019
Children's Arabic Board Book - Interactive - Forect - Ages 3-6


Peep Inside: Al-Hadiqat: Min bi-al-dakhil? الحديقة : من بالداخل؟

45218 | Arabic | Board Book - Die-Cut Windows - 3-D Popup Flap
By: Librairie du-Lubnan
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2019
Children's Arabic Board Book - Interactive - Garden - Ages 3-6


Popup - Ard al-A'jeeb (27 x 21cm)

3591 | Arabic | Hardcover
Pub: Dar al-Fikr, Beirut
Children's Pop-up Book


Popup - Asadiqa fi al-Bahar (27x27cm) أصدقائي في البحر

7387 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Robert Frederick Ltd), Translated by Abdel Salam
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2004
Children's Pop-up Book

  Sale Price: US$8

Popup - Asadiqa fi al-Mazr'a (27x27cm) أصدقائي في المزرعة

14610 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Deverel, Richard
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut
Children's Pop-up Book

  Sale Price: US$8

Popup - Asadiqa fi al-Mazr'a (15x15cm) أصدقائي في المزرعة

7385 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Watson, Patrick (Robert Frederick Ltd), Translated by Abdel Salam
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2004
Children's Pop-up Book


Popup - Asfour fi Hadiqa al-Hayawanat (27 x 21cm)

3577 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Marshak, S.
Pub: Dar al-Fikr, Beirut
Children's Pop-up Book


Popup - Dayouf al-Ghaaba (27 x 21cm)

3592 | Arabic | Hardcover
Pub: Dar al-Fikr, Beirut
Children's Pop-up Book


Popup - Hayya Bina Ma'a al-Markabat هيا بنا مع المركبات

44809 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Dar al-Maaref
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2020
Children's Pop-up Book Ages 4+


Popup - Iwazaat al-Bayda (27 x 21cm)

3587 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Shustovoi, L.B.
Pub: Dar al-Fikr, Beirut
Children's Pop-up Book


Popup - Kobtolaat(27 x 21cm)

3590 | Arabic | Hardcover
Pub: Dar al-Fikr, Beirut
Children's Pop-up Book


Popup - L'aab Labna wa Kanan (27 x 21cm)

3578 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Barto, A.
Pub: Dar al-Fikr, Beirut
Children's Pop-up Book


Popup - Mahrajoun al-Saghar (27 x 21cm)

3580 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Folletti
Pub: Dar al-Fikr, Beirut
Children's Pop-up Book


Popup - Pinochio (27 x 21cm)

3585 | Arabic | Hardcover
Pub: Dar al-Fikr, Beirut
Children's Pop-up Book


Popup - Rajal al-Thalj (27 x 21cm)

3586 | Arabic | Hardcover
Pub: Dar al-Fikr, Beirut
Children's Pop-up Book


Popup - Tabib al-Ghaba (27 x 21 cm)

3579 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Tchkovsky, K.I
Pub: Dar al-Fikr, Beirut
Children's Pop-up Book


Popup - Tales - Al-Hasna' wa-al-Wahsh (14x24cm) الحسناء والوحش

7407 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Grandreams Books Ltd, UK
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2004
Children's Pop-up Book

  Sale Price: US$3

Popup - Tales - Bayad al-Thalij (14x24cm) بياض الثلج

7408 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Grandreams Books Ltd, UK
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2004
Children's Pop-up Book

  Sale Price: US$3

Popup - Tales - Cinderella (14x24cm) سندريللا

7404 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Grandreams Books Ltd, UK
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2004
Children's Pop-up Book

  Sale Price: US$3

Popup - Tales - Peter Pan (14x24cm) بيتر بان

7405 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Grandreams Books Ltd, UK
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2004
Children's Pop-up Book

  Sale Price: US$5

Popup - Tales - Salam wa-al-Fasuliya (14x24cm) سالم والفاصوليا

7403 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Grandreams Books Ltd, UK
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2004
Children's Pop-up Book

  Sale Price: US$3

Popup - Umlaak (27 x 21cm)

3589 | Arabic | Hardcover
Pub: Dar al-Fikr, Beirut
Children's Pop-up Book

If no items show above there are none for the age group.

Popup - al-Ghabah الغابة

80419 | Arabic | Board - Popup
By: Hawcock, David ديفيد هوكوك / Abbas, Simon سيمون العباس
Pub: Stephan, Beirut, NueNue Books, 2023
Children's Pop-up Book - Jungle Animals - 3+ Yrs


Popup - Jism al-Insan جسم الانسان

80420 | Arabic | Board - Popup
By: Hawcock, David ديفيد هوكوك / Abbas, Simon سيمون العباس
Pub: Stephan, Beirut, NueNue Books, 2023
Children's Pop-up Book - Human Body - 3+ Yrs


Popup - Markabatu al-Halati al-Tari'ah مركبات الحالات الطارئة

80418 | Arabic | Board - Popup
By: Hawcock, David ديفيد هوكوك / Abbas, Simon سيمون العباس
Pub: Stephan, Beirut, NueNue Books, 2023
Children's Pop-up Book - Vehicles - 3+ Yrs

If no items show above there are none for the age group.
If no items show above there are none for the age group.
If no items show above there are none for the age group.

Amazing Pop Ups: Human Body

81001 | English | Board Book with Pop Ups
By: Hawcock, David
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2023 / Nuinui
Children's Popup Book - Human Anatomy - 3+ Yrs


Amazing Pop Ups: Jungle

81000 | English | Board Book With Pop Ups
By: Hawcock, David
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2023 / Nuinui
Children's Popup Book - Discovery - Jungle Life - 3+ Yrs


Book w/Puzzle - Alice in Wonderland (Ar) أليس في بلاد العجائب

11361 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Vecchi Editore - Italy
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, Beirut
Children's Puzzle Book


Book w/Puzzle - Animal Babies (Ar) صغار الحيوانات

11363 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: RL Publishing Group / Gian Luca Olivieri
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, Beirut, 2008
Children's Puzzle Book


Book w/Puzzle - Cinderella سندرلا

15301 | Arabic | Board Book with Puzzle
By: RL Gruppo Editoriale
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, Beirut, 2008
Children's Puzzle Book


Book w/Puzzle - Cinderella (Ar) سندريلا

6736 | Arabic | Hardcover
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, Beirut, 2007
Children's Puzzle Book


Book w/Puzzle - Da'boul fi al-Cirq

15693 | Arabic | Padded Hard Board
By: Editions Caramel
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut
Chidren's Arabic Book 4-8


Book w/Puzzle - Da'boul fi al-Mazra'ah

15694 | Arabic | Padded Hard Board
By: Editions Caramel
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut
Chidren's Arabic Book 4-8


Book w/Puzzle - Da'boul fi al-Muntazah

15691 | Arabic | Padded Hard Board
By: Editions Caramel
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut
Chidren's Arabic Book 4-8


Book w/Puzzle - Da'boul fi Hadikat al-Hayawanat

15692 | Arabic | Padded Hard Board
By: Editions Caramel
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut
Chidren's Arabic Book 4-8


Book w/Puzzle - Hansel and Gretel (Ar) هانسل وغراتيل

6737 | Arabic | Hardcover
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, Beirut, 2007
Children's Puzzle Book


Book w/Puzzle - In View of Dogs (Ar) جراء الكلاب

11365 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: RL Publishing Group / Gian Luca Olivieri
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, Beirut, 2008
Children's Puzzle Book


Book w/Puzzle - Little Red Riding Hood (Ar) القبعة الحمراء

6738 | Arabic | Hardcover
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, Beirut, 2007
Children's Puzzle Book


Book w/Puzzle - Mermaid حورية البحر

15298 | Arabic | Board Book with Puzzles
By: RL Gruppo Editoriale
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, Beirut, 2008
Children's Puzzle Book


Book w/Puzzle - Red Riding Hood ذات القبعة الحمراء

15300 | Arabic | Board Book with Puzzle
By: RL Gruppo Editoriale
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, Beirut, 2008
Children's Puzzle Book


Book w/Puzzle - Sleeping Beauty لاميرة النائمة

15302 | Arabic | Board Book with Puzzle
By: RL Gruppo Editoriale
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, Beirut, 2008
Children's Puzzle Book


Book w/Puzzle - Snow White بياض الثلج

15299 | Arabic | Board Book with Puzzle
By: RL Gruppo Editoriale
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, Beirut, 2008
Children's Puzzle Book


Book w/Puzzle - Snow White (Ar) بياض الثلج

6739 | Arabic | Hardcover
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, Beirut, 2007
Children's Puzzle Book


Book w/Puzzle - Teddy at the Farm (Ar) دبدوب في المزرعة

11277 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Caramel-Belgium, 2006
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2006
Children's Puzzle Book


Book w/Puzzle - Teddy at the Sea Shore (Ar) دبدوب على شاطئ البحر

11359 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Caramel-Belgium, 2005 / Zeina Zein
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2005
Children's Puzzle Book


Book w/Puzzle - Teddy in the Forest (Ar) دبدوب في الغابة

11360 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Caramel-Belgium, 2005 / Zeina Zein
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2005
Children's Puzzle Book


Book w/Puzzle - Ugly Duckling (Ar) البطة القبيحة

6740 | Arabic | Hardcover
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, Beirut, 2007
Children's Puzzle Book


Learn & Play With Magnets: al-'Ad Ma' al-Qarasinah العد مع القراصنة

81005 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Daw, Raymond
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2019
Children's Interactive Book - Discovery - Counting - 3+ Yrs


Learn & Play With Magnets: al-'Addad ma' al-Hayawanat مغناطيسي: الأضداد مع الحيوانات

81003 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Illustrated by: Crisp, Dan
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2019
Children's Discovery - Animals - Opposites - 3+ Yrs


Learn & Play With Magnets: al-Alwan الالوان

81004 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Daw, Raymond
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2019
Children's Discovery - Colors - 3+ Yrs


Learn & Play with Magnets: al-Ashkal Ma al-Jinayat الاشكال مع الجنيات

81014 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Daw, Raymond
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2019
Children's Interactive - Discovery - Shapes - 3+ Yrs


Learn & Play With Magnets: al-Dub Billy al-Id min 1-10 مغناطيسي: الدب بيلي العد من 1-10

81002 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Top That! Publishing
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2024
Children's Interactive - Magnetic Book - Counting - Preschool 3+


Maghnatisi: Jazirat al-Dinosaurat جزيرة الديناصورات

81008 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Nuhra, Salma
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2024
Children's Interactive Story - Dinosaurs - 3+ Yrs


Maghnatisi: Wasa'il al-Naqal وسائلل النقل

81007 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Nuhra, Salma
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2024
Children's Interactive Story - Discovery - Vehicles - 3+ Yrs


Magnetic Play and Learn: On the Farm

81011 | English | Hardcover
By: Group
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2024
Children's Interactive - Discovery - Farm - 3+ Yrs


Magnetic Play and Learn: Opposites with Animals

81010 | English | Hardcover
By: Crisp, Dan
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2024
Children's Interactive - Discovery - Opposites - 3+ Yrs


Magnetic Play and Learn: Shapes with Fairies

81009 | English | Hardcover
By: Ellis, Lauren
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2024
Children's Inteactive Book - Discovery - Shapes - 3+ Yrs


Magnetic Play and Learn: Wild Animals

81012 | English | Hardcover
By: Group
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2024
Children's Discovery - Animals - 3+ Yrs


Peep Inside: Al-Ghabat: Min bi-al-dakhil? الغابة : من بالداخل؟

45219 | Arabic | Board Book - Die-Cut Windows - 3-D Popup Flap
By: Librairie du-Lubnan
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2019
Children's Arabic Board Book - Interactive - Forect - Ages 3-6


Peep Inside: Al-Hadiqat: Min bi-al-dakhil? الحديقة : من بالداخل؟

45218 | Arabic | Board Book - Die-Cut Windows - 3-D Popup Flap
By: Librairie du-Lubnan
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2019
Children's Arabic Board Book - Interactive - Garden - Ages 3-6


Popup - al-Ghabah الغابة

80419 | Arabic | Board - Popup
By: Hawcock, David ديفيد هوكوك / Abbas, Simon سيمون العباس
Pub: Stephan, Beirut, NueNue Books, 2023
Children's Pop-up Book - Jungle Animals - 3+ Yrs


Popup - Ard al-A'jeeb (27 x 21cm)

3591 | Arabic | Hardcover
Pub: Dar al-Fikr, Beirut
Children's Pop-up Book


Popup - Asadiqa fi al-Bahar (27x27cm) أصدقائي في البحر

7387 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Robert Frederick Ltd), Translated by Abdel Salam
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2004
Children's Pop-up Book

  Sale Price: US$8

Popup - Asadiqa fi al-Mazr'a (27x27cm) أصدقائي في المزرعة

14610 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Deverel, Richard
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut
Children's Pop-up Book

  Sale Price: US$8

Popup - Asadiqa fi al-Mazr'a (15x15cm) أصدقائي في المزرعة

7385 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Watson, Patrick (Robert Frederick Ltd), Translated by Abdel Salam
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2004
Children's Pop-up Book


Popup - Asfour fi Hadiqa al-Hayawanat (27 x 21cm)

3577 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Marshak, S.
Pub: Dar al-Fikr, Beirut
Children's Pop-up Book


Popup - Dayouf al-Ghaaba (27 x 21cm)

3592 | Arabic | Hardcover
Pub: Dar al-Fikr, Beirut
Children's Pop-up Book


Popup - Hayya Bina Ma'a al-Markabat هيا بنا مع المركبات

44809 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Dar al-Maaref
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2020
Children's Pop-up Book Ages 4+


Popup - Iwazaat al-Bayda (27 x 21cm)

3587 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Shustovoi, L.B.
Pub: Dar al-Fikr, Beirut
Children's Pop-up Book


Popup - Jism al-Insan جسم الانسان

80420 | Arabic | Board - Popup
By: Hawcock, David ديفيد هوكوك / Abbas, Simon سيمون العباس
Pub: Stephan, Beirut, NueNue Books, 2023
Children's Pop-up Book - Human Body - 3+ Yrs


Popup - Kobtolaat(27 x 21cm)

3590 | Arabic | Hardcover
Pub: Dar al-Fikr, Beirut
Children's Pop-up Book


Popup - L'aab Labna wa Kanan (27 x 21cm)

3578 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Barto, A.
Pub: Dar al-Fikr, Beirut
Children's Pop-up Book


Popup - Mahrajoun al-Saghar (27 x 21cm)

3580 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Folletti
Pub: Dar al-Fikr, Beirut
Children's Pop-up Book


Popup - Markabatu al-Halati al-Tari'ah مركبات الحالات الطارئة

80418 | Arabic | Board - Popup
By: Hawcock, David ديفيد هوكوك / Abbas, Simon سيمون العباس
Pub: Stephan, Beirut, NueNue Books, 2023
Children's Pop-up Book - Vehicles - 3+ Yrs


Popup - Pinochio (27 x 21cm)

3585 | Arabic | Hardcover
Pub: Dar al-Fikr, Beirut
Children's Pop-up Book


Popup - Rajal al-Thalj (27 x 21cm)

3586 | Arabic | Hardcover
Pub: Dar al-Fikr, Beirut
Children's Pop-up Book


Popup - Tabib al-Ghaba (27 x 21 cm)

3579 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Tchkovsky, K.I
Pub: Dar al-Fikr, Beirut
Children's Pop-up Book


Popup - Tales - Al-Hasna' wa-al-Wahsh (14x24cm) الحسناء والوحش

7407 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Grandreams Books Ltd, UK
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2004
Children's Pop-up Book

  Sale Price: US$3

Popup - Tales - Bayad al-Thalij (14x24cm) بياض الثلج

7408 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Grandreams Books Ltd, UK
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2004
Children's Pop-up Book

  Sale Price: US$3

Popup - Tales - Cinderella (14x24cm) سندريللا

7404 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Grandreams Books Ltd, UK
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2004
Children's Pop-up Book

  Sale Price: US$3

Popup - Tales - Peter Pan (14x24cm) بيتر بان

7405 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Grandreams Books Ltd, UK
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2004
Children's Pop-up Book

  Sale Price: US$5

Popup - Tales - Salam wa-al-Fasuliya (14x24cm) سالم والفاصوليا

7403 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Grandreams Books Ltd, UK
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2004
Children's Pop-up Book

  Sale Price: US$3

Popup - Umlaak (27 x 21cm)

3589 | Arabic | Hardcover
Pub: Dar al-Fikr, Beirut
Children's Pop-up Book


Popup - Tales - Salam wa-al-Fasuliya (14x24cm) سالم والفاصوليا

7403 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Grandreams Books Ltd, UK
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2004
Children's Pop-up Book

  Sale Price: US$3

Popup - Tales - Cinderella (14x24cm) سندريللا

7404 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Grandreams Books Ltd, UK
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2004
Children's Pop-up Book

  Sale Price: US$3

Popup - Tales - Al-Hasna' wa-al-Wahsh (14x24cm) الحسناء والوحش

7407 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Grandreams Books Ltd, UK
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2004
Children's Pop-up Book

  Sale Price: US$3

Popup - Tales - Bayad al-Thalij (14x24cm) بياض الثلج

7408 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Grandreams Books Ltd, UK
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2004
Children's Pop-up Book

  Sale Price: US$3

Popup - Tales - Peter Pan (14x24cm) بيتر بان

7405 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Grandreams Books Ltd, UK
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2004
Children's Pop-up Book

  Sale Price: US$5

Popup - Asadiqa fi al-Bahar (27x27cm) أصدقائي في البحر

7387 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Robert Frederick Ltd), Translated by Abdel Salam
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2004
Children's Pop-up Book

  Sale Price: US$8

Popup - Asadiqa fi al-Mazr'a (27x27cm) أصدقائي في المزرعة

14610 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Deverel, Richard
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut
Children's Pop-up Book

  Sale Price: US$8

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