MENUMENU - الكتاب
تربية الاطفال | قصص علمية | موسوعات علمية
Arabic Kids Discovery, Science, Knowledge
Encyclopedias and Educational books in Arabic for children and young adults. May include: Biographies, Sciences (Biology, Geology, etc), technology, and general knowledge.


100,000 Li-Madha : Al-Ardh - 100,000 لماذا - الارض

80603 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Kedi, Han
Pub: ASP, Beirut 2019
Science for Youth - The Earth - Environment


100,000 Li-Madha : al-Bahar wa-al-Muhitat - 100,000 لماذا - البحار والمحيطات

80606 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Kedi, Han
Pub: ASP, Beirut 2019
Science for Youth - Seas - Oceans


100,000 Li-Madha : al-Dimagh wa-al-Adrak - 100,000 لماذا - الدماغ والادراك

80555 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Kedi, Han
Pub: ASP, Beirut 2019
Science for Youth - Brain & Cognition


100,000 Li-Madha : al-Elektroniat wa-al-Maa'lumaat - 100,000 لماذا - الالكترونيات والمعلومات

80604 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Kedi, Han
Pub: ASP, Beirut 2020
Science for Youth - Technology


100,000 Li-Madha : al-Fizya' - 100,000 - لماذا - الفيزياء

80602 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Kedi, Han
Pub: ASP, Beirut 2020
Science for Youth - Physics


100,000 Li-Madha : al-Hayaa - 100,000 لماذا - الحياة

80551 | Arabic | Softcover
By: ASP, Group of Authors
Pub: ASP, Beirut 2020
Science for Youth - Biology


100,000 Li-Madha : al-Kawarith wa-al-Himayat Minha - 100,000 لماذا - الكوارث والحماية منها

80556 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Kedi, Han
Pub: ASP, Beirut 2020
Science for Youth - Disasters and Protections


100,000 Li-Madha : al-Kimya' - 100,000 لماذا - الكيمياء

80605 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Kedi, Han
Pub: ASP, Beirut 2020
Science for Youth - Chemistry


100,000 Li-Madha : al-Riyadhiat - 100,000 لماذا - الرياضيات

80607 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Kedi, Han
Pub: ASP, Beirut 2020
Science for Youth - Mathematics


100,000 Li-Madha : al-Taaqat wa-al-lbiya - 100,000 لماذا - الطاقة والبيئة

80552 | Arabic | Softcover
By: ASP, Group of Authors
Pub: ASP, Beirut 2019
Science for Youth - Energy & Environment


100,000 Li-Madha : al-Tayaran wa-al-Fada' 100,000 لماذا - الطيران والفضاء

80554 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Kedi, Han
Pub: ASP, Beirut 2020
Science for Youth - Aviation & Space


100,000 Li-Madha : al-Ulum al-Tibiya - 100,000 لماذا - العلوم الطبية

80553 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Kedi, Han
Pub: ASP, Beirut 2019
Science for Youth - Medical


100,000 Li-Madha : Ilm al-Falak 100,000 لماذا - علم الفاك

80599 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Kedi, Han
Pub: ASP, Beirut 2020
Science for Youth - Space - Astronomy


100,000 Li-Madha : Ilm al-Hayawan - 100,000 لماذا - علم الحيوان

80598 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Kedi, Han
Pub: ASP, Beirut 2019
Science for Youth - Animals - Zoology


100,000 Li-Madha : Ilm al-Mutahajirat -100,000 لماذا - علم المتحجرات

80600 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Kedi, Han
Pub: ASP, Beirut 2020
Science for Youth - Dinosaurs


100,000 Li-Madha : Ilm al-Nabaat - 100,000 لماذا - علم النبات

80601 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Kedi, Han
Pub: ASP, Beirut 2020
Science for Youth - Botany


100000 Li-Madha : al-Aslhat wa-al-Difa' al-Watana'a - 100000 لماذا - الاسلحة والدفاع الوطنى

80557 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Kedi, Han
Pub: ASP, Beirut, 2020
Science for Youth - Weapons and National Defense


Activities: Simplissime: al-Ikhtibarat al-Alimiyah al-Absat fi al-Alam ولااسهل الاختبارات العلمية الابسط في العالم

72493 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Barde, Nahalie / Ill: Moutarde, Colonel
Pub: Hachette Antoine, 2019
Children's Educational - Scientific Tests - Ages 8-12


Activity: Duros al-Furusiyah al-Uwla دروس الفروسية الأولى

60859 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Ransford, Sandy / Kingfisher
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, Inc. Beirut 2003
Children's Book - Horsemanship - Grades 3-5


Aihtbas al-Harari الاحتباس الحراري

41859 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Murphy, Glenn / Bonnier Books
Pub: Dar al-Fikr, Beirut/Damascus, 2011 Arabic Edition
Juvenile Non-fiction - Climate Change - Middle & High School


Aktashaf Jism al-Insan 3D اكتشف جسم الإنسان (بتقنية الأبعاد الثلاثة)

45153 | Arabic | Board Book - Chunky with see through layers
By: North Parade Publishing
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2019 Arabic Edition
Science for Youth - Human Body - Pre-teen +


Aktashaf wa Ata'lim al Hayawanat أكتشف و أتعلم الحيوانات

72770 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Anness Group / Llewellyn, Claire
Pub: Academia, Beirut 2000 Arabic Edition
Introduction to Animals for Children - Ages 5-9


Aktashaf wa Ata'lim al-Hisab أكتشف و أتعلم الحساب

72767 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Anness Group / Holden, Arianne
Pub: Academia, Beirut 2000 Arabic Edition
Kids Learn Numbers and Counting - Ages 5-6


Aktashaf wa Ata'lim al-Ulum أكتشف و أتعلم العلوم

72768 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Anness Group / Holden, Arianne
Pub: Academia, Beirut, 2000 Arabic Edition
Beginning Science for Children - Arabic - Ages 5-9


Aktashaf wa Ata'lim al-Waqt أكتشف و أتعلم الوقت

72769 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Anness Group / Holden, Arianne
Pub: Academia, Beirut 2000 Arabic Edition
Kids Learn Time - Ages 5-9


Ala 'Arba' Qawa'im: al-A'sad الأسد

42132 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Ahdab, Marwan مروان الأحدب
Pub: Samir Editeur, Beirut, 2010
Children's Non-Fiction - Animal Life - Ages 6+


Ala 'Arba' Qawa'im: al-Hirr الهر

42130 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Ahdab, Marwan مروان الأحدب
Pub: Samir Editeur, Beirut, 2010
Children's Non-Fiction - Animal Life - Ages 6+


Ala 'Arba' Qawa'im: al-Kalb الكلب

42131 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Ahdab, Marwan مروان الأحدب
Pub: Samir Editeur, Beirut, 2010
Children's Non-Fiction - Animal Life - Ages 6+


Ala Matni Qitar: al-'Adad على متن قطار الأعداد

80413 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Oxford
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut 2023
Numbers - Toddler +


Ala Matni Qitar: al-Adad على متن قطار الأضداد

80407 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Oxford
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2023
Opposites - Toddler +


Ala Matni Qitar: al-Alwan على متن قطار: الالوان

80447 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Oxford
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2023
Colors - Toddler +


Ala Matni Qitar: al-Ashkal على متن قطار الأشكال

80408 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Oxford
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut 2023
Shapes - Toddler +


Ala Matni Qitar: al-Kalimat على متن قطار: الكلمات

80451 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Oxford
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2023
Words - Toddler +


Amir Al-Atiba أمير الأطباء

74380 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Adaliya, Nawar نوار العضايلة / Ill: Widad Arshid and Rawan Sadr وداد أرشيد و روان صدر
Pub: Dar Asala, Beirut 2017
Muslim Scientists - Abu Bakr al-Razi - Biography - Ages 6+


Amir Murib أمر مريب

72437 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Nassir, Maya Mawlawi مايا مولوي ناصر / Ill: Beiruti, Maryam
Pub: Asala, 2019
Arabic Story for Youth - Health - Allergies - Family - Pre-teen


Ana Sadiq al-Biyati: Ma Hu? al-Talawuth, al-Dakhani, al-Dakhan wa-al-Mazidu انا صديق البيئة: ما هو؟ التلوث، الدخان، الضخان والمزيد...

80645 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sharma, Richa ريتشا شارما
Pub: Maktabat al-Hadissa, Beirut 2018 Arabic Edition
Kid's Non-fiction - Science & Nature - Ecology - Air Pollution - Ages 7-10+


Animal Series: Cow سلسلة الحيوان / البقرة

6985 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Dar al-Ilm Lilmalayin, Beirut, 2006
Children's Book 3-6


Animal Series: Rooster سلسلة الحيوان / الديك

6986 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Dar al-Ilm Lilmalayin, Beirut, 2006
Children's Book 3-6


Aqasis Rumaniyyah أقاصيص رمانية

44453 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Ahdab, Marwan مروان الأحدب / Ill: Chassagnard, C./ Le Gall, Loic
Pub: Samir Editeur, Beirut, 2017
Ancient News - Stpries - Roman Culture - Ages 13+


Arabic World Atlas: Atlas al-Alam أطلس العالم

20559 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Ghuri, Ibrahim Helmi
Pub: Dar Al Sharq Al Arabi, 2005
World Atlas - Teen Up


Arif Kula Shayin An: al-Fada' الفضاء

80489 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Nainwal, Tripti تريبتي نايوال
Pub: Maktabat Hadissa, Beirut, 2018 Arabic Edition
Children's Discovery - 8-12 Yrs


Arif Kula Shayin An: al-Ma'a اعرف كل شئء عن الماء

80487 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Mukherjee, Vijita فيجيتا مخرجي
Pub: Maktabat Hadissa, Beirut, 2018 Arabic Edition
Children's Discovery - Water - 8-12 Yrs


Arif Kula Shayin An: al-Riyah الرياح

80488 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Nainwal, Tripti تريبتي نايوال
Pub: Maktabat Hadissa, Beirut, 2018 Arabic Edition
Children's Discovery - Wind - 8-12 Yrs


Arif Kula Shayin An: al-Turabah النربة

80490 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Mukherjee, Vijita فيجيتا مخرجي
Pub: Maktabat Hadissa, Beirut, 2018 Arabic Edition
Children's Discovery - Soil - 8-12 Yrs


Asilah wa Ajwabah Tarifah An: Aja'ib al-Tabi'ia اسئلة واجوبة طريفة عن عجائب الطبيعة

80444 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Miles Kelly Publishing
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2023 Arabic Edition
Children's Discovery - Nature - 6+ Yrs


Asilah wa Ajwabah Tarifah An: al-Ard al-Qutbiah أسئلة و أجوبة طريفة عن... الأراضي القطبية

80445 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Miles Kelly Publishing
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2023 Arabic Edition
Children's Discovery - Polar Lands - 6+ Yrs


Asilah wa Ajwabah Tarifah An: al-Asr al-Jalidi أسئلة و أجوبة طريفة عن... العصر الجليدي

80416 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Miles Kelly Publishing
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2023
Children's Discovery - Ice Age - 9+ Yrs


Asilah wa Ajwabah Tarifah An: al-Ghabat al-Matirah أسئلة وأجوبة الطريفة عن الغابات المطيرة

80446 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Miles Kelly Publishing
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2023 Arabic Edition
Children's Discovery - Rain Forests - 8+ Yrs


Asilah wa Ajwabah Tarifah An: al-Hayawanat - اسئلة واجوبة طريفة عن الحيوانات

80843 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Miles Kelly Publishing
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2023 Arabic Edition
Children's Discovery - Animals - 5+ Yrs


Asilah wa Ajwabah Tarifah An: al-Nizam Shamsi - اسئلة واجوبة طريفة عن النظام الشمسي

80848 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Miles Kelly Publishing
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2023 Arabic Edition
Children's Discovery - Solar System - 6+ Yrs


Asilah wa Ajwabah Tarifah An: Al-Qamar - اسئلة واجوبة طريفة عن القمر

80847 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Miles Kelly Publishing
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2023 Arabic Edition
Children's Discovery - Moon - 5+ Yrs


Asilah wa Ajwabah Tarifah An: al-Shaab al-Marjaniyah اسئلة واجوبة طريفة عن الشعاب المرجانية

80415 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Miles Kelly Publishing
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2023
Children's Discovery - Coral Reefs - 9+ Yrs


Asilah wa Ajwabah Tarifah An: al-Taq'su اسئلة واجوبة طريفة عن الطقس

80844 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Miles Kelly Publishing
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2023 Arabic Edition
Children's Discovery - Weather - 5+ Yrs


Asilah wa Ajwabah Tarifah An: al-Ulum اسئلة واجوبة طريفة عن العلوم

80846 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Miles Kelly Publishing
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2023 Arabic Edition
Children's Discovery - Science - 5+ Yrs


Asilah wa Ajwabah Tarifah An: Aniqadh Kawkab al-Ard - اسئلة واجوبة طريفة عن انقاذ كوكب الارض

80845 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Miles Kelly Publishing
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2023 Arabic Edition
Children's Discovery - Planet Earth - 5+ Yrs


Asilah wa Ajwabah Tarifah An: Jism al-Insan اسئلة و اجوبة طريفة عن جسم الانسان

80443 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Miles Kelly Publishing
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2023 Arabic Edition
Children's Discovery - Anatomy - 9+ Yrs


Asilah wa Ajwabah Tarifah An: Kaukab al-Ard اسئلة واجوبة طريفة عن كوكب الارض

80849 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Miles Kelly Publishing
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2023 Arabic Edition
Children's Discovery - Planet Earth - 6+ Yrs


Asilah wa Ajwabah Tarifah An: Ruwad al-Fada اسئلة واجوبة طريفة عن رواد الفضاء

80442 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Miles Kelly Publishing
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2023 Arabic Edition
Children's Discovery - Astronauts - 5+ Yrs


Atfal bi-Ahlam Kabirah: Bruce Lee أطفال بأحلام كبيرة: بروس لي

80171 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Sánchez Vegara, Maria Isabel ماريا ايزابيل سانشيز فيغارا / Ill: Bustos, Miguel
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2023
Inspiring Biographies - Ages 7-10+


Atfal bi-Ahlam Kabirah: Helen Keller أطفال بأحلام كبيرة - هيلين كيلر

80468 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Sánchez Vegara, Maria Isabel ماريا إيزابيل سانشيز فيغارا، اليزا مونسو
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2023
Inspiring Biographies - Ages 7-10+


Atfal bi-Ahlam Kabirah: Leo Messi أطفال بأحلام كبيرة: ليو ميسي

80172 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Sánchez Vegara, Maria Isabel ماريا ايزابيل سانشيز فيغارا/ Ill: Gavilán, Florencia
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2023
Inspiring Biographies - Ages 7-10+


Atfal bi-Ahlam Kabirah: Mahatma Ghandi أطفال بأحلام كبيرة : مهاتما غانديأ

73890 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Sánchez Vegara, Maria Isabel ماريا إيزابيل سانشيز فيغارا، اليزا مونسو
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut 2021 Arabic Edition
Inspiring Biographies - Ages 7-10+


Atfal bi-Ahlam Kabirah: Muhammad Ali Clay أطفال بأحلام كبيرة : محمد علي كلاي

73889 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Sánchez Vegara, Maria Isabel ماريا إيزابيل سانشيز فيغارا، اليزا مونسو
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut 2021, Arabic Edition
Inspiring Biographies - Ages 7-10+


Atfal bi-Ahlam Kabirah: Nikola Tesla أطفال بأحلام كبيرة - نيكولا تسلا

80469 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Sánchez Vegara, Maria Isabel ماريا إيزابيل سانشيز فيغارا، اليزا مونسو
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2023
Inspiring Biographies - Ages 7-10+


Atfal bi-Ahlam Kabirah: Pele أطفال بأحلام كبيرة - بيليه

80470 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Sánchez Vegara, Maria Isabel ماريا إيزابيل سانشيز فيغارا، اليزا مونسو
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2023
Inspiring Biographies - Ages 7-10+


Atfal bi-Ahlam Kabirah: Steve Jobs أطفال بأحلام كبيرة : ستيف جوبز

73911 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Sánchez Vegara, Maria Isabel ماريا إيزابيل سانشيز فيغارا، اليزا مونسو
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut 2020
Inspiring Biographies - ages 7-10+


Atlas al-'Ulum al-Shamal: al-Bia'ah البيئة

40155 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Editorial Sol 90; Encyclopaedia Britannica, inc.
Pub: Librairie Stephen, Beirut, 2014
Juvenile Non-fiction - Environment


Atlas al-'Ulum al-Shamal: al-Zawahef wa-al-Dinosourat الزواحف والديناصورات

40157 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Editorial Sol 90; Encyclopaedia Britannica, inc.
Pub: Librairie Stephen, Beirut, 2014
Juvenile Non-fiction - Reptiles


Atlas al-'Ulum al-Shamal: Istkshaf al-Fada'a استكشاف الفضاء

40156 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Editorial Sol 90; Encyclopaedia Britannica, inc.
Pub: Librairie Stephen, Beirut, 2014
Juvenile Non-fiction - Space


Atlas Dawlat al-Bahrain wa-al-Alam: lil-Marhalah al-Thanawiyah اطلس دولة البحرين والعالم : للمرحلة الثانوية

20569 | Arabic | Softcover/ Edition: al-Ṭab'ah al-Iha'iyah
By: Group
Pub: Mu'assasat Jiyubrujiktis, Beirut, 1997
Atlas - Bahrain and World - Secondary Level - Teens +


Bi'atana Mustaqbatuna: al-Aghdhiah al-Mu'ddalah Warathiyan الأغذية المعدّلة وراثياً

40505 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Hawkes, Nigel / Ayyubi, Umar
Pub: Academia, Beirut, 2001
Children's Book - Environment Issues - Grade 2 and Up


Bio: Benjamin Franklin شخصيات لامعة بنجامين فرانكلين

40170 | Arabic | Softcover
By: XACT Studio / Hassan, Claudia (translator) كلوديا حسن
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2013
Biography - American History 18th Century - Pre-teen

  Sale Price: US$5.78

Bio: Columbus كولومبوس

14651 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Dae-Hyun, Cho
Pub: Dar al-Moualef
Educational - History


Bio: Leonardo Da Vinci

14806 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Giuly, Sang
Pub: Dar al-Moualef
Children's Arabic Book 9-12 years


Bio: Nobel

14808 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Giuly, Sang
Pub: Dar al-Moualef
Children's Arabic Book 9-12 years


Britanica Learning Library Artists Around The World فنانون حول العالم

11795 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Britanica
Pub: al-Maktaba Shorouk, 2006


Britanica Learning Library Religions Around The World الاديان حول العالم

11796 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Britanica
Pub: al-Maktaba Sharouk, 2006
Children's Arabic Encyclopedia - Religions


Dimagh 'Ajib wa-Murin Mahadah wa-Turah دماغ عجيب ومرن محدة وطورة

70213 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Deak, JoAnn / Ill: Ackerley, Sarah
Pub: Thaqafa Publishing, UAE, 2017
Kids - Science - Brain - Ages 5-9


DK Eyewitness Books: Islam

72575 | English | Hardcover
By: Wilkinson, Philip
Pub: DK Eyewitness, NY 2018
Islamic History - Middle Grades - Ages 8+

  Sale Price: US$13.95

DK Super Readers (Level 1) : Shaahina al-Kabira - الشاحنات الكبيرة

80525 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Smith, Grace Hill
Pub: DK Children, 2023
Kids' Non-fiction Reader - Ages 6-8


DK Super Readers (Level 4) : Qirsh Muftaris al-Qima - القرش مفترس القمة

80524 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Smith, Grace Hill
Pub: DK Children, 2023
Kids' Non-fiction Reader - Sharks - Ages 9-11


DK Super Readers (Pre-Level) : Liqa' al-Diynaswrat لقاء الديناصورات

80526 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Smith, Grace Hill
Pub: DK Children, 2023
Kids' Non-fiction Reader - Dinosaurs - Discovery - Ages 3-5


Fi al-Tadrib: 'Ealim fi Marhalat al-Tadrib في التدريب: عالِم في مرحلة التّدريب

45002 | Arabic | Softcover
By: MacMillian Pub / Tr: Albert Mutlaq
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2021
Children's Book - Growing up - Scientist - Ages 5-9


Fi al-Tadrib: Itfa'iyy fi Marhalat al-Tadrib في التدريب: إطفائيّ في مرحلة التّدريب

44999 | Arabic | Softcover
By: MacMillian Pub / Tr: Albert Mutlaq
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2021
Children's Book - Growing up - Firefighting - Ages 5-9


Fi al-Tadrib: Mubarmij Kombiutar fi Marhalat al-Tadrib في التدريب: مُبرمج كومبيوتر في مرحلة التّدريب

45004 | Arabic | Softcover
By: MacMillian Pub / Tr: Albert Mutlaq
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2021
Children's Book - Computer Programing - Ages 5-9


Fi al-Tadrib: Muhandis fi Marhalat al-Tadrib في التدريب: مُهندس في مرحلة التّدريب

45000 | Arabic | Softcover
By: MacMillian Pub / Tr: Albert Mutlaq
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2021
Children's Book - Growing up - Engineers - Ages 5-9


Fi al-Tadrib: Najm Riyadi fi Marhalat al-Tadrib في التدريب: نَجم رياضيّ في مرحلة التّدريب

45003 | Arabic | Softcover
By: MacMillian Pub / Tr: Albert Mutlaq
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2021
Children's Book - Growing up - Sports - Ages 5-9


Fi al-Tadrib: Rayid Fada' fi Marhalat al-Tadrib في التدريب: رائد فّضاء في مرحلة التّدريب

44998 | Arabic | Softcover
By: MacMillian Pub / Tr: Albert Mutlaq
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2021
Children's Book - Growing up - Space - Ages 5-9


Fi al-Tadrib: Tabib Bitari fi Marhalat al-Tadrib في التدريب: طبيب بيطريّ في مرحلة التّدريب

45001 | Arabic | Softcover
By: MacMillian Pub / Tr: Albert Mutlaq
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2021
Children's Book - Growing up - Vet - Ages 5-9


Fi al-Tadrib: Tabib fi Marhalat al-Tadrib في التدريب: طبيب في مرحلة التّدريب

44997 | Arabic | Softcover
By: MacMillian Pub / Tr: Albert Mutlaq
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2021
Children's Book - Growing up - Body, Health - Ages 5-9


Fleurus, la grande encyclopédie: Nature (French)

75458 | French | Hardcover
By: Dutilleul, Hélène
Pub: Fleurus Jeunese, Paris 1997
Encyclopedia for Youth - Nature - French - Ages 6 and Up


Fusul Min al-Tariq: Sana Thamaniya فصول من التاريخ - سنة ثامنة

80558 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Dar al-Mashriq
Pub: Dar al-Mashriq, Beirut 2011
World History for Youth - Eighth Grade


Haqiqat al-Dhikriyat حقيقة الذكريات

80491 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Badawi, Maya مايا بدوي
Pub: Maktabat Hadissa, Beirut, 2023
Children's Arabic Storybook - Travels - Countries of the World - 6+ Yrs


Hayat al-Siriyah lil-Firusat الحياة السرية للفيروسات

90007 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Tolosa Sistere, Mariona ماريو تولوسا سيستري
Pub: ASP, Beirut ,2022
Children's Science - Health - 8+ Yrs


Hayat al-Siriyah lil-Makhat الحياة السرية للمخاط

90006 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Tolosa Sistere, Mariona ماريو تولوسا سيستري
Pub: ASP, Beirut, 2021
Children's Science - Health


Hikayat lil-Mutal'ah: Raysha al-Hamra الريشة الحمراء

90004 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Husseini, Wafa وفاء الحسيني
Pub: Dar al-Samer, 2023
Children's Arabic Story - 8+ Yrs - Preteen+


Hikayat wa 'Ulum: Hikayat Ta'am al-Nuzha (Riyadiyat) حكاية طعام النزهة (رياضيات)

90005 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Mutlaq, Albert البير مطلق
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2021
Children's Arabic Picture Storybook - Math - Ages 4-7


Hikayat wa 'Ulum: Hikayt Bastat al-Baskawit حكايات وعلوم: حكايات بسطة البسكويت

44988 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Quarto Group / Tr: LDLP
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2021
Children's Arabic Picture Storybook - Art - Ages 4-7


Human Body-Muscular System (Ar)

8093 | Arabic | Hardcover
Pub: Librairie du Liban, Beirut, 2005
Children's Book


Human Body-Skin,Hair,Nails (Ar)

8091 | Arabic | Hardcover
Pub: Librairie du Liban, Beirut, 2005
Children's Book


Iktashif al-Nizam al-Shamsy: Al-Kuaykibat إكتشف النّظام الشّمسي: الكويكبات

74953 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Group
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, Beirut 2012
Sciences - Kids - Pre-Teen 9 - 12 Years old


Iktashif al-Nizam al-Shamsy: Al-Nujum إكتشف النّظام الشّمسي: النجوم

74955 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Group
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, Beirut 2012
Sciences - Kids - Pre-Teen 9 - 12 Years old


Iktashif al-Nizam al-Shamsy: Al-Qamar- إكتشف النّظام الشّمسي: القمر

74951 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Group
Pub: Dar Al Chimal, Beirut, 2012
Sciences - Kids - Pre-Teen 9 - 12 Years old


Iktashif al-Nizam al-Shamsy: Al-Shams إكتشف النّظام الشّمسي: الشمس

74950 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Group
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, Beirut 2012
Sciences - Kids - Pre-Teen 9 - 12 Years old


Iktashif al-Nizam al-Shamsy: Jami'a al-Kawakib إكتشف النّظام الشّمسي: جميع الكواكب

74952 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Group
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, Beirut 2012
Sciences - Kids - Pre-Teen 9 - 12 Years old


Iktashifi: al-Manazil Hawl al-Alam اكتشف المنازل حول العالم مع 48 طية

80045 | Arabic | Board Book - Lift the Flap
By: Akawi, Dr. Rihab رحاب عكاوي
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Sharjah, UAE, 2022
Interactive Board Book - Children's Science - Houses - Ages 5-10 Yrs


Illustrious Lives: Benjamin Franklin (Ar) بنجامين فرانكلين

44140 | Arabic | Softcover
By: XAct Books / Ed: Aman al-Din, Hala هلا أمان الدين
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2012 Arabic Edition
Biography - Teens - Upper Middle and High School


Illustrious Lives: Charles Dickens (Ar) تشارلز ديكنز

44130 | Arabic | Softcover
By: XAct Books / Ed: Aman al-Din, Hala هلا أمان الدين
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2012 Arabic Edition
Biography - Teens - Upper Middle and High School


Illustrious Lives: Fidel Castro (Ar) فيدل كاسترو

44138 | Arabic | Softcover
By: XAct Books / Ed: Aman al-Din, Hala هلا أمان الدين
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2012 Arabic Edition
Biography - Teens - Upper Middle and High School


Illustrious Lives: Franklin D. Roosevelt (Ar) فرانكلين د.روزفلت

44136 | Arabic | Softcover
By: XAct Books / Ed: Aman al-Din, Hala هلا أمان الدين
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2012 Arabic Edition
Biography - Teens - Upper Middle and High School


Illustrious Lives: Frida Kahlo (Ar) فريدا كاهلو

44125 | Arabic | Softcover
By: XAct Books / Ed: Aman al-Din, Hala هلا أمان الدين
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2012 Arabic Edition
Biography - Teens - Upper Middle and High School


Illustrious Lives: Leo Tolstoy (Ar) ليو تولستوي

44127 | Arabic | Softcover
By: XAct Books / Ed: Aman al-Din, Hala هلا أمان الدين
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2012 Arabic Edition
Biography - Teens - Upper Middle and High School


Illustrious Lives: Leonardo Fibonacci (Ar) ليوناردو فيبوناتشي

44120 | Arabic | Softcover
By: XAct Books / Ed: Aman al-Din, Hala هلا أمان الدين
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2012 Arabic Edition
Biography - Teens - Upper Middle and High School


Inak Lan Tasadaq .. al-Kahraba' (Electricity) إنك لن تصدق ولكن… الكهرباء

43475 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Taylor, Helen, Group
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut, 2000
Children's Arabic Science Book - Electricity - Ages 8-11


Inak Lan Tasadaq .. al-Ma'a (Water) إنك لن تصدق ولكن…حقائق الماء

43478 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Taylor, Helen, Group
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut, 2000
Children's Arabic Science Book - Water - Ages 8-11


Inak Lan Tasadaq .. Alwan (Colors) إنك لن تصدق ولكن…ألوان

43479 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Taylor, Helen, Group
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut, 2000
Children's Arabic Science Book - Colors - Ages 8-11


Iqra wa-Ata'allam: Badhraat wa-Shajarah بذرة وشجرة

41913 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Khatri, Basma
Pub: Academia International, Beirut, 2015
Children's Science - Ages 6-8


Iqra wa-Ata'allam: Halatu al-A'shiya'a حالات الأشياء

41910 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Khatri, Basma
Pub: Academia International, Beirut, 2015
Children's Science - Ages 6-8


Iqra wa-Ata'allam: Kayinat wa-Ashya' كائنات وأشياء

42347 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Khatri, Basma
Pub: Academia International, Beirut, 2015
Children's Science - Ages 6-8


Iqra wa-Ata'allam: Khafifu wa-Thaqil خفيف وثقيل

41911 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Khatri, Basma
Pub: Academia International, Beirut, 2015
Children's Science - Ages 6-8


Iqra wa-Ata'allam: Man Ya'tani Biha? من يعتني بها؟

41915 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Khatri, Basma
Pub: Academia International, Beirut, 2015
Children's Science - Ages 6-8


Iqra wa-Ata'allam: Nahnu Natanaffasu al-Aksijin نحن نتنفس الأكسيجين

41912 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Khatri, Basma
Pub: Academia International, Beirut, 2015
Children's Science - Ages 6-8


Iqra wa-Ata'allam: Subat Amiq سبات عميق

41914 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Khatri, Basma
Pub: Academia International, Beirut, 2015
Children's Science - Ages 6-8


Jiddi Abdul-Hamid رواية جدي عبد الحميد

74302 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Saghlam, Widad وداد صاغلام
Pub: Dar al Ghawthani, Istanbul 2022
Historical Fiction - Ottoman - Sultan Abd al-Hamid - Teens +


Jinat wa al-DNA الجينات والـ

41858 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Kingfisher Knowledge
Pub: ASP, Beirut, 2006 Arabic Edition
Juvenile Non-fiction - Genes and DNA - Middle & High School


Jism al-Bashari الجسم البشري

11723 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: EdiBimbi
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, 2008
Arabic Encyclopedia - Childrens Atlas of the body


Jism al-Insan 3D جسم الإنسان بالأبعاد الثلاثة + لوحة

16243 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Dorling Kindersley Ltd.
Pub: Digital Future, Beirut, 2013
Science - Middle through High School


Jungle Medicine طب الأدغال؛ إكتشاف علاجات في الغابة المطيرة

6245 | Arabic | Hardcover
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, 2006
Science - Middle School and Up - Herbal and Natural Medicines

  Sale Price: US$10.50

Kayf: Badat al-Ashya? كيف بدات الاشياء؟

82029 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Subramanian, R.P. سوبرامانيان
Pub: Maktabat al-Hadissa, Beirut, 2018
Children's Discovery - Inventions


Kayf: Ta'aish al-Ka'inatu al-Gharibahu? كيف تعيش الكائنات الغريبة؟ غرائب عالم

82027 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Shipurkar, Rekha ريكا شيبوركار
Pub: Maktabat al-Hadissa, Beirut, 2018
Children's Discovery - Strange Animals - 10+ Yrs


Kayf: Ta'amalu al-Ashya'? كيف تعمل الاشياء؟ التكنولوجيا الحديثة

82028 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Shipurkar, Rekha ريكا شيبوركار
Pub: Maktabat al-Hadissa, Beirut, 2018
Children's Discovery - Technology - 10+ Yrs


Kayf: Tahadathu al-Zawahir كيف تحدث الظواهر الطبيعية المدهشة؟

82030 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Shipurkar, Rekha ريكا شيبوركار
Pub: Maktabat al-Hadissa, Beirut, 2018
Children's Discovery - Natural Phenomena - 10+ Yrs


Kayf: Tahaduthu al-Ashya? كيف تحدث الاشياء؟

82026 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Shipurkar, Rekha ريكا شيبوركار
Pub: Maktabat al-Hadissa, Beirut, 2018
Children's Discovery - Nature - 10+ Yrs


Kayf: Tatahark al-Ashya? كيف تتحرك الاشياء؟

82031 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Shipurkar, Rekha ريكا شيبوركار
Pub: Maktabat al-Hadissa, Beirut, 2018
Children's Discovery - Transport - Motion - 10+ Yrs


Khatwa..Khatwa: al-Fada خطوة خطوة : الفضاء

42309 | Arabic | Softcover with Flaps
By: Chaffardon, Christophe / Ill: Kling, Laurent
Pub: Samir Editeur, Beirut, 2013 Arabic Edition
Child's Science Book - Space - Ages 10+


Khatwa..Khatwa: al-Ikhtira'at خطوة خطوة : الإختراعات

42311 | Arabic | Softcover with Flaps
By: Corgibet, Véronique / Ill: Kling, Laurent
Pub: Samir Editeur, Beirut, 2016
Child's Science Book - Inventions - Ages 10+


Khatwa..Khatwa: al-Sawt خطوة خطوة : الصوت

42310 | Arabic | Softcover with Flaps
By: Fischetti, Antonio / Ill: Puech, Marion
Pub: Samir Editeur, Beirut, 2013
Child's Science Book - Sound - Ages 10+


Khatwa..Khatwa: Wasa'il al-Naql خطوة خطوة : وسائل النقل

42312 | Arabic | Softcover with Flaps
By: Corgibet, Véronique / Ill: Mazurie, Jean-Christophe
Pub: Samir Editeur, Beirut, 2013
Child's Science Book - Transport - Ages 10+


Khutwah Khutwah: al-Nizam al-Shamsi خطوة خطوة : النظام الشمسي

80428 | Arabic | Board Book With Flaps
By: Stebleva, Victoria فيكتوريا ستبلافا
Pub: Stephan, Beirut, 2023
Interactive Children's Book - Science - Solar System - 7+ Yrs


Khutwah Khutwah: Jism al-Insan خطوة خطوة : جسم الإنسان

80427 | Arabic | Board Book - Lift the Flap
By: Stebleva, Victoria فيكتوريا ستبلافا
Pub: Stephan, Beirut, 2023
Interactive Children's Book - Science - Human Body - 7+ Yrs


Kitabi al-Kabir Yujayb: al-Alam كتابي الكبير يجيب: العالم

80414 | Arabic | Board Book With Flaps
By: Yoyo Books
Pub: Librairie Stephen, Beirut, 2022
Children's Discovery - Lift the Flap - The World - 5+ Yrs


Kitabi al-Kabir Yujayb: al-Ard كتابي الكبير يجيب : الأرض

80410 | Arabic | Board Book With Flaps
By: Yoyo Books
Pub: Librairie Stephen, Beirut, 2023
Children's Discovery - Lift the Flap - Planet Earth - 5+ Yrs


Kitabi al-Kabir Yujayb: al-Hayawanat كتابي الكبير يجيب: الحيوانات

80453 | Arabic | Board Book With Flaps
By: Yoyo Books
Pub: Stephan, Beirut, 2021
Interactive Children's Discovery - Lift the Flap - Animals - 5+ Yrs


Kitabi al-Kabir Yujayb: al-Markabat كتابي الكبير يجيب: المركبات

80411 | Arabic | Board Book With Flaps
By: Yoyo Books
Pub: Librairie Stephen, Beirut, 2022
Children's Discovery - Lift the Flap - Vehicles - 5+ Yrs


Kitabi al-Kabir Yujayb: al-Taam كتابي الكبير يجيب الطعام

80409 | Arabic | Board Book With Flaps
By: YoYo Books
Pub: Librairie Stephen, Beirut, 2023
Children's Discovery - Lift the Flap - 5+ Yrs


Kitabi al-Kabir Yujayb: Jismi كتابي الكبير يجيب : جسمي

80412 | Arabic | Board Book With Flaps
By: Yoyo Books
Pub: Librairie Stephen, Beirut, 2022
Children's Discovery - Lift the Flap - Anatomy - 5+ Yrs


La: Abd al-Qadir: La lil-Istimar عبد القادر : لا للاستعمار

42129 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Actes Sud / Ammi, Kebir Mustapha
Pub: Samir Editeur, Beirut, 2016 Arabic Edition
Young Adult Non-Fiction - Biography - Ages 12+


La: Chico Mendes : La'zalat al-Ghabat شيكو ميندز : لإزالة الغابات

44537 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Actes Sud / Collombat, Isabel
Pub: Samir Editeur, Beirut, 2016 Arabic Edition
Young Adult Non-Fiction - Biography - Ages 12+


La: Ghandi: La lil-'Unf غاندي : لا لِلعُنف

42128 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Actes Sud / Portillo, Chantal
Pub: Samir Editeur, Beirut, 2016 Arabic Edition
Young Adult Non-Fiction - Biography - Ages 12+


La: Nelson Mandela: La lil-Tamyiz al-Unsuri نيلسون مانديلا : لا لِلتَّميِيزِالعُنصُرِيّ

42127 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Actes Sud / Tadjo, Veronique
Pub: Samir Editeur, Beirut, 2016 Arabic Edition
Young Adult Non-Fiction - Biography - Ages 12+


Learn & Play With Magnets: al-'Ad Ma' al-Qarasinah العد مع القراصنة

81005 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Daw, Raymond
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2019
Children's Interactive Book - Discovery - Counting - 3+ Yrs


Learn & Play With Magnets: al-'Addad ma' al-Hayawanat مغناطيسي: الأضداد مع الحيوانات

81003 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Illustrated by: Crisp, Dan
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2019
Children's Discovery - Animals - Opposites - 3+ Yrs


Learn & Play With Magnets: al-Alwan الالوان

81004 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Daw, Raymond
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2019
Children's Discovery - Colors - 3+ Yrs


Learn & Play With Magnets: al-Dub Billy al-Id min 1-10 مغناطيسي: الدب بيلي العد من 1-10

81002 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Top That! Publishing
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2024
Children's Interactive - Magnetic Book - Counting - Preschool 3+


Learning Series - Basketball كرة السلة

14479 | Arabic | Hardboard
Pub: Digital-Future, 2011
Childrens Learning/Development


Learning Series - Coins القطع النقدية

14486 | Arabic | Hardboard
Pub: Digital-Future, 2011
Childrens Learning/Development


Learning Series - Formula 1 الفورمولا1

14481 | Arabic | Hardboard
Pub: Digital-Future, 2011
Childrens Learning/Development


Learning Series - Planet Earth كوكب الأرض

14485 | Arabic | Hardboard
Pub: Digital-Future, 2011
Childrens Learning/Development


Learning Series - Soccer كرة القدم

14482 | Arabic | Hardboard
Pub: Digital-Future, 2011
Childrens Learning/Development


Learning Series - Sweets الحلوى

14478 | Arabic | Hardboard
Pub: Digital-Future, 2011
Childrens Learning/Development


Learning Series - The Clock الساعة

14483 | Arabic | Hardboard
Pub: Digital-Future, 2011
Childrens Learning/Development


Learning Series - The Compass البوصلة

14480 | Arabic | Hardboard
Pub: Digital-Future, 2011
Childrens Learning/Development


Learning Series - The Moon القمر

14477 | Arabic | Hardboard
Pub: Digital-Future, 2011
Childrens Learning/Development


Li-Kul Shayin Qisatan: Albatu al-Soda لكل شيء قصة: علبة الصودا

80465 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Agarwal, Tanya تانيا اغاروال
Pub: Maktabat Hadissa, Beirut, 2018
Children's Discovery - Aluminum - 7-10 Yrs


Li-Kul Shayin Qisatin: al-Kisu al-Waraqi لكل شيء قصة: الكيس الورقي

80466 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Agarwal, Tanya تانيا اغاروال
Pub: Maktabat al-Hadissa, Beirut, 2018
Children's Discover - Paper Bags - 7-10 Yrs


Li-Kul Shayin Qisatin: al-Kuratu al-Zujajiyah لكل شيء قصة: الكرة الزجاجية

80463 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Agarwal, Tanya تانيا اغاروال
Pub: Maktabat Hadissa, Beirut, 2018
Children's Discovery - Marbles - 7-10 Yrs


Li-Kul Shayin Qisatin: al-Qufazu al-Sufi لكل شيء قصة: القفاز الصوفي

80464 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Agarwal, Tanya تانيا اغاروال
Pub: Maktabat Hadissa, Beirut, 2018
Children's Discovery - Wool - 7-10 Yrs


Li-Kul Shayin Qisatin: Bantalon al-Jinz لكل شيء قصة: بنطلون الجينز

80462 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Agarwal, Tanya تانيا اغاروال
Pub: Maktabat al-Hadissa, Beirut, 2018
Children's Discover - Jeans - 7-10 Yrs


Li-Kul Shayin Qisatin: Qalam al-Rasas لكل شيء قصة: قلم الرصاص

80461 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Agarwal, Tanya تانيا اغاروال
Pub: Maktabat al-Hadissa, Beirut, 2018
Children's Discovery - Wood Pencils - 7-10 Yrs


Lift The Flap - Nafidha Ala Mualumat Amah نافذة علاى معلومات عامة

80450 | Arabic | Board Book With Flaps
By: Usborne / Tr; Daw, Raymond ريموند ضو
Pub: Stephan, Beirut, 2021 Arabic Edition
Children's Interactive Book - Education - General Information 8 + Yrs


Lift the Flap: Limadha?: al-Dinosaurat لماذا؟ الدِّينوصورات

80422 | Arabic | Board Book With Flaps
By: Stephan, Cynthia سينتيا اسطفان
Pub: Stephan, Beirut, 2022
Children's Interactive Book - Dinosaurs - 6+ Yrs


Lift the Flap: Limadha?: al-Tabi'ah لماذا ؟ الطبيعة

80425 | Arabic | Board Book With Flaps
By: Daw, Raymond ريموند ضو
Pub: Stephan, Beirut, 2023
Children's Interactive Book - Nature - 6+ Yrs


Lift the Flap: Limadha?: Alami لماذا ؟ عالمي

80426 | Arabic | Board Book With Flaps
By: Daw, Raymond ريموند ضو
Pub: Stephan, Beirut, 2023
Children's Interactive Book - Science - Our World - 6+ Yrs


Lift the Flap: Limadha?: Biya'ati لماذا ؟ بيئتي

80424 | Arabic | Board Book With Flaps
By: Daw, Raymond ريموند ضو
Pub: Stephan, Beirut, 2022
Children's Interactive Book - Environment - 6+ Yrs


Lift the Flap: Limadha?: Jismi لماذا؟ جسمي

80421 | Arabic | Board Book With Flaps
By: Tr: Daw, Raymond ريموند ضو
Pub: Stephan, Beirut, 2022
Children's Interactive Book - Human Anatomy - 6+ Yrs


Lift the Flap: Limadha?: Mihnati لماذا؟ مهنتي

80423 | Arabic | Board Book With Flaps
By: Stephan, Cynthia سينتيا اسطفان
Pub: Stephan, Beirut, 2022
Children's Interactive Book - Professions - 6+ Yrs


Ma Alladhi Yaj'alu Minni: Ma Ana wa-Man Ana? ما الّذي يجعل منّي : ما أنا ومن أنا؟

60858 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Winston, Robert M.L.
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2006 / DK
Science Book for Youth - Human Body - Preteen +

  Sale Price: US$12.50

Manzaluk fi Aya Makan منزلك في اي مكان

80494 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Carbalall, Alba / Ill: Sangio, Lorenzo
Pub: ASP, Beirut, 2023 Arabic Edition
Children's Non-fiction - Culture - Dwellings - 9+ Yrs


Material Matters: Clay (Ar)

8087 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Chrysalis Children's Books
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut, 2006 Ar Edition c2005
Children's Book


Material Matters: Glass (Ar) الزجاج

7523 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Chrysalis Children's Books
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut, 2006
Children's Book


Material Matters: Metals (Ar)

8089 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Chrysalis Children's Books
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut, 2006 Ar Edition c2005
Children's Book


Material Matters: Plastic (Ar) البلاستيك

7513 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Chrysalis Children's Books
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut, 2006
Children's Book


Mawsu'at al-'Ilmiyah lil-Tullab : Alam al-Tuyur الموسوعة العلمية للطلاب : عالم الطيور

71354 | Arabic | Hardcover
Pub: Digital Future, Beirut
Youth Encyclopedia - Biology - Birds - Q&A - YA+


Mawsu'at al-'Ilmiyah lil-Tullab : Fada'a wa-Ilm al-Falak الموسوعة العلمية للطلاب : الفضاء وعلم الفلك

71352 | Arabic | Hardcover +CD
Pub: Digital Future, Beirut
Youth Encyclopedia - Astronomy - Q&A - YA +


Mawsu'at al-'Ilmiyah lil-Tullab : Jism al-Insan الموسوعة العلمية للطلاب : جسم الإنسان

71350 | Arabic | Hardcover + CD
Pub: Digital Future, Beirut
Youth Encyclopedia - Biology - Human Body - Q&A - YA +


Mawsu'at al-'Ilmiyah lil-Tullab :Alam al-Nabatat الموسوعة العلمية للطلاب : عالم النباتات

71353 | Arabic | Hardcover
Pub: Digital Future, Beirut
Youth Encyclopedia - Biology - Plants - Q&A - YA+


Mawsu'at al-'Ilmiyah lil-Tullab: Mamlakat al-Hayawan wa-Alam al-Thadiyyat مملكة الحيوان وعالم الثدييات

71351 | Arabic | Hardcover
Pub: Digital Future, Beirut
Youth Encyclopedia - Biology- Animals - Q&A - YA +


Mawsu'at al-'Ulum al-Mubassatah: Al-Bilastik موسوعة العلوم المبسطة: البلاستيك (اللدائن)

45092 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Group مجموعة مؤلفين
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2004
Science Encyclopedia for Youth - Resources - Plastics - Preteen+


Mawsu'at al-'Ulum al-Mubassatah: Al-Filizzat موسوعة العلوم المبسطة : الفلزات

45091 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Group مجموعة مؤلفين
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2004
Science Encyclopedia for Youth - Resources - Metals - Preteen+


Mawsu'at al-'Ulum al-Mubassatah: Al-Khashab موسوعة العلوم المبسطة : الخشب

45089 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Group مجموعة مؤلفين
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2004
Science Encyclopedia for Youth - Resources - Wood - Preteen+


Mawsu'at al-'Ulum al-Mubassatah: Al-Sukhur wa-al-Ma'adin موسوعة العلوم المبسطة: الصخور والمعادن

45090 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Group مجموعة مؤلفين
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2004
Science Encyclopedia for Youth - Resources - Rocks, Minerals - Preteen+


Mawsu'at al-Aoalon (1/4) موسوعة الأولون في العلم والمعرفة

4936 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Zayat, Rateb
Pub: Dar al-Rateb, Beirut
Arabic Encyclopedia


Mawsu'at al-Hayawan: al-Hasharat wa al-Anakib الحشرات والعناكب

60385 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Macaw Books
Pub: Sharikat Dar Al Shamal, Tripoli, Lebanon 2009
Children's Encyclopedia 7-11


Mawsu'at al-Hayawan: al-Hayawanat al-Barriyah الحيوانات البرية

40579 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Macaw Books
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, Tripoli, Lebanon 2009
Children's Encyclopedia 7-11


Mawsu'at al-Hayawan: al-Hitan wa al-Dolfin الحيتان والدلافين

60382 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Macaw Books
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, Tripoli, Lebanon 2009
Children's Encyclopedia 7-11


Mawsu'at al-Hayawan: al-Zawahif الزواحف

60384 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Macaw Books
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, Tripoli, Lebanon 2009
Children's Encyclopedia 7-11


Mawsu'at al-Hayawan: Asmak al-Qirsh اسماك القرش

60386 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Macaw Books
Pub: Sharikat Dar Al Shamal, Tripoli, Lebanon 2009
Children's Encyclopedia 7-11


Mawsu'at al-Hayawan: الطيور al-Tuyur

40578 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Macaw Books
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, Tripoli, Lebanon 2009
Children's Encyclopedia 7-11


Mawsu'at al-Insan wa-al-Sihah (4 vol) موسوعة الإنسان والصحة

71356 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Abd al-Rahim, Muhammad, Group
Pub: Dar El-Rateb, Beirut, 2006
Encyclopedia - Nutrition - Human Body - Health - YA+

  Sale Price: US$29.63

Mawsu'at al-Jughrafia (8 vol) الموسوعة الجغرافية

4845 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Abd al-Rahim, Muhammad, Group
Pub: Dar al-Rateb, Beirut, 2004
Arabic Picture Encyclopedia - Adolescents - Geography

  Sale Price: US$63.75

Mawsu'at al-Ma'arif al-Ilmiyah موسوعة المعارف العلمية

71346 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Group of Experts
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, Lebanon 2006
Youth Encyclopedia - Science - Knowledge - Pre-teen +


Mawsu'at al-Mostakshifon 1/4 موسوعة المستكشفون

4944 | Arabic | Hardcover
Pub: Dar al-Rateb, Beirut
Arabic Encyclopedia


Mawsu'at al-Motafoqon (1/5) موسوعة المتفوقون في الثقافة

4928 | Arabic | Hardcover
Pub: Dar al-Rateb, Beirut
Arabic Encyclopedis


Mawsu'at al-Mushahadat al-'eiania: al-Nabatat موسوعة المشاهدة العيانية: النباتات

80492 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: DK Publishing
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 1999 Arabic Edition
Children's Visual Encyclopedia - Plants - 12 + Yrs


Mawsu'at al-Oulum (6 vol) علبة موسوعة العلوم الحديثة

10457 | Arabic | Hardcover
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, Beirut, 2006
Arabic Children's Encyclopedia - Children's - 8-15 yrs

  Sale Price: US$32.30

Mawsu'at al-Saghirah-At the Seaside على شاطىء البحر

15390 | Arabic | Padded Hardcover
By: Mes Petites Encyclopedies Larousse
Pub: Librairie Stephen, Beirut, 2010
Children's Arabic Encyclopedia Age 5-9


Mawsu'at al-Saghirah-At the Zoo في حديقة الحيوانات

15384 | Arabic | Padded Hardcover
By: Mes Petites Encyclopedies Larousse
Pub: Librairie Stephen, Beirut, 2010
Children's Arabic Encyclopedia Age 5-9


Mawsu'at al-Saghirah-Boo-Boo's توعكات الاولاد

15387 | Arabic | Padded Hardcover
By: Mes Petites Encyclopedies Larousse
Pub: Librairie Stephen, Beirut, 2010
Children's Arabic Encyclopedia Age 5-9


Mawsu'at al-Saghirah-Good Night عالم الليل

15388 | Arabic | Padded Hardcover
By: Mes Petites Encyclopedies Larousse
Pub: Librairie Stephen, Beirut, 2010
Children's Arabic Encyclopedia Age 5-9


Mawsu'at al-Saghirah-It Rolls تتحرك وتسير

15383 | Arabic | Padded Hardcover
By: Mes Petites Encyclopedies Larousse
Pub: Librairie Stephen, Beirut, 2010
Children's Arabic Encyclopedia Age 5-9


Mawsu'at al-Saghirah-Manners اللياقة

15385 | Arabic | Padded Hardcover
By: Mes Petites Encyclopedies Larousse
Pub: Librairie Stephen, Beirut, 2010
Children's Arabic Encyclopedia Age 5-9


Mawsu'at al-Tarikhiyya (8 vol) الموسوعة التاريخية : والاحداث السياسية والشعوب والقبائل والأمم

74968 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Group مجموعة من المؤلفين
Pub: Dar al-Ratib al-Jami'iyah, Beirut, 2004
World History Encyclopedia for Youth - Historical Events - Pre-teen +


Mawsu'at al-Ulum wa-al-Hayat (5 vol) وسوعة العلم و الحياة

40057 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Ghaziani, Muhammad Sa'id محمد سعيد الغزلانى [et al.]
Pub: Dar al-Ratib al-Jami'iyah, Beirut, 2004
School Encyclopedia - Second Elementary to Middle

  Sale Price: US$39.00

Mawsu'at Jism al-Insan: 'Aeda' Jism al-Insan - موسوعة جسم الإنسان: أعضاء جسم الإنسان

74894 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sighnal, Ritanshu ريتانشو سيغنال
Pub: Maktaba al-Hadissa, Beirut 2020
Student Encyclopedia - Human Body Organs - Pre-Teen +


Mawsu'at Jism al-Insan: Al-Dawrat al-Damawiat wa-al-Jihaz al-Tanafusiu موسوعة جسم الإنسان: الدورة الدموية والجهاز التنفسي

74896 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sighnal, Ritanshu ريتانشو سيغنال
Pub: Maktaba Al-Hadissa, Beirut 2020
Human Body - Circulatory and Respiratory System - Pre-teen+


Mawsu'at Jism al-Insan: Al-Hawasu al-Khams, wa-al-'Asnan, wa-al-'Azafir, wa-al-Shier موسوعة جسم الإنسان: الحواس الخمس, والأسنان, والأظفار, والشعر

74897 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sighnal, Ritanshu ريتانشو سيغنال
Pub: Maktaba al-Hadissa, Beirut 2020
Human Body - Five Senses, Hair and nails - Pre-teen +


Mawsu'at Jism al-Insan: Al-Jihaz al-'Asabi wa-al-Jihaz al-Mana'i, wa-al-Ghudad موسوعة جسم الإنسان: الجهاز العصبي والجهاز المناعي, والغدد

74895 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sighnal, Ritanshu ريتانشو سيغنال
Pub: Maktaba Al-Hadissa, Beirut 2020
Student Encyclopedia - Human Body Systems - Nervous, Immune, glands - Pre-Teen +


Mawsu'at Mamlakat al-Tabie'ia (5 vol) موسوعة مملكة الطبيعة

4848 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Shafa, D. Fakhria, Others فخرية شفا
Pub: Dar al-Rateb, Beirut, 2004
Illustrated Arabic Encyclopedia for Youth, Nature, Earth, Universe


Mawsu'at Ruwad al-Ma'rifah: Mubdi'un Khaldun #2 مبدعون خالدون

42393 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Various / Dar al-Maaref
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2014
Arabic Encyclopedia - Scientists, Inventors - Youth Intermediate Level


Mawsu'at Ruwad al-Ma'rifah: Mubdi'un Khaldun #3 مبدعون خالدون

42394 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Various / Dar al-Maaref
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2014
Arabic Encyclopedia - Scientists, Inventors - Youth Intermediate Level


Monet: al-Sadiqan Filib wa Klud مونيه: الصديقان فيليب وكلود

73216 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Obiols, Anna / Ill: Subirana, Joan
Pub: Thaqafa Publishing, UAE, 2017
Children's Picture Storybook - Educational - International Artists


Mudhakirat al-Talib al-'Ilmiyah 1: Daftar al-Faylasuf مذكرات الطالب العلمية 1: دفتر الفيلسوف

44172 | Arabic | Flexi Bound
By: Dikmen, Fatih د. فاتح ديكمان / Haziran, I. Baski / Paksu, Zeynep Sevde
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2017
Natural Sciences - Experiments - Pre-Teen +


My Animal Kingdom - Angel Fish (book and plush animals) كل شيء عن السمك الملائكي

5889 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: DeAgostini UK Limited
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, 2006
Children's Educational Arabic Book with plush toy


My Animal Kingdom - Butterflys (book and plush animals) الكمية: كل شيء عن الفراشات

5885 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: DeAgostini UK Limited
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, 2006
Children's Educational Arabic Book with plush toy

  Sale Price: US$9.30

My Animal Kingdom - Camels (book and plush animals) كل شيء عن الجمال

5880 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: DeAgostini UK Limited
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, 2006
Children's Educational Arabic Book with plush toy

  Sale Price: US$9.30

My Animal Kingdom - Chimpanzees (book and plush animals) كل شيء عن الشمبانزي

5882 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: DeAgostini UK Limited
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, 2006
Children's Educational Arabic Book with plush toy

  Sale Price: US$9.30

My Animal Kingdom - Cobras (book and plush animals) كل شيء عن الأفاعي

5919 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: DeAgostini UK Limited
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, 2006
Children's Educational Arabic Book with plush toy

  Sale Price: US$9.30

My Animal Kingdom - Elephants (book and plush animals) كل شيء عن الفيلة

5881 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: DeAgostini UK Limited
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, 2006
Children's Educational Arabic Book with plush toy

  Sale Price: US$9.30

My Animal Kingdom - Giraffes (book and plush animals) كل شيء عن الزرافات

5884 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: DeAgostini UK Limited
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, 2006
Children's Educational Arabic Book with plush toy

  Sale Price: US$9.30

My Animal Kingdom - Lions (book and plush animals) كل شيء عن الأسود

5890 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: DeAgostini UK Limited
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, 2006
Children's Educational Arabic Book with plush toy

  Sale Price: US$9.30

My Animal Kingdom - Parrots (book and plush animals) كل شيء عن الببغاوات

5883 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: DeAgostini UK Limited
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, 2006
Children's Educational Arabic Book with plush toy

  Sale Price: US$9.30

My Animal Kingdom - Penguins (book and plush animals) كل شيء عن البطاريق

5921 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: DeAgostini UK Limited
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, 2006
Children's Educational Arabic Book with plush toy


My Animal Kingdom - Zebras (book and plush animals) كل شيء عن الحمار الوحشي

5920 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: DeAgostini UK Limited
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, 2006
Children's Educational Arabic Book with plush toy

  Sale Price: US$9.30

My Chinese Village : East Turkistan

43777 | English | Softcover
By: Nagi. Luqman
Pub: Goodword Books, India, 2008
Children's Story - Islamic Villages - Pre-teen +


My First Book - Animals

14520 | Arabic - English | Hardcover
By: Jaroudi, Nadia
Pub: Dar al-Marefah, 2011
Children's First Word Book


My First Book - House

14516 | Arabic - English | Hardcover
By: Jaroudi, Nadia
Pub: Dar al-Marefah, 2011
Children's Arabic Book


My First Book - Profession

14518 | Arabic - English | Hardcover
By: Jaroudi, Nadia
Pub: Dar al-Marefah, 2011
Children's Book


My First Book - School

14517 | Arabic - English | Hardcover
By: Jaroudi, Nadia
Pub: Dar al-Marefah, 2011
Children's Book


My Healthy Body: Blood & Heart (Ar) الدم و القلب

7529 | Arabic | Hardcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut, 2005


My Moroccan Village

43778 | English | Hardcover
By: Nagi. Luqman
Pub: Goodword Books, India, 2003
Children's Story - Islamic village - Pre-teen +


Nafidhati al-Ula (med): Madha Ta'kul Ya Asfur? ماذا تأكل يا عصفور؟

42400 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Muhaydali, Nabihah نبيهة محيدلي
Pub: Hadaek Group, Beirut, 2018
Children's Picture Storybook, Age 2+ - Animal Diets


Nafidhati al-Ula (med): Hal Ta'rifuni? هل تعرفني؟

42396 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Muhaydali, Nabihah نبيهة محيدلي
Pub: Hadaek Group, Beirut, 2018
Children's Picture Storybook, Age 2+ - Animals


Nafidhati al-Ula (med): Madha Lawni ? ما هو لوني؟

44025 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Muhaydali, Nabihah نبيهة محيدلي
Pub: Hadaek Group, Beirut, 2018
Children's Picture Storybook, Age 2+ - Colors


Nafidhati al-Ula (med): Madha Yaf'alun ? ماذا يفعلون؟

42395 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Muhaydali, Nabihah نبيهة محيدلي
Pub: Hadaek Group, Beirut, 2018
Children's Picture Storybook, Age 2+ - Professions


Nafidhati al-Ula SET of 7 Books (Med) سلسلة نافذتي الأولى

42402 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Muhaydali, Nabihah نبيهة محيدلي
Pub: Hadaek Group, Beirut, 2018
Children's Picture Storybook, Age 2+

  Sale Price: US$36.25

Natamana Laka al-Shifa al-Ajila: al-Hasasiyah الحساسية

82025 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sen, Benita بينيتا سين
Pub: Maktabat al-Hadissa, Beirut, 2018
Children's Discovery - Health Guidance - Illnesses - 7+ Yrs


Natamana Laka al-Shifa al-Ajila: al-Huma الحمى

82024 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sen, Benita بينيتا سين
Pub: Maktabat al-Hadissa, Beirut, 2018
Children's Discovery - Health Guidance - Illnesses - 7+ Yrs


Natamana Laka al-Shifa al-Ajila: al-Juruh الجروح

82023 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sen, Benita بينيتا سين
Pub: Maktabat al-Hadissa, Beirut, 2018
Children's Discovery - Health Guidance - Illnesses - 8+ Yrs


Natamana Laka al-Shifa al-Ajila: Mushkilatu al-Ma'idah مشكلات المعدة

82021 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sen, Benita بينيتا سين
Pub: Maktabat al-Hadissa, Beirut, 2018
Children's Discovery - Illnesses - 7+ Yrs


Nusammi al-'Ashya bi-'Asma'iha: Fi al-Bayt في البيت

44030 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Ḥasan, Razan رزان حسن
Pub: Hadaek Group, Beirut, 2014
Children's Photo Word, Age 2+ - At Home


Nusammi al-'Ashya bi-'Asma'iha: Fi al-Tabi'ah في الطبيعة

44028 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Ḥasan, Razan رزان حسن
Pub: Hadaek Group, Beirut, 2014
Children's Photo Word, Age 2+ - Nature


Nusammi al-'Ashya bi-'Asma'iha: Fi Jism al-Insan في جسم الانسان

44029 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Ḥasan, Razan رزان حسن
Pub: Hadaek Group, Beirut, 2014
Children's Photo Word, Age 2+ - Human Body


Phoenician Series - Alwan Arjawaniya fi Madinat Sur

14815 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Shabani, Sana
Pub: Dar al-Moualef
Children's Arabic Book 9-12 years


Phoenician Series - Fi Suhbat Ilisa

14814 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Shabani, Sana
Pub: Dar al-Moualef
Children's Arabic Book 9-12 years


Phoenician Series - Iyzis fi Madinat Jubyal

14810 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Shabani, Sana
Pub: Dar al-Moualef
Children's Arabic Book 9-12 years


Phoenician Series - Phoenician trader trip

14809 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Shabani, Sana
Pub: Dar al-Moualef
Children's Arabic Book 9-12 years


Phoenician Series - Qadmus wa Hurouf al-Abjadiya

14813 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Shabani, Sana
Pub: Dar al-Moualef
Children's Arabic Book 9-12 years


Qisas Ilmiyah قصص علمية: 15 قصة

90003 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Shams al-Din, Ali علي شمس الدين
Pub: Dar Samer, Beirut, 2023
Children's Stories - Science - 9+ Yrs - Preteen

  Sale Price: US$10.00

Ra'id fi Tarikh P1 الرائد في التاريخ

20225 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Najm, Alfred ألفرد نجم
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, Beirut
Children's History Text


Ra'id fi Tarikh P2 الرائد في التاريخ

20226 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Najm, Alfred ألفرد نجم
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, Beirut
Children's History Text


Ra'id fi Tarikh P3 الرائد في التاريخ

20227 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Najm, Alfred ألفرد نجم
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, Beirut
Children's History Text


Ra'id fi Tarikh P5 الرائد في التاريخ

20224 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Najm, Alfred ألفرد نجم
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, Beirut,
Children's History Text


Raka'iz al-Ulum wa Asraruha ركائز العلوم وأسرارها

80448 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: DK
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2023
Science - 9+ Yrs


Rihlati al-Istikshafiyah: al-Fada رحلتي الاستكشافية: الفضاء

80455 | Arabic | Board Book With Pop Ups & Flaps
By: Gharuws, Nancy نانسي غاريوس
Pub: Stephan, Beirut, 2023
Interactive Children's Book - Astronomy - 6-8+ Yrs


Rihlati al-Istikshafiyah: Jismi رحلتي الاستكشافية: جسمي

80454 | Arabic | Board Book With Pop Ups & Flaps
By: Gharuws, Nancy نانسي غاريوس
Pub: Stephan, Beirut, 2023
Interactive Children's Book - Anatomy - 6-8+ Yrs


Sesame Street 123: Ahtam wa Atisharak أهتم وأتشارك : سلسلة افتح يا سمسم

71483 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sesame Workshop
Pub: Hachette Antoine, 2018
Children's Educational - Growing Up - Sharing - Caring About Others - Ages 2-5


Sesame Street 123: Inthabihi Qishrahu Muz ! انتبه قشرة موز : سلسلة افتح يا سمسم

71486 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sesame Workshop
Pub: Hachette Antoine, 2018
Children's Educational - Safety - Ages 2-5


Sesame Street 123: Let's Eat! إفتح يا سمسم هيّا نأكل

70036 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sesame Workshop
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2017
Children's Educational - Ages 2-5


Shadi wa al-Banadura شادي والبندورة

72428 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Wareda, Abd al-Ghani عبد الغني ورضى / Ill: Kharbutli, Sahir
Pub: Asala Publishing, Beirut, 2018
Children's Educational - Eating Healthy - Tomatoes - Ages 5-8


Shadi wa al-Fulayfilah شادي والفليفلة

72430 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Wareda, Abd al-Ghani عبد الغني ورضى / Ill: Kharbutli, Sahir
Pub: Asala Publishing, Beirut, 2018
Children's Educational - Eating Healthy - Peppers - Ages 5-8


Shadi wa al-Khiyar al-Mun'ish شادي والخيار المنعش

72426 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Wareda, Abd al-Ghani عبد الغني ورضى / Ill: Kharbutli, Sahir
Pub: Asala Publishing, Beirut, 2018
Children's Educational - Eating Healthy - Cucumbers - Ages 5-8


Shadi wa al-Mawz شادي والموز

72427 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Wareda, Abd al-Ghani عبد الغني ورضى / Ill: Kharbutli, Sahir
Pub: Asala Publishing, Beirut, 2018
Children's Educational - Eating Healthy - Bananas - Ages 5-8


Shadi wa al-Sayadah Jazarah شادي و السيدة جزرة

72432 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Wareda, Abd al-Ghani عبد الغني ورضى / Ill: Kharbutli, Sahir
Pub: Asala Publishing, Beirut, 2019
Children's Educational - Eating Healthy -Carrots - Ages 5-8


Shadi wa al-Tin شادي و التين

72424 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Wareda, Abd al-Ghani عبد الغني ورضى / Ill: Kharbutli, Sahir
Pub: Asala Publishing, Beirut, 2018
Children's Educational - Eating Healthy - Figs - Ages 5-8


Shadi wa al-Tufahah شادي والتفاحة

72429 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Wareda, Abd al-Ghani عبد الغني ورضى / Ill: Kharbutli, Sahir
Pub: Asala Publishing, Beirut, 2018
Children's Educational - Eating Healthy - Apples - Ages 5-8


Shadi wa al-Yaqtin شادي واليقطين

72425 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Wareda, Abd al-Ghani عبد الغني ورضى / Ill: Kharbutli, Sahir
Pub: Asala Publishing, Beirut, 2018
Children's Educational - Eating Healthy - Pumpkins - Ages 5-8


Shadi wa Habat al-Inab شادي وحبات العنب

72477 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Wareda, Abd al-Ghani عبد الغني ورضى / Ill: Kharbutli, Sahir
Pub: Asala Publishing, Beirut, 2019
Children's Educational - Eating Healthy - Grapes - Ages 5-8


Shadi wa Tut al-Ard شادي وتوت الارض

72456 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Wareda, Abd al-Ghani عبد الغني ورضى / Ill: Kharbutli, Sahir
Pub: Asala Publishing, Beirut, 2019
Children's Educational - Eating Healthy - Benefits of Raspberries - Ages 5-8


Show Me History: Muhammad Ali: The Greatest of All Time!

44777 | English | Board Cover, Graphic Novel
By: Buckley Jr., James Ill: Duggan, Andy
Pub: Portable Press, US, 2020
Children's Non-Fiction - Biograpny - Graphic Novel - Ages 8-12


Sighar al-Hayawanat fi al-Manatiq al-Qutbiyah في المناطق القطبية

60978 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Kingfisher
Pub: Academia International, Beirut 2006
Child's non-fiction - Baby Animals - Preschool-Kindergarten


Sighar al-Hayawanat fi al-Sahari صغار الحيوانات في الصحاري

60975 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Kingfisher
Pub: Academia International, Beirut 2006
Child's non-fiction - Baby Animals - Preschool-Kindergarten


Silsilat al-Hawas al-Khams: 'Adhuqu سلسلة الحواس الخمس: أذوق

44284 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Abbud, Hanan, Trabulsi, Nawal / Ill: Ghosn, Sandra
Pub: Academia International, Beirut, 2016
Children's Science - The Senses - Early Reader


Silsilat al-Hawas al-Khams: 'Ara سلسلة الحواس الخمس: أرى

44283 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Abbud, Hanan, Trabulsi, Nawal / Ill: Badran, Nura
Pub: Academia International, Beirut, 2016
Children's Science - The Senses - Early Reader


Silsilat al-Hawas al-Khams: 'Ashummu سلسلة الحواس الخمس: أشمّ

44285 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Abbud, Hanan, Trabulsi, Nawal / Ill: Abud, Tirissa
Pub: Academia International, Beirut, 2016
Children's Science - The Senses - Early Reader


Silsilat al-Hawas al-Khams: 'Asma'u سلسلة الحواس الخمس: أسمع

44286 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Abbud, Hanan, Trabulsi, Nawal / Ill: Husayn, Azzah
Pub: Academia International, Beirut, 2016
Children's Science - The Senses - Early Reader


Silsilat al-Hawas al-Khams: al-Mussu سلسلة الحواس الخمس: ألمس

44282 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Abbud, Hanan, Trabulsi, Nawal / Ill: Ghosn, Ghada
Pub: Academia International, Beirut, 2016
Children's Science - The Senses - Early Reader


Silsilat al-Hawas al-Khams: SET of 5 سلسلة الحواس الخمس

44287 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Abbud, Hanan, Trabulsi, Nawal
Pub: Academia International, Beirut, 2016
Children's Science - The Senses - Early Reader

  Sale Price: US$24.75

Silsilat al-Hifaz 'ala al-Bayt : Hayawanat (set of 10) سلسلة الحفاظ على البيئة : حيوانات

43577 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Chibaro, Ghassan غسان شبارو
Pub: Thaqafa Publishing, UAE, 2018
Children's Picture Book - Environment - Animals - Early Elementary


Silsilat al-Ulum: al-Jarar الجرار

71274 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Flayfil, Taha / Ill: Sulayman, Hisham
Pub: Asala Publishing, Beirut, 2018
Children's Arabic Picture Book - Science - Farming - Ages 5-8


Silsilat al-Ulum: Bayt al-Akal بيت الأكل : سلسلة العلوم

72485 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Jawad, Muhammad / Ill: Salam, Sumar
Pub: Asala Publishing, Beirut, 2018
Children's Picture Storybook - Digestive System - Ages 5-9


Silsilat al-Ulum: Rihlat al-Farashah رحلة فراشة

71275 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Qansu, Zaynab / Ill: Alami, Dimah
Pub: Asala Publishing, Beirut, 2018
Children's Arabic Picture Book - Science - Butterfly - Ages 5-8


Super Mi: Ila al-Muhit إلى المحيط

71022 | Arabic | Hardcover`
By: Mia, Cee Cee / Ill: Lecomte, Julie
Pub: Samir, Beirut 2019
Children's Arabic Story - Ocean - Ages 5 +


Super Mi: Ila Dakhil al-Jism إلى داخل الجسم

71023 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Mia, Cee Cee/ Ill: Lecomte, Julie
Pub: Samir, Beirut 2019
Children's Arabic Story - The Body - Ages 5 +


Ta'raf ila Mafatih al-'Ulum تعرف إلى مفاتيح العلوم

45045 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Group / DK Books
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2019 Arabic Edition
Science Answers for Youth - Elementary


Tarif ila Jism al-Insan تعرف الى جسم الانسان

12654 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Rodriguez Vida, Dr. Alejo
Pub: Librairie Stephan, 2010
Children's Learning - Science - Arabic


Tarikh min Sinat Ila Sinah التاريخ من سنة الى سنة

80082 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Dorling Kindersley
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2017 Arabic Edition
World History - Ancient - Contemporary - 9-12+ Yrs


The Genius of Islam: How Muslims Made the Modern World

72763 | English | Hardcover
By: Barnard, Byrn
Pub: Random House / Knopf Books for Young Readers, 2011
Children's Nonfiction - Islamic History - Middle Grades (Ages 8-12)


Uktub al-Salam اكتب السلام

71025 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Samir, Beirut, 2017 / UNESCO
Children Books - World Languages - Pre-teen + - Ages 12 +


Unzur Ana: Alim أنظر أنا عالم

80441 | Arabic | Softcover
By: DK Children / Librairie du-Lubnan
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2022 Arabic Edition
Science - 6+ Yrs


Unzur Ana: Alimu Biya'ah أنظر أنا عالم بيئة

80440 | Arabic | Softcover
By: DK Children / Librairie du-Lubnan
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2023 Arabic Edition
Science - 5+ Yrs


Uqsadah I'limyah: 'Rafraf' Farashah Mulawwanah رفرف : فراشة ملونة

43900 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Husseini, Wafa وفاء الحسيني / Ill: Uhamad al-Khtiyab
Pub: Dar al-Samer, Beirut, 2019
Children's Science Story - Butterflies - Ages 3-6


Uqsadah I'limyah: 'Zeina' Nahlah Nashiytah زينة نحلة نشيطة

43901 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Husseini, Wafa وفاء الحسيني
Pub: Dar al-Samer, Beirut, 2019
Children's Science Story - Bees - Ages 3-6


Uqsusah 'Ilmiyah: Fasul al-Arba'a أقصوصة علمية : الفصول الأربعة

74166 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Husseini, Wafaa وفاء الحسيني / Ill: Al-Masri, Jamil
Pub: Dar Samer, Beirut, 2021
Kids - Science - Seasons - 3-6 Yrs


Urid Ana Akun Masmuman أريد أن أكون مصمماً

80404 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Eke Gaga, Daina داينا غاغا إيتشا
Pub: ASP, Beirut, 2022
Children's Discovery - Fashion Design - 8+ Yrs


Wadih fi al-Nabat الواضح في النبات

74509 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Zaltini, Khalifa
Pub: Kitab Jadid, Benghazi, 2000
Botany - Study of Plants - High School and up


We Are Palestinian: A Celebration of Culture And Tradition

80143 | English | Hardcover
By: Kassis, Reem / Ill: Eilouti, Noha
Pub: Crocodile Books, Massachusetts, 2023
Children's non-fiction - Palestine - Culture - Preteen+ 9 and Up


Yawm Ikhtafat al-Ashjar يوم اختفت الأشجار

41931 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Dahir, Rania Zahib رانيا زبيب ضاهر / ill: Fa'ur, Nizar
Pub: Academia International, Beirut, 2016
Juvenile Literature Pre-Teen up - Environment - Parks and Trees


Zumurrudah fi al-Mokha (Yemen) زمردة في المخا

42372 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Aybish, Shirin شيرين إيبش
Pub: Academia International, Beirut, 2011
Juvenile Fiction - Arab Cities - Pre-teen


Zumurrudah fi Baghdad زمردة في بغداد

42612 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Aybish, Shirin شيرين إيبش
Pub: Academia International, Beirut, 2011
Juvenile Fiction - Arab Cities - Pre-teen


Zumurrudah fi Beirut زمردة في بيروت

80406 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Ibish, Shirin شيرين إيبش
Pub: Academia, Beirut, 2021
Children's Fiction - World Cities - Pre-teen


Human Body-Muscular System (Ar)

8093 | Arabic | Hardcover
Pub: Librairie du Liban, Beirut, 2005
Children's Book


Jungle Medicine طب الأدغال؛ إكتشاف علاجات في الغابة المطيرة

6245 | Arabic | Hardcover
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, 2006
Science - Middle School and Up - Herbal and Natural Medicines

  Sale Price: US$10.50

Learning Series - Coins القطع النقدية

14486 | Arabic | Hardboard
Pub: Digital-Future, 2011
Childrens Learning/Development


My Healthy Body: Blood & Heart (Ar) الدم و القلب

7529 | Arabic | Hardcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut, 2005


Learning Series - Planet Earth كوكب الأرض

14485 | Arabic | Hardboard
Pub: Digital-Future, 2011
Childrens Learning/Development


Learning Series - The Clock الساعة

14483 | Arabic | Hardboard
Pub: Digital-Future, 2011
Childrens Learning/Development


Human Body-Skin,Hair,Nails (Ar)

8091 | Arabic | Hardcover
Pub: Librairie du Liban, Beirut, 2005
Children's Book


Animal Series: Rooster سلسلة الحيوان / الديك

6986 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Dar al-Ilm Lilmalayin, Beirut, 2006
Children's Book 3-6


Mawsu'at al-Oulum (6 vol) علبة موسوعة العلوم الحديثة

10457 | Arabic | Hardcover
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, Beirut, 2006
Arabic Children's Encyclopedia - Children's - 8-15 yrs

  Sale Price: US$32.30

Learning Series - Soccer كرة القدم

14482 | Arabic | Hardboard
Pub: Digital-Future, 2011
Childrens Learning/Development


Learning Series - Formula 1 الفورمولا1

14481 | Arabic | Hardboard
Pub: Digital-Future, 2011
Childrens Learning/Development


Learning Series - The Compass البوصلة

14480 | Arabic | Hardboard
Pub: Digital-Future, 2011
Childrens Learning/Development


Learning Series - Basketball كرة السلة

14479 | Arabic | Hardboard
Pub: Digital-Future, 2011
Childrens Learning/Development


Learning Series - Sweets الحلوى

14478 | Arabic | Hardboard
Pub: Digital-Future, 2011
Childrens Learning/Development


Learning Series - The Moon القمر

14477 | Arabic | Hardboard
Pub: Digital-Future, 2011
Childrens Learning/Development


Animal Series: Cow سلسلة الحيوان / البقرة

6985 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Dar al-Ilm Lilmalayin, Beirut, 2006
Children's Book 3-6


Mawsu'at al-Motafoqon (1/5) موسوعة المتفوقون في الثقافة

4928 | Arabic | Hardcover
Pub: Dar al-Rateb, Beirut
Arabic Encyclopedis


Mawsu'at al-Mostakshifon 1/4 موسوعة المستكشفون

4944 | Arabic | Hardcover
Pub: Dar al-Rateb, Beirut
Arabic Encyclopedia


Mawsu'at al-'Ilmiyah lil-Tullab : Alam al-Tuyur الموسوعة العلمية للطلاب : عالم الطيور

71354 | Arabic | Hardcover
Pub: Digital Future, Beirut
Youth Encyclopedia - Biology - Birds - Q&A - YA+


Mawsu'at al-'Ilmiyah lil-Tullab :Alam al-Nabatat الموسوعة العلمية للطلاب : عالم النباتات

71353 | Arabic | Hardcover
Pub: Digital Future, Beirut
Youth Encyclopedia - Biology - Plants - Q&A - YA+


Mawsu'at al-'Ilmiyah lil-Tullab : Fada'a wa-Ilm al-Falak الموسوعة العلمية للطلاب : الفضاء وعلم الفلك

71352 | Arabic | Hardcover +CD
Pub: Digital Future, Beirut
Youth Encyclopedia - Astronomy - Q&A - YA +


Mawsu'at al-'Ilmiyah lil-Tullab: Mamlakat al-Hayawan wa-Alam al-Thadiyyat مملكة الحيوان وعالم الثدييات

71351 | Arabic | Hardcover
Pub: Digital Future, Beirut
Youth Encyclopedia - Biology- Animals - Q&A - YA +


Mawsu'at al-'Ilmiyah lil-Tullab : Jism al-Insan الموسوعة العلمية للطلاب : جسم الإنسان

71350 | Arabic | Hardcover + CD
Pub: Digital Future, Beirut
Youth Encyclopedia - Biology - Human Body - Q&A - YA +


Silsilat al-Hawas al-Khams: SET of 5 سلسلة الحواس الخمس

44287 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Abbud, Hanan, Trabulsi, Nawal
Pub: Academia International, Beirut, 2016
Children's Science - The Senses - Early Reader

  Sale Price: US$24.75

Silsilat al-Hawas al-Khams: 'Ashummu سلسلة الحواس الخمس: أشمّ

44285 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Abbud, Hanan, Trabulsi, Nawal / Ill: Abud, Tirissa
Pub: Academia International, Beirut, 2016
Children's Science - The Senses - Early Reader


Silsilat al-Hawas al-Khams: 'Ara سلسلة الحواس الخمس: أرى

44283 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Abbud, Hanan, Trabulsi, Nawal / Ill: Badran, Nura
Pub: Academia International, Beirut, 2016
Children's Science - The Senses - Early Reader


Silsilat al-Hawas al-Khams: al-Mussu سلسلة الحواس الخمس: ألمس

44282 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Abbud, Hanan, Trabulsi, Nawal / Ill: Ghosn, Ghada
Pub: Academia International, Beirut, 2016
Children's Science - The Senses - Early Reader


Silsilat al-Hawas al-Khams: 'Adhuqu سلسلة الحواس الخمس: أذوق

44284 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Abbud, Hanan, Trabulsi, Nawal / Ill: Ghosn, Sandra
Pub: Academia International, Beirut, 2016
Children's Science - The Senses - Early Reader


Silsilat al-Hawas al-Khams: 'Asma'u سلسلة الحواس الخمس: أسمع

44286 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Abbud, Hanan, Trabulsi, Nawal / Ill: Husayn, Azzah
Pub: Academia International, Beirut, 2016
Children's Science - The Senses - Early Reader


Mawsu'at al-Insan wa-al-Sihah (4 vol) موسوعة الإنسان والصحة

71356 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Abd al-Rahim, Muhammad, Group
Pub: Dar El-Rateb, Beirut, 2006
Encyclopedia - Nutrition - Human Body - Health - YA+

  Sale Price: US$29.63

Mawsu'at al-Jughrafia (8 vol) الموسوعة الجغرافية

4845 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Abd al-Rahim, Muhammad, Group
Pub: Dar al-Rateb, Beirut, 2004
Arabic Picture Encyclopedia - Adolescents - Geography

  Sale Price: US$63.75

La: Abd al-Qadir: La lil-Istimar عبد القادر : لا للاستعمار

42129 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Actes Sud / Ammi, Kebir Mustapha
Pub: Samir Editeur, Beirut, 2016 Arabic Edition
Young Adult Non-Fiction - Biography - Ages 12+


La: Chico Mendes : La'zalat al-Ghabat شيكو ميندز : لإزالة الغابات

44537 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Actes Sud / Collombat, Isabel
Pub: Samir Editeur, Beirut, 2016 Arabic Edition
Young Adult Non-Fiction - Biography - Ages 12+


La: Ghandi: La lil-'Unf غاندي : لا لِلعُنف

42128 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Actes Sud / Portillo, Chantal
Pub: Samir Editeur, Beirut, 2016 Arabic Edition
Young Adult Non-Fiction - Biography - Ages 12+


La: Nelson Mandela: La lil-Tamyiz al-Unsuri نيلسون مانديلا : لا لِلتَّميِيزِالعُنصُرِيّ

42127 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Actes Sud / Tadjo, Veronique
Pub: Samir Editeur, Beirut, 2016 Arabic Edition
Young Adult Non-Fiction - Biography - Ages 12+


Amir Al-Atiba أمير الأطباء

74380 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Adaliya, Nawar نوار العضايلة / Ill: Widad Arshid and Rawan Sadr وداد أرشيد و روان صدر
Pub: Dar Asala, Beirut 2017
Muslim Scientists - Abu Bakr al-Razi - Biography - Ages 6+


Li-Kul Shayin Qisatin: al-Kisu al-Waraqi لكل شيء قصة: الكيس الورقي

80466 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Agarwal, Tanya تانيا اغاروال
Pub: Maktabat al-Hadissa, Beirut, 2018
Children's Discover - Paper Bags - 7-10 Yrs


Li-Kul Shayin Qisatan: Albatu al-Soda لكل شيء قصة: علبة الصودا

80465 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Agarwal, Tanya تانيا اغاروال
Pub: Maktabat Hadissa, Beirut, 2018
Children's Discovery - Aluminum - 7-10 Yrs


Li-Kul Shayin Qisatin: Qalam al-Rasas لكل شيء قصة: قلم الرصاص

80461 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Agarwal, Tanya تانيا اغاروال
Pub: Maktabat al-Hadissa, Beirut, 2018
Children's Discovery - Wood Pencils - 7-10 Yrs


Li-Kul Shayin Qisatin: Bantalon al-Jinz لكل شيء قصة: بنطلون الجينز

80462 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Agarwal, Tanya تانيا اغاروال
Pub: Maktabat al-Hadissa, Beirut, 2018
Children's Discover - Jeans - 7-10 Yrs


Li-Kul Shayin Qisatin: al-Kuratu al-Zujajiyah لكل شيء قصة: الكرة الزجاجية

80463 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Agarwal, Tanya تانيا اغاروال
Pub: Maktabat Hadissa, Beirut, 2018
Children's Discovery - Marbles - 7-10 Yrs


Li-Kul Shayin Qisatin: al-Qufazu al-Sufi لكل شيء قصة: القفاز الصوفي

80464 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Agarwal, Tanya تانيا اغاروال
Pub: Maktabat Hadissa, Beirut, 2018
Children's Discovery - Wool - 7-10 Yrs


Ala 'Arba' Qawa'im: al-Kalb الكلب

42131 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Ahdab, Marwan مروان الأحدب
Pub: Samir Editeur, Beirut, 2010
Children's Non-Fiction - Animal Life - Ages 6+


Ala 'Arba' Qawa'im: al-Hirr الهر

42130 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Ahdab, Marwan مروان الأحدب
Pub: Samir Editeur, Beirut, 2010
Children's Non-Fiction - Animal Life - Ages 6+


Ala 'Arba' Qawa'im: al-A'sad الأسد

42132 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Ahdab, Marwan مروان الأحدب
Pub: Samir Editeur, Beirut, 2010
Children's Non-Fiction - Animal Life - Ages 6+


Aqasis Rumaniyyah أقاصيص رمانية

44453 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Ahdab, Marwan مروان الأحدب / Ill: Chassagnard, C./ Le Gall, Loic
Pub: Samir Editeur, Beirut, 2017
Ancient News - Stpries - Roman Culture - Ages 13+


Iktashifi: al-Manazil Hawl al-Alam اكتشف المنازل حول العالم مع 48 طية

80045 | Arabic | Board Book - Lift the Flap
By: Akawi, Dr. Rihab رحاب عكاوي
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Sharjah, UAE, 2022
Interactive Board Book - Children's Science - Houses - Ages 5-10 Yrs


Aktashaf wa Ata'lim al-Waqt أكتشف و أتعلم الوقت

72769 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Anness Group / Holden, Arianne
Pub: Academia, Beirut 2000 Arabic Edition
Kids Learn Time - Ages 5-9


Aktashaf wa Ata'lim al-Ulum أكتشف و أتعلم العلوم

72768 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Anness Group / Holden, Arianne
Pub: Academia, Beirut, 2000 Arabic Edition
Beginning Science for Children - Arabic - Ages 5-9


Aktashaf wa Ata'lim al-Hisab أكتشف و أتعلم الحساب

72767 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Anness Group / Holden, Arianne
Pub: Academia, Beirut 2000 Arabic Edition
Kids Learn Numbers and Counting - Ages 5-6


Aktashaf wa Ata'lim al Hayawanat أكتشف و أتعلم الحيوانات

72770 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Anness Group / Llewellyn, Claire
Pub: Academia, Beirut 2000 Arabic Edition
Introduction to Animals for Children - Ages 5-9


100,000 Li-Madha : al-Hayaa - 100,000 لماذا - الحياة

80551 | Arabic | Softcover
By: ASP, Group of Authors
Pub: ASP, Beirut 2020
Science for Youth - Biology


100,000 Li-Madha : al-Taaqat wa-al-lbiya - 100,000 لماذا - الطاقة والبيئة

80552 | Arabic | Softcover
By: ASP, Group of Authors
Pub: ASP, Beirut 2019
Science for Youth - Energy & Environment


Zumurrudah fi al-Mokha (Yemen) زمردة في المخا

42372 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Aybish, Shirin شيرين إيبش
Pub: Academia International, Beirut, 2011
Juvenile Fiction - Arab Cities - Pre-teen


Zumurrudah fi Baghdad زمردة في بغداد

42612 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Aybish, Shirin شيرين إيبش
Pub: Academia International, Beirut, 2011
Juvenile Fiction - Arab Cities - Pre-teen


Haqiqat al-Dhikriyat حقيقة الذكريات

80491 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Badawi, Maya مايا بدوي
Pub: Maktabat Hadissa, Beirut, 2023
Children's Arabic Storybook - Travels - Countries of the World - 6+ Yrs


Activities: Simplissime: al-Ikhtibarat al-Alimiyah al-Absat fi al-Alam ولااسهل الاختبارات العلمية الابسط في العالم

72493 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Barde, Nahalie / Ill: Moutarde, Colonel
Pub: Hachette Antoine, 2019
Children's Educational - Scientific Tests - Ages 8-12


The Genius of Islam: How Muslims Made the Modern World

72763 | English | Hardcover
By: Barnard, Byrn
Pub: Random House / Knopf Books for Young Readers, 2011
Children's Nonfiction - Islamic History - Middle Grades (Ages 8-12)


Britanica Learning Library Religions Around The World الاديان حول العالم

11796 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Britanica
Pub: al-Maktaba Sharouk, 2006
Children's Arabic Encyclopedia - Religions


Britanica Learning Library Artists Around The World فنانون حول العالم

11795 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Britanica
Pub: al-Maktaba Shorouk, 2006


Show Me History: Muhammad Ali: The Greatest of All Time!

44777 | English | Board Cover, Graphic Novel
By: Buckley Jr., James Ill: Duggan, Andy
Pub: Portable Press, US, 2020
Children's Non-Fiction - Biograpny - Graphic Novel - Ages 8-12


Manzaluk fi Aya Makan منزلك في اي مكان

80494 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Carbalall, Alba / Ill: Sangio, Lorenzo
Pub: ASP, Beirut, 2023 Arabic Edition
Children's Non-fiction - Culture - Dwellings - 9+ Yrs


Khatwa..Khatwa: al-Fada خطوة خطوة : الفضاء

42309 | Arabic | Softcover with Flaps
By: Chaffardon, Christophe / Ill: Kling, Laurent
Pub: Samir Editeur, Beirut, 2013 Arabic Edition
Child's Science Book - Space - Ages 10+


Silsilat al-Hifaz 'ala al-Bayt : Hayawanat (set of 10) سلسلة الحفاظ على البيئة : حيوانات

43577 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Chibaro, Ghassan غسان شبارو
Pub: Thaqafa Publishing, UAE, 2018
Children's Picture Book - Environment - Animals - Early Elementary


Material Matters: Metals (Ar)

8089 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Chrysalis Children's Books
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut, 2006 Ar Edition c2005
Children's Book


Material Matters: Clay (Ar)

8087 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Chrysalis Children's Books
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut, 2006 Ar Edition c2005
Children's Book


Material Matters: Glass (Ar) الزجاج

7523 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Chrysalis Children's Books
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut, 2006
Children's Book


Material Matters: Plastic (Ar) البلاستيك

7513 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Chrysalis Children's Books
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut, 2006
Children's Book


Khatwa..Khatwa: al-Ikhtira'at خطوة خطوة : الإختراعات

42311 | Arabic | Softcover with Flaps
By: Corgibet, Véronique / Ill: Kling, Laurent
Pub: Samir Editeur, Beirut, 2016
Child's Science Book - Inventions - Ages 10+


Khatwa..Khatwa: Wasa'il al-Naql خطوة خطوة : وسائل النقل

42312 | Arabic | Softcover with Flaps
By: Corgibet, Véronique / Ill: Mazurie, Jean-Christophe
Pub: Samir Editeur, Beirut, 2013
Child's Science Book - Transport - Ages 10+


Bio: Columbus كولومبوس

14651 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Dae-Hyun, Cho
Pub: Dar al-Moualef
Educational - History


Yawm Ikhtafat al-Ashjar يوم اختفت الأشجار

41931 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Dahir, Rania Zahib رانيا زبيب ضاهر / ill: Fa'ur, Nizar
Pub: Academia International, Beirut, 2016
Juvenile Literature Pre-Teen up - Environment - Parks and Trees


Fusul Min al-Tariq: Sana Thamaniya فصول من التاريخ - سنة ثامنة

80558 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Dar al-Mashriq
Pub: Dar al-Mashriq, Beirut 2011
World History for Youth - Eighth Grade


Learn & Play With Magnets: al-'Ad Ma' al-Qarasinah العد مع القراصنة

81005 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Daw, Raymond
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2019
Children's Interactive Book - Discovery - Counting - 3+ Yrs


Learn & Play With Magnets: al-Alwan الالوان

81004 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Daw, Raymond
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2019
Children's Discovery - Colors - 3+ Yrs


Lift the Flap: Limadha?: Biya'ati لماذا ؟ بيئتي

80424 | Arabic | Board Book With Flaps
By: Daw, Raymond ريموند ضو
Pub: Stephan, Beirut, 2022
Children's Interactive Book - Environment - 6+ Yrs


Lift the Flap: Limadha?: al-Tabi'ah لماذا ؟ الطبيعة

80425 | Arabic | Board Book With Flaps
By: Daw, Raymond ريموند ضو
Pub: Stephan, Beirut, 2023
Children's Interactive Book - Nature - 6+ Yrs


Lift the Flap: Limadha?: Alami لماذا ؟ عالمي

80426 | Arabic | Board Book With Flaps
By: Daw, Raymond ريموند ضو
Pub: Stephan, Beirut, 2023
Children's Interactive Book - Science - Our World - 6+ Yrs


My Animal Kingdom - Zebras (book and plush animals) كل شيء عن الحمار الوحشي

5920 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: DeAgostini UK Limited
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, 2006
Children's Educational Arabic Book with plush toy

  Sale Price: US$9.30

My Animal Kingdom - Cobras (book and plush animals) كل شيء عن الأفاعي

5919 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: DeAgostini UK Limited
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, 2006
Children's Educational Arabic Book with plush toy

  Sale Price: US$9.30

My Animal Kingdom - Penguins (book and plush animals) كل شيء عن البطاريق

5921 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: DeAgostini UK Limited
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, 2006
Children's Educational Arabic Book with plush toy


My Animal Kingdom - Giraffes (book and plush animals) كل شيء عن الزرافات

5884 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: DeAgostini UK Limited
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, 2006
Children's Educational Arabic Book with plush toy

  Sale Price: US$9.30

My Animal Kingdom - Butterflys (book and plush animals) الكمية: كل شيء عن الفراشات

5885 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: DeAgostini UK Limited
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, 2006
Children's Educational Arabic Book with plush toy

  Sale Price: US$9.30

My Animal Kingdom - Angel Fish (book and plush animals) كل شيء عن السمك الملائكي

5889 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: DeAgostini UK Limited
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, 2006
Children's Educational Arabic Book with plush toy


My Animal Kingdom - Lions (book and plush animals) كل شيء عن الأسود

5890 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: DeAgostini UK Limited
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, 2006
Children's Educational Arabic Book with plush toy

  Sale Price: US$9.30

My Animal Kingdom - Camels (book and plush animals) كل شيء عن الجمال

5880 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: DeAgostini UK Limited
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, 2006
Children's Educational Arabic Book with plush toy

  Sale Price: US$9.30

My Animal Kingdom - Elephants (book and plush animals) كل شيء عن الفيلة

5881 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: DeAgostini UK Limited
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, 2006
Children's Educational Arabic Book with plush toy

  Sale Price: US$9.30

My Animal Kingdom - Chimpanzees (book and plush animals) كل شيء عن الشمبانزي

5882 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: DeAgostini UK Limited
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, 2006
Children's Educational Arabic Book with plush toy

  Sale Price: US$9.30

My Animal Kingdom - Parrots (book and plush animals) كل شيء عن الببغاوات

5883 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: DeAgostini UK Limited
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, 2006
Children's Educational Arabic Book with plush toy

  Sale Price: US$9.30

Dimagh 'Ajib wa-Murin Mahadah wa-Turah دماغ عجيب ومرن محدة وطورة

70213 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Deak, JoAnn / Ill: Ackerley, Sarah
Pub: Thaqafa Publishing, UAE, 2017
Kids - Science - Brain - Ages 5-9


Mudhakirat al-Talib al-'Ilmiyah 1: Daftar al-Faylasuf مذكرات الطالب العلمية 1: دفتر الفيلسوف

44172 | Arabic | Flexi Bound
By: Dikmen, Fatih د. فاتح ديكمان / Haziran, I. Baski / Paksu, Zeynep Sevde
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2017
Natural Sciences - Experiments - Pre-Teen +


Raka'iz al-Ulum wa Asraruha ركائز العلوم وأسرارها

80448 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: DK
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2023
Science - 9+ Yrs


Unzur Ana: Alimu Biya'ah أنظر أنا عالم بيئة

80440 | Arabic | Softcover
By: DK Children / Librairie du-Lubnan
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2023 Arabic Edition
Science - 5+ Yrs


Unzur Ana: Alim أنظر أنا عالم

80441 | Arabic | Softcover
By: DK Children / Librairie du-Lubnan
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2022 Arabic Edition
Science - 6+ Yrs


Mawsu'at al-Mushahadat al-'eiania: al-Nabatat موسوعة المشاهدة العيانية: النباتات

80492 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: DK Publishing
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 1999 Arabic Edition
Children's Visual Encyclopedia - Plants - 12 + Yrs


Tarikh min Sinat Ila Sinah التاريخ من سنة الى سنة

80082 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Dorling Kindersley
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2017 Arabic Edition
World History - Ancient - Contemporary - 9-12+ Yrs


Jism al-Insan 3D جسم الإنسان بالأبعاد الثلاثة + لوحة

16243 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Dorling Kindersley Ltd.
Pub: Digital Future, Beirut, 2013
Science - Middle through High School


Fleurus, la grande encyclopédie: Nature (French)

75458 | French | Hardcover
By: Dutilleul, Hélène
Pub: Fleurus Jeunese, Paris 1997
Encyclopedia for Youth - Nature - French - Ages 6 and Up


Jism al-Bashari الجسم البشري

11723 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: EdiBimbi
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, 2008
Arabic Encyclopedia - Childrens Atlas of the body


Atlas al-'Ulum al-Shamal: al-Bia'ah البيئة

40155 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Editorial Sol 90; Encyclopaedia Britannica, inc.
Pub: Librairie Stephen, Beirut, 2014
Juvenile Non-fiction - Environment


Atlas al-'Ulum al-Shamal: Istkshaf al-Fada'a استكشاف الفضاء

40156 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Editorial Sol 90; Encyclopaedia Britannica, inc.
Pub: Librairie Stephen, Beirut, 2014
Juvenile Non-fiction - Space


Atlas al-'Ulum al-Shamal: al-Zawahef wa-al-Dinosourat الزواحف والديناصورات

40157 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Editorial Sol 90; Encyclopaedia Britannica, inc.
Pub: Librairie Stephen, Beirut, 2014
Juvenile Non-fiction - Reptiles


Urid Ana Akun Masmuman أريد أن أكون مصمماً

80404 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Eke Gaga, Daina داينا غاغا إيتشا
Pub: ASP, Beirut, 2022
Children's Discovery - Fashion Design - 8+ Yrs


Khatwa..Khatwa: al-Sawt خطوة خطوة : الصوت

42310 | Arabic | Softcover with Flaps
By: Fischetti, Antonio / Ill: Puech, Marion
Pub: Samir Editeur, Beirut, 2013
Child's Science Book - Sound - Ages 10+


Silsilat al-Ulum: al-Jarar الجرار

71274 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Flayfil, Taha / Ill: Sulayman, Hisham
Pub: Asala Publishing, Beirut, 2018
Children's Arabic Picture Book - Science - Farming - Ages 5-8


Rihlati al-Istikshafiyah: Jismi رحلتي الاستكشافية: جسمي

80454 | Arabic | Board Book With Pop Ups & Flaps
By: Gharuws, Nancy نانسي غاريوس
Pub: Stephan, Beirut, 2023
Interactive Children's Book - Anatomy - 6-8+ Yrs


Rihlati al-Istikshafiyah: al-Fada رحلتي الاستكشافية: الفضاء

80455 | Arabic | Board Book With Pop Ups & Flaps
By: Gharuws, Nancy نانسي غاريوس
Pub: Stephan, Beirut, 2023
Interactive Children's Book - Astronomy - 6-8+ Yrs


Mawsu'at al-Ulum wa-al-Hayat (5 vol) وسوعة العلم و الحياة

40057 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Ghaziani, Muhammad Sa'id محمد سعيد الغزلانى [et al.]
Pub: Dar al-Ratib al-Jami'iyah, Beirut, 2004
School Encyclopedia - Second Elementary to Middle

  Sale Price: US$39.00

Arabic World Atlas: Atlas al-Alam أطلس العالم

20559 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Ghuri, Ibrahim Helmi
Pub: Dar Al Sharq Al Arabi, 2005
World Atlas - Teen Up


Bio: Leonardo Da Vinci

14806 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Giuly, Sang
Pub: Dar al-Moualef
Children's Arabic Book 9-12 years


Bio: Nobel

14808 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Giuly, Sang
Pub: Dar al-Moualef
Children's Arabic Book 9-12 years


Iktashif al-Nizam al-Shamsy: Al-Nujum إكتشف النّظام الشّمسي: النجوم

74955 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Group
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, Beirut 2012
Sciences - Kids - Pre-Teen 9 - 12 Years old


Iktashif al-Nizam al-Shamsy: Al-Kuaykibat إكتشف النّظام الشّمسي: الكويكبات

74953 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Group
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, Beirut 2012
Sciences - Kids - Pre-Teen 9 - 12 Years old


Iktashif al-Nizam al-Shamsy: Jami'a al-Kawakib إكتشف النّظام الشّمسي: جميع الكواكب

74952 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Group
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, Beirut 2012
Sciences - Kids - Pre-Teen 9 - 12 Years old


Iktashif al-Nizam al-Shamsy: Al-Qamar- إكتشف النّظام الشّمسي: القمر

74951 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Group
Pub: Dar Al Chimal, Beirut, 2012
Sciences - Kids - Pre-Teen 9 - 12 Years old


Atlas Dawlat al-Bahrain wa-al-Alam: lil-Marhalah al-Thanawiyah اطلس دولة البحرين والعالم : للمرحلة الثانوية

20569 | Arabic | Softcover/ Edition: al-Ṭab'ah al-Iha'iyah
By: Group
Pub: Mu'assasat Jiyubrujiktis, Beirut, 1997
Atlas - Bahrain and World - Secondary Level - Teens +


Iktashif al-Nizam al-Shamsy: Al-Shams إكتشف النّظام الشّمسي: الشمس

74950 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Group
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, Beirut 2012
Sciences - Kids - Pre-Teen 9 - 12 Years old


Ta'raf ila Mafatih al-'Ulum تعرف إلى مفاتيح العلوم

45045 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Group / DK Books
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2019 Arabic Edition
Science Answers for Youth - Elementary


Mawsu'at al-Ma'arif al-Ilmiyah موسوعة المعارف العلمية

71346 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Group of Experts
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, Lebanon 2006
Youth Encyclopedia - Science - Knowledge - Pre-teen +


Mawsu'at al-'Ulum al-Mubassatah: Al-Khashab موسوعة العلوم المبسطة : الخشب

45089 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Group مجموعة مؤلفين
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2004
Science Encyclopedia for Youth - Resources - Wood - Preteen+


Mawsu'at al-'Ulum al-Mubassatah: Al-Bilastik موسوعة العلوم المبسطة: البلاستيك (اللدائن)

45092 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Group مجموعة مؤلفين
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2004
Science Encyclopedia for Youth - Resources - Plastics - Preteen+


Mawsu'at al-'Ulum al-Mubassatah: Al-Filizzat موسوعة العلوم المبسطة : الفلزات

45091 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Group مجموعة مؤلفين
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2004
Science Encyclopedia for Youth - Resources - Metals - Preteen+


Mawsu'at al-'Ulum al-Mubassatah: Al-Sukhur wa-al-Ma'adin موسوعة العلوم المبسطة: الصخور والمعادن

45090 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Group مجموعة مؤلفين
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2004
Science Encyclopedia for Youth - Resources - Rocks, Minerals - Preteen+


Mawsu'at al-Tarikhiyya (8 vol) الموسوعة التاريخية : والاحداث السياسية والشعوب والقبائل والأمم

74968 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Group مجموعة من المؤلفين
Pub: Dar al-Ratib al-Jami'iyah, Beirut, 2004
World History Encyclopedia for Youth - Historical Events - Pre-teen +


Bi'atana Mustaqbatuna: al-Aghdhiah al-Mu'ddalah Warathiyan الأغذية المعدّلة وراثياً

40505 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Hawkes, Nigel / Ayyubi, Umar
Pub: Academia, Beirut, 2001
Children's Book - Environment Issues - Grade 2 and Up


Hikayat lil-Mutal'ah: Raysha al-Hamra الريشة الحمراء

90004 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Husseini, Wafa وفاء الحسيني
Pub: Dar al-Samer, 2023
Children's Arabic Story - 8+ Yrs - Preteen+


Uqsadah I'limyah: 'Zeina' Nahlah Nashiytah زينة نحلة نشيطة

43901 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Husseini, Wafa وفاء الحسيني
Pub: Dar al-Samer, Beirut, 2019
Children's Science Story - Bees - Ages 3-6


Uqsadah I'limyah: 'Rafraf' Farashah Mulawwanah رفرف : فراشة ملونة

43900 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Husseini, Wafa وفاء الحسيني / Ill: Uhamad al-Khtiyab
Pub: Dar al-Samer, Beirut, 2019
Children's Science Story - Butterflies - Ages 3-6


Uqsusah 'Ilmiyah: Fasul al-Arba'a أقصوصة علمية : الفصول الأربعة

74166 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Husseini, Wafaa وفاء الحسيني / Ill: Al-Masri, Jamil
Pub: Dar Samer, Beirut, 2021
Kids - Science - Seasons - 3-6 Yrs


Nusammi al-'Ashya bi-'Asma'iha: Fi al-Bayt في البيت

44030 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Ḥasan, Razan رزان حسن
Pub: Hadaek Group, Beirut, 2014
Children's Photo Word, Age 2+ - At Home


Nusammi al-'Ashya bi-'Asma'iha: Fi Jism al-Insan في جسم الانسان

44029 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Ḥasan, Razan رزان حسن
Pub: Hadaek Group, Beirut, 2014
Children's Photo Word, Age 2+ - Human Body


Nusammi al-'Ashya bi-'Asma'iha: Fi al-Tabi'ah في الطبيعة

44028 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Ḥasan, Razan رزان حسن
Pub: Hadaek Group, Beirut, 2014
Children's Photo Word, Age 2+ - Nature


Zumurrudah fi Beirut زمردة في بيروت

80406 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Ibish, Shirin شيرين إيبش
Pub: Academia, Beirut, 2021
Children's Fiction - World Cities - Pre-teen


Learn & Play With Magnets: al-'Addad ma' al-Hayawanat مغناطيسي: الأضداد مع الحيوانات

81003 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Illustrated by: Crisp, Dan
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2019
Children's Discovery - Animals - Opposites - 3+ Yrs


My First Book - Animals

14520 | Arabic - English | Hardcover
By: Jaroudi, Nadia
Pub: Dar al-Marefah, 2011
Children's First Word Book


My First Book - House

14516 | Arabic - English | Hardcover
By: Jaroudi, Nadia
Pub: Dar al-Marefah, 2011
Children's Arabic Book


My First Book - School

14517 | Arabic - English | Hardcover
By: Jaroudi, Nadia
Pub: Dar al-Marefah, 2011
Children's Book


My First Book - Profession

14518 | Arabic - English | Hardcover
By: Jaroudi, Nadia
Pub: Dar al-Marefah, 2011
Children's Book


Silsilat al-Ulum: Bayt al-Akal بيت الأكل : سلسلة العلوم

72485 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Jawad, Muhammad / Ill: Salam, Sumar
Pub: Asala Publishing, Beirut, 2018
Children's Picture Storybook - Digestive System - Ages 5-9


We Are Palestinian: A Celebration of Culture And Tradition

80143 | English | Hardcover
By: Kassis, Reem / Ill: Eilouti, Noha
Pub: Crocodile Books, Massachusetts, 2023
Children's non-fiction - Palestine - Culture - Preteen+ 9 and Up


100,000 Li-Madha : al-Elektroniat wa-al-Maa'lumaat - 100,000 لماذا - الالكترونيات والمعلومات

80604 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Kedi, Han
Pub: ASP, Beirut 2020
Science for Youth - Technology


100,000 Li-Madha : al-Dimagh wa-al-Adrak - 100,000 لماذا - الدماغ والادراك

80555 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Kedi, Han
Pub: ASP, Beirut 2019
Science for Youth - Brain & Cognition


100,000 Li-Madha : al-Ulum al-Tibiya - 100,000 لماذا - العلوم الطبية

80553 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Kedi, Han
Pub: ASP, Beirut 2019
Science for Youth - Medical


100,000 Li-Madha : al-Kawarith wa-al-Himayat Minha - 100,000 لماذا - الكوارث والحماية منها

80556 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Kedi, Han
Pub: ASP, Beirut 2020
Science for Youth - Disasters and Protections


100000 Li-Madha : al-Aslhat wa-al-Difa' al-Watana'a - 100000 لماذا - الاسلحة والدفاع الوطنى

80557 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Kedi, Han
Pub: ASP, Beirut, 2020
Science for Youth - Weapons and National Defense


100,000 Li-Madha : al-Riyadhiat - 100,000 لماذا - الرياضيات

80607 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Kedi, Han
Pub: ASP, Beirut 2020
Science for Youth - Mathematics


100,000 Li-Madha : al-Bahar wa-al-Muhitat - 100,000 لماذا - البحار والمحيطات

80606 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Kedi, Han
Pub: ASP, Beirut 2019
Science for Youth - Seas - Oceans


100,000 Li-Madha : al-Kimya' - 100,000 لماذا - الكيمياء

80605 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Kedi, Han
Pub: ASP, Beirut 2020
Science for Youth - Chemistry


100,000 Li-Madha : Ilm al-Hayawan - 100,000 لماذا - علم الحيوان

80598 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Kedi, Han
Pub: ASP, Beirut 2019
Science for Youth - Animals - Zoology


100,000 Li-Madha : Al-Ardh - 100,000 لماذا - الارض

80603 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Kedi, Han
Pub: ASP, Beirut 2019
Science for Youth - The Earth - Environment


100,000 Li-Madha : al-Fizya' - 100,000 - لماذا - الفيزياء

80602 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Kedi, Han
Pub: ASP, Beirut 2020
Science for Youth - Physics


100,000 Li-Madha : Ilm al-Nabaat - 100,000 لماذا - علم النبات

80601 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Kedi, Han
Pub: ASP, Beirut 2020
Science for Youth - Botany


100,000 Li-Madha : Ilm al-Mutahajirat -100,000 لماذا - علم المتحجرات

80600 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Kedi, Han
Pub: ASP, Beirut 2020
Science for Youth - Dinosaurs


100,000 Li-Madha : Ilm al-Falak 100,000 لماذا - علم الفاك

80599 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Kedi, Han
Pub: ASP, Beirut 2020
Science for Youth - Space - Astronomy


100,000 Li-Madha : al-Tayaran wa-al-Fada' 100,000 لماذا - الطيران والفضاء

80554 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Kedi, Han
Pub: ASP, Beirut 2020
Science for Youth - Aviation & Space


Iqra wa-Ata'allam: Man Ya'tani Biha? من يعتني بها؟

41915 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Khatri, Basma
Pub: Academia International, Beirut, 2015
Children's Science - Ages 6-8


Iqra wa-Ata'allam: Kayinat wa-Ashya' كائنات وأشياء

42347 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Khatri, Basma
Pub: Academia International, Beirut, 2015
Children's Science - Ages 6-8


Iqra wa-Ata'allam: Subat Amiq سبات عميق

41914 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Khatri, Basma
Pub: Academia International, Beirut, 2015
Children's Science - Ages 6-8


Iqra wa-Ata'allam: Badhraat wa-Shajarah بذرة وشجرة

41913 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Khatri, Basma
Pub: Academia International, Beirut, 2015
Children's Science - Ages 6-8


Iqra wa-Ata'allam: Nahnu Natanaffasu al-Aksijin نحن نتنفس الأكسيجين

41912 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Khatri, Basma
Pub: Academia International, Beirut, 2015
Children's Science - Ages 6-8


Iqra wa-Ata'allam: Khafifu wa-Thaqil خفيف وثقيل

41911 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Khatri, Basma
Pub: Academia International, Beirut, 2015
Children's Science - Ages 6-8


Iqra wa-Ata'allam: Halatu al-A'shiya'a حالات الأشياء

41910 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Khatri, Basma
Pub: Academia International, Beirut, 2015
Children's Science - Ages 6-8


Sighar al-Hayawanat fi al-Sahari صغار الحيوانات في الصحاري

60975 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Kingfisher
Pub: Academia International, Beirut 2006
Child's non-fiction - Baby Animals - Preschool-Kindergarten


Sighar al-Hayawanat fi al-Manatiq al-Qutbiyah في المناطق القطبية

60978 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Kingfisher
Pub: Academia International, Beirut 2006
Child's non-fiction - Baby Animals - Preschool-Kindergarten


Jinat wa al-DNA الجينات والـ

41858 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Kingfisher Knowledge
Pub: ASP, Beirut, 2006 Arabic Edition
Juvenile Non-fiction - Genes and DNA - Middle & High School


Mawsu'at al-Hayawan: al-Hayawanat al-Barriyah الحيوانات البرية

40579 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Macaw Books
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, Tripoli, Lebanon 2009
Children's Encyclopedia 7-11


Mawsu'at al-Hayawan: الطيور al-Tuyur

40578 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Macaw Books
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, Tripoli, Lebanon 2009
Children's Encyclopedia 7-11


Mawsu'at al-Hayawan: Asmak al-Qirsh اسماك القرش

60386 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Macaw Books
Pub: Sharikat Dar Al Shamal, Tripoli, Lebanon 2009
Children's Encyclopedia 7-11


Mawsu'at al-Hayawan: al-Hasharat wa al-Anakib الحشرات والعناكب

60385 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Macaw Books
Pub: Sharikat Dar Al Shamal, Tripoli, Lebanon 2009
Children's Encyclopedia 7-11


Mawsu'at al-Hayawan: al-Zawahif الزواحف

60384 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Macaw Books
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, Tripoli, Lebanon 2009
Children's Encyclopedia 7-11


Mawsu'at al-Hayawan: al-Hitan wa al-Dolfin الحيتان والدلافين

60382 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Macaw Books
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, Tripoli, Lebanon 2009
Children's Encyclopedia 7-11


Fi al-Tadrib: Itfa'iyy fi Marhalat al-Tadrib في التدريب: إطفائيّ في مرحلة التّدريب

44999 | Arabic | Softcover
By: MacMillian Pub / Tr: Albert Mutlaq
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2021
Children's Book - Growing up - Firefighting - Ages 5-9


Fi al-Tadrib: Rayid Fada' fi Marhalat al-Tadrib في التدريب: رائد فّضاء في مرحلة التّدريب

44998 | Arabic | Softcover
By: MacMillian Pub / Tr: Albert Mutlaq
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2021
Children's Book - Growing up - Space - Ages 5-9


Fi al-Tadrib: Tabib fi Marhalat al-Tadrib في التدريب: طبيب في مرحلة التّدريب

44997 | Arabic | Softcover
By: MacMillian Pub / Tr: Albert Mutlaq
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2021
Children's Book - Growing up - Body, Health - Ages 5-9


Fi al-Tadrib: Muhandis fi Marhalat al-Tadrib في التدريب: مُهندس في مرحلة التّدريب

45000 | Arabic | Softcover
By: MacMillian Pub / Tr: Albert Mutlaq
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2021
Children's Book - Growing up - Engineers - Ages 5-9


Fi al-Tadrib: Tabib Bitari fi Marhalat al-Tadrib في التدريب: طبيب بيطريّ في مرحلة التّدريب

45001 | Arabic | Softcover
By: MacMillian Pub / Tr: Albert Mutlaq
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2021
Children's Book - Growing up - Vet - Ages 5-9


Fi al-Tadrib: 'Ealim fi Marhalat al-Tadrib في التدريب: عالِم في مرحلة التّدريب

45002 | Arabic | Softcover
By: MacMillian Pub / Tr: Albert Mutlaq
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2021
Children's Book - Growing up - Scientist - Ages 5-9


Fi al-Tadrib: Najm Riyadi fi Marhalat al-Tadrib في التدريب: نَجم رياضيّ في مرحلة التّدريب

45003 | Arabic | Softcover
By: MacMillian Pub / Tr: Albert Mutlaq
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2021
Children's Book - Growing up - Sports - Ages 5-9


Fi al-Tadrib: Mubarmij Kombiutar fi Marhalat al-Tadrib في التدريب: مُبرمج كومبيوتر في مرحلة التّدريب

45004 | Arabic | Softcover
By: MacMillian Pub / Tr: Albert Mutlaq
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2021
Children's Book - Computer Programing - Ages 5-9


Mawsu'at al-Saghirah-At the Zoo في حديقة الحيوانات

15384 | Arabic | Padded Hardcover
By: Mes Petites Encyclopedies Larousse
Pub: Librairie Stephen, Beirut, 2010
Children's Arabic Encyclopedia Age 5-9


Mawsu'at al-Saghirah-It Rolls تتحرك وتسير

15383 | Arabic | Padded Hardcover
By: Mes Petites Encyclopedies Larousse
Pub: Librairie Stephen, Beirut, 2010
Children's Arabic Encyclopedia Age 5-9


Mawsu'at al-Saghirah-At the Seaside على شاطىء البحر

15390 | Arabic | Padded Hardcover
By: Mes Petites Encyclopedies Larousse
Pub: Librairie Stephen, Beirut, 2010
Children's Arabic Encyclopedia Age 5-9


Mawsu'at al-Saghirah-Good Night عالم الليل

15388 | Arabic | Padded Hardcover
By: Mes Petites Encyclopedies Larousse
Pub: Librairie Stephen, Beirut, 2010
Children's Arabic Encyclopedia Age 5-9


Mawsu'at al-Saghirah-Boo-Boo's توعكات الاولاد

15387 | Arabic | Padded Hardcover
By: Mes Petites Encyclopedies Larousse
Pub: Librairie Stephen, Beirut, 2010
Children's Arabic Encyclopedia Age 5-9


Mawsu'at al-Saghirah-Manners اللياقة

15385 | Arabic | Padded Hardcover
By: Mes Petites Encyclopedies Larousse
Pub: Librairie Stephen, Beirut, 2010
Children's Arabic Encyclopedia Age 5-9


Super Mi: Ila al-Muhit إلى المحيط

71022 | Arabic | Hardcover`
By: Mia, Cee Cee / Ill: Lecomte, Julie
Pub: Samir, Beirut 2019
Children's Arabic Story - Ocean - Ages 5 +


Super Mi: Ila Dakhil al-Jism إلى داخل الجسم

71023 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Mia, Cee Cee/ Ill: Lecomte, Julie
Pub: Samir, Beirut 2019
Children's Arabic Story - The Body - Ages 5 +


Asilah wa Ajwabah Tarifah An: Kaukab al-Ard اسئلة واجوبة طريفة عن كوكب الارض

80849 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Miles Kelly Publishing
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2023 Arabic Edition
Children's Discovery - Planet Earth - 6+ Yrs


Asilah wa Ajwabah Tarifah An: al-Hayawanat - اسئلة واجوبة طريفة عن الحيوانات

80843 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Miles Kelly Publishing
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2023 Arabic Edition
Children's Discovery - Animals - 5+ Yrs


Asilah wa Ajwabah Tarifah An: al-Taq'su اسئلة واجوبة طريفة عن الطقس

80844 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Miles Kelly Publishing
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2023 Arabic Edition
Children's Discovery - Weather - 5+ Yrs


Asilah wa Ajwabah Tarifah An: Aniqadh Kawkab al-Ard - اسئلة واجوبة طريفة عن انقاذ كوكب الارض

80845 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Miles Kelly Publishing
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2023 Arabic Edition
Children's Discovery - Planet Earth - 5+ Yrs


Asilah wa Ajwabah Tarifah An: al-Nizam Shamsi - اسئلة واجوبة طريفة عن النظام الشمسي

80848 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Miles Kelly Publishing
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2023 Arabic Edition
Children's Discovery - Solar System - 6+ Yrs


Asilah wa Ajwabah Tarifah An: al-Ghabat al-Matirah أسئلة وأجوبة الطريفة عن الغابات المطيرة

80446 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Miles Kelly Publishing
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2023 Arabic Edition
Children's Discovery - Rain Forests - 8+ Yrs


Asilah wa Ajwabah Tarifah An: al-Ard al-Qutbiah أسئلة و أجوبة طريفة عن... الأراضي القطبية

80445 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Miles Kelly Publishing
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2023 Arabic Edition
Children's Discovery - Polar Lands - 6+ Yrs


Asilah wa Ajwabah Tarifah An: Al-Qamar - اسئلة واجوبة طريفة عن القمر

80847 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Miles Kelly Publishing
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2023 Arabic Edition
Children's Discovery - Moon - 5+ Yrs


Asilah wa Ajwabah Tarifah An: al-Ulum اسئلة واجوبة طريفة عن العلوم

80846 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Miles Kelly Publishing
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2023 Arabic Edition
Children's Discovery - Science - 5+ Yrs


Asilah wa Ajwabah Tarifah An: Aja'ib al-Tabi'ia اسئلة واجوبة طريفة عن عجائب الطبيعة

80444 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Miles Kelly Publishing
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2023 Arabic Edition
Children's Discovery - Nature - 6+ Yrs


Asilah wa Ajwabah Tarifah An: Jism al-Insan اسئلة و اجوبة طريفة عن جسم الانسان

80443 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Miles Kelly Publishing
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2023 Arabic Edition
Children's Discovery - Anatomy - 9+ Yrs


Asilah wa Ajwabah Tarifah An: Ruwad al-Fada اسئلة واجوبة طريفة عن رواد الفضاء

80442 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Miles Kelly Publishing
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2023 Arabic Edition
Children's Discovery - Astronauts - 5+ Yrs


Asilah wa Ajwabah Tarifah An: al-Asr al-Jalidi أسئلة و أجوبة طريفة عن... العصر الجليدي

80416 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Miles Kelly Publishing
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2023
Children's Discovery - Ice Age - 9+ Yrs


Asilah wa Ajwabah Tarifah An: al-Shaab al-Marjaniyah اسئلة واجوبة طريفة عن الشعاب المرجانية

80415 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Miles Kelly Publishing
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2023
Children's Discovery - Coral Reefs - 9+ Yrs


Nafidhati al-Ula (med): Madha Yaf'alun ? ماذا يفعلون؟

42395 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Muhaydali, Nabihah نبيهة محيدلي
Pub: Hadaek Group, Beirut, 2018
Children's Picture Storybook, Age 2+ - Professions


Nafidhati al-Ula (med): Hal Ta'rifuni? هل تعرفني؟

42396 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Muhaydali, Nabihah نبيهة محيدلي
Pub: Hadaek Group, Beirut, 2018
Children's Picture Storybook, Age 2+ - Animals


Nafidhati al-Ula (med): Madha Ta'kul Ya Asfur? ماذا تأكل يا عصفور؟

42400 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Muhaydali, Nabihah نبيهة محيدلي
Pub: Hadaek Group, Beirut, 2018
Children's Picture Storybook, Age 2+ - Animal Diets


Nafidhati al-Ula SET of 7 Books (Med) سلسلة نافذتي الأولى

42402 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Muhaydali, Nabihah نبيهة محيدلي
Pub: Hadaek Group, Beirut, 2018
Children's Picture Storybook, Age 2+

  Sale Price: US$36.25

Nafidhati al-Ula (med): Madha Lawni ? ما هو لوني؟

44025 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Muhaydali, Nabihah نبيهة محيدلي
Pub: Hadaek Group, Beirut, 2018
Children's Picture Storybook, Age 2+ - Colors


Arif Kula Shayin An: al-Ma'a اعرف كل شئء عن الماء

80487 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Mukherjee, Vijita فيجيتا مخرجي
Pub: Maktabat Hadissa, Beirut, 2018 Arabic Edition
Children's Discovery - Water - 8-12 Yrs


Arif Kula Shayin An: al-Turabah النربة

80490 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Mukherjee, Vijita فيجيتا مخرجي
Pub: Maktabat Hadissa, Beirut, 2018 Arabic Edition
Children's Discovery - Soil - 8-12 Yrs


Aihtbas al-Harari الاحتباس الحراري

41859 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Murphy, Glenn / Bonnier Books
Pub: Dar al-Fikr, Beirut/Damascus, 2011 Arabic Edition
Juvenile Non-fiction - Climate Change - Middle & High School


Hikayat wa 'Ulum: Hikayat Ta'am al-Nuzha (Riyadiyat) حكاية طعام النزهة (رياضيات)

90005 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Mutlaq, Albert البير مطلق
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2021
Children's Arabic Picture Storybook - Math - Ages 4-7


My Moroccan Village

43778 | English | Hardcover
By: Nagi. Luqman
Pub: Goodword Books, India, 2003
Children's Story - Islamic village - Pre-teen +


My Chinese Village : East Turkistan

43777 | English | Softcover
By: Nagi. Luqman
Pub: Goodword Books, India, 2008
Children's Story - Islamic Villages - Pre-teen +


Arif Kula Shayin An: al-Fada' الفضاء

80489 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Nainwal, Tripti تريبتي نايوال
Pub: Maktabat Hadissa, Beirut, 2018 Arabic Edition
Children's Discovery - 8-12 Yrs


Arif Kula Shayin An: al-Riyah الرياح

80488 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Nainwal, Tripti تريبتي نايوال
Pub: Maktabat Hadissa, Beirut, 2018 Arabic Edition
Children's Discovery - Wind - 8-12 Yrs


Ra'id fi Tarikh P5 الرائد في التاريخ

20224 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Najm, Alfred ألفرد نجم
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, Beirut,
Children's History Text


Ra'id fi Tarikh P1 الرائد في التاريخ

20225 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Najm, Alfred ألفرد نجم
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, Beirut
Children's History Text


Ra'id fi Tarikh P2 الرائد في التاريخ

20226 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Najm, Alfred ألفرد نجم
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, Beirut
Children's History Text


Ra'id fi Tarikh P3 الرائد في التاريخ

20227 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Najm, Alfred ألفرد نجم
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, Beirut
Children's History Text


Amir Murib أمر مريب

72437 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Nassir, Maya Mawlawi مايا مولوي ناصر / Ill: Beiruti, Maryam
Pub: Asala, 2019
Arabic Story for Youth - Health - Allergies - Family - Pre-teen


Aktashaf Jism al-Insan 3D اكتشف جسم الإنسان (بتقنية الأبعاد الثلاثة)

45153 | Arabic | Board Book - Chunky with see through layers
By: North Parade Publishing
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2019 Arabic Edition
Science for Youth - Human Body - Pre-teen +


Monet: al-Sadiqan Filib wa Klud مونيه: الصديقان فيليب وكلود

73216 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Obiols, Anna / Ill: Subirana, Joan
Pub: Thaqafa Publishing, UAE, 2017
Children's Picture Storybook - Educational - International Artists


Ala Matni Qitar: al-Adad على متن قطار الأضداد

80407 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Oxford
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2023
Opposites - Toddler +


Ala Matni Qitar: al-'Adad على متن قطار الأعداد

80413 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Oxford
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut 2023
Numbers - Toddler +


Ala Matni Qitar: al-Kalimat على متن قطار: الكلمات

80451 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Oxford
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2023
Words - Toddler +


Ala Matni Qitar: al-Ashkal على متن قطار الأشكال

80408 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Oxford
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut 2023
Shapes - Toddler +


Ala Matni Qitar: al-Alwan على متن قطار: الالوان

80447 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Oxford
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2023
Colors - Toddler +


Silsilat al-Ulum: Rihlat al-Farashah رحلة فراشة

71275 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Qansu, Zaynab / Ill: Alami, Dimah
Pub: Asala Publishing, Beirut, 2018
Children's Arabic Picture Book - Science - Butterfly - Ages 5-8


Hikayat wa 'Ulum: Hikayt Bastat al-Baskawit حكايات وعلوم: حكايات بسطة البسكويت

44988 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Quarto Group / Tr: LDLP
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2021
Children's Arabic Picture Storybook - Art - Ages 4-7


Activity: Duros al-Furusiyah al-Uwla دروس الفروسية الأولى

60859 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Ransford, Sandy / Kingfisher
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, Inc. Beirut 2003
Children's Book - Horsemanship - Grades 3-5


Tarif ila Jism al-Insan تعرف الى جسم الانسان

12654 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Rodriguez Vida, Dr. Alejo
Pub: Librairie Stephan, 2010
Children's Learning - Science - Arabic


Jiddi Abdul-Hamid رواية جدي عبد الحميد

74302 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Saghlam, Widad وداد صاغلام
Pub: Dar al Ghawthani, Istanbul 2022
Historical Fiction - Ottoman - Sultan Abd al-Hamid - Teens +


Natamana Laka al-Shifa al-Ajila: Mushkilatu al-Ma'idah مشكلات المعدة

82021 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sen, Benita بينيتا سين
Pub: Maktabat al-Hadissa, Beirut, 2018
Children's Discovery - Illnesses - 7+ Yrs


Natamana Laka al-Shifa al-Ajila: al-Huma الحمى

82024 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sen, Benita بينيتا سين
Pub: Maktabat al-Hadissa, Beirut, 2018
Children's Discovery - Health Guidance - Illnesses - 7+ Yrs


Natamana Laka al-Shifa al-Ajila: al-Juruh الجروح

82023 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sen, Benita بينيتا سين
Pub: Maktabat al-Hadissa, Beirut, 2018
Children's Discovery - Health Guidance - Illnesses - 8+ Yrs


Natamana Laka al-Shifa al-Ajila: al-Hasasiyah الحساسية

82025 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sen, Benita بينيتا سين
Pub: Maktabat al-Hadissa, Beirut, 2018
Children's Discovery - Health Guidance - Illnesses - 7+ Yrs


Sesame Street 123: Ahtam wa Atisharak أهتم وأتشارك : سلسلة افتح يا سمسم

71483 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sesame Workshop
Pub: Hachette Antoine, 2018
Children's Educational - Growing Up - Sharing - Caring About Others - Ages 2-5


Sesame Street 123: Let's Eat! إفتح يا سمسم هيّا نأكل

70036 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sesame Workshop
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2017
Children's Educational - Ages 2-5


Sesame Street 123: Inthabihi Qishrahu Muz ! انتبه قشرة موز : سلسلة افتح يا سمسم

71486 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sesame Workshop
Pub: Hachette Antoine, 2018
Children's Educational - Safety - Ages 2-5


Phoenician Series - Phoenician trader trip

14809 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Shabani, Sana
Pub: Dar al-Moualef
Children's Arabic Book 9-12 years


Phoenician Series - Iyzis fi Madinat Jubyal

14810 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Shabani, Sana
Pub: Dar al-Moualef
Children's Arabic Book 9-12 years


Phoenician Series - Qadmus wa Hurouf al-Abjadiya

14813 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Shabani, Sana
Pub: Dar al-Moualef
Children's Arabic Book 9-12 years


Phoenician Series - Fi Suhbat Ilisa

14814 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Shabani, Sana
Pub: Dar al-Moualef
Children's Arabic Book 9-12 years


Phoenician Series - Alwan Arjawaniya fi Madinat Sur

14815 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Shabani, Sana
Pub: Dar al-Moualef
Children's Arabic Book 9-12 years


Mawsu'at Mamlakat al-Tabie'ia (5 vol) موسوعة مملكة الطبيعة

4848 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Shafa, D. Fakhria, Others فخرية شفا
Pub: Dar al-Rateb, Beirut, 2004
Illustrated Arabic Encyclopedia for Youth, Nature, Earth, Universe


Qisas Ilmiyah قصص علمية: 15 قصة

90003 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Shams al-Din, Ali علي شمس الدين
Pub: Dar Samer, Beirut, 2023
Children's Stories - Science - 9+ Yrs - Preteen

  Sale Price: US$10.00

Ana Sadiq al-Biyati: Ma Hu? al-Talawuth, al-Dakhani, al-Dakhan wa-al-Mazidu انا صديق البيئة: ما هو؟ التلوث، الدخان، الضخان والمزيد...

80645 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sharma, Richa ريتشا شارما
Pub: Maktabat al-Hadissa, Beirut 2018 Arabic Edition
Kid's Non-fiction - Science & Nature - Ecology - Air Pollution - Ages 7-10+


Kayf: Tatahark al-Ashya? كيف تتحرك الاشياء؟

82031 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Shipurkar, Rekha ريكا شيبوركار
Pub: Maktabat al-Hadissa, Beirut, 2018
Children's Discovery - Transport - Motion - 10+ Yrs


Kayf: Tahadathu al-Zawahir كيف تحدث الظواهر الطبيعية المدهشة؟

82030 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Shipurkar, Rekha ريكا شيبوركار
Pub: Maktabat al-Hadissa, Beirut, 2018
Children's Discovery - Natural Phenomena - 10+ Yrs


Kayf: Ta'amalu al-Ashya'? كيف تعمل الاشياء؟ التكنولوجيا الحديثة

82028 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Shipurkar, Rekha ريكا شيبوركار
Pub: Maktabat al-Hadissa, Beirut, 2018
Children's Discovery - Technology - 10+ Yrs


Kayf: Ta'aish al-Ka'inatu al-Gharibahu? كيف تعيش الكائنات الغريبة؟ غرائب عالم

82027 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Shipurkar, Rekha ريكا شيبوركار
Pub: Maktabat al-Hadissa, Beirut, 2018
Children's Discovery - Strange Animals - 10+ Yrs


Kayf: Tahaduthu al-Ashya? كيف تحدث الاشياء؟

82026 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Shipurkar, Rekha ريكا شيبوركار
Pub: Maktabat al-Hadissa, Beirut, 2018
Children's Discovery - Nature - 10+ Yrs


Mawsu'at Jism al-Insan: Al-Jihaz al-'Asabi wa-al-Jihaz al-Mana'i, wa-al-Ghudad موسوعة جسم الإنسان: الجهاز العصبي والجهاز المناعي, والغدد

74895 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sighnal, Ritanshu ريتانشو سيغنال
Pub: Maktaba Al-Hadissa, Beirut 2020
Student Encyclopedia - Human Body Systems - Nervous, Immune, glands - Pre-Teen +


Mawsu'at Jism al-Insan: 'Aeda' Jism al-Insan - موسوعة جسم الإنسان: أعضاء جسم الإنسان

74894 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sighnal, Ritanshu ريتانشو سيغنال
Pub: Maktaba al-Hadissa, Beirut 2020
Student Encyclopedia - Human Body Organs - Pre-Teen +


Mawsu'at Jism al-Insan: Al-Dawrat al-Damawiat wa-al-Jihaz al-Tanafusiu موسوعة جسم الإنسان: الدورة الدموية والجهاز التنفسي

74896 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sighnal, Ritanshu ريتانشو سيغنال
Pub: Maktaba Al-Hadissa, Beirut 2020
Human Body - Circulatory and Respiratory System - Pre-teen+


Mawsu'at Jism al-Insan: Al-Hawasu al-Khams, wa-al-'Asnan, wa-al-'Azafir, wa-al-Shier موسوعة جسم الإنسان: الحواس الخمس, والأسنان, والأظفار, والشعر

74897 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sighnal, Ritanshu ريتانشو سيغنال
Pub: Maktaba al-Hadissa, Beirut 2020
Human Body - Five Senses, Hair and nails - Pre-teen +


DK Super Readers (Pre-Level) : Liqa' al-Diynaswrat لقاء الديناصورات

80526 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Smith, Grace Hill
Pub: DK Children, 2023
Kids' Non-fiction Reader - Dinosaurs - Discovery - Ages 3-5


DK Super Readers (Level 1) : Shaahina al-Kabira - الشاحنات الكبيرة

80525 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Smith, Grace Hill
Pub: DK Children, 2023
Kids' Non-fiction Reader - Ages 6-8


DK Super Readers (Level 4) : Qirsh Muftaris al-Qima - القرش مفترس القمة

80524 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Smith, Grace Hill
Pub: DK Children, 2023
Kids' Non-fiction Reader - Sharks - Ages 9-11


Khutwah Khutwah: Jism al-Insan خطوة خطوة : جسم الإنسان

80427 | Arabic | Board Book - Lift the Flap
By: Stebleva, Victoria فيكتوريا ستبلافا
Pub: Stephan, Beirut, 2023
Interactive Children's Book - Science - Human Body - 7+ Yrs


Khutwah Khutwah: al-Nizam al-Shamsi خطوة خطوة : النظام الشمسي

80428 | Arabic | Board Book With Flaps
By: Stebleva, Victoria فيكتوريا ستبلافا
Pub: Stephan, Beirut, 2023
Interactive Children's Book - Science - Solar System - 7+ Yrs


Lift the Flap: Limadha?: al-Dinosaurat لماذا؟ الدِّينوصورات

80422 | Arabic | Board Book With Flaps
By: Stephan, Cynthia سينتيا اسطفان
Pub: Stephan, Beirut, 2022
Children's Interactive Book - Dinosaurs - 6+ Yrs


Lift the Flap: Limadha?: Mihnati لماذا؟ مهنتي

80423 | Arabic | Board Book With Flaps
By: Stephan, Cynthia سينتيا اسطفان
Pub: Stephan, Beirut, 2022
Children's Interactive Book - Professions - 6+ Yrs


Kayf: Badat al-Ashya? كيف بدات الاشياء؟

82029 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Subramanian, R.P. سوبرامانيان
Pub: Maktabat al-Hadissa, Beirut, 2018
Children's Discovery - Inventions


Atfal bi-Ahlam Kabirah: Mahatma Ghandi أطفال بأحلام كبيرة : مهاتما غانديأ

73890 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Sánchez Vegara, Maria Isabel ماريا إيزابيل سانشيز فيغارا، اليزا مونسو
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut 2021 Arabic Edition
Inspiring Biographies - Ages 7-10+


Atfal bi-Ahlam Kabirah: Helen Keller أطفال بأحلام كبيرة - هيلين كيلر

80468 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Sánchez Vegara, Maria Isabel ماريا إيزابيل سانشيز فيغارا، اليزا مونسو
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2023
Inspiring Biographies - Ages 7-10+


Atfal bi-Ahlam Kabirah: Pele أطفال بأحلام كبيرة - بيليه

80470 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Sánchez Vegara, Maria Isabel ماريا إيزابيل سانشيز فيغارا، اليزا مونسو
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2023
Inspiring Biographies - Ages 7-10+


Atfal bi-Ahlam Kabirah: Nikola Tesla أطفال بأحلام كبيرة - نيكولا تسلا

80469 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Sánchez Vegara, Maria Isabel ماريا إيزابيل سانشيز فيغارا، اليزا مونسو
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2023
Inspiring Biographies - Ages 7-10+


Atfal bi-Ahlam Kabirah: Muhammad Ali Clay أطفال بأحلام كبيرة : محمد علي كلاي

73889 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Sánchez Vegara, Maria Isabel ماريا إيزابيل سانشيز فيغارا، اليزا مونسو
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut 2021, Arabic Edition
Inspiring Biographies - Ages 7-10+


Atfal bi-Ahlam Kabirah: Steve Jobs أطفال بأحلام كبيرة : ستيف جوبز

73911 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Sánchez Vegara, Maria Isabel ماريا إيزابيل سانشيز فيغارا، اليزا مونسو
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut 2020
Inspiring Biographies - ages 7-10+


Atfal bi-Ahlam Kabirah: Bruce Lee أطفال بأحلام كبيرة: بروس لي

80171 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Sánchez Vegara, Maria Isabel ماريا ايزابيل سانشيز فيغارا / Ill: Bustos, Miguel
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2023
Inspiring Biographies - Ages 7-10+


Atfal bi-Ahlam Kabirah: Leo Messi أطفال بأحلام كبيرة: ليو ميسي

80172 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Sánchez Vegara, Maria Isabel ماريا ايزابيل سانشيز فيغارا/ Ill: Gavilán, Florencia
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2023
Inspiring Biographies - Ages 7-10+


Inak Lan Tasadaq .. al-Kahraba' (Electricity) إنك لن تصدق ولكن… الكهرباء

43475 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Taylor, Helen, Group
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut, 2000
Children's Arabic Science Book - Electricity - Ages 8-11


Inak Lan Tasadaq .. al-Ma'a (Water) إنك لن تصدق ولكن…حقائق الماء

43478 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Taylor, Helen, Group
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut, 2000
Children's Arabic Science Book - Water - Ages 8-11


Inak Lan Tasadaq .. Alwan (Colors) إنك لن تصدق ولكن…ألوان

43479 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Taylor, Helen, Group
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut, 2000
Children's Arabic Science Book - Colors - Ages 8-11


Hayat al-Siriyah lil-Firusat الحياة السرية للفيروسات

90007 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Tolosa Sistere, Mariona ماريو تولوسا سيستري
Pub: ASP, Beirut ,2022
Children's Science - Health - 8+ Yrs


Hayat al-Siriyah lil-Makhat الحياة السرية للمخاط

90006 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Tolosa Sistere, Mariona ماريو تولوسا سيستري
Pub: ASP, Beirut, 2021
Children's Science - Health


Learn & Play With Magnets: al-Dub Billy al-Id min 1-10 مغناطيسي: الدب بيلي العد من 1-10

81002 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Top That! Publishing
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2024
Children's Interactive - Magnetic Book - Counting - Preschool 3+


Lift the Flap: Limadha?: Jismi لماذا؟ جسمي

80421 | Arabic | Board Book With Flaps
By: Tr: Daw, Raymond ريموند ضو
Pub: Stephan, Beirut, 2022
Children's Interactive Book - Human Anatomy - 6+ Yrs


Uktub al-Salam اكتب السلام

71025 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Samir, Beirut, 2017 / UNESCO
Children Books - World Languages - Pre-teen + - Ages 12 +


Lift The Flap - Nafidha Ala Mualumat Amah نافذة علاى معلومات عامة

80450 | Arabic | Board Book With Flaps
By: Usborne / Tr; Daw, Raymond ريموند ضو
Pub: Stephan, Beirut, 2021 Arabic Edition
Children's Interactive Book - Education - General Information 8 + Yrs


Mawsu'at Ruwad al-Ma'rifah: Mubdi'un Khaldun #3 مبدعون خالدون

42394 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Various / Dar al-Maaref
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2014
Arabic Encyclopedia - Scientists, Inventors - Youth Intermediate Level


Mawsu'at Ruwad al-Ma'rifah: Mubdi'un Khaldun #2 مبدعون خالدون

42393 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Various / Dar al-Maaref
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2014
Arabic Encyclopedia - Scientists, Inventors - Youth Intermediate Level


Shadi wa al-Banadura شادي والبندورة

72428 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Wareda, Abd al-Ghani عبد الغني ورضى / Ill: Kharbutli, Sahir
Pub: Asala Publishing, Beirut, 2018
Children's Educational - Eating Healthy - Tomatoes - Ages 5-8


Shadi wa Habat al-Inab شادي وحبات العنب

72477 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Wareda, Abd al-Ghani عبد الغني ورضى / Ill: Kharbutli, Sahir
Pub: Asala Publishing, Beirut, 2019
Children's Educational - Eating Healthy - Grapes - Ages 5-8


Shadi wa Tut al-Ard شادي وتوت الارض

72456 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Wareda, Abd al-Ghani عبد الغني ورضى / Ill: Kharbutli, Sahir
Pub: Asala Publishing, Beirut, 2019
Children's Educational - Eating Healthy - Benefits of Raspberries - Ages 5-8


Shadi wa al-Sayadah Jazarah شادي و السيدة جزرة

72432 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Wareda, Abd al-Ghani عبد الغني ورضى / Ill: Kharbutli, Sahir
Pub: Asala Publishing, Beirut, 2019
Children's Educational - Eating Healthy -Carrots - Ages 5-8


Shadi wa al-Fulayfilah شادي والفليفلة

72430 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Wareda, Abd al-Ghani عبد الغني ورضى / Ill: Kharbutli, Sahir
Pub: Asala Publishing, Beirut, 2018
Children's Educational - Eating Healthy - Peppers - Ages 5-8


Shadi wa al-Tufahah شادي والتفاحة

72429 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Wareda, Abd al-Ghani عبد الغني ورضى / Ill: Kharbutli, Sahir
Pub: Asala Publishing, Beirut, 2018
Children's Educational - Eating Healthy - Apples - Ages 5-8


Shadi wa al-Mawz شادي والموز

72427 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Wareda, Abd al-Ghani عبد الغني ورضى / Ill: Kharbutli, Sahir
Pub: Asala Publishing, Beirut, 2018
Children's Educational - Eating Healthy - Bananas - Ages 5-8


Shadi wa al-Khiyar al-Mun'ish شادي والخيار المنعش

72426 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Wareda, Abd al-Ghani عبد الغني ورضى / Ill: Kharbutli, Sahir
Pub: Asala Publishing, Beirut, 2018
Children's Educational - Eating Healthy - Cucumbers - Ages 5-8


Shadi wa al-Yaqtin شادي واليقطين

72425 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Wareda, Abd al-Ghani عبد الغني ورضى / Ill: Kharbutli, Sahir
Pub: Asala Publishing, Beirut, 2018
Children's Educational - Eating Healthy - Pumpkins - Ages 5-8


Shadi wa al-Tin شادي و التين

72424 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Wareda, Abd al-Ghani عبد الغني ورضى / Ill: Kharbutli, Sahir
Pub: Asala Publishing, Beirut, 2018
Children's Educational - Eating Healthy - Figs - Ages 5-8


DK Eyewitness Books: Islam

72575 | English | Hardcover
By: Wilkinson, Philip
Pub: DK Eyewitness, NY 2018
Islamic History - Middle Grades - Ages 8+

  Sale Price: US$13.95

Ma Alladhi Yaj'alu Minni: Ma Ana wa-Man Ana? ما الّذي يجعل منّي : ما أنا ومن أنا؟

60858 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Winston, Robert M.L.
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2006 / DK
Science Book for Youth - Human Body - Preteen +

  Sale Price: US$12.50

Illustrious Lives: Benjamin Franklin (Ar) بنجامين فرانكلين

44140 | Arabic | Softcover
By: XAct Books / Ed: Aman al-Din, Hala هلا أمان الدين
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2012 Arabic Edition
Biography - Teens - Upper Middle and High School


Illustrious Lives: Fidel Castro (Ar) فيدل كاسترو

44138 | Arabic | Softcover
By: XAct Books / Ed: Aman al-Din, Hala هلا أمان الدين
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2012 Arabic Edition
Biography - Teens - Upper Middle and High School


Illustrious Lives: Franklin D. Roosevelt (Ar) فرانكلين د.روزفلت

44136 | Arabic | Softcover
By: XAct Books / Ed: Aman al-Din, Hala هلا أمان الدين
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2012 Arabic Edition
Biography - Teens - Upper Middle and High School


Illustrious Lives: Leonardo Fibonacci (Ar) ليوناردو فيبوناتشي

44120 | Arabic | Softcover
By: XAct Books / Ed: Aman al-Din, Hala هلا أمان الدين
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2012 Arabic Edition
Biography - Teens - Upper Middle and High School


Illustrious Lives: Frida Kahlo (Ar) فريدا كاهلو

44125 | Arabic | Softcover
By: XAct Books / Ed: Aman al-Din, Hala هلا أمان الدين
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2012 Arabic Edition
Biography - Teens - Upper Middle and High School


Illustrious Lives: Leo Tolstoy (Ar) ليو تولستوي

44127 | Arabic | Softcover
By: XAct Books / Ed: Aman al-Din, Hala هلا أمان الدين
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2012 Arabic Edition
Biography - Teens - Upper Middle and High School


Illustrious Lives: Charles Dickens (Ar) تشارلز ديكنز

44130 | Arabic | Softcover
By: XAct Books / Ed: Aman al-Din, Hala هلا أمان الدين
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2012 Arabic Edition
Biography - Teens - Upper Middle and High School


Bio: Benjamin Franklin شخصيات لامعة بنجامين فرانكلين

40170 | Arabic | Softcover
By: XACT Studio / Hassan, Claudia (translator) كلوديا حسن
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2013
Biography - American History 18th Century - Pre-teen

  Sale Price: US$5.78

Kitabi al-Kabir Yujayb: al-Hayawanat كتابي الكبير يجيب: الحيوانات

80453 | Arabic | Board Book With Flaps
By: Yoyo Books
Pub: Stephan, Beirut, 2021
Interactive Children's Discovery - Lift the Flap - Animals - 5+ Yrs


Kitabi al-Kabir Yujayb: al-Alam كتابي الكبير يجيب: العالم

80414 | Arabic | Board Book With Flaps
By: Yoyo Books
Pub: Librairie Stephen, Beirut, 2022
Children's Discovery - Lift the Flap - The World - 5+ Yrs


Kitabi al-Kabir Yujayb: Jismi كتابي الكبير يجيب : جسمي

80412 | Arabic | Board Book With Flaps
By: Yoyo Books
Pub: Librairie Stephen, Beirut, 2022
Children's Discovery - Lift the Flap - Anatomy - 5+ Yrs


Kitabi al-Kabir Yujayb: al-Markabat كتابي الكبير يجيب: المركبات

80411 | Arabic | Board Book With Flaps
By: Yoyo Books
Pub: Librairie Stephen, Beirut, 2022
Children's Discovery - Lift the Flap - Vehicles - 5+ Yrs


Kitabi al-Kabir Yujayb: al-Ard كتابي الكبير يجيب : الأرض

80410 | Arabic | Board Book With Flaps
By: Yoyo Books
Pub: Librairie Stephen, Beirut, 2023
Children's Discovery - Lift the Flap - Planet Earth - 5+ Yrs


Kitabi al-Kabir Yujayb: al-Taam كتابي الكبير يجيب الطعام

80409 | Arabic | Board Book With Flaps
By: YoYo Books
Pub: Librairie Stephen, Beirut, 2023
Children's Discovery - Lift the Flap - 5+ Yrs


Wadih fi al-Nabat الواضح في النبات

74509 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Zaltini, Khalifa
Pub: Kitab Jadid, Benghazi, 2000
Botany - Study of Plants - High School and up


Mawsu'at al-Aoalon (1/4) موسوعة الأولون في العلم والمعرفة

4936 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Zayat, Rateb
Pub: Dar al-Rateb, Beirut
Arabic Encyclopedia


Animal Series: Rooster سلسلة الحيوان / الديك

6986 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Dar al-Ilm Lilmalayin, Beirut, 2006
Children's Book 3-6


Animal Series: Cow سلسلة الحيوان / البقرة

6985 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Dar al-Ilm Lilmalayin, Beirut, 2006
Children's Book 3-6


My Chinese Village : East Turkistan

43777 | English | Softcover
By: Nagi. Luqman
Pub: Goodword Books, India, 2008
Children's Story - Islamic Villages - Pre-teen +


Nafidhati al-Ula (med): Madha Ta'kul Ya Asfur? ماذا تأكل يا عصفور؟

42400 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Muhaydali, Nabihah نبيهة محيدلي
Pub: Hadaek Group, Beirut, 2018
Children's Picture Storybook, Age 2+ - Animal Diets


Uqsadah I'limyah: 'Zeina' Nahlah Nashiytah زينة نحلة نشيطة

43901 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Husseini, Wafa وفاء الحسيني
Pub: Dar al-Samer, Beirut, 2019
Children's Science Story - Bees - Ages 3-6


Uqsadah I'limyah: 'Rafraf' Farashah Mulawwanah رفرف : فراشة ملونة

43900 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Husseini, Wafa وفاء الحسيني / Ill: Uhamad al-Khtiyab
Pub: Dar al-Samer, Beirut, 2019
Children's Science Story - Butterflies - Ages 3-6


My Moroccan Village

43778 | English | Hardcover
By: Nagi. Luqman
Pub: Goodword Books, India, 2003
Children's Story - Islamic village - Pre-teen +


Shadi wa Habat al-Inab شادي وحبات العنب

72477 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Wareda, Abd al-Ghani عبد الغني ورضى / Ill: Kharbutli, Sahir
Pub: Asala Publishing, Beirut, 2019
Children's Educational - Eating Healthy - Grapes - Ages 5-8


Shadi wa Tut al-Ard شادي وتوت الارض

72456 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Wareda, Abd al-Ghani عبد الغني ورضى / Ill: Kharbutli, Sahir
Pub: Asala Publishing, Beirut, 2019
Children's Educational - Eating Healthy - Benefits of Raspberries - Ages 5-8


Shadi wa al-Sayadah Jazarah شادي و السيدة جزرة

72432 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Wareda, Abd al-Ghani عبد الغني ورضى / Ill: Kharbutli, Sahir
Pub: Asala Publishing, Beirut, 2019
Children's Educational - Eating Healthy -Carrots - Ages 5-8


Shadi wa al-Fulayfilah شادي والفليفلة

72430 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Wareda, Abd al-Ghani عبد الغني ورضى / Ill: Kharbutli, Sahir
Pub: Asala Publishing, Beirut, 2018
Children's Educational - Eating Healthy - Peppers - Ages 5-8


Shadi wa al-Tufahah شادي والتفاحة

72429 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Wareda, Abd al-Ghani عبد الغني ورضى / Ill: Kharbutli, Sahir
Pub: Asala Publishing, Beirut, 2018
Children's Educational - Eating Healthy - Apples - Ages 5-8


Shadi wa al-Banadura شادي والبندورة

72428 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Wareda, Abd al-Ghani عبد الغني ورضى / Ill: Kharbutli, Sahir
Pub: Asala Publishing, Beirut, 2018
Children's Educational - Eating Healthy - Tomatoes - Ages 5-8


Shadi wa al-Mawz شادي والموز

72427 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Wareda, Abd al-Ghani عبد الغني ورضى / Ill: Kharbutli, Sahir
Pub: Asala Publishing, Beirut, 2018
Children's Educational - Eating Healthy - Bananas - Ages 5-8


Shadi wa al-Khiyar al-Mun'ish شادي والخيار المنعش

72426 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Wareda, Abd al-Ghani عبد الغني ورضى / Ill: Kharbutli, Sahir
Pub: Asala Publishing, Beirut, 2018
Children's Educational - Eating Healthy - Cucumbers - Ages 5-8


Shadi wa al-Tin شادي و التين

72424 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Wareda, Abd al-Ghani عبد الغني ورضى / Ill: Kharbutli, Sahir
Pub: Asala Publishing, Beirut, 2018
Children's Educational - Eating Healthy - Figs - Ages 5-8


Shadi wa al-Yaqtin شادي واليقطين

72425 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Wareda, Abd al-Ghani عبد الغني ورضى / Ill: Kharbutli, Sahir
Pub: Asala Publishing, Beirut, 2018
Children's Educational - Eating Healthy - Pumpkins - Ages 5-8


DK Super Readers (Level 1) : Shaahina al-Kabira - الشاحنات الكبيرة

80525 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Smith, Grace Hill
Pub: DK Children, 2023
Kids' Non-fiction Reader - Ages 6-8


DK Super Readers (Level 4) : Qirsh Muftaris al-Qima - القرش مفترس القمة

80524 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Smith, Grace Hill
Pub: DK Children, 2023
Kids' Non-fiction Reader - Sharks - Ages 9-11


DK Super Readers (Pre-Level) : Liqa' al-Diynaswrat لقاء الديناصورات

80526 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Smith, Grace Hill
Pub: DK Children, 2023
Kids' Non-fiction Reader - Dinosaurs - Discovery - Ages 3-5


Learning Series - Soccer كرة القدم

14482 | Arabic | Hardboard
Pub: Digital-Future, 2011
Childrens Learning/Development


My First Book - Animals

14520 | Arabic - English | Hardcover
By: Jaroudi, Nadia
Pub: Dar al-Marefah, 2011
Children's First Word Book


My First Book - Profession

14518 | Arabic - English | Hardcover
By: Jaroudi, Nadia
Pub: Dar al-Marefah, 2011
Children's Book


My First Book - School

14517 | Arabic - English | Hardcover
By: Jaroudi, Nadia
Pub: Dar al-Marefah, 2011
Children's Book


My First Book - House

14516 | Arabic - English | Hardcover
By: Jaroudi, Nadia
Pub: Dar al-Marefah, 2011
Children's Arabic Book


Learning Series - Coins القطع النقدية

14486 | Arabic | Hardboard
Pub: Digital-Future, 2011
Childrens Learning/Development


Learning Series - Planet Earth كوكب الأرض

14485 | Arabic | Hardboard
Pub: Digital-Future, 2011
Childrens Learning/Development


Learning Series - The Clock الساعة

14483 | Arabic | Hardboard
Pub: Digital-Future, 2011
Childrens Learning/Development


Learning Series - Formula 1 الفورمولا1

14481 | Arabic | Hardboard
Pub: Digital-Future, 2011
Childrens Learning/Development


Learning Series - The Compass البوصلة

14480 | Arabic | Hardboard
Pub: Digital-Future, 2011
Childrens Learning/Development


Learning Series - Basketball كرة السلة

14479 | Arabic | Hardboard
Pub: Digital-Future, 2011
Childrens Learning/Development


Learning Series - Sweets الحلوى

14478 | Arabic | Hardboard
Pub: Digital-Future, 2011
Childrens Learning/Development


Learning Series - The Moon القمر

14477 | Arabic | Hardboard
Pub: Digital-Future, 2011
Childrens Learning/Development


Silsilat al-Hawas al-Khams: 'Asma'u سلسلة الحواس الخمس: أسمع

44286 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Abbud, Hanan, Trabulsi, Nawal / Ill: Husayn, Azzah
Pub: Academia International, Beirut, 2016
Children's Science - The Senses - Early Reader


Nusammi al-'Ashya bi-'Asma'iha: Fi al-Bayt في البيت

44030 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Ḥasan, Razan رزان حسن
Pub: Hadaek Group, Beirut, 2014
Children's Photo Word, Age 2+ - At Home


Nusammi al-'Ashya bi-'Asma'iha: Fi Jism al-Insan في جسم الانسان

44029 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Ḥasan, Razan رزان حسن
Pub: Hadaek Group, Beirut, 2014
Children's Photo Word, Age 2+ - Human Body


Nusammi al-'Ashya bi-'Asma'iha: Fi al-Tabi'ah في الطبيعة

44028 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Ḥasan, Razan رزان حسن
Pub: Hadaek Group, Beirut, 2014
Children's Photo Word, Age 2+ - Nature


Arif Kula Shayin An: al-Turabah النربة

80490 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Mukherjee, Vijita فيجيتا مخرجي
Pub: Maktabat Hadissa, Beirut, 2018 Arabic Edition
Children's Discovery - Soil - 8-12 Yrs


Silsilat al-Ulum: Bayt al-Akal بيت الأكل : سلسلة العلوم

72485 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Jawad, Muhammad / Ill: Salam, Sumar
Pub: Asala Publishing, Beirut, 2018
Children's Picture Storybook - Digestive System - Ages 5-9


Arif Kula Shayin An: al-Fada' الفضاء

80489 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Nainwal, Tripti تريبتي نايوال
Pub: Maktabat Hadissa, Beirut, 2018 Arabic Edition
Children's Discovery - 8-12 Yrs


Arif Kula Shayin An: al-Riyah الرياح

80488 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Nainwal, Tripti تريبتي نايوال
Pub: Maktabat Hadissa, Beirut, 2018 Arabic Edition
Children's Discovery - Wind - 8-12 Yrs


Amir Murib أمر مريب

72437 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Nassir, Maya Mawlawi مايا مولوي ناصر / Ill: Beiruti, Maryam
Pub: Asala, 2019
Arabic Story for Youth - Health - Allergies - Family - Pre-teen


Arif Kula Shayin An: al-Ma'a اعرف كل شئء عن الماء

80487 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Mukherjee, Vijita فيجيتا مخرجي
Pub: Maktabat Hadissa, Beirut, 2018 Arabic Edition
Children's Discovery - Water - 8-12 Yrs


Silsilat al-Ulum: al-Jarar الجرار

71274 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Flayfil, Taha / Ill: Sulayman, Hisham
Pub: Asala Publishing, Beirut, 2018
Children's Arabic Picture Book - Science - Farming - Ages 5-8


Li-Kul Shayin Qisatin: al-Kisu al-Waraqi لكل شيء قصة: الكيس الورقي

80466 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Agarwal, Tanya تانيا اغاروال
Pub: Maktabat al-Hadissa, Beirut, 2018
Children's Discover - Paper Bags - 7-10 Yrs


Silsilat al-Hawas al-Khams: 'Ashummu سلسلة الحواس الخمس: أشمّ

44285 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Abbud, Hanan, Trabulsi, Nawal / Ill: Abud, Tirissa
Pub: Academia International, Beirut, 2016
Children's Science - The Senses - Early Reader


Silsilat al-Hawas al-Khams: 'Adhuqu سلسلة الحواس الخمس: أذوق

44284 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Abbud, Hanan, Trabulsi, Nawal / Ill: Ghosn, Sandra
Pub: Academia International, Beirut, 2016
Children's Science - The Senses - Early Reader


Silsilat al-Hawas al-Khams: 'Ara سلسلة الحواس الخمس: أرى

44283 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Abbud, Hanan, Trabulsi, Nawal / Ill: Badran, Nura
Pub: Academia International, Beirut, 2016
Children's Science - The Senses - Early Reader


Silsilat al-Hawas al-Khams: al-Mussu سلسلة الحواس الخمس: ألمس

44282 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Abbud, Hanan, Trabulsi, Nawal / Ill: Ghosn, Ghada
Pub: Academia International, Beirut, 2016
Children's Science - The Senses - Early Reader


Silsilat al-Ulum: Rihlat al-Farashah رحلة فراشة

71275 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Qansu, Zaynab / Ill: Alami, Dimah
Pub: Asala Publishing, Beirut, 2018
Children's Arabic Picture Book - Science - Butterfly - Ages 5-8


Li-Kul Shayin Qisatin: Qalam al-Rasas لكل شيء قصة: قلم الرصاص

80461 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Agarwal, Tanya تانيا اغاروال
Pub: Maktabat al-Hadissa, Beirut, 2018
Children's Discovery - Wood Pencils - 7-10 Yrs


Li-Kul Shayin Qisatin: Bantalon al-Jinz لكل شيء قصة: بنطلون الجينز

80462 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Agarwal, Tanya تانيا اغاروال
Pub: Maktabat al-Hadissa, Beirut, 2018
Children's Discover - Jeans - 7-10 Yrs


Li-Kul Shayin Qisatin: al-Kuratu al-Zujajiyah لكل شيء قصة: الكرة الزجاجية

80463 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Agarwal, Tanya تانيا اغاروال
Pub: Maktabat Hadissa, Beirut, 2018
Children's Discovery - Marbles - 7-10 Yrs


Li-Kul Shayin Qisatin: al-Qufazu al-Sufi لكل شيء قصة: القفاز الصوفي

80464 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Agarwal, Tanya تانيا اغاروال
Pub: Maktabat Hadissa, Beirut, 2018
Children's Discovery - Wool - 7-10 Yrs


Li-Kul Shayin Qisatan: Albatu al-Soda لكل شيء قصة: علبة الصودا

80465 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Agarwal, Tanya تانيا اغاروال
Pub: Maktabat Hadissa, Beirut, 2018
Children's Discovery - Aluminum - 7-10 Yrs


Nafidhati al-Ula (med): Madha Lawni ? ما هو لوني؟

44025 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Muhaydali, Nabihah نبيهة محيدلي
Pub: Hadaek Group, Beirut, 2018
Children's Picture Storybook, Age 2+ - Colors


Nafidhati al-Ula (med): Madha Yaf'alun ? ماذا يفعلون؟

42395 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Muhaydali, Nabihah نبيهة محيدلي
Pub: Hadaek Group, Beirut, 2018
Children's Picture Storybook, Age 2+ - Professions


Nafidhati al-Ula (med): Hal Ta'rifuni? هل تعرفني؟

42396 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Muhaydali, Nabihah نبيهة محيدلي
Pub: Hadaek Group, Beirut, 2018
Children's Picture Storybook, Age 2+ - Animals


Bio: Benjamin Franklin شخصيات لامعة بنجامين فرانكلين

40170 | Arabic | Softcover
By: XACT Studio / Hassan, Claudia (translator) كلوديا حسن
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2013
Biography - American History 18th Century - Pre-teen

  Sale Price: US$5.78

Illustrious Lives: Fidel Castro (Ar) فيدل كاسترو

44138 | Arabic | Softcover
By: XAct Books / Ed: Aman al-Din, Hala هلا أمان الدين
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2012 Arabic Edition
Biography - Teens - Upper Middle and High School


Illustrious Lives: Leonardo Fibonacci (Ar) ليوناردو فيبوناتشي

44120 | Arabic | Softcover
By: XAct Books / Ed: Aman al-Din, Hala هلا أمان الدين
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2012 Arabic Edition
Biography - Teens - Upper Middle and High School


Illustrious Lives: Benjamin Franklin (Ar) بنجامين فرانكلين

44140 | Arabic | Softcover
By: XAct Books / Ed: Aman al-Din, Hala هلا أمان الدين
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2012 Arabic Edition
Biography - Teens - Upper Middle and High School


Illustrious Lives: Franklin D. Roosevelt (Ar) فرانكلين د.روزفلت

44136 | Arabic | Softcover
By: XAct Books / Ed: Aman al-Din, Hala هلا أمان الدين
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2012 Arabic Edition
Biography - Teens - Upper Middle and High School


Illustrious Lives: Frida Kahlo (Ar) فريدا كاهلو

44125 | Arabic | Softcover
By: XAct Books / Ed: Aman al-Din, Hala هلا أمان الدين
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2012 Arabic Edition
Biography - Teens - Upper Middle and High School


Illustrious Lives: Leo Tolstoy (Ar) ليو تولستوي

44127 | Arabic | Softcover
By: XAct Books / Ed: Aman al-Din, Hala هلا أمان الدين
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2012 Arabic Edition
Biography - Teens - Upper Middle and High School


Illustrious Lives: Charles Dickens (Ar) تشارلز ديكنز

44130 | Arabic | Softcover
By: XAct Books / Ed: Aman al-Din, Hala هلا أمان الدين
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2012 Arabic Edition
Biography - Teens - Upper Middle and High School


Iqra wa-Ata'allam: Kayinat wa-Ashya' كائنات وأشياء

42347 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Khatri, Basma
Pub: Academia International, Beirut, 2015
Children's Science - Ages 6-8


Iqra wa-Ata'allam: Subat Amiq سبات عميق

41914 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Khatri, Basma
Pub: Academia International, Beirut, 2015
Children's Science - Ages 6-8


Iqra wa-Ata'allam: Badhraat wa-Shajarah بذرة وشجرة

41913 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Khatri, Basma
Pub: Academia International, Beirut, 2015
Children's Science - Ages 6-8


Iqra wa-Ata'allam: Man Ya'tani Biha? من يعتني بها؟

41915 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Khatri, Basma
Pub: Academia International, Beirut, 2015
Children's Science - Ages 6-8


Iqra wa-Ata'allam: Nahnu Natanaffasu al-Aksijin نحن نتنفس الأكسيجين

41912 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Khatri, Basma
Pub: Academia International, Beirut, 2015
Children's Science - Ages 6-8


Iqra wa-Ata'allam: Khafifu wa-Thaqil خفيف وثقيل

41911 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Khatri, Basma
Pub: Academia International, Beirut, 2015
Children's Science - Ages 6-8


Iqra wa-Ata'allam: Halatu al-A'shiya'a حالات الأشياء

41910 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Khatri, Basma
Pub: Academia International, Beirut, 2015
Children's Science - Ages 6-8


Sesame Street 123: Let's Eat! إفتح يا سمسم هيّا نأكل

70036 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sesame Workshop
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2017
Children's Educational - Ages 2-5


Sesame Street 123: Ahtam wa Atisharak أهتم وأتشارك : سلسلة افتح يا سمسم

71483 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sesame Workshop
Pub: Hachette Antoine, 2018
Children's Educational - Growing Up - Sharing - Caring About Others - Ages 2-5


Sesame Street 123: Inthabihi Qishrahu Muz ! انتبه قشرة موز : سلسلة افتح يا سمسم

71486 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sesame Workshop
Pub: Hachette Antoine, 2018
Children's Educational - Safety - Ages 2-5


Ana Sadiq al-Biyati: Ma Hu? al-Talawuth, al-Dakhani, al-Dakhan wa-al-Mazidu انا صديق البيئة: ما هو؟ التلوث، الدخان، الضخان والمزيد...

80645 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sharma, Richa ريتشا شارما
Pub: Maktabat al-Hadissa, Beirut 2018 Arabic Edition
Kid's Non-fiction - Science & Nature - Ecology - Air Pollution - Ages 7-10+


Haqiqat al-Dhikriyat حقيقة الذكريات

80491 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Badawi, Maya مايا بدوي
Pub: Maktabat Hadissa, Beirut, 2023
Children's Arabic Storybook - Travels - Countries of the World - 6+ Yrs


Natamana Laka al-Shifa al-Ajila: al-Juruh الجروح

82023 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sen, Benita بينيتا سين
Pub: Maktabat al-Hadissa, Beirut, 2018
Children's Discovery - Health Guidance - Illnesses - 8+ Yrs


Natamana Laka al-Shifa al-Ajila: al-Huma الحمى

82024 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sen, Benita بينيتا سين
Pub: Maktabat al-Hadissa, Beirut, 2018
Children's Discovery - Health Guidance - Illnesses - 7+ Yrs


Natamana Laka al-Shifa al-Ajila: al-Hasasiyah الحساسية

82025 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sen, Benita بينيتا سين
Pub: Maktabat al-Hadissa, Beirut, 2018
Children's Discovery - Health Guidance - Illnesses - 7+ Yrs


Natamana Laka al-Shifa al-Ajila: Mushkilatu al-Ma'idah مشكلات المعدة

82021 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sen, Benita بينيتا سين
Pub: Maktabat al-Hadissa, Beirut, 2018
Children's Discovery - Illnesses - 7+ Yrs


Ra'id fi Tarikh P2 الرائد في التاريخ

20226 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Najm, Alfred ألفرد نجم
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, Beirut
Children's History Text


Ra'id fi Tarikh P1 الرائد في التاريخ

20225 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Najm, Alfred ألفرد نجم
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, Beirut
Children's History Text


Mawsu'at al-Saghirah-At the Seaside على شاطىء البحر

15390 | Arabic | Padded Hardcover
By: Mes Petites Encyclopedies Larousse
Pub: Librairie Stephen, Beirut, 2010
Children's Arabic Encyclopedia Age 5-9


Mawsu'at al-Saghirah-Good Night عالم الليل

15388 | Arabic | Padded Hardcover
By: Mes Petites Encyclopedies Larousse
Pub: Librairie Stephen, Beirut, 2010
Children's Arabic Encyclopedia Age 5-9


Mawsu'at al-Saghirah-Boo-Boo's توعكات الاولاد

15387 | Arabic | Padded Hardcover
By: Mes Petites Encyclopedies Larousse
Pub: Librairie Stephen, Beirut, 2010
Children's Arabic Encyclopedia Age 5-9


Mawsu'at al-Saghirah-Manners اللياقة

15385 | Arabic | Padded Hardcover
By: Mes Petites Encyclopedies Larousse
Pub: Librairie Stephen, Beirut, 2010
Children's Arabic Encyclopedia Age 5-9


Mawsu'at al-Saghirah-At the Zoo في حديقة الحيوانات

15384 | Arabic | Padded Hardcover
By: Mes Petites Encyclopedies Larousse
Pub: Librairie Stephen, Beirut, 2010
Children's Arabic Encyclopedia Age 5-9


Mawsu'at al-Saghirah-It Rolls تتحرك وتسير

15383 | Arabic | Padded Hardcover
By: Mes Petites Encyclopedies Larousse
Pub: Librairie Stephen, Beirut, 2010
Children's Arabic Encyclopedia Age 5-9


Mawsu'at Jism al-Insan: Al-Hawasu al-Khams, wa-al-'Asnan, wa-al-'Azafir, wa-al-Shier موسوعة جسم الإنسان: الحواس الخمس, والأسنان, والأظفار, والشعر

74897 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sighnal, Ritanshu ريتانشو سيغنال
Pub: Maktaba al-Hadissa, Beirut 2020
Human Body - Five Senses, Hair and nails - Pre-teen +


Mawsu'at Jism al-Insan: Al-Dawrat al-Damawiat wa-al-Jihaz al-Tanafusiu موسوعة جسم الإنسان: الدورة الدموية والجهاز التنفسي

74896 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sighnal, Ritanshu ريتانشو سيغنال
Pub: Maktaba Al-Hadissa, Beirut 2020
Human Body - Circulatory and Respiratory System - Pre-teen+


Mawsu'at Jism al-Insan: Al-Jihaz al-'Asabi wa-al-Jihaz al-Mana'i, wa-al-Ghudad موسوعة جسم الإنسان: الجهاز العصبي والجهاز المناعي, والغدد

74895 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sighnal, Ritanshu ريتانشو سيغنال
Pub: Maktaba Al-Hadissa, Beirut 2020
Student Encyclopedia - Human Body Systems - Nervous, Immune, glands - Pre-Teen +


Mawsu'at Jism al-Insan: 'Aeda' Jism al-Insan - موسوعة جسم الإنسان: أعضاء جسم الإنسان

74894 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sighnal, Ritanshu ريتانشو سيغنال
Pub: Maktaba al-Hadissa, Beirut 2020
Student Encyclopedia - Human Body Organs - Pre-Teen +


Uqsusah 'Ilmiyah: Fasul al-Arba'a أقصوصة علمية : الفصول الأربعة

74166 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Husseini, Wafaa وفاء الحسيني / Ill: Al-Masri, Jamil
Pub: Dar Samer, Beirut, 2021
Kids - Science - Seasons - 3-6 Yrs


Jiddi Abdul-Hamid رواية جدي عبد الحميد

74302 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Saghlam, Widad وداد صاغلام
Pub: Dar al Ghawthani, Istanbul 2022
Historical Fiction - Ottoman - Sultan Abd al-Hamid - Teens +


Hikayat wa 'Ulum: Hikayt Bastat al-Baskawit حكايات وعلوم: حكايات بسطة البسكويت

44988 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Quarto Group / Tr: LDLP
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2021
Children's Arabic Picture Storybook - Art - Ages 4-7


Sighar al-Hayawanat fi al-Sahari صغار الحيوانات في الصحاري

60975 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Kingfisher
Pub: Academia International, Beirut 2006
Child's non-fiction - Baby Animals - Preschool-Kindergarten


Sighar al-Hayawanat fi al-Manatiq al-Qutbiyah في المناطق القطبية

60978 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Kingfisher
Pub: Academia International, Beirut 2006
Child's non-fiction - Baby Animals - Preschool-Kindergarten


Hikayat wa 'Ulum: Hikayat Ta'am al-Nuzha (Riyadiyat) حكاية طعام النزهة (رياضيات)

90005 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Mutlaq, Albert البير مطلق
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2021
Children's Arabic Picture Storybook - Math - Ages 4-7


Monet: al-Sadiqan Filib wa Klud مونيه: الصديقان فيليب وكلود

73216 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Obiols, Anna / Ill: Subirana, Joan
Pub: Thaqafa Publishing, UAE, 2017
Children's Picture Storybook - Educational - International Artists


Inak Lan Tasadaq .. al-Kahraba' (Electricity) إنك لن تصدق ولكن… الكهرباء

43475 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Taylor, Helen, Group
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut, 2000
Children's Arabic Science Book - Electricity - Ages 8-11


Inak Lan Tasadaq .. al-Ma'a (Water) إنك لن تصدق ولكن…حقائق الماء

43478 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Taylor, Helen, Group
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut, 2000
Children's Arabic Science Book - Water - Ages 8-11


Inak Lan Tasadaq .. Alwan (Colors) إنك لن تصدق ولكن…ألوان

43479 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Taylor, Helen, Group
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut, 2000
Children's Arabic Science Book - Colors - Ages 8-11


Ala Matni Qitar: al-Adad على متن قطار الأضداد

80407 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Oxford
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2023
Opposites - Toddler +


Ala Matni Qitar: al-Ashkal على متن قطار الأشكال

80408 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Oxford
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut 2023
Shapes - Toddler +


Ala Matni Qitar: al-'Adad على متن قطار الأعداد

80413 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Oxford
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut 2023
Numbers - Toddler +


Ala Matni Qitar: al-Alwan على متن قطار: الالوان

80447 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Oxford
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2023
Colors - Toddler +


Ala Matni Qitar: al-Kalimat على متن قطار: الكلمات

80451 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Oxford
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2023
Words - Toddler +


Ala 'Arba' Qawa'im: al-A'sad الأسد

42132 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Ahdab, Marwan مروان الأحدب
Pub: Samir Editeur, Beirut, 2010
Children's Non-Fiction - Animal Life - Ages 6+


Ala 'Arba' Qawa'im: al-Kalb الكلب

42131 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Ahdab, Marwan مروان الأحدب
Pub: Samir Editeur, Beirut, 2010
Children's Non-Fiction - Animal Life - Ages 6+


Hayat al-Siriyah lil-Firusat الحياة السرية للفيروسات

90007 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Tolosa Sistere, Mariona ماريو تولوسا سيستري
Pub: ASP, Beirut ,2022
Children's Science - Health - 8+ Yrs


Hayat al-Siriyah lil-Makhat الحياة السرية للمخاط

90006 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Tolosa Sistere, Mariona ماريو تولوسا سيستري
Pub: ASP, Beirut, 2021
Children's Science - Health


La: Chico Mendes : La'zalat al-Ghabat شيكو ميندز : لإزالة الغابات

44537 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Actes Sud / Collombat, Isabel
Pub: Samir Editeur, Beirut, 2016 Arabic Edition
Young Adult Non-Fiction - Biography - Ages 12+


La: Nelson Mandela: La lil-Tamyiz al-Unsuri نيلسون مانديلا : لا لِلتَّميِيزِالعُنصُرِيّ

42127 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Actes Sud / Tadjo, Veronique
Pub: Samir Editeur, Beirut, 2016 Arabic Edition
Young Adult Non-Fiction - Biography - Ages 12+


La: Ghandi: La lil-'Unf غاندي : لا لِلعُنف

42128 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Actes Sud / Portillo, Chantal
Pub: Samir Editeur, Beirut, 2016 Arabic Edition
Young Adult Non-Fiction - Biography - Ages 12+


La: Abd al-Qadir: La lil-Istimar عبد القادر : لا للاستعمار

42129 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Actes Sud / Ammi, Kebir Mustapha
Pub: Samir Editeur, Beirut, 2016 Arabic Edition
Young Adult Non-Fiction - Biography - Ages 12+


Ala 'Arba' Qawa'im: al-Hirr الهر

42130 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Ahdab, Marwan مروان الأحدب
Pub: Samir Editeur, Beirut, 2010
Children's Non-Fiction - Animal Life - Ages 6+


Phoenician Series - Phoenician trader trip

14809 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Shabani, Sana
Pub: Dar al-Moualef
Children's Arabic Book 9-12 years


Phoenician Series - Iyzis fi Madinat Jubyal

14810 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Shabani, Sana
Pub: Dar al-Moualef
Children's Arabic Book 9-12 years


Phoenician Series - Qadmus wa Hurouf al-Abjadiya

14813 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Shabani, Sana
Pub: Dar al-Moualef
Children's Arabic Book 9-12 years


Phoenician Series - Fi Suhbat Ilisa

14814 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Shabani, Sana
Pub: Dar al-Moualef
Children's Arabic Book 9-12 years


Phoenician Series - Alwan Arjawaniya fi Madinat Sur

14815 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Shabani, Sana
Pub: Dar al-Moualef
Children's Arabic Book 9-12 years


My Animal Kingdom - Elephants (book and plush animals) كل شيء عن الفيلة

5881 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: DeAgostini UK Limited
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, 2006
Children's Educational Arabic Book with plush toy

  Sale Price: US$9.30

My Animal Kingdom - Camels (book and plush animals) كل شيء عن الجمال

5880 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: DeAgostini UK Limited
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, 2006
Children's Educational Arabic Book with plush toy

  Sale Price: US$9.30

My Animal Kingdom - Chimpanzees (book and plush animals) كل شيء عن الشمبانزي

5882 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: DeAgostini UK Limited
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, 2006
Children's Educational Arabic Book with plush toy

  Sale Price: US$9.30

My Animal Kingdom - Zebras (book and plush animals) كل شيء عن الحمار الوحشي

5920 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: DeAgostini UK Limited
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, 2006
Children's Educational Arabic Book with plush toy

  Sale Price: US$9.30

My Animal Kingdom - Giraffes (book and plush animals) كل شيء عن الزرافات

5884 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: DeAgostini UK Limited
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, 2006
Children's Educational Arabic Book with plush toy

  Sale Price: US$9.30

My Animal Kingdom - Cobras (book and plush animals) كل شيء عن الأفاعي

5919 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: DeAgostini UK Limited
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, 2006
Children's Educational Arabic Book with plush toy

  Sale Price: US$9.30

My Animal Kingdom - Lions (book and plush animals) كل شيء عن الأسود

5890 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: DeAgostini UK Limited
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, 2006
Children's Educational Arabic Book with plush toy

  Sale Price: US$9.30

My Animal Kingdom - Butterflys (book and plush animals) الكمية: كل شيء عن الفراشات

5885 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: DeAgostini UK Limited
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, 2006
Children's Educational Arabic Book with plush toy

  Sale Price: US$9.30

My Animal Kingdom - Parrots (book and plush animals) كل شيء عن الببغاوات

5883 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: DeAgostini UK Limited
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, 2006
Children's Educational Arabic Book with plush toy

  Sale Price: US$9.30

Super Mi: Ila Dakhil al-Jism إلى داخل الجسم

71023 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Mia, Cee Cee/ Ill: Lecomte, Julie
Pub: Samir, Beirut 2019
Children's Arabic Story - The Body - Ages 5 +


Super Mi: Ila al-Muhit إلى المحيط

71022 | Arabic | Hardcover`
By: Mia, Cee Cee / Ill: Lecomte, Julie
Pub: Samir, Beirut 2019
Children's Arabic Story - Ocean - Ages 5 +


Aihtbas al-Harari الاحتباس الحراري

41859 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Murphy, Glenn / Bonnier Books
Pub: Dar al-Fikr, Beirut/Damascus, 2011 Arabic Edition
Juvenile Non-fiction - Climate Change - Middle & High School


Iktashif al-Nizam al-Shamsy: Al-Nujum إكتشف النّظام الشّمسي: النجوم

74955 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Group
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, Beirut 2012
Sciences - Kids - Pre-Teen 9 - 12 Years old


Iktashif al-Nizam al-Shamsy: Al-Qamar- إكتشف النّظام الشّمسي: القمر

74951 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Group
Pub: Dar Al Chimal, Beirut, 2012
Sciences - Kids - Pre-Teen 9 - 12 Years old


Activities: Simplissime: al-Ikhtibarat al-Alimiyah al-Absat fi al-Alam ولااسهل الاختبارات العلمية الابسط في العالم

72493 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Barde, Nahalie / Ill: Moutarde, Colonel
Pub: Hachette Antoine, 2019
Children's Educational - Scientific Tests - Ages 8-12


Iktashif al-Nizam al-Shamsy: Al-Shams إكتشف النّظام الشّمسي: الشمس

74950 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Group
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, Beirut 2012
Sciences - Kids - Pre-Teen 9 - 12 Years old


Dimagh 'Ajib wa-Murin Mahadah wa-Turah دماغ عجيب ومرن محدة وطورة

70213 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Deak, JoAnn / Ill: Ackerley, Sarah
Pub: Thaqafa Publishing, UAE, 2017
Kids - Science - Brain - Ages 5-9


Iktashif al-Nizam al-Shamsy: Al-Kuaykibat إكتشف النّظام الشّمسي: الكويكبات

74953 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Group
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, Beirut 2012
Sciences - Kids - Pre-Teen 9 - 12 Years old


Iktashif al-Nizam al-Shamsy: Jami'a al-Kawakib إكتشف النّظام الشّمسي: جميع الكواكب

74952 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Group
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, Beirut 2012
Sciences - Kids - Pre-Teen 9 - 12 Years old


Bio: Nobel

14808 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Giuly, Sang
Pub: Dar al-Moualef
Children's Arabic Book 9-12 years


Bio: Leonardo Da Vinci

14806 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Giuly, Sang
Pub: Dar al-Moualef
Children's Arabic Book 9-12 years


Hikayat lil-Mutal'ah: Raysha al-Hamra الريشة الحمراء

90004 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Husseini, Wafa وفاء الحسيني
Pub: Dar al-Samer, 2023
Children's Arabic Story - 8+ Yrs - Preteen+


Ra'id fi Tarikh P3 الرائد في التاريخ

20227 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Najm, Alfred ألفرد نجم
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, Beirut
Children's History Text


Qisas Ilmiyah قصص علمية: 15 قصة

90003 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Shams al-Din, Ali علي شمس الدين
Pub: Dar Samer, Beirut, 2023
Children's Stories - Science - 9+ Yrs - Preteen

  Sale Price: US$10.00

My Healthy Body: Blood & Heart (Ar) الدم و القلب

7529 | Arabic | Hardcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut, 2005


Material Matters: Glass (Ar) الزجاج

7523 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Chrysalis Children's Books
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut, 2006
Children's Book


Material Matters: Plastic (Ar) البلاستيك

7513 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Chrysalis Children's Books
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut, 2006
Children's Book


Bio: Columbus كولومبوس

14651 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Dae-Hyun, Cho
Pub: Dar al-Moualef
Educational - History


Britanica Learning Library Religions Around The World الاديان حول العالم

11796 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Britanica
Pub: al-Maktaba Sharouk, 2006
Children's Arabic Encyclopedia - Religions


Britanica Learning Library Artists Around The World فنانون حول العالم

11795 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Britanica
Pub: al-Maktaba Shorouk, 2006


Jism al-Bashari الجسم البشري

11723 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: EdiBimbi
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, 2008
Arabic Encyclopedia - Childrens Atlas of the body


Mawsu'at al-'Ulum al-Mubassatah: Al-Bilastik موسوعة العلوم المبسطة: البلاستيك (اللدائن)

45092 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Group مجموعة مؤلفين
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2004
Science Encyclopedia for Youth - Resources - Plastics - Preteen+


Mawsu'at al-'Ulum al-Mubassatah: Al-Filizzat موسوعة العلوم المبسطة : الفلزات

45091 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Group مجموعة مؤلفين
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2004
Science Encyclopedia for Youth - Resources - Metals - Preteen+


Mawsu'at al-'Ulum al-Mubassatah: Al-Sukhur wa-al-Ma'adin موسوعة العلوم المبسطة: الصخور والمعادن

45090 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Group مجموعة مؤلفين
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2004
Science Encyclopedia for Youth - Resources - Rocks, Minerals - Preteen+


Mawsu'at al-'Ulum al-Mubassatah: Al-Khashab موسوعة العلوم المبسطة : الخشب

45089 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Group مجموعة مؤلفين
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2004
Science Encyclopedia for Youth - Resources - Wood - Preteen+


100,000 Li-Madha : al-Bahar wa-al-Muhitat - 100,000 لماذا - البحار والمحيطات

80606 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Kedi, Han
Pub: ASP, Beirut 2019
Science for Youth - Seas - Oceans


100,000 Li-Madha : al-Riyadhiat - 100,000 لماذا - الرياضيات

80607 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Kedi, Han
Pub: ASP, Beirut 2020
Science for Youth - Mathematics


100,000 Li-Madha : al-Kimya' - 100,000 لماذا - الكيمياء

80605 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Kedi, Han
Pub: ASP, Beirut 2020
Science for Youth - Chemistry


100,000 Li-Madha : al-Elektroniat wa-al-Maa'lumaat - 100,000 لماذا - الالكترونيات والمعلومات

80604 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Kedi, Han
Pub: ASP, Beirut 2020
Science for Youth - Technology


100,000 Li-Madha : Al-Ardh - 100,000 لماذا - الارض

80603 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Kedi, Han
Pub: ASP, Beirut 2019
Science for Youth - The Earth - Environment


100,000 Li-Madha : al-Fizya' - 100,000 - لماذا - الفيزياء

80602 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Kedi, Han
Pub: ASP, Beirut 2020
Science for Youth - Physics


100,000 Li-Madha : Ilm al-Nabaat - 100,000 لماذا - علم النبات

80601 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Kedi, Han
Pub: ASP, Beirut 2020
Science for Youth - Botany


100,000 Li-Madha : Ilm al-Mutahajirat -100,000 لماذا - علم المتحجرات

80600 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Kedi, Han
Pub: ASP, Beirut 2020
Science for Youth - Dinosaurs


100,000 Li-Madha : Ilm al-Falak 100,000 لماذا - علم الفاك

80599 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Kedi, Han
Pub: ASP, Beirut 2020
Science for Youth - Space - Astronomy


100,000 Li-Madha : Ilm al-Hayawan - 100,000 لماذا - علم الحيوان

80598 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Kedi, Han
Pub: ASP, Beirut 2019
Science for Youth - Animals - Zoology


100000 Li-Madha : al-Aslhat wa-al-Difa' al-Watana'a - 100000 لماذا - الاسلحة والدفاع الوطنى

80557 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Kedi, Han
Pub: ASP, Beirut, 2020
Science for Youth - Weapons and National Defense


100,000 Li-Madha : al-Dimagh wa-al-Adrak - 100,000 لماذا - الدماغ والادراك

80555 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Kedi, Han
Pub: ASP, Beirut 2019
Science for Youth - Brain & Cognition


Jungle Medicine طب الأدغال؛ إكتشاف علاجات في الغابة المطيرة

6245 | Arabic | Hardcover
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, 2006
Science - Middle School and Up - Herbal and Natural Medicines

  Sale Price: US$10.50

100,000 Li-Madha : al-Tayaran wa-al-Fada' 100,000 لماذا - الطيران والفضاء

80554 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Kedi, Han
Pub: ASP, Beirut 2020
Science for Youth - Aviation & Space


100,000 Li-Madha : al-Hayaa - 100,000 لماذا - الحياة

80551 | Arabic | Softcover
By: ASP, Group of Authors
Pub: ASP, Beirut 2020
Science for Youth - Biology


100,000 Li-Madha : al-Taaqat wa-al-lbiya - 100,000 لماذا - الطاقة والبيئة

80552 | Arabic | Softcover
By: ASP, Group of Authors
Pub: ASP, Beirut 2019
Science for Youth - Energy & Environment


100,000 Li-Madha : al-Kawarith wa-al-Himayat Minha - 100,000 لماذا - الكوارث والحماية منها

80556 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Kedi, Han
Pub: ASP, Beirut 2020
Science for Youth - Disasters and Protections


100,000 Li-Madha : al-Ulum al-Tibiya - 100,000 لماذا - العلوم الطبية

80553 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Kedi, Han
Pub: ASP, Beirut 2019
Science for Youth - Medical


Fi al-Tadrib: Najm Riyadi fi Marhalat al-Tadrib في التدريب: نَجم رياضيّ في مرحلة التّدريب

45003 | Arabic | Softcover
By: MacMillian Pub / Tr: Albert Mutlaq
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2021
Children's Book - Growing up - Sports - Ages 5-9


Zumurrudah fi al-Mokha (Yemen) زمردة في المخا

42372 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Aybish, Shirin شيرين إيبش
Pub: Academia International, Beirut, 2011
Juvenile Fiction - Arab Cities - Pre-teen


Fi al-Tadrib: Tabib fi Marhalat al-Tadrib في التدريب: طبيب في مرحلة التّدريب

44997 | Arabic | Softcover
By: MacMillian Pub / Tr: Albert Mutlaq
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2021
Children's Book - Growing up - Body, Health - Ages 5-9


Fi al-Tadrib: Mubarmij Kombiutar fi Marhalat al-Tadrib في التدريب: مُبرمج كومبيوتر في مرحلة التّدريب

45004 | Arabic | Softcover
By: MacMillian Pub / Tr: Albert Mutlaq
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2021
Children's Book - Computer Programing - Ages 5-9


Fi al-Tadrib: 'Ealim fi Marhalat al-Tadrib في التدريب: عالِم في مرحلة التّدريب

45002 | Arabic | Softcover
By: MacMillian Pub / Tr: Albert Mutlaq
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2021
Children's Book - Growing up - Scientist - Ages 5-9


Fi al-Tadrib: Tabib Bitari fi Marhalat al-Tadrib في التدريب: طبيب بيطريّ في مرحلة التّدريب

45001 | Arabic | Softcover
By: MacMillian Pub / Tr: Albert Mutlaq
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2021
Children's Book - Growing up - Vet - Ages 5-9


Fi al-Tadrib: Muhandis fi Marhalat al-Tadrib في التدريب: مُهندس في مرحلة التّدريب

45000 | Arabic | Softcover
By: MacMillian Pub / Tr: Albert Mutlaq
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2021
Children's Book - Growing up - Engineers - Ages 5-9


Fi al-Tadrib: Itfa'iyy fi Marhalat al-Tadrib في التدريب: إطفائيّ في مرحلة التّدريب

44999 | Arabic | Softcover
By: MacMillian Pub / Tr: Albert Mutlaq
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2021
Children's Book - Growing up - Firefighting - Ages 5-9


Fi al-Tadrib: Rayid Fada' fi Marhalat al-Tadrib في التدريب: رائد فّضاء في مرحلة التّدريب

44998 | Arabic | Softcover
By: MacMillian Pub / Tr: Albert Mutlaq
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2021
Children's Book - Growing up - Space - Ages 5-9


Zumurrudah fi Baghdad زمردة في بغداد

42612 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Aybish, Shirin شيرين إيبش
Pub: Academia International, Beirut, 2011
Juvenile Fiction - Arab Cities - Pre-teen


Material Matters: Clay (Ar)

8087 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Chrysalis Children's Books
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut, 2006 Ar Edition c2005
Children's Book


Material Matters: Metals (Ar)

8089 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Chrysalis Children's Books
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut, 2006 Ar Edition c2005
Children's Book


Human Body-Skin,Hair,Nails (Ar)

8091 | Arabic | Hardcover
Pub: Librairie du Liban, Beirut, 2005
Children's Book


Human Body-Muscular System (Ar)

8093 | Arabic | Hardcover
Pub: Librairie du Liban, Beirut, 2005
Children's Book


Ra'id fi Tarikh P5 الرائد في التاريخ

20224 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Najm, Alfred ألفرد نجم
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, Beirut,
Children's History Text


Mawsu'at al-'Ilmiyah lil-Tullab : Jism al-Insan الموسوعة العلمية للطلاب : جسم الإنسان

71350 | Arabic | Hardcover + CD
Pub: Digital Future, Beirut
Youth Encyclopedia - Biology - Human Body - Q&A - YA +


Mawsu'at al-'Ilmiyah lil-Tullab: Mamlakat al-Hayawan wa-Alam al-Thadiyyat مملكة الحيوان وعالم الثدييات

71351 | Arabic | Hardcover
Pub: Digital Future, Beirut
Youth Encyclopedia - Biology- Animals - Q&A - YA +


Mawsu'at al-'Ilmiyah lil-Tullab : Fada'a wa-Ilm al-Falak الموسوعة العلمية للطلاب : الفضاء وعلم الفلك

71352 | Arabic | Hardcover +CD
Pub: Digital Future, Beirut
Youth Encyclopedia - Astronomy - Q&A - YA +


Mawsu'at al-'Ilmiyah lil-Tullab :Alam al-Nabatat الموسوعة العلمية للطلاب : عالم النباتات

71353 | Arabic | Hardcover
Pub: Digital Future, Beirut
Youth Encyclopedia - Biology - Plants - Q&A - YA+


Mawsu'at al-'Ilmiyah lil-Tullab : Alam al-Tuyur الموسوعة العلمية للطلاب : عالم الطيور

71354 | Arabic | Hardcover
Pub: Digital Future, Beirut
Youth Encyclopedia - Biology - Birds - Q&A - YA+


Yawm Ikhtafat al-Ashjar يوم اختفت الأشجار

41931 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Dahir, Rania Zahib رانيا زبيب ضاهر / ill: Fa'ur, Nizar
Pub: Academia International, Beirut, 2016
Juvenile Literature Pre-Teen up - Environment - Parks and Trees


Kayf: Tahadathu al-Zawahir كيف تحدث الظواهر الطبيعية المدهشة؟

82030 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Shipurkar, Rekha ريكا شيبوركار
Pub: Maktabat al-Hadissa, Beirut, 2018
Children's Discovery - Natural Phenomena - 10+ Yrs


Activity: Duros al-Furusiyah al-Uwla دروس الفروسية الأولى

60859 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Ransford, Sandy / Kingfisher
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, Inc. Beirut 2003
Children's Book - Horsemanship - Grades 3-5


Unzur Ana: Alimu Biya'ah أنظر أنا عالم بيئة

80440 | Arabic | Softcover
By: DK Children / Librairie du-Lubnan
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2023 Arabic Edition
Science - 5+ Yrs


Unzur Ana: Alim أنظر أنا عالم

80441 | Arabic | Softcover
By: DK Children / Librairie du-Lubnan
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2022 Arabic Edition
Science - 6+ Yrs


Kayf: Tahaduthu al-Ashya? كيف تحدث الاشياء؟

82026 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Shipurkar, Rekha ريكا شيبوركار
Pub: Maktabat al-Hadissa, Beirut, 2018
Children's Discovery - Nature - 10+ Yrs


Kayf: Ta'aish al-Ka'inatu al-Gharibahu? كيف تعيش الكائنات الغريبة؟ غرائب عالم

82027 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Shipurkar, Rekha ريكا شيبوركار
Pub: Maktabat al-Hadissa, Beirut, 2018
Children's Discovery - Strange Animals - 10+ Yrs


Kayf: Ta'amalu al-Ashya'? كيف تعمل الاشياء؟ التكنولوجيا الحديثة

82028 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Shipurkar, Rekha ريكا شيبوركار
Pub: Maktabat al-Hadissa, Beirut, 2018
Children's Discovery - Technology - 10+ Yrs


Mawsu'at al-Hayawan: al-Hitan wa al-Dolfin الحيتان والدلافين

60382 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Macaw Books
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, Tripoli, Lebanon 2009
Children's Encyclopedia 7-11


Mawsu'at al-Hayawan: al-Zawahif الزواحف

60384 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Macaw Books
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, Tripoli, Lebanon 2009
Children's Encyclopedia 7-11


Mawsu'at al-Hayawan: al-Hasharat wa al-Anakib الحشرات والعناكب

60385 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Macaw Books
Pub: Sharikat Dar Al Shamal, Tripoli, Lebanon 2009
Children's Encyclopedia 7-11


Mawsu'at al-Hayawan: Asmak al-Qirsh اسماك القرش

60386 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Macaw Books
Pub: Sharikat Dar Al Shamal, Tripoli, Lebanon 2009
Children's Encyclopedia 7-11


Arabic World Atlas: Atlas al-Alam أطلس العالم

20559 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Ghuri, Ibrahim Helmi
Pub: Dar Al Sharq Al Arabi, 2005
World Atlas - Teen Up


Mawsu'at al-Hayawan: الطيور al-Tuyur

40578 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Macaw Books
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, Tripoli, Lebanon 2009
Children's Encyclopedia 7-11


Mawsu'at al-Hayawan: al-Hayawanat al-Barriyah الحيوانات البرية

40579 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Macaw Books
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, Tripoli, Lebanon 2009
Children's Encyclopedia 7-11


Kayf: Badat al-Ashya? كيف بدات الاشياء؟

82029 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Subramanian, R.P. سوبرامانيان
Pub: Maktabat al-Hadissa, Beirut, 2018
Children's Discovery - Inventions


Kayf: Tatahark al-Ashya? كيف تتحرك الاشياء؟

82031 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Shipurkar, Rekha ريكا شيبوركار
Pub: Maktabat al-Hadissa, Beirut, 2018
Children's Discovery - Transport - Motion - 10+ Yrs


Khatwa..Khatwa: al-Sawt خطوة خطوة : الصوت

42310 | Arabic | Softcover with Flaps
By: Fischetti, Antonio / Ill: Puech, Marion
Pub: Samir Editeur, Beirut, 2013
Child's Science Book - Sound - Ages 10+


Ma Alladhi Yaj'alu Minni: Ma Ana wa-Man Ana? ما الّذي يجعل منّي : ما أنا ومن أنا؟

60858 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Winston, Robert M.L.
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2006 / DK
Science Book for Youth - Human Body - Preteen +

  Sale Price: US$12.50

Khatwa..Khatwa: al-Ikhtira'at خطوة خطوة : الإختراعات

42311 | Arabic | Softcover with Flaps
By: Corgibet, Véronique / Ill: Kling, Laurent
Pub: Samir Editeur, Beirut, 2016
Child's Science Book - Inventions - Ages 10+


Khatwa..Khatwa: Wasa'il al-Naql خطوة خطوة : وسائل النقل

42312 | Arabic | Softcover with Flaps
By: Corgibet, Véronique / Ill: Mazurie, Jean-Christophe
Pub: Samir Editeur, Beirut, 2013
Child's Science Book - Transport - Ages 10+


Jinat wa al-DNA الجينات والـ

41858 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Kingfisher Knowledge
Pub: ASP, Beirut, 2006 Arabic Edition
Juvenile Non-fiction - Genes and DNA - Middle & High School


Show Me History: Muhammad Ali: The Greatest of All Time!

44777 | English | Board Cover, Graphic Novel
By: Buckley Jr., James Ill: Duggan, Andy
Pub: Portable Press, US, 2020
Children's Non-Fiction - Biograpny - Graphic Novel - Ages 8-12


Manzaluk fi Aya Makan منزلك في اي مكان

80494 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Carbalall, Alba / Ill: Sangio, Lorenzo
Pub: ASP, Beirut, 2023 Arabic Edition
Children's Non-fiction - Culture - Dwellings - 9+ Yrs


Zumurrudah fi Beirut زمردة في بيروت

80406 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Ibish, Shirin شيرين إيبش
Pub: Academia, Beirut, 2021
Children's Fiction - World Cities - Pre-teen


Khatwa..Khatwa: al-Fada خطوة خطوة : الفضاء

42309 | Arabic | Softcover with Flaps
By: Chaffardon, Christophe / Ill: Kling, Laurent
Pub: Samir Editeur, Beirut, 2013 Arabic Edition
Child's Science Book - Space - Ages 10+


DK Eyewitness Books: Islam

72575 | English | Hardcover
By: Wilkinson, Philip
Pub: DK Eyewitness, NY 2018
Islamic History - Middle Grades - Ages 8+

  Sale Price: US$13.95

Aktashaf wa Ata'lim al-Hisab أكتشف و أتعلم الحساب

72767 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Anness Group / Holden, Arianne
Pub: Academia, Beirut 2000 Arabic Edition
Kids Learn Numbers and Counting - Ages 5-6


Aktashaf wa Ata'lim al-Ulum أكتشف و أتعلم العلوم

72768 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Anness Group / Holden, Arianne
Pub: Academia, Beirut, 2000 Arabic Edition
Beginning Science for Children - Arabic - Ages 5-9


Aktashaf wa Ata'lim al-Waqt أكتشف و أتعلم الوقت

72769 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Anness Group / Holden, Arianne
Pub: Academia, Beirut 2000 Arabic Edition
Kids Learn Time - Ages 5-9


Aktashaf wa Ata'lim al Hayawanat أكتشف و أتعلم الحيوانات

72770 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Anness Group / Llewellyn, Claire
Pub: Academia, Beirut 2000 Arabic Edition
Introduction to Animals for Children - Ages 5-9


Fusul Min al-Tariq: Sana Thamaniya فصول من التاريخ - سنة ثامنة

80558 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Dar al-Mashriq
Pub: Dar al-Mashriq, Beirut 2011
World History for Youth - Eighth Grade


Bi'atana Mustaqbatuna: al-Aghdhiah al-Mu'ddalah Warathiyan الأغذية المعدّلة وراثياً

40505 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Hawkes, Nigel / Ayyubi, Umar
Pub: Academia, Beirut, 2001
Children's Book - Environment Issues - Grade 2 and Up


Wadih fi al-Nabat الواضح في النبات

74509 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Zaltini, Khalifa
Pub: Kitab Jadid, Benghazi, 2000
Botany - Study of Plants - High School and up


Amir Al-Atiba أمير الأطباء

74380 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Adaliya, Nawar نوار العضايلة / Ill: Widad Arshid and Rawan Sadr وداد أرشيد و روان صدر
Pub: Dar Asala, Beirut 2017
Muslim Scientists - Abu Bakr al-Razi - Biography - Ages 6+


Mudhakirat al-Talib al-'Ilmiyah 1: Daftar al-Faylasuf مذكرات الطالب العلمية 1: دفتر الفيلسوف

44172 | Arabic | Flexi Bound
By: Dikmen, Fatih د. فاتح ديكمان / Haziran, I. Baski / Paksu, Zeynep Sevde
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2017
Natural Sciences - Experiments - Pre-Teen +


Raka'iz al-Ulum wa Asraruha ركائز العلوم وأسرارها

80448 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: DK
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2023
Science - 9+ Yrs


Mawsu'at al-Mushahadat al-'eiania: al-Nabatat موسوعة المشاهدة العيانية: النباتات

80492 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: DK Publishing
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 1999 Arabic Edition
Children's Visual Encyclopedia - Plants - 12 + Yrs


Learn & Play With Magnets: al-Dub Billy al-Id min 1-10 مغناطيسي: الدب بيلي العد من 1-10

81002 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Top That! Publishing
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2024
Children's Interactive - Magnetic Book - Counting - Preschool 3+


Learn & Play With Magnets: al-Alwan الالوان

81004 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Daw, Raymond
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2019
Children's Discovery - Colors - 3+ Yrs


Learn & Play With Magnets: al-'Addad ma' al-Hayawanat مغناطيسي: الأضداد مع الحيوانات

81003 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Illustrated by: Crisp, Dan
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2019
Children's Discovery - Animals - Opposites - 3+ Yrs


Learn & Play With Magnets: al-'Ad Ma' al-Qarasinah العد مع القراصنة

81005 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Daw, Raymond
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2019
Children's Interactive Book - Discovery - Counting - 3+ Yrs


Atlas Dawlat al-Bahrain wa-al-Alam: lil-Marhalah al-Thanawiyah اطلس دولة البحرين والعالم : للمرحلة الثانوية

20569 | Arabic | Softcover/ Edition: al-Ṭab'ah al-Iha'iyah
By: Group
Pub: Mu'assasat Jiyubrujiktis, Beirut, 1997
Atlas - Bahrain and World - Secondary Level - Teens +


My Animal Kingdom - Penguins (book and plush animals) كل شيء عن البطاريق

5921 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: DeAgostini UK Limited
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, 2006
Children's Educational Arabic Book with plush toy


My Animal Kingdom - Angel Fish (book and plush animals) كل شيء عن السمك الملائكي

5889 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: DeAgostini UK Limited
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, 2006
Children's Educational Arabic Book with plush toy


Aqasis Rumaniyyah أقاصيص رمانية

44453 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Ahdab, Marwan مروان الأحدب / Ill: Chassagnard, C./ Le Gall, Loic
Pub: Samir Editeur, Beirut, 2017
Ancient News - Stpries - Roman Culture - Ages 13+


Uktub al-Salam اكتب السلام

71025 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Samir, Beirut, 2017 / UNESCO
Children Books - World Languages - Pre-teen + - Ages 12 +


Asilah wa Ajwabah Tarifah An: al-Ard al-Qutbiah أسئلة و أجوبة طريفة عن... الأراضي القطبية

80445 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Miles Kelly Publishing
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2023 Arabic Edition
Children's Discovery - Polar Lands - 6+ Yrs


Asilah wa Ajwabah Tarifah An: Jism al-Insan اسئلة و اجوبة طريفة عن جسم الانسان

80443 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Miles Kelly Publishing
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2023 Arabic Edition
Children's Discovery - Anatomy - 9+ Yrs


Asilah wa Ajwabah Tarifah An: Aja'ib al-Tabi'ia اسئلة واجوبة طريفة عن عجائب الطبيعة

80444 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Miles Kelly Publishing
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2023 Arabic Edition
Children's Discovery - Nature - 6+ Yrs


Asilah wa Ajwabah Tarifah An: Kaukab al-Ard اسئلة واجوبة طريفة عن كوكب الارض

80849 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Miles Kelly Publishing
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2023 Arabic Edition
Children's Discovery - Planet Earth - 6+ Yrs


Asilah wa Ajwabah Tarifah An: al-Ghabat al-Matirah أسئلة وأجوبة الطريفة عن الغابات المطيرة

80446 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Miles Kelly Publishing
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2023 Arabic Edition
Children's Discovery - Rain Forests - 8+ Yrs


Asilah wa Ajwabah Tarifah An: Aniqadh Kawkab al-Ard - اسئلة واجوبة طريفة عن انقاذ كوكب الارض

80845 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Miles Kelly Publishing
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2023 Arabic Edition
Children's Discovery - Planet Earth - 5+ Yrs


Atfal bi-Ahlam Kabirah: Helen Keller أطفال بأحلام كبيرة - هيلين كيلر

80468 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Sánchez Vegara, Maria Isabel ماريا إيزابيل سانشيز فيغارا، اليزا مونسو
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2023
Inspiring Biographies - Ages 7-10+


Atfal bi-Ahlam Kabirah: Nikola Tesla أطفال بأحلام كبيرة - نيكولا تسلا

80469 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Sánchez Vegara, Maria Isabel ماريا إيزابيل سانشيز فيغارا، اليزا مونسو
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2023
Inspiring Biographies - Ages 7-10+


Atfal bi-Ahlam Kabirah: Pele أطفال بأحلام كبيرة - بيليه

80470 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Sánchez Vegara, Maria Isabel ماريا إيزابيل سانشيز فيغارا، اليزا مونسو
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2023
Inspiring Biographies - Ages 7-10+


Asilah wa Ajwabah Tarifah An: Ruwad al-Fada اسئلة واجوبة طريفة عن رواد الفضاء

80442 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Miles Kelly Publishing
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2023 Arabic Edition
Children's Discovery - Astronauts - 5+ Yrs


Asilah wa Ajwabah Tarifah An: Al-Qamar - اسئلة واجوبة طريفة عن القمر

80847 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Miles Kelly Publishing
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2023 Arabic Edition
Children's Discovery - Moon - 5+ Yrs


Asilah wa Ajwabah Tarifah An: al-Nizam Shamsi - اسئلة واجوبة طريفة عن النظام الشمسي

80848 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Miles Kelly Publishing
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2023 Arabic Edition
Children's Discovery - Solar System - 6+ Yrs


Asilah wa Ajwabah Tarifah An: al-Asr al-Jalidi أسئلة و أجوبة طريفة عن... العصر الجليدي

80416 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Miles Kelly Publishing
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2023
Children's Discovery - Ice Age - 9+ Yrs


Asilah wa Ajwabah Tarifah An: al-Shaab al-Marjaniyah اسئلة واجوبة طريفة عن الشعاب المرجانية

80415 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Miles Kelly Publishing
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2023
Children's Discovery - Coral Reefs - 9+ Yrs


Atfal bi-Ahlam Kabirah: Steve Jobs أطفال بأحلام كبيرة : ستيف جوبز

73911 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Sánchez Vegara, Maria Isabel ماريا إيزابيل سانشيز فيغارا، اليزا مونسو
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut 2020
Inspiring Biographies - ages 7-10+


Asilah wa Ajwabah Tarifah An: al-Ulum اسئلة واجوبة طريفة عن العلوم

80846 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Miles Kelly Publishing
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2023 Arabic Edition
Children's Discovery - Science - 5+ Yrs


Atfal bi-Ahlam Kabirah: Mahatma Ghandi أطفال بأحلام كبيرة : مهاتما غانديأ

73890 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Sánchez Vegara, Maria Isabel ماريا إيزابيل سانشيز فيغارا، اليزا مونسو
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut 2021 Arabic Edition
Inspiring Biographies - Ages 7-10+


Atfal bi-Ahlam Kabirah: Muhammad Ali Clay أطفال بأحلام كبيرة : محمد علي كلاي

73889 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Sánchez Vegara, Maria Isabel ماريا إيزابيل سانشيز فيغارا، اليزا مونسو
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut 2021, Arabic Edition
Inspiring Biographies - Ages 7-10+


Atfal bi-Ahlam Kabirah: Leo Messi أطفال بأحلام كبيرة: ليو ميسي

80172 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Sánchez Vegara, Maria Isabel ماريا ايزابيل سانشيز فيغارا/ Ill: Gavilán, Florencia
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2023
Inspiring Biographies - Ages 7-10+


Atfal bi-Ahlam Kabirah: Bruce Lee أطفال بأحلام كبيرة: بروس لي

80171 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Sánchez Vegara, Maria Isabel ماريا ايزابيل سانشيز فيغارا / Ill: Bustos, Miguel
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2023
Inspiring Biographies - Ages 7-10+


Asilah wa Ajwabah Tarifah An: al-Hayawanat - اسئلة واجوبة طريفة عن الحيوانات

80843 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Miles Kelly Publishing
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2023 Arabic Edition
Children's Discovery - Animals - 5+ Yrs


Asilah wa Ajwabah Tarifah An: al-Taq'su اسئلة واجوبة طريفة عن الطقس

80844 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Miles Kelly Publishing
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2023 Arabic Edition
Children's Discovery - Weather - 5+ Yrs


Mawsu'at Ruwad al-Ma'rifah: Mubdi'un Khaldun #3 مبدعون خالدون

42394 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Various / Dar al-Maaref
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2014
Arabic Encyclopedia - Scientists, Inventors - Youth Intermediate Level


Mawsu'at Ruwad al-Ma'rifah: Mubdi'un Khaldun #2 مبدعون خالدون

42393 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Various / Dar al-Maaref
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2014
Arabic Encyclopedia - Scientists, Inventors - Youth Intermediate Level


Tarif ila Jism al-Insan تعرف الى جسم الانسان

12654 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Rodriguez Vida, Dr. Alejo
Pub: Librairie Stephan, 2010
Children's Learning - Science - Arabic


The Genius of Islam: How Muslims Made the Modern World

72763 | English | Hardcover
By: Barnard, Byrn
Pub: Random House / Knopf Books for Young Readers, 2011
Children's Nonfiction - Islamic History - Middle Grades (Ages 8-12)


Lift the Flap: Limadha?: Biya'ati لماذا ؟ بيئتي

80424 | Arabic | Board Book With Flaps
By: Daw, Raymond ريموند ضو
Pub: Stephan, Beirut, 2022
Children's Interactive Book - Environment - 6+ Yrs


Lift the Flap: Limadha?: Jismi لماذا؟ جسمي

80421 | Arabic | Board Book With Flaps
By: Tr: Daw, Raymond ريموند ضو
Pub: Stephan, Beirut, 2022
Children's Interactive Book - Human Anatomy - 6+ Yrs


Lift the Flap: Limadha?: al-Dinosaurat لماذا؟ الدِّينوصورات

80422 | Arabic | Board Book With Flaps
By: Stephan, Cynthia سينتيا اسطفان
Pub: Stephan, Beirut, 2022
Children's Interactive Book - Dinosaurs - 6+ Yrs


Lift the Flap: Limadha?: Mihnati لماذا؟ مهنتي

80423 | Arabic | Board Book With Flaps
By: Stephan, Cynthia سينتيا اسطفان
Pub: Stephan, Beirut, 2022
Children's Interactive Book - Professions - 6+ Yrs


Lift the Flap: Limadha?: al-Tabi'ah لماذا ؟ الطبيعة

80425 | Arabic | Board Book With Flaps
By: Daw, Raymond ريموند ضو
Pub: Stephan, Beirut, 2023
Children's Interactive Book - Nature - 6+ Yrs


Lift the Flap: Limadha?: Alami لماذا ؟ عالمي

80426 | Arabic | Board Book With Flaps
By: Daw, Raymond ريموند ضو
Pub: Stephan, Beirut, 2023
Children's Interactive Book - Science - Our World - 6+ Yrs


Khutwah Khutwah: Jism al-Insan خطوة خطوة : جسم الإنسان

80427 | Arabic | Board Book - Lift the Flap
By: Stebleva, Victoria فيكتوريا ستبلافا
Pub: Stephan, Beirut, 2023
Interactive Children's Book - Science - Human Body - 7+ Yrs


Khutwah Khutwah: al-Nizam al-Shamsi خطوة خطوة : النظام الشمسي

80428 | Arabic | Board Book With Flaps
By: Stebleva, Victoria فيكتوريا ستبلافا
Pub: Stephan, Beirut, 2023
Interactive Children's Book - Science - Solar System - 7+ Yrs


We Are Palestinian: A Celebration of Culture And Tradition

80143 | English | Hardcover
By: Kassis, Reem / Ill: Eilouti, Noha
Pub: Crocodile Books, Massachusetts, 2023
Children's non-fiction - Palestine - Culture - Preteen+ 9 and Up


Mawsu'at al-Ma'arif al-Ilmiyah موسوعة المعارف العلمية

71346 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Group of Experts
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, Lebanon 2006
Youth Encyclopedia - Science - Knowledge - Pre-teen +


Urid Ana Akun Masmuman أريد أن أكون مصمماً

80404 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Eke Gaga, Daina داينا غاغا إيتشا
Pub: ASP, Beirut, 2022
Children's Discovery - Fashion Design - 8+ Yrs


Lift The Flap - Nafidha Ala Mualumat Amah نافذة علاى معلومات عامة

80450 | Arabic | Board Book With Flaps
By: Usborne / Tr; Daw, Raymond ريموند ضو
Pub: Stephan, Beirut, 2021 Arabic Edition
Children's Interactive Book - Education - General Information 8 + Yrs


Ta'raf ila Mafatih al-'Ulum تعرف إلى مفاتيح العلوم

45045 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Group / DK Books
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2019 Arabic Edition
Science Answers for Youth - Elementary


Iktashifi: al-Manazil Hawl al-Alam اكتشف المنازل حول العالم مع 48 طية

80045 | Arabic | Board Book - Lift the Flap
By: Akawi, Dr. Rihab رحاب عكاوي
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Sharjah, UAE, 2022
Interactive Board Book - Children's Science - Houses - Ages 5-10 Yrs


Silsilat al-Hawas al-Khams: SET of 5 سلسلة الحواس الخمس

44287 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Abbud, Hanan, Trabulsi, Nawal
Pub: Academia International, Beirut, 2016
Children's Science - The Senses - Early Reader

  Sale Price: US$24.75

Kitabi al-Kabir Yujayb: al-Taam كتابي الكبير يجيب الطعام

80409 | Arabic | Board Book With Flaps
By: YoYo Books
Pub: Librairie Stephen, Beirut, 2023
Children's Discovery - Lift the Flap - 5+ Yrs


Kitabi al-Kabir Yujayb: al-Ard كتابي الكبير يجيب : الأرض

80410 | Arabic | Board Book With Flaps
By: Yoyo Books
Pub: Librairie Stephen, Beirut, 2023
Children's Discovery - Lift the Flap - Planet Earth - 5+ Yrs


Kitabi al-Kabir Yujayb: al-Markabat كتابي الكبير يجيب: المركبات

80411 | Arabic | Board Book With Flaps
By: Yoyo Books
Pub: Librairie Stephen, Beirut, 2022
Children's Discovery - Lift the Flap - Vehicles - 5+ Yrs


Silsilat al-Hifaz 'ala al-Bayt : Hayawanat (set of 10) سلسلة الحفاظ على البيئة : حيوانات

43577 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Chibaro, Ghassan غسان شبارو
Pub: Thaqafa Publishing, UAE, 2018
Children's Picture Book - Environment - Animals - Early Elementary


Kitabi al-Kabir Yujayb: Jismi كتابي الكبير يجيب : جسمي

80412 | Arabic | Board Book With Flaps
By: Yoyo Books
Pub: Librairie Stephen, Beirut, 2022
Children's Discovery - Lift the Flap - Anatomy - 5+ Yrs


Kitabi al-Kabir Yujayb: al-Alam كتابي الكبير يجيب: العالم

80414 | Arabic | Board Book With Flaps
By: Yoyo Books
Pub: Librairie Stephen, Beirut, 2022
Children's Discovery - Lift the Flap - The World - 5+ Yrs


Kitabi al-Kabir Yujayb: al-Hayawanat كتابي الكبير يجيب: الحيوانات

80453 | Arabic | Board Book With Flaps
By: Yoyo Books
Pub: Stephan, Beirut, 2021
Interactive Children's Discovery - Lift the Flap - Animals - 5+ Yrs


Aktashaf Jism al-Insan 3D اكتشف جسم الإنسان (بتقنية الأبعاد الثلاثة)

45153 | Arabic | Board Book - Chunky with see through layers
By: North Parade Publishing
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2019 Arabic Edition
Science for Youth - Human Body - Pre-teen +


Rihlati al-Istikshafiyah: Jismi رحلتي الاستكشافية: جسمي

80454 | Arabic | Board Book With Pop Ups & Flaps
By: Gharuws, Nancy نانسي غاريوس
Pub: Stephan, Beirut, 2023
Interactive Children's Book - Anatomy - 6-8+ Yrs


Rihlati al-Istikshafiyah: al-Fada رحلتي الاستكشافية: الفضاء

80455 | Arabic | Board Book With Pop Ups & Flaps
By: Gharuws, Nancy نانسي غاريوس
Pub: Stephan, Beirut, 2023
Interactive Children's Book - Astronomy - 6-8+ Yrs


Jism al-Insan 3D جسم الإنسان بالأبعاد الثلاثة + لوحة

16243 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Dorling Kindersley Ltd.
Pub: Digital Future, Beirut, 2013
Science - Middle through High School


Atlas al-'Ulum al-Shamal: al-Zawahef wa-al-Dinosourat الزواحف والديناصورات

40157 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Editorial Sol 90; Encyclopaedia Britannica, inc.
Pub: Librairie Stephen, Beirut, 2014
Juvenile Non-fiction - Reptiles


Atlas al-'Ulum al-Shamal: Istkshaf al-Fada'a استكشاف الفضاء

40156 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Editorial Sol 90; Encyclopaedia Britannica, inc.
Pub: Librairie Stephen, Beirut, 2014
Juvenile Non-fiction - Space


Atlas al-'Ulum al-Shamal: al-Bia'ah البيئة

40155 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Editorial Sol 90; Encyclopaedia Britannica, inc.
Pub: Librairie Stephen, Beirut, 2014
Juvenile Non-fiction - Environment


Mawsu'at al-Insan wa-al-Sihah (4 vol) موسوعة الإنسان والصحة

71356 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Abd al-Rahim, Muhammad, Group
Pub: Dar El-Rateb, Beirut, 2006
Encyclopedia - Nutrition - Human Body - Health - YA+

  Sale Price: US$29.63

Mawsu'at al-Oulum (6 vol) علبة موسوعة العلوم الحديثة

10457 | Arabic | Hardcover
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, Beirut, 2006
Arabic Children's Encyclopedia - Children's - 8-15 yrs

  Sale Price: US$32.30

Nafidhati al-Ula SET of 7 Books (Med) سلسلة نافذتي الأولى

42402 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Muhaydali, Nabihah نبيهة محيدلي
Pub: Hadaek Group, Beirut, 2018
Children's Picture Storybook, Age 2+

  Sale Price: US$36.25

Mawsu'at al-Ulum wa-al-Hayat (5 vol) وسوعة العلم و الحياة

40057 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Ghaziani, Muhammad Sa'id محمد سعيد الغزلانى [et al.]
Pub: Dar al-Ratib al-Jami'iyah, Beirut, 2004
School Encyclopedia - Second Elementary to Middle

  Sale Price: US$39.00

Fleurus, la grande encyclopédie: Nature (French)

75458 | French | Hardcover
By: Dutilleul, Hélène
Pub: Fleurus Jeunese, Paris 1997
Encyclopedia for Youth - Nature - French - Ages 6 and Up


Tarikh min Sinat Ila Sinah التاريخ من سنة الى سنة

80082 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Dorling Kindersley
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2017 Arabic Edition
World History - Ancient - Contemporary - 9-12+ Yrs


Mawsu'at al-Aoalon (1/4) موسوعة الأولون في العلم والمعرفة

4936 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Zayat, Rateb
Pub: Dar al-Rateb, Beirut
Arabic Encyclopedia


Mawsu'at al-Mostakshifon 1/4 موسوعة المستكشفون

4944 | Arabic | Hardcover
Pub: Dar al-Rateb, Beirut
Arabic Encyclopedia


Mawsu'at Mamlakat al-Tabie'ia (5 vol) موسوعة مملكة الطبيعة

4848 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Shafa, D. Fakhria, Others فخرية شفا
Pub: Dar al-Rateb, Beirut, 2004
Illustrated Arabic Encyclopedia for Youth, Nature, Earth, Universe


Mawsu'at al-Motafoqon (1/5) موسوعة المتفوقون في الثقافة

4928 | Arabic | Hardcover
Pub: Dar al-Rateb, Beirut
Arabic Encyclopedis


Mawsu'at al-Jughrafia (8 vol) الموسوعة الجغرافية

4845 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Abd al-Rahim, Muhammad, Group
Pub: Dar al-Rateb, Beirut, 2004
Arabic Picture Encyclopedia - Adolescents - Geography

  Sale Price: US$63.75

Mawsu'at al-Tarikhiyya (8 vol) الموسوعة التاريخية : والاحداث السياسية والشعوب والقبائل والأمم

74968 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Group مجموعة من المؤلفين
Pub: Dar al-Ratib al-Jami'iyah, Beirut, 2004
World History Encyclopedia for Youth - Historical Events - Pre-teen +


Click section header to open/close

My First Book - Animals

14520 | Arabic - English | Hardcover
By: Jaroudi, Nadia
Pub: Dar al-Marefah, 2011
Children's First Word Book


My First Book - House

14516 | Arabic - English | Hardcover
By: Jaroudi, Nadia
Pub: Dar al-Marefah, 2011
Children's Arabic Book


My First Book - Profession

14518 | Arabic - English | Hardcover
By: Jaroudi, Nadia
Pub: Dar al-Marefah, 2011
Children's Book


My First Book - School

14517 | Arabic - English | Hardcover
By: Jaroudi, Nadia
Pub: Dar al-Marefah, 2011
Children's Book

If no items show above there are none for the age group.

Ala Matni Qitar: al-'Adad على متن قطار الأعداد

80413 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Oxford
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut 2023
Numbers - Toddler +


Ala Matni Qitar: al-Adad على متن قطار الأضداد

80407 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Oxford
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2023
Opposites - Toddler +


Ala Matni Qitar: al-Alwan على متن قطار: الالوان

80447 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Oxford
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2023
Colors - Toddler +


Ala Matni Qitar: al-Ashkal على متن قطار الأشكال

80408 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Oxford
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut 2023
Shapes - Toddler +


Ala Matni Qitar: al-Kalimat على متن قطار: الكلمات

80451 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Oxford
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2023
Words - Toddler +


Animal Series: Cow سلسلة الحيوان / البقرة

6985 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Dar al-Ilm Lilmalayin, Beirut, 2006
Children's Book 3-6


Animal Series: Rooster سلسلة الحيوان / الديك

6986 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Dar al-Ilm Lilmalayin, Beirut, 2006
Children's Book 3-6


Learn & Play With Magnets: al-'Ad Ma' al-Qarasinah العد مع القراصنة

81005 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Daw, Raymond
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2019
Children's Interactive Book - Discovery - Counting - 3+ Yrs


Learn & Play With Magnets: al-'Addad ma' al-Hayawanat مغناطيسي: الأضداد مع الحيوانات

81003 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Illustrated by: Crisp, Dan
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2019
Children's Discovery - Animals - Opposites - 3+ Yrs


Learn & Play With Magnets: al-Alwan الالوان

81004 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Daw, Raymond
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2019
Children's Discovery - Colors - 3+ Yrs


Learn & Play With Magnets: al-Dub Billy al-Id min 1-10 مغناطيسي: الدب بيلي العد من 1-10

81002 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Top That! Publishing
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2024
Children's Interactive - Magnetic Book - Counting - Preschool 3+


Learning Series - Basketball كرة السلة

14479 | Arabic | Hardboard
Pub: Digital-Future, 2011
Childrens Learning/Development


Learning Series - Coins القطع النقدية

14486 | Arabic | Hardboard
Pub: Digital-Future, 2011
Childrens Learning/Development


Learning Series - Formula 1 الفورمولا1

14481 | Arabic | Hardboard
Pub: Digital-Future, 2011
Childrens Learning/Development


Learning Series - Planet Earth كوكب الأرض

14485 | Arabic | Hardboard
Pub: Digital-Future, 2011
Childrens Learning/Development


Learning Series - Soccer كرة القدم

14482 | Arabic | Hardboard
Pub: Digital-Future, 2011
Childrens Learning/Development


Learning Series - Sweets الحلوى

14478 | Arabic | Hardboard
Pub: Digital-Future, 2011
Childrens Learning/Development


Learning Series - The Clock الساعة

14483 | Arabic | Hardboard
Pub: Digital-Future, 2011
Childrens Learning/Development


Learning Series - The Compass البوصلة

14480 | Arabic | Hardboard
Pub: Digital-Future, 2011
Childrens Learning/Development


Learning Series - The Moon القمر

14477 | Arabic | Hardboard
Pub: Digital-Future, 2011
Childrens Learning/Development


Nafidhati al-Ula (med): Madha Ta'kul Ya Asfur? ماذا تأكل يا عصفور؟

42400 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Muhaydali, Nabihah نبيهة محيدلي
Pub: Hadaek Group, Beirut, 2018
Children's Picture Storybook, Age 2+ - Animal Diets


Nafidhati al-Ula (med): Hal Ta'rifuni? هل تعرفني؟

42396 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Muhaydali, Nabihah نبيهة محيدلي
Pub: Hadaek Group, Beirut, 2018
Children's Picture Storybook, Age 2+ - Animals


Nafidhati al-Ula (med): Madha Lawni ? ما هو لوني؟

44025 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Muhaydali, Nabihah نبيهة محيدلي
Pub: Hadaek Group, Beirut, 2018
Children's Picture Storybook, Age 2+ - Colors


Nafidhati al-Ula (med): Madha Yaf'alun ? ماذا يفعلون؟

42395 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Muhaydali, Nabihah نبيهة محيدلي
Pub: Hadaek Group, Beirut, 2018
Children's Picture Storybook, Age 2+ - Professions


Nafidhati al-Ula SET of 7 Books (Med) سلسلة نافذتي الأولى

42402 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Muhaydali, Nabihah نبيهة محيدلي
Pub: Hadaek Group, Beirut, 2018
Children's Picture Storybook, Age 2+

  Sale Price: US$36.25

Nusammi al-'Ashya bi-'Asma'iha: Fi al-Bayt في البيت

44030 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Ḥasan, Razan رزان حسن
Pub: Hadaek Group, Beirut, 2014
Children's Photo Word, Age 2+ - At Home


Nusammi al-'Ashya bi-'Asma'iha: Fi al-Tabi'ah في الطبيعة

44028 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Ḥasan, Razan رزان حسن
Pub: Hadaek Group, Beirut, 2014
Children's Photo Word, Age 2+ - Nature


Nusammi al-'Ashya bi-'Asma'iha: Fi Jism al-Insan في جسم الانسان

44029 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Ḥasan, Razan رزان حسن
Pub: Hadaek Group, Beirut, 2014
Children's Photo Word, Age 2+ - Human Body


Sesame Street 123: Ahtam wa Atisharak أهتم وأتشارك : سلسلة افتح يا سمسم

71483 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sesame Workshop
Pub: Hachette Antoine, 2018
Children's Educational - Growing Up - Sharing - Caring About Others - Ages 2-5


Sesame Street 123: Inthabihi Qishrahu Muz ! انتبه قشرة موز : سلسلة افتح يا سمسم

71486 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sesame Workshop
Pub: Hachette Antoine, 2018
Children's Educational - Safety - Ages 2-5


Sesame Street 123: Let's Eat! إفتح يا سمسم هيّا نأكل

70036 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sesame Workshop
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2017
Children's Educational - Ages 2-5


Sighar al-Hayawanat fi al-Manatiq al-Qutbiyah في المناطق القطبية

60978 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Kingfisher
Pub: Academia International, Beirut 2006
Child's non-fiction - Baby Animals - Preschool-Kindergarten


Sighar al-Hayawanat fi al-Sahari صغار الحيوانات في الصحاري

60975 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Kingfisher
Pub: Academia International, Beirut 2006
Child's non-fiction - Baby Animals - Preschool-Kindergarten


Uqsadah I'limyah: 'Rafraf' Farashah Mulawwanah رفرف : فراشة ملونة

43900 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Husseini, Wafa وفاء الحسيني / Ill: Uhamad al-Khtiyab
Pub: Dar al-Samer, Beirut, 2019
Children's Science Story - Butterflies - Ages 3-6


Uqsadah I'limyah: 'Zeina' Nahlah Nashiytah زينة نحلة نشيطة

43901 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Husseini, Wafa وفاء الحسيني
Pub: Dar al-Samer, Beirut, 2019
Children's Science Story - Bees - Ages 3-6


Uqsusah 'Ilmiyah: Fasul al-Arba'a أقصوصة علمية : الفصول الأربعة

74166 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Husseini, Wafaa وفاء الحسيني / Ill: Al-Masri, Jamil
Pub: Dar Samer, Beirut, 2021
Kids - Science - Seasons - 3-6 Yrs

If no items show above there are none for the age group.

Activities: Simplissime: al-Ikhtibarat al-Alimiyah al-Absat fi al-Alam ولااسهل الاختبارات العلمية الابسط في العالم

72493 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Barde, Nahalie / Ill: Moutarde, Colonel
Pub: Hachette Antoine, 2019
Children's Educational - Scientific Tests - Ages 8-12


Aktashaf wa Ata'lim al Hayawanat أكتشف و أتعلم الحيوانات

72770 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Anness Group / Llewellyn, Claire
Pub: Academia, Beirut 2000 Arabic Edition
Introduction to Animals for Children - Ages 5-9


Aktashaf wa Ata'lim al-Hisab أكتشف و أتعلم الحساب

72767 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Anness Group / Holden, Arianne
Pub: Academia, Beirut 2000 Arabic Edition
Kids Learn Numbers and Counting - Ages 5-6


Aktashaf wa Ata'lim al-Ulum أكتشف و أتعلم العلوم

72768 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Anness Group / Holden, Arianne
Pub: Academia, Beirut, 2000 Arabic Edition
Beginning Science for Children - Arabic - Ages 5-9


Aktashaf wa Ata'lim al-Waqt أكتشف و أتعلم الوقت

72769 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Anness Group / Holden, Arianne
Pub: Academia, Beirut 2000 Arabic Edition
Kids Learn Time - Ages 5-9


Ala 'Arba' Qawa'im: al-A'sad الأسد

42132 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Ahdab, Marwan مروان الأحدب
Pub: Samir Editeur, Beirut, 2010
Children's Non-Fiction - Animal Life - Ages 6+


Ala 'Arba' Qawa'im: al-Hirr الهر

42130 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Ahdab, Marwan مروان الأحدب
Pub: Samir Editeur, Beirut, 2010
Children's Non-Fiction - Animal Life - Ages 6+


Ala 'Arba' Qawa'im: al-Kalb الكلب

42131 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Ahdab, Marwan مروان الأحدب
Pub: Samir Editeur, Beirut, 2010
Children's Non-Fiction - Animal Life - Ages 6+


Amir Al-Atiba أمير الأطباء

74380 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Adaliya, Nawar نوار العضايلة / Ill: Widad Arshid and Rawan Sadr وداد أرشيد و روان صدر
Pub: Dar Asala, Beirut 2017
Muslim Scientists - Abu Bakr al-Razi - Biography - Ages 6+


Ana Sadiq al-Biyati: Ma Hu? al-Talawuth, al-Dakhani, al-Dakhan wa-al-Mazidu انا صديق البيئة: ما هو؟ التلوث، الدخان، الضخان والمزيد...

80645 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sharma, Richa ريتشا شارما
Pub: Maktabat al-Hadissa, Beirut 2018 Arabic Edition
Kid's Non-fiction - Science & Nature - Ecology - Air Pollution - Ages 7-10+


Asilah wa Ajwabah Tarifah An: al-Ard al-Qutbiah أسئلة و أجوبة طريفة عن... الأراضي القطبية

80445 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Miles Kelly Publishing
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2023 Arabic Edition
Children's Discovery - Polar Lands - 6+ Yrs


Asilah wa Ajwabah Tarifah An: al-Hayawanat - اسئلة واجوبة طريفة عن الحيوانات

80843 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Miles Kelly Publishing
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2023 Arabic Edition
Children's Discovery - Animals - 5+ Yrs


Asilah wa Ajwabah Tarifah An: al-Nizam Shamsi - اسئلة واجوبة طريفة عن النظام الشمسي

80848 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Miles Kelly Publishing
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2023 Arabic Edition
Children's Discovery - Solar System - 6+ Yrs


Asilah wa Ajwabah Tarifah An: Al-Qamar - اسئلة واجوبة طريفة عن القمر

80847 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Miles Kelly Publishing
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2023 Arabic Edition
Children's Discovery - Moon - 5+ Yrs


Asilah wa Ajwabah Tarifah An: al-Taq'su اسئلة واجوبة طريفة عن الطقس

80844 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Miles Kelly Publishing
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2023 Arabic Edition
Children's Discovery - Weather - 5+ Yrs


Asilah wa Ajwabah Tarifah An: al-Ulum اسئلة واجوبة طريفة عن العلوم

80846 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Miles Kelly Publishing
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2023 Arabic Edition
Children's Discovery - Science - 5+ Yrs


Asilah wa Ajwabah Tarifah An: Aniqadh Kawkab al-Ard - اسئلة واجوبة طريفة عن انقاذ كوكب الارض

80845 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Miles Kelly Publishing
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2023 Arabic Edition
Children's Discovery - Planet Earth - 5+ Yrs


Asilah wa Ajwabah Tarifah An: Ruwad al-Fada اسئلة واجوبة طريفة عن رواد الفضاء

80442 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Miles Kelly Publishing
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2023 Arabic Edition
Children's Discovery - Astronauts - 5+ Yrs


Dimagh 'Ajib wa-Murin Mahadah wa-Turah دماغ عجيب ومرن محدة وطورة

70213 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Deak, JoAnn / Ill: Ackerley, Sarah
Pub: Thaqafa Publishing, UAE, 2017
Kids - Science - Brain - Ages 5-9


DK Super Readers (Level 1) : Shaahina al-Kabira - الشاحنات الكبيرة

80525 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Smith, Grace Hill
Pub: DK Children, 2023
Kids' Non-fiction Reader - Ages 6-8


DK Super Readers (Level 4) : Qirsh Muftaris al-Qima - القرش مفترس القمة

80524 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Smith, Grace Hill
Pub: DK Children, 2023
Kids' Non-fiction Reader - Sharks - Ages 9-11


DK Super Readers (Pre-Level) : Liqa' al-Diynaswrat لقاء الديناصورات

80526 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Smith, Grace Hill
Pub: DK Children, 2023
Kids' Non-fiction Reader - Dinosaurs - Discovery - Ages 3-5


Fi al-Tadrib: 'Ealim fi Marhalat al-Tadrib في التدريب: عالِم في مرحلة التّدريب

45002 | Arabic | Softcover
By: MacMillian Pub / Tr: Albert Mutlaq
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2021
Children's Book - Growing up - Scientist - Ages 5-9


Fi al-Tadrib: Itfa'iyy fi Marhalat al-Tadrib في التدريب: إطفائيّ في مرحلة التّدريب

44999 | Arabic | Softcover
By: MacMillian Pub / Tr: Albert Mutlaq
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2021
Children's Book - Growing up - Firefighting - Ages 5-9


Fi al-Tadrib: Mubarmij Kombiutar fi Marhalat al-Tadrib في التدريب: مُبرمج كومبيوتر في مرحلة التّدريب

45004 | Arabic | Softcover
By: MacMillian Pub / Tr: Albert Mutlaq
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2021
Children's Book - Computer Programing - Ages 5-9


Fi al-Tadrib: Muhandis fi Marhalat al-Tadrib في التدريب: مُهندس في مرحلة التّدريب

45000 | Arabic | Softcover
By: MacMillian Pub / Tr: Albert Mutlaq
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2021
Children's Book - Growing up - Engineers - Ages 5-9


Fi al-Tadrib: Najm Riyadi fi Marhalat al-Tadrib في التدريب: نَجم رياضيّ في مرحلة التّدريب

45003 | Arabic | Softcover
By: MacMillian Pub / Tr: Albert Mutlaq
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2021
Children's Book - Growing up - Sports - Ages 5-9


Fi al-Tadrib: Rayid Fada' fi Marhalat al-Tadrib في التدريب: رائد فّضاء في مرحلة التّدريب

44998 | Arabic | Softcover
By: MacMillian Pub / Tr: Albert Mutlaq
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2021
Children's Book - Growing up - Space - Ages 5-9


Fi al-Tadrib: Tabib Bitari fi Marhalat al-Tadrib في التدريب: طبيب بيطريّ في مرحلة التّدريب

45001 | Arabic | Softcover
By: MacMillian Pub / Tr: Albert Mutlaq
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2021
Children's Book - Growing up - Vet - Ages 5-9


Fi al-Tadrib: Tabib fi Marhalat al-Tadrib في التدريب: طبيب في مرحلة التّدريب

44997 | Arabic | Softcover
By: MacMillian Pub / Tr: Albert Mutlaq
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2021
Children's Book - Growing up - Body, Health - Ages 5-9


Fleurus, la grande encyclopédie: Nature (French)

75458 | French | Hardcover
By: Dutilleul, Hélène
Pub: Fleurus Jeunese, Paris 1997
Encyclopedia for Youth - Nature - French - Ages 6 and Up


Haqiqat al-Dhikriyat حقيقة الذكريات

80491 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Badawi, Maya مايا بدوي
Pub: Maktabat Hadissa, Beirut, 2023
Children's Arabic Storybook - Travels - Countries of the World - 6+ Yrs


Hayat al-Siriyah lil-Firusat الحياة السرية للفيروسات

90007 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Tolosa Sistere, Mariona ماريو تولوسا سيستري
Pub: ASP, Beirut ,2022
Children's Science - Health - 8+ Yrs


Hayat al-Siriyah lil-Makhat الحياة السرية للمخاط

90006 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Tolosa Sistere, Mariona ماريو تولوسا سيستري
Pub: ASP, Beirut, 2021
Children's Science - Health


Hikayat wa 'Ulum: Hikayat Ta'am al-Nuzha (Riyadiyat) حكاية طعام النزهة (رياضيات)

90005 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Mutlaq, Albert البير مطلق
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2021
Children's Arabic Picture Storybook - Math - Ages 4-7


Hikayat wa 'Ulum: Hikayt Bastat al-Baskawit حكايات وعلوم: حكايات بسطة البسكويت

44988 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Quarto Group / Tr: LDLP
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2021
Children's Arabic Picture Storybook - Art - Ages 4-7


Human Body-Muscular System (Ar)

8093 | Arabic | Hardcover
Pub: Librairie du Liban, Beirut, 2005
Children's Book


Human Body-Skin,Hair,Nails (Ar)

8091 | Arabic | Hardcover
Pub: Librairie du Liban, Beirut, 2005
Children's Book


Iktashif al-Nizam al-Shamsy: Jami'a al-Kawakib إكتشف النّظام الشّمسي: جميع الكواكب

74952 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Group
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, Beirut 2012
Sciences - Kids - Pre-Teen 9 - 12 Years old


Iktashifi: al-Manazil Hawl al-Alam اكتشف المنازل حول العالم مع 48 طية

80045 | Arabic | Board Book - Lift the Flap
By: Akawi, Dr. Rihab رحاب عكاوي
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Sharjah, UAE, 2022
Interactive Board Book - Children's Science - Houses - Ages 5-10 Yrs


Iqra wa-Ata'allam: Badhraat wa-Shajarah بذرة وشجرة

41913 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Khatri, Basma
Pub: Academia International, Beirut, 2015
Children's Science - Ages 6-8


Iqra wa-Ata'allam: Halatu al-A'shiya'a حالات الأشياء

41910 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Khatri, Basma
Pub: Academia International, Beirut, 2015
Children's Science - Ages 6-8


Iqra wa-Ata'allam: Kayinat wa-Ashya' كائنات وأشياء

42347 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Khatri, Basma
Pub: Academia International, Beirut, 2015
Children's Science - Ages 6-8


Iqra wa-Ata'allam: Khafifu wa-Thaqil خفيف وثقيل

41911 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Khatri, Basma
Pub: Academia International, Beirut, 2015
Children's Science - Ages 6-8


Iqra wa-Ata'allam: Man Ya'tani Biha? من يعتني بها؟

41915 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Khatri, Basma
Pub: Academia International, Beirut, 2015
Children's Science - Ages 6-8


Iqra wa-Ata'allam: Nahnu Natanaffasu al-Aksijin نحن نتنفس الأكسيجين

41912 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Khatri, Basma
Pub: Academia International, Beirut, 2015
Children's Science - Ages 6-8


Iqra wa-Ata'allam: Subat Amiq سبات عميق

41914 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Khatri, Basma
Pub: Academia International, Beirut, 2015
Children's Science - Ages 6-8


Jism al-Bashari الجسم البشري

11723 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: EdiBimbi
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, 2008
Arabic Encyclopedia - Childrens Atlas of the body


Khutwah Khutwah: al-Nizam al-Shamsi خطوة خطوة : النظام الشمسي

80428 | Arabic | Board Book With Flaps
By: Stebleva, Victoria فيكتوريا ستبلافا
Pub: Stephan, Beirut, 2023
Interactive Children's Book - Science - Solar System - 7+ Yrs


Khutwah Khutwah: Jism al-Insan خطوة خطوة : جسم الإنسان

80427 | Arabic | Board Book - Lift the Flap
By: Stebleva, Victoria فيكتوريا ستبلافا
Pub: Stephan, Beirut, 2023
Interactive Children's Book - Science - Human Body - 7+ Yrs


Kitabi al-Kabir Yujayb: al-Alam كتابي الكبير يجيب: العالم

80414 | Arabic | Board Book With Flaps
By: Yoyo Books
Pub: Librairie Stephen, Beirut, 2022
Children's Discovery - Lift the Flap - The World - 5+ Yrs


Kitabi al-Kabir Yujayb: al-Ard كتابي الكبير يجيب : الأرض

80410 | Arabic | Board Book With Flaps
By: Yoyo Books
Pub: Librairie Stephen, Beirut, 2023
Children's Discovery - Lift the Flap - Planet Earth - 5+ Yrs


Kitabi al-Kabir Yujayb: al-Hayawanat كتابي الكبير يجيب: الحيوانات

80453 | Arabic | Board Book With Flaps
By: Yoyo Books
Pub: Stephan, Beirut, 2021
Interactive Children's Discovery - Lift the Flap - Animals - 5+ Yrs


Kitabi al-Kabir Yujayb: al-Markabat كتابي الكبير يجيب: المركبات

80411 | Arabic | Board Book With Flaps
By: Yoyo Books
Pub: Librairie Stephen, Beirut, 2022
Children's Discovery - Lift the Flap - Vehicles - 5+ Yrs


Kitabi al-Kabir Yujayb: al-Taam كتابي الكبير يجيب الطعام

80409 | Arabic | Board Book With Flaps
By: YoYo Books
Pub: Librairie Stephen, Beirut, 2023
Children's Discovery - Lift the Flap - 5+ Yrs


Kitabi al-Kabir Yujayb: Jismi كتابي الكبير يجيب : جسمي

80412 | Arabic | Board Book With Flaps
By: Yoyo Books
Pub: Librairie Stephen, Beirut, 2022
Children's Discovery - Lift the Flap - Anatomy - 5+ Yrs


Li-Kul Shayin Qisatan: Albatu al-Soda لكل شيء قصة: علبة الصودا

80465 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Agarwal, Tanya تانيا اغاروال
Pub: Maktabat Hadissa, Beirut, 2018
Children's Discovery - Aluminum - 7-10 Yrs


Li-Kul Shayin Qisatin: al-Kisu al-Waraqi لكل شيء قصة: الكيس الورقي

80466 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Agarwal, Tanya تانيا اغاروال
Pub: Maktabat al-Hadissa, Beirut, 2018
Children's Discover - Paper Bags - 7-10 Yrs


Li-Kul Shayin Qisatin: al-Kuratu al-Zujajiyah لكل شيء قصة: الكرة الزجاجية

80463 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Agarwal, Tanya تانيا اغاروال
Pub: Maktabat Hadissa, Beirut, 2018
Children's Discovery - Marbles - 7-10 Yrs


Li-Kul Shayin Qisatin: al-Qufazu al-Sufi لكل شيء قصة: القفاز الصوفي

80464 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Agarwal, Tanya تانيا اغاروال
Pub: Maktabat Hadissa, Beirut, 2018
Children's Discovery - Wool - 7-10 Yrs


Li-Kul Shayin Qisatin: Bantalon al-Jinz لكل شيء قصة: بنطلون الجينز

80462 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Agarwal, Tanya تانيا اغاروال
Pub: Maktabat al-Hadissa, Beirut, 2018
Children's Discover - Jeans - 7-10 Yrs


Li-Kul Shayin Qisatin: Qalam al-Rasas لكل شيء قصة: قلم الرصاص

80461 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Agarwal, Tanya تانيا اغاروال
Pub: Maktabat al-Hadissa, Beirut, 2018
Children's Discovery - Wood Pencils - 7-10 Yrs


Lift the Flap: Limadha?: al-Dinosaurat لماذا؟ الدِّينوصورات

80422 | Arabic | Board Book With Flaps
By: Stephan, Cynthia سينتيا اسطفان
Pub: Stephan, Beirut, 2022
Children's Interactive Book - Dinosaurs - 6+ Yrs


Lift the Flap: Limadha?: al-Tabi'ah لماذا ؟ الطبيعة

80425 | Arabic | Board Book With Flaps
By: Daw, Raymond ريموند ضو
Pub: Stephan, Beirut, 2023
Children's Interactive Book - Nature - 6+ Yrs


Lift the Flap: Limadha?: Alami لماذا ؟ عالمي

80426 | Arabic | Board Book With Flaps
By: Daw, Raymond ريموند ضو
Pub: Stephan, Beirut, 2023
Children's Interactive Book - Science - Our World - 6+ Yrs


Lift the Flap: Limadha?: Biya'ati لماذا ؟ بيئتي

80424 | Arabic | Board Book With Flaps
By: Daw, Raymond ريموند ضو
Pub: Stephan, Beirut, 2022
Children's Interactive Book - Environment - 6+ Yrs


Lift the Flap: Limadha?: Jismi لماذا؟ جسمي

80421 | Arabic | Board Book With Flaps
By: Tr: Daw, Raymond ريموند ضو
Pub: Stephan, Beirut, 2022
Children's Interactive Book - Human Anatomy - 6+ Yrs


Lift the Flap: Limadha?: Mihnati لماذا؟ مهنتي

80423 | Arabic | Board Book With Flaps
By: Stephan, Cynthia سينتيا اسطفان
Pub: Stephan, Beirut, 2022
Children's Interactive Book - Professions - 6+ Yrs


Material Matters: Clay (Ar)

8087 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Chrysalis Children's Books
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut, 2006 Ar Edition c2005
Children's Book


Material Matters: Glass (Ar) الزجاج

7523 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Chrysalis Children's Books
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut, 2006
Children's Book


Material Matters: Metals (Ar)

8089 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Chrysalis Children's Books
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut, 2006 Ar Edition c2005
Children's Book


Material Matters: Plastic (Ar) البلاستيك

7513 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Chrysalis Children's Books
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut, 2006
Children's Book


Mawsu'at al-Saghirah-At the Seaside على شاطىء البحر

15390 | Arabic | Padded Hardcover
By: Mes Petites Encyclopedies Larousse
Pub: Librairie Stephen, Beirut, 2010
Children's Arabic Encyclopedia Age 5-9


Mawsu'at al-Saghirah-At the Zoo في حديقة الحيوانات

15384 | Arabic | Padded Hardcover
By: Mes Petites Encyclopedies Larousse
Pub: Librairie Stephen, Beirut, 2010
Children's Arabic Encyclopedia Age 5-9


Mawsu'at al-Saghirah-Boo-Boo's توعكات الاولاد

15387 | Arabic | Padded Hardcover
By: Mes Petites Encyclopedies Larousse
Pub: Librairie Stephen, Beirut, 2010
Children's Arabic Encyclopedia Age 5-9


Mawsu'at al-Saghirah-Good Night عالم الليل

15388 | Arabic | Padded Hardcover
By: Mes Petites Encyclopedies Larousse
Pub: Librairie Stephen, Beirut, 2010
Children's Arabic Encyclopedia Age 5-9


Mawsu'at al-Saghirah-It Rolls تتحرك وتسير

15383 | Arabic | Padded Hardcover
By: Mes Petites Encyclopedies Larousse
Pub: Librairie Stephen, Beirut, 2010
Children's Arabic Encyclopedia Age 5-9


Mawsu'at al-Saghirah-Manners اللياقة

15385 | Arabic | Padded Hardcover
By: Mes Petites Encyclopedies Larousse
Pub: Librairie Stephen, Beirut, 2010
Children's Arabic Encyclopedia Age 5-9


Monet: al-Sadiqan Filib wa Klud مونيه: الصديقان فيليب وكلود

73216 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Obiols, Anna / Ill: Subirana, Joan
Pub: Thaqafa Publishing, UAE, 2017
Children's Picture Storybook - Educational - International Artists


My Animal Kingdom - Angel Fish (book and plush animals) كل شيء عن السمك الملائكي

5889 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: DeAgostini UK Limited
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, 2006
Children's Educational Arabic Book with plush toy


My Animal Kingdom - Butterflys (book and plush animals) الكمية: كل شيء عن الفراشات

5885 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: DeAgostini UK Limited
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, 2006
Children's Educational Arabic Book with plush toy

  Sale Price: US$9.30

My Animal Kingdom - Camels (book and plush animals) كل شيء عن الجمال

5880 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: DeAgostini UK Limited
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, 2006
Children's Educational Arabic Book with plush toy

  Sale Price: US$9.30

My Animal Kingdom - Chimpanzees (book and plush animals) كل شيء عن الشمبانزي

5882 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: DeAgostini UK Limited
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, 2006
Children's Educational Arabic Book with plush toy

  Sale Price: US$9.30

My Animal Kingdom - Cobras (book and plush animals) كل شيء عن الأفاعي

5919 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: DeAgostini UK Limited
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, 2006
Children's Educational Arabic Book with plush toy

  Sale Price: US$9.30

My Animal Kingdom - Elephants (book and plush animals) كل شيء عن الفيلة

5881 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: DeAgostini UK Limited
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, 2006
Children's Educational Arabic Book with plush toy

  Sale Price: US$9.30

My Animal Kingdom - Giraffes (book and plush animals) كل شيء عن الزرافات

5884 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: DeAgostini UK Limited
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, 2006
Children's Educational Arabic Book with plush toy

  Sale Price: US$9.30

My Animal Kingdom - Lions (book and plush animals) كل شيء عن الأسود

5890 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: DeAgostini UK Limited
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, 2006
Children's Educational Arabic Book with plush toy

  Sale Price: US$9.30

My Animal Kingdom - Parrots (book and plush animals) كل شيء عن الببغاوات

5883 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: DeAgostini UK Limited
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, 2006
Children's Educational Arabic Book with plush toy

  Sale Price: US$9.30

My Animal Kingdom - Penguins (book and plush animals) كل شيء عن البطاريق

5921 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: DeAgostini UK Limited
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, 2006
Children's Educational Arabic Book with plush toy


My Animal Kingdom - Zebras (book and plush animals) كل شيء عن الحمار الوحشي

5920 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: DeAgostini UK Limited
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, 2006
Children's Educational Arabic Book with plush toy

  Sale Price: US$9.30

My Healthy Body: Blood & Heart (Ar) الدم و القلب

7529 | Arabic | Hardcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut, 2005


Natamana Laka al-Shifa al-Ajila: Mushkilatu al-Ma'idah مشكلات المعدة

82021 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sen, Benita بينيتا سين
Pub: Maktabat al-Hadissa, Beirut, 2018
Children's Discovery - Illnesses - 7+ Yrs


Rihlati al-Istikshafiyah: al-Fada رحلتي الاستكشافية: الفضاء

80455 | Arabic | Board Book With Pop Ups & Flaps
By: Gharuws, Nancy نانسي غاريوس
Pub: Stephan, Beirut, 2023
Interactive Children's Book - Astronomy - 6-8+ Yrs


Rihlati al-Istikshafiyah: Jismi رحلتي الاستكشافية: جسمي

80454 | Arabic | Board Book With Pop Ups & Flaps
By: Gharuws, Nancy نانسي غاريوس
Pub: Stephan, Beirut, 2023
Interactive Children's Book - Anatomy - 6-8+ Yrs


Shadi wa al-Banadura شادي والبندورة

72428 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Wareda, Abd al-Ghani عبد الغني ورضى / Ill: Kharbutli, Sahir
Pub: Asala Publishing, Beirut, 2018
Children's Educational - Eating Healthy - Tomatoes - Ages 5-8


Shadi wa al-Fulayfilah شادي والفليفلة

72430 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Wareda, Abd al-Ghani عبد الغني ورضى / Ill: Kharbutli, Sahir
Pub: Asala Publishing, Beirut, 2018
Children's Educational - Eating Healthy - Peppers - Ages 5-8


Shadi wa al-Khiyar al-Mun'ish شادي والخيار المنعش

72426 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Wareda, Abd al-Ghani عبد الغني ورضى / Ill: Kharbutli, Sahir
Pub: Asala Publishing, Beirut, 2018
Children's Educational - Eating Healthy - Cucumbers - Ages 5-8


Shadi wa al-Mawz شادي والموز

72427 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Wareda, Abd al-Ghani عبد الغني ورضى / Ill: Kharbutli, Sahir
Pub: Asala Publishing, Beirut, 2018
Children's Educational - Eating Healthy - Bananas - Ages 5-8


Shadi wa al-Sayadah Jazarah شادي و السيدة جزرة

72432 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Wareda, Abd al-Ghani عبد الغني ورضى / Ill: Kharbutli, Sahir
Pub: Asala Publishing, Beirut, 2019
Children's Educational - Eating Healthy -Carrots - Ages 5-8


Shadi wa al-Tin شادي و التين

72424 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Wareda, Abd al-Ghani عبد الغني ورضى / Ill: Kharbutli, Sahir
Pub: Asala Publishing, Beirut, 2018
Children's Educational - Eating Healthy - Figs - Ages 5-8


Shadi wa al-Tufahah شادي والتفاحة

72429 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Wareda, Abd al-Ghani عبد الغني ورضى / Ill: Kharbutli, Sahir
Pub: Asala Publishing, Beirut, 2018
Children's Educational - Eating Healthy - Apples - Ages 5-8


Shadi wa al-Yaqtin شادي واليقطين

72425 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Wareda, Abd al-Ghani عبد الغني ورضى / Ill: Kharbutli, Sahir
Pub: Asala Publishing, Beirut, 2018
Children's Educational - Eating Healthy - Pumpkins - Ages 5-8


Shadi wa Habat al-Inab شادي وحبات العنب

72477 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Wareda, Abd al-Ghani عبد الغني ورضى / Ill: Kharbutli, Sahir
Pub: Asala Publishing, Beirut, 2019
Children's Educational - Eating Healthy - Grapes - Ages 5-8


Shadi wa Tut al-Ard شادي وتوت الارض

72456 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Wareda, Abd al-Ghani عبد الغني ورضى / Ill: Kharbutli, Sahir
Pub: Asala Publishing, Beirut, 2019
Children's Educational - Eating Healthy - Benefits of Raspberries - Ages 5-8


Silsilat al-Hawas al-Khams: 'Adhuqu سلسلة الحواس الخمس: أذوق

44284 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Abbud, Hanan, Trabulsi, Nawal / Ill: Ghosn, Sandra
Pub: Academia International, Beirut, 2016
Children's Science - The Senses - Early Reader


Silsilat al-Hawas al-Khams: 'Ara سلسلة الحواس الخمس: أرى

44283 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Abbud, Hanan, Trabulsi, Nawal / Ill: Badran, Nura
Pub: Academia International, Beirut, 2016
Children's Science - The Senses - Early Reader


Silsilat al-Hawas al-Khams: 'Ashummu سلسلة الحواس الخمس: أشمّ

44285 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Abbud, Hanan, Trabulsi, Nawal / Ill: Abud, Tirissa
Pub: Academia International, Beirut, 2016
Children's Science - The Senses - Early Reader


Silsilat al-Hawas al-Khams: 'Asma'u سلسلة الحواس الخمس: أسمع

44286 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Abbud, Hanan, Trabulsi, Nawal / Ill: Husayn, Azzah
Pub: Academia International, Beirut, 2016
Children's Science - The Senses - Early Reader


Silsilat al-Hawas al-Khams: al-Mussu سلسلة الحواس الخمس: ألمس

44282 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Abbud, Hanan, Trabulsi, Nawal / Ill: Ghosn, Ghada
Pub: Academia International, Beirut, 2016
Children's Science - The Senses - Early Reader


Silsilat al-Hawas al-Khams: SET of 5 سلسلة الحواس الخمس

44287 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Abbud, Hanan, Trabulsi, Nawal
Pub: Academia International, Beirut, 2016
Children's Science - The Senses - Early Reader

  Sale Price: US$24.75

Silsilat al-Hifaz 'ala al-Bayt : Hayawanat (set of 10) سلسلة الحفاظ على البيئة : حيوانات

43577 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Chibaro, Ghassan غسان شبارو
Pub: Thaqafa Publishing, UAE, 2018
Children's Picture Book - Environment - Animals - Early Elementary


Silsilat al-Ulum: al-Jarar الجرار

71274 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Flayfil, Taha / Ill: Sulayman, Hisham
Pub: Asala Publishing, Beirut, 2018
Children's Arabic Picture Book - Science - Farming - Ages 5-8


Silsilat al-Ulum: Bayt al-Akal بيت الأكل : سلسلة العلوم

72485 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Jawad, Muhammad / Ill: Salam, Sumar
Pub: Asala Publishing, Beirut, 2018
Children's Picture Storybook - Digestive System - Ages 5-9


Silsilat al-Ulum: Rihlat al-Farashah رحلة فراشة

71275 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Qansu, Zaynab / Ill: Alami, Dimah
Pub: Asala Publishing, Beirut, 2018
Children's Arabic Picture Book - Science - Butterfly - Ages 5-8


Super Mi: Ila al-Muhit إلى المحيط

71022 | Arabic | Hardcover`
By: Mia, Cee Cee / Ill: Lecomte, Julie
Pub: Samir, Beirut 2019
Children's Arabic Story - Ocean - Ages 5 +


Super Mi: Ila Dakhil al-Jism إلى داخل الجسم

71023 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Mia, Cee Cee/ Ill: Lecomte, Julie
Pub: Samir, Beirut 2019
Children's Arabic Story - The Body - Ages 5 +


Unzur Ana: Alim أنظر أنا عالم

80441 | Arabic | Softcover
By: DK Children / Librairie du-Lubnan
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2022 Arabic Edition
Science - 6+ Yrs


Unzur Ana: Alimu Biya'ah أنظر أنا عالم بيئة

80440 | Arabic | Softcover
By: DK Children / Librairie du-Lubnan
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2023 Arabic Edition
Science - 5+ Yrs

If no items show above there are none for the age group.

Activity: Duros al-Furusiyah al-Uwla دروس الفروسية الأولى

60859 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Ransford, Sandy / Kingfisher
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, Inc. Beirut 2003
Children's Book - Horsemanship - Grades 3-5


Aktashaf Jism al-Insan 3D اكتشف جسم الإنسان (بتقنية الأبعاد الثلاثة)

45153 | Arabic | Board Book - Chunky with see through layers
By: North Parade Publishing
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2019 Arabic Edition
Science for Youth - Human Body - Pre-teen +


Amir Murib أمر مريب

72437 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Nassir, Maya Mawlawi مايا مولوي ناصر / Ill: Beiruti, Maryam
Pub: Asala, 2019
Arabic Story for Youth - Health - Allergies - Family - Pre-teen


Arif Kula Shayin An: al-Fada' الفضاء

80489 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Nainwal, Tripti تريبتي نايوال
Pub: Maktabat Hadissa, Beirut, 2018 Arabic Edition
Children's Discovery - 8-12 Yrs


Arif Kula Shayin An: al-Ma'a اعرف كل شئء عن الماء

80487 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Mukherjee, Vijita فيجيتا مخرجي
Pub: Maktabat Hadissa, Beirut, 2018 Arabic Edition
Children's Discovery - Water - 8-12 Yrs


Arif Kula Shayin An: al-Riyah الرياح

80488 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Nainwal, Tripti تريبتي نايوال
Pub: Maktabat Hadissa, Beirut, 2018 Arabic Edition
Children's Discovery - Wind - 8-12 Yrs


Arif Kula Shayin An: al-Turabah النربة

80490 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Mukherjee, Vijita فيجيتا مخرجي
Pub: Maktabat Hadissa, Beirut, 2018 Arabic Edition
Children's Discovery - Soil - 8-12 Yrs


Asilah wa Ajwabah Tarifah An: Aja'ib al-Tabi'ia اسئلة واجوبة طريفة عن عجائب الطبيعة

80444 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Miles Kelly Publishing
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2023 Arabic Edition
Children's Discovery - Nature - 6+ Yrs


Asilah wa Ajwabah Tarifah An: al-Asr al-Jalidi أسئلة و أجوبة طريفة عن... العصر الجليدي

80416 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Miles Kelly Publishing
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2023
Children's Discovery - Ice Age - 9+ Yrs


Asilah wa Ajwabah Tarifah An: al-Ghabat al-Matirah أسئلة وأجوبة الطريفة عن الغابات المطيرة

80446 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Miles Kelly Publishing
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2023 Arabic Edition
Children's Discovery - Rain Forests - 8+ Yrs


Asilah wa Ajwabah Tarifah An: al-Shaab al-Marjaniyah اسئلة واجوبة طريفة عن الشعاب المرجانية

80415 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Miles Kelly Publishing
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2023
Children's Discovery - Coral Reefs - 9+ Yrs


Asilah wa Ajwabah Tarifah An: Jism al-Insan اسئلة و اجوبة طريفة عن جسم الانسان

80443 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Miles Kelly Publishing
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2023 Arabic Edition
Children's Discovery - Anatomy - 9+ Yrs


Atfal bi-Ahlam Kabirah: Bruce Lee أطفال بأحلام كبيرة: بروس لي

80171 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Sánchez Vegara, Maria Isabel ماريا ايزابيل سانشيز فيغارا / Ill: Bustos, Miguel
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2023
Inspiring Biographies - Ages 7-10+


Atfal bi-Ahlam Kabirah: Helen Keller أطفال بأحلام كبيرة - هيلين كيلر

80468 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Sánchez Vegara, Maria Isabel ماريا إيزابيل سانشيز فيغارا، اليزا مونسو
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2023
Inspiring Biographies - Ages 7-10+


Atfal bi-Ahlam Kabirah: Leo Messi أطفال بأحلام كبيرة: ليو ميسي

80172 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Sánchez Vegara, Maria Isabel ماريا ايزابيل سانشيز فيغارا/ Ill: Gavilán, Florencia
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2023
Inspiring Biographies - Ages 7-10+


Atfal bi-Ahlam Kabirah: Mahatma Ghandi أطفال بأحلام كبيرة : مهاتما غانديأ

73890 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Sánchez Vegara, Maria Isabel ماريا إيزابيل سانشيز فيغارا، اليزا مونسو
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut 2021 Arabic Edition
Inspiring Biographies - Ages 7-10+


Atfal bi-Ahlam Kabirah: Muhammad Ali Clay أطفال بأحلام كبيرة : محمد علي كلاي

73889 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Sánchez Vegara, Maria Isabel ماريا إيزابيل سانشيز فيغارا، اليزا مونسو
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut 2021, Arabic Edition
Inspiring Biographies - Ages 7-10+


Atfal bi-Ahlam Kabirah: Nikola Tesla أطفال بأحلام كبيرة - نيكولا تسلا

80469 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Sánchez Vegara, Maria Isabel ماريا إيزابيل سانشيز فيغارا، اليزا مونسو
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2023
Inspiring Biographies - Ages 7-10+


Atfal bi-Ahlam Kabirah: Pele أطفال بأحلام كبيرة - بيليه

80470 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Sánchez Vegara, Maria Isabel ماريا إيزابيل سانشيز فيغارا، اليزا مونسو
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2023
Inspiring Biographies - Ages 7-10+


Atfal bi-Ahlam Kabirah: Steve Jobs أطفال بأحلام كبيرة : ستيف جوبز

73911 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Sánchez Vegara, Maria Isabel ماريا إيزابيل سانشيز فيغارا، اليزا مونسو
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut 2020
Inspiring Biographies - ages 7-10+


Bi'atana Mustaqbatuna: al-Aghdhiah al-Mu'ddalah Warathiyan الأغذية المعدّلة وراثياً

40505 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Hawkes, Nigel / Ayyubi, Umar
Pub: Academia, Beirut, 2001
Children's Book - Environment Issues - Grade 2 and Up


Bio: Benjamin Franklin شخصيات لامعة بنجامين فرانكلين

40170 | Arabic | Softcover
By: XACT Studio / Hassan, Claudia (translator) كلوديا حسن
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2013
Biography - American History 18th Century - Pre-teen

  Sale Price: US$5.78

Bio: Columbus كولومبوس

14651 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Dae-Hyun, Cho
Pub: Dar al-Moualef
Educational - History


Bio: Leonardo Da Vinci

14806 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Giuly, Sang
Pub: Dar al-Moualef
Children's Arabic Book 9-12 years


Bio: Nobel

14808 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Giuly, Sang
Pub: Dar al-Moualef
Children's Arabic Book 9-12 years


Britanica Learning Library Artists Around The World فنانون حول العالم

11795 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Britanica
Pub: al-Maktaba Shorouk, 2006


Britanica Learning Library Religions Around The World الاديان حول العالم

11796 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Britanica
Pub: al-Maktaba Sharouk, 2006
Children's Arabic Encyclopedia - Religions


DK Eyewitness Books: Islam

72575 | English | Hardcover
By: Wilkinson, Philip
Pub: DK Eyewitness, NY 2018
Islamic History - Middle Grades - Ages 8+

  Sale Price: US$13.95

Hikayat lil-Mutal'ah: Raysha al-Hamra الريشة الحمراء

90004 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Husseini, Wafa وفاء الحسيني
Pub: Dar al-Samer, 2023
Children's Arabic Story - 8+ Yrs - Preteen+


Iktashif al-Nizam al-Shamsy: Al-Kuaykibat إكتشف النّظام الشّمسي: الكويكبات

74953 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Group
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, Beirut 2012
Sciences - Kids - Pre-Teen 9 - 12 Years old


Iktashif al-Nizam al-Shamsy: Al-Nujum إكتشف النّظام الشّمسي: النجوم

74955 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Group
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, Beirut 2012
Sciences - Kids - Pre-Teen 9 - 12 Years old


Iktashif al-Nizam al-Shamsy: Al-Qamar- إكتشف النّظام الشّمسي: القمر

74951 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Group
Pub: Dar Al Chimal, Beirut, 2012
Sciences - Kids - Pre-Teen 9 - 12 Years old


Iktashif al-Nizam al-Shamsy: Al-Shams إكتشف النّظام الشّمسي: الشمس

74950 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Group
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, Beirut 2012
Sciences - Kids - Pre-Teen 9 - 12 Years old


Inak Lan Tasadaq .. al-Kahraba' (Electricity) إنك لن تصدق ولكن… الكهرباء

43475 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Taylor, Helen, Group
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut, 2000
Children's Arabic Science Book - Electricity - Ages 8-11


Inak Lan Tasadaq .. al-Ma'a (Water) إنك لن تصدق ولكن…حقائق الماء

43478 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Taylor, Helen, Group
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut, 2000
Children's Arabic Science Book - Water - Ages 8-11


Inak Lan Tasadaq .. Alwan (Colors) إنك لن تصدق ولكن…ألوان

43479 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Taylor, Helen, Group
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut, 2000
Children's Arabic Science Book - Colors - Ages 8-11


Kayf: Badat al-Ashya? كيف بدات الاشياء؟

82029 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Subramanian, R.P. سوبرامانيان
Pub: Maktabat al-Hadissa, Beirut, 2018
Children's Discovery - Inventions


Kayf: Ta'aish al-Ka'inatu al-Gharibahu? كيف تعيش الكائنات الغريبة؟ غرائب عالم

82027 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Shipurkar, Rekha ريكا شيبوركار
Pub: Maktabat al-Hadissa, Beirut, 2018
Children's Discovery - Strange Animals - 10+ Yrs


Kayf: Ta'amalu al-Ashya'? كيف تعمل الاشياء؟ التكنولوجيا الحديثة

82028 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Shipurkar, Rekha ريكا شيبوركار
Pub: Maktabat al-Hadissa, Beirut, 2018
Children's Discovery - Technology - 10+ Yrs


Kayf: Tahadathu al-Zawahir كيف تحدث الظواهر الطبيعية المدهشة؟

82030 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Shipurkar, Rekha ريكا شيبوركار
Pub: Maktabat al-Hadissa, Beirut, 2018
Children's Discovery - Natural Phenomena - 10+ Yrs


Kayf: Tahaduthu al-Ashya? كيف تحدث الاشياء؟

82026 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Shipurkar, Rekha ريكا شيبوركار
Pub: Maktabat al-Hadissa, Beirut, 2018
Children's Discovery - Nature - 10+ Yrs


Kayf: Tatahark al-Ashya? كيف تتحرك الاشياء؟

82031 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Shipurkar, Rekha ريكا شيبوركار
Pub: Maktabat al-Hadissa, Beirut, 2018
Children's Discovery - Transport - Motion - 10+ Yrs


Khatwa..Khatwa: al-Fada خطوة خطوة : الفضاء

42309 | Arabic | Softcover with Flaps
By: Chaffardon, Christophe / Ill: Kling, Laurent
Pub: Samir Editeur, Beirut, 2013 Arabic Edition
Child's Science Book - Space - Ages 10+


Khatwa..Khatwa: al-Ikhtira'at خطوة خطوة : الإختراعات

42311 | Arabic | Softcover with Flaps
By: Corgibet, Véronique / Ill: Kling, Laurent
Pub: Samir Editeur, Beirut, 2016
Child's Science Book - Inventions - Ages 10+


Khatwa..Khatwa: al-Sawt خطوة خطوة : الصوت

42310 | Arabic | Softcover with Flaps
By: Fischetti, Antonio / Ill: Puech, Marion
Pub: Samir Editeur, Beirut, 2013
Child's Science Book - Sound - Ages 10+


Khatwa..Khatwa: Wasa'il al-Naql خطوة خطوة : وسائل النقل

42312 | Arabic | Softcover with Flaps
By: Corgibet, Véronique / Ill: Mazurie, Jean-Christophe
Pub: Samir Editeur, Beirut, 2013
Child's Science Book - Transport - Ages 10+


Lift The Flap - Nafidha Ala Mualumat Amah نافذة علاى معلومات عامة

80450 | Arabic | Board Book With Flaps
By: Usborne / Tr; Daw, Raymond ريموند ضو
Pub: Stephan, Beirut, 2021 Arabic Edition
Children's Interactive Book - Education - General Information 8 + Yrs


Ma Alladhi Yaj'alu Minni: Ma Ana wa-Man Ana? ما الّذي يجعل منّي : ما أنا ومن أنا؟

60858 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Winston, Robert M.L.
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2006 / DK
Science Book for Youth - Human Body - Preteen +

  Sale Price: US$12.50

Manzaluk fi Aya Makan منزلك في اي مكان

80494 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Carbalall, Alba / Ill: Sangio, Lorenzo
Pub: ASP, Beirut, 2023 Arabic Edition
Children's Non-fiction - Culture - Dwellings - 9+ Yrs


Mawsu'at al-'Ulum al-Mubassatah: Al-Bilastik موسوعة العلوم المبسطة: البلاستيك (اللدائن)

45092 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Group مجموعة مؤلفين
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2004
Science Encyclopedia for Youth - Resources - Plastics - Preteen+


Mawsu'at al-'Ulum al-Mubassatah: Al-Filizzat موسوعة العلوم المبسطة : الفلزات

45091 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Group مجموعة مؤلفين
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2004
Science Encyclopedia for Youth - Resources - Metals - Preteen+


Mawsu'at al-'Ulum al-Mubassatah: Al-Khashab موسوعة العلوم المبسطة : الخشب

45089 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Group مجموعة مؤلفين
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2004
Science Encyclopedia for Youth - Resources - Wood - Preteen+


Mawsu'at al-'Ulum al-Mubassatah: Al-Sukhur wa-al-Ma'adin موسوعة العلوم المبسطة: الصخور والمعادن

45090 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Group مجموعة مؤلفين
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2004
Science Encyclopedia for Youth - Resources - Rocks, Minerals - Preteen+


Mawsu'at al-Aoalon (1/4) موسوعة الأولون في العلم والمعرفة

4936 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Zayat, Rateb
Pub: Dar al-Rateb, Beirut
Arabic Encyclopedia


Mawsu'at al-Hayawan: al-Hasharat wa al-Anakib الحشرات والعناكب

60385 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Macaw Books
Pub: Sharikat Dar Al Shamal, Tripoli, Lebanon 2009
Children's Encyclopedia 7-11


Mawsu'at al-Hayawan: al-Hayawanat al-Barriyah الحيوانات البرية

40579 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Macaw Books
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, Tripoli, Lebanon 2009
Children's Encyclopedia 7-11


Mawsu'at al-Hayawan: al-Hitan wa al-Dolfin الحيتان والدلافين

60382 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Macaw Books
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, Tripoli, Lebanon 2009
Children's Encyclopedia 7-11


Mawsu'at al-Hayawan: al-Zawahif الزواحف

60384 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Macaw Books
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, Tripoli, Lebanon 2009
Children's Encyclopedia 7-11


Mawsu'at al-Hayawan: Asmak al-Qirsh اسماك القرش

60386 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Macaw Books
Pub: Sharikat Dar Al Shamal, Tripoli, Lebanon 2009
Children's Encyclopedia 7-11


Mawsu'at al-Hayawan: الطيور al-Tuyur

40578 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Macaw Books
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, Tripoli, Lebanon 2009
Children's Encyclopedia 7-11


Mawsu'at al-Jughrafia (8 vol) الموسوعة الجغرافية

4845 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Abd al-Rahim, Muhammad, Group
Pub: Dar al-Rateb, Beirut, 2004
Arabic Picture Encyclopedia - Adolescents - Geography

  Sale Price: US$63.75

Mawsu'at al-Ma'arif al-Ilmiyah موسوعة المعارف العلمية

71346 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Group of Experts
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, Lebanon 2006
Youth Encyclopedia - Science - Knowledge - Pre-teen +


Mawsu'at al-Mostakshifon 1/4 موسوعة المستكشفون

4944 | Arabic | Hardcover
Pub: Dar al-Rateb, Beirut
Arabic Encyclopedia


Mawsu'at al-Motafoqon (1/5) موسوعة المتفوقون في الثقافة

4928 | Arabic | Hardcover
Pub: Dar al-Rateb, Beirut
Arabic Encyclopedis


Mawsu'at al-Mushahadat al-'eiania: al-Nabatat موسوعة المشاهدة العيانية: النباتات

80492 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: DK Publishing
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 1999 Arabic Edition
Children's Visual Encyclopedia - Plants - 12 + Yrs


Mawsu'at al-Oulum (6 vol) علبة موسوعة العلوم الحديثة

10457 | Arabic | Hardcover
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, Beirut, 2006
Arabic Children's Encyclopedia - Children's - 8-15 yrs

  Sale Price: US$32.30

Mawsu'at al-Tarikhiyya (8 vol) الموسوعة التاريخية : والاحداث السياسية والشعوب والقبائل والأمم

74968 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Group مجموعة من المؤلفين
Pub: Dar al-Ratib al-Jami'iyah, Beirut, 2004
World History Encyclopedia for Youth - Historical Events - Pre-teen +


Mawsu'at al-Ulum wa-al-Hayat (5 vol) وسوعة العلم و الحياة

40057 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Ghaziani, Muhammad Sa'id محمد سعيد الغزلانى [et al.]
Pub: Dar al-Ratib al-Jami'iyah, Beirut, 2004
School Encyclopedia - Second Elementary to Middle

  Sale Price: US$39.00

Mawsu'at Jism al-Insan: 'Aeda' Jism al-Insan - موسوعة جسم الإنسان: أعضاء جسم الإنسان

74894 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sighnal, Ritanshu ريتانشو سيغنال
Pub: Maktaba al-Hadissa, Beirut 2020
Student Encyclopedia - Human Body Organs - Pre-Teen +


Mawsu'at Jism al-Insan: Al-Dawrat al-Damawiat wa-al-Jihaz al-Tanafusiu موسوعة جسم الإنسان: الدورة الدموية والجهاز التنفسي

74896 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sighnal, Ritanshu ريتانشو سيغنال
Pub: Maktaba Al-Hadissa, Beirut 2020
Human Body - Circulatory and Respiratory System - Pre-teen+


Mawsu'at Jism al-Insan: Al-Hawasu al-Khams, wa-al-'Asnan, wa-al-'Azafir, wa-al-Shier موسوعة جسم الإنسان: الحواس الخمس, والأسنان, والأظفار, والشعر

74897 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sighnal, Ritanshu ريتانشو سيغنال
Pub: Maktaba al-Hadissa, Beirut 2020
Human Body - Five Senses, Hair and nails - Pre-teen +


Mawsu'at Jism al-Insan: Al-Jihaz al-'Asabi wa-al-Jihaz al-Mana'i, wa-al-Ghudad موسوعة جسم الإنسان: الجهاز العصبي والجهاز المناعي, والغدد

74895 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sighnal, Ritanshu ريتانشو سيغنال
Pub: Maktaba Al-Hadissa, Beirut 2020
Student Encyclopedia - Human Body Systems - Nervous, Immune, glands - Pre-Teen +


Mawsu'at Mamlakat al-Tabie'ia (5 vol) موسوعة مملكة الطبيعة

4848 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Shafa, D. Fakhria, Others فخرية شفا
Pub: Dar al-Rateb, Beirut, 2004
Illustrated Arabic Encyclopedia for Youth, Nature, Earth, Universe


Mudhakirat al-Talib al-'Ilmiyah 1: Daftar al-Faylasuf مذكرات الطالب العلمية 1: دفتر الفيلسوف

44172 | Arabic | Flexi Bound
By: Dikmen, Fatih د. فاتح ديكمان / Haziran, I. Baski / Paksu, Zeynep Sevde
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2017
Natural Sciences - Experiments - Pre-Teen +


My Chinese Village : East Turkistan

43777 | English | Softcover
By: Nagi. Luqman
Pub: Goodword Books, India, 2008
Children's Story - Islamic Villages - Pre-teen +


My Moroccan Village

43778 | English | Hardcover
By: Nagi. Luqman
Pub: Goodword Books, India, 2003
Children's Story - Islamic village - Pre-teen +


Natamana Laka al-Shifa al-Ajila: al-Hasasiyah الحساسية

82025 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sen, Benita بينيتا سين
Pub: Maktabat al-Hadissa, Beirut, 2018
Children's Discovery - Health Guidance - Illnesses - 7+ Yrs


Natamana Laka al-Shifa al-Ajila: al-Huma الحمى

82024 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sen, Benita بينيتا سين
Pub: Maktabat al-Hadissa, Beirut, 2018
Children's Discovery - Health Guidance - Illnesses - 7+ Yrs


Natamana Laka al-Shifa al-Ajila: al-Juruh الجروح

82023 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sen, Benita بينيتا سين
Pub: Maktabat al-Hadissa, Beirut, 2018
Children's Discovery - Health Guidance - Illnesses - 8+ Yrs


Phoenician Series - Alwan Arjawaniya fi Madinat Sur

14815 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Shabani, Sana
Pub: Dar al-Moualef
Children's Arabic Book 9-12 years


Phoenician Series - Fi Suhbat Ilisa

14814 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Shabani, Sana
Pub: Dar al-Moualef
Children's Arabic Book 9-12 years


Phoenician Series - Iyzis fi Madinat Jubyal

14810 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Shabani, Sana
Pub: Dar al-Moualef
Children's Arabic Book 9-12 years


Phoenician Series - Phoenician trader trip

14809 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Shabani, Sana
Pub: Dar al-Moualef
Children's Arabic Book 9-12 years


Phoenician Series - Qadmus wa Hurouf al-Abjadiya

14813 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Shabani, Sana
Pub: Dar al-Moualef
Children's Arabic Book 9-12 years


Qisas Ilmiyah قصص علمية: 15 قصة

90003 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Shams al-Din, Ali علي شمس الدين
Pub: Dar Samer, Beirut, 2023
Children's Stories - Science - 9+ Yrs - Preteen

  Sale Price: US$10.00

Ra'id fi Tarikh P1 الرائد في التاريخ

20225 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Najm, Alfred ألفرد نجم
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, Beirut
Children's History Text


Ra'id fi Tarikh P2 الرائد في التاريخ

20226 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Najm, Alfred ألفرد نجم
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, Beirut
Children's History Text


Ra'id fi Tarikh P3 الرائد في التاريخ

20227 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Najm, Alfred ألفرد نجم
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, Beirut
Children's History Text


Ra'id fi Tarikh P5 الرائد في التاريخ

20224 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Najm, Alfred ألفرد نجم
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, Beirut,
Children's History Text


Raka'iz al-Ulum wa Asraruha ركائز العلوم وأسرارها

80448 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: DK
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2023
Science - 9+ Yrs


Show Me History: Muhammad Ali: The Greatest of All Time!

44777 | English | Board Cover, Graphic Novel
By: Buckley Jr., James Ill: Duggan, Andy
Pub: Portable Press, US, 2020
Children's Non-Fiction - Biograpny - Graphic Novel - Ages 8-12


Ta'raf ila Mafatih al-'Ulum تعرف إلى مفاتيح العلوم

45045 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Group / DK Books
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2019 Arabic Edition
Science Answers for Youth - Elementary


Tarif ila Jism al-Insan تعرف الى جسم الانسان

12654 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Rodriguez Vida, Dr. Alejo
Pub: Librairie Stephan, 2010
Children's Learning - Science - Arabic


Tarikh min Sinat Ila Sinah التاريخ من سنة الى سنة

80082 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Dorling Kindersley
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2017 Arabic Edition
World History - Ancient - Contemporary - 9-12+ Yrs


The Genius of Islam: How Muslims Made the Modern World

72763 | English | Hardcover
By: Barnard, Byrn
Pub: Random House / Knopf Books for Young Readers, 2011
Children's Nonfiction - Islamic History - Middle Grades (Ages 8-12)


Uktub al-Salam اكتب السلام

71025 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Samir, Beirut, 2017 / UNESCO
Children Books - World Languages - Pre-teen + - Ages 12 +


Urid Ana Akun Masmuman أريد أن أكون مصمماً

80404 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Eke Gaga, Daina داينا غاغا إيتشا
Pub: ASP, Beirut, 2022
Children's Discovery - Fashion Design - 8+ Yrs


We Are Palestinian: A Celebration of Culture And Tradition

80143 | English | Hardcover
By: Kassis, Reem / Ill: Eilouti, Noha
Pub: Crocodile Books, Massachusetts, 2023
Children's non-fiction - Palestine - Culture - Preteen+ 9 and Up


Yawm Ikhtafat al-Ashjar يوم اختفت الأشجار

41931 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Dahir, Rania Zahib رانيا زبيب ضاهر / ill: Fa'ur, Nizar
Pub: Academia International, Beirut, 2016
Juvenile Literature Pre-Teen up - Environment - Parks and Trees


Zumurrudah fi al-Mokha (Yemen) زمردة في المخا

42372 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Aybish, Shirin شيرين إيبش
Pub: Academia International, Beirut, 2011
Juvenile Fiction - Arab Cities - Pre-teen


Zumurrudah fi Baghdad زمردة في بغداد

42612 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Aybish, Shirin شيرين إيبش
Pub: Academia International, Beirut, 2011
Juvenile Fiction - Arab Cities - Pre-teen


Zumurrudah fi Beirut زمردة في بيروت

80406 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Ibish, Shirin شيرين إيبش
Pub: Academia, Beirut, 2021
Children's Fiction - World Cities - Pre-teen

If no items show above there are none for the age group.

100,000 Li-Madha : Al-Ardh - 100,000 لماذا - الارض

80603 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Kedi, Han
Pub: ASP, Beirut 2019
Science for Youth - The Earth - Environment


100,000 Li-Madha : al-Bahar wa-al-Muhitat - 100,000 لماذا - البحار والمحيطات

80606 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Kedi, Han
Pub: ASP, Beirut 2019
Science for Youth - Seas - Oceans


100,000 Li-Madha : al-Dimagh wa-al-Adrak - 100,000 لماذا - الدماغ والادراك

80555 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Kedi, Han
Pub: ASP, Beirut 2019
Science for Youth - Brain & Cognition


100,000 Li-Madha : al-Elektroniat wa-al-Maa'lumaat - 100,000 لماذا - الالكترونيات والمعلومات

80604 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Kedi, Han
Pub: ASP, Beirut 2020
Science for Youth - Technology


100,000 Li-Madha : al-Fizya' - 100,000 - لماذا - الفيزياء

80602 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Kedi, Han
Pub: ASP, Beirut 2020
Science for Youth - Physics


100,000 Li-Madha : al-Hayaa - 100,000 لماذا - الحياة

80551 | Arabic | Softcover
By: ASP, Group of Authors
Pub: ASP, Beirut 2020
Science for Youth - Biology


100,000 Li-Madha : al-Kawarith wa-al-Himayat Minha - 100,000 لماذا - الكوارث والحماية منها

80556 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Kedi, Han
Pub: ASP, Beirut 2020
Science for Youth - Disasters and Protections


100,000 Li-Madha : al-Kimya' - 100,000 لماذا - الكيمياء

80605 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Kedi, Han
Pub: ASP, Beirut 2020
Science for Youth - Chemistry


100,000 Li-Madha : al-Riyadhiat - 100,000 لماذا - الرياضيات

80607 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Kedi, Han
Pub: ASP, Beirut 2020
Science for Youth - Mathematics


100,000 Li-Madha : al-Taaqat wa-al-lbiya - 100,000 لماذا - الطاقة والبيئة

80552 | Arabic | Softcover
By: ASP, Group of Authors
Pub: ASP, Beirut 2019
Science for Youth - Energy & Environment


100,000 Li-Madha : al-Tayaran wa-al-Fada' 100,000 لماذا - الطيران والفضاء

80554 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Kedi, Han
Pub: ASP, Beirut 2020
Science for Youth - Aviation & Space


100,000 Li-Madha : al-Ulum al-Tibiya - 100,000 لماذا - العلوم الطبية

80553 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Kedi, Han
Pub: ASP, Beirut 2019
Science for Youth - Medical


100,000 Li-Madha : Ilm al-Falak 100,000 لماذا - علم الفاك

80599 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Kedi, Han
Pub: ASP, Beirut 2020
Science for Youth - Space - Astronomy


100,000 Li-Madha : Ilm al-Hayawan - 100,000 لماذا - علم الحيوان

80598 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Kedi, Han
Pub: ASP, Beirut 2019
Science for Youth - Animals - Zoology


100,000 Li-Madha : Ilm al-Mutahajirat -100,000 لماذا - علم المتحجرات

80600 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Kedi, Han
Pub: ASP, Beirut 2020
Science for Youth - Dinosaurs


100,000 Li-Madha : Ilm al-Nabaat - 100,000 لماذا - علم النبات

80601 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Kedi, Han
Pub: ASP, Beirut 2020
Science for Youth - Botany


100000 Li-Madha : al-Aslhat wa-al-Difa' al-Watana'a - 100000 لماذا - الاسلحة والدفاع الوطنى

80557 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Kedi, Han
Pub: ASP, Beirut, 2020
Science for Youth - Weapons and National Defense


Aihtbas al-Harari الاحتباس الحراري

41859 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Murphy, Glenn / Bonnier Books
Pub: Dar al-Fikr, Beirut/Damascus, 2011 Arabic Edition
Juvenile Non-fiction - Climate Change - Middle & High School


Aqasis Rumaniyyah أقاصيص رمانية

44453 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Ahdab, Marwan مروان الأحدب / Ill: Chassagnard, C./ Le Gall, Loic
Pub: Samir Editeur, Beirut, 2017
Ancient News - Stpries - Roman Culture - Ages 13+


Arabic World Atlas: Atlas al-Alam أطلس العالم

20559 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Ghuri, Ibrahim Helmi
Pub: Dar Al Sharq Al Arabi, 2005
World Atlas - Teen Up


Asilah wa Ajwabah Tarifah An: Kaukab al-Ard اسئلة واجوبة طريفة عن كوكب الارض

80849 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Miles Kelly Publishing
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2023 Arabic Edition
Children's Discovery - Planet Earth - 6+ Yrs


Atlas al-'Ulum al-Shamal: al-Bia'ah البيئة

40155 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Editorial Sol 90; Encyclopaedia Britannica, inc.
Pub: Librairie Stephen, Beirut, 2014
Juvenile Non-fiction - Environment


Atlas al-'Ulum al-Shamal: al-Zawahef wa-al-Dinosourat الزواحف والديناصورات

40157 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Editorial Sol 90; Encyclopaedia Britannica, inc.
Pub: Librairie Stephen, Beirut, 2014
Juvenile Non-fiction - Reptiles


Atlas al-'Ulum al-Shamal: Istkshaf al-Fada'a استكشاف الفضاء

40156 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Editorial Sol 90; Encyclopaedia Britannica, inc.
Pub: Librairie Stephen, Beirut, 2014
Juvenile Non-fiction - Space


Atlas Dawlat al-Bahrain wa-al-Alam: lil-Marhalah al-Thanawiyah اطلس دولة البحرين والعالم : للمرحلة الثانوية

20569 | Arabic | Softcover/ Edition: al-Ṭab'ah al-Iha'iyah
By: Group
Pub: Mu'assasat Jiyubrujiktis, Beirut, 1997
Atlas - Bahrain and World - Secondary Level - Teens +


Fusul Min al-Tariq: Sana Thamaniya فصول من التاريخ - سنة ثامنة

80558 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Dar al-Mashriq
Pub: Dar al-Mashriq, Beirut 2011
World History for Youth - Eighth Grade


Illustrious Lives: Benjamin Franklin (Ar) بنجامين فرانكلين

44140 | Arabic | Softcover
By: XAct Books / Ed: Aman al-Din, Hala هلا أمان الدين
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2012 Arabic Edition
Biography - Teens - Upper Middle and High School


Illustrious Lives: Charles Dickens (Ar) تشارلز ديكنز

44130 | Arabic | Softcover
By: XAct Books / Ed: Aman al-Din, Hala هلا أمان الدين
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2012 Arabic Edition
Biography - Teens - Upper Middle and High School


Illustrious Lives: Fidel Castro (Ar) فيدل كاسترو

44138 | Arabic | Softcover
By: XAct Books / Ed: Aman al-Din, Hala هلا أمان الدين
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2012 Arabic Edition
Biography - Teens - Upper Middle and High School


Illustrious Lives: Franklin D. Roosevelt (Ar) فرانكلين د.روزفلت

44136 | Arabic | Softcover
By: XAct Books / Ed: Aman al-Din, Hala هلا أمان الدين
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2012 Arabic Edition
Biography - Teens - Upper Middle and High School


Illustrious Lives: Frida Kahlo (Ar) فريدا كاهلو

44125 | Arabic | Softcover
By: XAct Books / Ed: Aman al-Din, Hala هلا أمان الدين
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2012 Arabic Edition
Biography - Teens - Upper Middle and High School


Illustrious Lives: Leo Tolstoy (Ar) ليو تولستوي

44127 | Arabic | Softcover
By: XAct Books / Ed: Aman al-Din, Hala هلا أمان الدين
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2012 Arabic Edition
Biography - Teens - Upper Middle and High School


Illustrious Lives: Leonardo Fibonacci (Ar) ليوناردو فيبوناتشي

44120 | Arabic | Softcover
By: XAct Books / Ed: Aman al-Din, Hala هلا أمان الدين
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2012 Arabic Edition
Biography - Teens - Upper Middle and High School


Jiddi Abdul-Hamid رواية جدي عبد الحميد

74302 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Saghlam, Widad وداد صاغلام
Pub: Dar al Ghawthani, Istanbul 2022
Historical Fiction - Ottoman - Sultan Abd al-Hamid - Teens +


Jinat wa al-DNA الجينات والـ

41858 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Kingfisher Knowledge
Pub: ASP, Beirut, 2006 Arabic Edition
Juvenile Non-fiction - Genes and DNA - Middle & High School


Jism al-Insan 3D جسم الإنسان بالأبعاد الثلاثة + لوحة

16243 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Dorling Kindersley Ltd.
Pub: Digital Future, Beirut, 2013
Science - Middle through High School


Jungle Medicine طب الأدغال؛ إكتشاف علاجات في الغابة المطيرة

6245 | Arabic | Hardcover
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, 2006
Science - Middle School and Up - Herbal and Natural Medicines

  Sale Price: US$10.50

La: Abd al-Qadir: La lil-Istimar عبد القادر : لا للاستعمار

42129 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Actes Sud / Ammi, Kebir Mustapha
Pub: Samir Editeur, Beirut, 2016 Arabic Edition
Young Adult Non-Fiction - Biography - Ages 12+


La: Chico Mendes : La'zalat al-Ghabat شيكو ميندز : لإزالة الغابات

44537 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Actes Sud / Collombat, Isabel
Pub: Samir Editeur, Beirut, 2016 Arabic Edition
Young Adult Non-Fiction - Biography - Ages 12+


La: Ghandi: La lil-'Unf غاندي : لا لِلعُنف

42128 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Actes Sud / Portillo, Chantal
Pub: Samir Editeur, Beirut, 2016 Arabic Edition
Young Adult Non-Fiction - Biography - Ages 12+


La: Nelson Mandela: La lil-Tamyiz al-Unsuri نيلسون مانديلا : لا لِلتَّميِيزِالعُنصُرِيّ

42127 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Actes Sud / Tadjo, Veronique
Pub: Samir Editeur, Beirut, 2016 Arabic Edition
Young Adult Non-Fiction - Biography - Ages 12+


Mawsu'at al-'Ilmiyah lil-Tullab : Alam al-Tuyur الموسوعة العلمية للطلاب : عالم الطيور

71354 | Arabic | Hardcover
Pub: Digital Future, Beirut
Youth Encyclopedia - Biology - Birds - Q&A - YA+


Mawsu'at al-'Ilmiyah lil-Tullab : Fada'a wa-Ilm al-Falak الموسوعة العلمية للطلاب : الفضاء وعلم الفلك

71352 | Arabic | Hardcover +CD
Pub: Digital Future, Beirut
Youth Encyclopedia - Astronomy - Q&A - YA +


Mawsu'at al-'Ilmiyah lil-Tullab : Jism al-Insan الموسوعة العلمية للطلاب : جسم الإنسان

71350 | Arabic | Hardcover + CD
Pub: Digital Future, Beirut
Youth Encyclopedia - Biology - Human Body - Q&A - YA +


Mawsu'at al-'Ilmiyah lil-Tullab :Alam al-Nabatat الموسوعة العلمية للطلاب : عالم النباتات

71353 | Arabic | Hardcover
Pub: Digital Future, Beirut
Youth Encyclopedia - Biology - Plants - Q&A - YA+


Mawsu'at al-'Ilmiyah lil-Tullab: Mamlakat al-Hayawan wa-Alam al-Thadiyyat مملكة الحيوان وعالم الثدييات

71351 | Arabic | Hardcover
Pub: Digital Future, Beirut
Youth Encyclopedia - Biology- Animals - Q&A - YA +


Mawsu'at al-Insan wa-al-Sihah (4 vol) موسوعة الإنسان والصحة

71356 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Abd al-Rahim, Muhammad, Group
Pub: Dar El-Rateb, Beirut, 2006
Encyclopedia - Nutrition - Human Body - Health - YA+

  Sale Price: US$29.63

Mawsu'at Ruwad al-Ma'rifah: Mubdi'un Khaldun #2 مبدعون خالدون

42393 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Various / Dar al-Maaref
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2014
Arabic Encyclopedia - Scientists, Inventors - Youth Intermediate Level


Mawsu'at Ruwad al-Ma'rifah: Mubdi'un Khaldun #3 مبدعون خالدون

42394 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Various / Dar al-Maaref
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2014
Arabic Encyclopedia - Scientists, Inventors - Youth Intermediate Level


Wadih fi al-Nabat الواضح في النبات

74509 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Zaltini, Khalifa
Pub: Kitab Jadid, Benghazi, 2000
Botany - Study of Plants - High School and up

If no items show above there are none for the age group.

100,000 Li-Madha : Al-Ardh - 100,000 لماذا - الارض

80603 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Kedi, Han
Pub: ASP, Beirut 2019
Science for Youth - The Earth - Environment


100,000 Li-Madha : al-Bahar wa-al-Muhitat - 100,000 لماذا - البحار والمحيطات

80606 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Kedi, Han
Pub: ASP, Beirut 2019
Science for Youth - Seas - Oceans


100,000 Li-Madha : al-Dimagh wa-al-Adrak - 100,000 لماذا - الدماغ والادراك

80555 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Kedi, Han
Pub: ASP, Beirut 2019
Science for Youth - Brain & Cognition


100,000 Li-Madha : al-Elektroniat wa-al-Maa'lumaat - 100,000 لماذا - الالكترونيات والمعلومات

80604 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Kedi, Han
Pub: ASP, Beirut 2020
Science for Youth - Technology


100,000 Li-Madha : al-Fizya' - 100,000 - لماذا - الفيزياء

80602 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Kedi, Han
Pub: ASP, Beirut 2020
Science for Youth - Physics


100,000 Li-Madha : al-Hayaa - 100,000 لماذا - الحياة

80551 | Arabic | Softcover
By: ASP, Group of Authors
Pub: ASP, Beirut 2020
Science for Youth - Biology


100,000 Li-Madha : al-Kawarith wa-al-Himayat Minha - 100,000 لماذا - الكوارث والحماية منها

80556 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Kedi, Han
Pub: ASP, Beirut 2020
Science for Youth - Disasters and Protections


100,000 Li-Madha : al-Kimya' - 100,000 لماذا - الكيمياء

80605 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Kedi, Han
Pub: ASP, Beirut 2020
Science for Youth - Chemistry


100,000 Li-Madha : al-Riyadhiat - 100,000 لماذا - الرياضيات

80607 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Kedi, Han
Pub: ASP, Beirut 2020
Science for Youth - Mathematics


100,000 Li-Madha : al-Taaqat wa-al-lbiya - 100,000 لماذا - الطاقة والبيئة

80552 | Arabic | Softcover
By: ASP, Group of Authors
Pub: ASP, Beirut 2019
Science for Youth - Energy & Environment


100,000 Li-Madha : al-Tayaran wa-al-Fada' 100,000 لماذا - الطيران والفضاء

80554 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Kedi, Han
Pub: ASP, Beirut 2020
Science for Youth - Aviation & Space


100,000 Li-Madha : al-Ulum al-Tibiya - 100,000 لماذا - العلوم الطبية

80553 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Kedi, Han
Pub: ASP, Beirut 2019
Science for Youth - Medical


100,000 Li-Madha : Ilm al-Falak 100,000 لماذا - علم الفاك

80599 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Kedi, Han
Pub: ASP, Beirut 2020
Science for Youth - Space - Astronomy


100,000 Li-Madha : Ilm al-Hayawan - 100,000 لماذا - علم الحيوان

80598 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Kedi, Han
Pub: ASP, Beirut 2019
Science for Youth - Animals - Zoology


100,000 Li-Madha : Ilm al-Mutahajirat -100,000 لماذا - علم المتحجرات

80600 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Kedi, Han
Pub: ASP, Beirut 2020
Science for Youth - Dinosaurs


100,000 Li-Madha : Ilm al-Nabaat - 100,000 لماذا - علم النبات

80601 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Kedi, Han
Pub: ASP, Beirut 2020
Science for Youth - Botany


100000 Li-Madha : al-Aslhat wa-al-Difa' al-Watana'a - 100000 لماذا - الاسلحة والدفاع الوطنى

80557 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Kedi, Han
Pub: ASP, Beirut, 2020
Science for Youth - Weapons and National Defense


Activities: Simplissime: al-Ikhtibarat al-Alimiyah al-Absat fi al-Alam ولااسهل الاختبارات العلمية الابسط في العالم

72493 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Barde, Nahalie / Ill: Moutarde, Colonel
Pub: Hachette Antoine, 2019
Children's Educational - Scientific Tests - Ages 8-12


Activity: Duros al-Furusiyah al-Uwla دروس الفروسية الأولى

60859 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Ransford, Sandy / Kingfisher
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, Inc. Beirut 2003
Children's Book - Horsemanship - Grades 3-5


Aihtbas al-Harari الاحتباس الحراري

41859 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Murphy, Glenn / Bonnier Books
Pub: Dar al-Fikr, Beirut/Damascus, 2011 Arabic Edition
Juvenile Non-fiction - Climate Change - Middle & High School


Aktashaf Jism al-Insan 3D اكتشف جسم الإنسان (بتقنية الأبعاد الثلاثة)

45153 | Arabic | Board Book - Chunky with see through layers
By: North Parade Publishing
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2019 Arabic Edition
Science for Youth - Human Body - Pre-teen +


Aktashaf wa Ata'lim al Hayawanat أكتشف و أتعلم الحيوانات

72770 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Anness Group / Llewellyn, Claire
Pub: Academia, Beirut 2000 Arabic Edition
Introduction to Animals for Children - Ages 5-9


Aktashaf wa Ata'lim al-Hisab أكتشف و أتعلم الحساب

72767 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Anness Group / Holden, Arianne
Pub: Academia, Beirut 2000 Arabic Edition
Kids Learn Numbers and Counting - Ages 5-6


Aktashaf wa Ata'lim al-Ulum أكتشف و أتعلم العلوم

72768 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Anness Group / Holden, Arianne
Pub: Academia, Beirut, 2000 Arabic Edition
Beginning Science for Children - Arabic - Ages 5-9


Aktashaf wa Ata'lim al-Waqt أكتشف و أتعلم الوقت

72769 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Anness Group / Holden, Arianne
Pub: Academia, Beirut 2000 Arabic Edition
Kids Learn Time - Ages 5-9


Ala 'Arba' Qawa'im: al-A'sad الأسد

42132 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Ahdab, Marwan مروان الأحدب
Pub: Samir Editeur, Beirut, 2010
Children's Non-Fiction - Animal Life - Ages 6+


Ala 'Arba' Qawa'im: al-Hirr الهر

42130 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Ahdab, Marwan مروان الأحدب
Pub: Samir Editeur, Beirut, 2010
Children's Non-Fiction - Animal Life - Ages 6+


Ala 'Arba' Qawa'im: al-Kalb الكلب

42131 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Ahdab, Marwan مروان الأحدب
Pub: Samir Editeur, Beirut, 2010
Children's Non-Fiction - Animal Life - Ages 6+


Ala Matni Qitar: al-'Adad على متن قطار الأعداد

80413 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Oxford
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut 2023
Numbers - Toddler +


Ala Matni Qitar: al-Adad على متن قطار الأضداد

80407 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Oxford
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2023
Opposites - Toddler +


Ala Matni Qitar: al-Alwan على متن قطار: الالوان

80447 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Oxford
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2023
Colors - Toddler +


Ala Matni Qitar: al-Ashkal على متن قطار الأشكال

80408 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Oxford
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut 2023
Shapes - Toddler +


Ala Matni Qitar: al-Kalimat على متن قطار: الكلمات

80451 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Oxford
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2023
Words - Toddler +


Amir Al-Atiba أمير الأطباء

74380 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Adaliya, Nawar نوار العضايلة / Ill: Widad Arshid and Rawan Sadr وداد أرشيد و روان صدر
Pub: Dar Asala, Beirut 2017
Muslim Scientists - Abu Bakr al-Razi - Biography - Ages 6+


Amir Murib أمر مريب

72437 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Nassir, Maya Mawlawi مايا مولوي ناصر / Ill: Beiruti, Maryam
Pub: Asala, 2019
Arabic Story for Youth - Health - Allergies - Family - Pre-teen


Ana Sadiq al-Biyati: Ma Hu? al-Talawuth, al-Dakhani, al-Dakhan wa-al-Mazidu انا صديق البيئة: ما هو؟ التلوث، الدخان، الضخان والمزيد...

80645 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sharma, Richa ريتشا شارما
Pub: Maktabat al-Hadissa, Beirut 2018 Arabic Edition
Kid's Non-fiction - Science & Nature - Ecology - Air Pollution - Ages 7-10+


Animal Series: Cow سلسلة الحيوان / البقرة

6985 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Dar al-Ilm Lilmalayin, Beirut, 2006
Children's Book 3-6


Animal Series: Rooster سلسلة الحيوان / الديك

6986 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Dar al-Ilm Lilmalayin, Beirut, 2006
Children's Book 3-6


Aqasis Rumaniyyah أقاصيص رمانية

44453 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Ahdab, Marwan مروان الأحدب / Ill: Chassagnard, C./ Le Gall, Loic
Pub: Samir Editeur, Beirut, 2017
Ancient News - Stpries - Roman Culture - Ages 13+


Arabic World Atlas: Atlas al-Alam أطلس العالم

20559 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Ghuri, Ibrahim Helmi
Pub: Dar Al Sharq Al Arabi, 2005
World Atlas - Teen Up


Arif Kula Shayin An: al-Fada' الفضاء

80489 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Nainwal, Tripti تريبتي نايوال
Pub: Maktabat Hadissa, Beirut, 2018 Arabic Edition
Children's Discovery - 8-12 Yrs


Arif Kula Shayin An: al-Ma'a اعرف كل شئء عن الماء

80487 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Mukherjee, Vijita فيجيتا مخرجي
Pub: Maktabat Hadissa, Beirut, 2018 Arabic Edition
Children's Discovery - Water - 8-12 Yrs


Arif Kula Shayin An: al-Riyah الرياح

80488 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Nainwal, Tripti تريبتي نايوال
Pub: Maktabat Hadissa, Beirut, 2018 Arabic Edition
Children's Discovery - Wind - 8-12 Yrs


Arif Kula Shayin An: al-Turabah النربة

80490 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Mukherjee, Vijita فيجيتا مخرجي
Pub: Maktabat Hadissa, Beirut, 2018 Arabic Edition
Children's Discovery - Soil - 8-12 Yrs


Asilah wa Ajwabah Tarifah An: Aja'ib al-Tabi'ia اسئلة واجوبة طريفة عن عجائب الطبيعة

80444 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Miles Kelly Publishing
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2023 Arabic Edition
Children's Discovery - Nature - 6+ Yrs


Asilah wa Ajwabah Tarifah An: al-Ard al-Qutbiah أسئلة و أجوبة طريفة عن... الأراضي القطبية

80445 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Miles Kelly Publishing
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2023 Arabic Edition
Children's Discovery - Polar Lands - 6+ Yrs


Asilah wa Ajwabah Tarifah An: al-Asr al-Jalidi أسئلة و أجوبة طريفة عن... العصر الجليدي

80416 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Miles Kelly Publishing
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2023
Children's Discovery - Ice Age - 9+ Yrs


Asilah wa Ajwabah Tarifah An: al-Ghabat al-Matirah أسئلة وأجوبة الطريفة عن الغابات المطيرة

80446 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Miles Kelly Publishing
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2023 Arabic Edition
Children's Discovery - Rain Forests - 8+ Yrs


Asilah wa Ajwabah Tarifah An: al-Hayawanat - اسئلة واجوبة طريفة عن الحيوانات

80843 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Miles Kelly Publishing
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2023 Arabic Edition
Children's Discovery - Animals - 5+ Yrs


Asilah wa Ajwabah Tarifah An: al-Nizam Shamsi - اسئلة واجوبة طريفة عن النظام الشمسي

80848 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Miles Kelly Publishing
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2023 Arabic Edition
Children's Discovery - Solar System - 6+ Yrs


Asilah wa Ajwabah Tarifah An: Al-Qamar - اسئلة واجوبة طريفة عن القمر

80847 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Miles Kelly Publishing
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2023 Arabic Edition
Children's Discovery - Moon - 5+ Yrs


Asilah wa Ajwabah Tarifah An: al-Shaab al-Marjaniyah اسئلة واجوبة طريفة عن الشعاب المرجانية

80415 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Miles Kelly Publishing
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2023
Children's Discovery - Coral Reefs - 9+ Yrs


Asilah wa Ajwabah Tarifah An: al-Taq'su اسئلة واجوبة طريفة عن الطقس

80844 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Miles Kelly Publishing
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2023 Arabic Edition
Children's Discovery - Weather - 5+ Yrs


Asilah wa Ajwabah Tarifah An: al-Ulum اسئلة واجوبة طريفة عن العلوم

80846 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Miles Kelly Publishing
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2023 Arabic Edition
Children's Discovery - Science - 5+ Yrs


Asilah wa Ajwabah Tarifah An: Aniqadh Kawkab al-Ard - اسئلة واجوبة طريفة عن انقاذ كوكب الارض

80845 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Miles Kelly Publishing
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2023 Arabic Edition
Children's Discovery - Planet Earth - 5+ Yrs


Asilah wa Ajwabah Tarifah An: Jism al-Insan اسئلة و اجوبة طريفة عن جسم الانسان

80443 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Miles Kelly Publishing
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2023 Arabic Edition
Children's Discovery - Anatomy - 9+ Yrs


Asilah wa Ajwabah Tarifah An: Kaukab al-Ard اسئلة واجوبة طريفة عن كوكب الارض

80849 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Miles Kelly Publishing
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2023 Arabic Edition
Children's Discovery - Planet Earth - 6+ Yrs


Asilah wa Ajwabah Tarifah An: Ruwad al-Fada اسئلة واجوبة طريفة عن رواد الفضاء

80442 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Miles Kelly Publishing
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2023 Arabic Edition
Children's Discovery - Astronauts - 5+ Yrs


Atfal bi-Ahlam Kabirah: Bruce Lee أطفال بأحلام كبيرة: بروس لي

80171 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Sánchez Vegara, Maria Isabel ماريا ايزابيل سانشيز فيغارا / Ill: Bustos, Miguel
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2023
Inspiring Biographies - Ages 7-10+


Atfal bi-Ahlam Kabirah: Helen Keller أطفال بأحلام كبيرة - هيلين كيلر

80468 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Sánchez Vegara, Maria Isabel ماريا إيزابيل سانشيز فيغارا، اليزا مونسو
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2023
Inspiring Biographies - Ages 7-10+


Atfal bi-Ahlam Kabirah: Leo Messi أطفال بأحلام كبيرة: ليو ميسي

80172 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Sánchez Vegara, Maria Isabel ماريا ايزابيل سانشيز فيغارا/ Ill: Gavilán, Florencia
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2023
Inspiring Biographies - Ages 7-10+


Atfal bi-Ahlam Kabirah: Mahatma Ghandi أطفال بأحلام كبيرة : مهاتما غانديأ

73890 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Sánchez Vegara, Maria Isabel ماريا إيزابيل سانشيز فيغارا، اليزا مونسو
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut 2021 Arabic Edition
Inspiring Biographies - Ages 7-10+


Atfal bi-Ahlam Kabirah: Muhammad Ali Clay أطفال بأحلام كبيرة : محمد علي كلاي

73889 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Sánchez Vegara, Maria Isabel ماريا إيزابيل سانشيز فيغارا، اليزا مونسو
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut 2021, Arabic Edition
Inspiring Biographies - Ages 7-10+


Atfal bi-Ahlam Kabirah: Nikola Tesla أطفال بأحلام كبيرة - نيكولا تسلا

80469 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Sánchez Vegara, Maria Isabel ماريا إيزابيل سانشيز فيغارا، اليزا مونسو
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2023
Inspiring Biographies - Ages 7-10+


Atfal bi-Ahlam Kabirah: Pele أطفال بأحلام كبيرة - بيليه

80470 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Sánchez Vegara, Maria Isabel ماريا إيزابيل سانشيز فيغارا، اليزا مونسو
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2023
Inspiring Biographies - Ages 7-10+


Atfal bi-Ahlam Kabirah: Steve Jobs أطفال بأحلام كبيرة : ستيف جوبز

73911 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Sánchez Vegara, Maria Isabel ماريا إيزابيل سانشيز فيغارا، اليزا مونسو
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut 2020
Inspiring Biographies - ages 7-10+


Atlas al-'Ulum al-Shamal: al-Bia'ah البيئة

40155 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Editorial Sol 90; Encyclopaedia Britannica, inc.
Pub: Librairie Stephen, Beirut, 2014
Juvenile Non-fiction - Environment


Atlas al-'Ulum al-Shamal: al-Zawahef wa-al-Dinosourat الزواحف والديناصورات

40157 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Editorial Sol 90; Encyclopaedia Britannica, inc.
Pub: Librairie Stephen, Beirut, 2014
Juvenile Non-fiction - Reptiles


Atlas al-'Ulum al-Shamal: Istkshaf al-Fada'a استكشاف الفضاء

40156 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Editorial Sol 90; Encyclopaedia Britannica, inc.
Pub: Librairie Stephen, Beirut, 2014
Juvenile Non-fiction - Space


Atlas Dawlat al-Bahrain wa-al-Alam: lil-Marhalah al-Thanawiyah اطلس دولة البحرين والعالم : للمرحلة الثانوية

20569 | Arabic | Softcover/ Edition: al-Ṭab'ah al-Iha'iyah
By: Group
Pub: Mu'assasat Jiyubrujiktis, Beirut, 1997
Atlas - Bahrain and World - Secondary Level - Teens +


Bi'atana Mustaqbatuna: al-Aghdhiah al-Mu'ddalah Warathiyan الأغذية المعدّلة وراثياً

40505 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Hawkes, Nigel / Ayyubi, Umar
Pub: Academia, Beirut, 2001
Children's Book - Environment Issues - Grade 2 and Up


Bio: Benjamin Franklin شخصيات لامعة بنجامين فرانكلين

40170 | Arabic | Softcover
By: XACT Studio / Hassan, Claudia (translator) كلوديا حسن
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2013
Biography - American History 18th Century - Pre-teen

  Sale Price: US$5.78

Bio: Columbus كولومبوس

14651 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Dae-Hyun, Cho
Pub: Dar al-Moualef
Educational - History


Bio: Leonardo Da Vinci

14806 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Giuly, Sang
Pub: Dar al-Moualef
Children's Arabic Book 9-12 years


Bio: Nobel

14808 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Giuly, Sang
Pub: Dar al-Moualef
Children's Arabic Book 9-12 years


Britanica Learning Library Artists Around The World فنانون حول العالم

11795 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Britanica
Pub: al-Maktaba Shorouk, 2006


Britanica Learning Library Religions Around The World الاديان حول العالم

11796 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Britanica
Pub: al-Maktaba Sharouk, 2006
Children's Arabic Encyclopedia - Religions


Dimagh 'Ajib wa-Murin Mahadah wa-Turah دماغ عجيب ومرن محدة وطورة

70213 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Deak, JoAnn / Ill: Ackerley, Sarah
Pub: Thaqafa Publishing, UAE, 2017
Kids - Science - Brain - Ages 5-9


DK Eyewitness Books: Islam

72575 | English | Hardcover
By: Wilkinson, Philip
Pub: DK Eyewitness, NY 2018
Islamic History - Middle Grades - Ages 8+

  Sale Price: US$13.95

DK Super Readers (Level 1) : Shaahina al-Kabira - الشاحنات الكبيرة

80525 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Smith, Grace Hill
Pub: DK Children, 2023
Kids' Non-fiction Reader - Ages 6-8


DK Super Readers (Level 4) : Qirsh Muftaris al-Qima - القرش مفترس القمة

80524 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Smith, Grace Hill
Pub: DK Children, 2023
Kids' Non-fiction Reader - Sharks - Ages 9-11


DK Super Readers (Pre-Level) : Liqa' al-Diynaswrat لقاء الديناصورات

80526 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Smith, Grace Hill
Pub: DK Children, 2023
Kids' Non-fiction Reader - Dinosaurs - Discovery - Ages 3-5


Fi al-Tadrib: 'Ealim fi Marhalat al-Tadrib في التدريب: عالِم في مرحلة التّدريب

45002 | Arabic | Softcover
By: MacMillian Pub / Tr: Albert Mutlaq
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2021
Children's Book - Growing up - Scientist - Ages 5-9


Fi al-Tadrib: Itfa'iyy fi Marhalat al-Tadrib في التدريب: إطفائيّ في مرحلة التّدريب

44999 | Arabic | Softcover
By: MacMillian Pub / Tr: Albert Mutlaq
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2021
Children's Book - Growing up - Firefighting - Ages 5-9


Fi al-Tadrib: Mubarmij Kombiutar fi Marhalat al-Tadrib في التدريب: مُبرمج كومبيوتر في مرحلة التّدريب

45004 | Arabic | Softcover
By: MacMillian Pub / Tr: Albert Mutlaq
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2021
Children's Book - Computer Programing - Ages 5-9


Fi al-Tadrib: Muhandis fi Marhalat al-Tadrib في التدريب: مُهندس في مرحلة التّدريب

45000 | Arabic | Softcover
By: MacMillian Pub / Tr: Albert Mutlaq
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2021
Children's Book - Growing up - Engineers - Ages 5-9


Fi al-Tadrib: Najm Riyadi fi Marhalat al-Tadrib في التدريب: نَجم رياضيّ في مرحلة التّدريب

45003 | Arabic | Softcover
By: MacMillian Pub / Tr: Albert Mutlaq
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2021
Children's Book - Growing up - Sports - Ages 5-9


Fi al-Tadrib: Rayid Fada' fi Marhalat al-Tadrib في التدريب: رائد فّضاء في مرحلة التّدريب

44998 | Arabic | Softcover
By: MacMillian Pub / Tr: Albert Mutlaq
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2021
Children's Book - Growing up - Space - Ages 5-9


Fi al-Tadrib: Tabib Bitari fi Marhalat al-Tadrib في التدريب: طبيب بيطريّ في مرحلة التّدريب

45001 | Arabic | Softcover
By: MacMillian Pub / Tr: Albert Mutlaq
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2021
Children's Book - Growing up - Vet - Ages 5-9


Fi al-Tadrib: Tabib fi Marhalat al-Tadrib في التدريب: طبيب في مرحلة التّدريب

44997 | Arabic | Softcover
By: MacMillian Pub / Tr: Albert Mutlaq
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2021
Children's Book - Growing up - Body, Health - Ages 5-9


Fleurus, la grande encyclopédie: Nature (French)

75458 | French | Hardcover
By: Dutilleul, Hélène
Pub: Fleurus Jeunese, Paris 1997
Encyclopedia for Youth - Nature - French - Ages 6 and Up


Fusul Min al-Tariq: Sana Thamaniya فصول من التاريخ - سنة ثامنة

80558 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Dar al-Mashriq
Pub: Dar al-Mashriq, Beirut 2011
World History for Youth - Eighth Grade


Haqiqat al-Dhikriyat حقيقة الذكريات

80491 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Badawi, Maya مايا بدوي
Pub: Maktabat Hadissa, Beirut, 2023
Children's Arabic Storybook - Travels - Countries of the World - 6+ Yrs


Hayat al-Siriyah lil-Firusat الحياة السرية للفيروسات

90007 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Tolosa Sistere, Mariona ماريو تولوسا سيستري
Pub: ASP, Beirut ,2022
Children's Science - Health - 8+ Yrs


Hayat al-Siriyah lil-Makhat الحياة السرية للمخاط

90006 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Tolosa Sistere, Mariona ماريو تولوسا سيستري
Pub: ASP, Beirut, 2021
Children's Science - Health


Hikayat lil-Mutal'ah: Raysha al-Hamra الريشة الحمراء

90004 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Husseini, Wafa وفاء الحسيني
Pub: Dar al-Samer, 2023
Children's Arabic Story - 8+ Yrs - Preteen+


Hikayat wa 'Ulum: Hikayat Ta'am al-Nuzha (Riyadiyat) حكاية طعام النزهة (رياضيات)

90005 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Mutlaq, Albert البير مطلق
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2021
Children's Arabic Picture Storybook - Math - Ages 4-7


Hikayat wa 'Ulum: Hikayt Bastat al-Baskawit حكايات وعلوم: حكايات بسطة البسكويت

44988 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Quarto Group / Tr: LDLP
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2021
Children's Arabic Picture Storybook - Art - Ages 4-7


Human Body-Muscular System (Ar)

8093 | Arabic | Hardcover
Pub: Librairie du Liban, Beirut, 2005
Children's Book


Human Body-Skin,Hair,Nails (Ar)

8091 | Arabic | Hardcover
Pub: Librairie du Liban, Beirut, 2005
Children's Book


Iktashif al-Nizam al-Shamsy: Al-Kuaykibat إكتشف النّظام الشّمسي: الكويكبات

74953 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Group
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, Beirut 2012
Sciences - Kids - Pre-Teen 9 - 12 Years old


Iktashif al-Nizam al-Shamsy: Al-Nujum إكتشف النّظام الشّمسي: النجوم

74955 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Group
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, Beirut 2012
Sciences - Kids - Pre-Teen 9 - 12 Years old


Iktashif al-Nizam al-Shamsy: Al-Qamar- إكتشف النّظام الشّمسي: القمر

74951 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Group
Pub: Dar Al Chimal, Beirut, 2012
Sciences - Kids - Pre-Teen 9 - 12 Years old


Iktashif al-Nizam al-Shamsy: Al-Shams إكتشف النّظام الشّمسي: الشمس

74950 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Group
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, Beirut 2012
Sciences - Kids - Pre-Teen 9 - 12 Years old


Iktashif al-Nizam al-Shamsy: Jami'a al-Kawakib إكتشف النّظام الشّمسي: جميع الكواكب

74952 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Group
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, Beirut 2012
Sciences - Kids - Pre-Teen 9 - 12 Years old


Iktashifi: al-Manazil Hawl al-Alam اكتشف المنازل حول العالم مع 48 طية

80045 | Arabic | Board Book - Lift the Flap
By: Akawi, Dr. Rihab رحاب عكاوي
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Sharjah, UAE, 2022
Interactive Board Book - Children's Science - Houses - Ages 5-10 Yrs


Illustrious Lives: Benjamin Franklin (Ar) بنجامين فرانكلين

44140 | Arabic | Softcover
By: XAct Books / Ed: Aman al-Din, Hala هلا أمان الدين
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2012 Arabic Edition
Biography - Teens - Upper Middle and High School


Illustrious Lives: Charles Dickens (Ar) تشارلز ديكنز

44130 | Arabic | Softcover
By: XAct Books / Ed: Aman al-Din, Hala هلا أمان الدين
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2012 Arabic Edition
Biography - Teens - Upper Middle and High School


Illustrious Lives: Fidel Castro (Ar) فيدل كاسترو

44138 | Arabic | Softcover
By: XAct Books / Ed: Aman al-Din, Hala هلا أمان الدين
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2012 Arabic Edition
Biography - Teens - Upper Middle and High School


Illustrious Lives: Franklin D. Roosevelt (Ar) فرانكلين د.روزفلت

44136 | Arabic | Softcover
By: XAct Books / Ed: Aman al-Din, Hala هلا أمان الدين
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2012 Arabic Edition
Biography - Teens - Upper Middle and High School


Illustrious Lives: Frida Kahlo (Ar) فريدا كاهلو

44125 | Arabic | Softcover
By: XAct Books / Ed: Aman al-Din, Hala هلا أمان الدين
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2012 Arabic Edition
Biography - Teens - Upper Middle and High School


Illustrious Lives: Leo Tolstoy (Ar) ليو تولستوي

44127 | Arabic | Softcover
By: XAct Books / Ed: Aman al-Din, Hala هلا أمان الدين
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2012 Arabic Edition
Biography - Teens - Upper Middle and High School


Illustrious Lives: Leonardo Fibonacci (Ar) ليوناردو فيبوناتشي

44120 | Arabic | Softcover
By: XAct Books / Ed: Aman al-Din, Hala هلا أمان الدين
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2012 Arabic Edition
Biography - Teens - Upper Middle and High School


Inak Lan Tasadaq .. al-Kahraba' (Electricity) إنك لن تصدق ولكن… الكهرباء

43475 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Taylor, Helen, Group
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut, 2000
Children's Arabic Science Book - Electricity - Ages 8-11


Inak Lan Tasadaq .. al-Ma'a (Water) إنك لن تصدق ولكن…حقائق الماء

43478 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Taylor, Helen, Group
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut, 2000
Children's Arabic Science Book - Water - Ages 8-11


Inak Lan Tasadaq .. Alwan (Colors) إنك لن تصدق ولكن…ألوان

43479 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Taylor, Helen, Group
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut, 2000
Children's Arabic Science Book - Colors - Ages 8-11


Iqra wa-Ata'allam: Badhraat wa-Shajarah بذرة وشجرة

41913 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Khatri, Basma
Pub: Academia International, Beirut, 2015
Children's Science - Ages 6-8


Iqra wa-Ata'allam: Halatu al-A'shiya'a حالات الأشياء

41910 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Khatri, Basma
Pub: Academia International, Beirut, 2015
Children's Science - Ages 6-8


Iqra wa-Ata'allam: Kayinat wa-Ashya' كائنات وأشياء

42347 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Khatri, Basma
Pub: Academia International, Beirut, 2015
Children's Science - Ages 6-8


Iqra wa-Ata'allam: Khafifu wa-Thaqil خفيف وثقيل

41911 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Khatri, Basma
Pub: Academia International, Beirut, 2015
Children's Science - Ages 6-8


Iqra wa-Ata'allam: Man Ya'tani Biha? من يعتني بها؟

41915 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Khatri, Basma
Pub: Academia International, Beirut, 2015
Children's Science - Ages 6-8


Iqra wa-Ata'allam: Nahnu Natanaffasu al-Aksijin نحن نتنفس الأكسيجين

41912 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Khatri, Basma
Pub: Academia International, Beirut, 2015
Children's Science - Ages 6-8


Iqra wa-Ata'allam: Subat Amiq سبات عميق

41914 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Khatri, Basma
Pub: Academia International, Beirut, 2015
Children's Science - Ages 6-8


Jiddi Abdul-Hamid رواية جدي عبد الحميد

74302 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Saghlam, Widad وداد صاغلام
Pub: Dar al Ghawthani, Istanbul 2022
Historical Fiction - Ottoman - Sultan Abd al-Hamid - Teens +


Jinat wa al-DNA الجينات والـ

41858 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Kingfisher Knowledge
Pub: ASP, Beirut, 2006 Arabic Edition
Juvenile Non-fiction - Genes and DNA - Middle & High School


Jism al-Bashari الجسم البشري

11723 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: EdiBimbi
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, 2008
Arabic Encyclopedia - Childrens Atlas of the body


Jism al-Insan 3D جسم الإنسان بالأبعاد الثلاثة + لوحة

16243 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Dorling Kindersley Ltd.
Pub: Digital Future, Beirut, 2013
Science - Middle through High School


Jungle Medicine طب الأدغال؛ إكتشاف علاجات في الغابة المطيرة

6245 | Arabic | Hardcover
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, 2006
Science - Middle School and Up - Herbal and Natural Medicines

  Sale Price: US$10.50

Kayf: Badat al-Ashya? كيف بدات الاشياء؟

82029 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Subramanian, R.P. سوبرامانيان
Pub: Maktabat al-Hadissa, Beirut, 2018
Children's Discovery - Inventions


Kayf: Ta'aish al-Ka'inatu al-Gharibahu? كيف تعيش الكائنات الغريبة؟ غرائب عالم

82027 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Shipurkar, Rekha ريكا شيبوركار
Pub: Maktabat al-Hadissa, Beirut, 2018
Children's Discovery - Strange Animals - 10+ Yrs


Kayf: Ta'amalu al-Ashya'? كيف تعمل الاشياء؟ التكنولوجيا الحديثة

82028 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Shipurkar, Rekha ريكا شيبوركار
Pub: Maktabat al-Hadissa, Beirut, 2018
Children's Discovery - Technology - 10+ Yrs


Kayf: Tahadathu al-Zawahir كيف تحدث الظواهر الطبيعية المدهشة؟

82030 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Shipurkar, Rekha ريكا شيبوركار
Pub: Maktabat al-Hadissa, Beirut, 2018
Children's Discovery - Natural Phenomena - 10+ Yrs


Kayf: Tahaduthu al-Ashya? كيف تحدث الاشياء؟

82026 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Shipurkar, Rekha ريكا شيبوركار
Pub: Maktabat al-Hadissa, Beirut, 2018
Children's Discovery - Nature - 10+ Yrs


Kayf: Tatahark al-Ashya? كيف تتحرك الاشياء؟

82031 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Shipurkar, Rekha ريكا شيبوركار
Pub: Maktabat al-Hadissa, Beirut, 2018
Children's Discovery - Transport - Motion - 10+ Yrs


Khatwa..Khatwa: al-Fada خطوة خطوة : الفضاء

42309 | Arabic | Softcover with Flaps
By: Chaffardon, Christophe / Ill: Kling, Laurent
Pub: Samir Editeur, Beirut, 2013 Arabic Edition
Child's Science Book - Space - Ages 10+


Khatwa..Khatwa: al-Ikhtira'at خطوة خطوة : الإختراعات

42311 | Arabic | Softcover with Flaps
By: Corgibet, Véronique / Ill: Kling, Laurent
Pub: Samir Editeur, Beirut, 2016
Child's Science Book - Inventions - Ages 10+


Khatwa..Khatwa: al-Sawt خطوة خطوة : الصوت

42310 | Arabic | Softcover with Flaps
By: Fischetti, Antonio / Ill: Puech, Marion
Pub: Samir Editeur, Beirut, 2013
Child's Science Book - Sound - Ages 10+


Khatwa..Khatwa: Wasa'il al-Naql خطوة خطوة : وسائل النقل

42312 | Arabic | Softcover with Flaps
By: Corgibet, Véronique / Ill: Mazurie, Jean-Christophe
Pub: Samir Editeur, Beirut, 2013
Child's Science Book - Transport - Ages 10+


Khutwah Khutwah: al-Nizam al-Shamsi خطوة خطوة : النظام الشمسي

80428 | Arabic | Board Book With Flaps
By: Stebleva, Victoria فيكتوريا ستبلافا
Pub: Stephan, Beirut, 2023
Interactive Children's Book - Science - Solar System - 7+ Yrs


Khutwah Khutwah: Jism al-Insan خطوة خطوة : جسم الإنسان

80427 | Arabic | Board Book - Lift the Flap
By: Stebleva, Victoria فيكتوريا ستبلافا
Pub: Stephan, Beirut, 2023
Interactive Children's Book - Science - Human Body - 7+ Yrs


Kitabi al-Kabir Yujayb: al-Alam كتابي الكبير يجيب: العالم

80414 | Arabic | Board Book With Flaps
By: Yoyo Books
Pub: Librairie Stephen, Beirut, 2022
Children's Discovery - Lift the Flap - The World - 5+ Yrs


Kitabi al-Kabir Yujayb: al-Ard كتابي الكبير يجيب : الأرض

80410 | Arabic | Board Book With Flaps
By: Yoyo Books
Pub: Librairie Stephen, Beirut, 2023
Children's Discovery - Lift the Flap - Planet Earth - 5+ Yrs


Kitabi al-Kabir Yujayb: al-Hayawanat كتابي الكبير يجيب: الحيوانات

80453 | Arabic | Board Book With Flaps
By: Yoyo Books
Pub: Stephan, Beirut, 2021
Interactive Children's Discovery - Lift the Flap - Animals - 5+ Yrs


Kitabi al-Kabir Yujayb: al-Markabat كتابي الكبير يجيب: المركبات

80411 | Arabic | Board Book With Flaps
By: Yoyo Books
Pub: Librairie Stephen, Beirut, 2022
Children's Discovery - Lift the Flap - Vehicles - 5+ Yrs


Kitabi al-Kabir Yujayb: al-Taam كتابي الكبير يجيب الطعام

80409 | Arabic | Board Book With Flaps
By: YoYo Books
Pub: Librairie Stephen, Beirut, 2023
Children's Discovery - Lift the Flap - 5+ Yrs


Kitabi al-Kabir Yujayb: Jismi كتابي الكبير يجيب : جسمي

80412 | Arabic | Board Book With Flaps
By: Yoyo Books
Pub: Librairie Stephen, Beirut, 2022
Children's Discovery - Lift the Flap - Anatomy - 5+ Yrs


La: Abd al-Qadir: La lil-Istimar عبد القادر : لا للاستعمار

42129 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Actes Sud / Ammi, Kebir Mustapha
Pub: Samir Editeur, Beirut, 2016 Arabic Edition
Young Adult Non-Fiction - Biography - Ages 12+


La: Chico Mendes : La'zalat al-Ghabat شيكو ميندز : لإزالة الغابات

44537 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Actes Sud / Collombat, Isabel
Pub: Samir Editeur, Beirut, 2016 Arabic Edition
Young Adult Non-Fiction - Biography - Ages 12+


La: Ghandi: La lil-'Unf غاندي : لا لِلعُنف

42128 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Actes Sud / Portillo, Chantal
Pub: Samir Editeur, Beirut, 2016 Arabic Edition
Young Adult Non-Fiction - Biography - Ages 12+


La: Nelson Mandela: La lil-Tamyiz al-Unsuri نيلسون مانديلا : لا لِلتَّميِيزِالعُنصُرِيّ

42127 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Actes Sud / Tadjo, Veronique
Pub: Samir Editeur, Beirut, 2016 Arabic Edition
Young Adult Non-Fiction - Biography - Ages 12+


Learn & Play With Magnets: al-'Ad Ma' al-Qarasinah العد مع القراصنة

81005 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Daw, Raymond
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2019
Children's Interactive Book - Discovery - Counting - 3+ Yrs


Learn & Play With Magnets: al-'Addad ma' al-Hayawanat مغناطيسي: الأضداد مع الحيوانات

81003 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Illustrated by: Crisp, Dan
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2019
Children's Discovery - Animals - Opposites - 3+ Yrs


Learn & Play With Magnets: al-Alwan الالوان

81004 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Daw, Raymond
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2019
Children's Discovery - Colors - 3+ Yrs


Learn & Play With Magnets: al-Dub Billy al-Id min 1-10 مغناطيسي: الدب بيلي العد من 1-10

81002 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Top That! Publishing
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2024
Children's Interactive - Magnetic Book - Counting - Preschool 3+


Learning Series - Basketball كرة السلة

14479 | Arabic | Hardboard
Pub: Digital-Future, 2011
Childrens Learning/Development


Learning Series - Coins القطع النقدية

14486 | Arabic | Hardboard
Pub: Digital-Future, 2011
Childrens Learning/Development


Learning Series - Formula 1 الفورمولا1

14481 | Arabic | Hardboard
Pub: Digital-Future, 2011
Childrens Learning/Development


Learning Series - Planet Earth كوكب الأرض

14485 | Arabic | Hardboard
Pub: Digital-Future, 2011
Childrens Learning/Development


Learning Series - Soccer كرة القدم

14482 | Arabic | Hardboard
Pub: Digital-Future, 2011
Childrens Learning/Development


Learning Series - Sweets الحلوى

14478 | Arabic | Hardboard
Pub: Digital-Future, 2011
Childrens Learning/Development


Learning Series - The Clock الساعة

14483 | Arabic | Hardboard
Pub: Digital-Future, 2011
Childrens Learning/Development


Learning Series - The Compass البوصلة

14480 | Arabic | Hardboard
Pub: Digital-Future, 2011
Childrens Learning/Development


Learning Series - The Moon القمر

14477 | Arabic | Hardboard
Pub: Digital-Future, 2011
Childrens Learning/Development


Li-Kul Shayin Qisatan: Albatu al-Soda لكل شيء قصة: علبة الصودا

80465 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Agarwal, Tanya تانيا اغاروال
Pub: Maktabat Hadissa, Beirut, 2018
Children's Discovery - Aluminum - 7-10 Yrs


Li-Kul Shayin Qisatin: al-Kisu al-Waraqi لكل شيء قصة: الكيس الورقي

80466 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Agarwal, Tanya تانيا اغاروال
Pub: Maktabat al-Hadissa, Beirut, 2018
Children's Discover - Paper Bags - 7-10 Yrs


Li-Kul Shayin Qisatin: al-Kuratu al-Zujajiyah لكل شيء قصة: الكرة الزجاجية

80463 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Agarwal, Tanya تانيا اغاروال
Pub: Maktabat Hadissa, Beirut, 2018
Children's Discovery - Marbles - 7-10 Yrs


Li-Kul Shayin Qisatin: al-Qufazu al-Sufi لكل شيء قصة: القفاز الصوفي

80464 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Agarwal, Tanya تانيا اغاروال
Pub: Maktabat Hadissa, Beirut, 2018
Children's Discovery - Wool - 7-10 Yrs


Li-Kul Shayin Qisatin: Bantalon al-Jinz لكل شيء قصة: بنطلون الجينز

80462 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Agarwal, Tanya تانيا اغاروال
Pub: Maktabat al-Hadissa, Beirut, 2018
Children's Discover - Jeans - 7-10 Yrs


Li-Kul Shayin Qisatin: Qalam al-Rasas لكل شيء قصة: قلم الرصاص

80461 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Agarwal, Tanya تانيا اغاروال
Pub: Maktabat al-Hadissa, Beirut, 2018
Children's Discovery - Wood Pencils - 7-10 Yrs


Lift The Flap - Nafidha Ala Mualumat Amah نافذة علاى معلومات عامة

80450 | Arabic | Board Book With Flaps
By: Usborne / Tr; Daw, Raymond ريموند ضو
Pub: Stephan, Beirut, 2021 Arabic Edition
Children's Interactive Book - Education - General Information 8 + Yrs


Lift the Flap: Limadha?: al-Dinosaurat لماذا؟ الدِّينوصورات

80422 | Arabic | Board Book With Flaps
By: Stephan, Cynthia سينتيا اسطفان
Pub: Stephan, Beirut, 2022
Children's Interactive Book - Dinosaurs - 6+ Yrs


Lift the Flap: Limadha?: al-Tabi'ah لماذا ؟ الطبيعة

80425 | Arabic | Board Book With Flaps
By: Daw, Raymond ريموند ضو
Pub: Stephan, Beirut, 2023
Children's Interactive Book - Nature - 6+ Yrs


Lift the Flap: Limadha?: Alami لماذا ؟ عالمي

80426 | Arabic | Board Book With Flaps
By: Daw, Raymond ريموند ضو
Pub: Stephan, Beirut, 2023
Children's Interactive Book - Science - Our World - 6+ Yrs


Lift the Flap: Limadha?: Biya'ati لماذا ؟ بيئتي

80424 | Arabic | Board Book With Flaps
By: Daw, Raymond ريموند ضو
Pub: Stephan, Beirut, 2022
Children's Interactive Book - Environment - 6+ Yrs


Lift the Flap: Limadha?: Jismi لماذا؟ جسمي

80421 | Arabic | Board Book With Flaps
By: Tr: Daw, Raymond ريموند ضو
Pub: Stephan, Beirut, 2022
Children's Interactive Book - Human Anatomy - 6+ Yrs


Lift the Flap: Limadha?: Mihnati لماذا؟ مهنتي

80423 | Arabic | Board Book With Flaps
By: Stephan, Cynthia سينتيا اسطفان
Pub: Stephan, Beirut, 2022
Children's Interactive Book - Professions - 6+ Yrs


Ma Alladhi Yaj'alu Minni: Ma Ana wa-Man Ana? ما الّذي يجعل منّي : ما أنا ومن أنا؟

60858 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Winston, Robert M.L.
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2006 / DK
Science Book for Youth - Human Body - Preteen +

  Sale Price: US$12.50

Manzaluk fi Aya Makan منزلك في اي مكان

80494 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Carbalall, Alba / Ill: Sangio, Lorenzo
Pub: ASP, Beirut, 2023 Arabic Edition
Children's Non-fiction - Culture - Dwellings - 9+ Yrs


Material Matters: Clay (Ar)

8087 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Chrysalis Children's Books
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut, 2006 Ar Edition c2005
Children's Book


Material Matters: Glass (Ar) الزجاج

7523 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Chrysalis Children's Books
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut, 2006
Children's Book


Material Matters: Metals (Ar)

8089 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Chrysalis Children's Books
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut, 2006 Ar Edition c2005
Children's Book


Material Matters: Plastic (Ar) البلاستيك

7513 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Chrysalis Children's Books
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut, 2006
Children's Book


Mawsu'at al-'Ilmiyah lil-Tullab : Alam al-Tuyur الموسوعة العلمية للطلاب : عالم الطيور

71354 | Arabic | Hardcover
Pub: Digital Future, Beirut
Youth Encyclopedia - Biology - Birds - Q&A - YA+


Mawsu'at al-'Ilmiyah lil-Tullab : Fada'a wa-Ilm al-Falak الموسوعة العلمية للطلاب : الفضاء وعلم الفلك

71352 | Arabic | Hardcover +CD
Pub: Digital Future, Beirut
Youth Encyclopedia - Astronomy - Q&A - YA +


Mawsu'at al-'Ilmiyah lil-Tullab : Jism al-Insan الموسوعة العلمية للطلاب : جسم الإنسان

71350 | Arabic | Hardcover + CD
Pub: Digital Future, Beirut
Youth Encyclopedia - Biology - Human Body - Q&A - YA +


Mawsu'at al-'Ilmiyah lil-Tullab :Alam al-Nabatat الموسوعة العلمية للطلاب : عالم النباتات

71353 | Arabic | Hardcover
Pub: Digital Future, Beirut
Youth Encyclopedia - Biology - Plants - Q&A - YA+


Mawsu'at al-'Ilmiyah lil-Tullab: Mamlakat al-Hayawan wa-Alam al-Thadiyyat مملكة الحيوان وعالم الثدييات

71351 | Arabic | Hardcover
Pub: Digital Future, Beirut
Youth Encyclopedia - Biology- Animals - Q&A - YA +


Mawsu'at al-'Ulum al-Mubassatah: Al-Bilastik موسوعة العلوم المبسطة: البلاستيك (اللدائن)

45092 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Group مجموعة مؤلفين
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2004
Science Encyclopedia for Youth - Resources - Plastics - Preteen+


Mawsu'at al-'Ulum al-Mubassatah: Al-Filizzat موسوعة العلوم المبسطة : الفلزات

45091 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Group مجموعة مؤلفين
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2004
Science Encyclopedia for Youth - Resources - Metals - Preteen+


Mawsu'at al-'Ulum al-Mubassatah: Al-Khashab موسوعة العلوم المبسطة : الخشب

45089 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Group مجموعة مؤلفين
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2004
Science Encyclopedia for Youth - Resources - Wood - Preteen+


Mawsu'at al-'Ulum al-Mubassatah: Al-Sukhur wa-al-Ma'adin موسوعة العلوم المبسطة: الصخور والمعادن

45090 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Group مجموعة مؤلفين
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2004
Science Encyclopedia for Youth - Resources - Rocks, Minerals - Preteen+


Mawsu'at al-Aoalon (1/4) موسوعة الأولون في العلم والمعرفة

4936 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Zayat, Rateb
Pub: Dar al-Rateb, Beirut
Arabic Encyclopedia


Mawsu'at al-Hayawan: al-Hasharat wa al-Anakib الحشرات والعناكب

60385 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Macaw Books
Pub: Sharikat Dar Al Shamal, Tripoli, Lebanon 2009
Children's Encyclopedia 7-11


Mawsu'at al-Hayawan: al-Hayawanat al-Barriyah الحيوانات البرية

40579 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Macaw Books
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, Tripoli, Lebanon 2009
Children's Encyclopedia 7-11


Mawsu'at al-Hayawan: al-Hitan wa al-Dolfin الحيتان والدلافين

60382 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Macaw Books
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, Tripoli, Lebanon 2009
Children's Encyclopedia 7-11


Mawsu'at al-Hayawan: al-Zawahif الزواحف

60384 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Macaw Books
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, Tripoli, Lebanon 2009
Children's Encyclopedia 7-11


Mawsu'at al-Hayawan: Asmak al-Qirsh اسماك القرش

60386 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Macaw Books
Pub: Sharikat Dar Al Shamal, Tripoli, Lebanon 2009
Children's Encyclopedia 7-11


Mawsu'at al-Hayawan: الطيور al-Tuyur

40578 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Macaw Books
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, Tripoli, Lebanon 2009
Children's Encyclopedia 7-11


Mawsu'at al-Insan wa-al-Sihah (4 vol) موسوعة الإنسان والصحة

71356 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Abd al-Rahim, Muhammad, Group
Pub: Dar El-Rateb, Beirut, 2006
Encyclopedia - Nutrition - Human Body - Health - YA+

  Sale Price: US$29.63

Mawsu'at al-Jughrafia (8 vol) الموسوعة الجغرافية

4845 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Abd al-Rahim, Muhammad, Group
Pub: Dar al-Rateb, Beirut, 2004
Arabic Picture Encyclopedia - Adolescents - Geography

  Sale Price: US$63.75

Mawsu'at al-Ma'arif al-Ilmiyah موسوعة المعارف العلمية

71346 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Group of Experts
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, Lebanon 2006
Youth Encyclopedia - Science - Knowledge - Pre-teen +


Mawsu'at al-Mostakshifon 1/4 موسوعة المستكشفون

4944 | Arabic | Hardcover
Pub: Dar al-Rateb, Beirut
Arabic Encyclopedia


Mawsu'at al-Motafoqon (1/5) موسوعة المتفوقون في الثقافة

4928 | Arabic | Hardcover
Pub: Dar al-Rateb, Beirut
Arabic Encyclopedis


Mawsu'at al-Mushahadat al-'eiania: al-Nabatat موسوعة المشاهدة العيانية: النباتات

80492 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: DK Publishing
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 1999 Arabic Edition
Children's Visual Encyclopedia - Plants - 12 + Yrs


Mawsu'at al-Oulum (6 vol) علبة موسوعة العلوم الحديثة

10457 | Arabic | Hardcover
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, Beirut, 2006
Arabic Children's Encyclopedia - Children's - 8-15 yrs

  Sale Price: US$32.30

Mawsu'at al-Saghirah-At the Seaside على شاطىء البحر

15390 | Arabic | Padded Hardcover
By: Mes Petites Encyclopedies Larousse
Pub: Librairie Stephen, Beirut, 2010
Children's Arabic Encyclopedia Age 5-9


Mawsu'at al-Saghirah-At the Zoo في حديقة الحيوانات

15384 | Arabic | Padded Hardcover
By: Mes Petites Encyclopedies Larousse
Pub: Librairie Stephen, Beirut, 2010
Children's Arabic Encyclopedia Age 5-9


Mawsu'at al-Saghirah-Boo-Boo's توعكات الاولاد

15387 | Arabic | Padded Hardcover
By: Mes Petites Encyclopedies Larousse
Pub: Librairie Stephen, Beirut, 2010
Children's Arabic Encyclopedia Age 5-9


Mawsu'at al-Saghirah-Good Night عالم الليل

15388 | Arabic | Padded Hardcover
By: Mes Petites Encyclopedies Larousse
Pub: Librairie Stephen, Beirut, 2010
Children's Arabic Encyclopedia Age 5-9


Mawsu'at al-Saghirah-It Rolls تتحرك وتسير

15383 | Arabic | Padded Hardcover
By: Mes Petites Encyclopedies Larousse
Pub: Librairie Stephen, Beirut, 2010
Children's Arabic Encyclopedia Age 5-9


Mawsu'at al-Saghirah-Manners اللياقة

15385 | Arabic | Padded Hardcover
By: Mes Petites Encyclopedies Larousse
Pub: Librairie Stephen, Beirut, 2010
Children's Arabic Encyclopedia Age 5-9


Mawsu'at al-Tarikhiyya (8 vol) الموسوعة التاريخية : والاحداث السياسية والشعوب والقبائل والأمم

74968 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Group مجموعة من المؤلفين
Pub: Dar al-Ratib al-Jami'iyah, Beirut, 2004
World History Encyclopedia for Youth - Historical Events - Pre-teen +


Mawsu'at al-Ulum wa-al-Hayat (5 vol) وسوعة العلم و الحياة

40057 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Ghaziani, Muhammad Sa'id محمد سعيد الغزلانى [et al.]
Pub: Dar al-Ratib al-Jami'iyah, Beirut, 2004
School Encyclopedia - Second Elementary to Middle

  Sale Price: US$39.00

Mawsu'at Jism al-Insan: 'Aeda' Jism al-Insan - موسوعة جسم الإنسان: أعضاء جسم الإنسان

74894 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sighnal, Ritanshu ريتانشو سيغنال
Pub: Maktaba al-Hadissa, Beirut 2020
Student Encyclopedia - Human Body Organs - Pre-Teen +


Mawsu'at Jism al-Insan: Al-Dawrat al-Damawiat wa-al-Jihaz al-Tanafusiu موسوعة جسم الإنسان: الدورة الدموية والجهاز التنفسي

74896 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sighnal, Ritanshu ريتانشو سيغنال
Pub: Maktaba Al-Hadissa, Beirut 2020
Human Body - Circulatory and Respiratory System - Pre-teen+


Mawsu'at Jism al-Insan: Al-Hawasu al-Khams, wa-al-'Asnan, wa-al-'Azafir, wa-al-Shier موسوعة جسم الإنسان: الحواس الخمس, والأسنان, والأظفار, والشعر

74897 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sighnal, Ritanshu ريتانشو سيغنال
Pub: Maktaba al-Hadissa, Beirut 2020
Human Body - Five Senses, Hair and nails - Pre-teen +


Mawsu'at Jism al-Insan: Al-Jihaz al-'Asabi wa-al-Jihaz al-Mana'i, wa-al-Ghudad موسوعة جسم الإنسان: الجهاز العصبي والجهاز المناعي, والغدد

74895 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sighnal, Ritanshu ريتانشو سيغنال
Pub: Maktaba Al-Hadissa, Beirut 2020
Student Encyclopedia - Human Body Systems - Nervous, Immune, glands - Pre-Teen +


Mawsu'at Mamlakat al-Tabie'ia (5 vol) موسوعة مملكة الطبيعة

4848 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Shafa, D. Fakhria, Others فخرية شفا
Pub: Dar al-Rateb, Beirut, 2004
Illustrated Arabic Encyclopedia for Youth, Nature, Earth, Universe


Mawsu'at Ruwad al-Ma'rifah: Mubdi'un Khaldun #2 مبدعون خالدون

42393 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Various / Dar al-Maaref
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2014
Arabic Encyclopedia - Scientists, Inventors - Youth Intermediate Level


Mawsu'at Ruwad al-Ma'rifah: Mubdi'un Khaldun #3 مبدعون خالدون

42394 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Various / Dar al-Maaref
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2014
Arabic Encyclopedia - Scientists, Inventors - Youth Intermediate Level


Monet: al-Sadiqan Filib wa Klud مونيه: الصديقان فيليب وكلود

73216 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Obiols, Anna / Ill: Subirana, Joan
Pub: Thaqafa Publishing, UAE, 2017
Children's Picture Storybook - Educational - International Artists


Mudhakirat al-Talib al-'Ilmiyah 1: Daftar al-Faylasuf مذكرات الطالب العلمية 1: دفتر الفيلسوف

44172 | Arabic | Flexi Bound
By: Dikmen, Fatih د. فاتح ديكمان / Haziran, I. Baski / Paksu, Zeynep Sevde
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2017
Natural Sciences - Experiments - Pre-Teen +


My Animal Kingdom - Angel Fish (book and plush animals) كل شيء عن السمك الملائكي

5889 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: DeAgostini UK Limited
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, 2006
Children's Educational Arabic Book with plush toy


My Animal Kingdom - Butterflys (book and plush animals) الكمية: كل شيء عن الفراشات

5885 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: DeAgostini UK Limited
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, 2006
Children's Educational Arabic Book with plush toy

  Sale Price: US$9.30

My Animal Kingdom - Camels (book and plush animals) كل شيء عن الجمال

5880 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: DeAgostini UK Limited
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, 2006
Children's Educational Arabic Book with plush toy

  Sale Price: US$9.30

My Animal Kingdom - Chimpanzees (book and plush animals) كل شيء عن الشمبانزي

5882 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: DeAgostini UK Limited
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, 2006
Children's Educational Arabic Book with plush toy

  Sale Price: US$9.30

My Animal Kingdom - Cobras (book and plush animals) كل شيء عن الأفاعي

5919 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: DeAgostini UK Limited
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, 2006
Children's Educational Arabic Book with plush toy

  Sale Price: US$9.30

My Animal Kingdom - Elephants (book and plush animals) كل شيء عن الفيلة

5881 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: DeAgostini UK Limited
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, 2006
Children's Educational Arabic Book with plush toy

  Sale Price: US$9.30

My Animal Kingdom - Giraffes (book and plush animals) كل شيء عن الزرافات

5884 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: DeAgostini UK Limited
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, 2006
Children's Educational Arabic Book with plush toy

  Sale Price: US$9.30

My Animal Kingdom - Lions (book and plush animals) كل شيء عن الأسود

5890 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: DeAgostini UK Limited
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, 2006
Children's Educational Arabic Book with plush toy

  Sale Price: US$9.30

My Animal Kingdom - Parrots (book and plush animals) كل شيء عن الببغاوات

5883 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: DeAgostini UK Limited
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, 2006
Children's Educational Arabic Book with plush toy

  Sale Price: US$9.30

My Animal Kingdom - Penguins (book and plush animals) كل شيء عن البطاريق

5921 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: DeAgostini UK Limited
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, 2006
Children's Educational Arabic Book with plush toy


My Animal Kingdom - Zebras (book and plush animals) كل شيء عن الحمار الوحشي

5920 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: DeAgostini UK Limited
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, 2006
Children's Educational Arabic Book with plush toy

  Sale Price: US$9.30

My Chinese Village : East Turkistan

43777 | English | Softcover
By: Nagi. Luqman
Pub: Goodword Books, India, 2008
Children's Story - Islamic Villages - Pre-teen +


My First Book - Animals

14520 | Arabic - English | Hardcover
By: Jaroudi, Nadia
Pub: Dar al-Marefah, 2011
Children's First Word Book


My First Book - House

14516 | Arabic - English | Hardcover
By: Jaroudi, Nadia
Pub: Dar al-Marefah, 2011
Children's Arabic Book


My First Book - Profession

14518 | Arabic - English | Hardcover
By: Jaroudi, Nadia
Pub: Dar al-Marefah, 2011
Children's Book


My First Book - School

14517 | Arabic - English | Hardcover
By: Jaroudi, Nadia
Pub: Dar al-Marefah, 2011
Children's Book


My Healthy Body: Blood & Heart (Ar) الدم و القلب

7529 | Arabic | Hardcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut, 2005


My Moroccan Village

43778 | English | Hardcover
By: Nagi. Luqman
Pub: Goodword Books, India, 2003
Children's Story - Islamic village - Pre-teen +


Nafidhati al-Ula (med): Madha Ta'kul Ya Asfur? ماذا تأكل يا عصفور؟

42400 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Muhaydali, Nabihah نبيهة محيدلي
Pub: Hadaek Group, Beirut, 2018
Children's Picture Storybook, Age 2+ - Animal Diets


Nafidhati al-Ula (med): Hal Ta'rifuni? هل تعرفني؟

42396 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Muhaydali, Nabihah نبيهة محيدلي
Pub: Hadaek Group, Beirut, 2018
Children's Picture Storybook, Age 2+ - Animals


Nafidhati al-Ula (med): Madha Lawni ? ما هو لوني؟

44025 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Muhaydali, Nabihah نبيهة محيدلي
Pub: Hadaek Group, Beirut, 2018
Children's Picture Storybook, Age 2+ - Colors


Nafidhati al-Ula (med): Madha Yaf'alun ? ماذا يفعلون؟

42395 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Muhaydali, Nabihah نبيهة محيدلي
Pub: Hadaek Group, Beirut, 2018
Children's Picture Storybook, Age 2+ - Professions


Nafidhati al-Ula SET of 7 Books (Med) سلسلة نافذتي الأولى

42402 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Muhaydali, Nabihah نبيهة محيدلي
Pub: Hadaek Group, Beirut, 2018
Children's Picture Storybook, Age 2+

  Sale Price: US$36.25

Natamana Laka al-Shifa al-Ajila: al-Hasasiyah الحساسية

82025 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sen, Benita بينيتا سين
Pub: Maktabat al-Hadissa, Beirut, 2018
Children's Discovery - Health Guidance - Illnesses - 7+ Yrs


Natamana Laka al-Shifa al-Ajila: al-Huma الحمى

82024 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sen, Benita بينيتا سين
Pub: Maktabat al-Hadissa, Beirut, 2018
Children's Discovery - Health Guidance - Illnesses - 7+ Yrs


Natamana Laka al-Shifa al-Ajila: al-Juruh الجروح

82023 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sen, Benita بينيتا سين
Pub: Maktabat al-Hadissa, Beirut, 2018
Children's Discovery - Health Guidance - Illnesses - 8+ Yrs


Natamana Laka al-Shifa al-Ajila: Mushkilatu al-Ma'idah مشكلات المعدة

82021 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sen, Benita بينيتا سين
Pub: Maktabat al-Hadissa, Beirut, 2018
Children's Discovery - Illnesses - 7+ Yrs


Nusammi al-'Ashya bi-'Asma'iha: Fi al-Bayt في البيت

44030 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Ḥasan, Razan رزان حسن
Pub: Hadaek Group, Beirut, 2014
Children's Photo Word, Age 2+ - At Home


Nusammi al-'Ashya bi-'Asma'iha: Fi al-Tabi'ah في الطبيعة

44028 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Ḥasan, Razan رزان حسن
Pub: Hadaek Group, Beirut, 2014
Children's Photo Word, Age 2+ - Nature


Nusammi al-'Ashya bi-'Asma'iha: Fi Jism al-Insan في جسم الانسان

44029 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Ḥasan, Razan رزان حسن
Pub: Hadaek Group, Beirut, 2014
Children's Photo Word, Age 2+ - Human Body


Phoenician Series - Alwan Arjawaniya fi Madinat Sur

14815 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Shabani, Sana
Pub: Dar al-Moualef
Children's Arabic Book 9-12 years


Phoenician Series - Fi Suhbat Ilisa

14814 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Shabani, Sana
Pub: Dar al-Moualef
Children's Arabic Book 9-12 years


Phoenician Series - Iyzis fi Madinat Jubyal

14810 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Shabani, Sana
Pub: Dar al-Moualef
Children's Arabic Book 9-12 years


Phoenician Series - Phoenician trader trip

14809 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Shabani, Sana
Pub: Dar al-Moualef
Children's Arabic Book 9-12 years


Phoenician Series - Qadmus wa Hurouf al-Abjadiya

14813 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Shabani, Sana
Pub: Dar al-Moualef
Children's Arabic Book 9-12 years


Qisas Ilmiyah قصص علمية: 15 قصة

90003 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Shams al-Din, Ali علي شمس الدين
Pub: Dar Samer, Beirut, 2023
Children's Stories - Science - 9+ Yrs - Preteen

  Sale Price: US$10.00

Ra'id fi Tarikh P1 الرائد في التاريخ

20225 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Najm, Alfred ألفرد نجم
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, Beirut
Children's History Text


Ra'id fi Tarikh P2 الرائد في التاريخ

20226 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Najm, Alfred ألفرد نجم
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, Beirut
Children's History Text


Ra'id fi Tarikh P3 الرائد في التاريخ

20227 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Najm, Alfred ألفرد نجم
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, Beirut
Children's History Text


Ra'id fi Tarikh P5 الرائد في التاريخ

20224 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Najm, Alfred ألفرد نجم
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, Beirut,
Children's History Text


Raka'iz al-Ulum wa Asraruha ركائز العلوم وأسرارها

80448 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: DK
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2023
Science - 9+ Yrs


Rihlati al-Istikshafiyah: al-Fada رحلتي الاستكشافية: الفضاء

80455 | Arabic | Board Book With Pop Ups & Flaps
By: Gharuws, Nancy نانسي غاريوس
Pub: Stephan, Beirut, 2023
Interactive Children's Book - Astronomy - 6-8+ Yrs


Rihlati al-Istikshafiyah: Jismi رحلتي الاستكشافية: جسمي

80454 | Arabic | Board Book With Pop Ups & Flaps
By: Gharuws, Nancy نانسي غاريوس
Pub: Stephan, Beirut, 2023
Interactive Children's Book - Anatomy - 6-8+ Yrs


Sesame Street 123: Ahtam wa Atisharak أهتم وأتشارك : سلسلة افتح يا سمسم

71483 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sesame Workshop
Pub: Hachette Antoine, 2018
Children's Educational - Growing Up - Sharing - Caring About Others - Ages 2-5


Sesame Street 123: Inthabihi Qishrahu Muz ! انتبه قشرة موز : سلسلة افتح يا سمسم

71486 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sesame Workshop
Pub: Hachette Antoine, 2018
Children's Educational - Safety - Ages 2-5


Sesame Street 123: Let's Eat! إفتح يا سمسم هيّا نأكل

70036 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sesame Workshop
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2017
Children's Educational - Ages 2-5


Shadi wa al-Banadura شادي والبندورة

72428 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Wareda, Abd al-Ghani عبد الغني ورضى / Ill: Kharbutli, Sahir
Pub: Asala Publishing, Beirut, 2018
Children's Educational - Eating Healthy - Tomatoes - Ages 5-8


Shadi wa al-Fulayfilah شادي والفليفلة

72430 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Wareda, Abd al-Ghani عبد الغني ورضى / Ill: Kharbutli, Sahir
Pub: Asala Publishing, Beirut, 2018
Children's Educational - Eating Healthy - Peppers - Ages 5-8


Shadi wa al-Khiyar al-Mun'ish شادي والخيار المنعش

72426 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Wareda, Abd al-Ghani عبد الغني ورضى / Ill: Kharbutli, Sahir
Pub: Asala Publishing, Beirut, 2018
Children's Educational - Eating Healthy - Cucumbers - Ages 5-8


Shadi wa al-Mawz شادي والموز

72427 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Wareda, Abd al-Ghani عبد الغني ورضى / Ill: Kharbutli, Sahir
Pub: Asala Publishing, Beirut, 2018
Children's Educational - Eating Healthy - Bananas - Ages 5-8


Shadi wa al-Sayadah Jazarah شادي و السيدة جزرة

72432 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Wareda, Abd al-Ghani عبد الغني ورضى / Ill: Kharbutli, Sahir
Pub: Asala Publishing, Beirut, 2019
Children's Educational - Eating Healthy -Carrots - Ages 5-8


Shadi wa al-Tin شادي و التين

72424 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Wareda, Abd al-Ghani عبد الغني ورضى / Ill: Kharbutli, Sahir
Pub: Asala Publishing, Beirut, 2018
Children's Educational - Eating Healthy - Figs - Ages 5-8


Shadi wa al-Tufahah شادي والتفاحة

72429 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Wareda, Abd al-Ghani عبد الغني ورضى / Ill: Kharbutli, Sahir
Pub: Asala Publishing, Beirut, 2018
Children's Educational - Eating Healthy - Apples - Ages 5-8


Shadi wa al-Yaqtin شادي واليقطين

72425 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Wareda, Abd al-Ghani عبد الغني ورضى / Ill: Kharbutli, Sahir
Pub: Asala Publishing, Beirut, 2018
Children's Educational - Eating Healthy - Pumpkins - Ages 5-8


Shadi wa Habat al-Inab شادي وحبات العنب

72477 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Wareda, Abd al-Ghani عبد الغني ورضى / Ill: Kharbutli, Sahir
Pub: Asala Publishing, Beirut, 2019
Children's Educational - Eating Healthy - Grapes - Ages 5-8


Shadi wa Tut al-Ard شادي وتوت الارض

72456 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Wareda, Abd al-Ghani عبد الغني ورضى / Ill: Kharbutli, Sahir
Pub: Asala Publishing, Beirut, 2019
Children's Educational - Eating Healthy - Benefits of Raspberries - Ages 5-8


Show Me History: Muhammad Ali: The Greatest of All Time!

44777 | English | Board Cover, Graphic Novel
By: Buckley Jr., James Ill: Duggan, Andy
Pub: Portable Press, US, 2020
Children's Non-Fiction - Biograpny - Graphic Novel - Ages 8-12


Sighar al-Hayawanat fi al-Manatiq al-Qutbiyah في المناطق القطبية

60978 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Kingfisher
Pub: Academia International, Beirut 2006
Child's non-fiction - Baby Animals - Preschool-Kindergarten


Sighar al-Hayawanat fi al-Sahari صغار الحيوانات في الصحاري

60975 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Kingfisher
Pub: Academia International, Beirut 2006
Child's non-fiction - Baby Animals - Preschool-Kindergarten


Silsilat al-Hawas al-Khams: 'Adhuqu سلسلة الحواس الخمس: أذوق

44284 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Abbud, Hanan, Trabulsi, Nawal / Ill: Ghosn, Sandra
Pub: Academia International, Beirut, 2016
Children's Science - The Senses - Early Reader


Silsilat al-Hawas al-Khams: 'Ara سلسلة الحواس الخمس: أرى

44283 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Abbud, Hanan, Trabulsi, Nawal / Ill: Badran, Nura
Pub: Academia International, Beirut, 2016
Children's Science - The Senses - Early Reader


Silsilat al-Hawas al-Khams: 'Ashummu سلسلة الحواس الخمس: أشمّ

44285 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Abbud, Hanan, Trabulsi, Nawal / Ill: Abud, Tirissa
Pub: Academia International, Beirut, 2016
Children's Science - The Senses - Early Reader


Silsilat al-Hawas al-Khams: 'Asma'u سلسلة الحواس الخمس: أسمع

44286 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Abbud, Hanan, Trabulsi, Nawal / Ill: Husayn, Azzah
Pub: Academia International, Beirut, 2016
Children's Science - The Senses - Early Reader


Silsilat al-Hawas al-Khams: al-Mussu سلسلة الحواس الخمس: ألمس

44282 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Abbud, Hanan, Trabulsi, Nawal / Ill: Ghosn, Ghada
Pub: Academia International, Beirut, 2016
Children's Science - The Senses - Early Reader


Silsilat al-Hawas al-Khams: SET of 5 سلسلة الحواس الخمس

44287 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Abbud, Hanan, Trabulsi, Nawal
Pub: Academia International, Beirut, 2016
Children's Science - The Senses - Early Reader

  Sale Price: US$24.75

Silsilat al-Hifaz 'ala al-Bayt : Hayawanat (set of 10) سلسلة الحفاظ على البيئة : حيوانات

43577 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Chibaro, Ghassan غسان شبارو
Pub: Thaqafa Publishing, UAE, 2018
Children's Picture Book - Environment - Animals - Early Elementary


Silsilat al-Ulum: al-Jarar الجرار

71274 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Flayfil, Taha / Ill: Sulayman, Hisham
Pub: Asala Publishing, Beirut, 2018
Children's Arabic Picture Book - Science - Farming - Ages 5-8


Silsilat al-Ulum: Bayt al-Akal بيت الأكل : سلسلة العلوم

72485 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Jawad, Muhammad / Ill: Salam, Sumar
Pub: Asala Publishing, Beirut, 2018
Children's Picture Storybook - Digestive System - Ages 5-9


Silsilat al-Ulum: Rihlat al-Farashah رحلة فراشة

71275 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Qansu, Zaynab / Ill: Alami, Dimah
Pub: Asala Publishing, Beirut, 2018
Children's Arabic Picture Book - Science - Butterfly - Ages 5-8


Super Mi: Ila al-Muhit إلى المحيط

71022 | Arabic | Hardcover`
By: Mia, Cee Cee / Ill: Lecomte, Julie
Pub: Samir, Beirut 2019
Children's Arabic Story - Ocean - Ages 5 +


Super Mi: Ila Dakhil al-Jism إلى داخل الجسم

71023 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Mia, Cee Cee/ Ill: Lecomte, Julie
Pub: Samir, Beirut 2019
Children's Arabic Story - The Body - Ages 5 +


Ta'raf ila Mafatih al-'Ulum تعرف إلى مفاتيح العلوم

45045 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Group / DK Books
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2019 Arabic Edition
Science Answers for Youth - Elementary


Tarif ila Jism al-Insan تعرف الى جسم الانسان

12654 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Rodriguez Vida, Dr. Alejo
Pub: Librairie Stephan, 2010
Children's Learning - Science - Arabic


Tarikh min Sinat Ila Sinah التاريخ من سنة الى سنة

80082 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Dorling Kindersley
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2017 Arabic Edition
World History - Ancient - Contemporary - 9-12+ Yrs


The Genius of Islam: How Muslims Made the Modern World

72763 | English | Hardcover
By: Barnard, Byrn
Pub: Random House / Knopf Books for Young Readers, 2011
Children's Nonfiction - Islamic History - Middle Grades (Ages 8-12)


Uktub al-Salam اكتب السلام

71025 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Samir, Beirut, 2017 / UNESCO
Children Books - World Languages - Pre-teen + - Ages 12 +


Unzur Ana: Alim أنظر أنا عالم

80441 | Arabic | Softcover
By: DK Children / Librairie du-Lubnan
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2022 Arabic Edition
Science - 6+ Yrs


Unzur Ana: Alimu Biya'ah أنظر أنا عالم بيئة

80440 | Arabic | Softcover
By: DK Children / Librairie du-Lubnan
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2023 Arabic Edition
Science - 5+ Yrs


Uqsadah I'limyah: 'Rafraf' Farashah Mulawwanah رفرف : فراشة ملونة

43900 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Husseini, Wafa وفاء الحسيني / Ill: Uhamad al-Khtiyab
Pub: Dar al-Samer, Beirut, 2019
Children's Science Story - Butterflies - Ages 3-6


Uqsadah I'limyah: 'Zeina' Nahlah Nashiytah زينة نحلة نشيطة

43901 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Husseini, Wafa وفاء الحسيني
Pub: Dar al-Samer, Beirut, 2019
Children's Science Story - Bees - Ages 3-6


Uqsusah 'Ilmiyah: Fasul al-Arba'a أقصوصة علمية : الفصول الأربعة

74166 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Husseini, Wafaa وفاء الحسيني / Ill: Al-Masri, Jamil
Pub: Dar Samer, Beirut, 2021
Kids - Science - Seasons - 3-6 Yrs


Urid Ana Akun Masmuman أريد أن أكون مصمماً

80404 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Eke Gaga, Daina داينا غاغا إيتشا
Pub: ASP, Beirut, 2022
Children's Discovery - Fashion Design - 8+ Yrs


Wadih fi al-Nabat الواضح في النبات

74509 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Zaltini, Khalifa
Pub: Kitab Jadid, Benghazi, 2000
Botany - Study of Plants - High School and up


We Are Palestinian: A Celebration of Culture And Tradition

80143 | English | Hardcover
By: Kassis, Reem / Ill: Eilouti, Noha
Pub: Crocodile Books, Massachusetts, 2023
Children's non-fiction - Palestine - Culture - Preteen+ 9 and Up


Yawm Ikhtafat al-Ashjar يوم اختفت الأشجار

41931 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Dahir, Rania Zahib رانيا زبيب ضاهر / ill: Fa'ur, Nizar
Pub: Academia International, Beirut, 2016
Juvenile Literature Pre-Teen up - Environment - Parks and Trees


Zumurrudah fi al-Mokha (Yemen) زمردة في المخا

42372 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Aybish, Shirin شيرين إيبش
Pub: Academia International, Beirut, 2011
Juvenile Fiction - Arab Cities - Pre-teen


Zumurrudah fi Baghdad زمردة في بغداد

42612 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Aybish, Shirin شيرين إيبش
Pub: Academia International, Beirut, 2011
Juvenile Fiction - Arab Cities - Pre-teen


Zumurrudah fi Beirut زمردة في بيروت

80406 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Ibish, Shirin شيرين إيبش
Pub: Academia, Beirut, 2021
Children's Fiction - World Cities - Pre-teen


Bio: Benjamin Franklin شخصيات لامعة بنجامين فرانكلين

40170 | Arabic | Softcover
By: XACT Studio / Hassan, Claudia (translator) كلوديا حسن
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2013
Biography - American History 18th Century - Pre-teen

  Sale Price: US$5.78

My Animal Kingdom - Camels (book and plush animals) كل شيء عن الجمال

5880 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: DeAgostini UK Limited
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, 2006
Children's Educational Arabic Book with plush toy

  Sale Price: US$9.30

My Animal Kingdom - Elephants (book and plush animals) كل شيء عن الفيلة

5881 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: DeAgostini UK Limited
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, 2006
Children's Educational Arabic Book with plush toy

  Sale Price: US$9.30

My Animal Kingdom - Chimpanzees (book and plush animals) كل شيء عن الشمبانزي

5882 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: DeAgostini UK Limited
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, 2006
Children's Educational Arabic Book with plush toy

  Sale Price: US$9.30

My Animal Kingdom - Parrots (book and plush animals) كل شيء عن الببغاوات

5883 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: DeAgostini UK Limited
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, 2006
Children's Educational Arabic Book with plush toy

  Sale Price: US$9.30

My Animal Kingdom - Zebras (book and plush animals) كل شيء عن الحمار الوحشي

5920 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: DeAgostini UK Limited
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, 2006
Children's Educational Arabic Book with plush toy

  Sale Price: US$9.30

My Animal Kingdom - Cobras (book and plush animals) كل شيء عن الأفاعي

5919 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: DeAgostini UK Limited
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, 2006
Children's Educational Arabic Book with plush toy

  Sale Price: US$9.30

My Animal Kingdom - Lions (book and plush animals) كل شيء عن الأسود

5890 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: DeAgostini UK Limited
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, 2006
Children's Educational Arabic Book with plush toy

  Sale Price: US$9.30

My Animal Kingdom - Giraffes (book and plush animals) كل شيء عن الزرافات

5884 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: DeAgostini UK Limited
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, 2006
Children's Educational Arabic Book with plush toy

  Sale Price: US$9.30

My Animal Kingdom - Butterflys (book and plush animals) الكمية: كل شيء عن الفراشات

5885 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: DeAgostini UK Limited
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, 2006
Children's Educational Arabic Book with plush toy

  Sale Price: US$9.30

Qisas Ilmiyah قصص علمية: 15 قصة

90003 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Shams al-Din, Ali علي شمس الدين
Pub: Dar Samer, Beirut, 2023
Children's Stories - Science - 9+ Yrs - Preteen

  Sale Price: US$10.00

Jungle Medicine طب الأدغال؛ إكتشاف علاجات في الغابة المطيرة

6245 | Arabic | Hardcover
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, 2006
Science - Middle School and Up - Herbal and Natural Medicines

  Sale Price: US$10.50

Ma Alladhi Yaj'alu Minni: Ma Ana wa-Man Ana? ما الّذي يجعل منّي : ما أنا ومن أنا؟

60858 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Winston, Robert M.L.
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2006 / DK
Science Book for Youth - Human Body - Preteen +

  Sale Price: US$12.50

DK Eyewitness Books: Islam

72575 | English | Hardcover
By: Wilkinson, Philip
Pub: DK Eyewitness, NY 2018
Islamic History - Middle Grades - Ages 8+

  Sale Price: US$13.95

Silsilat al-Hawas al-Khams: SET of 5 سلسلة الحواس الخمس

44287 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Abbud, Hanan, Trabulsi, Nawal
Pub: Academia International, Beirut, 2016
Children's Science - The Senses - Early Reader

  Sale Price: US$24.75

Mawsu'at al-Insan wa-al-Sihah (4 vol) موسوعة الإنسان والصحة

71356 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Abd al-Rahim, Muhammad, Group
Pub: Dar El-Rateb, Beirut, 2006
Encyclopedia - Nutrition - Human Body - Health - YA+

  Sale Price: US$29.63

Mawsu'at al-Oulum (6 vol) علبة موسوعة العلوم الحديثة

10457 | Arabic | Hardcover
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, Beirut, 2006
Arabic Children's Encyclopedia - Children's - 8-15 yrs

  Sale Price: US$32.30

Nafidhati al-Ula SET of 7 Books (Med) سلسلة نافذتي الأولى

42402 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Muhaydali, Nabihah نبيهة محيدلي
Pub: Hadaek Group, Beirut, 2018
Children's Picture Storybook, Age 2+

  Sale Price: US$36.25

Mawsu'at al-Ulum wa-al-Hayat (5 vol) وسوعة العلم و الحياة

40057 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Ghaziani, Muhammad Sa'id محمد سعيد الغزلانى [et al.]
Pub: Dar al-Ratib al-Jami'iyah, Beirut, 2004
School Encyclopedia - Second Elementary to Middle

  Sale Price: US$39.00

Mawsu'at al-Jughrafia (8 vol) الموسوعة الجغرافية

4845 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Abd al-Rahim, Muhammad, Group
Pub: Dar al-Rateb, Beirut, 2004
Arabic Picture Encyclopedia - Adolescents - Geography

  Sale Price: US$63.75

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