By: Muslih, A. مصلح، عبد الله عبد العزيز / Sawi, S. صاوي، صلاح
Ma La Yasa' al-Tajir Jahlah ما لا يسع التاجر جهله
Language: Arabic Hardcover 18
Avoid merchant ignorance - a Muslim investor guide to the legal provisions of the contemporary economic transactions. This work by Abd Allah Abd al-Aziz Muslih and Salah Sawi is used for academic studies but is also a good reference guide for the contemporary business person or investor.
Topic: Islam - Business and Economic Aspects | 9789960854427 | ما لا يسع التاجر جهله : دليل المستثمر المسلم إلى الأحكام الشرعية للمعاملات الاقتصادية المعاصرة