A book on the Tabi'un, (contemporaries of the Sahaba, after the Prophet's death), by Mubarak ibn Sayf al-Hajiri. As contemporaries of the Sahaba, the Tabi'un were trustworthy and important as Hadith authorities and other areas of development in Islam.
Topic: Early Muslims - Tabi'un | التابعون الثقات : المتكلم في سماعهم من الصحابة ممن لهم رواية عنهم في الكتب الستة : من حرف الالف الى حرف الزاي
al-Tābiʻūn al-thiqāt : al-mutakallim fī samāʻihim min al-ṣaḥābah mimman lahum riwāyah ʻanhum fi al-Kutub al-Sittah : min ḥarf al-alif ilá ḥarf al-zāy