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Mukhtar min Manaqib al-Akhyar (6 vol) المختار من مناقب الأخيار
By: Ibn Athir al-Jazari, Majd al-Din (ca. 544/1149 - 606/1209) مجد الدين ابن الاثير الجزري

Mukhtar min Manaqib al-Akhyar (6 vol) المختار من مناقب الأخيار

Language: Arabic

المختار من مناقب الأخيار
الكاتب: مجد الدين ابن الأثير الجزري

مختاراتٌ من عيون أخبارِ السَّلَف من الصحابة والتابعين ومَنْ بعدَهم، وشذراتٌ من مناقبِهم ومآثرِهم وأقوالِهم، ومواقفهم النبيلة في الحياة، استخرجَها المؤلفُ من كُنوز التُّراث، وكُتُب الحديثِ والتراجم، التي زخرَتْ بالرقائق والحقائق، والتصوُّف الحقِّ، المستمَدُّ من روح الإسلام، وشريعتِه المطهَّرة. وقدَّمَها إلى القارئ بعبارةٍ رشيقة، وكلماتٍ دقيقة، فيها من طَيِّب الكلام، وعِطرِ الإسلام، ما تنصلِحُ بهِ القلوب، ويستدلُّ بها على علَّام الغيوب، تزدانُ بها خُطبةُ الخطيب، وكلمةُ الأديبُ، وقصيدةُ الشاعِر الأريب.

«The Chosen One from he Virtues of the Good People», in 6 volumes, the work of Majd al-Din Ibn Athir al-Jazari. Selections about the Predecessors, the Companions, the Successors, and those who came after, complied from Hadith, biographies, and Islamic Heritage, with sayings, exploits, stances in life, presented with graceful phrases, precise language and the fragrance of Islam...
Abstract from
«The book( Al-Mukhtar min manaqib al-akhyar) is a product of the 6th century (A.H.)/ the 12th (A.D.) . It was authored by Majd-al-Din Ibn Al-Atheer who belonged to a famous family of scientists in Mosul. This book includes the biographies of attendants and the followers of the followers in addition to ascetics whom he regarded as good people. These biographies are arranged to the alphabetical order. In his book, he depended on omitting isnad in the accounts, caring of brevity, and the avoidance of repetition. He was singled out for giving some accounts which dealt with the prophet's companions and good men... In addition, this book is considered as the first book by a Mosuli author, which handles the biographies of the prophet's companions.»
Topic: Early work - Early Muslims - Hadith Authorities - Biographies - Sayings... | 9786144153826 |

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Product Details
By:Ibn Athir al-Jazari, Majd al-Din (ca. 544/1149 - 606/1209) مجد الدين ابن الاثير الجزري
Pages: 3000 pp, 6 Vol
Publisher:Dar Ibn Kathir, Damascus 2021
Dimensions:17 x 24 cm
Topic:Early work - Early Muslims - Hadith Authorities - Biographies - Sayings...

Mukhtar min Manaqib al-Akhyar (6 vol) المختار من مناقب الأخيار

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