Wajiz fi Fiqh al-Imam al-Shafi'i (2 vol) الوجيز في فقة الامام الشافعي
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid (450/1058 - 505/1111) أبي حامد الغزالي
Wajiz fi Fiqh al-Imam al-Shafi'i (2 vol) الوجيز في فقة الامام الشافعي
Language: Arabic Hardcover 35
«Al-Wajiz in the jurisprudence of Imam al-Shafi'i», by Imam Abu Hamid al-Ghazali.
«Al-Wajiz fi Fiqh al-Imam al-Shafi'i or The Condensed in Imam Shafi’i’s Jurisprudence is a concise summary of Shafi’i Fiqh and 'Ilm al-Khilaf written by Imam al-Ghazali the leading juristconsult of his time. It mentions the contrary opinions of Al-Shafi'i including Abu Hanifa, Malik Ibn Anas and Al-Muzani.» (Wikipedia)
Topic: Early Work - Islamic Law - Shafi'ites |
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Product Details
Ghazali, Abu Hamid (450/1058 - 505/1111) أبي حامد الغزالي
«Al-Wajiz fi Fiqh al-Imam al-Shafi'i or The Condensed in Imam Shafi’i’s Jurisprudence is a concise summary of Shafi’i Fiqh and 'Ilm al-Khilaf written by Imam al-Ghazali the leading juristconsult of his time. It mentions the contrary opinions of Al-Shafi'i including Abu Hanifa, Malik Ibn Anas and Al-Muzani.» (Wikipedia)