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Qatil al-Wahush: al-Sahir al-Aswad قتال الوحوش: جيل جديد 2: الساحر الأسود
By: Blade, Adam آدم بلايد

Qatil al-Wahush: al-Sahir al-Aswad قتال الوحوش: جيل جديد 2: الساحر الأسود

Language: Arabic

تشارلي، إيمي وَسام حُرّاسٌ يَتَحَدَّرونَ مِنْ سُلالَةِ أَبْطالٍ قَدِموا إِلى عالَمِنا مِنْ عالَمٍ آخَر، بُعْدٌ مُوازٍ! شاءَتِ الصُّدَفُ، أَوْ لَعَلَّها لَمْ تَكُنْ صُدْفَةً، أَنْ يَكْتَشِفوا مَهاراتِهِم القِتالِيَّةَ الجَديدَةَ الَّتي لَمْ يَعْرِفوا حَتَّى بِوُجودِها، وَالرّابِطَ الوَثيقَ بَيْنَهُم وَبَيْنَ وُحوشٍ جَبّارَةٍ، وُحوش أفانشيا. وَالهَدَفُ؟ إِنْقاذُ العالَم!

خَطَرٌ جَديد...
في كُلِّ مَرَّةٍ يَكْتَشِفُ الحُرّاسُ مَوْقِعَ بَيْضَةِ وَحْش، يُدْرِكونَ عَلى الفَوْرِ أَنَّ المُغامَرَةَ بَدَأَتْ وَأَنَّ السِّباقَ سَيَكونُ مَحْمومًا. فَهَلْ يَنْجَحونَ في إِنْقاذِ البَيْضَةِ أَمْ سَيَسْبِقُهُمُ السّاحِرُ الأَسْوَدُ إِلَيْها وَيَمْتَصُّ قُوَّتَها؟

«Beast Quest: New Blood: The Dark Wizard: Book 2» translated to Arabic.
Meet three new heroes with the power to tame the Beasts! Amy, Charlie and Sam - three children from our world - are bound by a powerful legacy. They are descendants of the Guardians of Avantia, an elite group of heroes trained by Tom - the star of Beast Quest. Now the time has come for a new generation to fulfil its destiny ...

In book 2, The Dark Wizard, the children travel to the coast of England, where Amy hatches and bonds with a new Beast. They discover the secret of Charlie's grandfather's connection with a sea-Beast, and in a thrilling battle with their enemy, the Dark Wizard Malvel, they open a portal to Avantia and banish him. But their destiny is not yet fulfilled - there are many more hidden Beast eggs for the children to recover. The fate of the worlds depends on them ...

Perfect for existing Beast Quest fans and new readers alike, Beast Quest: New Blood is tailor-made to appeal to boys and girls who are hungry for adventure. Join a new generation of heroes as they discover their destiny, and experience the awesome power of the Beasts as never before!
Topic: Juvenile Fiction - Fantasy - 9-12+ Yrs | 9786140602052 |

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Product Details
By:Blade, Adam آدم بلايد
Pages: 178 pp
Publisher:Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2024
Dimensions:12 x 19 cm
Topic:Juvenile Fiction - Fantasy - 9-12+ Yrs

Qatil al-Wahush: al-Sahir al-Aswad قتال الوحوش: جيل جديد 2: الساحر الأسود

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