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Huwiyah: Azmat al-Hadathah wa-al-Wa'y al-Taqlidi الهوية: أزمة الحداثة والوعي التقليدي
By: Barakat, Halim (1931-2023) حليم بركات

Huwiyah: Azmat al-Hadathah wa-al-Wa'y al-Taqlidi الهوية: أزمة الحداثة والوعي التقليدي

Language: Arabic

إن الأزمة التي نعاني منها قبل غيرها هي أزمة منهج في التفكير. وإذا كان لهذه المقالات التحليلية النقدية، ثقافية كانت أو اجتماعية، من أهمية فأنها واحدة من المساهمات الفكرية باتجاه العمل على التغلب على الأزمات التي يعاني منها المجتمع. من هذا المنظور نعتبر أن الصراع في كافة جوانبه لن يتوقف، ولا بد أن يتخذ أشكالاً جديدة نخرج من حالة العجز التي نعيشها ونعايشها كما لو كانت جزءاً من حياتنا اليومية. بذلك فقط يكون معنى لنهاية قرن وبدء قرن جديد. لقد بدأ قرن آخر، ولم نبدأ نحن.

«Identity: An Encounter Between Modernity and Tradition», articles by Syrian American writer and sociologist, Halim Barakat (1931-2023). The crisis we suffer from before any other is a crisis of a method of thinking. If these critical analytical articles, whether cultural or social, are of any importance, then they are one of the intellectual contributions towards working to overcome the crises that society suffers from. From this perspective, we consider that the conflict in all its aspects will not stop, and it must take new forms that will get us out of the state of helplessness that we live and experience as if it were part of our daily lives. Only in this way will there be meaning to the end of a century and the beginning of a new century. Another century has begun, and we have not begun.

These writings look at Arab countries, Lebanon, intellectual life, social conditions, politics and government...
Topic: Essays - Arab Countries - Lebanon - Intellectual Life - Social Conditions - Culture | 9789953211404 |

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Product Details
By:Barakat, Halim (1931-2023) حليم بركات
Pages: 328 pp
Publisher:Riad El-Rayyes Books, Beirut 2004
Dimensions:14 x 21 cm
Topic:Essays - Arab Countries - Lebanon - Intellectual Life - Social Conditions - Culture

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About the Author: (Wikipedia)
Halim Barakat (Arabic: حليم بركات December 4, 1931 - June 22, 2023) was a Syrian American novelist and sociologist. He was born into a Greek-Orthodox Arab family in Kafroun, Syria, and raised in Beirut.

Barakat received his bachelor's degree in sociology in 1955, and his master's degree in 1960 in the same field. He received both from the American University of Beirut. He received his PhD in social psychology in 1966 from the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor. From 1966 until 1972 he taught at the American University of Beirut. He then served as research fellow at Harvard University from 1972 to 1973, and taught at the University of Texas at Austin in 1975-1976. From 1976 until 2002 he was Teaching Research Professor at the Center for Contemporary Arab Studies of Georgetown University.

Barakat has written about twenty books and fifty essays on society and culture in journals such as the British Journal of Sociology, the Middle East Journal, Mawakif and al-Mustaqbal al-Arabi. His publications are primarily concerned with difficulties facing modern Arab societies such as alienation, crises of civil society, and a need for identity, freedom and justice. He has also published seven novels and a collection of short stories. These are rich with symbolism and allegory to world events. His novel Six Days (Sitat Ayam, 1961) is prophetically named for a real war yet to come in 1967; as such, it became a prelude to the later novel Days of Dust ('Awdat al-Ta'ir ila al-Bahr, 1969), which unfolds the existential drama of the June War of 1967.

Huwiyah: Azmat al-Hadathah wa-al-Wa'y al-Taqlidi الهوية: أزمة الحداثة والوعي التقليدي

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